
Reservation of special purpose in Sberbank online. Sberbank offers to back up an online billing account. When it is convenient

People who are engaged in the business perfectly know that sometimes it is important every minute. In situations where you need to quickly open a new current account, the delay may jeopardize the conclusion of an important contract. But it is not always possible to promptly assemble the package of documents and get to the bank branch. And in this case, the new Sberbank service can help - online reservation of the current account.

Sberbank brought this new service at the end of last year to the market, and such a proposal immediately showed itself in action - 12,000 bills were reserved in two months. Such popularity is explained simply: the service helps to save time and make the opening of the current account more convenient. Now you can get the number of the current account in 5 minutes without leaving the office or at home.

To do this, you need to have access to the Internet and fill out the application on the Sberbank website. For online reservation of the account, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur is enough to specify OGRN, leave contact details and choose a convenient department for opening and maintaining an account. After that, it will be possible to get the number of the current account and bank details.

Individual entrepreneur Kostikova Tatyana Yurevna:

"I am registered as an IP since March 2014, in November I decided to participate in a grant for business development for small entrepreneurs. One of the conditions for this was the existence of a current account, but I learned about it only on December 30, and 31 expired the term Submission of documents. This put a grant's issuance and reduced every effort attached to me to realize the dream - the opening of your own business. There was no time for meditation, and therefore at 5:30 pm on December 30 I called Sberbank and learned about online reservation Accounts. And on December 31, new details of my account I transferred to the administration to receive a grant. Thus, I managed to realize my dream. "

Important moment: After reserving the account, its number can be immediately reported to counterparties - Sberbank will take cash In favor of the client. Pointing the number mobile phone When reserving an account, the client will be able to receive information on the receipt of funds on this. With the help of SMS-notifications of the client, not only about the appearance of funds, but also when it is possible to go to the selected branch of the bank and complete the billing.

With online reservation, the current account number is saved for the client within five working days. During this time, you need to visit the bank branch and, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, provide the package of documents necessary for opening the current account. After the account is open, the client will be able to perform all operations on reserved account, including consumables.

From March 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 in Sberbank acts special offer For those who reserve an online billing account. During this period, with simultaneous registration of any existing package of RTO services, a free opening of the current account is provided in rubles of the Russian Federation and the connection to the Internet bank of the Sberbank Business Internet Bank.

The choice of a reliable partner is an important step in the development of your own business. Sberbank offers modern high-tech business solutions and an integrated approach to solving their customers. The advantages of the opening and maintenance of accounts in Sberbank are a wide branch network and its own calculation system, which allows you to quickly carry out large amounts of payments.

1 5 minutes - the average time required to fill the questionnaire legal entity or individual entrepreneur, forming a settlement account number and the necessary identification procedures when using the online reservation account service on the website www.sberbank.ru.

2 Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the current account number, the Bank accepts funds for subsequent enrollment on the reserved current account on its opening day. In case of failure to provide documents for opening a current account within 5 working days, the account is canceled, the funds listed on account details are returned to senders.

3 One of the following service packages cash Service Sberbank: "Active", "Bizis", "Optima", "salary" and "shopping".
4 Payment service fee and monthly fee for the use of the Sberbank Business Online System is charged according to the current Tariffs of the Bank. On the territory of Moscow, the service "Online reservation of the current account" is not available in the Opere of the Moscow Bank at the address Vavilov, 19.

The service "Online reservation of the current account" is provided to legal entities (with the exception of credit and autonomous non-Profit Organizations) and individual entrepreneurs - residents of the Russian Federation, information about which is contained in the federal tax Service Russian Federation. For one legal entity or individual entrepreneur during the period of reservation (5 working days from the date of receipt of the current account of the online) is reserved no more than one current account.

The reserved current account must be opened within 5 working days from the backup date by providing a set of documents necessary to open a current account, in the application selected when filling out the application (www.sberbank.ru). In case, during the reservation period, the current account was not open, the specified account is automatically canceled; Cash obtained to enroll on the reserved account are automatically returned to the sender. Detailed information about the service "Online Reservation of the Settlement Account" Specify on the Sberbank website www.sberbank.ru, in the branches of Sberbank, serving legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, or by toll free phone 8 800 555 84 84.

Conditions are valid from 01.03.2015 to 06/30/2015 (inclusive). Changing the conditions is made by the Bank in unilaterally. The information presented in this material is not a public offer. OJSC "Sberbank of Russia". General License of the Bank of Russia for implementation banking operations N 1481 of 08.08.2012.

Reservation of the current account- Popular service that lately It offers an increasing number of banks. This is a convenient tool that accelerates the process of obtaining the number P / C without visiting a credit organization and transfer of papers. In Russia, the service has been acting recently, but in the world it is in demand for a long time. After booking the current account, the obtained number may be indicated in agreements with partners and other documents.

When is it convenient?

Bank account reservationtakes the application form filed in online mode. The goal is to receive details of the current account in the credit institution in advance. After registration, the Bank allocates the time during which the client must appear to transmit the required packet of papers and obtain the P / C in normal mode. Only after that all account options will be available.

Reservation account comes in handy :

  • For urgent transfer of the number of P / with business partners.
  • When you need to participate in the tender, and there is no time for full reservation of p / s.
  • For use as a spare P / s to protect yourself from force majeure situations.
  • If desired, in the near future, open the account in the selected bank and reduce the time for the service.

How is the reservation of the current account?

One of the main tasks of the client is a clear observance of the actions algorithm in the process of design. Bank account reservation Produced like this:

  • The client makes data into the questionnaire of the selected institution, after which the P / C is automatically recorded by the applicant.
  • The bank sends the number of P / s via e-mail, as well as a reference to the list of papers, which should be presented at the account decoration stage.
  • During the agreed period (for each bank it is its), the client must appear in the establishment with papers and sign an agreement. If this is not done, reservation of the current account canceled.

What do you need to specify in the questionnaire?

Apply for account reservation it implies an introduction to the form of the following data:

  • Information about citizenship (resident or not).
  • Form management companies.
  • Titles.
  • OGRN and TIN.
  • View of the current account.
  • A branch where the service will be made.
  • Name.
  • Phone and mailbox.

Fundamental rules

Before using the service, it is important to explore the requirements put forward by a credit institution.

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Reservation of the current account has a number of nuances :

  • The room is suitable for a certain period. Most often - no more than thirty days from the day when an application was filed.
  • The number of the accounting account that is transmitted to the applicant is informational. This means that it is impossible to carry out transactions for such an account to full-term design.
  • In the case of directions of a certain amount on a booked P / C, it "hangs" in the accounts of unexplained funds for up to five days. Enrollment of this money on the R / C client is made only when the latter will pass the full procedure. In other situations, the money aforementioned earlier returns to the sender.
  • If the client handed over the incomplete packet of papers at the account decoration, after 30 days, the booking application is removed.

What are the advantages?

Option reservations of the current account gained popularity due to a number of advantages:

  • Money can go to credit Organization The address of the organization is already on the day of registration. At the same time, the P / S works only on crediting until the full packet transfer is transferred. As soon as the procedure is carried out, all transactions (including consumables) become the client.
  • The account number is transmitted via the Internet, which allows you to save time on visiting the credit structure.
  • The reservation process in the bank is available in 24/7 mode, that is, daily and clock day.
  • Armored room can be prescribed in various documents - customer service agreements, accounts and other papers.
  • After a full activation, the number remains unchanged.

Account reservation process - great way Accelerate the design and start business activities even before the opening of a full-fledged P / s.

Participation in Gosobonzakaz - the same business as others. But there are some nuances. The head performer is obliged to open a special bank account functioning individually. Special is used by the state in order to ensure maximum transparency of transactions and protect the interests of both sides. Reservation of the account in Sberbank for the state defense order is possible on the basis of Federal Law №44 dated 04/05/2013. The credit institution is among the authorized banks for the implementation of this procedure.

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Each financial organization Sets its own rules for conducting such an operation. When reserving an account in a savings bank, cashless cash for the state defense order is accepted on the day of its opening.

The performer is given five days to collect the necessary documentation, if during the specified paper term will not be received, the money is returned to the customer, the special staff closes. You can conduct reservations online, without visiting the bank office.

How can I use special

It is possible to spend money stored in Sberbank to spend money in order to pay an advance payment or to ensure the needs of the state order.

Write-off occurs after a special order, which indicates the number of the government contract identifier, the translation is carried out on the specialist for the GOZ. However, there are some exceptions:

  • Payments to the budget, such as taxes or insurance;
  • Making fees for products, the value of which is governed by the state;
  • Calculation with foreign performers who participated in the defense market;
  • Obtaining income specified in the Agreement and approved by both participants of the Agreement;
  • Other spending not exceeding three million rubles.

In accordance with Article 76 Tax Code The Russian Federation is possible to suspend operations on special fees to recover overdue contributions. After receiving the bank alert from the Customer that the contract was successfully completed, the account maintenance is terminated.

What operations cannot be carried out?

It is prohibited from special counseling to pay loans and loans, except those payments that are registered in the contract. It is impossible to produce products to individuals, the exception is compensation payments employees or listing them wages.

Money stored on the score can not:

  • spend on charity;
  • v. statutory capital third party company;
  • spend on buying currency precious metals or shares;
  • translate to the current account in a third-party bank;
  • use to fulfill the concession agreement with the right of claim.

It is forbidden to keep money on deposits, if the amount and interest on it will not be credited to the specialist. To ensure the execution of the contract, they should also be used.

It is allowed to write off this executive documents, as:

  • Payment of wages or output benefits;
  • Compensation for damage to health or life;
  • Payments to the budget of the Russian Federation.

Banking accompaniment

In order for the participants in the execution of the Agreement, it is necessary to calculate through a special account, it is necessary to sign an agreement on bank accompaniment. Reservation of a separate settlement account for the state defense system in Sberbank can be held in just five minutes.

  • Use the online reservation service (special account will be available immediately);
  • During the year, grant to the office Savings bank package of necessary documentation;
  • After all the papers are checked, you can carry out transactions.

Also need to make a statement in in electronic format About joining in Sberbank Business online. Follow the step by step instructions for forming an application:

  • Go to your account;
  • Find the category "Services" - "statement";
  • In the list, select the String "Appointment" line;
  • Form the document by filling out all the necessary graphs;
  • Select the type of deposit, specify its size, currency type, placement and rate;
  • Confirm your agreement with the terms of placement and save the information;
  • A password will come to the phone, it needs to be made to a special field - this is an equivalent of an electronic signature.

A sample application can be printed in Sberbank Business online, only all fields will have to be filled manually.


You can reserve an account in Sberbank according to the state defense scale through Internet banking or contacting the contact center specialists at 8-800-555-57-77.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Undoubtedly, a comfortable thing when you do not need to remember the moments when the bank fully opens the current account.

This service, as well as the recently emerged possibility, greatly facilitates the life of entrepreneurs. The bank undoubtedly seeks to gain confidence and loyalty not only countless individuals, but also legal. And more and more noticeable becomes like a bias banking service Going towards online, without visiting offices.

The service can be ordered at sberbank.esphere.ru

What is the account number reservation?

The online application is filled on the site indicating the details of the entrepreneur. After that, a current account with a limited functionality for 5 days (or 90 for state contracts) is created. Limitations are associated with the fact that by this account You can only accept payments And it is impossible to carry out. Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to urgently accept the payment to another account and here it is just a reservation service as it is impossible by the way. You do not need to wait for the "old manner" when you fully connect the account, you can accept the payment within 5 minutes after the application is issued.

As for restrictions only on receiving funds, it is removed after the design of documents in the office. You can bring documents to any of the branches of Sberbank chosen in the application. Also after placing an application online, the client will receive full details The newly created account and will be able to provide them with current counterparties.

What basic conditions makes Sberbank on online reservation of accounts

  • The current account of the current account is valid for legal entities (except for credit and autonomous non-profit organizations) and IP, residents of the Russian Federation, which is contained in the FTS database.
  • The reserved account should be formed within 5 days from the date of reservation (up to 90 days for the accompaniment of the State Protection contracts according to the State Rail. Zakazu) by submitting the necessary documents.
  • In case of failure to provide for a 5-day duty time, the account is canceled, and with funds, money is returned.
  • The Bank may refuse to reserve an account if there is a decision to suspend payments on the accounts of the client's accounts or if there are information about dubious account operations.
  • For one client / organization allowed only 1 accounts
  • The reserved account opens in rubles.
  • During the duration of the reservation (5 days at the time of receipt of the account number online), the Bank temporarily stores the received funds and enroll them to the account after a full opening of the account.

Service "Online reservation of the current account" Provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, information about which is contained in the Tax Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For one legal entity or individual entrepreneur during the reservation period (3 working days from the date of receipt of the current account of the current account) is reserved no more than 10 billing accounts. The reserved current account must be opened within 3 working days from the reservation date by providing a set of documents necessary to open a current account, in any branch of the bank on the city specified in the application. In case, during the backup period, the current account was not open, the specified account is automatically canceled.

ADVANTAGES: The ability to reserve account 24/7. Customer saving. After backing the account, the client can immediately report the account number to its counterparties !!!

You can get the number of the current account, without leaving the office or at home!

To do this, you need to have access to the Internet.

The client needs to fill out an application in the Personal Account on Sberbank's website - .

When applying for account reservation, the client must be familiar with the terms of the bank and fill out the following fields:

  • LLP / IP
  • Name of the client
  • BIN / IIN
  • Full name of the head
  • contact phone numbers
  • city
  • specify the required number of accounts
  • select the type of currency

Within 5 minutes from the date of sending the application to the Client in personal Area Information will be sent by the number of reserved) accounts (s) and bank details.

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