
Monthly minimum living wage. In which cases, the cost of living for children is taken into account. Subsistence minimum of an elderly person

A table in the subsistence minimum of Moscow

Summing up minimum of Moscow in quarters 2019 - 2020

The cost of living is the cost expression of the consumer basket, is determined by the software for each region of Russia and in the Russian Federation as a whole quarterly. It is established in each region (annually).

According to Article 2. 134-ФЗ subsistence minimum in the whole of Russia
at the federal level Designed for:

  • estimates of the standard of living of the population of the Russian Federation in the development and implementation of social policies and federal social programs;
  • justifications set at the federal level of the minimum "size" of wages;
  • definitions of scholarships set at the federal level, benefits and other social benefits;
  • formation of the federal budget.

at the regional levelIn the subjects of the Russian Federation is intended for:

  • estimates of the standard of living of the population of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation in the development and implementation of regional social programs;
  • providing the necessary state social assistance to poor citizens;
  • formation of budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation.

For example, a family (or lonely living a citizen), the secondary income of which (whose income) is lower than the subsistence minimum established in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, is considered poor (poor) and has the right to receive social support. In this case, you need to submit documents to help materially. The conditions and procedure for providing social support to poor families (citizens) are established in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Those. In each region, its orders.

The procedure for calculating the average family income of the family (lonely living citizen) is established by Federal Law 44-FZ dated 05.04.2003

Living wageInstalled at the level of the subject of Russia is designed to assess the standard of living of the population in the development and implementation of social programs. Based on this indicator, the volume of social support for poor citizens is calculated.

Social payments to certain categories of citizens of Moscow

No. 1525-PP dated December 11, 2018 "On the establishment of the sizes of individual social benefits for 2019"

N 805-PP of 30.10.2017 "On the establishment of certain social benefits for 2018"

N 816-PP dated December 6, 2016 "On the establishment of certain social benefits for 2017"

№ 828-PP dated 08.12.2015 "On the establishment of the sizes of individual social benefits for 2016"

No. 735-PP dated 09.12.2014 "On the establishment of the sizes of individual social benefits for 2015"

№ 851-PP dated December 17, 2013 "On the establishment of the sizes of individual social benefits for 2014"

The value of the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in Moscow in order to identify regional social surcharge to pension

Official subsistence minimum in Moscow 2019

Resolution of March 12, 2019 N 181-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the fourth quarter of 2018

1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2018:
- per capita - 16087 rubles;
- for the working-age population - 18376 rubles;
- for pensioners - 11424 rubles;
- For children - 13747 rubles.
2. To establish that before the establishment of the subsistence minimum in Moscow in the first quarter of 2019, in order to implement social benefits, in the appointment (provision) of which the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, and (or) social benefits is taken into account, the size of which depends on Summary of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for the provision of social services, providing free legal assistance in the framework of the State System of Free Legal Assistance in the city of Moscow, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018 applies

Summary of the subsistence minimum Moskawa quarterly 2018 - 2019

For the quarter, yearPer capitaFor a working-age populationFor pensionersFor kidsDecision
Q1 2019.

4 Quarter 2018.
№ 181-PP dated 03/12/2019
Q3 2018.
№ 1465-PP dated 04.12.2018
Q2 2018.
№ 1114-PP dated 09/19/2018
1 quarter 2018.
№ 526-PP dated 05.06.2018
4 Quarter 2017.
№ 176-PP dated 03/13/2018
Q3 2017.
№ 952-PP dated 05.12.2017
2 quarter 2017.
№ 663-PP dated 09/12/2017
1 quarter 2017.
№ 355-PP dated 06/13/2017
4 Quarter 2016.
№ 88-PP dated 03/07/2017
3 Quarter 2016.
№ 794-PP dated November 29, 2016
2 quarter 2016.
№ 551-PP from 09/06/2016
1 quarter 2016.
N 297-PP from 03/31/2016
4 Quarter 2015.
№ 81-PP dated 03/16/2016
3 Quarter 2015.
№856-PP from 11.12.2015
2 quarter 2015.
№ 608-PP dated 09.22.2015
1 quarter 2015.
№356-PP from 16-06-2015
4 Quarter 2014.
03-03-2015 No. 91-PP
3 Quarter 2014.
12/02/2014 № 713-PP
2 quarter 2014.
08/27/2014 № 485-PP
1 quarter 2014.
06/24/2014 № 299-PP
4 Quarter 2013.
02/25/2014 № 81-PP
3 Quarter 2013.
11/26/2013 № 754-PP
2 quarter 2013.
10/10/2013 № 668-PP
Q1 2013
06/19/2013 № 392-PP

Additional links on the topic

  1. The method of calculating the subsistence minimum per capita is given: pensioner, child, etc.

Archive Subscessary Minimum Moskva 2018 - 2019

Resolution of December 4, 2018 N 1465-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the III quarter of 2018
In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow" the Government of Moscow decides:
1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the III quarter of 2018:
- per capita - 16260 rubles;
- for the working-age population - 18580 rubles;
- for pensioners - 11505 rubles;
- For children - 13938 rubles.
2. To establish that before establishing the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2018, in order to implement social benefits, in the appointment (provision) of which the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments is taken into account, the size of which depends on Summary of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for the provision of social services, providing free legal assistance in the framework of the State System of Free Legal Assistance in the city of Moscow, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018 applies


- For children - 14329 rubles.

Resolution of September 19, 2018 N 1114-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the II quarter of 2018
In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "0 by subsistence minimum in Moscow" the Government of Moscow decides:
1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018:
- per capita - 16463 rubles;
- for the working-age population - 18781 ruble;
- for pensioners -11609 rubles;
- For children - 14329 rubles.

RESOLUTION of June 5, 2018 N 526-PP
06 Establishment of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the first quarter of 2018
In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "0 by subsistence minimum in Moscow" the Government of Moscow decides:
1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2018:
- per capita - 15786 rubles;
- for the working-age population - 17990 rubles;
- for pensioners - 11,157 rubles;
- For children - 13787 rubles.

Resolution of March 13, 2017 N 176-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the IV quarter of 2017
In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow"
The Government of Moscow decides:
1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2017:
- per capita - 15397 rubles;
- for the working-age population - 17560 rubles;
- for pensioners - 10929 rubles;
- For children - 13,300 rubles.
2. To establish that before the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2018, in order to implement social benefits, when appropriating (providing), which takes into account the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments, the size of which depends on The size of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for the provision of social services, providing free legal assistance in the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in the city of Moscow, the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017 is applied.

Government of Moscow RESOLUTION of December 5, 2017 N 952-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the III quarter of 2017
In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow" the Government of Moscow decides:
1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the III quarter of 2017:
- per capita - 16160 rubles;
- for the working-age population - 18453 rubles;
- for pensioners - 11420 rubles;
- For children - 13938 rubles.

Resolution of September 12, 2017 No. 663-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the II quarter of 2017
In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002 No. 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow", the Government of Moscow decides:
1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017:
- per capita - 16426 rubles;
- for the working-age population - 18,742 rubles;
- for pensioners - 11603 rubles;
- For children - 14252 rubles.

Resolution of June 13, 2017 N 355-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the first quarter of 2017
In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow of May 15, 2002, N 23 "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow" the Government of Moscow decides:
1. To establish the amount of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the first quarter of 2017:
- per capita - 15477 rubles;
- for the working-age population - 17642 rubles;
- for pensioners - 10965 rubles;
- For children - 13441 ruble.
2. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on the issues of social development Provisnikov L.M.

The cost of living (PM) is the minimum amount of the monthly income of the person necessary to meet its physiological, social and cultural needs. This value is used for economic calculations, as well as the basis for the accrual of social benefits.

Why do you need?

Every year, the Russian government compares real incomes of the population with the established subsistence minimum. Persons whose earnings turned out to be lower than the PM bar, are below the poverty line and can claim to receive state subsidies.

Also, the subsistence minimum is used in the following cases:

  • evaluation of living standards in the country;
  • calculation of the minimum amount of benefits and wages;
  • determining the minimum income of citizens not taxable;
  • formation of state and local budgets.

In accordance with the Legislative Base of the Russian Federation, the monthly income of the adult population of the country cannot be lower than the established minimum. In this regard, on the basis of PM, the following payments are formed:

  • social surcharges to pension - regular government subsidies covering the difference between a real pension and subsistence minimum;
  • baby benefits - Monthly payments to minors in cases where their family's income does not reach the level of PM;
  • benefits poor - surcharges to the main income to the level of PM;
  • subsidies for housing and utilities services;
  • baby allowance to young families;
  • a one-time payment for reimbursement of adoption costs;
  • monthly subsidies of lonely mothers due to price increases;
  • compensation for persons who found themselves in a difficult life situation.

PM also allows you to identify citizens eligible for the following types of assistance:

  • increased scholarship to poor students;
  • queue to improve living conditions;
  • free legal advice.

When the value of PM changes, the recalculation of subsidies is automatically produced. From the recipient, there are no documents or confirmation of consent.

What does it depend on?

The cost of living is the cost of the consumer basket. In connection with these, the PM values \u200b\u200baffect:

  • consumer basket composition;
  • current food prices, housing and communal services, public transport services;
  • price increase indexation;
  • statistical data on the size of mandatory payments and fees.

In turn, the consumer basket consists of 3 sections:

  • food (bread products, sugar, meat, fish, milk, fats, fruits, vegetables potatoes, spices and drinks);
  • non-grocery goods (essential items, medicine, clothing, office);
  • services (housing and communal services, transport, cultural).
  • The last revision of the consumer basket was held in 2013, the next appointed on the second half of 2018.

For what categories of citizens is calculated?

For each of the categories listed below, PM is calculated individually:

  • juvenile children under 16;
  • workable citizens aged from 16 to 54 years old (women), or 59 years old (men), as well as persons with disabilities I and II groups;
  • pensioners.

The amount of the subsistence minimum also depends on the region of residence.

Size of the subsistence minimum in Moscow in 2018

The value of PM in Moscow in 2018 approved by Government Decree No. 176 of PP and is:

  • per capita - 15,786 rubles;
  • for people of working age - 17,990 rubles;
  • for disabled guests I and II groups - 17,560 rubles;
  • for pensioners - 11,570 rubles;
  • for minors - 13,787 rubles.

For pensioners registered in the capital for more than 10 years, there is a special financing program. Their income level should not be descended below 17 500 rubles.

Summary of the family

The subsistence minimum on the family is calculated on the basis of PM each of its members. The average income per person is called averages. When it is determined, such income is taken into account as:

  • wage;
  • compensation payments;
  • social benefits;
  • output benefit;
  • rent (for owners of movable and real estate transferred to rent);
  • alimony;
  • fees;
  • profit from business activities;
  • revenues from bank deposits;
  • inheritance and gifts.

When calculating the total family income are not taken into account:

  • revenues of adult children living in a separate territory;
  • earnings of parents devoid of parental rights;
  • revenues of children in public security;
  • parental earnings, consisting of military service / retraining / learning;
  • the income of the parent who is in correctional institutions.

The calculation of the average per capita income is made by the formula:

SD \u003d d / km / hWhere:

  • SD - middle income;
  • D. - Common family income;
  • KM - 3 months of calculation;
  • C. - the number of family members.

If during the calculations it will be established that the monthly income of family members is below the subsistence minimum, citizens have the right to receive subsidies.

What documents do you need for subsidiaries?

Statements for state subsidies are accepted in social protection bodies. With you, the applicant must have a package of documents in which:

  • certificate of concluding / termination of marriage;
  • a request for recognition of the family of the poor;
  • original and a copy of the child's birth certificate (if available);
  • applicant's identity card;
  • extract from the house book about the family composition.

Social security bodies may also require the following additional documents:

  • copies of labor books of workable family members;
  • conclusion of ITU on the assignment of disability;
  • income certificate.
  • The application is under consideration to 10 working days. By the expiration of the specified period, the organization's specialists assign the fact the status of poor and draw up all the necessary subsidies.

Maroths in Moscow

Mrots - fixed pay for a certain period of time. In accordance with the Legislative Base of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee's monthly salary may not be lower than the established minimum wage. For Moscow, its size in 2018 stopped at the level of 18,742 rubles.

The main sources of financial financing are:

  • own means of the organization - an employer;
  • local, regional, or federal budget for state budgetary institutions.

Mroth includes the following contributions:

  • basic salary for his position;
  • compensation payments;
  • stimulating bonuses;
  • other subsidies from the employer.

When calculating the minimum wage is not taken into account:

  • overtime;
  • part-time job on weekends;
  • work on holidays.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the clock listed above is paid separately at a two-time rate - the first 2 hours from the start of work, at a double rate - from 3 hours from the start of work.

The employee's income should not be less than the Mrometa installed, subject to the following rules:

  • full time work;
  • execution of official duties;

The subsistence minimum established by the state is a specific amount specifically, which is calculated from the country required for the life. It is established individually depending on the region of residence and is aimed at the purchase of food, necessary clothing, payment of utilities, then without which the life of the average person is impossible.

Summary in Moscow in 2018 from July 1, 2018: the need to determine the subsistence minimum

With the help of the subsistence level, it is possible to characterize the standard of living in the region. This allows you to develop programs aimed at improving the standard of living.

Information on the subsistence minimum is helpful in the formation of the budget of the city and the definition of which the costs of social benefits will be required to the low-income groups. Based on the number of subsistence minimum, additional social surcharges of the population are provided. In addition, the subsistence minimum is an integral part of the formation of a regional minimum wage.

The amount of the subsistence minimum is clearly established for each subject of the federation. This amount is revised once a quarter.

The cost of living in Moscow in 2018 from July 1, 2018: Calculation of the subsistence minimum

In order to determine the size of the subsistence minimum, the statistical collection of price levels in the city in categories of goods that are necessary to preserve healthy life, food, clothing, utilities, and the like. The needs of a working citizen and a pensioner are also taken into account. After analyzing all the components, one amount is formed by experts. This amount will differ from the level of subsistence minimum in other regions, as the price level and expenses are different.

When calculating, an important value has a consumer basket, so called the set of products primarily necessary for the human life. Its composition is reviewed with a frequency of no less than 1 time in 5 years. And its composition is different for various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the amounts are different in demographic composition. For worm-bodied citizens, retirees and children, they are not the same.

The consumer set is drawn up not only on the basis of the physiological features of the human body and prices in a particularly taken region, but also taking into account climatic and national characteristics.

The cost of living in Moscow in 2018 from July 1, 2018: Recent Information

With the information, the subsistence minimum established for the current quarter, can be found in official state sources, which is, for example, the site of the mayor of the city.

In June 2018, the Government established these figures at the next quarter of 2018 at the next level:

  • per capita - 15786 rubles;
  • for working citizens - 17 990 rubles;
  • for pensioners - 11157 rubles;
  • for children - 13787 rubles.

If the person in reasons independent of him receives the income of a smaller, established subsistence minimum, is entitled to receive additional social benefits from the state.

In fact, each resident of the capital heard of such a thing as "the size of the subsistence minimum.

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Many even know that this indicator plays an important role in determining the possibility of obtaining various social subsidies and benefits.

But not everyone is aware of what is currently acting for residents of Moscow costing minimum, as well as on what data and how it is established.

Important information

The cost of living is the conditional value. It serves to assess the living standards of people, as well as for the installation of various social payments, including minimum wagon, scholarships and benefits. Calculated on the basis of the cost of the consumer basket.

There are 2 main views of the subsistence minimum:

It is also formed on the basis of the cost of the consumer basket, but at the same time the specifics of specific regions are taken into account.

The Moscow city level of the subsistence minimum refers to the category of regional.

It is established by the relevant regulations of the government of the city of Moscow no later than 3 months after the end of each quarter.

It is based on the size and possibility of appointing various social benefits and payments from the capital budget.

Comment. In Moscow, the subsistence minimum is traditionally one of the highest in the country.

Above it only in the regions with truly complex climatic conditions (Yakutia, Murmansk region, etc.).

Consumer basket size

A consumer basket is customary to call the minimum set of food, non-food products and services for human life, and preserving his health.

This indicator plays one of the most important roles in determining the subsistence minimum.

Consumer baskets are divided into 3 main categories:

Important! A separate consumer basket for calculating the subsistence minimum per capita is not determined.

Consists of 3 main human cost groups:

On the child

Most parents know that the child usually takes more money than on an adult person to maintain the normal level of his life.

But the authorities of both Russian and the metropolitan for some reason are considered completely different.

The subsistence minimum for children from January 1, 2019 in Moscow is 13,787 rubles per month. It is determined in accordance with the consumer basket.

Consider in the following table, which is included in the children's consumer basket in Moscow from food for year:

Name number
Bread and other products flour, cereals 79.97 kg
Potatoes 105.98 kg
Vegetables 116.4 kg
Fruits 118.1 kg
Sugar and any pastry 23.61 kg
Meat products 45.8 kg
Fish and fish products 18.6 kg
Eggs 201 piece
Milk 359.5 L.
Vegetable oil 6.84 kg
Other products 3.56 kg

On a working person

A working person is larger, because it spends strength also at work or other place of work.

However, for him, the legislation increased significantly only the amount of bread and various croup to 130.86 kg per year.

The number of the rest has grown quite a bit and the amount of milk was reduced to 290.8 liters per year.

Important! The subsistence minimum in MSC for a working person is from January 1, 2019, 17990 rubles per month.

But more than half of it are spending on various services (housing and communal services, transport, etc.). It is proposed only for the remaining small part.

Name the grocery basket for the able-bodied population at least somehow balanced is also quite difficult.

Power supply the authorities offer bread and potatoes and only gradually allow me to meat (until 160 m. A day) and almost completely forget about fish.

Its at all for an adult working person provides only 19 kg for the whole year.

On pensioner

The situation is completely good with the consumer basket for pensioners. The cost of living for them is lowered by the lowest compared to other socially demographic groups.

It is from January 1, 2019 - 11157 rubles. Considering that more than half of them are invited to spend on non-food products and services, the product basket of a pensioner turns out to be quite scanty.

Somewhat smoothes the situation with pensioners the policy of the city authorities in the capital.

If in Moscow, the pensioner lived for more than 10 years, then from January 1, 2019 makes extra charge to pension to the level of 17500 p.

Per capita

Separately, consumer basket to determine the subsistence minimum per capita is not established.

But this indicator itself exists and is actively used in determining the family or a specific person, or another social benefit, or benefits.

The cost of living on January 1, 2019 for Moscow is 15786 rubles.

In fact, this figure is averaged value of how much money per month is needed to preserve life and health, as well as for paying for mandatory fees, duties and other payments.

How calculated

The subsistence minimum for each social demographic group of the population is calculated individually.

To begin with, the cost of products included in the consumer basket is determined. It is engaged in monitoring prices and the management of their statistics Rosstat, and the regional feature of the capital is necessarily taken into account. The price level in Moscow and the regions is significantly different.

At the second stage, the value of non-food products is determined. It is established by the law of the city of Moscow No. 39 of June 19, 2013.

The size of the basket of non-food products for children is 46% of the cost of food consistent earlier, and for the working-age population and pensioners it is 45%.

The third stage in the calculation will be the determination of the cost of services taken into account when calculating the subsistence minimum.

Its value will be equal to 127% of the cost of the product basket for the working-age population and 75% for the remaining categories of the population (children, pensioners).

At the last stage, all 3 indicators obtained in the calculation are summed up. This will be the size of the subsistence minimum.

It is installed within 3 months for the last quarter and it is based on it determines whether certain benefits from the city budget are determined by a particular person or not.

Comment. It is not necessary to count the size of the subsistence minimum. Moreover, it does not make any sense, because only the officially established value of PM plays the role.

When calculating it, it is used exclusively data obtained by Rosstat when analyzing prices on special approved techniques.

Currently, currently determining the size of the subsistence minimum causes a huge number of complaints, since it takes into account oscillations of only food prices.

Moreover, the grocery basket developed by the authorities has quite little common with real life.

Often, the methods of work Rosstat are also criticized when calculating prices. It is often an impression that the numbers are taken simply from the ceiling and no one spends real monitoring.

But nevertheless, there is no other order of definition of the subsistence minimum not only in Moscow, but also in Russia.

In fact, regional laws contribute only to small adjustments in the basket of goods and services with local specifics.

Evaluation of life in the country occurs in several criteria. One of them is the rate of the subsistence minimum. It is determined at the calculation of the cost of products included in the basic consumer basket of a citizen. From what will be the subsistence minimum of 2017 depends on how much the life of Russians will increase or decrease. It is assumed that every year the minimum should increase at least on the inflation rate in order to fit reality.

Costailed minimum per quarter

The mechanism for calculating the subsistence minimum is enshrined by law. According to the norms of Law No. 134-ФЗ, the indicator shall be calculated quarterly, taking into account the vibration of the value of goods in Russia. As of the 1st quarter of 2017, the Russian Federation operates at a minimum established on the basis of the cost of 4 quarters of 2016. Further, respectively, when calculating a minimum for the 2nd quarter, data will be taken into account for the first, and in determining the size of the 3rd quarter, the numbers for the second will be used. The growth trend of indicators can be traced by analyzing the data for past periods.

Year Period Minimum size
Medium to the Russian Federation Adults Pensioners Children
2013 I quarter 7095 rub. 7633 rub. 5828 rub. 6859 rub.
II quarter 7372 rub. 7941 rub. 6043 rub. 7104 rub.
III quarter 7429 rub. 8014 rub. 6097 rub. 7105 rub.
IV quarter 7326 rub. 7896 rub. 6023 rub. 7021 rub.
2014 I quarter 7688 rub. 8283 rub. 6308 rub. 7452 rub.
II quarter 8192 rub. 8834 rub. 6717 rub. 7920 rub.
III quarter 8086 rub. 8731 rub. 6656 rub. 7738 rub.
IV quarter 8234 rub. 8885 rub. 6785 rub. 7899 rub.
2015 I quarter 9662 rub. 10404 rub. 7916 rub. 9489 rub.
II quarter 10017 rub. 10792 rub. 8210 rub. 9806 rub.
III quarter 9673 rub. 10436 rub. 7951 rub. 9396 rub.
IV quarter 9452 rub. 10187 rub. 7781 rub. 9197 rub.
2016 I quarter 9776 rub. 10524 rub. 8025 rub. 9677 rub.
II quarter 9956 rub. 10722 rub. 8163 rub. 9861 rub.
III quarter 9889 rub. 10678 rub. 8136 rub. 9668 rub.

What a subsistence minimum in Russia for pensioners

In determining the subsistence minimum for the pensioner, the age of person is taken into account - 55 and 65 years for women and men, respectively. It is an employed pensioner or not - it does not matter. Consumer basket Russian retirement age is less than a baby's basket or a workable citizen. Deviations are approximately 10% - 20%. Also, the minimum for a pensioner in the regions is established different. The highest rate in the Nenets District is 15837 rubles, and the smallest of 2016 in Mordovia - 6453 rubles. Also among the regions with the lowest indicator there are Bashkortostan, Kalmykia and the Belgorod region. The leaders are considered to be the capital, St. Petersburg and the Far Eastern regions.

Summary of the subsistence minimum from January 1

At the beginning of 2017, an increase in the subsistence minimum by 6% is approximately predicted. However, it is necessary to take into account that the forecast and conclusions of analyst experts do not always correspond to reality. It is possible that the minimum will not exceed the size set at the end of 2016. Estimated numbers are:

  • for a workable citizen - 10524 rubles;
  • for pensioner - 8025 rubles;
  • for a child - 9677 rubles.

As can be seen, these indicators are clearly lower than the data for the previous period enlarged to the inflation rate.

Minimum consumer basket in Moscow

In the capital, the indicators of the minimum subsistence minimum for the categories of Russians are somewhat higher than the national average. This is due to a higher cost of life in Moscow. Effects and indicators of income Muscovites have influenced. However, the metropolitan subsistence minimum does not compensate for the growth of inflation. Therefore, local authorities introduce local subsidies for residents of the city. In 2017, Muscovites can plan a family budget, focusing on information for the 3rd quarter of 2016. On average, the minimum is equal to 15307 rubles. By categories, the distribution looks like this:

  • for adult - 17487 rubles;
  • for a child - 13159 rubles;
  • for a pensioner - 10823 rubles.

In comparison with the indicators for the 2nd quarter, the subsistence minimum has decreased for working bodies by 74 rubles, for pensioners by 60 rubles, and for children for 100 rubles.

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