
To make money more: folk signs. How to give money to not translated

Do not store money in a wardrobe or under the mattress. The correctly coming by those who hold money in the kitchen, on the refrigerator. Better place To attract money than the area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance door and the kitchen is not! Carefully laundering the floor, put under the rug at the door of an eagle up the coins of a small dignity. Put them in the refrigerator, in the storage room to the banks with products, "not to starve." The action of money will weaken if they finish mold. Regularly replace coins new.
It is also recommended to put a pot or plate in the hallway and add a couple of coins into it every day. All these tips are based on the principle of "Money attract money." The "volume" will be hidden wealth (even if they are in a penny), the greater the egregor of money they will create in your home.
About money in your wallet. A wallet is a house for money, it should be an order and purity. Never put bills in a wallet crumpled and in one compartment with coins. This is insulting them. Get the habit of painting and putting bills of one dignity next to each other, and copper money in separate pockets. With respect, treat the money - keep them in a wallet in the wallet, sort the corners on the merits, straighten the corners. You need to fold the money so that one same picture is one way. So that the money is rovingly lying.
Rubles and dollars do not lay together, but only in different pockets.
Never leave the wallet empty! It should constantly stay at least one coin, better than a happy man who gave a good man or who remained from the earnings that brought you joy. And even better, if it is a bill of large dignity of green color - a color that brings wealth.
When paying purchases, do not stretch the deployed bills, thereby missing the energy of money. Covers need to be folded and made solely folded end.
A little money must be constantly stored under the tablecloth on the table - the house will never translate money and there will be no loss.
There is a belief that to attract money to the house, you need to put in order to nails only on certain days - Tuesday and Friday.
Plant the money tree - Tolstanka, take care of him. The tree will not only decorate your home, but also improves the financial position.
Attracting money. First of all, having received a certain amount (salaries, a premium, retirement), do not waste a penny of at least a day, give money to spend the night in your wallet. In the morning you will feel calmer for money, without experiencing an insurmountable desire to spend everything at once.
Making purchases, do not take money (surrender) from the hands of the seller. Let him put them on a shatter, and you will take them from there. If you accidentally scattered a trifle, you can only pick it up with your right hand, and be sure to leave one coin, saying "one left, I get the rest!" If this coin is selecting until you disappeared from sight, count on luck in financial matters. However, try not to pick a trifle on the street, especially at the intersections, since it can be coins that have derived a disease or damage. As a last resort, lift them with a handkerchief or glove, and put on three days at the day in a bowl with salted water. Salt is well absorbed negative energy. It is also impossible to select money found in the morning on an empty stomach.
More often let me in debt. So you seem to be programming money to return to you: everything you release is usually returned to the larger volume.
Try more often to borrow money to others, and you yourself take into debt as much as possible. Many rules are connected with how to occupy and give money in debt. Because, giving money in debt, you seem to ask them to return back and more. The exception is such a way to attract the money: take off any amount of money for a young month, and return to the old one, and the money of small dignity. Do not borrow, nor give money in the evening, otherwise they will simply stop with you. Take money in your left hand, but give right.
Do not let go of any money, nor bread - will not be in the house, nor the other.
Debt is better to give it in the evening, and in the morning there will be money.
At sunset to the sun, not to give any money, no bread.
On Monday, money is not allowed to make them not melted, like wax, throughout the week.
Remember, returning money, you return the energy.
It is impossible to give to the debt to a person in front of which you have any duties, he will not return a debt, believing that he has it right.
It is impossible to give money in debt if there is no mechanism for returning.
When you return say - "so that you have always been and I have multiplied."
Money taken in duty is given to smaller bills than they took.
On Sunday, money is not allowed - they just may not be returned.
On Monday, no calculations are made, do not pay for large purchases, and they do not give duty. On Monday, money is not allowed and do not return debts, otherwise there will be no money.
Avoid leaving (take) money on Tuesday - you will be all life in debt.
Do not give debt on Friday.

A lot of money does not happen, and few in good kind would refuse to become richer than he is on this moment. Money gives us stability and free from many problems. Therefore, you need to treat them with respect, do not despise them as "insignificant metal" and not be their slave. In any people, there are many money to take on all occasions: what hand to take and give money, how to keep them and many others.

Take a rule not to transmit bills or coins from hand to hand. Let the one who gives you the money will put them on the counter, the floor, a table or any other surface. Enter yourself in the same way, giving money.

Try not to accept cash From a patient, dishonest or evil person. Folk beliefs warn on to catch a loser, which forever sits on the melels and is experiencing material difficulties.

In order not to impose trouble, the transfer of bills of unpleasant people should be carried out through any wooden surface. This natural material perfectly "cleans" money, taking a negative and negative energy. If there were no wooden items at that time, put them on the tree later when you come home.

The laws of the Universe are valid, and happiness bring only money earned or honestly, without deceiving and harm to other people, that is, "with a clean heart and soul". That's why you need to take money with your left hand, because the left side of the body is the side of the heart.

Money is a mighty resource, and they need to manage them. Hence the rule - give money to the right hand, which correlates with consciousness, reason.

There are many contradictory adoptions that warn from certain days with money on different days of the week. But they all converge in one - the best time for any monetary operations, including rituals to attract money, is a medium. This day is under the control of Mercury - the God of Trade.

There are some more tips, following which you can not worry about your well-being:

  • paper bills should be transmitted folded in half;
  • money in no case is transmitted through the threshold;
  • it is worth refraining from cash operations after sunset;
  • never give the beggar straight into the hands;
  • give fine money, and get large.

With their actions S. monetary signs People repel or attract finance, most often not noticing it. Money loves respectful and careful attitude towards themselves and really deserve it.

Observe several rules, and it will help to attract cash energy:

Remember that wealth is an image of thoughts that your well-being predetermines. Do not think how poor man. Money loves confident, generous and reasonable people who know how to appreciate life and receive pleasure from her. Therefore, help from a pure heart, do not deny yourself in pleasant acquisitions for saving and waste with the mind.

You can relate differently to the signs and superstitions, because none of them has direct evidence and is not confirmed by any facts. However, people follow these unwritten laws over the centuries and even thousands of years, and life itself sometimes shows that they did not arise from scratch. It is easy to observe the simple rules that we prescribe signs, for example, when and what hand to take and give money. Thus, you can avoid trouble and attract material in your life

"Sorry, please, but on Mondays I do not quit," a little embarrassed, but firmly refused the woman of his neighbor on the entrance in response to her request to give loan. - It's bad sign. Come tomorrow". The petitioner nodded as a sign of understanding, but at the same time heed off the surprise: in the yard of the XXI century, and the dark prejudices of the past are still a barrel. Leaving, she paid attention to that near the threshold ... glued a coin, and it only added confidence that her neighbor was an unfortunate victim of superstitions.

It is not excluded that some of you thought in the same way. But do not rush with the conclusions. What we used to belong to the signs, superstitions, prejudice, etc., actually has its deep meaning.

Also, our ancestors noticed that if you take the money or return the debt to the "not that" day, then for some inexplicable reasons could be for a long time financial affairs: how much after that, neither try to earn money, the capital looted as water. "Coincidence," - skeptics. Maybe so. And if not?

When is it better not to give a debt?

On Mondays, they really never lent on Mondays: it was considered a bad admission. Our ancestors were sure that if not followed her, the whole week would be conjugate with the spending (at best). With the worst development of events, laccity could quickly hang over his family, and it was extremely difficult to take him away from himself.

"Come tomorrow," the neighbor told our heroine. That is, on Tuesday. Apparently, she did not know that the second day of the week is also not too favorable for the dacha. Tuesday in this regard did not promise financial collapse in the literal sense, however, he foreshadowed the offensive of heavy times when the "creditor" himself will be in debt as in silks.

Well, if on Monday or Tuesday, the funds needed to urgent needs (for example, for operation)? Did you really refuse to man and hear the heartless? In no case. Only when you transfer money, do this: no matter how inappropriately drop them on the floor, and the one to whom they are intended should raise them. The same ritual should be done when you will be asked for a debt in the evening, and no matter what day it will be.

There is another day of the week - Sunday, which is also unwanted to lend. The people are believed that their debtor simply will not return. Or after him will have to run long. Be careful with the "lending", if with your need for you a person who is obliged to you in life. For example, helped solve "in acquaintance" a delicate problem or ate employment. It is possible that he will not rush with the return of debt (may even forget about him), because in turn he also perceives you as his debtor.

It is not welcome to lend money to very poor people interrupted, which is called, from bread on the water. It is believed that when a representative of such a category will return his debt, he "in the incoming" will give part of the energy-informational aura of his own unfavorable, which threatens the lender itself, that is, you. In such cases, it is better not to lend, but to provide a person to meet financial assistance. Than more man Helps the money to the poor, the more he gets - the sign, repeatedly proven in practice.

And most importantly: whenever you are given a duty (even breaking all the "prescriptions"), do it from the pure heart. The people believed that if financial assistance is not from the soul, but only because "inconveniently refuse," it can strike on both parties: asking so much its problem and will not decide, and the giving itself will be in debt.

Lend and return. How correct?

Hang out money, and then return their owner correctly. This will not only retain the net conscience of the borrower, but also ... attracts money to him, having relished in the future from the need to resort to someone's financial assistance.

First, do not be lazy to look into the calendar. Not only in order to learn Monday today or Tuesday, but in order to learn the phase of the moon. If she is "young", you can take off with a calm heart. It is advisable to give a debt when the moon is complete. Much depends on what hand take and give money: the first is better to do the left, and the second is right. Perhaps the borrower asked you to bring a debt in the evening. Do not do that. Sorry and tell me that you will return it in the morning. Calculated at night looking is not considered useful - and for both sides.

If you are borrowed great amount Large bills, return it preferably banknotes of a smaller nominal. And look again into the calendar: it is important that it was not on Friday. Thank you with a person who has grown out not only out loud, but in the soul, uttering something like "God forbid that you will always have a widow and they don't end up."

Often, people are lending to the New Year holidays, as much I want to buy, but there is not enough money. You can not believe in it, however, our grandfathers were sure: to be borrowed in the last days of the outgoing year (or, even worse, on the first day of the coming) is fraught with the fact that the next twelve months will have to go to the "eternal" debtors.

Taking into debt, objectively appreciate your capabilities, can you return money on time. Many, by the way, because they prefer to contact banks, but to relatives and friends, because they are subconsciously tuned to the fact that if it does not work in time, no one imposes sanctions for this sanctions. Of course, close people of collectors to the debtor will not be directed. However, they are considered in the people, tightening the return, the debtor punishes itself: dissatisfaction with those whom he unwittingly missed, creates a certain negative aura around him, which "scares" money from him, and they will never be found in sufficient quantities .

Finance do not like barracks

Mikhail M, 40 years old, all his life lived for one salary. She was never big and therefore a man painted. Repeated attempts to make money on the side did not end with success. Good luck came unexpectedly: he found such a part-time job that stunned him with his capabilities. It happened, he received two months of his salary. "Dizziness from success" turned out to be so strong that he could not resist the temptation to tell about his earnings to two close friends, also by their low-paid positions. From his part there were no boasting in the literal sense of the word: the man was simply shared by joy, not emphasizing and not hinting that they were losers, but he succeeds. But that joy shortly lasted. Mikhail planned to make repairs, but he had seriously ill wife and all means began to go for treatment. Binding between the house, the hospital and work, he began to bring his employers and they began to abandon cooperation with him. The treatment continued, and the sleep was dried. I had to put in debts ...

This story from life eloquently confirms one of the people will accept: money does not like when they boast them. How many who have earned is a personal, almost intimate matter of everyone. There is no need to know what amounts will operate your budget, not to mention the sources of its replenishment. In the case of Mikhail, he probably envied friends who have no such opportunities for their earnings. It is possible that they did it unwittingly, but the fact remains a fact. Therefore, it's better to "pay" for money. Please, please, say that they are catastrophically lacking (they are just like more) than you will be banked by our financial opportunities.

Signs for successful trading

On the market, the working day usually begins early. Sellers lay out their goods and are already looking at potential buyers. Everyone wants to be the first to be the man (or a guy). They believe in the people that if the prick will make a strong floor, then trade will go like oil. After that, you definitely swipe on the unfolded product. If a woman made the first purchase, then do not worry too much. Only here is the money with which she walked, hide much away and try to give them to anyone not to give.

But back to the layout of the goods. There should be no chaos on your counters. Unlock it slowly, uttering: "My product to people is face, and I've behold with him with him." Many attentive buyers pay attention to the fact that the familiar seller almost every day in the same clothes. Simply, there is a sign that if you often wash that clothes for which you stand behind the counter, then all the "luck" will happen to it and trade will not be income. But do not rush to reproach a person in uncleanness: the neat seller carefully applies to his clothes. But the untidy is visible from afar - he has time to apply dirt on the apron or a bathrobe on the very first day of work.

Regardless of whether you successfully stretched today or not very, on the way home serve alms to the first oncoming poor. Yes, I do not care the hand of the giving, they say in Russia. And it is pure truth! Because good is always coming back. As for the counting of profits from trade, set aside this important thing in the morning. The same, by the way, refers to any profit - fee, premiums, dividends, etc. Otherwise, they assure in the people, financial well-being can shaken.

To make money always

  • Don't want to suffer from financial problems? Take the bill itself large nominalThat is in the house, and for three days before the full moon, put it under the carpet, not forgetting to take out at the worst of the night shone.
  • Drill in three coins of any nominal on the hole in which the thread thread or lace (preferably red) and wear this kind of talisman with you. True, it is more for successful trading, but they say, helps everyone who will often take him into hand, thinking about the growth of their income.
  • Decided to give a close wallet or purse? Put the coin there so that your present is never empty.
  • Do not allow children to whistle at home. Especially in the room. It is believed that it does not like the money, and they will bypass this house side.
  • Cut your nails only on Tuesdays and Fridays - it's for money!
  • Money loves bill. Wash them with the mind and then you will not be embarrassed about the fact that I do not buy anything supposedly, and the wallet is empty.
  • Money loves order. In a wallet or other place, they must be neatly folded and preferably the front side to the owner. Remembered bills should be placed.
  • Do not eat crumbs with a hand table. Otherwise, the prosperity of your family can shake.
  • Do not leave on the table of empty bottles - a wallet will be under the risk of devastation.
  • Do not have the habit to sit on the table. People say: poverty.
  • Take the garbage only in the morning. And if you think about it in the evening and sweep it through the threshold, then wealth from the house will also take place.

Take a rule not to transmit bills or coins from hand to hand. Let the one who gives you the money will put them on the counter, the floor, a table or any other surface. Enter yourself in the same way, giving money.

Try not to take money from a patient, dishonest or evil person. Folk beliefs warn on to catch a loser, which forever sits on the melels and is experiencing material difficulties.

In order not to impose trouble, the transfer of bills of unpleasant people should be carried out through any wooden surface. This natural material perfectly "cleans" money, taking a negative and negative energy. If there were no wooden items at that time, put them on the tree later when you come home.

The laws of the Universe are valid, and happiness bring only money earned or honestly, without deceiving and harm to other people, that is, "with a clean heart and soul". That's why you need to take money with your left hand, because the left side of the body is the side of the heart.

Money is a mighty resource, and they need to manage them. Hence the rule - give money to the right hand, which correlates with consciousness, reason.

There are many contradictory adoptions that warn from certain days with money on different days of the week. But they all converge in one - the best time for any monetary operations, including rites to attract money, is the environment. This day is under the control of Mercury - the God of Trade.

There are some more tips, following which you can not worry about your well-being:

  • paper bills should be transmitted folded in half;
  • money in no case is transmitted through the threshold;
  • it is worth refraining from cash operations after sunset;
  • never give the beggar straight into the hands;
  • give fine money, and get large.

How to handle money?

For their actions with monetary signs, people repel or attract finance, most often not noticing it. Money loves respectful and careful attitude towards themselves and really deserve it.

Observe several rules, and it will help to attract cash energy:

  • always keep the "happy" bills in the wallet: there may be banknotes with three digits 7 and 8 at the end of the room, with a series that coincides with your initials. And the higher the denomination of such bills, the better;
  • always recount the delivery, salary, all you get;
  • coins should be stored separately from bill;
  • do not make debts: it takes money success;
  • get the expensive red or orange wallet.

Remember that wealth is an image of thoughts that your well-being predetermines. Do not think how poor man. Money loves confident, generous and reasonable people who know how to appreciate life and receive pleasure from her. Therefore, help from a pure heart, do not deny yourself in pleasant acquisitions for saving and waste with the mind.

You can relate differently to the signs and superstitions, because none of them has direct evidence and is not confirmed by any facts. However, people follow these unwritten laws over the centuries and even thousands of years, and life itself sometimes shows that they did not arise from scratch. It is easy to observe the simple rules that we prescribe signs, for example, when and what hand to take and give money. Thus, you can avoid trouble and attract material in your life

It turns out, it's little to know and perform rituals to attract money. A little to know about the talismans who attract money to your life. Need to know how to give moneySo that they have come back, preferably in more.

These simple rules Strengthen your friendship with money:

1. Money can never be transferred from hand to hand.

It does not matter whether you buy something in the store, give alms or give money. There should be a "mediator" between you: a cup (hat) for alms, a special stand in the store or envelope for money, if you give them. Prayer with money from hand to hand, cash flow Every time it will become all thinner.

Money taken from a bad or sick person, good luck will not bring if you do not adhere to certain rules. It is best that, passing you money, such a person put them on something wooden: the tree has an excellent ability to extinguish poor energy. Well, if you failed to "skip" the money through the "Wooden Sitchech", do it, as soon as you come home or work. Let bills lie on the "tree" half an hour.

2. This is especially true of debt debts. Remember that the debts do not give away in the evening (the money is already sleeping!) In general, money (like all nature) wake up with dawn and fall asleep with sunset. That is why "who gets up early, God gives this." Do you believe? Check in practice!

When you give money in debt, Avoid returns major billsbecause The greater the dignity of the removal bills, the more money will leave you. Therefore, if you do not know how to deny, and you always ask for debt, instill them. Although the trifle.

3. On the day of paying, try not to spend money immediately, Especially do not let me in debt on this day.

Money must "get used to you" to you, remember your energy to know where to return back.

4. Watch out for your own words and thoughts about the money.

Never tell a child who creates another toy or colleague, who once again asks for the debt that there is no money. Frequent pronunciation of this phrase as a talisman will work for conscience. No money, well, will not.

5. In the question of how to give money to make money and hands.

So it is desirable to part with money through the right hand, but take your left hand.

Esoteric specialists explain this by the fact that every person has on the shoulders in the angel. On the left shoulder, the Black Angel (Devil) and he constantly takes, and behind the right white angel who teaches to give, share.

How to give money loan In order not to suffer damage yourself, and much more serious than financial.

Important advice!

Remember: You can only think about the most close to friends with the same amounts that we can painlessly withdraw from our expenditure money, the amount, the loss of which will not hurt much by your pocket, that is, so much money as you, in general, do not mind losing .

So, if you are not difficult to give three hundred rubles in debt, never let's give more, it is better to give less, and you can take or not the amount offered by you - the debtor's case.

Will take and not return - this amount is not sorry for such a sum; It refuses - His problem: You are before the highest forces, you did not refuse to a person in the request, offered a fee for you.

If we are talking about the need for a major loan from the fixed capital or the fact that in your house plays the role of a "undeveloped ruble" deflected in personal need,it is possible to do this in one case: for some material support, provided that the amount is on a specific period and will be returned not in parts, but all at once, completely!

Irresponsible friends learn to tactfully refuse, otherwise lose money and friends.

6. If you lost money or you have stole them, you can not be upsetAnd even more so "curse" thief. In fact, the loss of money was saved from more serious trouble. Having hacking out money - problems, diseases, adversity, rushed. It will be wiser to say to myself: "Thank you for money." Such a loss you are cleansed energetically, and the correct reaction to the loss is not interrupting the cash flow.

7. Interrupts money streams aimless accumulation.

Scoop money "just in case" or worse "for a black day" under the mattress, in the old wallet, in the wallet under the stack of linen is a personal fence of ourselves from the cash flow.

Correctly do those who hold money in the kitchen, on the refrigerator.

Better place to attract money than the area entrance door and no kitchen!

Carefully laundering the floor, put under the rug at the door of an eagle up the coins of a small dignity. Put them in the refrigerator, in the storage room to the banks with products, "not to starve." The action of money will weaken if they finish mold. Regularly replace coins new.

The "volume" will be hidden wealth (even if they are in a penny), the greater the egregor of money they will create in your home.

Money is energy And any energy requires movement. It is advisable to save money on the deposit account, but if you do not trust the banks, then let it be stored at home, but in all the rules: in the new wallet (preferably red or white), in this wallet there should be a "magnet" for money in the form of money dollar bills, cloves or red thread tied, three coins (Chinese mascot for attracting money).

In addition, the money should be given to "Raise", i.e. Get them out of the cache and recalculate, recalculate, getting pleasure and pleasure.

8. Credits and loans:

This is the case in case you needed to lose money. Although it is better to avoid such situations, but in today's life there is anything ...

Borrow money is worth only in extreme cases. If the villain-fate left you with an empty wallet, then you have broken your bioenergy balance, which sooner or later lead to physical diseases.

In hopeless situations, go to relatives or friends and ask for money, but only ... on food - at the rate of 100 rubles a day.

On other people's money to make it necessary to organize holidays, please contact the minimum amount: on bread, milk.

It is useful to sit for several days on a strict diet so that it is rationally to distribute the budget.

Selfiece money conflict with their money on very thin sacred levels, but the consequences of these conflicts are extremely destructive.

Absolutely true statement:
"You take a strangers - for a while, but give your own and forever."

Other people's money corrupt, increasing uncontrollable spectors, attract new debts to themselves and in the end the debtors in debt pitFrom which sometimes it is impossible to get out.

Important advice!

With a request for a loan, first of all, contact your relatives and friends - so that material difficulties are solved inside the family. From an energy point of view, this is the redistribution of cash energy among the members of one family, and not to attract someone else's monetary success with the subsequent return on their own.

Attitude towards loans. Lately Widely advertise a way to solve monetary problems with loans. Like, all Europe and America live at the expense of loans. On the one hand, debt with interest, credit is a short way to solve a large financial task. This is the most acceptable compromise of the relationship between their and other people's money.

Talk to credit Only in the case when it is absolutely confident in its painless return and calculated all the options on paper. On the other hand, using a loan, you take your future financial success with yourself and stability.

Also do not forget That the primary field substance of money is an energy dump, in which you can find other people's diseases, other challenging workshops, all sorts of luck of those who first kept them in their hands.

Simply put, other people's money is dangerous, whether they are taken into debt at the unkind person, are found, stolen or obtained fraudulently. Money is a strange thing. On the one hand, it is only a means to achieve a certain goal, and on the other hand, measure and developer of human moral qualities.

Such a concept as "a sense of duty", applies to the debt of material, monetary, moral, and this is not by chance.

During the "damned" autocracy, there were such concepts as "honor" and "debt" - as synonyms, as it was considered a matter of honor to return the debt. Nobleman who did not return cards, let himself bullet in his forehead.
Today in our long-suffering country millions of robbed people no one is going to return debts. Therefore, the attitude to debt can be considered a moral mirror reigning in society.

Not given debts, along with theft, sooner or later are punished with the same energy of money and things acquired on them.

Important advice!

Take care of your loan, if there is no other output, was in obligatory ensured some material valueEven if the lender resists, believes on the word and is outraged at all attempted to guarantee a refund.

As collateral, anything can be used - from real estate and machine (depends on the amount) to a video recorder, a valuable picture, and so on.

It is best if you have everything in order with work, to agree on the desired amount in the account of the future salary - this provision guaranteed in the sense that you will return money to the lender anyway at the expense of the upcoming deduction from the traditional amount, and for sure on time.

Your own gain from right loan The money again has the most direct attitude towards fate.

Taking a loan "just so" and tightening the return of debt or returning it in parts, you simultaneously borrow someone else's fate. And if you get, let's say, at the same time unusual former luck in affairs, such a loan can most negatively affect your personal life, God forbid - on children, parents, generally loved ones, which is not uncommon.

About money in your wallet. A wallet is a house for money, it should be an order and purity.

Never put bills In a wallet, cried and in one compartment with coins. This is insulting them.

Get the habit To lay down and put the bills of one dignity next to each other, and copper money in separate pockets.

With respect, treat money - Keep them carefully in the wallet, sort the corners on the advantages, straighten. You need to fold the money so that one same picture is one way. So that the money is rovingly lying.

Rubles and dollars Together do not put, but only in different pockets.

Never leave the wallet empty!It should constantly stay at least one coin, better happy Which gave a good man or who remained from the earnings that brought you joy. And even better, if it is a bill of big dignity green color - Colors bringing wealth.

When paying shopping do not stretch the deployed bills, thereby missing money energy. Covers need to be folded and given exclusively folded end.

Some money We must constantly store under the tablecloth on the table - the house will never translate money and there will be no loss.

There is a belief, what To attract money to the house, you need to put in order nails only on certain days - tuesday and Friday.

Plant Money Tree - Tolstanka, take care of him. The tree will not only decorate your home, but also improves the financial position.

Attracting money. First of all, having received a certain amount (salaries, a premium, retirement), do not waste a penny of at least a day, give money to spend the night in your wallet. In the morning you will feel calmer for money, without experiencing an insurmountable desire to spend everything at once.

Making purchases Do not take money (surrender) from the hands of the seller. Let him put them on a shatter, and you will take them from there.

If you accidentally scattered a trifle, you can only pick it up with your right hand, and be sure to leave one coin, saying "I leave one, I get the rest!"

If you select this coin, Until you disappeared from sight, count on good luck in financial matters.

However, try yourself do not pick a trifle on the street especially at the crossroadssince it can be coins for which disease or damage.

In extreme cases, Lift them with a handkerchief or glove, and put on three days at three in a bowl with salt water. Salt is well absorbed negative energy. It is also impossible to select money found in the morning on an empty stomach.

Borrow money, take a debt, give duty - signs.

More often let me in debt. So you seem to be programming money to return to you: everything you release is usually returned to the larger volume.

Try more often to borrow money to others, and you yourself take into debt as much as possible.

Many rules are connected With how to occupy and give money in debt. Because, giving money in debt, you seem to ask them to return back and more.

An exception is a way to attract money: Take a loan any amount of money for a young month, and return to the old one, with the money of small dignity.

Do not take in debt, nor give money in the evening, Otherwise, they will simply stop with you.

Take money in your left hand, but give right.

Do not go borrowed Neither money, no bread - will not be in the house either that nor the other.

Duty to give better Not in the evening, and in the morning there will be money.

At sunset Nobody loans to no money or bread.

On Monday Duty money does not give them to do not melted, like wax, throughout the week.

Remember Returning money, you return energy.

Can not be given A person, in front of which you have any duties, he will not return, considering that he has it right.

It is impossible to give money Duty, if there is no mechanism for their return.

When refund say - "So that you have always been and I have multiplied."

Money taken in debt, give smaller bills than they took.

On Sunday Do not let money in debt - they just may not be returned.

On Monday No calculations are made, do not pay for large purchases, and do not give debt.

On Monday Do not let the money and debts do not return, otherwise there will be no money.

Avoid lenting (Take) money on Tuesday - you will be all your life in debt.

Do not give Debt on Friday.

Maybe all these rules and look frightly, but lthe Yubee moral violation is a violation of the energy, and the energy "Mustit" people for encroaching on its laws sometimes very brutally ...

And always so cruel and without any exceptions from the rules, which remains only to ask a senseless question in space: for what, for what I have?!

And if you say at this moment to a person: "For a negligent attitude to money, for the ignorance of the laws of their relationship with people," most will not only believe, but will be indignant, finding a similar answer by mockery.

Live happily and very rich!

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