
What strategy to choose? Choosing a strategy how to choose a trading strategy for connecting

Business dynamics requires the management of active goal. The adoption of specific tactical solutions at each specific point depends on a number of conditions and circumstances. One of the most important of which is the compliance of these solutions (or, at least, non-contradiction) long-term, top-level business goals. Specified vectors of its development. Which in the aggregate of their own and can be called the company's strategy. Thus, the chosen strategy of the enterprise determines the essence of the decisions taken, setting tasks on a long period of time. In fact, the strategy means for a business life choice of the meaning and method of its existence. Let's talk about how this choice is made. What you have to choose.

Recall the classic strategies

Resource strategy

One of the main goals of strategic management at the enterprise is to ensure the rational allocation of resources between the activities and their effective use for the best to achieve the strategic objectives.

Organizations are productive assets with which the organization has. The coordinated interaction of resources creates organizational competences - the company's ability to implement certain productive actions. The areas of the organization's activities that are most important to it in which it has achieved relative perfection, and which create fundamental value for customers, got the name of "key competencies of the organization."

The main objective of the strategy (according to the resource point of view (ResourceBasedView)) is the receipt of the company sustainable competitive advantage. A sustainable competitive advantage occurs from the company in the case when its key competencies coincide with key factors for the success of the industry / markets, in which this company competes, key drivers that determine the success of doing business in these markets (see Fig.).

Accordingly, the main tasks in the framework of the planning and implementation of the resource strategy include:

  • Analysis of industries / markets in order to identify key Success factors Business maintenance in this industry / in this market
  • Analysis of the existing resources of the company, and organizational competences that they form. Definition of composition key competencies Organizations.
  • Selection of markets for which there is a maximum crossing the Company's Competences and Key Success factors Industry (market). Allocation of resources Companies in these markets.
  • The definition of the missing resources / competencies of the organization, strategically important and necessary to achieve success in the markets in which this organization competes. Acquisition of strategically important resources / competencies.

Basic strategies for porter (competitive positioning strategies)

When planning how the company is going to compete on the market, it is necessary to determine how the company will be positioned in the market, and which of the basic strategies will form the basis of the strategy being developed.

According to Michael Porter 1, there are three basic strategies (GenericStrategies):

  • Strategy of price leadership
  • Differentiation strategy
  • Focus strategy

1 Porter Michael. American economist, Professor of the Department of Business Administration of the Harvard School of Business, recognized by a specialist in the field of studying economic competition.

Strategy of price leadership

The price leadership strategy allows to obtain a competitive advantage due to the lowest price in the market. In other words, the company seeks to produce goods (services), the same as competitors, but sell them cheaper than competitors.

The essence of this strategy can be demonstrated using the value chain model. The first value chain - averaged by the market, and, accordingly, consists of averaged costs on activity and average profits.

The second value chain is owned by the company implementing the price leadership strategy. This company has reduced costs to its activities and, thus increased its profit rate and has be given the opportunity to establish the price of its product below the average market.

Differentiation strategy

The differentiation strategy allows to obtain a competitive advantage through the production of unique goods (services), such that do not produce competitors. Here we can talk, as absolutely unique products (there are no analogues on the market), and only about some of the unique characteristics of goods (services). For example: the highest quality, user-friendly interface, customer-oriented service, prestigious brand, etc.

The essence of this strategy can also be demonstrated using the value chain model (see Fig.).

The first value chain - averaged by the market, and, accordingly, consists of averaged costs on activity and average profits.

The second value chain is characteristic of a company that implements the differentiation strategy. This company has increased certain activity costs in order to receive goods (service), which has unique characteristics. Thanks to this uniqueness, the company can afford to charge a premium allowance by setting the price for this product (service) above average in the market.

Focus strategy

The third basic strategy is focus. If the first two strategies suggest that the companies who choose them work throughout the market spectrum (industry), the focal strategy implies the choice of a company for maintaining a narrow target niche. Due to the knowledge of the needs of the target client and its price preferences, optimizing its activities and create personalized products that meet the specific needs of the Target Customer, the company receives a competitive advantage over "global" competitors serving the entire market with less personalized products.

Summary (Porter) - "Do not get stuck in the midst!"

The three basic strategies described above are mutually exclusive Strategic alternatives. Companies who failed to develop a strategy in one of these three directions, according to Michael Portra, "stuck in the middle" (StuckInthemiddle).

Porter argues that the strategy of price leadership and differentiation is so fundamentally different, requiring fundamentally different sets of resources and competencies that any firm trying to unite them "stuck in the midst" and cannot achieve outstanding results. According to him, such companies are almost guaranteed, minor and are doomed to disappear.

Why classic strategies do not work

In practice, classical strategies, with all its elegance and logical, do not always work. Firms that implement similar strategies show very prominent results. And companies that do not have clear positioning (those in the expression of Porter "branded in the midst" and would have to, in his opinion, die) succeed! What's the secret?

The reasons for the failure of the strategy

Most often, the failure of the strategy is explained by the ineffectiveness of its implementation. Any strategy is so good as its good implementation. This can be devoted to a separate full-fledged material. However, there are other, earlier causes of failures that arise from the error of choosing the most relevant for this type of strategy type.

Classic strategies (resource strategy and competitive positioning strategies) are not always applicable and / or effective in practice. As we remember, classical strategies are aimed at purchasing a sustainable competitive advantage by mastering important strategic resources for this market (competencies). Moreover, such resources (competencies) should be valuable in theory, rare, and difficult to copy and imitation. However, due to modern financial, information and managerial technologies, most of the resources in our time are relatively easily accessible and imitated.

In addition, not all markets exist important strategic resources that determine the success of work in this market.

The question arises, and whether any factor (factors) (factors) are not lost from the analysis, also affecting the success of this or that strategy to the success of this or that strategy? Or the list of possible strategies is incomplete?

Responding to the last question, let's add our list of another strategy - the strategy "X-factors" and consider it further.

Strategy "X-Factors"

The "X-factors" strategy in two words can be described as follows: "focus on an urgent and important."

The company implementing the "X-factors" strategy focuses in its activities primarily in the following four activities:

  • Determination of the strategic capital of the organization;
  • Determining the problem field;
  • Determination of strategic work (projects);
  • Leveling of failures ("hole") in the execution of the strategy.

Strategic capital

Strategic capital is a cumulative fund for competitive assets of the organization. These include:

  • The strengths and weaknesses of the organization, external opportunities and threats. To determine them, you can resort to the help of SWOT analysis. On the basis of which the templates of making strategic decisions based on strengths Organizations, and leveling weak, helping to take into account and avoid external threats And take advantage of potential.
  • Material resources available: Financial ( cash and credit capacity of the organization) and physical (buildings and structures, production facilities, stocks and semi-finished products, finished products etc.).
  • Intangible resources: competences, communications, technology, intellectual property Reputation, brand, corporate culture. t. n.
  • Human resources: human capital (knowledge, skills and know-how, which is impossible to formalize and, which are thus inseparable from their carriers) and social capital (potentially affordable resources, which arise from the company's employees relations with other people (including Outside the organization) and their connections)
  • Market resources (customers, partners, market share). For example, the availability of strategic clients, partnership with large manufacturers, etc.
  • Organizational resources (its structure, systems, management technologies, processes).

After determining the composition of the strategic capital of the company becomes clear - to which, first of all, the organization can rely on its strategic decisions. What can expect when planning a long-term and medium-term strategy. And what assets require development and acquisition in their absence, or insufficient development.

Problem field

The problem field is a combination of the most significant problems for the chosen market and aspects of activity.

The figure shows examples of problem fields for the retail sales market of gasoline and the non-state retirement market.

The meaning of the formation of the company's problem field is to define the zones and the most important aspects of a particular business that you need to focus the attention and activities of the company.

Strategic works (projects)

Strategic works (projects) is the distribution of investments of the organization's strategic capital in the current period. In other words, these are the works that at the moment the highest priority is established, the most attention is paid to the company's largest attention, and in which the lion's share of the strategic capital of the organization is investing.

The definition of the composition and planning of strategic work is made after clarifying the strategic capital and the problem field of the company. Decisions and objectives developed at these stages prioritize and are organized into the structure of either a strategic plan, or a company's objective tree.

Performing failures ("holes")

As I wrote at the very beginning, most strategies fail due to not effective implementation.

Performing failures ("holes") is the most typical errors implementation of the strategy. These include:

  • invalid resource definition: time, capital, people, projects;
  • disregard or insufficient immersion in important problems;
  • inability or reluctance to solve solve problems.

If you do not pay due attention to this issue, according to the law entropy, the performing failures will necessarily occur: any system, if it is not supported and does not develop - tends to self-dispersion. Everyone seeks to move along the path of the least resistance: not to strain, do not dive, not focus, etc. And strategic mistakes are the most expensive for the company.

Each strategic work (accepted strategic decisions developed by strategic objectives) needs appropriate control and adjustment during execution. Only so can systematically and reliably level the possible performing failures.

Choosing an optimal strategy

After we reviewed several types of strategies, I offer a scheme for choosing optimal. The figure illustrates the principle of identifying an effective strategy depending on the strategic importance of resources and the ability to exclusively control these resources on the selected market.

So, for decision making, we have four arguments:

  • If any resource has a strategic importance for the selected market and, at the same time, the possibility of exclusive possessions (or possessing a limited circle of organizations) is most preferable to resource strategy.
  • If for the selected market, the strategic importance of any resources is not high and, at the same time, there are opportunities for exclusive control over any resources - the most preferable is the strategy competitive positioning.
  • For those markets on which there are no strategically important resources, and there are no opportunities to obtain exclusive control of any resources that determine is effect of external factors.
  • And, finally, for those markets on which the strategic importance of any resources are high, but at the same time, there is no possibility to acquire exclusive control over such resources - the most effective is strategy "X-Factors".

Summary. Classic Strategies or X-Factors

The company's success is undoubtedly determined by the right choice and clear implementation of the strategy. Therefore, it is imperative to determine the correct type of strategy that is most suitable for the market, on which the company operates. Here, the most significant factors that determine the choice of a specific type of strategy are the factors of the external environment (market), namely the existence on the market of valuable strategic resources and the availability of opportunities for exclusive control over these resources.

For markets, where strategically important resources exist, but they are not unique and accessible to most of the participants, the most effective can be the strategy "X-factors", which involves a clear organization of work on the establishment of strategically important resources and competencies, and their effective application to the most important problem areas This market.

The organization implementing the "X-factors" strategy does not seek ways to create a unique competitive advantage (through the possession of a rare, important resource, or a unique competitive position in the market). The success of this organization is based on the correct definition of the problem area of \u200b\u200bits market, on a clear and objective assessment of its strategic capital, on the ability to organize strategic work and avoid entering the performing failures.

Frequently beginner traders who are just trying to master the basics of the market are set on one side by a simple, but global question: "What strategy to choose to trade on the market?". In fact, the choice of one or another trading system is a difficult task and a subjective task, as what is well suited to one person, can be unacceptable for another!

Based on this, a clear and structured response to this question is simply not. Much depends on your character and preferences. However, there are some recommendations that will allow you to understand more quickly what.

To begin with, we need to determine what time the trade is most suitable for us. Not every person can sit all day after the terminal, because each of us has their own personal affairs (work, study, and so on). Naturally, a certain way out of this is mobile terminals that are installed on your tablet or smartphone.

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But then again, perhaps you have such specific work that you cannot use mobile terminals to use when there is a desire. By and large, the use of mobile terminals is a completely different question that is worthy of separate attention.

Thus, for a start, it is necessary to clearly define, at what time you can pay the time of trading and, based on this, choose the timeframe necessary for yourself. For example, you are a busy person and all day at work.

In this case, it will not work much time to give trading. Given this moment, the best time timeframe is suitable, as it is necessary to look into the terminal only at the closing of the market. In principle, trading systems for this time interval are abuse, and is limited to all your fantasy.

If you are an office employee and can sometimes look into the trading terminal, you can use the hourly timeframe. As a strategy, you can choose Doske Scalping, which we have considered before. Again, if you have enough time, the M30-H4 TimeFrames are most well suited.

In this case, you will need to look into the terminal once a few hours. If you wish, you can use systems on tick graphics, such as Forex Speedometr, but it is necessary to have iron exposure and nerves. In addition, there are universal trading systems that can be safely used at many time intervals. For example, you can look at MACD-Combo systems and Puria method.

What strategy to choose, if we have decided on time?

For example, if you already know how much time can you give trading, how to continue? To begin with, it is worth clearly understood that two traders who trade on one system can have different results. Paradoxically, this really happens always! Let's start with the fact that psychological factors play a huge role, for example, one trader is clearly acting on the system, another violates its rules, respectively, and their results will differ.

As a rule, trade in real account is very different from the demo trade, and the trader can simply not cope with its emotions. In addition, each trader is inclined to correctly adjust the system for itself, for example, to put another stop loss and a teyk profit, unforeseen by the basic rules of the system.

Other traders add their indicators to the system or traded at another time. By and large, examples can be brought by a great set. But the essence comes down to the fact that in reality, success is directly determined by the technical and psychological preparation of the trader. Based on this, on various forms you can meet opposite reviews about this or that system. She really came up to one trader, and he earns with her help, and I could not do this to another person.

In any case, to choose a trading system, you need to take into account your own preferences. Imagine, because you will definitely buy exactly the car that you like according to certain criteria, the same should be with the trading system. Testing one or another system, you should understand whether it has to do you by moral? Are you comfortable to trade with it? If you initially have no confidence in the system, it is better to abandon it.


Why? - you ask. Everything is very simple, any loss on this system (and without loss it is impossible to do, as they are part of Trading in general) will cause you fear when opening other positions that would potentially be profitable. Thus, you simply will violate the rules of the system, the worsen of its mathematical expectation.

Your system must match your character! If you are more comfortable to keep the transaction in the market for a long time, then the system should be conservative. But if you want to make a large number of transactions per day, then it is already necessary to consider various scalper systems.

In addition, the system should clearly comply with your presentation on trade. For example, many traders clearly oppose Martingale, but there is no small percentage of those people who willingly use it and praise.

But it may well be that a person can combine trading systems. For example, there are three strategies and from each of them he takes the best elements in his opinion, thereby creating a personal trading system. In any case, this question is entirely subjective. Everything will be directly dependent only from you and your preferences.

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Today we are talking about what strategy is better to choose in Yandex Direct: we'll see what offers us a contextual advertising system, where to apply each option and how to make a campaign efficient. Correctly selected strategy will help optimize advertising and in the search, and in R.: reduce the cost of the transition, increase the stream of conversion visitors, cut off the neurogenic visits and get the right one. The main thing is to deal with the goals, and then select a specific tool.

Why do I need a strategy of shows to Yandex Direct?

It defines who, when, where and what your ads will be shown and helps to optimize the campaign. Different strategies help to solve different tasks: to cover the maximum audience, bring more target visitors, improve investment return. At the same time, the goal of them is one - to save the maximum of funds with a maximum of efficiency. And if you do everything right, then there will be no problems with this. But if the tool does not correspond to the task, and the rates are not corrected on time, advertising in Yandex Direct will not be so effective. You will get cliques and conversion at anyway, but we will miss some of the benefits. Therefore, it is so important to think about everything in advance: to analyze the future campaign and choose a strategy in the "Direct". We will deal with this more.

What strategy to "Yandex Direct" to choose?

Depends on the goals of the campaign, your experience in setting the context and heaps of other things. In the global sense two options: do all your hands or trust a soulless robot. First we will analyze the second case.

Automatic strategies in Yandex Direct

They are suitable if you are new or just too busy to control the rates yourself. Choose from anything - automatic strategies as much as 5 pieces. You can ask mid-price Click or conversion, the average profitability of investment, budget for a week or the desired number of clicks for the same period.

The principle of operation at the system is quite simple: the search engine algorithm considers the intended probability of clicking on the ad and if everything is ok with it, shows advertising. At the same time, the system also takes into account transitions in the search, the Yandex advertising network and user behavior. If the announcement of the CTR, the search engine will show it more often.

The transition forecast is built for each day of day and day of the week separately - so the natural lifts and downturns of traffic are taken into account. At the same time, Yandex does not look like on Vantu, it regularly recalculates indicators, based on the effectiveness of a particular campaign, and not refers to general statistics and some higher knowledge.

Than good robot

The main plus of automatic strategies to Yandex Direct - frequent rates updates. Current information is loaded into the interface every 15 minutes, but in fact the data may vary much more often. In this sense, the manual mode is not so convenient - no one can follow the situation for the situation 24/7.

Now let's talk about every strategy separately.

The average price of clicking

Here everything is simple - you say "Yandex", as on average is ready to spend on the transition, exhibit a week, leaving the back of the chair and sit like a barin. The rest of the robot does itself: predicts the likelihood of the transition and decides that to whom, when, where and at what rates to show.

Priority key phrases can be specified independently or delegate these powers algorithm. In the latter case, the robot adapts about a week. For priority ads, the system will fight to the last and turn them off, only when the budget does not remain at all. Additionally, you can specify limit costs per week. In this case, the system will spend no more than 35% of the budget per day, and the maximum rate will not grow above 10% of total amount. The same rules robot apply in other strategies.

Such a placement strategy in "" is suitable for those who also know the approximate cost of clicking and conversion. For example, if you have a good and old online store, which you launched campaigns from the moment of opening. Analyze the effectiveness of the latter and, if since its ending it has not changed anything radically, set the approximately the same price of clicking plus-minus 15-30%.

The average price of conversion

Almost the same, you just specify the cost of targeted action. To all work, you need to properly set goals in the Yandex Metrics and specify them in the "Direct". Additionally indicates the maximum price of clicking so that the robot does not merge the budget for potentially conversion, but unnecessarily expensive transitions. The rest here is all the same as in the previous paragraph, only the "click" is changing to "conversion."

If you know, how much is the target action on the site and do not want it to exceed some threshold value, choose this strategy. So you can pay only conversion and interest in buying visitors.

The average profitability of investment

If your eyes light up when you hear "ROI", then this strategy "Yandex Direct" for you. It helps to optimize the conversion and closer the return of investments to the desired value: If you need a ROI \u003d 2 coefficient, enter it when setting up the campaign and Yandex will make it all to achieve it.

Here, too, you need to connect the "Metric" and set the goals. The latter need to specify in the campaign settings. Additionally, it is possible to limit the weekly budget and the maximum price of clicking and specify the cost of goods and services as a percentage of income. This will help optimize the campaign strategy and spend money on advertising in Yandex Direct effective.

If the algorithm jumps above the head and gives profitability above the expected, saved money can be allowed again to advertise - so you will receive additional clicks.

The strategy is suitable for those who have not so many goods and services and those who want to follow the effectiveness of advertising in the format "I want to know how much I got from it." For example, you provide some kind of service that is always equally. Or you produce 3 models of transformers. In any case, you will learn how much money brought you specifically "Direct" and easily decide what to do with campaign further.

Weekly budget

With this strategy, everything is simple: you inform Yandex Direct, how much money is ready to spend in seven days, choose a goal and wait, which will be. You can get a maximum of clicks or maximum conversion. In the first case, the algorithm will try to reduce the transition price to use the budget as efficiently as possible. In the second case, the emphasis will be made on conversion for one or more goals.

The strategy is suitable if you need a lot of transitions. For example, you run the action and you need to tell everything about it without spending a bunch of money. Logic is simple: if the offer is profitable, then even those who have not thought about buying. In the case of conversion, you increase the number of target visits.

Weekly Packet Clicks

It's even easier - you say "Yandex" "I wish so many clicks," and he responds "I listen and obey." The algorithm will try to get the desired number of transitions at the lowest price. All dear clicks can be selected - for this you need to specify the maximum value in the settings of the strategy. Such a scheme is useful if you need to sell a strictly defined amount of goods or services. For example, you will not be able to ship more than 10 units of goods per week. If the average conversion on the site is 10%, then you make no sense to attract more than 100 visitors.

  • Be sure to configure everything that you can. Regardless of which strategy in Yandex Direct, you have chosen, ask restrictions on the weekly budget, the maximum price of clicking, where possible. If you work according to the model with ROI, specify the cost of goods.
  • Specify the priorities of phrases. The system will make it both, but only after a couple of weeks. If you know, by what ads people click more than, let me know "Yandex" in advance. So you will spend the budget for advertising in the "Direct" with more efficiently.
  • Do not wait for a quick result. The system needs time to develop an effective work scheme, so at first the results will not be so good. But over time, Yandex will understand what to do and will be able to fix the situation.
  • Tighten targeting correctly. So you will additionally enhance the return on advertising. Configure the campaign to shows in the "hot" time, remove inefficient ads and see the dynamics of the popularity of keywords.

Strategy of manual rates in Yandex Direct

If you are confident and your experience, you can choose manual betting management. In this case, you ourselves define the conditions and stakes of ads. You can turn on the separate show on the search and in R. - In this case, the rates will be different for each site. From other features: a day budget limit with a choice of standard or distributed display type.

By default, all ads strive up, to the first place. Specific position depends on your chosen bet. If you offer most of all, find yourself in the top. But if you can't spend a lot of money, and it is very much like to spend in the block under the search string, you can pier.

When choosing the item "Minimal Possible Position in Special Research", you specify the maximum price for clicking and report Yandex, what you want to get into the upper context unit at the lowest price. If your bet will be high enough to break into special discussion, the ad will throw on the third position in the block above the search results. If the rates are not enough, then advertising will fall into guaranteed shows, in\u003e 90% of cases on the first position.

If you choose "the minimum possible position in special discussion and warranty", the strategy will change a bit. If the maximum click of click is not enough to break through into special, the ad will show at the lowest position and in the lower block. It will help to save on everything and spend the minimum amount of money. If you break into the upper block, then pay for this is the best price. If you fall into "Guaranteed Shows", then do not spend on not the most conversion placement of extra money.

The strategy is suitable for those who have repeatedly launched effective contextual advertising in Yandex Direct. If you correctly configure targeting, then in manual mode you can save greatly.

What depends on the choice of advertising strategy in Yandex Direct

From your tasks and experience. If you are not sure in your abilities and at the same time you want to achieve good campaign optimization, give everything to the deposit of the search engine algorithm. Yes, he will need time for adaptation, but in the end you will receive a strategy sharpened for your goals and objectives: inexpensive clicks, good ROI ratio or maximum audience coverage. If you know everything yourself and know how to manage the rates manually. So the result will appear faster, but also to control the course of the campaign must be carefully. If the situation suddenly changes, you will stay without customers and without money.

The financial market is filled with professionals and beginners who experience their luck in trade in binary options. However, there is a certain difference between them: a professional is never hoping only for inspiration and good luck, unlike a new player. High-class specialist constantly has clear principles and trading techniques to obtain effective results. In the aggregate, these rules and norms make up trading systems, that is, trade strategies for binary options.

Functions of the trading system

In fact, a full-fledged trading system should adjust each trader step and fix the following items:

  • a set of signals to predetermine the transaction period;
  • cost of lot, i.e. trade option;
  • selection asset;
  • regulations on the introduction and withdrawal of funds.

Since only stability and discipline are the key to the present success and income.

Preferential side of the trading system:

  • protection from excitement, which turned into banks of many traders;
  • clear analysis of the market and signals;
  • the ability to train and draw conclusions from their losses and errors;
  • constancy of deposits and frequency of victories.

How to choose the right strategy?

If we talk about the need for a trading system, then you should decide on the choice in advance.
For example, traders to start choose a simple strategy based on indicators or charts. At the same time, professionals complement and improve their systems at the expense of various conditions, that is, confirmation from other indicators.
Thus, special strategies are compiled on the basis of indicators, graphs, lines, and various schemes. However, if you wish to take advantage of the finished offers, follow the following recommendations:

  • checking the guarantee that the strategy sells, and is not a random set of schemes;
  • checking the completeness of the system (notification of time, lot and basic assets);
  • figure out the principle of action;
  • test the system on the demo account;
  • it should be independently complemented and make changes to the system.

Own trading strategy on binary options is a long and difficult process, which over time will bring its fruits.

What are the most profit forex strategies? What trade system in the Forex market to choose a newcomer? What is the secret of successful trade of professional traders on Forex?

Hello, dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov with you.

This article is devoted to trade strategies on currency market Forex. I myself traded at Forex for more than 3 years and in practice I was convinced of how important it is to follow a clearly developed strategy.

This article will help you deal with the huge number of strategies that Pottit is now Internet. I will describe the most popular of them and help you choose the best, considering your individual psychotype of the person.

Are you ready for successful trading? Then we went!

1. What is forex strategy and what they need

Imagine that you are entering a dark and unfamiliar room. If you do not turn on the light, you can stumble upon items, fall, hit or break something. If you light the light, you can safely bypass all items and get to the right place.

The forex strategy in this context is light. Applying it, we light up and "see" the market, predicting his movement.

Without strategy, we are in complete darkness, make mistakes, lose money and see no further path. Now think that it is more profitable to stay in the dark or turn on the light? What is a strategy?

Strategy - This is a developed system of rules, which a trader who strives should follow, seeking to increase his money in the foreign exchange market.

She gives sure to enter and get out of the transaction, and not chaotic open-close, ultimately losing all capital on the deposit.

The strategy is like a traffic light: you always know that you are opening a deal on the green, you expect it, and you are out of the market, not even considering the possibilities of entry.

Believe me, having a decent real deposit, the most difficult thing is to open a deal. The strategy immediately eliminates you from these grave thinking: you just enter the market when you see a specific situation (signals). But for what rules to open?

Rules for opening transactions may be as follows:

  • intersected on the schedule of indicators;
  • achievement of certain levels;
  • candle shape or candle combination;
  • education with a graphic of familiar patterns (figures) and much more.

You can follow someone else's forex strategy, you can combine them among themselves, you can work out your own, based on many strangers. The main thing is its presence.

Testing a trading strategy in the foreign exchange market is made exclusively on the demo account. Testing period: at least six months.

If half a year the strategy shows the results suitable for you, you can use it in real account.

Now a little reflection. If you do not have a strategy, then the number of unprofitable and profitable transactions should be equal, right? But in practice it turns out that unsystematic trade catastrophically leads to zeroing the account.


If you deliberately try to merge a deposit, then you have little: it will be extremely slow to decrease. But why is it going on?

Secret is simple: fixation of small profits and large losses; Buying where you need to sell and sell where you need to buy.

What conclusion? Trade with profit should also be as easy as "merge" - only follow the rules. If you are still not experienced enough, do not rush. Before proceeding directly to strategies, read the article.

Looking for an entrance to the market for specific rules is simple, but 90% of traders for some reason neglect the following strategy, forever leaving the market and losing the opportunity to be successful. Hope you want to enter 10% of successful traders? - Then go further.

2. From what depends the choice of the Forex strategy - 3 main criteria

So, you aim to apply a strategy. But even profitable strategies on Forex there is a huge set. How to choose exactly to you?

Imagine you need to buy a TV. You know what it is and what you want. Where are you going for buying? That's right, to the store where household electronics are sold.

But, coming to the store, you will find a lot of TV models. Your task is to choose.

Your chosen TV will be no worse than other models remaining in the store. Just it will be that TV with which you are more comfortable.

Do you think in the forex market everything is different? No, everything is just as in the example with a TV. We know that we need the most profitable strategy Forex, and now our task is to choose from the proposed options. And this choice will be no worse. Just it will be the strategy that interests you.

Only buy it is not necessary - I have already prepared for you the most effective of them in this article.

There are only three criteria for the selection of forex strategies:

  1. Duration of retention of open positions.
  2. Approach to market analysis.
  3. Method for analyzing graphs.

Now more about each.

Criterion 1. Duration of retention of open positions

Someone loves the marathon, and someone is sprint. With strategies is the same.

In accordance with this criterion, the following is distinguished:

  • short-term;
  • medium-term;
  • long-term.

Below about each type of strategy I will tell you more:

  1. Short-term. Suitable for experienced traders. Aggressive trade is supposed: about 100 transactions can be opened for a day. This also includes scalping and intrade.
    • Scalping- Suitable for traders with a small capital. An open position can be held from 5 seconds to half an hour. A day can be opened to 200 deals. But more does not mean better. Among traders, scalping is considered one of the most difficult approaches to trade. Scalping strategies on Forex are used regardless of the direction of the price (Short or Long).
    • Intraday (Intraday)- This is a trade in the day. The transaction opens and closes during the day. Such strategies are uncomplicated, understandable, suitable for all traders. Several transactions may be opened for various currency pairs. Usually, when this approach opens from 2 to 5 transactions.
  2. Medium-term. It will not work without knowledge of technical analysis. Open position can be held from 1 to 45 days.
  3. Long-term. Such forex strategies are suitable for beginners, and for experienced traders. An open position is held to a pair of months, which allows you to monitor the market in a calm mode and not worry about the current state of the open transaction. No need to sit at the monitor constantly, just open the schedule once a day. With the right forecast, profit is obtained significant (up to several thousand items).

Criterion 2. Approach to Market Analysis (Fundamental and Technical)

To predict the price direction with the greatest probability, you need to know about fundamental and technical analysis. Someone naively believes that it is possible to master only one type of analysis. Unfortunately, the market does not tolerate dilatancy. Want a profit? Cut everything.

Fundamental analysis- This is a pricing forecast of news based and the general economic situation in the world.

Why analyze news? It is the output of some important news that can lead to a sharp change of trend and turn prices, which you can be non-help.

According to importance, the news is divided into 3 types:

  • insignificant;
  • important;
  • the most important.

The main rule of experienced traders is not to trade when you exit important news! Why? Yes, because your stop orders (Stop Loss and Take Profit) almost with 100% will probably work. The best way out is to close the position before the news release.

Technical analysis- This is an approach to the market analysis by analyzing the price schedule.

This forecast is made up on the basis of market movement in the past. Indicators are played as instruments for analysis, the price schedule itself and its elements: Candle figures (bars).

Technical analysis is well suited for short-term trade in the non-aggressive market.

Criterion 3. Method for analyzing graphs (figured, indicator, candle)

Technical analysis comes down to three main forecasting methods:

  1. According to figures.
  2. On indicators.
  3. For candles.

Figured analysis It assumes the visual detection of the figure (pattern) at the price schedule and a clear knowledge of the price further will go further. The price direction is determined by the exact rules that the trader should know.

There are two groups of established graphics models (patterns): figures reversal prices and figures continueing the current trend.

To the models of the reversal:

  • triple base;
  • double base;
  • double top;
  • double base;
  • head and shoulders;
  • inverted head and shoulders;
  • diamond.

To the models of continuing trend relate:

  • rectangle;
  • pennant;
  • flag;
  • wedge;
  • triangle.

Example. On the chart, you found a double vertex. This means that the price twice tried to break through the level, but could not. You can only look for an entry point for sale.

Indicator analysis It assumes the installation on a schedule of various technical indicators that will give signals to buying or selling. The abundance of indicators may not bring profits, so you need to choose a few suitable and understandable to you.

Experienced traders usually use no more than 2-3. Indicators simultaneously.

Total allocate two groups of indicators:

  • oscillators;
  • trend.

Oscillators usually indicate a possible turn of the trend and work perfectly in Flat *.

Flat (Flat) (From the word "flat") is the market situation when the price is in the corridor and does not have a pronounced direction.

Trend indicators "follow" for a trend and work perfectly when it is present on the market.

But even the most famous and accurate market indicators are not a gold grile.

Remember two important rules:

  1. Maximum profits you get when several indicators will give you the same signals.
  2. No technical indicator can take into account the behavior of the market when leaving important news!


The stochastic oscillator is in the zone of oversold. It means that it is impossible to sell more, we consider only the purchase option.

Candle analysis Expans the study of all familiar combinations of Japanese candles in order to determine the change of trend or its continuation. Perhaps the candle analysis is the easiest and most clear.

Japanese candles are the display of the graph in the form of rectangles, the body of which is painted in different colors depending on the type of candle. If the candle is dark, it means that the price of opening above the closing price. If the candle is not painted, it means that the opening price is below the closing price.

On the candle models, you can predict the continuation or turn of the trend. See the picture below.

There are bullish candles (they have a closure price above the opening price) and bear candles (closing price below the opening price).

Looking at the Japanese candle, you can immediately define the mood on the market: at this time interval (timeframe) buyers or sellers prevail.

It is convenient to trade with Japanese candles - it's worth finding only familiar combination.

for example

We see a "falling star" - a candle with a very small body, a long upper shadow and a small bottom shadow. This candle immediately tells us that you need to sell.

Just, isn't it?

3. How to choose your own strategy - 3 simple steps

I will say right away: the best forex strategy is the one that is suitable for you.

I was looking for my forex strategy for about a year. At first I trained to trade on ordinary and understandable strategies, gradually adding something to them in them. So it turned out my strategy.

Just choose and combine those that are already working.

To select your strategy, you will need:

  • determine your psychological type;
  • really evaluate your professional level;
  • set how much time you will give trading.

Now about each item more.

Step 1. Determine your psychotype (comparative table)

So let's find out who you are?

Psychotype Behavior in the market Optimal strategies
1 Sanguinik It's hard to earn and applies all strength to it. In trade is consistent, not upset lossesFor the Sanguinik, strategies suspended in terms of risk and profits
2 Choleric Wants to quickly earn, can not open long-term positions, in a hurry. Can quickly merge the deposit because of its athlete and disadvantagedIt is not recommended to trade on short time frames, it is better to choose a medium-term interdvonal trade at the H1-H4 intervals
3 Phlegmatic person The most successful on Forex. Knows how to wait, takes suspended solutions, always calmSince phlegmatic refers to trade with full responsibility, this psychotip has no operations on choosing a suitable strategy
4 Melancholic Too inconsistent, too careful, accepts chaotic solutionsRecommended strategies with short stop loss and Take profit

Go to the next step.

Step 2. Rate your professional level

It is clear that without reading several books could not do. Trade without any knowledge on Forex is just useless!

  • Nassium Taleb - "Black Swan".
  • Edwin Lefevr - "Memories of the Exchange Speculat".
  • Eiya Naman is a small encyclopedia of the trader.
  • Alexander Elder - "Trading with Dr. Elder".

These Forex books will help you understand the essence of the stock game, risks and profitable strategies.

Step 3. Determine how much time you can give trading

Trade on Forex is available to everyone: from housewives to businessmen. It is possible to earn, paying at least 1 minute a day, at least all day. There are no temporary restrictions.

For more productive and successful trading, arrange yourself "day without trade." This means that on this day you do not remember about forex at all, do not read the thematic forums, books, do not communicate with the topic of exchanges with friends.

4. Best Forex Strategies (Forex) - Overview of the Top 15 of the most profitable

So we got to the most long-awaited and "tasty" section. Here we will consider directly the strategies themselves with detailed and understandable descriptions.

Simple strategies for beginner traders

These trading strategies are suitable for short-term and intraday trading.

Strategy 1. Moving average

This forex strategy is suitable for any currency pairs. We will work on 2 timeframes:

  • Weekly (W1).
  • Four-hour (H4).

The weekly schedule will be needed to determine the trend, and the four-hour - to open the positions and finding the entry points.

At W1, we exhibit two sliding: exponential (EMA) and simple (SMA). Ema Take with a period of 21, SMA with a period 5. If the price schedule is above two moving averages, then the trend is ascending, and vice versa.

On H4, we exhibit two simple moving averages with a period of 55 and 7.

Rules. If you observe a downward trend on W1, then the H4 we consider only sales, and I ignore the purchases.

Here are two entries in the market:

  1. First option. When the lines intersect from top to bottom, set a deferred purchase order at the level of the moving average with a period of 55. If the level has moved, move and deferred warrant. We are waiting until the price opens it. Stop loss are exhibited on previous local extremums (minima and maxima).
  2. Second option. We are waiting for when the intersection of the average bottom will occur, and the candle closes above this intersection point. Now open an order to buy an order. Stop lossing as in the previous embodiment.

How to set a Take profit? Pull from moving average with a period of 55 Fibonacci levels. In the settings, set only the following levels: 144, 233, 377, -144, -233, -377.

If we saw a purchase signal, open three transactions (the lot is the same). Profit will be located accordingly on all these three fibonacci lines. Do not forget to translate the transaction in the break-consuming (drag and drop the STOP-LOSS).

Strategy 2. Three Candles

This trading strategy is suitable for scalping. Trade Timeframe - M1. It is suitable for any currency pair.

Rules. We are waiting for the formation of two candles walking in one direction. It is better that they were without long shadows. After the appearance of the third, open. As an additional signal to the entrance, we use a stochastic oscillator (stochastic).

For example, if three candles go up, and the indicator indicates a downward trend, then the transaction is not performed. The signal to purchase will be when the stochastic will be in the oversold zone.

Strategy 3. London Session

This is perhaps the simplest strategy for Forex. Trade Timeframe - M30. Trade time - the London session, the beginning of which starts at 10 am in Moscow. Best is suitable for a pair in which GBP is present. For example, for the popular GBP / CHF currency pair (British Pound / Swiss Franc).

Rules. Entrance to the market daily, but unite. The signal to the opening in one direction or another will be the first candle. At its maximum, we put a pending order order, and at a minimum - for sale.

Stop loss We have at a maximum or minimum of the same candle, depending on which warrant opened: on a purchase or for sale. After the opening of the order and passing the price of 15 points, we put a breakup.

The second deferred order is not deleted. If the price breaks, then you still earn. In this strategy, you will find yourself either in the plus or exit in zero. Thus, this forex strategy is break-even.

If important news is issued on this day - do not trade!

Scalping Strategies for Short-term and Intraday Trade

Scalping implies a big profit in a very short period of time. There are also very large risks with him. If you are sure you do not want to wait, but want to earn now, then this method of trading for you.

The technique is very simple and effective. Marat daily leads reviews of markets, you can find them on the broker's website in the "Training" section.

Strategy 4. Simple

The one who loves risks, the scalping strategy for 1 minute will soul. To work, take a pair of GBP / JPY and set the price schedule indicator Bollingerbands. (Bollinger lines) with parameters:

  • period 50, deviation 2 (red line).
  • period 50, deviation 3 (orange line).
  • period 50, deviation 4 (yellow line).

Rules. The optimal trading time is between the opening of the London session and the conclusion of the Japanese. Also, it is also impossible to trade on the Flat market and during the newslet.

Consider the purchase. Open at the moment when the price is between orange and red lower lines. Stop loss exhibit depending on your personal percentage of losses in one transaction. This is usually no more than 3%.

Sale is carried out in a similar way if a mirror situation is observed.

Strategy 5. Fast Profit

"Fast profit" allows you to apply scalping on Forex effectively, while remaining a simple strategy. It is suitable for any currency pair.

We will work for a minute timeframe by installing exponential moving average (EMA), Parabolic SAR and MACD for analysis. Ema Take with periods 25, 50 and 100. The remaining two indicators take with standard parameters.

Rules. The best time to collect profit is the opening of trading in London and New York. Open a purchase or sale transaction when the price cross all EMA. Parabolic Sar and Macd will serve as filters.

If the price is going to cross all the EMA from the bottom up, Parabolic Sar is at the price, and the MACD histogram rises up, then this true sign purchases.

Take profit will be not more than 10 points, since the price can turn around in the opposite direction. As soon as the price has departed from the transaction that has opened, translate it into a break-consuming. Stop loss Place on previous local minima or maxima.

Strategy 6. Outsayding

In order for the Outsayding trading strategy, he worked with a high probability of success, it is necessary to clearly follow all the points of the rules.

We work on M15 with a GBP / USD currency pair. You can try on other tools. I set the EMA to the chart with a period 9.

Rules. We consider only those candles that do not touch the moving average. The perfect candle is the one at least or a maximum of approximately 1 point from the indicator.

If we consider the purchase, the closing price of our signal candle should be higher than the previous maximum. Stop loss put for a minimum of the previous candle. Profit put in the number of points of the previous candle. If the price has sharply go to 20 points up, it is better to put a breakup.

Trend strategies regardless of price

This group of strategies aims to detect trend and trade in its direction. For a calm and lateral movement, they will not fit. But here it is possible to get a good profit.

Strategy 7. Juicer

This forex strategy is suitable for interval D1. Currency pairs can be any.

Rules. Consider the conditions for opening to purchase. We are looking for a day chart a combination of a candle with a black body (a bear candle), after which two white candles come in a row.


The closure of the second candle should be higher than the maximum of the previous white candle. If this condition is not fulfilled, waiting for the next signal.

We establish a pending order for a purchase of 5 points from the maximum of the second white candle. Stop loss put under the minimum of the same candle. It must be at least 45 points, but not more than 80 points. Take profit raise 500 points.

If after 4 days the deal is in a plus, we put the break-care. If the transaction is in minus, close it in the market.

When you already have 200 arrivals, put a trailing stop in a step of 50 points in the amount of 200 points.

Strategy 8. Channels and envelopes

We will work with this forex trading strategy to work on H1 with EUR / USD currency pair. You will need two indicators: envelopes and bollingerbands.

Envelopes parameters: Period - 288; Shift - 1; MA - EXP method; Apply to - Close; Deviation - 0.15%.

BollingerBands parameters: Period - 24; Shift - 0; Deviations - 2; Apply to - Close.

Rules. Consider the conditions for opening to purchase. We are waiting for the candle to cross the blue Envelopes line and closes it above.

Open the position on the purchase with the beginning of the new hour. Stop loss put on the bottom red line. The size of stop loss should not be more than 50 points!

When the price passes 40 points to the profits zone, we translate the transaction to the break-interest. To get the maximum profit, pull up your break-dryer at the bottom line BollingerBands.

Strategy 9. Accurate entrance

This trading strategy use professional traders, because it gives good signals and profits. Any currency pair can be any.

Signal search will be made on two timeframes: H1 IM15. We install on the pivotweekly, parabolicsar graph (step - 0.02, maximum - 0.2) and three EMAs with periods 7, 14, 21. Moving averages put on M15 to search for more accurate entrance.

Rules. Consider a purchase example. We open the clock graph and look at the levels of the beerot. We are waiting for the price to suit some level and bounce out of it.

There must be no more than 1-2 candles! When the candle or two candles bounced and closed below the level, go to the M15 chart.

We wait for the fastest moving average with a period of 7 to cross up the other two averages. Now we enter the market.

Stop loss put in the near minimum, and the Take profit will not put. Close the transactions better in the next reversal level of the beerot. When the price goes into profit, you can move the stop loss to the break-interest, and then move it down every hour.

Processing strategies without indicators

Forex immune trading strategies are the most simple for understanding and trade. They take into account important levels Support and resistance to which she strives and from which the price is fought off.

Strategy 10. Sniper

Forex Strategy "Sniper" is based on working with levels. Work timeframe - M5 or M15. You can trade any currency pair.

Rules. The opening of the order occurs only when the level is taken or sample. 20 minutes before the exit of important news, new orders do not open. Over the day you can not recruit more than 40 points. If 40 points are already recruited, trade is stopped.

There are three entries:

  1. Open after breakdown, consolidating the price of a pulse level or rollback.
  2. Open after a false breakdown when a pulse level rollback occurs.
  3. Open at the exit of the price from the trading channel.

The entrance we carry out two orders of equal lots. At the first order, Take profit is equal to 15 points. The second order, Take profit is exhibited at the nearest total impulse level. Simply put, this is the level of support or resistance.

When 15 points are taken, one warrant is closed. On the second order, you can put a break-interest.

Strategy 11. It's easier to nowhere

This forex trading strategy goes for day charts. The most suitable currency pairs: GBP / USD, USD / CHF, NZD / USD, AUD / USD, USD / JPY, EUR / USD, USD / CAD.

Rules. Consider an example for the purchase. We are looking for a certain candle in the daily chart: it must form a local maximum, have a long tail and a small body of any color.

We carry out a horizontal line to the maximum candle. Next, we expect any subsequent candle to break this horizontal line by more than 10 points and closes above our line. We put a pending order of 5 points above the maximum of the candle suitable for us.

Take profit put 100 points, and stop-loss 50.

If after the discovery passed 3 days, and the price did not reach the goal, the transaction is translated into the belligendum.

When the movement is clearly lateral, the entry points cannot be sought!

Strategy 12. Brilliant

Forex Strategy "Brilliant" works on GBP / USD.

Rules. We open a daily schedule and look at the number of items that the price has passed. If it is 140 points in one direction, then this is the signal to the fast opening position. Such a unidirectional movement happens for about 7 times a month.

Stop loss set by 60 points from the entrance. Exit the market at 100 points or at 11:30 (GMT) the next day. For confidence, install the minimum trailing stop at 50 points.

Strategies based on figures and candle analysis

Figures and candles - Forex Classic. They are easy to find on the chart and easily determine which direction the price will move. Accurately determining the desired pattern, you are likely to get your profits.

Strategy 13. Pattern D

This forex trading strategy is stable and classical, based on the "double vertex" pattern and "Double bottom". We work on the H4 Timeframe with the EUR / USD currency pair. For help, we use SMA, EMA and MACD indicators.

  • Parameters for MACD: LOWEMA \u003d 13, FASTEMA \u003d 5.
  • Parameters for SMA: Period 89.
  • Parameters for EMA: 365, 21, 7.

Rules. Consider the purchase. To form a signal you need to find two minima. The second minimum should be slightly higher than the first. Both vertices are required to be below the level - 0.0045 by MACD histogram. Stop loss is located 10 points below the second minimum.

Your familiar lot, which you traded, divide into 3 transactions. For the first 30% of the position from the total Lot, the Take profit is fixed above the 21-period EMA line.

For the second 50% of the position from the total Lot Take profit is located between the achievement of the cost of 89 and 365 EMA. The third 20% position from the general lot closes when it is near there is a strong resistance level.

Strategy 14. Profitable Wedge

This intraday strategy is simple. It can be used on any timeframes and trade with any currency pairs.

Rules. Initially, we build important support and resistance lines. Now you can search on the chart figure "Wedge". But this pattern may also testify to the continuation, and about turn turn.

Consider an example for the purchase. After the wedge discovery, we put the stop loss at 20 points below the lower side. Take profit set equal to the double distance between the sides of the wedge.

Exit from the transaction is carried out with the appearance of reversal combinations of candles, if the price has not reached the Take profit.

Strategy 15. Key turn

This one more intraday trading strategy for forex showing awesome profits results. Work will be conducted on H4, and currency couple Take GBP / USD. To filter false signals, additionally install the stochastic indicator. The parameters are as follows: 14, 3, 3.

Rules. Rules for opening a purchase transaction. We are looking for a downward trend. We are interested in a candle forming a local minimum and having a closure price above the closing price of the previous candle. We look at stochastic: it should be in the zone of oversold, that is, below level 20. The signal line of the indicator is below the main line, or it concerns (merges).

We open the purchase on the next candle, and the stop loss put below the local minimum. Take profit exhibit twice the stop loss. When the price went into profit for a distance equal to stop loss, put the break-consuming + 10 more points.

If the transaction varies around zero within three days or is in a loss, it should be closed on the market.

5. What trading systems use successful traders

Now I want to say about successful traders and their some "trade secrets".

Trader Strategy
1 George Soros. Obtaining insider information, speculative breaking of rumors, intuition. Loves to sell assets, because it feels the beginning of the crisis
2 Ingeborg Motz Works only with banking promotions. When making decisions relies on intuition. The main rule is to hold shares for more than a year, but not more than two years
3 Richard Dennis He earned a state in the market, having only $ 400, trading futures. Argues that each can earn, since it is possible to train anyone
4 Larry Williams Futures king. Earned the status on bars analysis without indicators. The main principle in cutting losses and increasing profits
5 Warren Buffette The founder of the Trustee Forex, since he was a long-term investor. The most successful deal that brought him billions, was to invest in the insurance business.
6 Paul Tudor Jones Successfully applies turning points in trade, and trade in trend considers unprofitable. To surprise, his ratio of unprofitable transactions to profitable is 75% against 15%, which did not prevent him from earning him billions. Believes that the success of the trader depends on the competent management of its risks
7 George Lane Trading with the help of its created indicator - stochastic. The most profitable signal throughout its 60-year-old trade was the divergence near levels 20 and 80
8 Stephen Cohen A supporter of short-term trafficking, which concluded up to 300 transactions per day, without reading economic news
9 Ed Squat Fully automated trade. For 15 years, he managed to turn $ 5,000 in 15 million on one account

Also, the Guru of Exchange Trade and Investment (George Soros, Alexander Gercho, Alexander Elder, Larry Williams) give newcomers the following tips on the rules for making transactions and develop forex strategy.

The best advice from professionals:

  1. Any new forex strategy should not be difficult. What it will be easier and clearer, the better.
  2. The abundance of indicators is not directly proportional to profits. It is better to use at the same time no more than 2-3 indicators.
  3. A professional will never trade for the last money. It uses only those tools that can afford to lose.
  4. Trading without stop loss - the right way to quickly reset the account.
  5. Apply the "1-2-3" method for your strategy: Select 1 currency pair and test it on 2 timeframes with a maximum of 3 indicators. If for 100 transactions you went into profit, it means that the test is successful.
  6. Always measure your earnings in points, not in money.
  7. Take care of support and resistance levels. They can bring you very decent earnings.
  8. Professionals never fall their trading accounts for a month - these are mythical and unreal data. Their trade strategies on Forex without losses are aimed at a slow deposit growth, and not for insane unjustified risks. Maximum, what is counting on a successful trader for a month - this is 10% with the most risky strategy.
  9. If you evaluate the ability to enter the market for more than 3 seconds when scalping, you lose your profit. Lightning assessment of the situation is the key to profitable points in the account.
  10. If the size of the stop loss is smaller or equal to the Take profit, such transactions cannot be concluded. The size of potential profits must be at least twice as much losses.

6. Real stories of success of famous traders in the world

In essence, the Forex market is a ready-made business that is absolutely free of charge to everyone. The only thing you need to invest in it is time.

Now briefly want to introduce you to the biographies of people who earned for forex millions of dollars and, thanks to their persistence in the study of the market. Their names are known to the whole world, there are big money on their accounts, and their strategies are simple and understandable.

Some of them thanks to the stock game have gained a state of billions of dollars and now these speculators are inspiring thousands of traders worldwide.

  1. Alexander Gerchik. Born in the USSR, graduated from the Institute of Food Industry and immigrated to the United States. Worked as a taxi driver. The case has reduced him with a successful stock trader, whom Alexander Gercho brought in New York on Wall Street. This day has changed his life. The Gerchik became a successful trader and is now a managing partner of large investment company, teaches a stock business by novice.
  2. George Soros. Successful trader, investor, financier. Born in the middle wealth family, after 1970, actively engaged in stock trade and became famous for his phenomenal earnings on the British pound. In this transaction, Soros earned a billion dollars for 1 day! Later, the financier released his famous book, which he knew the "Alchemy Finance". There, he described his own Forex strategy, which helped him to become one of the richest people of the planet.
  3. Alexander Elder. He graduated from a medical university and worked as a ship physician. Then he became an editor in one of the magazines on psychiatry. In the 1970s, Dr. Elder got acquainted with the possibility of investing on the stock exchange and since then launched his professional activities towards trading on financial market. Now Alexander Elder, famous worldwide expert in promoting stock exchange operations. His book "How to play and win on the stock exchange" has become a global bestseller and has been translated into 12 languages.

If you want to learn more about Forex Cables - see online broadcasts and records of club days. At his own experience, it was convinced that it was just a treasury of the most valuable information.

7. Conclusion

Friends, I think after reading the article, you once again made sure that following a certain strategy in the Forex market is very important for profitable trading.

If you are new, then the described trading systems will help you make the first steps in the foreign exchange market. Over time, you can create your own strategy for trading. And if you still have no ideas, you just can borrow ready.

Here I described popular forex strategies, they enjoy both novice traders and professionals, "finishing" them under them.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to make such a "cheek", you should simply be practiced in trading for several weeks. I wish you success and passing trend on the stock exchange.

For our team, this is very important. Thanks in advance!

Forex for beginners - Step-by-step instructions How to start trading on Forex + 5 Golden rules for a novice trader

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