
Where to get a medical insurance policy. Medical policies, insurance and services in Russia for foreign citizens. Where can foreign citizens obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new policy: urgently or not urgently, is it possible to use the old document, in what cases is re-issuance required and what needs to be done

All Russians have the right to free medical services, subject to a special insurance contract. This right is guaranteed by compulsory medical insurance, but in order to receive medical help for free, the patient must have a policy.

The program changed some time ago, and now the replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type policy is already in full swing. Below we will clarify the most important issues regarding this process and tell you what is required of each of us.

Is it necessary to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type policy?

The news that appeared in October that the service of issuing and replacing compulsory medical insurance policies with a new type of policy would be suspended until 2019 caused a great deal of excitement among ordinary citizens.

People were afraid of problems with obtaining medical care and rushed to urgently replace outdated papers and cards.

However, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund clarified that the policies are valid without term limits and with old cards you can easily use the free services of clinics and other medical institutions.

Replacement of old samples is carried out as planned, but for now it is voluntary. A person can continue to be treated under the old contract, or he can renew it and receive a new type of health insurance, but starting in January 2019.

Replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy, as it became known from the explanation of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, was offered until November 1 only to those who were dissatisfied with the work of their insurance company and would like to change it. This can be done annually, but not more than once.

Anyone wishing to use the services of another company is invited to study the list of insurers, which can be found on specialized websites, and choose a more reliable option with a good reputation among policyholders.

Explanation of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund on replacing the old compulsory health insurance policy with a new one

Change of registration

Since many people are interested in whether it is necessary to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new type of policy after changing their place of registration, we will clarify this issue. According to current legislation, insurance documents issued before 2011 will be valid for an unlimited period of time - until directly replaced.

However, if personal information is changed, it will be considered invalid. If you change your last name, first name, or place of registration, you will have to renew your insurance contract, otherwise you may be denied medical services.

As a rule, doctors do not refuse help, especially when it comes to emergency situations. However, the law must be followed and insurance must be amended.

This does not apply to cases when a person temporarily changes his place of residence, going on a long vacation or business trip. Mandatory re-registration is required only when moving to another house and changing permanent residence.

Types of documents confirming insurance

Currently, any insured citizen may have one of the following insurance documents:

  1. paper policy – ​​blue A5 form;
  2. plastic card - contains a chip with information about the owner;
  3. UEC - insurance information is included in the universal card.

Until 2017, the UEC was considered mandatory and made it possible to receive various government services. It could be used as a bank card, travel ticket, medical policy. Those who received such a card can continue to use it as confirmation of the presence of compulsory health insurance.

Since 2017, universal cards are no longer issued, so there are only 2 options for medical insurance that Russians can receive. Of these, preference is given to the traditional paper version, since some clinics have not yet developed special equipment for scanning electronic cards.

Although many note that the plastic version is much more convenient and durable.

What changed

The replacement of a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type policy means only one innovation. The form used since 2011 will be updated. Most insurers issued them for a period until 2014. Now the validity period has already ended, so it’s time to change them, which is what the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund plans.

As for plastic cards, they have been issued for 4 years, starting in 2014. They are unlimited and cannot be changed. If the owners have not changed their personal data, then it is not necessary to change the card.

Validity periods

Since there are different types of insurance documents, many may again have questions about whether it is necessary to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new type policy and whether it is worth doing this immediately. We have already answered these questions, But let’s still clarify the periods of insurance validity:

  • Old insurance contracts were issued indicating a specific period. The form indicates the expiration date of the contract. After the end of the insurance period, you must take out another policy, although medical services will still be provided in the same volume and without re-issuance.
  • The new sample contracts do not have a validity period. The only exception may be a situation when it is necessary to replace personal data in the contract (moving, marriage, etc.).

It is in the interests of every citizen to choose a suitable insurer and sign a new contract with him if the previous one has expired or any information about the identity of the insured has changed. Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new policy is free of charge.

Replacement process

If your health insurance is still valid, there is no point in rushing to exchange it. However, if you need to re-register, for example, if you want to change the company providing insurance services, you must know how to do this.

Follow our instructions, and the whole process will not take you much time:

  • Select an insurer. Read reviews and learn more about the company's reputation. If you are satisfied with your previous experience, you can contact the company that entered into the first contract with you.
  • Write a statement indicating the reason for re-registration.
  • Show your passport.
  • During the first 30 days, you can receive services using a temporary certificate, which you will receive from your insurer. It is equivalent to a policy and is accepted by all medical institutions.
  • Receive the finished insurance in a month, check on the spot all the information specified there.

In the near future, it is planned to provide Russians with the opportunity to apply for compulsory medical insurance on the government services portal. For now, this feature is being tested in St. Petersburg, but will soon be available to residents of other cities.

Documents for registration

To replace the policy, you will need:

  • your general passport,
  • statement,
  • SNILS,
  • old form or card, if they exist,
  • birth certificate, if insurance is obtained for a child, and the passport of the adult applicant.

When applying for compulsory health insurance for a child under 14 years of age, SNILS is not required. If this is not a close relative, then a power of attorney in his name from the child’s legal representative is required.

Registration deadline

The finished policy can be received within 10-15 days. If you apply for insurance at the MFC, be prepared for an increase in the receipt time, since it will be sent by mail.

But even if the insurer and the post office are very busy, this period will not exceed 30 days - the period when a person can use a temporary certificate to receive medical services.

Need for replacement

Those who:

  • lost or damaged a valid document;
  • changed first name, patronymic, last name;
  • changed the place of permanent residence;
  • changed my passport;
  • decided to change the insurer;
  • I found typos in the documentation.

You must notify the insurer of these changes within 1 month. You will be issued a new compulsory medical insurance policy free of charge, the replacement period is 10 days.

Let's summarize all of the above. So, you can still use your old health insurance until it runs out. If there is an insurance expiration date on it, then it is in your interests to update it to avoid misunderstandings with medical workers.

If your data changes, you must notify the insurer and issue a new policy. This is done free of charge within 10-30 days. While the document is being prepared, you will be issued a temporary certificate.

It has the same force and is unconditionally accepted by any institution as health insurance for free services.

Various categories of citizens can apply for a compulsory health insurance policy, each of which needs to prepare a certain package of documents.

Who is entitled to compulsory health insurance?

The following can obtain compulsory medical insurance:

  • Adult citizens of the Russian Federation, except for military personnel, law enforcement officers and internal authorities (they receive medical care in the clinics of the relevant departments).
  • Children with Russian citizenship, aged from birth to 18 years.
  • Persons without any citizenship.
  • Foreign citizens who permanently reside and work in the territory of the Russian Federation, have registration and a permanent place of work.
  • Foreign citizens who temporarily reside and work in the territory of the Russian Federation, including persons who have received refugee status.
  • Not eligible to receive compulsory medical insurance policy foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation, with the exception of citizens of member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union officially working on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Officially employed citizens registered with the Employment Center, unregistered unemployed, disabled citizens, pensioners and disabled people, as well as citizens caring for disabled persons can obtain health insurance.

Since the compulsory medical insurance policy allows you to exercise the right to choose a clinic and a doctor, many employees of departmental services (police, military, internal troops) attempt to apply for a medical policy as a private unemployed person, but this is illegal.

Citizens themselves or their representatives (spouses, law firms) can submit an application to the insurance company to obtain a mandatory policy. For newborns and children under 18 years of age, the policy is obtained by parents or guardians.

Starting from 2016, you can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy at the address of your actual residence, even in the absence of registration. Also, when registering on your own, you don’t have to indicate your place of work, since if you change employer, problems may arise with obtaining medical services.

When is a mandatory medical policy issued?

The need to obtain compulsory health insurance arises in the following cases:

  • Birth of a child.
  • Change of permanent residence (change of region). A change of registration is not required.
  • Dismissal or retirement from military service, security forces or law enforcement agencies.
  • Entry into the territory of the Russian Federation for residence.
  • Loss or wear of a previously obtained policy. In this case, a duplicate document is issued, and not a new policy.
  • Expiration of the established policy period (applies to documents received before 2011).
  • Change of first name, last name, patronymic, gender or date of birth. At the same time, the insured is obliged to notify the insurance company of the changes that have occurred no later than one month from the date of their entry into force.
  • Detecting errors in writing personal data in a previously received policy.
  • Desire to change insurance company.

Documents for registration of compulsory medical insurance policy

The main list of documents required to obtain compulsory health insurance does not depend on which insurance company you choose. It is established by the law of the Russian Federation and may vary depending on the category of citizens.

The standard package of documents includes:

  • Application for insurance.
  • Passport or other identification document.
  • Certificate of pension insurance SNILS.

For children who do not have a passport (under 14 years of age), the set of documents, in addition to the application, includes:

  • Birth certificate.
  • Passport or identity card of one of the parents (legal guardians).
  • SNILS (if issued).

For foreign citizens who permanently reside in the Russian Federation:

  • Passport of the country of which he is a citizen or a foreign passport. It must have a format recognized by the Russian Federation and a notarized translation into Russian.
  • A residence permit of the Russian Federation with a corresponding mark on registration in the region in which the application for the compulsory medical insurance policy was submitted.
  • Insurance certificate.

For working foreign citizens who temporarily reside in the Russian Federation:

  • A passport of the country of which he is a citizen or a foreign passport, with a mandatory mark on the appropriate temporary residence permit in the region where the policy is issued.
  • Insurance certificate.

For persons who do not have citizenship:

  • An identity card recognized by Russian legislation, with an appropriate mark on permission to reside in the Russian Federation, or a document issued in the Russian Federation confirming identity.
  • SNILS.

For citizens who have received refugee status:

  • A certificate of receipt of refugee status or a valid certificate of the current consideration of an application for recognition of a foreign citizen as a refugee.
  • Identity card recognized by the Russian Federation.

For citizens of EAEU countries working in the Russian Federation:

  • Passport or other identification document recognized by international agreement.
  • SNILS.
  • Employment contract.
  • Notification of arrival at the place of stay with a note about the dates and address of residence (tear-off part).
  • For members of the EAEU Collegium, a certificate confirming the status of an official is also submitted.

When replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy or changing an insurance organization, the original of the previously issued policy is attached to the main package of documents. If the documents are submitted not by the citizen himself, but by his representative, a power of attorney to obtain the policy, drawn up in free form, without certification by a notary, is also submitted.

The procedure for obtaining compulsory health insurance

Having collected the necessary documents and chosen where to get the compulsory medical insurance policy, you can safely proceed to submitting the application. This can be done by contacting the office in person, through the multifunctional public services center, or by filling out a preliminary online application (if provided by the selected insurance company).

When contacting in person, the insurance agent himself makes copies of your documents, which confirms their authenticity. If you bring copies yourself, they can only be accepted if certified by a notary.

Submitting an online application does not eliminate the need to visit the IC office, but only speeds up the application procedure. It allows you to contact the office without waiting in line.

After filling out the form on the site, you are given a number or code that you call when visiting. The insurance agent verifies the correctness of filling out the application and confirms its acceptance. In this case, you are issued a temporary health insurance policy, which gives you the right to use the full list of services provided under the main document. The temporary policy is valid for 30 working days, after which you are issued the main document. If the latter is not ready, the temporary policy must be extended for another 30 days.

When filling out an application for a compulsory medical insurance policy through the insurance company’s website, as a rule, using the application number, you can track the readiness of the permanent policy. This may happen earlier than the deadline established by the temporary document.

To obtain a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the same office of the insurance company where the documents were submitted. It is not necessary to return the temporary policy, since it has a limited validity period and cannot be used by other persons in the future. Upon receipt, you must present your passport and power of attorney (for representatives).

How to get an electronic policy

Since 2015, along with a single compulsory medical insurance policy in paper format, electronic policies have been issued. They are a standard plastic card with an integrated photo of the insured citizen, as well as a chip containing the necessary data, including a digital signature. For children under 14 years of age, a plastic policy is issued without a photograph or signature.

You can receive such a card when you first register or if you replace an existing paper document. If the insured person did not previously have compulsory health insurance, the procedure for submitting an application and issuing a policy does not differ from the usual paper format. For citizens who have previously taken out insurance, there are several ways to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy in electronic format.

First of all, you can contact the insurance company where the paper policy was issued and write an application for a plastic card. In this case, it is necessary to provide a standard package of documents plus an existing paper compulsory medical insurance policy. If documents are submitted through a representative, in addition to the power of attorney, a document photo measuring 30x40 mm (without a corner) is provided.

The procedure for producing an electronic document, in most cases, takes up to half an hour, during which employees of the insurance company will take photographs, enter all the necessary data and produce a plastic policy.

On the other hand, this service is not available in all regions and branches of insurance companies. In some cases, employees of a certain department may refuse you due to lack of equipment. The reason for refusal may also be the presence of a paper version in the applicant's possession. However, in real practice, this is often due to the fact that since the service is free, the company may simply not be interested in spending money on issuing a plastic card for an existing client. In this case, to receive an electronic document, you can simply change the insurance organization.

An electronic policy, just like a paper one, is issued in an envelope. It is accompanied by a memo with operating rules and a PIN code, which is necessary for subsequent making various changes to the data about the insured person.

Features of obtaining insurance for foreign citizens

For foreign citizens who have the right to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy, the document registration procedure consists of the following steps:

  • The Federal Migration Service issues a document confirming the right to work in the Russian Federation. It can be limited or unlimited (upon receipt of a residence permit).
  • The employer transfers the information of the employee, who is a foreign citizen, to the insurance company. In this case, the employer must have permission to hire foreigners.
  • The insurance company issues a compulsory medical insurance policy on a general basis.

If a foreign citizen is a person carrying out entrepreneurial activities (IP), the following actions must be taken:

  • Register with the territorial fund to obtain the status of a health insurance premium payer.
  • Independently apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy at the place of registration on a general basis.

When leaving a job or closing a business, the compulsory medical insurance policy must be withdrawn from the foreign citizen.

The cost of obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy

Services for issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy are completely free, however, organizations may additionally introduce paid services, which you have the right to refuse. On the other hand, they can simplify the procedure.

So, when choosing where to get a compulsory health insurance policy, you can contact an organization that offers registration and submission of documents at home with specialists visiting at a time convenient for you. In addition, there are private document preparation centers that provide intermediary services for issuing medical policies. The cost of such services is about $25. The time frame for obtaining a policy cannot be reduced in this way.

How to change insurance company

If you have a compulsory medical insurance policy, but want to change the insurance company, you need to submit a corresponding application to the new organization where you want to take out insurance. This may also be necessary if the organization that issued the current policy moves or closes.

The right to change the insurance company at your own discretion is granted once a year. In this case, documents must be submitted no later than November 1 of the current year, and the new policy itself will come into force starting next year after submitting the application. If there is a change of permanent residence or any personal data, this restriction is lifted, but the insured person must submit a new application no later than within a 30-day period.

If you have issued an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, when signing an agreement with a new insurance company, it is allowed to issue a paper one, if the new organization does not provide such services.

The package of documents when changing an insurance organization is similar to the list upon initial receipt, plus the existing policy (it must be withdrawn by law). The application for a change of company must indicate:

  • The legal name of the new insurance company.
  • Details of the insured person.
  • Reason for contacting and changing insurance company.
  • Date and signature.

After submitting an application and documents to change the company and policy, the new insurance company notifies the current one within 3 days. If your initial policy was electronic or issued before 2011, the further procedure for obtaining insurance is similar to the standard one when receiving the policy for the first time. For uniform documents, it is necessary to enter new information about the insurance company on the reverse side of the document.

Providing timely and high-quality medical care is one of the main tasks of any country. The modern healthcare system implies that such assistance is provided to everyone who needs it, regardless of citizenship. Citizens from near and far abroad come to Russia to work, relax, visit relatives and for other purposes. To ensure a comfortable stay for foreign guests, the Russian authorities provide them with the right to receive medical care on both a free and commercial basis. Let's figure out which foreigners can count on free doctor's services, and who must pay for the doctor's help.

Medical insurance in the Russian Federation

In the Russian Federation there are two parallel health insurance systems: compulsory (CHI) and voluntary (VHI). As part of the first, all Russians and some categories of foreigners receive medical care. The objectives of compulsory medical insurance are to guarantee a person the services that are needed in the event of an accident, poisoning, or sudden illness. This also includes calling a doctor, observation in a hospital, and prompt assistance. Expenses for medical services are paid from the budget of the Russian Federation. Insurance on a voluntary basis excludes government assistance - the patient’s treatment is paid for by insurance companies.

Compulsory medical insurance policy

The compulsory medical insurance (CHI) insurance policy allows you to receive free services in Russian healthcare institutions:

  • Emergency assistance for injuries, illnesses, poisonings, etc.;
  • Outpatient treatment in a clinic (this includes an appointment with a doctor, diagnostic measures, for example, free testing), at home and in a day hospital (with medication provision);
  • Inpatient treatment in a hospital (consultation, diagnosis, surgery);
  • Management of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Dental care (extraction, treatment and other services).

Who is entitled to compulsory medical insurance?

Compulsory medical insurance maximizes the equal rights of Russians, foreigners, migrant workers and stateless people. However not all foreign guests can receive a compulsory medical insurance policy, but only some categories:

  1. Migrants with or ;
  2. Immigrants from other countries who have issued a residence permit in Russia;
  3. Highly qualified specialists (HQS) and members of their families (HQS are understood as specialists from other countries with a salary of more than 2 million per year or 1 million for researchers and teachers).

Foreigners with temporary residence permits and residence permits have equal rights with Russians and receive free medical care under the compulsory medical insurance agreement. This category of foreign persons takes out a compulsory medical insurance policy under the same conditions as Russian citizens.

Foreigners, temporarily staying in the Russian Federation(those who entered both with a visa and without a visa) and who are not working must take out a medical policy for foreign citizens as part of voluntary insurance (VHI) or pay for treatment at their own expense. But such persons can also count on ambulance and emergency care, including transportation to a medical facility. Temporarily staying and employed foreigners purchase a VHI policy without fail.(more details below).

Where is the compulsory medical insurance policy issued?

Employed migrants receive a compulsory medical insurance policy from the human resources department of the enterprise where they officially work; for this they must write an application. The responsibility for issuing policies falls on the shoulders of the employer; he enters into an agreement with the insurance company. Unemployed foreigners apply for a policy on their own; it can be obtained:

  • At distribution points located in local clinics or MFCs;
  • In the offices of organizations participating in the implementation of the compulsory medical insurance program.

The policy is issued within 30 days. While the document is being prepared, the migrant is issued a temporary certificate, which will lose legal force upon receipt of the main policy. To gain a foothold in a specific clinic, you need to write an application addressed to the head physician; you should take with you the policy itself, a passport and a document confirming residence in the area (for example, a rental agreement or a registration certificate). You can also reinstate your policy after a loss either through your employer or an insurance company.

For students

Foreigners receiving education in the Russian Federation do not enjoy additional benefits and cannot take out a free policy. For students of universities and other educational institutions there is a VHI policy, which includes payment for certain medical services.

Documents for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy

When contacting an insurance company, they provide:

  1. Application for choosing an insurance company to receive compulsory medical insurance services;
  2. Passport (with a note about temporary residence permit) or residence permit;
  3. SNILS (registration is carried out by the employer).

Validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy

Unlike perpetual policies for Russians, the validity of compulsory medical insurance policies for foreign citizens is limited:

  • The duration of the employment contract with the employer. Upon dismissal, the policy is handed over to the employer, who must return it to the insurer;
  • The established period of stay of refugees and migrants with temporary residence;
  • Duration of validity of RVP and residence permit.

Medical assistance without compulsory medical insurance policy

All foreign guests receive services:

  1. Ambulance and emergency medical care before and after hospitalization. Free doctor services are provided until the threat to life and health is eliminated. Subsequent treatment is paid for by the patient. That is, doctors bring the patient into a stable condition, and then the services must be paid for.
  2. Planned medical care. Produced on a commercial basis from the patient’s own funds or from insurance companies that issued VHI policies. That is, a foreigner needs to buy a policy or pay for the services themselves.

Children under one year of age and pregnant women, regardless of citizenship, receive medical care without a policy.

Voluntary insurance (VHI)

For a foreigner who decides to stay in the Russian Federation for a long period, ordinary travel insurance issued in his home country will not be suitable. Typically, under such a policy, the tourist first pays for treatment from personal funds, and upon returning home receives compensation for the money spent. If a foreigner came to the Russian Federation to study, work, visit loved ones for a long time, and so on, this option will be inconvenient for him. Moreover, travel insurance usually covers a minimum set of services.

So, in order to receive medical care in full, you need the compulsory medical insurance policy described above or purchased voluntary health insurance. Foreign guests who do not fall into the category of persons entitled to compulsory medical insurance receive medical care on a paid basis. A VHI policy for foreign citizens is a type of personal insurance, which, in particular, allows you to receive assistance in medical institutions that are not involved in the compulsory medical insurance system. The advantages of a voluntary health insurance policy are obvious:

Everyone makes the decision to purchase a voluntary health insurance policy independently. But here you need to consider a couple of points:

  1. A VHI policy is required to obtain a patent or work permit. So, if the purpose of coming to the Russian Federation is work, you cannot do without a policy;
  2. Without a voluntary health insurance policy, a foreigner pays all expenses for treatment on his own, including paying for an appointment with a doctor, taking a test, undergoing any diagnostic measures, staying in a hospital - and these are considerable amounts.

What does the VHI policy provide?

As part of the voluntary health insurance program, foreign citizens receive a number of services:

  • Outpatient care (consultations and examination by a doctor, tests, diagnostics, physiotherapeutic procedures, issuance of certificates and sick leave);
  • Inpatient treatment (consultation, surgery, laboratory tests and studies, stay in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit);
  • Dental care (consultation, removal, treatment and other types of services);
  • Prenatal and obstetric care;
  • Ambulance and emergency assistance;
  • Consulting doctors of narrow specializations.

The VHI policy, in addition to direct medical care, consultations, and diagnostics, allows you to cover the costs of transportation to the hospital, delivery of medications and posthumous repatriation.

There are exceptions that are usually not included in the basic VHI program:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, mental diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 degrees;
  • Tuberculosis and chronic hepatitis.

Voluntary health insurance policy is not issued to disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and foreigners over 60-75 years of age (depending on the insurance company), it will not be issued to persons suffering from drug addiction.

Foreigners with voluntary health insurance are not served in district clinics. If you become ill, you must contact your insurance company. She refers to a medical institution with which a cooperation agreement has been concluded. In case of acute illness, an ambulance is called - this service is free for foreign guests.

Where is the VHI policy issued?

You can obtain a VHI policy, along with insurers' offices, through post offices located in the largest regions of Russia. Not only life and health, but also property or travel abroad are insured on a paid basis. The insurance policy will allow you to compensate for the costs of treatment for burns, injuries, frostbite, and provides compensation for the costs of surgical intervention, the purchase of medications - and the cost of medical services significantly exceeds the cost of the insurance itself.

The maximum coverage amount for a basic policy offered by post is - 100,000 rubles for 3 months, the price of the policy is about 600 rubles. For registration, it is enough to provide the post office operator.

A foreigner has the right to apply to any insurance organization of his choice. To apply for a policy you need to prepare:

  • Passport or other document confirming the identity of the migrant. If the entries in the document are not made in Russian, then a notarized translation is required.
  • Migration card;
  • Insurance application;
  • Birth certificate (for children);
  • Information about place of residence and registration, contact details.

After paying the fee and filling out the necessary papers, an agreement is concluded and a policy is issued.

When is insurance coverage denied?

There may be situations when payments under the policy are not made:

  1. The disease occurred within 5 days after the conclusion of the insurance contract;
  2. The injury was sustained while intoxicated;
  3. The illness or injury occurred before the insurance was taken out;
  4. Injuries resulting from sports (if such an option was not included in the insurance program);
  5. Intentional infliction of injury or harm to health.

Cost and validity period of the VHI policy

The full cost of the package of services provided under voluntary insurance depends on the selected programs. The wider their list, the higher the price. On the websites of some insurance companies there are special calculators that allow you to calculate the final cost of the policy.

A migrant can obtain a document for 3, 6 or 12 months. The policy is renewed by the same company that issued it. The price for insurance starts from 3000-5000 rubles per year.

Medical care for citizens of the CIS

Migrants from the CIS, for example from Kazakhstan or Ukraine, are subject to the same rules as other foreigners (issue of policies is described above), except for citizens of Belarus, for whom special conditions apply.

If Belarusians have permanent registration in Russia, then they receive medical care on an equal basis with Russians, that is, you can undergo outpatient or inpatient treatment for free. Citizens of Belarus also receive a compulsory medical insurance policy if they are employed or trained in Russia and have registration. The policy is issued upon presentation of a passport, certificate from work or study and confirmation of registration.

A plastic compulsory medical insurance policy is an official document that allows its owner to receive qualified medical care throughout Russia completely free of charge.

What is

A plastic compulsory medical insurance policy is just one of the variants of a compulsory medical insurance policy, along with a simple paper or universal electronic card.

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What does it look like

This document looks like a plastic card, comparable in size to the one issued by banking institutions.

The three-color background on the front side contains the following information:

  • name of the insurance company;
  • unique document number.

On the reverse side there is always information about the owner, such as:

  • surname;
  • surname;
  • Date of Birth;
  • owner's photograph;
  • the period during which the document is valid (such information is extremely rare, since, as a general rule, a certificate of compulsory health insurance does not have a designated period).

A plastic compulsory medical insurance policy for a child should not contain his photograph.

The form of the insurance document is approved at the legislative level and looks like this:

Advantages and disadvantages

The only significant advantage of a plastic document over its paper version is its strength. It will never tear, is made of durable material, and is also compact and extremely convenient to carry in a passport cover.

The main disadvantage is the impossibility of obtaining it in most structural divisions of insurance organizations. Also, it is necessary to remember that when changing your place of residence, name, surname or patronymic, you must return the plastic policy back to the “insurance”, and instead of the old one, receive a new one.

It is worth noting that there are no differences in the quality of medical care between all three versions of documents.

Who can get it

You can apply for it:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens or subjects of other countries who live permanently in Russia;
  • persons without citizenship or nationality who live permanently in the Russian Federation;
  • refugees, as well as all persons staying in Russia temporarily.

According to Russian legislation, everyone must have a compulsory health insurance policy; they must receive it, even for their little children who have just been born.

How and where can I buy

The appeal takes place in the territorial divisions of insurance companies, which have the right and ability to issue such documents.

Unlike the paper version, which can be obtained in every branch, the plastic version is not issued in every city of the Russian Federation.

To clarify information about the possibility of obtaining this type of insurance, it is best to call or personally contact the divisions of insurance companies operating in a specific region of the country. Contact information for local insurance companies is available at each facility. You can also find similar information on their official websites.

It is worth noting that obtaining a plastic version of the certificate, like all others, is completely free.

Required documents to receive

To obtain such a document, you will need to contact your local insurance company and present the following list of documents:

  • relevant statement;
  • passport or a document replacing it;
  • birth certificate (for children under 14 years of age);
  • SNILS (if available) - it is worth noting that no insurance organization has the right to demand it and in any case is obliged to accept the application and documents.

Citizens or nationals of another state will need to present the following documents:

  • passport of another state or a document replacing it;
  • Residence permit in the Russian Federation (if available);
  • a passport with a stamp indicating temporary residence in Russia (for those who do not have a residence permit in the Russian Federation);
  • SNILS (if available).

After acceptance of the application, everyone is issued a temporary policy with a certain validity period of thirty days. In addition to the policy, a convenient memo is also included, which contains clear and detailed instructions on the rules of use, as well as information on the types and methods of obtaining medical care.

It is worth remembering that previously employers could issue compulsory medical insurance policies for their employees, and there was a “place of work” column in it. To date, such a column is not contained.

You must contact the insurance company for the document in person. Naturally, no one has repealed the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and you can get it through an authorized person who will have a power of attorney to perform such actions.

You will have to replace the old document with a new one in the following cases:

  • change of any personal data (first name, surname, patronymic, as well as place of residence);
  • if an error was discovered in the policy;
  • upon its loss;
  • the policy fell into disrepair.

How to use

An insurance certificate issued by any “insurer” is valid throughout Russia, and therefore it is extremely important to always have it with you. Thus, everyone has the opportunity to seek free, high-quality medical care in every corner of Russia.

It is worth remembering that without this document, only emergency and emergency medical care is provided, which, in turn, is also free (for the first three days). If you do not have an insurance certificate with you, in extreme cases it is enough to give only its number (for example, if you find yourself in a hospital in another city).

It is worth noting that any refusal to provide medical services and assistance is unlawful. In such cases, you should contact the management of the medical institution, law enforcement agencies, your “insurance”, as well as executive authorities (for example, the Ministry of Health).

Difference from paper

Most residents of the Russian Federation, when applying for a plastic version of a compulsory medical insurance policy, believe that this type of document has exclusively advantages over paper (it will not tear or get wet), but this is not always the case. Upon presentation of a paper version, a patient from Vladivostok will be provided with assistance even in Moscow, while the plastic version will not be accepted everywhere.

The fact is that in some regions of our country they simply have no idea how to handle it. In the plastic version, unlike the paper version, the name of the insurance organization that will pay the medical institution for the assistance provided is not indicated. It happens that the holder of the document does not have information about the name of his insurance company. You can always find out this information, but it will take some time.

In cases where the owner of the paper version has changed his place of residence, the name of the new insurance organization is entered into his document, while the owner of the plastic compulsory medical insurance policy will be forced to replace it with a new one.

It is worth noting that, according to the mayor of Moscow, plastic versions of the compulsory medical insurance policy will not be available at all. In Moscow, they often refuse to provide medical care to owners of plastic strass cards from other regions.

In any case, everyone has the right to choose what type of document to receive, and if they choose the plastic version, they must remember that:

  • a plastic compulsory medical insurance policy has identical capabilities as a paper one;
  • obtaining such a policy is possible only in certain divisions of insurance organizations;
  • This version of the compulsory medical insurance policy guarantees the provision of high-quality and free medical care throughout Russia.

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