
Terms of registration and receipt of maternity capital: latest news. Terms of registration and receipt of maternity capital: latest news What maternity capital will be in

Maternity capital is cash, which are issued for the birth of the second, third and subsequent babies. Get maternal capital those who have adopted or adopted a child will also be able to. But the adopted child must be at least the second in the family. Funds are issued in the form of a certificate, which can later be used for some needs.

Maternity capital is a way to increase demographics in the Russian Federation. Every year, the method of obtaining, conditions and target direction of maternity capital is reviewed.

Maternity capital began to be issued in 2007. And for eight years the amount was indexed. Since 2016, the increase in the amount of financial capital has been suspended until 2020.

Maternity capital in 2019

From January 1, 2019, a number of changes to the procedure for registering maternity capital come into force.

Employees Pension Fund approve applications within one calendar month, and the money is credited to the account no later than 10 days from the date of approval of the application. This is not very convenient for those who buy real estate, since not all sellers want to wait for the receipt of money for such a long time. And therefore, they want to reduce the period for issuing maternity capital by exactly half from 2019. This was stated by D. Topilin. This is still being decided and whether it will come into force is unknown.

Who is eligible to receive a certificate?

A certificate for maternity capital is received by families in which a second, third or subsequent babies are born. Those who adopted or adopted children will also be able to receive a certificate. The child must be at least the second in the family.

A certificate for maternity capital can be obtained only once in a lifetime!

Some citizens claim that a certificate is issued for every child born, but this is an erroneous opinion. If the certificate was not received immediately after the birth of the second child, then it can be obtained when the child reaches the age of majority or after the birth of the third baby.

The amount of maternity capital is increasing every year. For example, in 2015, the amount of mat.capital was 250 thousand rubles, and in 2018 the amount is 453,026 rubles.

Documents for obtaining maternity capital

To obtain a certificate for maternity capital, it is necessary to collect documents and submit them to the Pension Fund or the MFC.

List of documents:

  • Completed application
  • Passport and SNILS of the applicant
  • Children's birth certificates
  • SNILS for children.

After submitting the documents, they will be considered by the employees of the Pension Fund within a month. After consideration, you can get a certificate in your hands. You can use the certificate after the child reaches the age of three, with the exception of a mortgage loan.

What can maternity capital be used for??

You can use maternity capital for the following purposes:

  • Buying a home
  • Building or expanding a home
  • Funded part of the mother's pension
  • Education in a licensed educational institution
  • Mortgage down payment
  • Mortgage repayment

Will the amount of maternity capital increase?

In the coming years, the amount of maternity capital is likely to remain unchanged. On the this moment the amount of capital is 453,026 rubles. And according to some reports, in 2019 the amount will remain unchanged.

According to Dmitry Medvedev, which he announced in September 2018 at a government meeting, maternity capital will increase to 489,000 rubles in 2021. He also said that the budget has already included money for the indexation of financial capital.

Maternal capital - latest news

The Maternity Capital program has become one of the most effective measures state support families with children. Since the beginning of the maternity capital program, the number of certificates issued to Russian families has reached 8.7 million. The amount of funds allocated under the program has exceeded 2.17 trillion rubles.

According to Tatyana Golikova, now the situation with the birth rate is not developing in the best way that was predicted. This is due to another demographic failure.

That is why the efforts of the authorities are aimed at supporting this program.

“I do not want to anticipate events, but I think that with a high degree of probability this program will be extended,” Golikova said.

December 29 President Russian Federation signed a law extending the terms of the Maternity Capital program until 2021. Now maternity capital funds can be used for the education of children from the moment of the birth of the second, third and subsequent children.

2 new possibilities for using the certificate have been introduced:

  • these are monthly cash payments from maternity capital in the amount of about 10,000 rubles (the amount living wage in Russia) for a second or subsequent child under the age of 1.5 years
  • the right to use the certificate, without waiting for 3 years, to keep the child in a nursery or kindergarten.

Now it takes about a month to register the rights to maternity capital. This is how long the procedure for checking submitted documents in the Pension Fund lasts. But already in the fall of 2018, a bill was considered, on the basis of which this period would be reduced. And the application for the issuance of the corresponding certificate will be checked for no more than 15 days.

In modern economic conditions not all Russians decide to have a second or third baby. It is not difficult to explain this - even the child who is desired and loved brings to the family not only immeasurable happiness, but also numerous troubles. Responsible parents want to provide him with a prosperous childhood with the best toys, a stroller, clothes and food, a joyful adolescence with creative circles and a good school, a carefree youth with an education at a prestigious university...

Alas, not everyone can afford such financial costs. Russian citizens. Of course, one can hope for help from the state - the family in which it appeared has the right to fringe benefits and budget funding. Moreover, starting from the appearance, moms and dads are also entitled to additional incentive payments. And the main of these payments for a long time was maternity capital.

Maternal capital is the most solid in the territory of the Russian Federation

This is a significant amount, upon receipt of which it is possible to improve the living conditions of the family, give the child a good education, or provide the mother with a decent pension in the future. However, every year in the implementation of this program runs the risk of becoming the last one - the situation with the budget is becoming more and more critical, and financial reserves countries are almost exhausted. Let's find out if the maternity capital payment program will continue in 2019, and find out what amounts new parents can count on.

Who can apply for the issuance of mother capital?

Those Russians who have become mom and dad of the second or third baby can register as a participant in the program and receive mother capital. The legal representatives of the child may also apply for such a payment. At the same time, parents or guardians do not receive cash, but a certificate that guarantees the payment of the amount prescribed in it.

Will maternal nutrition be extended for 2019?

The prolongation of the program has repeatedly become the subject of lively government discussions. In conditions when the budget is annually closed with a deficit, and the crisis is forcing an increasing number of social programs, some members of the government have proposed to complete the program of payments maternity capital. However, the majority of people's choices voted to keep the payment. Otherwise, Russian families would not have an incentive to have a second and subsequent babies.

It's no secret that the current situation in the country threatens the Russians with another demographic hole. The President of the Russian Federation also drew attention to this - he said that over the entire period of the mother capital program, the state has helped more than six million Russian families. In addition, Russians who were born during the period of the lowest birth rate will reach the age suitable for marriage and childbearing by 2019. By depriving the people of payments, it is possible to aggravate the demographic situation in the country even more.

It seems that the prolongation of the mother capital program for 2019 is a necessary measure, without which demographic problems in the country will sharply worsen

According to the most populist statements of the deputies, after the birth of the third child, it would be worth paying 1.5 million rubles to the parents. Unfortunately, this initiative was recognized as unrealizable - no financial reserves of the Russian Federation today are able to pull such significant costs.

Some deputies suggested that the government find funds for the indexation of maternity capital. They demanded to increase the financing of families by 6% and 5.1% in the next few years, that is, to raise the amount of the mother's capital to the level of 480 and 505 thousand rubles, respectively. But there were no budgetary opportunities for this initiative either.

As a result, the only good news for parents was the bill, according to which the maternity capital payment program was extended until December 31, 2021, albeit in a frozen form. To date, to implement this initiative, amendments have been made to the main financial document of the country - for 2019, 311 billion rubles have been allocated in the budget, which will be paid to parents, and for 2020 - another 292 billion.

As before, in 2019 the amount of maternity capital will be 453,000 rubles. However, the prolongation of the program was to be expected - the elections are approaching, and because of this, the authorities do not want to make unpopular decisions so as not to lose the support of part of the electorate. As before, parents should apply to the Pension Fund authorities to receive the mother's capital.

For what purposes can the payment be used?

Most often, mother capital is used to improve the living conditions of the family.

It must be said that new rules have come into force regulating the possibility of using maternity capital. Now this money can be used in five ways:

  • for the purchase of new or modernization of old housing so that the family can feel comfortable after the birth of the baby;
  • to pay for educational services. Previously, the law allowed the use of a certificate from the moment the baby turns 3 years old until he celebrates his twenty-fifth birthday. Now you can pay from maternity capital for the services of centers for early development, socialization and correction, as soon as the baby is two months old;
  • to pay for the needs of the child - we are talking about families that belong to the category of low-income. Parents will be able to withdraw money from the account equal to the child's living wage;
  • to finance education, as well as to pay for adaptation measures for children who have disabilities;
  • for the formation funded pension for the baby's mother.

Remains unchanged. The next time the amount of the certificate will increase on January 1, 2020 - up to 470241 rubles (given value follows from the explanatory note to the draft law on the budget of the Pension Fund for 2019 and the period 2020-2021).

It is allowed to spend capital funds according to the same as in 2018:

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • any child in the family (regardless of the order of birth or adoption);
  • formation of the mother's pension;
  • social adaptation of disabled children (receipt of compensation for paid goods and services);
  • when a second child is born.

Although the amount of maternity capital (MK) did not increase, and the list of permitted uses did not expand, in 2019 there were some in the program. Recipients of mother capital can now legally dispose of it on construction of a country house(although at the legislative level this concept has been abolished). Also, the decision to issue a personal certificate is made no longer in 1 month, but in 15 days.

When is the next indexing?

Freezing maternity capital will end January 1, 2020, the certificate size will be indexed up to 470 thousand rubles.

It is assumed that the amount of maternity capital should be reviewed every year, taking into account the forecast of inflation growth, but this condition has not been met since 2016, when, due to the difficult financial and economic situation in the country, it was decided to suspend indexation. At first it was assumed that the freeze would be valid for 1 year, but then it was extended until 2020.

The fact that the indexation will be carried out again first became known in June 2017, when Dmitry Medvedev announced this at a government meeting. Then the maternity capital program itself was extended (at least until December 31, 2021), Vladimir Putin signed the relevant law in December 2017.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019

The amount of maternity capital in 2019 has not changed and is 453026 rubles. Regular indexing will resume from 2020, the size of the MK personal certificate will increase as follows:

  • up to 470241 rubles- in 2020;
  • up to 489051 rubles- in 2021.

These data are given in explanatory note to the draft federal law No. 556363-7 on the budget of the Pension Fund for 2019 and the planning period of 2020-2021. The amount of maternity capital after the increase is determined based on the growth index consumer prices, in 2020 and 2021 will be 3,8 and 4 percent respectively.

During the operation of mother capital (since 2007), its size has grown from 250 thousand to 450 thousand rubles. Prior to the freeze, the amount of the certificate increased each year by the projected rate of inflation. Above all, this value rose in 2009 - by 13 percent, then MC grew to 312163 rubles. The smallest increase took place in 2014 (by 5 percent), when certificates were issued in the amount of 429409 rubles.

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2019?

Maternity capital funds are allowed to be used only for, among them:

  1. Improving the living conditions of the family:
    • purchase of housing under a contract of sale;
    • construction or reconstruction of a private house (with or without the involvement of a contractor);
    • receiving compensation for the construction or reconstruction of a private house;
    • payment of the first installment when applying for a loan or loan for the purchase or construction of housing (with or without a contract);
    • repayment of principal or interest on loans or loans (including mortgages) for the purchase or construction of housing;
    • payment of the price of the contract for participation in shared construction;
    • payment of an entrance and (or) share fee when participating in cooperative construction.
  2. :
    • paid training educational programs(the organization must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation and obtain a license to provide relevant services);
    • payment for accommodation in a hostel for the period of education in higher and secondary educational institutions;
    • payment for preschool education for children.
  3. Formation of the mother's pension.
  4. Social adaptation of children with disabilities.

As can be seen from the above list, no new ways of spending the mother's capital were added in 2019, they remained the same as in 2018.

By general rules you can apply for disposal of MK funds in three years from the date of birth or adoption of the second (subsequent) child. However, the program provides for areas in which capital can be used immediately after the right to it, namely:

  • Payment down payment, principal or interest on the improvement of housing conditions. Fulfillment of obligations to credit institution may be secured by a mortgage agreement.
  • Maintenance in a kindergarten or nursery (not only in municipal, but also private), as well as other types preschool education for children.
  • Monthly allowance in the amount of the child subsistence minimum (established for a particular region). The right to payments is granted at the birth (adoption) of a second child from January 1, 2018, if the monthly average per capita income of the family is not higher than the regional subsistence level of the able-bodied population.
  • Acquisition of funds and services (only the services of a reader-secretary) for the social adaptation of children with disabilities. Assistance from the mother's capital is provided in the form of compensation for goods (services) already paid for, if they are established by an individual program for the rehabilitation and adaptation of a disabled child. The list of names for which MK can be used is established by Government Decree No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016.

Many citizens continue to wonder whether lump-sum payments will still be introduced. 25000 rubles from maternity capital. The answer is no. This type support for families with children has not been provided since 2017.

Recent program changes

In 2019, the federal maternity capital program operates with the following changes:

  • The Pension Fund is now making a decision on issuing a certificate for maternity capital within 15 days rather than one month, allowing families to start using MC funds sooner. The corresponding law No. 390-FZ was signed on October 30, 2018.
  • Maternity capital money can be legally send for the construction of a house on a garden plot - SZN(in the past - suburban area). Required condition- the property to be built must not be a garden house or outbuilding. On January 1, 2019, Law No. 217-FZ of July 29, 2017 on horticultural and horticultural non-profit partnerships came into force. Thanks to him, the problem of registration in "dacha" houses was solved (the very concept of "dacha" is now abolished). Since at the legislative level it is allowed to build residential buildings on garden land plots, will be allowed and registered in them.

Maternal family capital, with all its possible shortcomings, really works. At a minimum, it allows many families to partially solve the issue of their own housing. In other cases, the money that the state provides for the birth of a second child helps to solve other problems.

Under the program, payments are due to families in which a second or more child has appeared. For those families who will have their first child in 2019, receiving financial assistance will not be implemented.

There are no restrictions on the number of times to receive maternity capital, that is, if a woman has received such assistance many times already, this cannot be a basis for refusal.

A special situation develops for those who become parents of twins, triplets and so on. Despite the number of offspring already existing in the family and regardless of the number of children born at a time, multiple births give the right to receive only one amount of maternity capital.

Those who officially adopted or adopted children also fall into the category of citizens applying for maternity capital. But an adopted child, just like in the case of relatives, must be at least the second in the family.

Despite the fact that the program was launched in 2006 for a period of 10 years, its duration was extended by a special federal law until December 31, 2018.

There is no official decision on maternity capital after the end of this period and the onset of 2019. But the government of the country evaluates the results of the program extremely positively, declaring its positive impact on demographic situation in the country and noting the increase in the birth rate associated with the program in most regions of Russia. Therefore, the vast majority of experts in the field say that there is a good chance for another extension of such funding for parents who decide to increase the number of younger family members.

One of the painful questions that relate to the topic of family capital is the amount that the state provides under this program.

After the mother capital program appeared, its amount constantly grew. Indexation was carried out once a year, and the initial 250 thousand rubles, which were set in 2007, grew to more than 450 thousand by 2015.

The economic problems that befell Russia in 2014 forced the state to save on everything. As one of the savings measures was the freezing of the amount of mother's capital. If in 2015 family capital was indexed, then from 2016 to 2018 there was no increase. It won't be in 2019 either.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019 is the same - 453,026 rubles.

This news, by the way, is of interest not only to those who only plan to receive a certificate for mother capital next year. It also affects those who already have such a certificate in their hands. Any indexation of maternity capital means indexation of the remaining funds for anyone who has such a document and some unspent money allocated by the state under this program.

The next indexation of maternity family capital is scheduled for 2020. Its amount will grow to 470,241 rubles.

Serious changes in the program should not be expected, they are not planned. All relatively significant innovations have come into force since the beginning of 2018. They, among other things, became a pre-election maneuver before the election of Vladimir Putin for another term. On the eve of 2019, there is no special need to “appease” people in power.

However, this does not mean that there will be no changes in the mother capital program at all.

Firstly, an amendment to the legislation is being prepared, thanks to which the certificate will be issued faster. Today, the Pension Fund of Russia has at its disposal one month to give a response to the family on the submitted application with a request to provide maternity capital. The FIU can give a positive or negative answer within this period. According to the amendments, the response time will be reduced exactly by half - up to 15 days.

In practice, this is not always necessary. The fact is that in most cases, it is possible to dispose of maternity capital funds only when the child whose birth gave the right to receive a certificate is three years old. However, in some situations, the law allows you to dispose of the mother's capital immediately (for example, when it comes to a mortgage or buying babysitting services). In such situations, gaining two weeks can become significant.

The second innovation is quite important, although it does not directly apply to mother capital. The fact is that from the beginning of 2019 it begins to work new law about summer residents and gardeners. Under this law, horticultural associations automatically become places where individual residential construction is allowed. So, within the framework of the materkapital program, it is now possible to purchase or build your own house on the territory of a garden partnership.

Recipients of a certificate for maternity capital can spend its funds in the following areas:

  1. Improvement of living conditions:
  2. purchase of an apartment or house (with the conclusion mortgage agreement or not), the purchase of a room is also allowed;
  3. construction or renovation of a house.
  4. Children's education:
  5. receiving paid educational services for educational programs;
  6. payment for a kindergarten and a nursery, as well as other services for the maintenance, supervision and care of children;
  7. payment for a hostel during the period of study of the child at a university or other educational organization.
  8. Formation of the mother's funded pension.
  9. Receiving compensation for purchased goods for the social adaptation of a disabled child.
  10. Monthly payments for 2 children.

According to the law on maternity capital, you can apply to the Pension Fund with an application for disposal 3 years after the birth of a child in the family, giving the right to issue a certificate. However, to use the MSC in some areas, it is not necessary to wait 3 years, among them:

  • Repayment of obligations on credits or loans for the purchase or construction of housing. Matkapital can be used to pay the first installment, as well as repay the principal and interest on a loan or loan (including a mortgage).
  • Payment for preschool education of children.
  • Monthly payments to families in which, starting from January 1, 2018, a second child was born.
  • Purchase of goods for social adaptation in the society of disabled children. Funds are provided as compensation for goods and services already paid for (their list was approved by Government Decree No. 831-r of April 30, 2016).

In 2017 and 2018, the possibility of providing lump sum payments from maternity capital was not even considered. One-time payments were introduced to support families during the crisis, which (as officials have repeatedly stated) is considered to be completed in 2016. After that, the Government no longer adopted anti-crisis plans.

The opportunity to receive in cash part of the mother's capital was provided to certificate holders 4 times:

  • in 2009 and 2010 - 12 thousand rubles each;
  • in 2015 - 20 thousand rubles;
  • in 2016 - 25 thousand rubles.

This measure of social support was popular with citizens, since the funds received could be used at their own discretion, not only for targeted areas. It was not necessary to provide any reporting on the expenditure of payments. Many parents used this money to collect their children for school.

A conditional alternative to one-time payments can be considered monthly payments for a second child in the amount of a child's subsistence minimum. So far, this is the only way to get "live money" from a certificate for mother capital. A prerequisite for obtaining social support is that the monthly average per capita income of a family should not exceed the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population in a particular region.

Maternity capital is one of the effective mechanisms for influencing demographic processes, which was introduced to increase the birth rate and encourage families to have more than one child. The process was launched in 2006, and during this period the size financial support increased by 1.8 times: from the amount of 250 thousand rubles to 453 thousand.

The issue of maternity capital for families who plan to have a baby in 2019 remains relevant, since the allocated funds are an excellent help in important issues related to material costs on children.

Who can count on matkapital

Under the program, payments are due to families in which a second or more child has appeared. For those families who will acquire their first child in 2019, financial assistance will not be provided.

There are no restrictions on the number of times to receive maternity capital, that is, if a woman has received such assistance many times already, this cannot be a basis for refusal.

A special situation develops for those who become parents of twins, triplets and so on. Despite the number of offspring already existing in the family and regardless of the number of children born at a time, multiple births give the right to receive only one amount of maternity capital.

Those who officially adopted or adopted children also fall into the category of citizens applying for maternity capital. But an adopted child, just like in the case of relatives, must be at least the second in the family.

Program action in 2019

Despite the fact that the program was launched in 2006 for a period of 10 years, its duration was extended by a special federal law until December 31, 2018.

The exact amount of maternity capital in 2019 is 453,026 rubles, which are not subject to indexation until at least 2020. This amount is not subject to tax and other penalties.

What will the subsequent increase in family capital look like:

In 2020, the amount of mother capital will reach 470,241 rubles, while the program itself will be valid until 12/31/2021, after which it can be extended for another few years.

In 2021, the amount will increase to 489,051 rubles.

Indexation was not carried out in 2019, it will resume only from 01/01/2020. And the period for issuing a certificate has been reduced - now, according to the decision of the Pension Fund, it will be issued not for 1 month, but for 15 days.

For what purposes can funds be spent

No new directions for spending the amount will be added and will remain the same as in 2018. However, there will be an expansion of the program, which consists in the possibility of realizing materiel funds for the "construction of a residential building on a garden plot."

Financial assistance is provided for the following target areas:

  • education and payment for services related to education provided to children;
  • adaptation of children with disabilities in society;
  • savings account for the mother;
  • measures to improve housing conditions (obtaining new housing by purchase or on credit, reconstruction of existing housing).

Subject to the extension of the program, the amount allocated by the state in the form of maternity capital will help many families facilitate the process of material support and education of children, which will help improve the health, culture and education of the Russian population in general.

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