
Where to trade on the stock exchange. Transactions on the Moscow Exchange. Choosing a brokerage company

I get a lot of questions from people who want to start trading on the stock exchange and earn money by speculation. They ask for a vector, a sequential algorithm of actions. In this article, I will tell you without embellishment and give answers to questions about what you need to know and how to start trading on the stock exchange.

More and more in Russia and the CIS countries, trading on the stock exchange is gaining popularity. Everyone is interested in how to make money by speculating on stock market. To inexperienced people, trading on the stock exchange is perceived as an opportunity to earn easy money. Or vice versa, who is of an older school and experienced all the delights financial pyramids times of MMM, they treat the exchange in the same way as another divorce for money.

The point of view of both those and other people has the right to exist, but has nothing to do with reality. Trading on the market is a legal activity with its own rules and procedures, which is supervised by state regulatory bodies.

Trading on the stock exchange attracts with its imaginary simplicity. Whoever approaches the matter with such thoughts, suffers defeat in the future, is disappointed and never returns to trading. Persistent and hardworking people achieve success. However, there is nothing new in this. So in any business, only on the exchange there is no rental fee, penalties, difficulties with logistics, personnel and other things inherent in business in real sector. All you need is a trading account and a computer with internet access. Everything, you can already work and earn.

If you are determined to start trading on the stock exchange, then carefully study this article. All this is tested on myself and with my own money.

Initial settings

I repeat. The very first thing that a novice speculator should understand for himself is simple money does not happen, there is no freebie, and the exchange is no exception in this regard. As in any activity, you have to work hard to achieve a result. There is no need to carry bags here, to load wagons too. It will be necessary to work exclusively with the head. But believe me, it's worth it.

  • Never quit your job, thinking that you will immediately earn a lot for yourself by trading on the stock exchange. Trading involves risk. Here, money is earned, and no one is immune from losses.
  • Treat trading as a hobby at first, but take it seriously. Additional income from speculation can completely overlap your salary at your main job at times. Potentially, in trading, infinite enrichment is possible. It depends only on your ability to trade.
  • Do not hurry. Try to do everything thoroughly and think through to the end. A big mistake for beginner traders is to be hasty. I know a lot of stories when a person, without really studying the subject area, began to trade and lost to the nines. Since it was not a trade, but a game that was no different from a casino. And trading on the stock exchange is not a casino, and you will have to pay for frivolity.
  • Do not bring to the stock exchange the last money that means a lot to you. Do not take loans for trading, and do not borrow. You must start trading with the free amount.

Try not to advertise right and left that you started trading. Pressure from the outside at the initial stage is useless to you. Do it for yourself, silently and calmly. You will trumpet when you get positive results. Although you don’t have to blow your trumpet, everyone will notice anyway and start asking where you earned :)

Realize that you will need time to study and gain experience in order to get results. It all depends on the individual characteristics of a person: in his desire to learn and the desire to achieve results. Just try to be consistent throughout.

If you want to significantly save time on studying stock trading, then I recommend to go.

Studying the subject area

It is not necessary to invest money at the first stage, because. First you need to thoroughly study the subject area. Often, for beginners and those who want to “start getting rich quick now,” everything happens exactly the opposite. They immediately bring money to the stock exchange without having studied the subject. How such stories end is understandable - money, time and nerves spent. It is necessary to understand what in general it is - trading on the stock exchange.

What you need to learn to trade on the stock exchange

You need to know the specifics of the exchange on which you are going to trade.

  • principles of the exchange;
  • trade tools;
  • bidders;
  • the principle of pricing;
  • due to which the price rises / falls;
  • the time of the auction;
  • tool specifications,
  • types of market analysis;
  • etc.

In general, study your field of activity. As a rule, the site of the exchange where you plan to trade is enough for this. All of the above information is publicly available. It will not be superfluous to read in addition to the site additional literature about trading on the stock exchange.

Exchange Literature

There are many books on stock trading. I read a lot of them, not counting the information on various sites and forums on stock exchange topics. Of all the books I've read, the most prominent books I can recommend are:

  1. . V. Tvardovsky, S. Parshikov — the only sensible book on this moment about trading on the Russian stock market from the founder of an investment company.
  2. . Larry Williams - a book from a record-breaking trader and multiple winner of the Robbins World Cup of Championship of Futures Trading. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the National Futures Association (National Futures Association).
  3. . Linda Raschke, Larry Connors excellent book from traders practitioners.
  4. And . Jack Schwager - in the book, the author interviews the best managers and investors in America.
  5. . Edwin Lefebvre - a book about the world's most famous speculator Jesse Livermore. It was first published in 1923. It remains one of the most popular books in financial literature today.

Choosing a broker for trading on the stock exchange

Broker is an intermediary between you and the exchange. With it, you can make transactions in the market.

After you have familiarized yourself with the input data and studied the subject area, the question arises of: how, having knowledge about the subject, to earn money on this on the stock exchange? At this stage, the market analysis begins. Next, I will explain what is meant by this paragraph.

Market analysis

Trading terminal

Market information is displayed to the trader in the form price chart. The chart can be viewed in the trading terminal. There are not so many terminals provided by brokers on the Russian stock market. The most popular is the QUIK terminal. It has everything you need to trade. Everything suits me in it, so I recommend it to you. You can download the QUIK terminal on the broker's website.

If you want to trade currencies on forex, then you will need to familiarize yourself with the most popular trading platform.

Each broker provides demo access to the trading terminal.

Demo account- this a great opportunity learn and test the functionality of the terminal in the virtual trading mode. It's useful and necessary. How to open a demo account and set up a QUIK terminal for trading, I have analyzed in detail in.

The only and main disadvantage of virtual trading is that it does not reflect the whole reality of what is happening, and does not affect your emotional component, which greatly affects trading. Therefore, I recommend immediately opening a real account.

Search for patterns

Money on the exchange is earned on patterns that tend to be realized in the future according to a certain scenario. At this stage, observation is necessary. You have to watch the market and try to notice when the price is behaving in a certain way. This is called a pattern, pattern, price pattern, or signal. Many traders call it differently, but the essence is the same - after the appearance of this pattern, the market behaves in a predictable way, which makes it possible to make money on it in the future. Just sit and watch. I recommend taking screenshots. At one time, I accumulated a whole collection. The main thing is to do all this diligently. And "fill your eyes", and learn to feel the market well. Highly recommend!

There are no dogmas on the market, therefore, do not treat the perception of new information as recommendations that are 100% correct. You should have a healthy dose of skepticism.

You have read books, you have been watching the market for a long time, you are looking at your screenshots. You have formed a personal opinion about trading on the stock exchange. Further, based on the information received, a decision-making system is built, which is the trader's tool for making money on the stock exchange.

Exchange trading

Now the question arises of how much money is needed to start trading on the stock exchange. It depends on your preferences and how much time you are willing to devote to the market. It must be clearly understood that trading in the market is associated with risk. To begin with, I would recommend that you do not rush to deposit a lot of money into a trading account. This can be done as you gain experience and develop your trading style. It is very easy to part with money on the stock exchange, but it is not so easy to save and earn money. So take your time and do everything consistently.

The market provides opportunities every day, except weekends and holidays. There is a very serious problem for beginners - they constantly want to be in the market, they constantly think about missed opportunities. Is being developed. It is necessary to approach trading with a sober look and make deliberate actions, and not under the influx of emotions. With experience, you will understand all this, but for now, just take my advice - take your time.

In most cases, a regular computer with Internet access, a passport to open an account, and, of course, start-up capital that you are willing to risk

The Moscow Exchange has little in common with those foreign sites that we are used to seeing in film and television news. Here you will not find a pandemonium of screaming traders or huge scoreboards with quotes. Even the “red hall with a clock”, which is usually shown in stories about the Russian stock market, has a very indirect relation to trading: the technical staff of the exchange works in it.

The heart of the site is a spacious room in which there are almost no visitors. Powerful computer equipment is installed here, capable of processing tens of thousands of transactions per minute. It is here that electronic applications for the purchase and sale of securities from investors located in different parts of the world flock. In the main trading mode, deals are made automatically when the prices of buyers and sellers specified in the orders match. As a result of trading, securities are transferred to buyers' accounts, and sellers receive money. This method of stock trading is called online trading.

Broker is any Russian bank or a company with a license issued Federal Service on financial markets(FFMS). It is through a broker that you can connect to electronic exchange trading. The list of the largest brokers working with individuals can be found on the Moscow Exchange website. But it does not include medium and small brokerage companies and banks. You can also search for a broker in your area on the developer page of one of the popular online trading software. Read below for recommendations on choosing a broker.

Step 2: Trying Your Hands on a Demo Account

You will have to download a demo version of the program for online trading from the broker's website. As a rule, the distribution kit of the file is located in the "Software" section. The most common programs in Russia are Quik, TRANSAQ and Netinvestor. In addition, many brokers offer their own trading terminals. For example, SmartTrade from IT Invest, or Alfa Direct from Alfa Bank. There are no fundamental differences between them, but the "general market" products have an advantage: if you decide to switch to another broker, you do not have to install unfamiliar software and you can continue to use the usual one.

After installing the trading terminal, figure out the interface settings so as not to waste time on this in the future:

  • build charts of those securities and indices that you plan to follow, and delete all unnecessary ones;
  • create tables with information about these securities that will be constantly updated
  • place the news feed in a convenient part of the screen;
  • don't forget to save the configuration so that the one you created appearance later loaded automatically.

There should be no particular difficulties with the settings, and if they do appear, a call to the support service will help (at this stage, brokers are always willing to communicate with potential clients). A list of frequently asked questions can be viewed on the website of the broker or developer trading program, such as Quik. The demo mode of the trading terminal differs from the real one only in that virtual money is spent - no risk. You will see stock quotes, view the news feed, and will be able to trade with leverage.


  • conclude exchange transactions it is possible without the help of a computer by calling a broker or coming to the office. However, an additional commission is usually charged for processing such orders - 30-150 rubles for each order;
  • many brokers, in addition to the usual trading program, also offer its light version, which does not require installation on a computer and works in an Internet browser window. In terms of functionality, it is slightly inferior to the standard version, but it looks simpler. In addition, it will be possible to use it even on someone else's PC, without installing a full-fledged trading terminal. The main thing is not to forget about the security rules in online trading.

Step 3: open a real account

At the broker's office, you will need to sign a set of documents, presenting your passport. Additionally, a certificate of TIN assignment may be required (the exact list of documents depends on the broker). The account will be opened on the same day. You will also receive a password to access your personal account.

To open an account remotely, you need to leave a request on the website or by phone. The broker will send a set of documents filled out in your name, which you need to print and sign, notarizing the signatures. And then send them by mail or courier service along with copies of the passport pages. As soon as the broker receives them (delivery time depends on your region), an account will be opened for you. The second copies of the documents, certified by signature and seal, will be sent back to you. Some brokers take care of shipping costs (for example, KIT Finance).

To trade on a real account, you will need to generate electronic keys for the trading terminal. For this, it is used special program, which can be downloaded on the broker's website in the "Software" section. Fill in your data in it, and at the output you will receive two files. One is the public key and the other is the private key. The first one has to be registered with a broker (or on the website in personal account or by sending the key by mail). In the settings of the trading terminal, you will need to specify in which folder the keys are stored (in the Quik program, this is done in the Settings/General menu, in the Program/General/Default Settings tab).


  • individual brokers, in particular Finam, allow you to open an account remotely in an accelerated mode. To do this, you need to fill out an application on the site and invest Required documents(passport and TIN).
  • brokers offer to join the standard terms of customer service. But if you wish, you can offer to change these conditions if something in them does not suit you. For example, the standard text of the agreement often contains a clause that you allow the broker to borrow securities from you at a purely symbolic percentage (under loan agreements). You can try to refuse this item to avoid unnecessary risks. How bigger client, the more willing brokers are to meet;
  • under a standard contract, many brokers can use clients' free money for their own benefit. It is possible not to grant such permission. True, then you have to agree to an increase in the cost of service.

Step 4: depositing start-up capital

You can start real exchange trading as soon as the funds are credited to your account. When depositing through the cashier - during the day, in case bank transfer- usually the next business day. Remember that no one can guarantee you an income from investments in securities and even a return on investment. Therefore, the amount contributed should be such that its loss does not greatly damage the budget if the stars are unsuccessful. For most brokers, the minimum amount to start trading is 10,000 - 30,000 rubles. Of course, this is not enough to form a full-fledged diversified portfolio (you need at least 50,000 - 70,000 rubles), but it is quite suitable for the first experiments.

Who can refuse a broker?

This can only happen if you do not provide all the documents or their authenticity will raise doubts with the broker. For foreign citizens and stateless persons need to present, in addition to their passport, a migration card and a document confirming the right to stay in Russia (if you open an account remotely while abroad, this is not required). From individual entrepreneurs a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur and an extract from the USRIP are required. If a brokerage account is opened for a minor, then to dispose of it in cash you will need to obtain in advance the written consent of the guardianship and guardianship authorities to make transactions with the property of a minor.

The service of Internet trading is not much different from different brokers, especially from the point of view of a beginner. Therefore, you can contact anyone. Just keep in mind a few important details.

1. The Russian stock market has nothing to do with Forex and CFDs (Contracts for Differences in Share Prices). If you are strongly encouraged to "invest" in CFDs or currencies instead of securities, it is better to look for another broker. And at the same time, check whether he has a brokerage license and whether he really is a trading participant on the Moscow Exchange.

2. Consider how important it is for you to attend a face-to-face class in the fundamentals of the stock market. Or it will be enough to read the materials on the Internet. In the first case, the circle of choice narrows down to those companies and banks that operate in your region. Although those who wish, of course, can go to a free seminar with one broker, and then start trading through any other by opening an account remotely.

3. Be sure to compare rates. And don't be embarrassed by the fact that commissions on transactions are hundredths of a percent. In relative terms, the numbers seem ridiculous, but in absolute terms they can add up to decent amounts. In addition, the rates of different brokers differ significantly. Do not be too lazy to call the companies and banks that you are interested in and ask them to tell you about all the costs that arise when opening an account and conducting transactions. Do not rely only on the information on the broker's website: unfortunately, it is not always exhaustive.

4. Consider the general impression that you will have after the first acquaintance with the company or bank. Pay attention to whether the broker is focused on serving retail clients: is the information presented on the site accessible, is there a section for beginners. In addition, it will not be superfluous to search the Internet for reviews of investors who are already working with this broker.

As a rule, brokers offer several tariff plans to choose from. Which one is optimal for you depends on the trading strategy. securities. Here are four simple rules.

1. For investors who conduct one or two transactions per month, the main expense item is the monthly fee for maintaining a brokerage account or depo account (that is, in fact, for holding securities). Accordingly, it is necessary to select a tariff at which these fixed payments are minimal or absent.

2. With more active trading, commission rates for transactions come to the fore, so you need to focus on them.

3. If you plan to buy small packages of securities (worth up to 30,000 -40,000 rubles each), then tariffs that do not provide for minimum fee by deal. Otherwise, it may turn out that the real size brokerage commission for you will significantly exceed its average market level of 0.03-0.1%.

4. And for the future: it is most profitable for active traders to use conditionally unlimited tariffs (when the commission is limited from above and amounts to about 25,000 - 35,000 rubles per month). Often, such tariffs are not included in the standard line, but brokers can set them on an individual basis.

Related materials

Closing a position

Many market participants believe that positions should be closed on the same grounds that are used for opening - only they are used as if "vice versa". For example, if a buy is made on any "oversold" signal, then a sale should be made on a similar "overbought" signal. This is a delusion: closing a position is the elimination of all risks on this position, while opening the opposite position is taking new risks.

Today, the popularity of the stock exchange is constantly growing and attracting all more people. Technically, the trading process is simple. You need Internet access, an exchange terminal program and an agreement with a broker. Watching the movement of stock prices, you need to make a purchase or sale. However, in order to make a profit, it is important to gain the necessary knowledge, analyze the situation on the market, show patience and train the skill.

Exchange and trade

The exchange is a participant in the mechanisms of the market and ensures the operation of the main instruments in the field of finance: currencies, goods, securities, etc. Trades are held regularly. They are organized on a real platform (financial centers) or on the Internet - virtually. Their main features include:

  1. Bidding is carried out in conditions of publicity, open access and free pricing. Operations are carried out without influence from the state, but according to the norms of the law.
  2. Exchange income - commission from transactions.
  3. Trading transactions provide an opportunity to earn money for experienced traders and beginners.
  4. Exchange transactions are made according to uniform requirements for conditions and securities, currency, etc. Trades are carried out by means of counter offers of participants.

Trade on stock exchange represents the commission of transactions of purchase - sale of securities - shares, bonds. The stock exchange ensures the establishment of an equilibrium price, intermediary services for the withdrawal of funds, and a guarantee of the execution of transactions. Dispute resolution also takes place on the site.

Procedure for starting trading

Considering the topic of how to trade on the stock exchange for beginners, it is important to determine the implementation of a number of necessary actions.

  1. Choosing a broker and signing a contract. Bid on your own individual can not. Transactions are made only through an intermediary. The broker provides access to the site through the trading program, writes off taxes, keeps accounting records. For services, the broker takes a percentage of each transaction. Communication with the broker is via the Internet, no visit to the office is required.
  2. Commission size. Broker services can be paid as a commission, as well as other deductions. Everything depends on the conditions. The size of the commission always affects the price of your trades. Small commissions make it possible to make short trades and get big profits.
  3. Exchange terminal. It is important to choose the right program. They differ in a set of services and reliability of access to the network. The terminal must provide viewing of current stock prices, a drawing of a quotes chart, announcing orders for sale, purchase. A demo version is provided first. After selection, the terminal is installed on the computer.
  4. Definition of strategy on the stock exchange. Trading on the stock exchange for beginners is suitable for an upward strategy. It is necessary to act on the basis of a specific situation and move with the market. No need to trade against the market when there is a fall in securities, they do not buy until their price reaches a reversal. Placing orders, opening or closing positions is best done on the basis of data received on the network.
  5. Loss control. If the price movement did not coincide with your forecasts, you should not wait for its change. This may result in account cancellation. On the position in the terminal, you need to set a loss limit - stop-loss. As soon as the price reaches this line, the position will close itself with less losses.

Before you start trading, you must register in your personal account. It is worth practicing on a demo account with at least $1,000. Having chosen a strategy, you need to use it within a month. With positive results, you can open an account with your own money, which is done in a few clicks.

How to choose the right broker

Only through an intermediary is provided exchange trading for beginners. There are many criteria to decide on a broker on the trading floor. There are selection options suitable for beginners.

  1. Free study materials, market analysis and strategy selection conditions.
  2. Ability to work on proven platforms relevant for both professionals and beginners. Today, MetaTrader with MT4 and MT5 versions is recognized as the best.
  3. Availability of promotions and various bonuses. Tempting offers are not always available, as the broker promises. Often, in order to use the bonus, you need to make several transactions or have a specific amount in your account.
  4. Use of deposit bonuses. They are provided when replenishing a real account. However, the broker can freeze the bonus along with the client's money. To withdraw money, you will have to fulfill a number of conditions.
  5. The presence of a license from the company, the place of registration of the broker and the legality of his work. Do not trust reviews, not all opinions are true or written by professional traders.

Before trading, it is better to study the market and the main companies operating in it well. The time spent choosing a broker will help not to lose the money invested.

How to trade for a beginner

Stock trading for beginners should be opened with the study of useful materials, advice from experienced traders. The development of the economy affects the constant relevance of the stock exchange. Therefore, traders are constantly improving their skills and using new strategies.

  1. Opening a demo account and testing the first knowledge gained. You should immediately take advantage of the training materials that are offered by the selected company.
  2. The study of literature. Reading books is cheaper than video lessons and classes with teachers on the Internet. The books contain more useful information to which you can return periodically. Reading articles is useful for getting up-to-date information And good advice. It is important to improve your knowledge and skills in the field of technical and fundamental analysis.
  3. Help from an experienced trader. Real person, who has achieved success on the exchanges, will best be able to explain the rules of trading, market analysis, the use of strategies, suggest good sources for learning. If there are no acquaintances, it is worth studying the experience famous people succeeding in stock trading.
  4. Monitor market trends. It is important to study the analytics posted on the broker's website and read the opinions of experienced traders. Watching specialized channels and news in the field of economics will help to form correct understanding market.
  5. Using Paid Subscriptions. Getting the opinion of professionals is important for determining trading strategy and learning. It can always be compared with your own, as well as with the received theoretical knowledge. It is necessary to always be aware of the main economic news in the world.
  6. Seminars and lessons. Classes contribute to the understanding of the market. A seminar usually focuses on one aspect of investing. Seminars can be paid and free.
  7. Start of trading. It is better for a beginner not to use large deposits. It is enough to try to open an order for a small amount to understand how the program works. The combination of education and real trading will help you learn trading faster.

Buying shares

Securities trading requires the study and analysis of companies whose shares will be traded on the exchange. To make a profit and not lose a deposit, you need to study about a hundred large companies, their development and specificity. As a result, it is necessary to select no more than ten.

Selected firms are offered an offer to acquire their assets. If about 3 companies respond to the offer, this means that the price you have given for the shares is too high and does not correspond to their real position on the market. It is necessary to offer a price suitable for no more than two enterprises. After agreeing to choose only one company, taking into account all the details. It is desirable to work with a company whose field of activity is the most understandable and close.

A beginner should start trading assets of large companies. Their shares are highly liquid. These companies are easy to find. latest news and information for analysis. If the company is located in the United States, then information about its shares can be found on the Internet resource of the Commission on exchanges and securities. Also in the network there is a special service of companies that combine them according to various criteria. You need to set up a stock filter. Entrance to the service is paid with a subscription.

Major Stock Exchange Brokers

New organizations are constantly appearing in the network that provide intermediary services on the stock exchange. The choice of a broker should be made by comparing several companies. First, it is worth considering popular firms.

Transactions on the Moscow Exchange

The Moscow Exchange ranks first in the country in terms of trade turnover and the number of participants. It is included in the list of the 20 largest venues in the world. The exchange uses the main trading instruments:

  • mutual funds;
  • securities;
  • futures;
  • currency;
  • precious metals, etc.

Transactions pass through trading terminals. Data security is ensured by electronic keys used for confirmation.

To start trading, follow these steps:

  1. Choice of service tariff from the options offered by the brokerage company.
  2. Conclusion of an agreement with an intermediary through his website or in the office.
  3. Selecting software and installing it on a PC or tablet. The most popular are QUIK and MetaTrader.
  4. Replenishment of the trading account.

Stock Exchange is an important part of the modern economy. It allows almost anyone to earn good money. It all depends on the readiness to study the features of the world financial system, analyze the processes taking place in the economy, and competently apply them in trading. Only constant improvement of your knowledge and skills will help you become a true professional in the stock market.

Hello everyone who reads this article! We continue our acquaintance with investing in the stock market, which was initiated. Today, recommendations will be given on the selection of stocks for an investment portfolio: which ones to choose and which ones to leave to others. After reading it, you will understand how stock trading works for novice investors and traders. Finished with aperitifs, let's move on to the main dishes!

How to choose stocks?

My trading algorithm

  1. Selecting shares. We make a forecast for 6-15 issuers;
  2. Technical analysis. Setting levels for each of the selected shares;
  3. We observe what happens to the price when it approaches the given levels.

Stock Selection

I use the site to select stocks investment.com . Select the quote mode - stocks - America. Next, click on the desired index and select change%. This way we can see the stocks that have fallen the most. We make a selection from indices:

  • S&P500(less volatile stocks);
  • Nasdaq composites(more volatile).

Viewing in mode "statistics" will allow you to see the changes for the week/month/fiscal quarter/year. Do not forget to pay attention to the volume: the higher it is, the more interest in the stock. Consider an indicator from 300k, on average - 1 million.

Quote mode:

In statistics mode:

We look at the general trend for the year. Do not consider stocks if their price is constantly falling. This may indicate that the company has problems, and not the fact that growth will begin. If you're looking for stocks to buy right now, avoid these.

Here are examples of issuers whose quotes are continuously falling throughout the year:

We look at price change rhythm. I work mainly with positions long, so the trend must be up or fluctuating. The best way -saw chart. Examples of good stocks that I have in my portfolio that I have already done over 10 buys and sells on:

Are looking for the most complete information about the company. What interests us:

  • How much is the company worth? We are considering options from 400 million to 10 billion. The higher this indicator, the higher the reliability and the lower the volatility. If you are a beginner, do not look at the capitalization options below $200 million;
  • Trading volume. good indicator counts 1 million papers/day. The higher this number, the higher the interest in paper and vice versa;
  • share price. Basically, it indicates capitalization. The indicator for small companies is less than $3. The average value of the price of the companies with which I work, 50$ .

For information on a specific company, enter its name in the search form above.

An example of a liquid company is well-known SONY:

Shares that have strong volatility, that is, with a value that fluctuates greatly during the day, you can sell / buy several times a day. Most often, these are stocks from the energy, raw materials, healthcare, and technology sectors.

Building a portfolio on investing.com

Within about a month, and possibly even earlier, from the moment you start active trading, you will “fill your hand”, and you will form a portfolio of “favorite” stocks. I recommend registering on the site. investment.com , and there to maintain your stock portfolio. Form portfolios by sectors of the economy:

  • Energy and raw materials- stocks that depend on the price of oil. For convenience, you can add oil futures to the top of this list BRENT to evaluate the behavior of stocks from your portfolio;
  • healthcare- there must be an index in the first rows NASDAQ Biotechnology (NBI), showing the general direction of the sector;
  • Sector of liquid promising shares, which you plan to purchase or frequently bought and sold by you.

For every day, I make a forecast for 6-15 positions, of which I buy only 1-3. Keep in mind that it is not possible to select the shares that you will 100% purchase before the start of trading. The market is rapidly changing, the news is out, there are terrorist attacks on oil wells, officials are giving reports on inflation and unemployment.

Post Market Actions

  • Viewing the list of already purchased shares. I do not advise buying anything in the first 30 minutes: prices are unstable, the direction of the trend is not yet clear. The exceptions are situations when you are completely sure that this sector will go up. For example, if the price of oil rises, you can buy previously designated positions from the energy sector;
  • If the stocks from the forecast list instantly grew by 4-7%, there is no point in taking them. We don't need overpayments. Wait for them to go down to then estimate how much you can earn in those positions.

The goal to be achieved according to my work plan is - increase in the number of shares in the portfolio. This is done in order to sell 1-3 positions every day with a profit. With the released funds, the purchase and sale of shares again takes place.

Work rules

  1. The most important indicator for us is turnover. We are not engaged in day trading, the position can be kept open for a week or a month.
  2. Try not to sell shares below the purchase price. Is the price going down? Expect a rise in price. An exception is the situation when the price does not go up for a very long time. In this case, try to sell the position at the level closest to the buy level and purchase a better option with the freed funds.
  3. Principle of sufficient profit. Find the optimal level for you (2-5%) and close deals when it is reached.

Technical analysis

After the procedure for selecting potential shares, you need to find best time to buy in order not to overpay and take the maximum profit for the current situation. I will give an example from my own experience.

I marked the support and resistance levels on the chart. Entry was made at the level 2.8 , output - 2.95 . Total was bought 340 shares, the sale of shares on the stock exchange was made 3 days after the purchase.

Working with levels

Critical points on the chart are the strongest levels. It is near them that the main struggle is taking place, since most traders look at the same points when deciding where to buy shares. There are several options for trend movement: rebound from the level, breakout of the level, false breakout. Keep an eye on the power reserve to the next level.

If the price of the stock has changed significantly in any direction and does not roll back, then we will see a continuation of the trend. To delve deeper into this topic, I recommend reading 4 articles on technical analysis on my blog:

Use the three moving averages method(200-day, 50-day, 20-day) to understand how the market behaves: goes higher or lower. Personally, when working on the NYSE stock exchange, I use volume, MACD histogram indicators in addition to levels.

How to understand from which side to expect a breakdown?

  • Draw levels;
  • Determine direction of position movement;
  • Find the optimal entry point.

Our main goal is to learn to see trends market, and what is the approximate number of buyers and sellers at the moment. Necessarily .

Reporting period

  1. Create a personal work model, learn how to correctly evaluate entry and exit points;
  2. Market trends are set by leading indices and futures(I already talked about oil);
  3. Trading goes from level to level;
  4. The first hour after the opening of trading, breakdowns occur very often;
  5. Use timeframes for technical analysis 5-15-1 hour-1 day;
  6. If stock trading volumes fall, there is no interest in paper;
  7. Take 60% off trend- the average normal indicator of a trader;
  8. Sometimes you can buy stocks that have risen in price if you see that the price is far from being at its maximum. Trading in the securities market does not tolerate pattern thinking get ready to show your originality!

Short Positions

My work algorithm is tailored for long positions, that is, for long positions, with the expectation that profit will be received as a result of stock growth. But do not forget that investing in securities can be carried out on short positions.

Situations in which you can trade short

What is the best time to trade in the stock market?

The exchange opens at 17:30 Moscow time, trading ends at 00:00. The first half hour prices are absolutely unpredictable. Wait for stabilization when trends become clear to you. The exception is when you need to make a sale. Were you satisfied with quotes a couple of minutes after the opening of the exchange? Sell ​​right now!


In this article, he outlined his little experience in trading on the stock exchange. I hope these instructions will serve as your first impetus to get started. practical trade American stocks, and you can earn with this financial instrument like many others. By the way, there is a book written by a European pensioner, in which she describes her successful trading in the stock market. This example tells us that everyone can invest, but how successful it is depends only on you. On this note, I end this article. For any questions please write to me. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates, see you soon!

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Many novice traders think that trading on the stock exchange is something like a game of chance: you need to choose what to bet on and hope for luck. But this approach brings nothing but losses.

Remember the first and most important rule: trading on the stock exchange is not a game, but a full-fledged job. Trading does not tolerate a frivolous attitude, laziness and arrogance. Therefore, if you still decide to engage in stock trading, approach the matter with all seriousness. And we will tell you where to start and what rules to follow.

Basic rules for trading on the stock exchange

An exchange is a wholesale market with certain rules that are binding on all participants. The trading rules are established by the exchange committee, which also monitors their implementation in the future. Here are the basic rules of trading on the stock exchange that a beginner needs to learn:

  • Individuals cannot directly transact transactions. They carry out their activities through intermediaries - brokers.
  • All trading on the exchange takes place strictly at a certain time, indicated by the administration.
  • The types of transactions performed, the list and conditions for admission of securities, the procedure for setting prices, the types of services provided and the rules for conducting settlements are determined by a specific exchange.
  • It is the exchange that provides traders with information about trading. Such data can be current or summary. In the first case, data on the latest transactions made on the exchange are provided, in the second case, according to the results of the entire exchange day.

The main Russian trading platform where transactions with securities, currencies and other instruments are made is the Moscow Exchange. You can find out what trading rules apply on the Moscow Exchange, as well as get acquainted with the trading schedule on the official website.

Where to begin?

The first thing a novice trader needs to do is to find an exchange intermediary. The choice of a broker is carried out according to individual criteria. But before concluding an agreement, be sure to study the activities of the selected company, analyze its reputation and ask about the availability of permits. The list of all accredited brokers can also be found on the Moscow Exchange website.

Next, you need to choose a comfortable trading platform. As a rule, most brokers offer their own version of the software for making transactions, sometimes several at once to choose from. The most popular options trading terminals QUIK and MetaTrader 5 are considered.

The next step is to decide on the asset in which you will invest and the future trading strategy. The best trading tool for beginners is stocks, which allow you to both invest and speculate.

You can learn more about how the exchange works in our article, which is entirely devoted to this issue.

Six more rules of trading on the stock exchange for beginners

1. Not all companies that directly or indirectly show promise for development ultimately meet the expectations of investors. Stick to intraday trading - intraday. If a company's shares are worth little, this does not always mean that they are profitable to buy in the long run. You can profit from them in the short term as well.

2. Don't chase instant big profits. Be sure to protect yourself against risks by using a stop loss. The possibility of you doubling or tripling your profits at once exists, of course, but the risk is even higher that you will lose all your money just as quickly. Make small trades to protect yourself from big losses.

3. The stock market is even more volatile than it might seem at first glance. A growing market can collapse at any moment and vice versa, it is impossible to predict this. Be careful not to allocate too much from the investment portfolio high interest for separate auctions. Acceptable daily liquidity of shares is several hundred thousand. So you can enter the market and exit it at any time convenient for you without loss.

4. Get in the habit of recording in a table or journal all the details of each of your trades: position size, losses, profits. Analyzing past trades will help you see if you have taken the right or wrong steps.

5. You don't have to stay at your computer late to find more profitable offer“They will appear one way or another at another time. For effective and continuous mental activity, like trading, experience is necessary.

6. Focus on professional traders by determining what you yourself want to learn and what qualities to develop. Do not blindly trust trading forums - it is impossible to say with certainty whether they will help you or deceive you, cashing in on lack of experience. To make money on the stock exchange, you need to understand the issue yourself well.

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