
How to attract money at home. Conspiracies to attract money into your life. Folk signs for attracting money

Many people want to be wealthy so as not to think about where to get it. additional funds for purchase necessary thing. But often, almost everyone has financial difficulties, when it seems that the difficult period of lack of money will never end.

What needs to be done so that the streak of bad luck passes, or even better, does not occur? It is worth following some simple tips on how to attract money luck. Special attention needs to be addressed attitude towards money.

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Rules for success

Never lend in the evening- bad omen, there will be no money. Try not to borrow money yourself. In the evening it’s generally better to give up everything monetary transactions: take, repay debts, recalculate savings. On the other hand, if your loved ones need urgent help, for example, for medicine or treatment, then the money given will be returned in an even larger amount.

When paying for something, try give money with your right hand and place them on a special plate, and accept change with your left hand. To avoid crossing your cash flows with strangers, you cannot pass banknotes from hand to hand.

Never pick up money. They can carry negative energy, and even worse, they can be charmed. Some witchers use money, especially small change, to transmit the owner's illnesses to those who pick them up. You may not believe in conspiracies, but raising pennies will not make you rich, so it’s better not to take risks, but to pass by.

Another big mistake most people make is this: “You can’t earn a lot of money honestly. All millionaires are bandits, thieves and bribe takers.” You can't blame a person who managed to get rich. With such thoughts or words, you yourself drive away luck from yourself, considering wealth to be the companion of swindlers.

There is no need to save money on purchasing a good wallet. For money you need quality container so that they don't bypass you. A cozy leather money “house” should best be red or black. It is not recommended to bend banknotes, especially several times. You should also not store coins and banknotes together.

Attracting money and good luck can be enhanced if you always have an irreplaceable coin or bill in your wallet, which will be found in the house when cleaning (in a book, on a shelf, in a countertop, in a pocket, and similar places).

If a certain amount is kept at home, then you need to choose a beautiful box or a convenient envelope for it, but hide it from prying eyes. Treat money with respect. To keep them energized, count your cash regularly.

Secrets of the Sorcerers

Since ancient times, witches - from the word “to know”, to know - helped people to be happy and learn to attract wealth. They passed this knowledge on to their children, and those to theirs, and so on. Many considered such knowledge to be magic, and this is understandable, because the very act of attracting money is accompanied by conspiracies and a certain ritual. Some of them went to folk signs.

Here are some of them.

You need to take a coin with the number five, maybe an old one. Then you need to read some well-known conspiracy to attract money and put the coin itself in your wallet. Remember that you cannot carry it along with banknotes. Don't change it for a month. Then you can spend the coin and repeat the same with the next one.

I’ll go to the market as a merchant and come back rich. I'll bring the broth home. God forbid, so many coins that there is no place to put them. Amen. There are many similar conspiracies, but the main thing is to pronounce them with faith.

Don't be sorry to give to those who ask alms. a hidden bay leaf, acorn, or pin can save. Never sweep the tablecloth with your hands. One of the popular beliefs on how to attract money to yourself is to plant seven trees at once in your dacha or garden plot.

Since ancient times, people have been thinking about how to attract money to their homes. Anyone who cared about his wealth and material well-being constantly thought about this question. Several methods have come down to our time on how to attract money, luck and prosperity into the house. These folk methods and signs will be discussed in this article.

In order to attract money, luck and prosperity into your life, you first need to rebuild your consciousness. Think about money and material values as if you already have them.

Try to avoid any phrases about lack of money. Do not think or say out loud phrases such as - I don't have money, I can't afford it, it's very expensive for me etc.

Strive to always have a positive and optimistic mood. Without these seemingly trifles, you will never achieve success in financial matters. But before you start attracting money to your home, you need to make it financially desirable.

How to attract money, luck and prosperity to your home? First of all, you need to start by deep cleaning your home.

Money loves order in the house. If you do not maintain cleanliness, then money, even if it appears, may immediately disappear. The more things scattered around the house, the more your financial expenses increase.

Clothes that have not been worn for a long time should be removed, but it is better to get rid of old and torn items altogether. There should be no broken or chipped dishes or cups riddled with cracks in the house.

When wiping furniture, you need to imagine how all debts and debts disappear along with the dust. financial obligations. Money does not come to houses with mold, broken furniture and leaking taps. Ideally, of course, you need to make repairs, but that's another story.

Try not to accumulate garbage and regularly throw it away without leaving it overnight. You can attract money into your home if you frequently ventilate the premises using aromatic essential oils. Money loves the scents of orange, basil or rosemary.

Cover the kitchen table with a new tablecloth with rich embroidery. In this way, you will help attract big money to your home as quickly as possible. And if you place a large banknote in the center of the table, under the tablecloth, the effect will be enhanced. Do not place empty vases, cups, bottles or jars on the table. Also, do not place house keys or hats on the kitchen table.

It is equally important to take into account Feng Shui advice and folk signs for attracting money and good luck to your home.

Attracting money to your home using Feng Shui is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. However, this will require some financial investment.

As a rule, the southeastern part of the house is responsible for the financial well-being of the house. This is the best place to set up your business office. Yours workplace near the computer should be decorated with a bunch of Chinese coins on a red cord. Behind an armchair or chair in your office, place a figurine of the Chinese god of wealth, Tsai Shen.

The wealth zone should be decorated in blue-green tones. It is advisable to furnish the room with furniture made from expensive natural wood. It’s good if you decorate the walls and furniture with floral patterns. The more natural materials there are, the more powerful the monetary energy in the room will be.

The interior should also contain Feng Shui talismans that attract money and good luck. Dragons, phoenixes, turtles or three-legged toads sitting on gold coins are perfect.

To attract money into your home using Feng Shui, you need to hang a picture of a waterfall or a wooden mill on the wall. Place pots with fresh flowers on the window and along the walls of the room. It is advisable to install a round aquarium or a small fountain in the corner of the room.

The model of a sailing ship will also help you attract money to your home according to Feng Shui. Place it in the hallway, pointing the bow of the sailboat towards the center of the house.

Even our distant ancestors knew signs of how to attract money to the house. Folk signs They say that when paying for purchases, you need to hand the money to the seller with your right hand, and take the change with your left.

You can borrow money any day of the week except Tuesday. In the evening after sunset, you cannot count money, give it to someone, or, conversely, ask for a loan. Try to pay off your debts in the morning, during the waning moon, preferably in small bills. Here are some signs for attracting money in everyday life:

  • It is strictly forbidden to whistle in the house or sit on the table.
  • Try to put some part of your savings under the tablecloth of the kitchen table at night.
  • The broom in the house must be positioned with the whisk facing up.
  • Try to cut your nails only on Tuesdays or Fridays.

There are folk signs for the holidays on how to attract money into your home. For example, in New Year's Eve you need to be dressed in new underwear with a beautiful hairstyle. Moreover, this hair styling should be done for the first time. Be sure to try seven different treats at the holiday table. On Christmas Eve, go to your local church and make a donation in small bills or coins.

What sign for attracting money to your home was unknown to you before? Write to us in the comments!

To begin, place the change in the corners of your house in small piles. It doesn't matter what the denomination of the coins is or their number. You can put in one coin at a time - that will be quite enough. Keep a piggy bank in your house and try to replenish it with new coins every day.

Buy yourself new wallet and make a money wallet plot. Carefully arrange all the cash in your wallet from large bills to small ones. Try not to keep torn and dirty bills in your wallet. Banknotes and coins in different currencies store in different compartments. When giving alms, you should not touch the hand of a beggar. And you shouldn’t put your bag and wallet on the floor.

Ritual with thread and needle

Let's consider a ritual to attract money into the house using thread and needle. To do this, on the first day of the week (Monday) buy a new needle and some green wool thread. The thread must be made of natural wool.

Once you get all these ingredients home, place them under the tablecloth on the kitchen table until Thursday. Late in the evening, on Thursday, thread a needle and pin it on the clothes you wear every day. You need to pin it in the area of ​​the heart and it is advisable that the needle and thread are not visible.

Wear this money talisman for at least a week and financial difficulties They will give you and your home a wide berth.

The ritual of drinking tea will help attract money into the house. To accomplish this, invite guests to your house for tea. Before this, you will need to buy a pack of green leaf tea. It doesn’t matter what quality it is, you can get by with the cheapest varieties of tea.

In the evening, when the guests gather at the table, pour the tea into cups. Try to hold the teapot as high as possible when pouring tea. This is necessary so that during the pouring process a small foam forms in the cup. Choose a cup of tea that has more foam and try to drink it as quickly as possible.

After drinking tea, eat a small piece of black bread, salting it first. When the guests have left, shake the tablecloth outside as far from your home as possible. After this ritual, money in the house will feel very comfortable and problems with it will end.

Merry rituals

In magic there are also comic rituals to attract money. One of them is the ritual with semolina.

It is performed in a situation where you are going to take out a loan from a bank. However, first, you need to choose the bank from which you want to get a loan.

To perform the ritual, buy a kilogram of semolina. In the evening, try to make a path of cereal from the bank premises to your home. When you sprinkle, say these words:

“I sprinkle semolina on the semolina, and I get money in the bank!”

After these steps, wait for the loan approval from the bank.

You can also ask for money from an ATM. To do this, go to any ATM and lightly tap it with your hand. In this case, you need to say the following words:

"Give me money!".

Such fun ways will lift your spirits and attract money.

How to attract money to your home with spells

Flowers and plants that attract money to your home

There are flowers and plants that not only serve to decorate the house, but also bring good luck and prosperity to the house. Such flowers are called “money plants.” They not only help their owner become more successful, but also increase profits in his business.


Among indoor plants that attract money to the house, the cactus is especially popular. This is explained primarily by the ease of caring for this plant.

The cactus has rightfully gained popularity among the people as a strong financial talisman. It helps its owner not only gain confidence in life situations. But it also contributes to rapid advancement on the career ladder or an increase in the capital of its owner.

However, in order for its magical energy to attract finance to work correctly, it should be placed only in certain areas of your home.

An excellent place in the house for a cactus would be your desk in your business office. The energy of finance will work well in the hall and in the kitchen. However, if you place a cactus in your bedroom, it can ruin your family relationships.


The plant Crassula (Crassula) is most often popularly called the “Money tree”. This unpretentious plant has very dense leaves. The leaves of Crassula are shaped like small coins.

To attract money to the house, you need to plant this money tree in a clay pot. It is desirable that the color of the pot is red. Crassula attracts money to the house if you bury several coins of different denominations under its roots. You also need to tie a red thread or cord to the flower itself.

Caring for the fat woman is very simple. It is enough to water the money tree several times a week and there will always be money in your house!


The ornamental evergreen plant Aucuba is most often called the “Golden Tree”. If you are a modest person in life, then this plant is just for you! It will not only help you reveal your abilities and hidden talents, but will also help you become a noticeable person in society.

This Japanese tree will help unite your family ties and protect your marriage from outside attacks. Aucuba also neutralizes negative magical effects and protects its owner from troubles and misfortunes.

Aucuba japonica is considered an excellent talisman for enterprising people. Aucuba flower is recommended to be kept at home by people who are involved in financial and investment activities.


The Fuchsia plant in its energy properties is slightly different from the above plants that attract financial well-being.

The energy of this flower is more aimed at enhancing the creative activity of its owner. It contributes to the emergence of extraordinary ideas and their solutions in its owner. Fuchsia will not only help you gain faith in yourself, but will also help you solve any difficult problem.

If you have this wonderful flower in your home, you will definitely find good luck and success in your affairs, and therefore become much richer.

All of the above flowers are among the most useful and unpretentious indoor plants that can attract good luck and financial flows into the house.

Attracting money to your home using the above methods is not so difficult. The hardest thing is to preserve your finances, and even better, to increase them. To do this, you need to be able to not only earn money, but also accumulate it.

Try to save a small portion of money from each salary. Even if it's completely small amount, do this regularly. This little money will serve as an energy magnet for your additional income.

It is better to save money in a special box or a simple box. It is desirable that their color be red. It is recommended to decorate the box as richly as possible - this will give a stronger effect when accumulating finances.

Under no circumstances should you take money set aside from the box for your current needs. This can disrupt the magical attraction. There may be a situation when there are no other options, and you have spent the money from the box. In this case, try to return the funds back as quickly as possible, preferably with a plus.

Another way to attract and keep money in the house is an irredeemable large bill. It should be placed under the tablecloth of the kitchen table and kept there without changing it for as long as possible. This bill will serve as a kind of monetary talisman and will protect you from wasteful spending and thoughtless purchases.

You can attract money to your home using all of the above methods. However, the main condition for your success in this matter is a positive attitude, cleanliness and comfort in the house.

Remember, money does not go into the hands of people who are not ready to make at least a minimum of effort to enrich themselves!

Today I want to touch on the topic of money again. Why does it come easily to some people, while others have to earn it through hard work, and this hard-earned money is only enough for the bare necessities?

And the reason is that money is energy and it should be directed in the right direction. Successful and fortunate people know well monetary laws and use this knowledge wisely. Some received this knowledge by constantly learning and developing, while others were already born with it (genetic memory, ancestral experience).

I want to talk about some money laws that will help you attract money into your life.

1. The very first law is the law of Love!

I have said more than once and will not tire of repeating that everything that you emit is what you attract. Love in general is the most powerful magnet for everything, it dissolves any negativity and the more you emit it, the more it returns to you. So you have to love money and only then will it love you too!

If they are talking about money in your head, then you radiate negativity and show your dislike for money. Don't be careless about money. For example, if for some work you did you were paid less than you wanted, do not scold the money in this case (“what measly pennies did they pay me”, “and for this insignificant amount should I bend my back?”, and so on) .

Do not offend money, but love and respect it, since it is an energy-informational structure and “feels” the attitude towards it.

2. The second law is the law of Care

Well, what kind of true love can there be without care? Pay attention to your wallet. A shabby, dirty or torn wallet is unlikely to attract a large sum money. Go and buy yourself an expensive, beautiful wallet and money will start flowing into it.

The best colors for wallets are earth and metal colors (silver, brown, gold, black, yellow). Red can also be a great option. The Chinese, for example, believe that such a wallet neutralizes the negative energy that may be on money. And the color red itself is a symbol of well-being and health. Europeans give preference to the two main colors of the universe – black (absorbing) and white (emitting). I personally have this moment pure white beautiful wallet with gold clasps. I love it very much and consider it a great money magnet.

And, of course, working with money settings helps me a lot - and. I really like working with money energies; they have a bright golden or diamond color and give pleasant sensations and an increase in the flow of money.

Wallets of other colors, as I call them “all different” (blue, purple, lilac, and so on) indicate that their owners may want to have a lot of money, but do not know exactly how to do it and at what cost scheme for them to work.

If you decide to buy a new wallet, then do it on the waxing Moon. Having bought it, put the first one there with the words: “Keep and multiply!” And never let your wallet be completely empty!

By creating comfortable and correct conditions for money, you will increase its inflow.

3. Law three – the law of Respect

We already have Love and Care, but to this we must also add Respect. How to show it to money?

First, never mix bills together different countries. Place them separately from each other.

Secondly, banknotes must be correctly laid out. They are laid out in descending order and, preferably, in different compartments of the wallet. Large ones - to large ones, small ones - to small ones, and small metal items should be stored completely separately.

Thirdly, when making a purchase, fold the money in half, and do not hold it out unfolded, otherwise the monetary energy will flow away. You need to give money with your right hand folded end first, and take money with your left hand.

And, of course, never crumple money, crumple it or scatter it.

4. Law four. Creating your own money talisman

Don't neglect talismans, amulets or grandma's advice.

For example, carry an irredeemable coin in your wallet. Choose a coin, put it in a sunny place and say: “The money is charged with sunlight and my wealth increases!” The coin should lie in the sun for a couple of hours, then put it in your wallet, in separate place and never waste.

Many people make it theirs money talisman Chinese coins connected with a red thread. These coins also performed very well.

You can create your own lucky bill by finding some “your date” (birthday, wedding day, etc.) or your favorite numbers in existing or incoming bills. Or your apartment number, for example. Think for yourself! Put your lucky bill in your wallet and never spend it.

5. Law five - proper handling of money

There are certain, well-known, folk signs that it is advisable to observe.

You cannot lend money after sunset, or on Monday and Tuesday.

You need to repay debts on the waning Moon, and borrow money on the waxing Moon.

When giving to a beggar on the porch, never give paper bills (only small change).

After sunset, do not conduct any business with or count them. It is also undesirable to count money in piggy banks.

These are the simple monetary laws, knowing which you can attract money into life and significantly increase its inflow.

And remember one important universal rule: “If you want to receive something, give it to others. If you wish for something, wish it for others.” By wishing people wealth and prosperity, you yourself will prosper!

And never envy anyone or complain about your difficult financial situation!

Live in happiness and prosperity!

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They say that in order to get rich, you need to work hard. But many work and work, but their money does not increase. This injustice can be corrected by turning to ancient magical rituals and signs for help.

There are many ways to improve your well-being - both ancient and modern. If you turn to the origins and wisdom of your ancestors, you can find many folk signs and rituals that promise to bring good luck and financial well-being to your home.

What does money love?

Eat rules on how to handle money so that they reciprocate:

Which wallet to choose?

The wallet should be made of genuine leather or suede so that natural monetary energy is well distributed. For a wallet to attract wealth, it must be beautiful and new. It is better to get rid of old and worn ones. It is not necessary to buy an expensive wallet; it should be comfortable, pleasing to the eye and have many compartments and pockets for banknotes and small items.

Metal and earth are the elements of money, so buy a wallet in brown, red, orange, silver or yellow.

You need to put a coin or an irredeemable bill in a separate pocket that will lure more money. All other bills must be neatly folded. They should lie number by number, in order, first large bills, and then small ones, facing the owner.

Your wallet should contain only money and nothing else. Do not store receipts, photographs of relatives, or business cards there; they are too strong and can block cash flow.

If the wallet is being prepared for a gift, then you need to put a banknote of any denomination in it. An empty wallet cannot be given as a gift.

There is such a sign: you need to carry a rich person’s wallet with your wallet for some time, then yours will learn to store and attract money.

How to attract wealth to your home?

There are such simple rituals to attract wealth.

To lure luck, you need to have a black or gray cat with white paws in your house; they are the best at attracting money. You definitely need to buy bread and feed the birds with it; ordinary sparrows and pigeons will thank their patrons and bring monetary luck into their lives.

How not to scare away your wealth?

What money doesn't like:

How to save the money you have?

If you have already attracted money to yourself, you need to save it. Surely you have noticed that there are people whose wealth only increases, while for others, no matter what their income is, it does not linger in any way.

Signs that promise good luck

If there are ants in the house- this is a very good sign. Although they are a nuisance to all housewives, they are believed to bring wealth. Storks that have made a nest on the roof of a house also portend wealth and prosperity. Accidentally knocked over tea indicates that good events will not keep you waiting long.

If, everyone is happy, because they know that this will lead to money. But not everyone knows that at this moment you need to tap your hand on a wooden surface or clap your hands to consolidate the effect.

If a flower unexpectedly blooms in the house, then this is also a sign of money, but it cannot be moved from place to place.

Monetary energy

Material wealth largely depends on the energy that surrounds you. The accumulation of positive energy, good thoughts, and wishes leads to improvement in a person’s financial sphere. Wealth is not evil, so one should not think negatively about money and rich people. If you think that all rich people are stingy and deceitful, then you are unlikely to get rich. Negative thoughts will interfere with your sense of financial self-sufficiency.

In order for money to increase, no need to store large amounts Houses, let the energy of money move. It’s better to put them on deposit or use them in some profitable business, because then they will multiply.

No need to be greedy with tips When paying for services rendered, you must definitely thank them, because later the money will come back in a larger amount. But greed will not give positive emotions and wealth and luck will be bypassed.

You need to be happy when you receive money and always be grateful, because money energy is directly related to the energy of joy. Money must be loved, cared for, treated with care, but in no case should it be elevated to a cult or worshiped.

You should always mentally thank fate for every amount received, even if you had hopes of getting more. At these moments there is no need to get angry and angry, so as not to block money energy.

Home decorations for prosperity

According to Indian tradition, there should be a figurine of Ganesha in the home - a deity with the head of an elephant. He needs to scratch his belly regularly and then the money will never forget this family.

Adhering to the traditions of Feng Shui, you need to acquire figurines of Tua Pe Kong and Hotei, which should be placed in the southeast of the room, this is where the energy of wealth is concentrated.

According to the traditions of the Slavs, there should be an image of a brownie in the house - a guardian of the hearth; he will help attract wealth and take care of it.

To improve the energy of your home, you need to sprinkle a small amount of salt in the corners of the rooms, this will help remove troubles. You can also use a horseshoe to attract good luck; you just need to hang it above the front door.

To achieve what you want, all methods will help: Slavic folk signs, Eastern philosophy, and self-made amulets.

Attention, TODAY only!

You can ensure prosperity through constant and hard work - everyone knows this.

But sometimes it happens like this: you work and work, but there is no income...

In this case, magic and ancient rituals to attract money into the house do not help.

They only help if you sincerely believe in them!

Believe me. And check.

How to attract money to your home: method 1

We attract money to the house at home with the help of unusual cleaning. It would seem that a routine everyday task can serve as a help not only for obtaining wealth, but also new job, promotions.

What do you need

A handful of copper coins (silver);

Charged water (you can use holy water);

Mood for cleaning;

A clear statement of the goal of future changes;

A little creativity.

Carrying out the ritual

The ritual should be performed on the waxing Moon at dawn, having previously cleared the space of trash and unnecessary things. It is worth emphasizing to housewives that they should not place any objects, even household ones, in the corners of the home. This impairs the process of energy circulation and leads to its stagnation.

Stagnant energy can depress the inhabitants of the room, even causing physical and psychological illnesses. Thus, periodically clearing space of unnecessary things will contribute to the acquisition of new and necessary purchases.

At dawn, in a room that has been previously cleared of trash and clogged corners, it is necessary to read the spell first on the coins, and then on the specially prepared water for the ritual.

The following spell is recited on coins three times:

“As the Moon grew tall, so did the Guardian Angel bring money to my house! So my money grow and be fruitful, do not shy away from my threshold! Everything is mine, everyone else’s evil belongs to Satan. Angels, Archangels, they guard my home through adversity, and tell me to keep the money coming! Truly!

After this, the coins are lowered into a container with prepared water. There should be enough of it to wipe the floor in all rooms of the home. A spell is recited three times over water with coins:

“Like holy water, divine dew, and from threshold to threshold, let anxiety, black sickness, and corrupted thoughts leave your home! So that nothing in the house interferes, and the money fills the silver bins! Grow your income like the moon in growth! Truly."

Next, wet cleaning of the premises is carried out with this water. It is important to imagine during the ritual how all the negativity really leaves the house and takes its place. money supply. After the cleaning is completed, it would be best to mentally imagine the influx of money into the house for another half hour.

After all the magical manipulations are completed, pour the charged water under a dry tree, either place the coins in the corners of the home, or hide them in a white scarf in a secluded place and store them for one month. Further, they can be used in other money conspiracies.

How it works

The ritual works on the personal strength of the performer, so the speed and volume of the result depend solely on how much faith and effort is invested in the implementation. Often, an improvement in the financial situation is observed within a couple of days.

But you shouldn’t count on finding a treasure or a wallet with a million. Often, the forces give the applicant the opportunity to earn money and assert himself in the workplace. By correctly using the opportunities received, a person improves his well-being.

How to attract money to your home. Magic at home: method 2

We attract money to the house with the help of an ancient ritual, which helps to attract the forces of the asking family. This method can clear a person’s destiny from troubles and financial losses. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions provided in order to obtain the desired result.

What do you need

You will need for the ritual:

The scarf is not black (new, bought without change);

Green candle, you can take a church candle;

Seven silver coins.

Carrying out the ritual

The ritual is best performed in the first days after the new moon. At midnight you need to sit in complete silence at the table in a nightgown without buttons. Spread the purchased scarf on the table, place a saucer on it and put coins on the saucer.

You need to light a candle and move the flame clockwise over the coins and read the plot seven times:

“As the Sun from sunset to dawn rests from the labors of the righteous,

So that evil tongues, slanting eyes do not look beyond my threshold, do not have my affairs!

Just as the Moon has golden and growing horns, so the cursed waste will disappear.

So that the slave (would) have money, multiply and accumulate.

As the moon grows, so does monetary bondage for the graveyard. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

After reading, the coins are supposed to be taken to the intersection and buried with the words: “Damn the price, I’m rich in gold!” You should leave the intersection without looking back. This payment is given so that all obstacles on the path to wealth recede.

The scarf and saucer can be used in the future for other rituals. Still wondering how to attract money to your home at home? Then this plot is for you. It has a huge range of effects. You can remake it both for yourself and for the client. You can calmly recite it on your home without being in it.

How it works

This conspiracy works not only on the personal strength of the performer, but also on the strength of the Moon, which is growing. The maximum effect is achieved during the full moon. With the waning of the Moon, the conspiracy will weaken its influence. This can be done every lunar cycle. But no more than once so that he can earn money correctly.

Get rid of negativity monetary sphere in this plot, coins taken to the crossroads allow. They are carried that same night. The intersection is pedestrian. Usually, a couple of days after performing the ritual, an improvement in your financial situation is felt. Like a stone off your shoulders. It may seem complicated to many, but after actually trying it once and feeling its power, most will not need to use other spells.

How to attract money to your home: method 3

Mirror money love spell is a ritual that has been tried and tested by more than one generation. The power of mirrors is celebrated in many religious traditions. Information can pass through them, spirits can talk about the past and future. You can also use mirrors to attract money.

What do you need

To perform the ritual you will need:

Two small new mirrors;

Three silver coins, the largest size;

Green candle.

Be sure to use mirrors either new, purchased according to special requirements (observing men's and women's days, without change), or those that have already been used previously for rituals. You should not use personal mirrors. The candle can be either a green church candle or a simple green paraffin candle.

Carrying out the ritual

The ritual should be performed during daylight hours. When holding it at sunset, you need to take a white candle and recite the “Our Father” prayer on it. After this, light it first and leave it burning on your left side throughout the ritual.

Next, you need to place the mirrors opposite each other so that you get a mirror corridor. The coins will be reflected in it. They are laid out in the middle between the mirrors, and a green candle is installed there. The candle is lit with the words: “As this flame burns, so the Lord commands good things to come to me, as this candle burns out, so worries and obstacles recede from me.”

It is necessary to make sure before the ritual itself that the candle flame and all the coins, without exception, are reflected in the mirrored corridor. Then you can sit back comfortably and read the plot forty times:

“As silver was reflected in a mirror, so that it would not disappear from the slave (ba) NAME!

Sticky to your hands, sticky to your bins. To his joy and to the malice of his enemies.

As the Moon grows, filling the skies. So, the slave (ba) NAME would have a white stripe.

The silver of money sparkles, wealth beckons into the corridor!

Use the money to burn the candle, everything is in my tight wallet, from banknotes to small change!

Guardian Angels, guides of souls, bring wealth and goodness to me! Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen!"

After the last reading of the plot, the candle must be extinguished and its stub taken to the church that same day so that it can be lit there at the service. When the service begins, you must say three times: “Just as they read a prayer for the health of the Lord three times, so money comes into my bins! Truly!

It is worth noting separately the nuances of the work. This conspiracy can be read both for the owner of the house and for yourself personally, if there is a need to attract money to the house, but there is simply no opportunity to be there at the moment.

What to do with mirrors? They must be placed with the mirror surface down immediately after completion of the work and no longer admire their reflection in them, unless another conspiracy requires this. You must carry money with you.

You can sew a coin into your clothes, or put them in your wallet. The most important thing is to perform the ritual clearly and correctly. Anyone who does not take a candle to church may incur the disfavor of higher powers. If the candle burns out during the ritual before its completion, then the next candle is lit and the plot continues to be read.

You need to know the plot by heart so as not to get confused while reading. It is also worth preparing well for the ritual. Tune in monetary well-being and carry it out with full confidence and an attitude of positive results.

How it works

This ritual is ideal for answering the question: “How to attract money into the house at home?” It has enormous power and is capable of radically changing events in the life of a performer. The effect of the ritual can last for several lunar cycles. Practitioners recommend faking it regularly. It's simple and relatively quick way attract money to the house at home. Together with money, peace and personal happiness will come to the house.

These are just some of the successful rituals for attracting wealth to your home. Check their effectiveness! And remember: never say or think negatively, anywhere or to anyone, “I will never have money”, “I was a beggar, and will die a beggar”, remember - thoughts are material, so boldly declare to the whole world - I am rich, very rich man... and so be it.

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