
Accrual for balances on accounts. Bank cards with percent accrual on the balance of own funds. What requires a bill account with accrual for percent residue

Legal entities and IP cannot work effectively without bank account. The usual settlement account simplifies accounting and control over the means. Some banks offer additional programs - accrual for the balance of the billing of interest. Agreement is required that complements the agreement on cassov service, Performing conditions for the volume of funds at the end of the estimated period. For the entrepreneur, it is profitable, as it allows you to get an additional income.

What requires a current account with accrual for percent residue?

Organizing an enterprise or society, be sure to conclude an agreement on cash service cash service. IP is obliged to do this if payments exceed the established limit (100 thousand rubles). In order to accrue interest on the residue on a settlement account, it is necessary to conclude an agreement that complements the contract. Most often it is required that on the last day of the settlement period in the account there was a certain amount. If the volume is less, percentages are not accrued.

Tip! It must be borne in mind that the calculated account With the accrual of income to the remaining sum, it is beneficial from the deposit, although it looks like him. If an enterprise with the status of a legal entity opens a deposit, it is impossible to close it or quite difficult if such an action is not defined in the contract.

Make an agreement to receive income on the calculation of interest, most often through Internet banking.

This type of accounting has a number of benefits:

  • no need to open a deposit or buy bills, if some part of the money is free from turnover;
  • conclusion of an agreement through Internet banking saves time (no additional documents, transfers are required);
  • if necessary, funds can be removed;
  • if the money is accumulated to pay dividends, transfer tax payments, calculations on a major transaction, compensate for the losses arising due to inflation.

In traditional accounts, small businesses place the money necessary to make regular payments. If interest is accrued for the remaining amount, the entrepreneur gets used to reserves funds and receive income from reserves.

Top 3 banks offering settlement accounts with interest accrual for fund balance

Not all credit institutions offer to make profits from money remaining at the current account. To choose best offer, It is necessary to learn everything. It should be noted that the yield depends on the tariff chosen by the entrepreneur.

The best deals in 2018 are listed in the table.

"Point of Bank"

"Point Bank" works only remotely, so entrepreneurs use the services of two banks: "Opening" and "Kiwi".

Tinkoff Bank

The advantage of Tinkoff is the calculation of interest for all tariffs.


To make money in "ModuleBank", you need to choose a paid rate and take care of the presence of a minimum amount. For the tariff "Optimal" it is 30 thousand rubles, for the tariff "unlimited" - 100 thousand rubles.

How is interest accrued?

The entrepreneur chooses one version of the Supplementary Agreement:

  • calculation of the amount that within a month is invariably at the current account (minimum residue);
  • calculation of the abnormal residue at the end or early day;
  • accrual when performing the condition - the amount set for the day is exceeded.

When choosing the first option, interest is calculated from the smallest amount. For example, the 3rd number was 2 million, on other days - more. When calculating will be used the amount of 2 million. Accruals will not be, if there was no money on a day on the account.

When choosing the second option, the agreement is a month, quarter, six months, year. The minimum balance is determined. The interest established in the Agreement is accrued, if during the action of the contract every day the amount exceeds the minimum residue. If there is no condition for at least one day, the accrual is not carried out.

When choosing a third version, the minimum residual amount of funds that should be at the beginning or end of the day is determined. Interest is charged only for those days during which the amount exceeded the minimum residue.

It is necessary to take into account that the rate can:

  • fixed for the entire validity of the agreement;
  • vary depending on the volume of the balance;
  • vary depending on changes in bank rates.

The income is credited on the last day of the month, quarter, half of the year, year or on the first working day, following the estimated period defined in the agreement. If the contract is terminated early, accruals are not conducted over the last period.

The amount of income is calculated using a computer program. The resulting number is rounded to the second digit after the comma. For example, if an uncomplicable residue is 2 million, 7% a year is accrued, it will be: 2,000,000 * 0.07 / 365 * 30 \u003d 10 906.50.

The income is credited in the currency of the current account. According to requirements Tax CodeThe accrued amount refers to the non-deactive income of the enterprise and is subject to the tax according to the chosen tax system.

Before opening a settlement account, the entrepreneur must evaluate which services he is really needed. Large organizations with a significant turnover of funds are more willing cooperating with Sberbank or VTB24.

Tip! A beginner businessman is more profitable to work with other institutions whose services are cheaper. "MODULBANK", "Point" and "Tinkoff" can be a good option.

In Tinkoff on this moment About 300 thousand enterprises' accounts, reviews are mostly positive. "MODULBANK" and "Point" work exclusively with small and medium enterprises, so they know well what they need.

When concluding contracts, it is necessary to consider that such documents are compiled using legal terms. If the calculation scheme is incomprehensible, be sure to contact the manager and ask to clarify the conditions.

The most important advantage of a bank card with interest accrual to the residue is free removal of money from the account at any time and in any amount. The usual contribution does not have such freedom, because to withdraw money from a deposit account, you need to contact a bank with a special statement, wait for approval and lose interest. Although for many this feature is not an advantage, but the temptation to spend deferred money for something. After all, we open a deposit to protect the extra money from the embezzlement, and will help it make a better deposit than an income card.

When making a debit card with interest accrual, it is important to take into account that when concluding a deposit agreement, if this is provided for by the terms of the contract itself, the interest rate of profitability does not change during the terms of the contract. When using an income card, the Bank has the right to change the percentage of profitability at any time, notifying the other party in two weeks. Often, to obtain an optimal percentage of income card, it is necessary to comply with the requirements put forward by the bank. For example, to maintain a permanent balance of at least 30,000 rubles.

Current account - in accounting all movements financial means on it are reflected in the account 51. Let's see what companies are needed by this current account and how cash off-cash registration occurs economic operations In accounting, in this article.

What is this settlement account

The prevailing part of the calculations between legal entities It is produced in non-cash calculation - through the transfer of funds from the account of one counterparty to the account of its counterparty on transactions. Intermediary function with such translations executes the bank.

In order for non-cash financial transfers to have become possible, companies need to be discolored in the bank. This account, the Bank's client will be able to use both for the preservation of free financial resources and for carrying out the calculated operations, and including withdrawal from the cash account (in cases established by law).

IMPORTANT! Currently there is no law that obliges individual entrepreneurs Have an account. Such a duty exists only from companies. Although entrepreneurs who have no current account, in practice they can face problems when concluding a contract with counterparties.

To each account, the calculated bank assigns a specific number, and to each client - facial even for accounting for the movement of funds. Cashless payment As part of the account, the bank is carried out strictly with the consent of the client - the owner of this current account. And only in some cases, finances can be written off forcibly.

Look cover the table of the movement of financial resources at the current account:

The synthetic accounting of economic operations produced using the current account, in accounting, is conducted on the account "51" "Settlement Account (Order of the Ministry of Finance). This account relates to active accounts: on his debit reflects the balance of free financial resources of the economic entity, and also financial income, and all write-offs undergo on the loan.

Basic wiring on current account

More sought-after wiring on the account "51" we combined in this table below.

Situation Debit Credit
Receipt to the settlement account
Received payment from buyers51 62 (subaccount "Payment")
Received an advance from buyers51 62 (subaccount "Advances")
Repayment of prepayment by suppliers51 60 (subaccount "Advances")
Paid claim by suppliers51 76 (subaccount "Claims")
Received funds from other persons51 76 (corresponding subaccount)
Dividends were obtained51 76 (subaccount "Dividends")
Return of taxes, contributions51 68, 69
The contribution to the authorized capital51 75
Putled cash to the current account51 50
Received finance for the current account (through transfers in the way)51 57
Received finance from a different account
Accrued interest on the current account51 91
Credit receipt, loan51 66, 67
Received budget financing51 86
Write off from the current account
Produced by suppliers60 (subaccount "Payment")51
Paid advance suppliers60 (subaccount "Advances")51
Returned advance customers62 (subaccount "Advances")51
Paid for claims to buyers76 (subaccount "Claims")51
Cash received from the current account to the cashier50 51
Decitation (removal) of finance through transfers57 51
Translated money to another current account51 (subaccount of the recipient bank)51 (subaccount of the sender bank)
Paid from the current account by other persons76 (corresponding subaccount)51
Paid taxes, contributions68, 69 51
Written off in payment of banking services91 51
Listed salary70 51
Accountable funds paid71 51
Dividends paid75 51
Issued a loan worker73 51
Calculations made with the Customs Service76 (corresponding subaccount)51
Loan repayment, loan66, 67 51

Operations on Calculation Account and Primary Documents

Non-cash transfers Bank are produced on the basis of special forms. These include payment orders and requirements.

Payment order is regulatory document The account holder that binds the bank to translate some financial sum at the expense of the recipient of the funds opened in this or another bank.

With the help of payment, orders for money transfers are drawn up:

  • for the delivered goods rendered services, work performed;
  • to pay tax contributions and budget and extrabudgetary funds;
  • to return loans, payment of interest on them;
  • for registration of other expendable non-cash operations.

The purpose of the payment requirement is somewhat different. It implies an administrative document not a payer of funds (exactly as in the case of a payment order), and their recipient and contains the requirement to translate one or another amount from the debtor's account to the creditor account. At the same time, the calculations of payment requirements may be provided for the preliminary acceptance of the payer, and can be carried out without it.


On the territory of Russia, the accounting of operations on the settlement accounts was organized by the "51" account "Settlement accounts":

  • Debit is a paragraph that reflects the receipt of finances.
  • Credit is an item where the reflection of finance write-off processes.

IMPORTANT! The presence of several settlement accounts requires the organization of reference to registering.

Characteristics of operations on the R / s:

  • All transactions at the settlement account are reflected in the database of extracts for financial and credit firms, as well as in these documents attached to them.
  • Accountant After receiving an extract checks the remnants of funds on the P / s at the end of the day of the past discharge and compares data with the information obtained in the current document. The specialist also checks the compliance and completeness of the given data relative to the primary documents.
  • If inconsistencies are discovered in the test procedure, they are reflected on the subaccount.
  • The company gives 10 days for protesting controversial moments. The reference point of this period is the day of the statement of the statement.
  • Accounting for R / s operations followed by reflection of transactions on accounts is carried out on the day when extracts were received.

As reflected transactions in accounting accounts

Accounting for operations at the current account involves control next operations (debit credit):

  • The amount of funds that, after making through the cashier, entered the P / s. D / K - 51-50.
  • Making advances and payments for the payment of services (goods) from customers (buyers). D / K - 51-62.
  • Receiving bank loans for a short period of time. D / K - 51-66 (67).
  • Arrival from founders of deposits sent to replenishment authorized capital Companies. D / K - 51-75.
  • Enrollment of finance for insurance compensation received from insurers. D / K - 51-76.
  • Transfer funds to other companies. D / K - 58-51.
  • Enumeration of certain amounts in the state budget (tax plates, fees, extrabudgetary funds). D / K - 68 (69) -51.
  • Payment of money on existing loans (short-term and long-term). D / K - 66 (67) -51.
  • Payment by suppliers for TMC, and also carry out a complex of work (provision of services). D / K - 60-51.

You can open a debit account in any bank, spending on this minimum amount of time. Some of them offer additional bonuses to their customers. A favorable option is the accrual of funds to a bank account for the saved amount by the client for the month. About how interest is credited to the balance of the card - the service provided by banks, we will understand this article.

The service appeared relatively recently, but gained popularity among investors of institutions. The thing is that if the accrual service is provided for the residue, you can not open a separate deposit account, but simply maintain some of the funds in the bank. At the same time, money in the amount of a fixed rate from the already existing amount will be made monthly to the account.

How interest accrued to the residue in different banks

Additional interest can be accrued as monetary sum or in the bonus version. Usually, bank cards combine several varieties of additional accruals. They attract new customers and allow you to save money. Also, the percentage returns of the contribution amount contributes to the preservation of funds in the bank, and not bringing them from the system. Not only compulsory accruals are often added, but also cachek from shopping. Cacheback size is determined not only by banks, but also shops or services in which the purchase is performed.


The standard bet for Tinkoff Bank for debit accounts is from 6 to 7% per annum. The most popular among debit species that take into account the balance of funds and accrue dividends is considered black map. You can mention and plastic onetwotrip. The remaining offers from Tinkoff also have a number of advantages, as they allow to receive cachek from purchases made. For example, you can make money on such services as:

  • Aliexpress in the form of 7 percent scores of the system
  • eBay and a lamination in the form of bonuses
  • Airlines in the form of accumulation of bonus miles
  • The connected-club charges from 5 to 10 percent

Credit limit:

300 000 rub.

Grace period:

55 days

from 15%

from 18 to 70 years




Sberbank does not provide suggestions that pay cachek or charge an additional fee to the debit residue. In order to gain interest, it is necessary to open a full debit without the possibility of removing your money until the contract is closed. Only social retirement tariffs receive additional accruals. The score profitability is calculated from the rate of 3.5% per annum, accrued daily and paid at the end of the month. But the amount of 3.5% is valid even in that situation when funds are placed on the account of just one working day.

Also, the minimum cachek from Sberbank can be considered the action "Thank you", according to which the client has the right to receive a return in the amount of 0.5% from the purchase. Sometimes bonuses are issued up to 50% of the amount of money spent on certain days in stores and in Sberbank partner enterprises.

Visa Classic 100 days without% alpha

Credit limit:

1,000,000 rubles.

Grace period:

100 days

from 14.99%

from 18 to 65 years



Rocket Bank

Maps with the return of interest on the debit account are available only for residents of Moscow, Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg, they are ordered by residents of other cities, but you can take it only in one of the above places. By cards are charged to 8% per annum on the rest on the debit account.

For participation in banking system Monthly it is necessary to pay up to 75 rubles, and if the number of funds in the account exceeds 30,000 rubles, the client does not additionally pay for the service. In addition, cachek is provided in the amount of 1.5% of the purchases paid by non-cash. After accumulation of 3 thousand rocktresses, they can be replaced with real rubles and pay a full purchase.


The Bank's policy has changed from February 1, 2018. Before this date, a larger number of cards received additional funds. But now their number with interest on the settlement accounts decreased and preserved only on the "Airmiles" cards (from 2-7%) and the "pension" card (payments are 7%). The bank came up with another payment system, namely, using the opening of an additional cumulative account with the name "Piggy Bank", where you can put a part of the amount from the main account, and receive up to 6.5% per annum.

Bank mail

Tariff and Card "Savings" from the bank's mail allows the client to accumulate a significant amount by residues deposit deposit. Wherein mandatory condition There should be storage of fixed amounts for a month. The percentage rate itself depends on the number of saved funds, as well as from the tariff. Maximum percentage - 7% can be earned on the "Pension" tariff during storage of more than 50 thousand rubles within one month. On the basic offer of accruals range from 3 to 5%.

What is the difference between the debit card and the accrual of interest on the balance of the deposit

At accounts that money is charged to the balance of the deposit, there are a number of differences from the rest of the proposals. These differences are as follows:

  • To the money on the current account there is always access to the client, it can dispose of them at any time without communication with the deposit agreement
  • Interest will come, even if you remove the entire amount from the account completely, and then replenish the card again
  • The amount of the amount you want to remove or put on the card is unlimited by the conditions of the depository show.

A percentage card for a rest or separate contribution - what is profitable?

It is impossible to accurately answer that a custom card is profitable or a full deposit account. If the client is configured to receive maximum benefit from attachment and is not going to use during the year in nested means, it is worth opening a deposit account. You can get more high percent. Monthly profit can be removed or continued to capitalize, that is, add to the main account.

If the bank's customer wants to simply additionally earn money on personal monthly expenses without unnecessary efforts and investments, it is recommended to open a card with percentages on the balance. You can get cacheki and different bonuses, they are suitable for daily use, paying purchases. Each type of contribution to the bank has its advantages and disadvantages, it is important to choose the main goal of attachments and determine what is more profitable for themselves.

Where interest on accounts are listed

The accrued currency on most cards with the possibility of payments to the account balances is thrown into the main account. At the same time, cacheki and bonuses can be listed separate bonus account. It all depends on the bank and the selected card. For example, in Rocket Bank, bonuses are initially translated into rocketrivers and only then exchange for real money. Sometimes the money is listed on a separate account, but they can be used as freely as the main score, both are attached to the current map.

5 best debit cards with interest accrual

There are tariffs and accounts initially developed under the issuance of large dividends from the balance of funds. They are used in several banks, the client will need to pay for their service, but when stored large sums, the percentage that is accrued for the remaining means completely overlaps the cost of the map content. Based on the profitability of the operating conditions with interest accrual, you can determine the rating of profitable debit cards.

Multicart VTB

The maximum amount of annual payments is 5% of size. Funds are listed on a working master account that can be freely disposed of at any time. The residue amount determines the size of the accrued dividend. Minimum percentage (1%) is paid if the balance is from 5 to 15,000 rubles.

The maximum indicator (5%) is paid if the residue is from 75 to 100 thousand rubles. Money is paid until the end of the month, which goes after the month of interest accrual. Cashbek is provided up to 2% when purchases, there are bonuses for visiting restaurants.

Tinkoff Black

Map Ot bank Tinkoff Offer profitable terms on bonuses and cacheku, as well as interest rate. All savings that are stored on the work debit will be able to bring the bank to the Bank's customer income in the amount of 6% per annum. If the card is currency, then the balance is in the amount of up to 10 thousand dollars, 0.01% per annum is accrued. The percentage is charged even in the case when the client receives a salary on the bank card.

Credit card Tinkoff Platinum

Credit limit:

300 000 rub.

Grace period:

55 days

from 15%

from 18 to 70 years

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state