
The popularity of cryptocurrency in the world. Real-world analogy - McDonalds. The most promising cryptocurrencies

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The Coinmarketcap service contains all cryptocurrencies that are represented on at least one exchange and which have a block chain, as well as open source code. At the time of this writing, the service contains over 800 digital assets sorted by capitalization. The latter is the product of the current price of the cryptocurrency by the volume of its supply on the market.

The digital currencies presented in the top ten of the Coinmarketcap rating are in the greatest demand among traders and crypto-investors. This is due to various factors, and the most important among them are high liquidity, stable growth of the exchange rate, prospects for further development of the ecosystem and the reputation of developers.

It is also worth noting that everything in the world of cryptocurrencies is changing very rapidly. Nevertheless, at the time of writing this review, the total capitalization of the first ten cryptocurrencies in the Coinmarketcap rating is $ 122.4 billion. popular digital currencies will account for 88%.

1. Bitcoin(stock ticker - BTC, sometimes - XBT). The first in history and the most popular in the world. Created at the turn of 2008-2009. Despite such a "venerable age", the cryptocurrency is actively developing, based on the bitcoin blockchain, developments are underway and various solutions are being implemented to improve it. It was the emergence of bitcoin that caused such a rapid development of the cryptocurrency market and the regular appearance of a wide variety of digital assets. Bitcoin is based on a revolutionary technology that has been actively researched and developed by the largest companies in the world for several years, and is also used in many industries.

The current capitalization of bitcoin is $ 71 billion, which exceeds the value of many large companies with a worldwide reputation. The offer of the first digital currency is strictly limited to 21 million BTC. On the Coinmarketcap website, you can see the current supply of bitcoin on the market - 16,506,412 BTC, the daily exchange trading volume, as well as various useful links to official sources of information, social media, block observers, exchanges where this cryptocurrency is presented, etc.

2. Ethereum (ETH). It is the digital currency of a platform for building decentralized blockchain-based online services (Dapps) powered by smart contracts. If Bitcoin is often called “digital gold” (for the complexity of its production, limited supply and excellent investment qualities), then Ethereum is sometimes called “digital analogue of oil”. This is because the ETH cryptocurrency is a kind of "fuel" for the Dapps that are created on their basis.

In the crypto community, disputes about which investment object is more attractive - Bitcoin or Ethereum, do not subside. Despite the relatively young age of the latter (the Ethereum network was launched on July 30, 2015), the "ether" is preferred by the well-known world of cryptocurrencies. They are convinced that the popularity of Ethereum will soon overshadow Bitcoin.

The rapid growth in the popularity of Ethereum is evidenced by the data on the following chart, which reflects the share of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market:

Data: Coinmarketcap

So far, the volume of market capitalization of "digital oil" ($ 28 billion) is less than the corresponding indicator of bitcoin by about two and a half times.

At the same time, Ethereum's potential is high and is attracting the attention of major software developers such as Microsoft and IBM. There are many Initial Coin Offers on the Ethereum platform, and many crypto tokens are created based on the underlying ERC-20 standard.

3. Ripple (XRP). This cryptocurrency is used in the real-time gross settlement system, as well as for currency exchange and money transfers. The Ripple protocol launched in 2012. Its goal is to provide "secure, instant and near-free global financial transactions of any size with no chargebacks." According to some crypto enthusiasts, the Ripple payment system may become an “alternative to SWIFT” in the future.

The largest companies and banks in the world cooperate with Ripple, including BBVA, Mizuho, ​​Mitsubishi UFJ, UniCredit, UBS and Santander. Ripple's investors include Accenture, Andreessen Horowitz, Google Ventures, and Seagate.

The meteoric rise in the price of Ripple (XRP) fell on the first half of this year and allowed the cryptocurrency to confidently gain a foothold in the top three of the Coinmarketcap rating. At the moment, the capitalization of the XRP cryptocurrency is approaching the 7 billion mark. There have been times when the capitalization of Ripple is the total market value of the Ethereum digital currency.

4. Bitcoin Cash Is the resulting “Bitcoin alternative”. So, on August 1, the Bitcoin blockchain split into two chains and a new digital asset appeared - Bitcoin Cash (sometimes -), which has a common history with Bitcoin, but is traded under a different ticker - BCC (less often - BCH).

After the hard fork, many exchanges and wallets presented the holders of “digital gold” with an excellent opportunity - to receive a certain amount of Bitcoin Cash tokens, which should correspond to the balance of Bitcoin in a 1: 1 ratio. For example, if a user has 1 BTC on his wallet, then he receives 1 BCC after the hard fork.

Immediately after its appearance on the exchanges, the new cryptocurrency turned out to be in the capitalization, leaving behind such “veterans” of the market as Litecoin and Ripple. However, shortly after exchanges made Bitcoin Cash I / O available, the “Bitcoin alternative” started in price. So, if on August 2 the price of BCC reached 0.485 BTC (approximately $ 1,300) on the Bittrex exchange, then two days later its weighted average price slightly exceeded $ 250.

Not everything is going well with the new cryptocurrency. Bitcoin Cash is not as attractive to Bitcoin as “regular” Bitcoin, and the network tries it out every now and then. Apparently, the new cryptocurrency owes its capitalization of $ 4.8 billion only to the popularity of bitcoin, no more.

For several years Litecoin has been “in the shadow” of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, trading in the region of 3-4 dollars per coin. In March of this year, on the eve of the implementation of SegWit, the price of “digital gold” began to rise rapidly. Now the price of Litecoin is approaching $ 50 per coin and, according to many analysts, this is far from the limit. Cryptocurrency is represented on most exchanges and exchange platforms, and is also accepted by many companies as a means of payment.

The maximum supply of Litecoin is limited to 84 million tokens and currently 52.4 million LTC is circulating on the market.

7. NEO. NEO's digital asset platform (formerly known as Antshares) is often referred to as "China's Ethereum". Recently, the project representatives have completed about the full. In particular, the Chinese startup announced the upgrade of the blockchain node, the update of technical documentation, social media, the official website, the change in the stock ticker, as well as the successful transition to the NEO 2.0 smart contract system.

The NEO coin has been showing impressive growth for a long time, which allowed the cryptocurrency to take the 7th Coinmarketcap rating in a short period of time. In just the past three months, the price of the cryptocurrency has grown by about 20 times and now NEO is trading at around $ 45. NEO's supply is fixed and limited to one hundred million tokens, of which 50 million are in circulation on the market. The market capitalization of "Chinese Ethereum" exceeds $ 2 billion.

It is also worth noting that the project is very actively developing and has already established cooperation with well-known blockchain startups, including Bancor, Coindash and Agrello. Chinese blockchain startup Red Pulse announced the creation of a financial research platform that will be built on the NEO 2.0 smart contract system. Also, in cooperation with the NEO project, an operating system on the blockchain called Elastos is being developed. According to the developers, it is intended to "study the technological value from the use of blockchain applications in new Internet operating systems and the further development of the Smart Economy."

8. NEM (XEM). This digital currency gained prominence in early 2015. It is distinguished from many other digital currencies by its original open source code and a number of interesting innovations. For example, the XEM cryptocurrency is based on the POI (Proof Of Importance) algorithm, a modification of “proof-of-stake”. However, unlike PoS, POI, in addition to proving the storage of a certain amount of funds, also takes into account the user's activity - the number of transactions performed by him. Receiving a block reward on the NEM network is called “harvesting”.

A major update called Catapult is expected this year, which will bring NEM from Java to C ++. The new version of the private network has been tested for stable operation at a speed of up to 3000 transactions per second. The update will take place first on the private Mijin blockchain and then on the public NEM chain.

Also, on the basis of NEM, a new platform is being developed, which is designed to support projects in conducting transparent and orderly ICOs. According to the project representatives, the new solution will greatly optimize the process of attracting investments in digital currency.

XEM capitalization exceeds $ 2 billion. The coin is popular not only in its native Japan, but is also actively traded on a number of major exchanges, including Poloniex and Bittrex.

9. Dash. The launch of the cryptocurrency, which was called Xcoin at the time, took place on January 18, 2014. From January 28, 2014 to March 25, 2015, the cryptocurrency was named Darkcoin.

The main features of the Dash cryptocurrency:

- transactions anonymized thanks to the Darksend mechanism;
- a combination of several cryptographic algorithms is used;
- Dash mining requires less energy consumption than Bitcoin;
- decisions on the development of the system are made not by individual programmers, but by all members of the Dash network through the mechanism of decentralized management.

The DASH network operates the so-called masternodes - special nodes that ensure the operation of the mechanism for mixing PrivateSend transactions. To stimulate the work of masternodes, a reward is provided, which is 50% of the miner's reward for the block found. The DASH system also implements the InstantSend instant transaction service. Another feature of DASH is the use of the X11 hashing algorithm.

The DASH cryptocurrency has many supporters. Since its inception, the price of the cryptocurrency has grown several hundred times and is currently trading at around $ 200.

In general, the growth of Ethereum Classic strongly intensified in the spring of 2017, after the launch. Further growth of Ethereum Classic is expected to be stable, if only thanks to the project, which provides for the limitation of emissions and a decrease in the block reward. In particular, the total number of coins will be approximately 210 million, but no more than 230 million; As for the reward for the mined block, it will be reduced by 20% after block number 5,000,000 and will decrease by 20% thereafter after every next 5 million blocks.

Remember Nash Equilibrium, Gresham's Law, Stasi Rules? So the banking system is similar to the Stasi. But first about something else. Why did cryptocurrency become a currency at all?

A Nobel laureate in economics would tell you something like this: "At some point in time, the market fell into a Nash equilibrium, where everyone suddenly agreed that it was okay to consider currency."

Why do men wear pants and women wear skirts? Although it was once different in Scotland. It's just that at some point everyone agreed that this should be so. Nash Equilibrium.

Generally ... What is currency?

Currency is a medium of indirect exchange. Once upon a time, pheasant feathers were the medium of exchange, which until then were worthless. But then there was a demand for feathers and people said: "The feather will be a currency, a means of indirect exchange." Gradually, general requirements for the currency were formed: it should be easy to divide into parts, while its value does not change; it is easy to carry with you; and it must have a long shelf life.

And most importantly, people must be ready to use currency as a medium of exchange. The same thing happened with cryptocurrency: people were READY to use it.

So I'm ready to exchange my phone for cue ball right now. It is clear that cryptocurrency meets all other criteria, maybe even better than any other fiat currency (it is much easier to store, transfer, share, and it is eternal).

Why did cryptocurrency appear?

One of the main reasons, in my opinion, is the enormous anger of people towards the banking system with all its rules, which are promoted under the auspices of the mythical fight against fraudsters and other villains. So, the current banking system is similar to the Stasi, to which I have to explain why I walk this way and not another, and why I go to work this way and not another. And then, will two-meter fences stop real criminals? When criminals need to hack into the banking system, they simply buy the bank.

All of these safety rules are essentially useless. Therefore, there is a global irritation of people with the banking system. This can be seen everywhere - and in businesses of any size, too, from small to large.

The annoyance created a request for something like the current system. Cryptocurrency has appeared. And the process cannot be stopped - the cryptocurrency will take its place in the global economy. What is still a question.

The problem is that in fact, cryptocurrency today is not entirely used precisely as a medium of exchange. The phenomenon is called Gresham's law: when no one wants to pay with currency, which is constantly and very expensive. Everyone has heard the story of two pizzas that were bought for 10 thousand BTC in 2010.

Who wants a $ 15 million pizza? Or would you like to drive a Toyota car you bought today for 30 BTC after learning a year later that you paid $ 3 million for it? Therefore, cryptocurrency is used as a means of accumulation and speculation.

At the same time, the process of continuous growth leads to the fact that basic cryptocurrencies lose their properties as a means of settlement - stability. They turn into a kind of shares in a rapidly growing company. And who wants to sell or exchange for goods and services the more expensive shares today, if tomorrow they will cost more. This is problem.


Cryptocurrency volatility is a subject of longstanding debate, in which the words "bubble" and "speculative instrument" can often be heard. The problem is being solved, among other things, by launching special settlement cryptocurrencies, the so-called stablecoins, "stablecoins". It is a cryptocurrency whose value is determined not only by the demand for it, but also by more established methods.

There have been several attempts in the world to create such stablecoins. As a rule, they were tied either to the value of fiat currencies - the dollar, the euro - or to raw materials (commodities) - oil, gold, and so on. But for various reasons, they have not become widespread.

First of all, because the creators of such currencies violated the blockchain principle - distribution and independence. They issued cryptocurrency, sold it, and used the proceeds to buy collateral. And the fact that the collateral was held and controlled by the release organizers did not inspire confidence in the community.

More advanced projects are emerging now. In general, there is a hypothesis that the future belongs to "stablecoins" tied to commodities.

It is based on the fact that in society in general and in the economy in particular, the so-called fatigue of the material of fiat classic unsecured money has appeared. At the same time, we see that the same dollar, euro, yuan, Brazilian real and all other classic currencies are also subject to volatility. And all this against the backdrop of a global rise in the cost of money.

The economy is looking for alternatives. But will the social demand for blockchain commodity be critically higher than for classic money? Not sure. But the fact that it will be bigger than now is most likely.

There are several interesting stablecoin projects in the world right now:

  • There is a project Tether, which is consistently included in the TOP-50 in terms of capitalization (now - just over $ 300 million). Tether is the coin of the dollar, 1 to 1.
  • A startup was launched in Israel that is trying to do oil-pegged cryptocurrency... True, they are not doing very well yet, because they cannot solve the problem of oil storage - it is difficult to store it.
  • There are projects that are trying to tie cryptocurrency to computing power, to electricity, such as SONM.

Of course, real estate has great potential. All developers - both in the United States and in Russia - are trying to integrate into the world of blockchain. In Switzerland, Singapore and other countries, it was allowed to maintain a real estate registry using the blockchain. I am waiting for the next breakthrough - cryptocurrency pegs to square meters.

Agree, it would be great if a grandmother from Perm could use the blockchain to invest part of her pension in a business center under construction in Saratov, without the risk that her investments will be stolen.

Our fund is currently running just one client from the real estate industry. We help him prepare for the ICO. It is a multi-million dollar business. I don’t want to go into details because I don’t want our client to be taken away by competitors. Now a legal scheme is being finalized on how blockchain technologies can be used in terms of debt financing for classic companies (in our case, this is a developer), and that this process should be regulated by the Russian authorities.

You can easily explain to your mom about tied to gold

But I have not yet talked about the main (yet) and most obvious commodity - gold. Gold is a commodity that everyone understands. Gold occupies approximately 5-10% of the world investment market. Gold is a natural limited natural resource. According to open data, the gold reserve of governments is about 30 thousand tons, the citizens have the same amount of products, coins and bars in their hands. In total, about 60 thousand tons. About 3 thousand tons of gold are mined in the world annually.

This is a stable figure that cannot change dramatically in any direction due to distributed production in different countries and well-established technologies. Therefore, the value of gold, expressed in goods and services, remains practically unchanged.

All this makes gold the perfect equivalent of calculation. Actually, this has been the case throughout the history of human development. Even the first money was tied to gold until governments decided to replace gold mining with a simpler process of printing paper money.

And the main thing: you can easily explain to your mom about the cryptocurrency tied to gold. And she will understand you.

Now there are several "gold" crypto projects. There are not many of them, but they all have a different concept:

  • Impressive project OneGram from Dubai, which plans to raise $ 500 million for the ICO, which began on May 27 and which should end on September 24. To date, 22% of 12,400,786 tokens have been sold, which are sold at $ 43.18 per share. "Dubai" and "gold" sounds somehow impressive, you must agree. OneGram is pegged to stockpiled physical gold. They have a rather strange, in my opinion, feature: they position themselves as a project specifically for Muslims. In the blockchain world, any artificial limitation raises questions because it contradicts the very concept of technology. True, according to the founders themselves, now most of the project's investors are not Muslims.
  • There is also British Royal Mint Royal Mint Gold project, in which one token is tied to one gram of gold. The project raises questions in terms of decentralization.
  • Another ambitious project - American-Australian OZCoin... It is backed by 100 thousand ounces (slightly more than 2.8 tons) of 24 carat gold.
  • For me, the most interesting of the "golden" projects is "Russian" Goldmint... I put “Russian” in quotation marks, because an international team works there, and it is interesting for me for two reasons. First, he's from Russia (which is great). Secondly, we invested in it :) The project plans to hold an ICO in September, and in May held a pre ICO and raised $ 600 thousand in a couple of days. We have a piece of paper in our office that says that so many Goldmint tokens belong to everyone to the DTI team.

Our investment logic is simple. Imagine that there is an ingot of gold that can be transported quickly and without cost to any part of the planet and has the property of being unable to steal it. How expensive is this ingot than a classic ingot? Obviously much more expensive. Of course, there are a bunch of other risks, the project may not take off, but at least we had the opportunity to meet and study the team.

Usually, team verification removes 9/10 of the risk - the probability of "scam" or some illegal actions is equated to zero. I have always said that Whitepaper, a business plan in the ICO world, is secondary to the team. It doesn't matter what you do, but who you are is important. If tomorrow Elon Musk will raise cows, they will believe in his project. All that remains is the business risk: will the project take off or fail.

Goldmint is made by the team of the Lot-Zoloto project, which in a year of its existence was able to grow from zero to 5.5 billion rubles. revenue. We made sure that they were able to do a good classic business, now they want to turn the gold market. It is difficult to say in advance whether it will succeed or not. The project is complex, including from the point of view. The company is developing a special proof-of-gold box - a safe with a gold verification system, constantly connected to the Internet. It is understood that such devices can be installed in banks, pawnshops, jewelry stores (all that remains is to convince of this).

The safe will evaluate gold items, and special software will make it possible to issue GoldCoin in real time. A person can come to the bank, put a piece of jewelry in this safe, the metal is automatically evaluated, the individual is identified, and then the GoldCoin is issued. The value of GoldCoin is pegged to the value of gold on the New York, UK or China stock exchanges. It sounds promising.

Review of TOP-15 cryptocurrencies

Now, about cryptocurrency in general. On the Internet, you can easily find sites where you can see the capitalization of each cryptocurrency that circulates on the cryptoexchange, its current price in dollars, a graph of price changes, the amount of currency circulated in the market. Such statistics will not help much to understand, but will give at least a general idea of ​​what is happening.

I will briefly talk about several top-50 cryptocurrencies in terms of capitalization: what are their essence, advantages and disadvantages. And despite the fact that I have invested money in many of them, I will not give any specific investment advice here.

1. Bitcoin

A real-world analogy is gold.

I will tell you about bitcoin in more detail than about other cryptocurrencies, because in the crypto industry, bitcoin has become the standard by right of birthright. In other words, this currency appeared first on the market, and therefore occupies (so far) the first place in popularity, capitalization and exchange rate against the dollar. All other currencies that appeared later began to be called altcoins, and bitcoin still remains the benchmark from which everyone repels.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that can only be sent, received and stored. At the same time, it has many disadvantages inherent in the architecture itself: it is slow, difficult to scale, requires a lot of power for mining, a lot of storage space, its transactions are expensive, and cryptography can be hacked if desired.

Here are some more cons:

  1. Bitcoin is slow- means that transactions in bitcoin occur every 10 minutes. To confirm a transaction, you need to mine, which is a very energy-intensive process. To increase the number of users (scalability), it is necessary to increase the computing power of computers.
  2. For the operation of the bitcoin network huge amounts of information need to be stored.
  3. Bitcoin turned out to be not such a decentralized system as announced at the very beginning. In theory, miners can join huge pools and manage the network.
  4. The maximum number of bitcoins that can be issued is 21 million. To date, they have already produced 16.75 million. What will happen when the total volume reaches the limit? Obviously, there will be a so-called hard fork when a decision is made to create a new version of the Bitcoin network. That means a big vote, if you like - holding a referendum among bitcoin holders. Chinese holders of the cryptocurrency advocated that such a referendum be held in September. After it, the "constitution" of bitcoin may change. And we know how constitutions change easily and rather quickly in different countries….

Most likely, as a result of the hard fork, the cost of the transaction will be several times cheaper, because its verification will be simplified. The limitation regarding mining will also change. Perhaps it will be removed altogether. But there are still too many unknowns. And most importantly, there are other currencies, technically more advanced. So far, Bitcoin remains the gold standard of the cryptocurrency world.

Will the situation ever change? Let's ask a counter question: is it possible to write a social network better than Facebook? Definitely. The simplest thing is to get 2 billion users to switch to this new social network. Can Cryptocurrency Be Written Better Than Bitcoin? The fourth position in terms of capitalization - Litecoin - is better in all respects. It appeared almost simultaneously with bitcoin, but still a little later.

In the world of cryptocurrencies, bitcoin is a kind of analogue of the classic store of value, to which everyone is already accustomed.

2. Ethereum

A real-world analogy is the new Microsoft or the new Amazon.

Ether is starting to squeeze Bitcoin in terms of popularity. Perhaps this currency has more prospects. If Bitcoin can only act as a medium of exchange and storage, then Ethereum has a number of advantages. The main thing is the ability to create. Now this platform is the most popular in the world when building a blockchain economy, and is used in numerous ICOs.

Ethereum has inherited almost all of Bitcoin's illnesses. Yes, it is faster - refreshes every 10 seconds (i.e. 60x faster), but it has the same problems with scaling (the recent case with SONM is an example), power consumption and storage.

It may well challenge Bitcoin's leadership in the near future.

3. Ripple

Real-world analogy - new VISA.

The project team is trying to create a new payment system so that it could be used to make payments in all currencies. The advantage of this currency is that it is used by banks. However, it is not decentralized. Coins are not mined, that is, their number does not increase. Ripple has a huge speed advantage over BTC and ETH, but the transactions are not so transparent. For the classical banking system, this is normal - anonymity was never welcomed there.

4. Litecoin

A real-world analogy is platinum, which is cheaper than gold.

Absolute analogue of the "cue ball". Faster, cooler in all respects - but just turned out to be second. It is worth buying it from the point of view of diversifying investments in the same bitcoin. But in terms of innovation, there is nothing there.

5. Ethereum Classic

The real world analogy is Alibaba (not Amazon).

Alibaba is the largest online store with a multi-billion dollar turnover. But they still understand that he is still not as cool as Amazon. Classic may even be more expensive than regular Ethereum, but there are some nuances. ETC appeared after the Ethereum hard fork, which happened in the fall of last year, and is still not credible in the crypto community. The main focus is still on ETH, and all landmark projects are conducted on this platform.

6. Dash and NEM

An analogy from the real world is "it is not clear who."

To be honest, I don't come across these currencies very often. NEM mainly circulates in Japan, where it is officially allowed to buy and sell goods with cryptocurrency. The number of coins is always one less than 9 billion, no additional emission is provided, so there is no mining here, but there is so-called harvesting.

The big jump in NEM came in May, when the private platform Mijin was created on the basis of NEM, with which Japanese banks can conduct secure transactions. NEM is built on the example of bitcoin, but there are no fundamental differences in architecture.

Dash is a cryptocurrency whose transactions are completely anonymized. Many people talk about this as an advantage, but think: why does an ordinary person need complete anonymity in transactions? Still, all decisions on changes in the "constitution" are made using a general vote, that is, the Dash network is completely decentralized.

Naturally, both currencies work faster than the "cue ball" and have a number of software advantages.


Real-world analogy - the new Google.

A real innovation in the world of cryptocurrency. Offers a fundamentally new paradigm that can change everything in general. IOTA is also called the "cryptocurrency of the Internet of Things." It appeared five years ago, but has literally just become popular. As soon as she entered the exchange, she immediately burst into the Top 10 cryptocurrencies.

What is innovative about it? The very principle of work. IOTA is built like a spider web and scales infinitely.

How does Bitcoin work? In order to complete a Bitcoin transaction, a miner must do some work to confirm the transaction. Spend time, huge amounts of energy and set aside storage space. In the case of IOTA, you can independently confirm the transaction using your device - for example, a regular phone. Your smartphone confirms two other people's transactions. Those transactions are confirmed by two of yours. Etc. The more users, the faster and better the network works.

Now IOTA users have gained a critical mass and the currency has become very popular. There is no limit to scalability, miners are not needed, so transactions are free. You do not need to pay a commission to miners, you do not waste computing power.

In general, this is a real bomb that threatens to make a revolution. IOTA solves in general all the problems inherent in bitcoin (limited, high requirements for computing power, pseudo-decentralization, data growth and storage problem, slow speed).

8. Monero

An analogy from the real world is AFK Sistema.

In short, unlike bitcoin, the emission of Monero is not limited, but transactions take up several times more space than bitcoin. But this is not the most interesting thing. Russian ears stick out here. In general, inexpensive transactions, good transfer speed, good mining. But you have to be careful - some kind of AFK Sistema can happen to them ...

9. EOS

Real-world analogy - Empire State Building.

EOS is the evolution of the BitShares and Steemit currencies (which, by the way, were seriously criticized, which does not prevent BitShares from being close to the top 10 in terms of capitalization). It is based on a breakthrough technology that can be compared with the emergence of blockchain. In theory, they can replace Ethereum or enter into synergy with it.

In terms of technology, the project is better than Ethereum. The developers have created a new language, and now an operating system is being created on the EOS platform, on which it will already be possible to build individual applications.

The logic is this: all databases, all web programming will be transferred to the blockchain. New technologies will allow you to run different applications asynchronously, which will significantly increase the speed of the EOS-based OS.

The team expects that the whole world will eventually work on EOS. In general, to be honest, this is the world of "Crypt 3.0", which is too much even for me. Too grand and unbelievable. But this may well happen in five years.

10. BitShares

An analogy from the real world - I didn't think of it :)

The bottom line is that the value of any fiat currency is replicated here in the blockchain. A useful tool so as not to lose on conversion, not to depend on the laws of different countries, taxes, etc. There is also a similar currency, Tether, which is pegged to the dollar 1 to 1.

If you want to sell or buy dollars on the blockchain, this is the place for you. These are not speculative instruments. (Here you need to understand that BitShares itself, as a unit of account, also "floats".

It is used as a currency for collecting fees for fiat currency transactions. You can speculate with it. But if we want to operate with fiat money in the blockchain, then inside the BitShares system we can do it).

And 5 more cryptocurrencies from the top 50

1. Waves

Real-world analogy - Russian Tesla.

In fact, it is a crowdfunding platform. Serious claims, aggressive marketing. But they can turn the wrong way and "Chichvarkin" will happen.

2. Dogecoin

Real-world analogy is a question ...

I don't know much about them, but I like them because my friends at Google buy them. And so I buy them too.

3. Bancor

An analogy from the real world is the stock exchange.

At its core, it is an exchange: a platform on Ethereum where you can exchange different crypto tokens (but they must all be of the ERC20 standard - this is the most widespread Ethereum standard on which most projects are developed). Everything is regulated by smart contracts. It is a new economic tool in the blockchain world. Essentially, they brought derivatives to the blockchain, which has never been done before. It seems to me that this is a niche product, which, however, can grow 5-10 times.

4. Decred

Real-world analogy - McDonalds.

A good, fashionable currency, I see prospects in them. Fast, cheap in transaction, profitable in mining. Miners love it - in other words, market providers love it. And it's like McDonald’s - it doesn't belong to anyone. 99.9% of McDonald’s shares are traded on the stock exchange, but the largest shareholder owns only 2% of the shares. That is, the option that something bad will be done with Decred, that there will be some kind of collusion, is extremely small. Decred as McDonalds.

5. Aragon

Real world analogy - Netflix.

Fantastic project. And by “fantastic” I do not mean “cool”, but the original meaning of the word. The business model is not clear, but the team is good. They are trying to work in the event prediction market.

For example, I can say that in 2018 Vladimir Putin will lose the presidential election (ahem). And I am ready to trade this forecast for a certain amount. Let's say for a dollar. No, for a ruble. And you can join me ...

While the project is in the alpha stage and no one is putting real money there, but the team really knows how to properly analyze the data. Aragon could become crypto Netflix. How they will do it - I have no idea. But just to remind you that Netflix was unprofitable for 7 years.

Hello, dear reader! The market for forks, altcoins, tokens is especially relevant today, flooded with all kinds of altcoins of different specifics. Most of them are short-lived "soap bubbles" - garbage that prevents inexperienced users from identifying a number of forks that are worthy of attention. The other day, for the sake of interest, I was looking for information on the competent choice of crypto coins for trading and mining, but I did not find anything solid and concrete. Therefore, I decided to write and posted this post about best cryptocurrencies 2018 of the year.

I have been engaged in cryptocurrency business for more than 3 years and have gained my own experience, both in trading on exchanges and in mining. At first I was wrong and did not bet on worthwhile altcoins, but on garbage, and now I can inform you about the profitability, rating and earnings on altcoins. I advise you to read the information to the end and not repeat my mistakes in the future.

List of cryptocurrencies for 2018

The right approach for choosing good, relatively reliable forks is to rely on evidence of critical metrics. That's why list of cryptocurrencies 2018 for investment and trading, I compiled on the basis of statistical data on: capitalization, liquidity, popularization, cost, volatility, development prospects.

1. Market capitalization is the total amount of an asset released on the market multiplied by the current market (exchange) price. This financial indicator is used to assess the aggregate value of market instruments, entities and markets. The greater the capitalization of an altcoin, the less likely it is to “die out” and leave the crypto market.
2. Liquidity is an economic term that refers to the ability of an asset to be sold quickly at near market prices. Those. the presence of a high level of supply and demand for any asset. Liquidity is very important to traders and money changers. With high liquidity and volatility, you can make good money on the exchange; the higher it is, the more stable the crypto coin.
3. Popularization is the process of spreading fin. tools in a modern form accessible to a wide range of people. There are no specific values ​​for this data. The conclusion about popularity can be made based on the sum of capitalization and liquidity indicators.
4. Altcoin cost expressed in fiat money (dollar, euro, ruble, yuan), bitcoin and other forks. The more expensive an asset is, the greater its value for the end consumer, the less likely it is to depreciate, especially in the short term. Most cryptocoins have indirect value. Those. are not expressed in the value of fiat money, but in relation to other crypto coins. For example execoin cost 0.0004 bitcoin, it turns out the EXE / BTC currency pair, which is traded on exchanges. And btc has a fiat value.
5. Volatility is a statistical financial indicator that characterizes the price volatility over time. It is the most important in financial risk management, where it represents the degree of risk of using fin. tool for a certain period of time. High volatility means more earning opportunities, but also more risk.
6. Development perspective- a valuable factor that promises either the further prosperity of the crypto product, or its extinction. Most forks have no development prospects, they are created only for the purpose of earning their founders. As a rule, at first they cause some interest among the consumer, grow in price, appear on exchanges, but over time they completely depreciate.

Rating of cryptocurrencies 2018

Capitalization data of the best cryptocurrencies:

This is only the first 10-ok from the list of cryptocurrencies for 2018. Here we see the total market cap in dollars (as well as in 24 hours), present value (price) and volatility in% (change). Online resource to see the top cryptocurrencies rankings in detail: coinmarketcap.com

The best cryptocurrencies for investment and trading

Every trader has their preferred financial instruments and I am no exception. Recently, I have been operating with fiat-value coins. Among them, for the summer of 2018 I prefer: LTC, XMR, XRP, ZEC, EOS, BNB, IOTA, BCH, BTG, ADA paired with USD, BTC.

Conclusion: we choose the best cryptocurrencies in 2018 based on the above statistics. Also remember that they are volatile, check them periodically. If any indicators have sharply and strongly changed for the worse within a few days, you should temporarily stop working with a weakened fork.

That's all, if you missed something or didn't explain it enough, please unsubscribe in the comments. I express my readiness for a constructive dialogue in case of disagreement with the material presented.

This year is characterized by a surge in the popularity of cryptocurrencies. During the first half of the year, there was an astonishing dynamic in the digital currency, characterized by an increase in value. Such events aroused great interest, many members of the public consider cryptocurrency as an effective investment tool.

After the emergence of the world's first cryptocurrency Bitcoin in 2009, many similar monetary systems began to appear. Today there are about 800 of them.

In order to navigate in such a quantity, it is worth considering the current rating of cryptocurrencies of 2018, which have a higher level of capitalization and a high rate at the time of publication.

More on the topic:

Course: $ 16.30

Capitalization: $ 1,593,187,562

The Stratis cryptocurrency is in 10th place, but it is predicted a significant increase in popularity in the near future.

The development of this currency is based on the blockchain system, its authors set themselves the main goal - to create the simplest and more accessible currency.

A characteristic feature of Stratis is a unique platform that is convenient for working with corporate applications. A team of programmers has developed a flexible closed-source blockchain system. They took advantage of the latest updates, which provided more reliable security.

The platform allows you to develop applications in C # and .NET, which attracts companies interested in using cryptocurrency. Users benefit significantly from the secrecy of transactions.

The Stratis cryptocurrency is developing rapidly, there is a tendency for a significant increase in the rate and popularity among its counterparts.

9. Monero

Course: $ 345

Capitalization: $ 5 383 948 041

Monero appeared 3 years ago, and during this period it was able to get into the top 10 most popular cryptocurrencies in 2018.

Monero is a standalone cryptocurrency and is not a fork of Bitcoin. The main goal of its creators is to ensure maximum anonymity of users' personal data during transactions, which is guaranteed by the CryptoNote protocol.

The unique CryptoNote code uses ring signatures with one-time keys when making money transactions.

The surge of interest in this currency occurred 2 years ago (summer 2016), when unofficial network markets began to use it as a means of payment.

Monero is considered a promising currency that attracts investors with its potential. Developers are improving it, using new cryptocurrency technologies.


Course: $ 3.07

Capitalization: $ 8 540 644 035

IOTA appeared at the beginning of 2014, it is a unique type of cryptocurrency, which is distinguished by its originality. It entered the top list of cryptocurrencies and its value has confident prospects, as evidenced by a fairly impressive amount of capitalization.

The main task of the IOTA developers is to create the Internet of Things, in other words, to ensure communication with gadgets on the Internet. It is a crypto token optimized for using the Internet of Things as a means of payment.

The development of IOTA crypto coins is based on the Tangle consensus method. This decision was made by the creators to provide users with free transactions. They also took care of increasing the speed of cash transactions. After all, it is known that with currencies based on the blockchain system, there is a decrease in the speed of transactions, and the commission for their execution increases.

7. Dash

Course: $ 900

Capitalization: $ 6,980,825,563

The founder of the Dash cryptocurrency, the development of which he took over after the appearance of Bitcoin, set a goal - to make the privacy of users' personal data more reliable.

The new cryptocurrency is characterized by the following features:

  • The extraction of new crypto coins does not require too many energy resources.
  • Each user has equal rights and opportunities to participate in the development of the monetary system.
  • Using not one, but a group of algorithms.

Thanks to the PrivateSend service, transactions are mixed and split into equal parts. After that, the amount of crypto coins is sent to the recipient's wallet.

If today the Dash cryptocurrency in the list of the most promising cryptocurrencies in 2018 is held in 7th place, it is possible that very soon its rating will jump to higher positions. This conclusion suggests itself as a result of analyzing the dynamics of the exchange rate: over the past month, it has increased 10 times.

6. NEM

Course: $ 1.13

Capitalization: $ 10,154,281,280

NEM - Japanese digital currency, created in 2015, is widespread in Japan and is gradually gaining its followers from other countries. Its development, based on the private Mijin network, was intended for use in banking transactions. It attracted the attention of Japan's largest bank (SBI Sumishin Net Bank), which carefully studied the capabilities of the Mijin system for three months. An interesting positive point is observed here - a high speed of transactions: about 3 thousand in 1 second.

A distinctive feature of this cryptocurrency is the use of the original open source code and the use of interesting innovations, in particular, the POI algorithm.

Despite its low cost, the potential of this cryptocurrency is quite high. If you expand it to the countries of the Asian continent, you can count on success. It is impossible not to notice a fairly high rating of the capitalization of cryptocurrencies, which also confirms the trend towards an increase in the popularity of NEM crypto coins.

This digital currency is attractive for experienced traders who prefer to save assets until the right moment, focusing on the long term.

5. Ethereum Classic

Course: $ 33

Capitalization: $ 3 254 056 501

Ethereum Classic is a hard fork of the Ethereum cryptocurrency. Cryptographers disconnected some of the blocks from Ethereum after an error in the system, which was used by computer fraudsters, carried out a hacker attack and stole one third ($ 50 million) of the cryptocurrency treasury.

Ethereum Classic is on the list of 2018 cryptocurrencies for mining: it is much easier to mine than Bitcoin. Miners are not obliged to build large-scale farms, spend huge money on energy resources and rent premises for the miner. To obtain new cryptocoins, an ordinary powerful PC is enough.

Despite the low rate of Ethereum Classic, it cannot be denied that it is promising. Crypto traders see it as a real option to make money on exchange trading, and investors see it as a tool for profitable investments.

4. Litecoin

Course: $ 206

Capitalization: $ 11,292,850,279

Litecoin was created at the end of 2011 as a fork of Bitcoin.

It has some differences from MTC:

  • The emission of crypto coins is significantly higher than Bitcoins (84 million LTC).
  • Transaction is four times faster (in just 2.5 minutes).

In the miner community, Litecoin is called “digital silver” (Bitcoin is “digital gold”). Litecoin is stable and does not lose its popularity; it is included in the top 10 cryptocurrencies in 2018 in terms of capitalization.

It has a lot in common with MTC:

  • A similar mining method.
  • Lack of centralized management.
  • Limited emission.
  • User anonymity.
  • Inability to cancel the transaction.
  • Storage of crypto coins in an electronic wallet, which is part of the entire monetary system.

To become the owner of new Litecoins, mining is used, which requires powerful computers. As a result, for every correct decision, the miner receives a reward in the form of digital coins.

You can also earn them by using the faucets that are offered by a variety of services. You can buy or exchange digital coins at and in exchange offices.

3. Ripple

Course: $ 1.68

Capitalization: $ 65 122 408 104

Ripple is a full-fledged digital money system that appeared in 2012. Its authors pursued the goal - to create a system with maximum security of transactions at any scale. They managed to achieve an amazing effect. Through the use of distribution ledgers, reliable security is guaranteed for users of the Ripple cryptocurrency.

The Ripple protocol is used in the work of banks, payment networks. The ability to make fast money transfers with a low commission, not to lose money when converting currencies, attracts users. All this contributes to positive forecasts regarding the development of this monetary system.

2. Ethereum

Course: $ 1 100

Capitalization: $ 106 349 358 908

Ethereum, a cryptocurrency that appeared only 2 years ago, has won the trust of users so much that it took the second step in the ranking of the best cryptocurrencies in 2018.

When developing Ethereum, blockchain technology was applied. The creator of this cryptocurrency took care of improving this system and introduced smart contracts into the development, which open up wider opportunities for use in various fields of activity.

An open platform makes blockchain work much easier. This fact was noticed and appreciated by such well-known companies as Microsoft, IBM, Acronis, Sberbank.

Ethereum is a more advanced system than Bitcoin. It introduced an alternative legal system that excludes the intervention of lawyers or the judiciary. It is a special open platform for guaranteed computing.

Course: $ 12,000

Capitalization: $ 200 402 547 335

Bitcoin is the world's first digital currency, created in early 2009. According to one of the versions, its author is the Japanese programmer Satoshi Nakamoto. There are opinions that this name hides a group of developers.

The appearance of this currency turned the minds of people upside down, opened up a new vision of the nature of money. Cryptocurrency is a serious alternative to the traditional financial system. Experts believe that due to its unique qualities, it could claim the status of a world currency.

Bitcoins (BTC) are capable of performing all the functions of conventional paper money in terms of transactions. More and more objects of trade and service sector introduce it into the list of currencies suitable for payments for a purchase or service. Along with striking similarities to fiduciary money, Bitcoin has a number of distinctive features:

  • Decentralization - no control center.
  • Openness of transactions.
  • There is no state control.
  • User anonymity.
  • Inflation has been excluded due to limited emission of up to 21 million BTC.

Due to the availability of open source, programmers use it to create many new cryptocurrencies. But Bitcoin is firmly at the forefront and is considered the most successful digital currency in the world.

Cryptocurrency is gradually conquering the minds of people who are interested in everything new, which can positively affect the quality of life. The cryptocurrency is attractive for its ease of handling, preservation of confidentiality and security. Capital owners see it as the most promising area for investment.

An expert in money and investment matters. Advises to invest in human potential, believing that the future belongs to it. Good knowledge of micro and macroeconomics. Helps readers with real estate, private pension funds and the banking sector. A selection of reliable banks and deposits is his merit. Recently, he has devoted himself to the study of cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

They blew up the market in 2017. Now only the lazy is not talking about the new digital currency, which actually appeared back in 2009. We have selected the best cryptocurrencies in terms of capitalization from 800 types. Many of them showed huge increases in value in the first half of 2017. Due to this, they aroused high interest from the public. Learn about the most promising cryptocurrencies from ProfitGid.ru. Together with you, we will find out which currency is the best to invest money in.

The first cryptocurrency appeared back in 2009. Back then, crypto money was not in great demand, so Bitcoin did not attract much attention. However, after a few years, they begin to buy and sell it. This leads to the emergence of new forks (Bitcoin analogs).

Not all cryptographic currencies have become popular, so some of them cost nothing and are not suitable for investment. To bring more profit, we offer the 2017 cryptocurrency rating.

NameFirst editionCourse on 06/28/2017Number of coinsCapitalization size
BitcoinJanuary 3, 2009 $2532,43 16 415 087 BTC $41 570 058 771
EthereumJuly 30, 2015 $290,45 92 851 629 ETH $26 968 941 237
Ripple 2012 $0,279247 38,291 387,790 XRP $10 348 132 676
LitecoinOctober 7, 2011 $40,66 51 745 357 LTC $2 104 209 434
Ethereum Classic 2016 $18,75 93 028 302 ETC $1 744 113 212
NEM31 March 2015 $0,160489 8 999 999 999 XEM $1 444 401 000
DashJanuary 18, 2014 $180,59 7 389 090 DASH $1 334 425 230
IOTA 2015 $0,357338 2 779 530 283 MIOTA $993 231 792
MoneroApril 18, 2014 $44,46 14 697 191 XMR $653 416 546
Stratis20 June 2016 $6,61 98 441 777 STRAT $638 238 662

Bitcoin: # 1 in the list of the best cryptocurrencies

Is the first cryptocurrency in the world, which appeared on January 3, 2009. Satoshi Nakamoto is considered the father of new electronic money. However, some users are sure that this is a pseudonym for a group of talented programmers.

Bitcoin has changed the way people think about the nature of money in general. Now the funds do not need regulators. The authenticity of the coins is confirmed by complex mathematical algorithms, and the users themselves can deal with the issue of funds.

What you need to know about Bitcoin:

  • decentralized system - all users have equal rights and opportunities;
  • complete transparency of settlements - each participant can view all transactions;
  • lack of control - no state or organization can control operations within the system;
  • anonymity - the system does not require user verification;
  • the emission of coins is limited - a total of 21,000,000 BTC will be issued.

As a result, people get an ideal tool for financial calculations. You can send money anywhere, and the sender does not have to pay huge commissions.

Bitcoin is open source, which has enabled other programmers to create new cryptocurrencies. Therefore, their list is constantly growing. Despite this, Bitcoin is the best cryptocurrency in the world and will be able to hold the first place in our crypto money ranking for a long time.


Ethereum is a relatively new cryptocurrency that appeared on July 30, 2015. Ethereum's founder is Vitalik Buterin, a Russian-born Canadian programmer. He proposed this system back in 2013. Thus, it took about two years to develop the cryptocurrency. This system is also based on blockchain technology.

Ether has several key features, due to which this cryptocurrency quickly became one of the most popular and took the second place in the ranking. First, smart contracts in the Ethereum system have a wide range of capabilities, so they can be used in different spheres of life. Secondly, Ethereum is an open platform, so the implementation of blockchain technology is greatly simplified. Due to this, it attracted the attention of large companies:

  • Microsoft;
  • Acronis;
  • Sberbank and others.

Vitalik Buterin - Ethereum Founder


Ripple is a complete settlement, currency exchange and money transfer system. The system was launched in 2012. Its main task is to ensure the maximum security of money transactions of any size without a refund. Now it is the third cryptocurrency in the ranking in terms of capitalization.

Ripple's popularity is driven by its widespread use. This system is successfully used by the following well-known organizations:

  • UniCredit;
  • Santander;
  • Fidor and so on.

The Ripple protocol is increasingly being used by banks and payment networks.

Some experts believe that this system could be a worthy replacement for Bitcoin. American Banker claims that Ripple's distribution registries have a number of important advantages over Bitcoin, in particular, a higher level of security. However, in terms of price, this digital currency is still noticeably inferior to BTC.


- Bitcoin fork, which appeared on October 7, 2011. As of June 28, 2017, LTC is in 4th place in the ranking in terms of capitalization among cryptocurrencies. It's worth noting that Litecoin came out after Namecoin. However, the previous fork never managed to become a popular settlement system. Now NMC is in 73rd place in the list of cryptocurrencies.

The author of the system is Charles Lee. He took the Bitcoin code as a basis. Charles Lee to create Litecoin as alternatives to Bitcoin, but so far this fork is significantly inferior. The news that LTC can replace BTC only partially allowed to raise the rate of this cryptocurrency.

Main characteristics and differences from Bitcoin:

  • increased emission of coins - the maximum number is 84,000,000 LTC;
  • accelerated transactions - block formation takes an average of 2.5 minutes, which is 4 times faster than Bitcoin.

Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Classic is a blockchain platform for developing decentralized applications using smart contracts. It is a cryptocurrency, which is also called "ether", but at the same time on exchanges it has a different abbreviation "ETC".

Ethereum Classic is a hard fork of Ethereum. The fact is that on the basis of Ethereum, The DAO platform worked, which was engaged in the management of investment capital. However, there is an error in the program of this system, which was used by hackers. They successfully attacked The DAO and transferred one third of the total ether to ChildDAO accounts. The total amount of the theft at that time was $ 50 million.

Since Ethereum is decentralized, there is no body that can reverse transactions and return money back. As a result, the developers decided to separate some of the blocks. Thus, a new cryptocurrency Ethereum Classic was formed, which develops independently of the usual Ethereum.


NEM is a Japanese cryptocurrency that has confidently entrenched itself in the top 10. It is mainly traded in the Japanese market, but gradually attracts the attention of users from other countries. Based on NEM, the private Mijin network was developed. She is focused on banking transactions and is already interested in her. SBI Sumishin Net Bank, the largest bank in Japan, tested Mijin and its capabilities for 3 months.

Now the system allows up to 3 thousand transactions per second.

Investors should pay attention to this currency. The fact is that NEM managed to consolidate its strong position in Japan, but at the same time the cost of one coin remains at a low level. Cryptocurrency rates can rise significantly after successful expansion in Asian countries. The developers have repeatedly stated that they are going to gradually enter new countries.


Dash - This cryptocurrency appeared on January 18, 2014. It was previously known under other names: Darkcoin and XCoin. The founder of the system is Evan Duffield. According to him, he became interested in Bitcoin back in 2010, after which he took up the development of his own cryptocurrency. The main task pursued by the developer was to increase anonymity.

The main differences between Dash and Bitcoin:

  • higher level of anonymity;
  • emission of funds requires less energy consumption;
  • the decentralized management system allows all system participants to participate in the further development of the cryptocurrency;
  • not one, but several cryptographic algorithms are used.

Higher anonymity is ensured by shuffling coins. For this, a special PrivateSend service is used. All transactions are combined into one, the coins are mixed, while being split into equal parts. After mixing, the amount is sent to the owner. Thus, even within the system, it is impossible to track individual amounts.


IOTA is a relatively new cryptocurrency that appeared on January 18, 2014. Now it ranks 8th in the rating by capitalization. She managed to achieve high popularity due to her uniqueness. It is unlike any of the above cryptocurrencies, so it has potential.

It is based on the Tangle consensus method (plexus, confusion). Despite the fact that the coin appeared in 2014, it became available on the exchange and in exchangers only in 2017. Bitfinex is the first platform to support the IOTA exchange.

The difference between this cryptocurrency lies in the absence of miners and payment for the transaction. The network nodes are mutually confirmed. Despite this, they plan to issue a colossal number of coins - 2 700 000 000 000 000 IOTA. This is due to the fact that it will be possible to carry out micropayments in the system without commission.


Monera is another cryptocurrency that appeared in 2014. Quickly enough it entered the TOP 10 cryptographic currencies rating, and is on the 9th line. Monero is open source, which hackers decided to take advantage of in 2014. A group of attackers planned the attack, but they were unable to destroy this cryptocurrency. After this event, experts noted that the attackers were quite well versed in the Monero and Merkle Trees code.

During the main coin production, 18.4 million XMR were issued. After that, the reward for the formation of the block was reduced to 0.6, so that the miners kept the system working.

The emission of Monero is unlimited. However, cryptocurrency mining takes place on x86 processors. It turns out to be less profitable to mine XMR on GPUs than on Bitcoin.

Now the Monero currency has become widespread for settlements in online casinos. In addition, it is often used in online games. She is interested in users who want to keep anonymity on the network.


Stratis is ranked 10th in the ranking of the best cryptocurrencies. This currency appeared on August 9, 2016. Stratis is a fairly powerful and flexible blockchain-based platform. It also claims to be the first in the world of cryptocurrencies, and the developers say that they can turn the idea of ​​users about storing money in electronic wallets.

Stratis is the youngest cryptocurrency in our ranking.

The system is written in C #, which will allow you to implement a variety of applications. It is due to the massiveness that developers hope that Stratis will turn out to be one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the future. To some extent, Stratis can be compared to Ethereum. Now these are two main competitors in the market.

It should be noted that, depending on the behavior of traders in the market, the size of the currency capitalization varies greatly. Therefore, the places in the rating may change in 1-2 months. Follow the charts on the exchanges to stay up to date with all the changes.

How and in which cryptocurrency to invest?

After cryptocurrencies began to rise in price rapidly in 2017, they began to attract more and more attention from ordinary users, the media and investors. Those who invested in Bitcoin in 2010 were able to make millions in just 7 years. Now many are tormented by the question, which cryptocurrency is the best to invest money in? And there are several ways:

Money can be invested in the purchase of equipment for the emission of cryptocurrency. If it is not so profitable to produce Bitcoin due to its high complexity (large farms in China are engaged in this), then you should pay attention to other currencies from our rating.

Ethereum has gotten a lot of attention this year. This cryptocurrency has greatly increased in price and a hype has formed around it. Now beginner miners are buying dozens of video cards. However, this is bound to be reflected in the complexity. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to another cryptocurrency. Alternatively, you can choose Ethereum Classic. By giving preference to the popular currency, you can easily find a mining pool.

  1. Trading.

The purchase of equipment will require several thousand dollars, and you can start trading with only a couple of hundred dollars. To do this, it is enough to find a broker or exchange that supports the pairs we need.

The rates of all cryptocurrencies fluctuate greatly, so even a small capital can be quickly multiplied. This is one of the easiest and most profitable ways to make money on cryptographic currencies.

  1. Cranes.

There are sites on the network that offer to complete simple tasks, and in return they give cryptocurrency. Basically, only the most popular crypto money is paid as a reward, but the amount of payment remains low.

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