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The shortage of financial resources does not allow a pair not that, but even rent your own corner. Unfortunately on the well-being of a young family, such coexistence affects negatively. No wonder they say to keep good relationships with native living separately.

It is not even that someone from parents or children is negatively conflicted or conflicted, just each family has its own way of life, which in their opinion is considered normal, and in opinion, for example, the parents are unacceptable. But what to make a new marital couple, if it does not manage to postpone the desired amount on the initial banking fee.

The state tries to take care of new cells of society and launched a special social. program for young families. This initiative is sub-clause federal program By providing citizens of the Russian Federation with their own housing. Many marital couples enjoy this opportunity and become queued.

Age - up to 35 years

To be in line with the provision of housing, the age of spouses can not be more than 35 years old, they should officially be married and have no residential real estate in their name. The presence in the family of children does not matter.

If there is still a flat, then you can apply for a new one if the average value of the housing is 1 member of the family less than 15 square meters.

Representatives state Commission Individually calculate the minimum member per family member and by comparison will determine if you have the opportunity to qualify for participation in this program.

Also, in addition to the above cases, families living in dwelling can be applied to the apartment, or in housing not corresponding to sanitary regulations of the Russian Federation. Such status of the dwelling may be assigned after the representative of the State Commission will appreciate the state, and with sufficient evidence confirms "dilapidation".

After a positive decision on non-compliance with state standards, the owner is provided with a document in which the preferential status or at home is indicated. This conclusion can be in a queue for the provision of residential real estate.

Calculate citizens who have citizenship of the Russian Federation can count on financial assistance from the state. The calculation of the amount of the subsidy is made on the fact of those living in the house who have citizenship, the remaining family members without it are not taken into account.

There are groups of citizens who have the right to quickly advance in line for an apartment. Specifications can get housing the following categories:

  1. families in which more than three juvenile children;
  2. , divorced, widow;
  3. veterans of military fighting, as well as their families;
  4. (Ministry of the Interior).

Privileges are distributed from top to bottom (from more privileged and further in descending order). The family in which a person has, who once gained social assistance from the state for the housing area, has no right to qualify for participation in the program.

It is not necessary to provide any evidence, the municipal body is endowed with all information and the database will check the fact of issuing social. Aid or its absence.

Size social benefit

Young family with a child gets a discount of 40%

The presence in the family of the child affects the size of state aid:

  1. newlyweds, who still do not yet have a child get a sum of 35% of the cost of an apartment or at home;
  2. families who have a child get a slightly large assistance equal to 40% of the total cost of housing.

IN major cities Federal value (Moscow, St. Petersburg) The size of preferential payments is reduced by 5% for each family group: 30% for childless and 35% for families with a child.

Depending on the democratic indicators, the cost of real estate and other similar factors, the amount of payments may differ regional. Government bodies calculate the amount of the maximum financial assistance to a young family every year.

After the state made by the state, the couple can add the necessary amount to acquire housing or take an apartment, and as a first contribution to provide issued social assistance. Not all banks welcome such a way of initial contribution, but there are such that they will gladly provide this opportunity.

Order of formation

Young family with children can count on state support

In order to spend the time as possible for the design of this subsidy, it is necessary to prepare in advance for a visit and explore required package documents prepared in advance.

Like any state procedure, this process begins with applying for a prescribed model and providing the required documentation.

Together with the completed statement, you need to bring with you a document confirming the right to apply for benefits from the state. These may be papers in which participation in the federal program, an extract from Unified Registry rights and similar documents.

Another important point is to provide certificates of income. It means not only the main work, but all sources of income so that the administrative authority makes the decision on the ability or inability of the young family to take a mortgage. The decision-making in the administration at the place of residence is usually 10 calendar days.

If the family received a refusal to pay, it will not be superfluous to learn the reason, despite the fact that there is a complete legal right.

List of necessary documentation

Certificate has a shelf life

It is worthwhile that in each individual case, the document package may differ slightly, but there is an approximate generally accepted list:

  • passports of adult applicants;
  • (children);
  • marriage certificate;
  • which indicates the number and data of citizens living in the house;
  • certificates of family income;
  • documents for the planned acquisition: construction plan, estimate, construction permit and other;
  • a document confirming the right to;
  • a document confirming the right to privileges faster advancement in the queue (if any);
  • a document confirming the right to participate in this program.

It is the last paragraph that collected distinguishes, since each family has its own reason for receiving payments: durability of housing, extract from the USRP about the absence of a family of a different housing area, etc.

So, the application was filed, the necessary package of documents was granted, it remains to wait for the decision of the administrative authority. For consideration will take about 10 days. A positive or negative decision of a person who submitted a statement will learn in a letter that should come within five days after making a decision state bodyData dealing with this issue.

If the payment of subsidies as approved, it remains to queue and get a certificate confirming the right to material assistance.

Terms of use of the certificate

Alone to buy housing Young family is not capable

It is important to know that the validity of a confirmation certificate is limited and is two months from the date of delivery. If a citizen does not take any action to acquire housing, then the certificate has ceased to be relevant.

With this certificate, you need to contact the bank where you will open a personal blocked account. Blocked account is an account, financial resources which can only be sent for a certain need, in this case For the purchase of housing.

The process of obtaining material support is not simple, but if you follow all instructions, carefully examine the procedure, then everything turns out to be possible. The state is compiling for material assistance Young families with the aim of acquiring their own housing, helps some cells of society to be implemented or improving their housing conditions.

How can a young family get an apartment? Tell video:

To achieve free housing from the state has always been difficult and troublesome. Today, guaranteed by Article 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the right to housing of poor Russians is implemented through the provision of premises under the social contract in the order of the apartment queue. Many consider the illusory opportunity to gain the desired habitat for the state account. Even in conditions when they formally satisfy the requirements, people are not executed on the apartment queue.

Refusal from the opportunity provided by the state is irregular. The fact of staying on the apartment registration can play on hand not only upon receipt of the Sociality, but also in the case independent purchase real estate. There are many federal and regional programs involving:

  • subsidation by the state buying real estate (up to 30% of the cost);
  • programs social mortgage with a preferential rate and long period of payment;
  • providing installments and other benefits.

Who are taken to the apartment queue in 2019-2020?

According to Article 49 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, social housing is necessary for low-income Russians in need of improving housing conditions. There are several prerequisites for apartment records:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation is a fundamental requirement for accommodation applicants under the social contract (P.5 of Article 49 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The rules for registration of "mixed" families vary in the regions. But if we are talking about a single foreigner or a family of foreigners / individuals without citizenship, to get social housing, nothing to think;
  2. Statement of the status of a poor in the management of social protection at the place of residence;
  3. The need for the improvement of living conditions due to the lack of square or the complete absence of its own housing;
  4. Casis settling from 5 years (in Moscow - 10 years). Given the fact that the provision of housing is carried out at the expense of the budgets of the subjects of the Federation, the requirement of permanent ads with registration on its territory looks reasonable;
  5. The absence over the past 5 years before the day of registration of intentional actions, which would worsened the level of security of the applicants in housing (for example: registration in the apartment of other people's people, exchange large apartment to smaller).

Obtaining the status of poor

Before you stand on an apartment, you need to contact the local management of social protection for the status of poor. Pre-evaluate your compliance with the category "low-power" is quite difficult. And she herself, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, applies only "for the purposes of this Code". In a practical plane, this means that the salary of adult family members at the level of the minimum wage or the production of social acquisitions for low-income does not guarantee the attachment to the poor. And vice versa, if the parents have enough income, but there is no property and several children, there may be forced them.

When applying for the desired status, the employees of the Sobes take into account:

  • cumulative official income of family members (salary, alimony, rent, income from the deposit, etc.);
  • the cost of their property (residential and non-residential real estate, land plot, TC, self-propelled machinery and tractor equipment).

The list of significant property officials will find out on the basis of information from property registration authorities. Therefore, a foreign car, bought by proxy, is not formally owned, but about household appliances Or gold jewelry is not in general. Collect and wear certificates will have to applicant. For example, the relative land plot will require an extract for cadastral value, relatively vehicle - Guellery traffic police about the presence / absence and expert assessment. The entire document package will be thoroughly checked.

Based on the data obtained, the employees of the Cobra calculate whether the family can buy an apartment for 20 years. For this they:

  • calculate the amount of free funds, taking away from the cumulative monthly income of the family subsistence minima for each of her member;
  • the resulting digit is multiplied by 12 (months of the year) and 20;
  • the value of the entire family property is added to the result of calculations;
  • compare the resulting amount with the calculated cost of housing of the corresponding quadrature in the region.

If it turns out that for 20 years, the applicants will not be able to buy real estate independently, the status of a poor thing is confirmed, as applicants are sent a written notice.

The founding of recognition in need of improving living conditions:

  • Lack of housing when a citizen:
  1. not a spouse or child owner of residential real estate or employer of social housing.
  2. it is not an employer under a social contract or hiring the premises of the Social Use Fund;
  3. does not have housing in the property;
  • The provision of a living space of a less accounting standard established by the regional authorities (for Moscow is 10 sq.m. for individual apartments and 15 sq.m. - for premises where several families or generations of relatives are cohabitated).
  • Habitat in real estate, not appropriate technical, sanitary and hygienic standards (non-residential, emergency, dilapidation, to be demolished) regardless of the quadrature.
  • Forced cohabitation with sick, suffering from a heavy or infectious form of chronic disease, the overall accommodation with which is impossible for medical testimony. The list of diseases is established by the government and includes, for example, the active shape of tuberculosis, gangrene, mental disorders, epilepsy with seizures.

How to register?

Having a positive conclusion from Rysobes on his hands, it is necessary to contact the District Office of the Housing Policy Department and Housing Fund with the following package of documents:

  • application for registration with the signature of all family members on a standard form;
  • the applicant's identity documents (civilian passport, birth certificate);
  • identification codes;
  • certificate of concluding / termination of marriage;
  • certificate from a single cadastre of real estate objects, indicating the availability / absence of property applicants;
  • certificate from the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service of the income, discharge from bank accounts of financial institutions on the movement of funds;
  • if there are documents confirming the benefits.

The above list includes generally accepted documents. They will be demanded when registering from any category of applicants - and a young family, and a single mother. Depending on the specific situation and the region, it can be complemented by other documents.

The decision on registration is made throughout the calendar month. In case of success, the family becomes the applicant for the minimum required 18 sq.m. Municipal living space per soul is the general standard.

Those who stood in turn, information about the invariability of the material situation and maintaining the need for improving living conditions will have to confirm annually.

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To do this, make a number of conditions. How to stand on a queue of a young family to get an apartment?

For most families, state support becomes the only chance to gain one's own housing. This is especially true of young people who have recently entered into marriage.

Most often they are forced to live with parents or rent housing. How to get a young family on a queue for the receipt of an apartment from the state?


The state has long thought about how to improve the standard of living of citizens. In particular, the task was to provide needy people with decent housing.

The decision was the creation of the federal dwelling program. But no less relevant was the issue of providing housing a young, and less secured part of the population.

Most young families in Russia do not have their own housing. As a component of the main program, the "Young Family" subprogramme was developed.

Her name officially sounds like "providing housing of young families." It was originally planned that this program will act from 2011 to 2015.

But in 2019 it was extended until 2020. During this period, young families can gain a subsidy from the state to acquire housing.

What it is

Extended project assistance to young families somewhat modified. Earlier, the goal of the program was positioned as help in acquiring housing.

From 2019, only the acquisition of housing on the primary market or independent construction is allowed.

Under the terms of the program, the "Young Family" provides for the issuance of a subsidy for the purchase of housing or participation in.

The amount of the amount allocated varies from 35% to 40% of the estimated cost of housing.

Public funds can be made to partial payment of software, as a first contribution for mortgage or for paying a housing loan debt.

An important condition is the compliance of the apartment acquired by the standards established by the state:

At the same time, a number of requirements are made to the participants of the program, how appropriate. Part of the criterion is set at the federal level.

Some conditions are established at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Subsidium within the framework of the program is provided in the queue. It is allowed to spend it only for improving the quality of housing conditions.

Environmental meaning

The main goal of the "Young Family" program is a significant improvement in the conditions for the residence of the newly created cells of society through financial support.

It is assumed that the acquisition of stability by Russian families will have a positive effect on the growth of fertility. But this project has a different positive side.

Improving the demand for housing will lead to an increase in the construction of residential apartment housesDevelopment mortgage lending, improve the level of housing and municipal and so on.

Existing standards

The federal target program "Housing" was established. Its validity period is defined as the period from 2011 to 2015.

Somewhat later, the project was somewhat revised, and the subprogramme "Providing housing of young families" was established.

The terms of the program are somewhat changing at the regional level. You need to specify them in the local administration.

The main requirements for the applicants are:

The presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation
Duration of registration in the region of accommodation And participation in the program for at least eleven years (in certain regions the requirement must correspond to at least one of the spouses)
Age of spouses No more than thirty-five years at the time of receiving the subsidy (in the extradition of funds it can be denied when the age of spouses exceeded the norm)
The family can be complete or incomplete (with the presence of children) But at least two people
Mandatory family status In need of improving housing conditions confirmed by local self-government bodies
total area Available accommodation less accountable rate From 8 to 18 sq.m, depending on the region
Housing inconsistency by technical and sanitary standards Established in the region
Accommodation in Vetum Or intended demolition housing
Lack of state support appeals Earlier with obtaining various subsidies for the improvement of housing conditions.

One of the fundamental conditions is the presence of sufficient income. But at the same time, when the family can acquire an apartment for his own account, then in subsidies, most likely will refuse.

It will be argued by the fact that there are more families in need. Sufficient to enter into the program income are considered monthly sums arrived:

Amounts are indexed when taking into account inflation. But the more accurate procedure for determining income must be clarified in the local administration.

Order procedure

Where to stand on line on the apartment as a young family? To participate in the provision of housing, a young family should apply to local governments at the place of permanent residence.

The order of circulation is:

Potential participant submits to the local administration the collected package of documents And application filled by the established pattern
Within ten days, the application is considered in five days The applicant is notified of the decision. In fact, the term of consideration can last to six months or more. The written notice provides reasons for refusal. Only after the elimination can be reused
With a positive solution for one month The package of necessary documentation is submitted again and together with it is provided to obtain a certificate of granting a subsidy.
At the near future, a certificate is issued to receive a subsidy. Upon receipt of this by registered mail, it should be personally to sign in receipt, only this document is considered to be given to the recipient

You need to clarify the procedure for the program. Subsidy is provided in the order of queue.

Video: How to get housing or a young family program

The submitted statement describes the inclusion of participants for the coming year. The list of young families is approved until the first of September of this year.

Certificate is issued only after approval by the government of the size of subsidies and approval by local participants.

The certificate obtained should be transferred to the bank to open a special account within a month.

Another seven months has a young family to buy housing or design and providing relevant documentation to the bank.

After granting the documents necessary for the payment of documents within six days, it turns into local governments for the transfer of funds.

In five days, funds are transferred to a bank account. Bank for five days translates money to the seller of housing. A young family becomes the owner of the housing.

Who is the first in the queue list?

  • single mother;
  • families with the presence of children with disabilities;
  • employees of the ATS, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FTS and similar structures;
  • syroidum children with their own family;
  • disabled people with serious chronic diseases;
  • large families;
  • families of military personnel;
  • families living in dilapidated housing;
  • veterans of hostilities, etc.

In practice, the queue is moving faster than families, where one of the spouses is an orphan. Provided that previously Apartment He did not stand out from the state.

Size and calculation of subsidies

The value of the secured subsidy depends on the region of living, level wages or the size of own funds, the number of children in the family.

In each case, the amount of payment is calculated individually. On average, spouses without children receive 35% of the cost of purchased housing, and parents with children can count in the amount of 40%.

In the cities of the federal value, the value of the subsidy will be 5% lower. The apartment for an apartment of a young family in Moscow will allow 30% of the cost of housing in the absence of children and 35% when children have.

The calculation of the subsidy is carried out according to the following formula:

The norm of the total area of \u200b\u200bhousing is accepted by 42 sq.m. For a family of two. With more family members, the norm is calculated as multiplying the number of people and norms per person (18 sq.m.).

There is an opportunity to reduce the cost of obtaining their housing. Say - unreal? Quite real for a young family, as she can get subsidy, joining state program "Young family" and get it a little less or significantly more than the above amount, which can go, for example, to pay the initial contribution for mortgage.

The "Young Family" program has the official name - "providing housing of young families", which is a subprogramme of the Federal Program "Dwelling" and is valid until 2015.

Conditions of participation in the program

No matter how paradoxically sounded, but to participate in the program the family should live in bad housing conditions, have good income To pay a mortgage (or another loan) or a sufficient amount of money for the purchase of housing.

Important! Listed below the list of conditions for participation in the program is the main, complete and actual list Specify in your administration.

The procedure for joining the program "Young Family" and receiving a subsidy

  1. Prepare the necessary documents.
    Important! Below is the main list of documents for participation in the program, check the full list in the administration.

    Personal documents:

    • Originals and copies of passports of the Russian Parents (or Parent);
    • Originals and copies of the birth certificate of children (if any);
    • Certificate of marriage if the family is complete;
    • Certificate of divorce, if the family is not complete;

    Documents reflecting financial opportunity families:

    • Income certificate (Help 2-NDFL) if the apartment will be purchased into a mortgage.

      The income of young family parents can also be taken into account if they write a statement about the consent to participate in subsidizing the cost of paying the apartment purchased, and will provide certificates of their income.

    • Extract of the personal account in the bank, which confirms the presence of a certain amount to pay for the apartment.

      The amount must exceed the size of the subsidy (installed in your region) if the family does not resort for help to mortgage or other lending. You can also provide a photocopy of a savings book. If the family has no money to pay the initial contribution for a mortgage or other loan, then it is possible to pay it to the money obtained according to the program.

    Documents on the registration of each member of a young family:

    • Extract from the house book (usual or extended).
    • This extract indicates registered people in the apartment. This reference is taken in the passport desk, where the family is registered. If the family is registered in the private house, the house book itself is necessary. Read the detailed instructions for receiving this extract.

  2. Copies of the financial personal account with the management company;

    Do not always require, but sometimes include copies of the consignment cards. To get you need to come with a passport in managing company And write a statement. Employees of the company (according to the rules of provision communal services) There are obliged to issue the requested documents after 3 business days. Refusing on the basis of non-payment behind the apartment are not eligible.

  3. Documents confirming the need of a family to improve housing conditions:

  • Act of the survey of family residence.

    This act confirms that the family needs accommodation more than that in which she lives. It is taken in the local administration or in the property management department.

  • Act of the emergency condition of housing, if the housing is recognized as veterinary (unsuitable).

    This act is taken in the local administration or in the Department of Property Management.

  • Documents confirming the presence or absence of any property of each member of a young family.

    Documents that indicate the availability of property may be a certificate of ownership, an order or a social hiring agreement.

    Documents confirming the absence of any property from each family member (in each region the list differs):

    • extract from EMERN Each family member. Official name "Extract from EGRN on Rights individual On the objects of real estate ". there is detailed instructions Order of this statement.
    • help with BTI in form №2 about non-participation in privatization. She orders the Bureau Technical inventory for 500r. For each family member separately. This reference is preparing for 5 days.
  • To local governments should be filed collected documents and fill out application forms Sample installed. Under the organs, there is a type of bodies that are engaged in issues of housing policy. This can be referred to as the administration, the Committee or Department, but is one of the essence of the work of it: to understand the work of housing and communal services and, among other things, the improvement of the housing conditions of the population. Some regions exist special agencies.
  • After submitting documents remains wait for the Commission's decision in turn.

    The term can last up to 6 months, although the rules of the program states that the decision of the commission must be taken 10 days after submitting documents and applications. Another 5 days is given to the written notice of the family. The queue in each region is different. Who are in the first to read list.

    There is a certain procedure for the work of the commissions, which addresses the issue of granting subsidies, in each region it is its own. This is open information.

    Almost all administrations have their websites on the Internet, where there are addresses, telephones, documents in PDF or Doc format, which can be viewed and download. On many sites there are functions of an interactive service where you can ask a question and get the answer. You can submit documents to in electronic format and see regional conditions.

    In case of refusal, you can re-apply, only after eliminating the grounds, due to which you were denied. Causes of refusal can learn from the Commission.

  • In case of a positive solutionAfter the notification of this, you need to once again submit the above documents to the Commission and write an application already to obtain a certificate upon receipt of a subsidy (within 1 month). In each case, everything is individually or necessary to collect documents and order new references, or the commission is enough and old (i.e. duplicate). In general, specify in advance.
  • After that you issued a certificate to receive a subsidy for the program. Approximate calculation of the subsidy is specified.

    But it can delay, as it was written above. It also happens that after the six months of the family wait for the response of the Commission and, if he is positive, at the same time receive evidence.

    If the notice to receive a certificate comes by registered mail, sign in receipt only personally! Only in this case it is considered to be awarded to the recipient.
  • Then this certificate for 2 months must be submitted to the bankwhere the amount will be listed in the blocking bank account. Blocking account because money from it will only be translated from the seller (private person or construction company) For an apartment acquired and no longer any other needs.
  • Later find a suitable apartment and if you take a mortgage or other loan, sign a loan agreement with a bank or other organization, but it must be warned in advance that an initial fee It will be paid at the expense of a subsidy, if there is no other money for this.
    Note - to pay off the initial fee for credit due to the certificate obtained according to the program, it is possible if the loan is issued since 2013.

    Purchased apartment must answer the following conditions:

    • The apartment can be in another region of the Russian Federation.
    • By purchasing this apartment, thereby the family should improve its former housing conditions.
    • It must meet the installed sanitary and technical standards established in the region, city, etc.
    • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment for each family member should not be less than the accounting rate of residence established by the local authorities. We remind you that it is from 8 sq.m. up to 18 sq.m. per person, because In the regions, the account number is different. Specify it in local authorities.
  • Important! The following point in the official rules is not specified, but in most cases it must be done. Therefore, these actions agree with your commission.

    Further commissions need to re-submit documents So that she make sure that the apartment acquired really meets the above conditions and the family has sufficient income on repayment of a loan or other money to purchase.

    Documents that must be submitted (summary list, specify at your commission in advance):

    • Originals certificate of registration of the right to the apartment acquired (if any);
    • contract basis for an apartment acquired;
    • Credit contractif you took a mortgage or other loan (original);
    • Extended extract from the USRP real estateIn this case, the purchased apartment. This statement must give the seller. Read more about this statement in this article.
    • If the family has money to pay for an apartment, then provide an extract for the status of a bank personal account, which confirms the existence of a certain amount for the apartment for payment for the apartment (if any). You can also provide a photocopy of a savings book.
    • Facial statement bank account Seller Apartments.
    • Written permission of the guardianship and guardianship bodies for the purchase of a mortgage apartment that minors will be co-owners (owners) of housing pledge (under the encumbrance).

      To get this permission to both parents (parent, if an incomplete family), you need to contact the custody bodies, fill out the statement of the established sample and submit the following documents:

      • passports of the Russian parents;
      • certificate of the birth of a child;
      • originals certificate of ownership of the ownership of the apartment and the basis of the foundation (if the seller does not give you in hand, he must come together with you personally);
      • credit agreement;
      • discharge from the housebook both from the seller's apartments and from the children (where they are spelled out) and, if children are registered in a private house, then the house book itself;
      • certificate of marriage or divorce.

      After 10 business days, you can get a written permission.

  • Commission Check the information provided and documents And, if all the conditions are observed, give a positive answer.
  • Get the apartment and register the purchase and sale transaction in the registration chamber.
    The purchased apartment is registered in common property All members of a young family.

    If the apartment is purchased on the mortgage, then you can make a property only per spouse or on both. But for this, it is necessary to issue a notarized obligation to issue a notarized commitment that after paying the loan and removing the exchange of the bank from the apartment, he (they) is obliged to refline the property of the apartment on all family members. This must be done within 6 months after removing encumbrance from the apartment.

  • After registering a deal According to the official rules, the Bank must submit the following documents to the Commission, but in practice it is usually obliged to make it family members, for the application for transferring money on a subsidy on the family bank account for further transfer to the seller.
    • Extract from the USRP to real estate. This statement is needed for the already purchased apartment. How to order it in this instruction;
    • A loan agreement and mortgage, if you took a mortgage or a different loan;
    • Extract about the status of your bank personal account, where it is indicated that you have passed money to the seller (if paid own means);
    • Extract about the status of the banking facial account of the seller of the apartment, where it is indicated that the money he was translated.
  • Application check I. within 5 working days, the Commission must transfer money on a subsidy on the facial family bank account.
  • Further bank from a family bank account lists money to the seller's account The remaining amount for the apartment, also within 5 business days.
  • IMPORTANT! Keep in mind that financing has its own order. Despite the deadlines specified in the certificate cash Consisted in the budget of the city in the current year. If you received a payment certificate at the end of 2014 and its term ends, for example, in April 2015, then you need to use it until December 31, 2014, because the program is valid until 2015.

    Although, judging by the statement of Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev, there is a good chance that the program will extend for another few years. And the amount of the subsidy according to the program is indicated below.

    Who is the first in the queue list?

    • The very first to receive subsidies can count on those families already standing in line for improving the conditions in which they live. Provided that this step was made until March 1, 2005 and in accordance with Art. 51 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. This article describes in detail who has the right to improve the housing conditions with which it has today.
    • Family living in homes officially recognized unsuitable for living. This is a dilapidated house in the first place.
    • Families having 3 and more children.

    Size and calculation of subsidies

    Subsidy size is not available:

    • 30% of the calculated (or moderate) price of the acquired housing for a family without children;
    • from 35% of the cost of housing for young families with 1 child or more, as well as for incomplete young families consisting of 1 young parent and 1 child or more;
    • half from the cost can count on those who are built or buying an apartment in a new building.

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    Commission for receiving cash using platinum cards Next:

    • funds in the amount of their residue can be removed free of charge, both at the issue of issuing money and in ATMs of the VTB Group;
    • when receiving a loan from the owner, 5.5% of the query amount, but not less than 300 p. both in the VTB24 bank and in another financial institution;
    • you can get your funds in another institution, only by paying 1% of the required amount, at least 300 p.

    The conclusion about the Bank's tariff policy is obvious - before removing money from the VTB24 card, the client who must make sure of two things:

    • that the removal occurs at the issue point or ATM owned by the VTB group;
    • that the query value does not exceed the balance of its own funds.

    How to open an account in a bank: video

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