
The house is large. Giving housing with large families by law

The state is trying to increase population growth in the country and often launches various programs to obtain certain benefits. They also adopted the law at the federal and regional levels, which makes it possible to solve the issue as a large family to get an apartment from the state.

Take part in the program to receive housing a large family have the right to:

  • having no registered property;
  • emergencies in emergency room;
  • poor;
  • the municipality has the right to provide housing to families who live for a long time in the territory of the region.

Figure 1. Every year a huge number of large families gets new housing

Getting an apartment

Before feeding documents to the queue for housing, it is necessary to remember that the apartment will be provided far from each large family. To get housing from the state should be taken into account the following nuances:

  • Need to improve or expand the place of residence.Most an important indicatorwhich appropriate authorities pay attention to. It is worth considering that different norms are installed for each region. square meters per person. So, in Moscow for families, which consist of three or more people, the norm is 5 m 2, and for St. Petersburg - 9 m 2;
  • Revenues.Another important factorallowing you to answer the question of how to get housing with large parents from the state. If their income is lower subsistence minimum per person (in every region differently), then the family will be assigned the status of poor. This means that you will not be able to buy housing yourself and they will be assisted.

To register as a family in need of housing, you need to contact local governments at the place of registration.

The status of a large family can only be obtained at the birth of a third child. After that follows urgent order Collect documents in order to register at housing large families. The following is a list of references:

  • Original and copies of parental passports . It is recommended to make 4-5 copies so that if necessary, to promptly provide them with state authorities;
  • Copies and originals of certificates of birth of all children;
  • Certificate confirming the families of the family;
  • A document confirming registration in the apartment of all family members;
  • Income certificate. It is provided to prove that the family is poor;
  • A document reflecting your marital status (whether official marriage is concluded, divorce or the head of the family is a widow, widow);
  • All help on housing that are on hand.

If the family is already registered as poor, then the registration procedure should be accepted and officially appear as a large family. In this case, the chance to get housing is much higher.

As soon as the documents are considered and a positive decision is made, the family will be in a queue by issuing a sequence number. Then you just have to wait and once a year to visit officials to find out how far the turn has advanced.

Unfortunately, the law does not establish a specific time frame. You can wait for extremely long, sometimes the queues last more than 5 years.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh and some other regions, low-income families provide apartments for temporary accommodation until the end of the queue or before reaching the younger child of 16 years. Of the advantages, you can highlight a small rental fee and the availability of a spacious area for living (depends on the number of family members). Before you stand in line, learn local laws and acts.

Similar accommodation can be obtained free of charge. It all depends on the solutions of local officials and the financial situation of the family itself.

What should be expected

How to get an apartment with a large family pair? It should be noted that there are three options for the development of events:

  1. Subsidy. That is, you get a certain amount of this amount from the state that you have the right to spend on improving your housing. If the family has its own apartment, then it can be sold and adding this money to subsidies, acquire a new housing. But here you should consider the cost of apartments, as in all regions it is different;
  2. Social housing. In this case, you have an apartment, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich corresponds to the characteristics of the family. But you have to conclude an agreement on hiring;
  3. Mortgage for large parents. This option for those whose material situation allows you to take a loan in the future. Mortgage will be either interest-free, or the minimum will be set - 6.2%. This is the fastest way to get an apartment.

For each region, there are own programs for obtaining housing. Before feeding documents, read them and select the one that is perfect for you.

Figure 2. Mortgage for large families - the fastest way to get an apartment

Conditions for regulations

To get a housing certificate, each family must comply with a number mandatory conditions:

  • Lack of registered property. That is, none of the family members should have a registered property. Such a condition concerns each person prescribed in the apartment. For example, if parents live with you and the living space is decorated, it is impossible to get housing from the state;
  • There was no deterioration of the conditions.In the case of the sale of housing belonging to you (if five years have passed since the conclusion of the transaction), it may refuse to be refused, regardless of whom this apartment has been framed / house. The same rule will act, in case you decide to register other relatives on your living space or give them part of it.

Such restrictions operate 5 years. After this period expires, you can safely go and apply for housing.

  • Registration.Each region establishes required deadline Specifications yourself. But usually the period is from 3 to 5 years. In Moscow, a person is obliged to live at least 10 years;
  • Citizenship.Family should live in the territory Russian Federation And accordingly, to have Russian citizenship.

Social programs depending on the region

Despite the fact that the law on the receipt of housing has been adopted by large families at the federal level, it is regulated by the local governments of each region independently. That is, each individual subject sets:

  • Types of social programs and features of their execution;
  • Duration of residence in the territory of the region;
  • And other accompanying aspects.

Therefore, the conditions for obtaining housing in the capital of Russia will differ significantly from the provincial regions, as there is a completely different local legislation.

For successful promotion in turn for such necessary apartment You should take the initiative in your hands. Visit the social protection authorities and local governments. In these structures, all about such programs are usually known. You should not hope only for officials, since they are not particularly needed.

Video on the topic

Tell why you should take the initiative to your hands and not hope for officials.

So, the main nuances were disclosed to resolve the issue, how to get housing with large families with the help of the state. It became clear which cells of society can count on participation in the program and how to do it.

Large families have the right to subsidy covering part of housing costs. But for this, it must be recognized as needing improvement. housing conditions.

To increase the fertility, the state takes various support measures. Since it is rather acute among them is the question of the number of square meters, it is important to assist in acquiring housing.

What are the subsidies for a large family (social payments)?

They can receive the same payments that have a family right with a smaller number of children, and some extra. The full list includes:

  1. One-time payment at (16350 rubles 33 kopecks).
  2. Monthly benefit, the size of which depends on the age of the child (for example, up to one and a half years - from 6131 rubles 37 kopecks). Payments are prescribed for each of them.
  3. In most regions, a subsidy on the third (fourth, etc.) of the child is paid before it is a trip.
  4. Financial assistance to the beginning of the school year.
  5. There may be other local payments that differ in different regions. Including it is possible to increase monthly and one-time government benefits at the expense of regional budgets.

How to get a subsidy of a large family?

To get you need to write a statement, after which the family is in the queue. When it is suitable, issued (or evidence). It can be used for:

  • purchases new apartment;
  • participation in equity construction (But only if the house is ready at least 70%);
  • acquisition of housing;
  • construction of the house.

If funds are spent on the construction of the house, they can be listed:

  1. Before the construction of construction in this case, after six months, the house should be built at least 2/3, and all the money was spent.
  2. After graduation. In this case, it will be necessary to confirm the costs of checks, acts of work performed, contracts for the provision of services, etc.

The subsidy covers part of the expenditures on the living space on social standards. Square meters above the norm will have to pay independently. To do this can be used:

  • personal savings;
  • credit funds.

The share of expenses paid by the state depends on the region. For example, in Moscow, it can be up to 100%. It depends on how many years the family consists in taking into account the social protection bodies. But, as a rule, a share ranges from 10% to 70%, and in cities it will be less than in countryside.

Hurry up with the conclusion of the transaction is needed for six months after the queue approached. Otherwise, you have to start everything from the beginning.

Terms of receipt of the subsidy

For the right to such a subsidy, simultaneously be performed the following conditions:

  1. Family is.
  2. It needs to improve housing conditions.
  3. Income for each family member is less than the subsistence minimum.
  4. Other, additional requirements and conditions can be introduced on the ground.

The concept of multi-way is determined not on the federal, but at the regional level. But for the most part of Russia, such families include raising three or more children. Children are taken into account 18 years old (in many places - up to 23, if you study in the day office).

Order of receipt

First of all, it is necessary to prove that the family needs to improve housing conditions. To do this, contact the local administration, at that department or commission, which is engaged in housing issues. The Commission is issued a certificate.

This status can be obtained if:

  1. There is no own nor.
  2. It is, but less than that required by the standards.
  3. The state of the house and it requires resettlement.
  4. More than one family lives in an apartment or an individual house, and among them there is a sick outdoor form of tuberculosis.

To obtain benefits, you must apply. His Housing Commission, Department and. n. under local authorities.

Most often, documents can be submitted in various ways:

  • personally;
  • in any office;
  • via the Internet, with the help of the Public Services portal.

Each of these methods has both advantages and disadvantages. In the fee can point out small inaccuracies in a statement that is easy to fix in place. But you can only go there in the receiving clock. The schedule of MFC is more convenient, on the other hand, specialists do not always know some nuances. A public service portal can be used at any convenient time.

Application must be attached to confirm documents. If it is served via the Internet, electronic copies are attached. You also need to specify the details of the card or the score to which the money is listed.

The Commission considers documents and makes a decision that the applicant is reported. For the adoption of the month. If it is positive, the family is in the queue, and after some time (it depends on the total number of sections) it is issued a certificate.

He is heading for the purchase or construction of housing. After that, it is necessary to report on target use with the provision of supporting documents. Terms are also installed at the local level.

What is pensions for state support and who has the right to receive them? All the details .

List of necessary documents

For obtaining the following documents:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • passports of both parents (or lonely mothers / father);
  • marriage Certificate (O, On Establishment);
  • certificate of birth (adoption) for each of the children;
  • identity of a large family;
  • certificate of registration of the child on which the allowance is issued;
  • certificate from the place of residence (form number 9);
  • certificate of income;
  • confirmation that the family refers to the poor;
  • help that the family needs to improve housing conditions.

In some regions it is possible to change the list.

Subsidium Large family for the purchase of housing in 2018

Since the economic situation in the country changes, many large families are interested in whether any changes appeared in 2017. At the federal level everything remained still. Possible small changes in the program in the regions that you need to know housing commissions. They can relate, for example, to percentage ratio Payments from the state.

Help in acquiring housing for large families is very relevant. By the state, they are allocated subsidies, preferential lending programs are provided, other support measures. In order to take advantage of these measures, it is important to know the conditions for their provision.

Help for large families

In the main document of the country, the Constitution, the principle of protection of the family, childhood is proclaimed. Therefore, a state takes various measures aimed at supporting family pairs with children. Large pairs are given special attention. They have the right to count on the following types of help:

  • preferential mortgage;
  • subsidies for the purchase of housing;
  • free allocation of land plots;
  • free travel in the suburban (city) transport;
  • free breakfasts (food) for schoolchildren;
  • prior Prior Device B. educational establishments;
  • providing drugs.

It should be noted that in each region a list of benefits for such families may differ. After all, local authorities have the right to supplement the federal legislation in this area with their regulatory documents.

Registration of preferential mortgage on the federal program in Russia

Providing housing for most large families a pressing problem. In order to provide them with the opportunity to improve their living conditions, the state has developed a special program. She presupposes mortgage credit lending for many children on more favorable conditions. These include:

  • reduced percentage of the loan;
  • increased loan repayment period;
  • reduced initial fee.

With the specified program work almost all large banks. However, to get benefits can not get all persons with many children. It is important to have the official status of many children, as well as respond to other conditions of the program. True, in 2017 the action of this program was over, and its resumption for 2018 was not yet.

At the same time, many banks still provide large loans on these preferential terms. You can arrange a mortgage on the best conditions through AHML. In addition, in many regions there are local lending programs for large families.

How to get a mortgage for large families in Moscow

In Moscow, as well as other cities of the country, the provisions of the program to provide housing for large families. They allow them to count on improving their housing conditions. For joining the program, you need to answer a number of requirements. In the capital of many children have the right to receive a subsidy for an apartment subject to the following requirements:

  • official recognition of large families;
  • need of improving their living conditions;
  • setting in line for housing.

Lending itself is provided on more profitable than the usual mortgage. Next, imagine their detailed description.

Giving housing Muscovites under the program is also allowed in new buildings, and in the secondary fund. To pay the first contribution, the mother of children can use the means of the Matkapalo. In addition, it is possible to prepay the payment of payments for mortgage after the child's appearance.

How to get housing a large family in 2017-2018

Obtaining benefits and subsidies to large families is carried out in a certain order. They can count on preferential mortgage lending, allocation of subsidies for the purchase of housing, its construction, payment of housing and communal services.

With uksidia for a large family on acquisitions of housing can be obtained, subject to the required package of documents. These include:

  • passports on adult members of a large family;
  • marriage concluding document;
  • certificate confirming the need of family in improved housing;
  • certificate of official income;
  • employment history or certificate from the place of employment;
  • information about the existing housing prescribed by persons.

Depending on the situation, additional papers may also be needed.

What interest rates are provided for large families

Lending to large borrowers in different banks Provided on various conditions. but interest rates Installed by creditors approximately at the same level.



Bank of Moscow

In collaboration with AHML, the rate can be reduced to a level of 6-11%. You can buy accommodation in a new building at lower rates.

What benefits are laid marked

In the housing sphere, many children today can count on:

  • receiving subsidies for the purchase or building of housing;
  • allocation of social housing;
  • earth granting free of charge.

Benefits for the purchase of housing Large families are provided in the presence of the required list of documents. Specify the specific conditions of programs operating in the region stands in local authorities. Social payment For the purchase of housing, large families are provided in confirmation of the status of not only large families, but also the poor.

Obtaining social housing

Large couples (one parent with children), recognized by poor, can get social housing from the state. To obtain assistance, the family needs to confirm its multi-way, as well as low incomes. To recognize the poor, it is necessary to provide evidence that the family's income does not reach the subsistence minimum established in the region. In addition, it is necessary to stand in a queue on improving their living conditions.

Families issued a certificate for social housing. If housing is located in the municipal fund, then a hire agreement may be issued. Subsequently, the family can privatize it. Soc. Mortgage in Almetyevsk for large families and lonely parents with children is provided with the observance of the above conditions.

How to get a large family status

All support measures to families with many children can be obtained only under the condition of official confirmation of their status. It is necessary to confirm the presence of three or more children living together with parents. In most regions, largests are awarded after the birth of a third child.

However, some entities require a greater number of children. To acquire status, children who have not reached majority are taken into account. Sometimes it is allowed to calculate both children under 23 years old, students in high school.

Where to apply for status

Registration of large families are engaged in social protection bodies in the field. In different regions, they can wear a different name. Therefore, it should be clarified on the spot, which is the authority (institution) to file documents.

List of documents for setting in the queue

Obtaining social housing without registration in the queue for those who need to improve the living conditions cannot be. Therefore, it is important to know which documents to provide local authorities for this purpose. These include:

  • passports for adults;
  • birth certificates for all children;
  • document on the assignment of the status of many children;
  • documents about the family has a housing;
  • help about the composition of the family.

Getting housing

After granting all the listed documents, their consideration and verification are carried out. If all the papers are in order, the grounds for providing assistance are available, then the family is awarded a certificate for housing. Cash to buy an apartment in cash to the applicants are not issued.

More families recognize those families that have 3 or more children. This status is drawn up in social protection bodies.

By special state Program Housing for such families is allocated from municipal property, it is also subject to privatization on general reasons.

Is it possible to get an apartment to large families

Providing benefits is regulated at the local level, which is why benefits may differ depending on the region in which they are decorated. To use such benefits you need to immediately become a queue for housing.

The accommodation procedure is predominantly the same, since the factor in the improvement of living conditions is determining in each region.

Terms of provision

The conditions for receiving housing are quite extensive, so, for example, to be in a queue to receive social housing, maybe the family that:

  • Has no own housing.
  • Lives in an emergency building.
  • The income that per person is below the subsistence minimum.
  • Not worsened over the past five years its housing conditions.
  • Registered at a certain place of residence for a long time.
  • It has Russian citizenship.

There is a lot of nuances in the deterioration of conditions. For example, it is not considered a deterioration:

  • Settlement of minor children.
  • Settlement of the spouse.
  • Settlement of disabled parents.

How to queue

The main thing that needs to be done to obtain housing is to be registered. To do this, it is necessary to register in local executive bodies and to be in the queue.

The queue is a list of people in need of social housing on the this moment. Housing can be obtained when it is your turn. Depending on the region, a special preferential queue is provided for many large families.

After passing all the necessary documents, the applicant receives a receipt on behalf of them adopted. It must be specified on it.

After that, the procedure of consideration by local authorities begins. All procedures last about 30 days. According to her results, decisions on acceptance or refusal of the application should be made.

Required documents

Among those documents that are necessary, first of all, it is worth highlighting: documents for already having housing, as well as income certificate.

Among the documents on the living space should be those that will confirm your property, the condition of the housing.

As for income documents, it should be a certificate of salaries in the last 6 months.

Other documents include:

  • Certificate of marriage.
  • Certificate of birth of children.
  • Help confirming the composition of the family.
  • Copies of the passport of all adult family members.

As a large family to get an apartment with the help of the state

According to the legislation, those families who educate more than 5 minor children are entitled to receive social housing of the corresponding area for free use.

Such an agreement lies between such subjects as representatives of the government in the field, as well as a large family for a period of 5 years.

The main advantage of this kind of benefit is pretty good conditions housing, compared with other programs.

Although the term of the contract is only 5 years old, the local authorities must extend it:

  • Until time, the youngest family member will not be 16 years old.
  • Until the time, the younger student member of the family will be 18 years old.

Also, the undoubted advantage is that at the time of the entire action of the contract, the second party remains registered in the queue for square meters.

Those families who have issued documents and began to queue until 01.03.2005 have a fairly broad spectrum of services about improving the conditions. They can:

  • Get square meters under social hiring agreement.
  • Get subsidy at housing.
  • Redee accommodation from the city foundation in installments.

The same documents issued later, can choose only from two options:

  • Getting housing according to a social hiring agreement.
  • Getting housing in gratuitous use.

These programs are accepted both on the federal and regional levels.

To participate in the banking program, it is necessary to be listed in the queue. The banking programs developed many, however, the most common of them - mortgage benefits.

The most famous of the federal level programs is a "young family - affordable housing."

Also one of the favorable programs are:

  • Subsidies to buy apartments.
  • Selection land plots under construction.

Registration land plot Comes on a special procedure. The plot passes B. shared property All family members who at the time of the transaction reached the age of majority. After granting such a plot, this category of citizens is loss of the right to preferential housing.

How to quickly get an apartment with a large family

Methods rapid receipt Loan for large families a little. However, it is much easier to solve the issue with housing such a category of citizens.

One of the ways to produce housing is a queue. It is carried out according to a special preferential program. That is, when making a queue, the family is transferred to a special preferential list. Within one year from the date of registration of this category of citizens, it should be part in the social program. As a rule, housing construction begins a year after the offer.

Also one of the accelerated methods is family introduction to extraordinary lists for registration preferential credit. The conditions for such loans are quite profitable.

A large family is given the right to share a loan to build housing on preferential terms, as well as to design a subsidy.

According to the current legislation, such a loan is granted 95% of the total cost of housing. However, it is necessary to take into account the standards of the area per person, as it will have to pay extra for the surplus. 5% reimbursement due to a free subsidy for housing.

An important nuance when choosing such a way of registration of housing is that such benefits covered only typical houses , respectively, the price per square meter is determined precisely based on this calculation. In homes with improved conditions, the difference will have to pay extra.

The last option is the fastest of square meters - state financial assistance. It lies in the fact that a complicated loan, decorated in housing, repays the state. If three children live in the family, then half the amount is paid, and if four, then 70%. All payments are made in the same amount in accordance with the Treaty.

If the family, when building housing, did not make loan benefits, then it has the right to support from the state. This kind of support is unbound with the level of families of the family, if it is listed on account.

This type of benefits does not apply to the categories of families who used this right earlier. The size of such aid is 50 subsistence minima of citizens. However, it is possible to issue such assistance, only after the ownership of housing is registered.

After how many large families get an apartment

Depending on which way of obtaining an apartment is selected, the timing of its provision is distinguished.

When enrolling in a queue to receive housing, the family will be able to get an apartment only when the appropriate queue is suitable.

With participation in the state program, the timing of receiving square meters is directly dependent on the deadlines established in the program.

When making a preferential loan, housing can be obtained almost immediately, since the family itself decides which housing to buy and concludes the appropriate agreement.

Also one of the fastest ways is to design a social hiring agreement for five years. When making a similar contract, the apartment is provided almost immediately.


Summing up, we can say that get square meters such a family is easy. Main, collect all required documents and become registered in local authorities. To speed up the process, you can also sign up for participation in one of federal programsSuppose to issue a living space in the shortest possible time.

In general, collect all the necessary documents, submit them to the appropriate instances and choose for yourself the most profitable program maybe each, but for this initially it is worth understanding the nuances of the entire system of obtaining preferential housing.

Housing certificate can not be provided with large families. It is very important to initially arrange the required documents, as well as to meet the stated requirements. With all them, it should be found that there were no difficulties and additional questions in the subsequent issues.

Nuances for receiving a housing certificate

Little is difficult in the process associated with obtaining a certificate. This is a material capital, which, after a certain time, and upon the occurrence of certain circumstances, is listed on the account of the person. Next, these funds can be used to buy real estate.

Despite the fact that at first glance everything is very simple and quickly, you can face certain nuances, which include:

  • It is important to confirm the fact of families of the family. For this, the help of the local authority will be demanded by reference.
  • At the place of work, a certificate of income is taken, after which they go again to local authorities. They are given a certificate from work, on the basis of which another document is drawn up, which registers that the income received is lower than the budget of the subsistence minimum.
  • Drawing up an application. It is on the basis of it and the question of granting a large family subsidies will be considered that it will be possible to spend the purchase of a house or apartment to improve their living conditions.

To become the owner of a certificate for the purchase of a residential premises for a large family, it is necessary to refer to such. Status should formally recognize. If this is in reality, then the appropriate certificate should be in your hands.

In addition to this in a large family should be low level Income, which does not allow independently acquired an apartment or a house.

Terms of granting a certificate for housing for large families

As mentioned earlier, the housing certificate can be obtained by a large mother. To become such, you should get a certificate confirming this fact. He is referred to the local authorities by writing a statement on the sample.

As a supplement, there is a birth certificate for each of the child. There will be enough copies. The most important thing is that children at the time of this decision are adult.

The family should receive the status of the poor when their cumulative income per family member does not exceed the subsistence minimum budget. This decision is made on the basis of certificate of income on each of the family members, if any. In the absence of work, no papers will not have to assemble.

Documents are also provided confirming the fact of the detention of residential premises or ownership of the apartment at the place of residence. In addition, a statement is written about the need for family formulation, as in need of improving living conditions.

The final decision of the authorities of the municipality is accepted within a month. It may be carried out and refusal to provide a certificate for the purchase of housing. But in this case, it must be argued and confirmed by certain bases for refusal.

Grounds for refusing to obtain a housing certificate for many children

Free legal advice on the phone will allow any of your disputed issues on housing and other issues:

Not every family, even if it is a large-fashioned, can get a certificate to thanks to him to become in the subsequent owner of his own residential foundation. The following grounds are distinguished by which authorities make decisions on refusal to provide subsidies:

  1. Finding children in full state security. At the same time, they can be listed in the ranks of a large family. But it is worth understanding that certain circumstances cannot be protected as this item. This applies to, for example, passing a course of treatment or rehabilitation by a disabled child.
  2. Large family, which previously provided a plot of land for production construction work on the construction of residential premises.
  3. Received earlier funds from the state to improve the living conditions for all members. This suggests that if housing conditions comply with the standards and requirements of legislative acts, then you can not claim something else a large family.

Features of the design of the housing certificate

After expiration established periodDuring which the Commission decides against a large family, the issue of the possibility of obtaining subsidies is revealed. It is worth noting that not every family has full information about the fact that it is due to the rights and benefits due to the fact that it is large. This suggests that it should be possible to periodically view information about which programs in the state are currently being present and under what conditions they are provided. The chance of such is not issued often, and they should be used in full.

If a positive or negative decision is made on a written application for the provision of a certificate for the purchase of an apartment, the corresponding notification is sent by postal link. It is it that will serve as a basis for obtaining subsequent subsidies that are very important for a large family.

Social housing for large families

If the family is large and is registered as applicable to the improvement in housing conditions, all measures will be taken to assist them at the proper level.

It is important to check the status of the queue in the local municipality, as well as the status of the application. This must be done with periodicity, as everything is constantly updated due to the construction of new square meters of housing. Regarding social housing, it is provided in the form of certificates. It is on the basis of it and the amounts of payments are established, which are due.

Granted from the state cash Cannot be used for extraneous purposes, but only to purchase housing, just under construction or in the secondary real estate market. In addition, the means can be spent on their own home.

If there are certain circumstances, each representative of a large family on her behalf can take advantage of the chance to receive a certificate that makes it possible to further purchase an apartment in the property.

It is very important that at the same time the rights and freedoms of children are not violated. After all, each of them has a certain number of square meters, as well as the living conditions. To get subsidies from the state, it is enough to assemble a package of documents, write a statement and wait for the final decision from government representatives.

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