
Mortgage calculator with an initial contribution. Mortgage calculator online. Calculation of mortgages on an apartment and land plots. Enter various calculation parameters

For example, the cost of real estate is 2,000,000 rubles. One of the main requirements of the Bank in granting a loan is the sum of the initial contribution, usually expressed in a minimum percentage of the value of the acquired real estate. Weighing your capabilities and, consistent with the requirement of the Bank by the magnitude of the initial contribution, determine the percentage acceptable for itself (for example, 30%).

To calculate the size of the monthly loan payment, it remains to determine the payment scheme, the value of the monthly interest rate on the loan and the loan period. The calculator calculates both annuity payments and differentiated. It should be borne in mind that most banks prefers annuity payments.

In addition, the calculator has a function of the reverse calculation, which provides for the calculation of the value of the acquired property based on the amount of the monthly loan payment: for differentiated payments - this is the amount of the first payment (hereinafter decreases), and for annuity - the amount of the permanent monthly payment. At the same time, the calculator first calculates the value of the property to which you can count, and then the credit parameters.

This calculator can also be used to calculate any consumer loan.

Calculate Real Estate Credit

Source data for calculating mortgage loan

Payment scheme:

Annuity Differentiated (decreasing)

Real Estate Cost, Rub.:

Mortgage conditions for the purchase of housing in a new building in different banks

Bank Min. rate Max. sum First contribution Max. Time Term of consideration of the application
10,5% 20 000 000 15% 30 years up to 2 days
10,5% 30 000 000 15% 30 years up to 2 days
9,25% 100 000 000 0% 25 years up to 2 days
10,2% up to 95% of the cost 5% 25 years 3-5 days
9,5% up to 85% of the cost 15% 25 years up to 3 days
10,5% 50 000 000 15% 30 years 1-3 days
10,1% 60 000 000 10% 30 years 1-4 days
9,99% 26 000 000 10% 30 years 2-5 days
9,3% 60 000 000 20% 30 years up to 5 days

What is a mortgage calculator?

The mortgage calculator is a program for calculating a mortgage user online, which allows the future borrower to appreciate its capabilities and answer key questions before making an important decision. With the help of it, it is possible to determine whether the payments are expected to be expected to overpace the mortgage during early repayments, which amount of interest rate is expected, it is better to conclude it with which it is better to conclude it, etc.

What you need to know about the interest rate and types of payment?

Payments are two types:


  • monthly payments remain constant throughout the term;
  • at the beginning of the term, most of the monthly payments will go to repay interest and only later - to repay the body of the loan itself.


  • their size is gradually reduced by the end of the loan of the mortgage loan;
  • the amount of payment is divided between the repayment of interest and payments over the body of the loan equally or practically equally.

Today, when taking a mortgage loan, the annuity of payment is made by default. It allows not to think about the amount of monthly mortgage payments - they are always strictly calculated by the creditor. And, as a rule, less than with a differentiated contribution scheme. In the second case, the borrower must be ready every month to pay a significant part of the loan at the initial stage and carefully follow the change in further loan payments. But the amount of overpayment of the bank in this case will be less than when annuity.

Interest rate - a parameter that shows the number of interest accrued by the bank to the credit debt you taken. There are two types of interest rates:

Fixed interest rate

  • installed for the entire loan period;
  • cannot be changed.

Floating interest rate

  • varies through the mortgage period;
  • it consists of a floating part with reference to market indicators and a fixed part (percent).

What is different from other calculators?

Compared to elementary calculators, it allows you to calculate the size of optimal monthly payments by varying the amount of the loan, its term and the amount of interest rate on the loan.

The calculation can be made at the cost of real estate, taking into account the initial contribution or on a simplified scheme with an indication of the estimated amount of the loan. At the same time, the user will not have to independently produce multistage mathematical calculations - all formulas are laid into the mortgage calculator program, and the results comprising the amount of the monthly contribution, overpayment and other information will be instantly displayed on the screen in a convenient form for analysis.

How accurate is my calculation?

With the help of a calculator, you can roughly calculate the parameters of the mortgage loan desired for you. It should be borne in mind that this online program is created primarily for informational purposes. The real size of the mortgage contribution will depend only on the selected bank acting in it in the interest rates on housing loans and other conditions provided for by the Treaty. To obtain more accurate data in each case, you need to contact the lender service directly or visit the Bank's website.

What can I consider with it?

The user can manually drive the desired loan amount, his term, interest rate and date of commencement of payments. In accordance with the data entered on the mortgage calculator, the user will be able to see:

  • monthly payout size
  • final overpayment on the loan
  • payments for the entire loan term
  • date of the end of the payment

With the help of an automatic method of individual payment schedule, you can determine the total amount of payments for each year with an accuracy of the month, track the balance of debt. When using the mortgage calculator, the future borrower appears the opportunity to obtain deployed information about how the design of the housing loan will be wrapped before the contract signing the contract.

In case you want to keep your calculations, press " Save calculation«.
You will be available a unique link that you can add to the bookmarks. When you open this reference, the early entered loan data is applied.
If you changed the data - click " Update calculations". In this case, the modified data from the loan will be saved at the current link.

If you need to compare the options for early repayment

If you doubt how it correctly repay - to repay the amount or date, to make it either later, you can open on 2 tabs of the Browser 2 Calculator and compare. But it is not very convenient. Now we have made a special calculator comparison schemes for early repayment
See also: .
There you can enter the same credit parameters on the left and right. But early repayment can be made different types. By pressing, the most favorable option will be shown first.

Enter various calculation parameters

For different banks, when calculating early repayment, you need to set different flags in the unit additionally. This will make it more accurate to calculate early repayment.

If you have a loan in Sberbank

When calculating early repayment in Sberbank, you need to install checkmarks:

  • Accounting of early repayment at the date of payment
  • Payout only percent after the council (Sberbank)

The amount of early repayment is introduced taking into account that part of this amount will go to repay interest for the case when the county date does not coincide with the date of the next payment.

If you have a loan in VTB24 bank

  • Tick:
  • Tick: Annuitu on the initial debt when changing%

For Raiffeisenbank

  • Tick: Accounting of early repayment at the date of payment
  • Check the check mark: the calculation of interest per month as in Raiffeisenbank
  • Tick: Take into account weekends

For other banks

If you see the bank schedule that you need to pay the last day of each month, then put

  • Set the flag - the first payment is only interest and enter the date of issue.
  • Payment on the last day of the month

It should also be understood that some calculation modes are not combined. For example: Accounting for early repayment at the date of payment and take into account the weekend. With these parameters, the calculation may be incorrect

An asterisk (*) on the payment schedule marked the dates per day off - Saturday or Sunday. In this case, you must pay a loan until weekend or on the first working day.

It is also a fairly accurate and universal Credit Calculator Hawn Credit Bank. This calculator uses many who want to take a loan to home. The online credit calculator allows them to estimate how much they will pay the loan per month, as well as how much will the payment change, if the loan repayment will go ahead of schedule.

Attention! Early repayment made at the date of the next payment is taken into account in the next payment period. Those. If you have another payment date on February 14 and you made an early repayment on February 14, then the new amount of an auntie payment will be only on April 14. If you make an early repayment on February 13, then the new payment will be March 14. If you want to consider payments at exactly at the arrival date, set the flag - accounting of the arrival at the date of payment on the Advanced tab
The most accurate calculation of early repayment at the given moment is implemented in a credit calculator for Android.

Some terms and definitions when using a mortgage calculator.

Credit amount - the amount you want to be loan, which is indicated in your loan agreement
Interest rate - rate indicated in your contract
Time - An integer for which a mortgage loan is taken.
Annuce - With this type of payments, you pay equal shares. Initially, interest payment is more, but over time it decreases
Differentiated plates - With this type of payments, the amount into repayment of the principal debt is always constant. Interest accrued on the amount of the main debt. At the same time, the next payment is reduced over time. This credit calculator is implemented in this credit calculator for the above types of payments.
Early repayment - In this case, the amount of your early payment is to repay the amount of the principal debt. Once the amount of the principal debt is reduced, which means the amount of the monthly payment is reduced. This is due to a decrease in the percentage of payment.

Early repayment - With this early repayment, the next payment remains the same, but the loan period is reduced. You pay a loan before.

First payment- Interest. This flag must be established in case you have the first loan payment in the mortgage payments schedule, which is not equal to the rest. This is a payment bank in the form of interest if you have the date of issue and the date of the first payment are different. Do not install this flag without need. In details .

Change rate - This type of early payment is suitable if you for example, after receiving an apartment to the property, a change in the mortgage loan has occurred. This is spelled out in the mortgage agreement. To change the bet, you need to submit a package of documents to the bank.

Commissions and insurance - These types of payments do not affect the calculation of the schedule of payments on the loan and mortgage, but they are used when calculating the overall overpayment of the loan.

Use the online credit calculator to calculate mortgages and consumer loans.
You can pay consumer credit from a current account or various terminals. After filling out the application, you can get a free version of my application Mortgage Calculator for iPhone / iPad. After loading the program, the Credit Calculator from the App Store will be glad to your reviews.

If you intend to buy an apartment or any other real estate on credit, it would be worth it to calculate the monthly payment of mortgages in advance. Knowing the possible amount of monthly payments, the potential borrower can easily calculate the maximum mortgage size, overpayment and credit period.

To accurately calculate the mortgage payments, it is very convenient to use a special program available to everyone - a mortgage calculator. This program that contains a set of mathematical formulas is used to calculate all significant loan indicators. The most important function of the program is the calculation of the mortgage online. With the help of the calculator, the borrower can easily calculate all key mortgage conditions: payments, the amount of mortgage, overpayment, timelines and others.

In order for the result of the calculation of the mortgage committed on the calculator, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as the percentage credit rate, various fees and commissions that may occur, as well as the amount available for the borrower. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to clarify information about the amount of interest rate and commissions on the chosen credit program.

The mortgage calculator can easily be found on the Internet. Today, most banks place a similar program on their official sites. These services on the banks of banks help to calculate the mortgage and current loan conditions for each specific borrower - an individual interest rate, payments, etc. in such services, usually already taken into account the category of the borrower, type of buying housing, the ability to connect the insurance program or refuse it, Suitable credit program.
There are online calculators that calculate the mortgage size, placed not only on the websites of banks, but also on other Internet portals specializing in such services. Such calculators also calculate the credit conditions by the parameters specified by the user. Online calculators give borrowers an excellent opportunity without visiting the bank personally to calculate all the parameters that interest them.

However, do not forget that the result of the calculation obtained on the services that are located on third-party sites will not be final. To obtain professional advice and accurate calculation of the mortgage for real estate, you can contact the manager directly in the bank. Mortgage Calculator - a convenient service that makes it possible for those who plan to purchase housing on credit, to pre-assess their ability to understand the degree of long-term credit load.

Interest rate

The interest rate is a very important parameter when calculating the mortgage. Measured in percent per annum. This parameter shows how many percent is credited to your debt per year. For clarity, take a specific interest rate value - 12%. This means that in the year another 12% of the debt amount is added to your debt, but: with mortgage lending, the Bank charges you percentage more than once a year, but daily for the remaining amount of debt. It is not difficult to calculate how many percent is accrued every day: 12% / 12 months / 30 days \u003d 0.033%.

If you have already taken advantage of our mortgage calculator and made the calculation, you probably noticed that the monthly payment consists of two parts: the main debt and interest. Since every month your debt is reduced, then interest is accrued less. That is why the first part of the payment (the main debt) is growing, and the second (percentage) decreases, and the total amount of payment remains unchanged throughout the term.

Different banks offer different interest rates, they depend on various conditions, for example, on the size of the initial contribution, on the type of housing acquired, etc. Obviously, you need to look for an option with the smallest rate, because even the difference in the percent paragraph will reflect on the amount of the monthly payment and on the overall overpayment on the loan:

Table 1. Demonstration of interest rates on credit parameters.

Fixed and Floating Interest Rate

Fixed interest rate - This is a loan rate that is installed for the entire loan period. It is spelled out in a loan agreement and cannot be changed.

Floating interest rate - This is a loan rate that is not a constant value, but is calculated by the formula that is defined in the contract. The rate of the bet consists of two parts: the first component is floating, tied to any market indicator (for example, MOSPRIME3M or the refinancing rate of the Central Bank) and varies with the frequency defined in the loan agreement (for example, monthly, quarterly or once every six months). The second component, fixed, is a percentage that takes himself a bank. This part remains always constant.

Annuity and differentiated payment

  • Annuity payment is an option of a monthly loan payment, when the monthly payment size remains constant on the entire lending period.
  • Differentiated payment is an option of a monthly loan payment, when the size of a monthly payment for repayment of the loan gradually decreases by the end of the lending period.

Currently, the most common annuity payment.

The design of the mortgage loan provides for long-term relationships with the bank before starting to think carefully.

Some banks offer favorable conditions to attract potential customers.

Today it will be about VTB 24 - a bank who broadly provides its services in the Russian market.

Many people want to make a mortgage, but do not solve it, because they do not have enough funds for the initial contribution.

Bank VTB 24 allows you to refuse the first contribution at the expense of other programs or an additional collateral of real estate.

Useful video:

Who give a mortgage without a first installment?

To make a mortgage without a first contribution to VTB 24 can only certain categories of the population:

  • Families who, after the birth of the second child, had the right to use maternal capital;
  • Property owners, holders of securities or certificates;
  • Customers of other banks who wish to conclude a refinancing agreement with VTB 24.

All these requirements for individuals are directly related to lending programs.

Mortgage programs of the bank

There are several programs offered by VTB 24 Bank, for customers who cannot pay the mortgage in the required amount.

  1. Using maternal capital.

After the birth of the second child, the family has the right to use the means of maternal capital, which they rely from the state as the first contribution of the mortgage loan.

VTB 24 does not limit families in choosing a type of housing - it can be both an apartment in a new building and the object of the real estate market.

With the help of maternal capital, you can also increase the maximum mortgage period of up to 50 years, as well as the maximum amount of up to 90,000,000 rubles.

Credits are issued in rubles for a percentage rate from 12.15%.

Mandatory is the insurance of the object of deposit, except for the land plot.

Read also about how and in which banks you can take a mortgage to the land plot in this.

Video on the topic:

  1. With an additional object of collateral in the form of already available real estate or other property.

The borrower can be transferred secured by VTB 24 its own apartment or housing of third parties (parents, spouses) or certificates, other securities, and the Bank in turn frees it from the need to make an initial contribution.

When issuing a non-targeted VTB 24 loan, it is not necessary to confirm the purchase and introduction of another object on bail, but the loan amount will be much smaller.

Interest rates range from 14.15% per annum, and the maximum mortgage period is 20 years.

It should be remembered that when using such a program, a property of VTB 24 will also have the already available real estate, and the object you buy, so you need to carefully pay monthly mortgage payments so that the Bank does not have to apply strict sanctions.

  1. Refinancing of a previously open credit commitment.

You can learn more about the transfer of mortgages in this.
In other banks, more hard conditions can act, so customers are unable to pay the previously open mortgage.

In this case, it is possible to take a new loan in VTB 24 to repay the old on more profitable interest.

The initial contribution is not made, because the loan is not issued to buy housing, but to pay previous obligations.

Interest rates are established individually, but they should not be more percent on the current loan.

The maximum refinancing period is 50 years.

Interest rates

Since the initial contribution of the mortgage on the proposed programs is absent, then the interest rates of VTB 24 depend on the amount and credit period.

See also:

And when refinancing, they will definitely be no longer than by the previous loan.

Mortgage calculator

Before you decide on such a responsible step, as the purchase of housing in the mortgage, you must weigh everything for and against and soberly appreciate your capabilities.

You get a detailed calculation of the amount of monthly payments on the mortgage and commissions for issuing a loan, including monthly and annual exceedments.

Conditions and requirements for the borrower

In order for the borrower to confirm his solvency, it is necessary to submit certain documents in VTB 24, which confirm its compliance with certain requirements.

The client must meet the following standard obligations:

  • The borrower's age should be at least 21 years and no more than 65 for men and 60 for women, and during the mortgage processing they should not be fulfilled 60 and 55 years, respectively;
  • Availability of registration in Russia, and for foreign citizens - tax references;
  • Lack of criminal record at the time of the conclusion of the contract;
  • The presence of a common employment experience at least one year, and in the last place of work before making a mortgage - 4 months.

The conditions that VTB 24 sets are the interest rates, the sum of the mortgage and the maximum loan period, which are not significantly different, except percentage.

Required documents

When making a mortgage in VTB 24, it should be disturbed in advance about the collection of necessary documents, since their standard list is complemented by others, it is giving the right to receive a loan.

Required documents include:

  • The passport of the borrower (a copy of all pages) and his spouse, if he acts as a coacher;
  • A copy of another identity card (driver's license, passport);
  • Certificate of income of the established sample;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • Documents for real estate, which is planned to be purchased.

In order to confirm the right to make a mortgage without a down payment, the client submits the following documents in VTB 24:

  1. Certificate of maternal capital and certificate from the Pension Fund on the possibility of their use;
  2. Documents on the already available real estate, which is proposed as an additional object of the deposit, which confirm the ownership of it;
  3. Mortgage lending contract concluded earlier in another bank in the event of refinancing.

All necessary documents are submitted to VTB 24 together with the filled questionnaire.

Copies are valid only if there are originals or their assurance with a notary or other authorized person.

Mortgage design without initial contribution

To make a mortgage that does not provide an initial contribution to VTB 24, you must first carefully examine all the conditions and first of all, whether you have the right to participate in any of the programs.

About how and where else can you take a mortgage without the initial contribution, and is it worth it to take a mortgage to read in.

The entire package of documents is served with the completed questionnaire, and in the case of the application of the online application, the necessary paper is coming after the decision.

After VTB 24 approves the possibility of issuing mortgages, all further conditions are coordinated, and the mortgage agreement is signed.

Money is issued to the Client on the hands or on the Card for the acquisition of real estate.

Useful video:

It should be remembered that since then the object of the pledge is in the theoretical property of VTB 24, as well as the property available at the borrower, if it performed an additional object of the pledge.

For salary clients, VTB 24 provides a more simplified design procedure, which is associated with the lack of need to submit some documents.

Pros and cons

The benefit is to take housing without the initial contribution to VTB 24, indisputable and lies in:

  • The rapid obtaining a mortgage without having to save to the first installment;
  • The possibilities of refinancing the disadvantageous mortgage taken in another bank;
  • Low interest rates for customers who use maternity capital;
  • Opportunities for early repayment by maternal capital;
  • An individual procedure for entering into a contract of salary and corporate borrowers compared to ordinary customers.

Among the disadvantages, as in any mortgage, you can only be called that people are obliged to pay a loan for long and many years, otherwise the bank may require even the withdrawal of the property of the deposit, that is, housing, for the subsequent sale and repayment of debt.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state