
Work experience for hospital in. Rules and examples of calculation and accrual of payments on hospital sheets. How experience affects the amount of benefits when accrued

Insurance experience for hospital sheet - very an important indicatorSince it is it that affects the magnitude of the benefit paid by the employee. What is insurance and non-trachian experience? How does work experience affect the amount of hospital? How to calculate the experience? Answers to these and other questions - in our material.

What is labor, insurance and non-trap

Many people faced the concept of labor and insurance experience, but not everyone understands what their differences are.

Labor experience is the entire period of human work, including the execution of work on contracts. In addition, it can be attributed to pension terminology, since labor experience is applied when calculating the pension of citizens who worked until January 2002, that is, before the beginning of the pension reform.

Insurance experience (SS) - those periods of the citizen, in which the employer paid for him insurance contributions In the PF of the Russian Federation and the FSS.

However, there are days when a person does not work, and the experience still goes:

  1. With the occurrence of disability, including pregnancy and childbirth (BIR), to care for a child up to 1.5 years, for a family member on disability or an elderly relative (from 80 years and older).
  2. When the military service is passing.

Features of the calculation of the experience during the service in the army, find out in the material "Is a service in the army in labor experience (nuances)" .

  1. When passing a state or civil service, etc. (all that is listed in the law of 12.02.1993 No. 4468-I).

All of the above cases relate to non-break-in experience, that is, for periods, when the citizen was not paid insurance premiums.

What experience is taken into account when calculating the manual in 2019 and how to count it

For the sick leave, SS is taken into account, including all non-trap periods. CC calculation is carried out in a calendar. All incomplete periods of work are translated into full months and years in the following order: 30 days are considered for the full month, and 12 months are translated in full year.

see also"How to calculate insurance experience in incomplete months" .

At the same time, if the person worked at the same time in different organizations, then one of the periods of worker's choice is taken into account. Such a choice must be supported by the employee's statement.

NOTE! For the counting of the experience for the hospital in the calculation takes all insurance periods, regardless of interruptions in the work.

Consider the CC calculation algorithm on the example.

Example 1.

Efimova A. Yu. 02/20/2019 introduced a hospital list in the accounting department for 14 days of disability (from 06.02. To 02/19/2019). Period of work in this company - from 01.06.2017, that is, 1 year 8 months. And 5 days (calculation from 01.06.2017 to 05/31/2018 - 1 year, from 01.06.2018 to 05.02.2019 - 8 months and 5 days).

IN labor book The following entries mean:

07/17/2016 to 03/31/2017 - Garant LLC;

01/15/2015 to 07/15/2016 - LLC "Azimuth".

Calculate the general SS.

In LLC Azimut, insurance experience amounted to 1 year 6 months. (from 01/15/2015 to 01/15/2016 - 1 year and from 01/16/2016 to 07/16/2016 - 6 months).

In LLC "Garant" insurance experience amounted to 8 months 15 days (from July 17, 2016 to 03/17/2017 - 8 months and from 03/18/2017 to 03/31/2017 - 14 days).

Not included in the insurance experience of 2 months, when Efimova A. Yu. Was without work (the period from 01.04.2017 to 05/31/2017).

Now we fold the obtained indicators: 1 year 6 months. + 8 months 14 days + 1 year 8 months 5 days \u003d 2 years 22 months 19 days.

22 months We translate in full, that is, it is 1 year 10 months.

2 years 19 days + 1 year 10 months \u003d 3 years 10 months. 19 days.

19 days less than 30 and are not considered for the full month, therefore it is not involved in the calculation.

Thus, the SS is equal to 3 years 10 months.

What documents are the experience for FSS

Labor experience for the hospital sheet is calculated by the employee's employment record. If the document is missing or contains incorrect information, the calculation is taken:

  • labor agreements decorated in legislative procedure;
  • certificates issued by the employer;
  • personal accounts;
  • extracts from orders.

All documents must contain:

  • number and date of issue;
  • F. I. O. Officer;
  • date of birth of the employee;
  • place of work;
  • position;
  • work period.

Papers are transferred to the accounting department at the place of work of the insured person.

If the insured event has come, and the employee cannot imagine required documents for calculation insurance experience, The salary information and employee experience should be requested in the FIU.

How experience affects the amount of benefits when accrued

According to the current legislation, the amount of benefits directly depends on the SS employee: the higher, the more percentage Middle day earnings. In what amount to pay the allowance, tells the table:

Cause of disability

% payment an average daily earnings depending on the experience

More than 8 years old

Employee disease, care for sick relative (outpatient), care for sick child (hospital)

Injury obtained in the production process

Care for sick child in outpatient conditions

60% for the first 10 days of illness and 50% for the following

80% - 10 days and 50% after

100% - 10 days and 50% - all the following days of illness

Burue allowance

Child care up to 1.5 years

Within 30 days after dismissal

If the insurance experience is less than 6 months to pay for hospital sheets, then the calculation is carried out on the basis of the minimum wage.

Also see:

  • "How many percent of the salary pay on the hospital";
  • "What is the minimum aircraft to calculate the hospital".

To determine the maximum and minimum size of the hospital, see the article "Maximum Size of the Hospital List in 2019".

Consider complex cases of the calculation of the SS in matters and answers.

Question 1.

Artemov A. Yu. Granted 2 sheets of disability in the accounting department: primary and its continuation. At the time of the occurrence of the SS disease was 4 years 11 months, which corresponds to 60% of payment from the average daily earnings. When the employee provided the 2nd hospital, the SS increased to 5 years and 1 month, that is 80%. How in this case Calculate hospital and ss?

Answer. Since all ballots belong to one insurance caseThe SS is determined at the date of its offensive and recalculation is not subject to (FSS letter of 18.08.2004 No. 02-18 / 11-5676). That is, in this situation, the experience is taken in 4 years 11 months., And the hospital payment will be 60% of the average daily earnings.

Question 2.

The employee has 3 children in turn. Treatment was carried out in an outpatient basis. She was given 1 hospital leaf for a period of 35 days. Executive experience exceeds 8 years. How is the allowance calculated?

Answer: According to paragraph 1 of Part 3 of Art. 7 of the Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance ..." dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-ФЗ, with the outpatient treatment of the child, the care allowance for it is calculated based on the experience of the mother, that is, 60, 80 or 100% for the first 10 days and 50% for subsequent .

Since the employee has three children, the first ten day of the hospital with payment from the experience applies to each separately. In this case, 30 days are paid on the basis of 100% (since the experience exceeds 8 years) and 5 days at the rate of 50%. ;

  • "How the hospital sheet is paid on holidays" ;
  • "Payment of hospital care for the patient relative" ;
  • "Payment of hospital, issued after work - FSS version" .
  • If the employee is ill, then the size of temporary disability benefits will be designed depending on the duration of the insurance experience. For example, if the experience of 8 years or more, he will receive a benefit of 100% of the average earnings (part 1 of article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ).

    If the worker carries for a child, which is on an outpatient treatment, the manual is calculated on the following rules:

    in the first 10 days, a percentage of percentage of average earnings is considered (depending on the experience to pay for the hospital list in 2017);

    from the 11th day, the disease is paid in the amount of 50% of average earnings regardless of the insurance experience (paragraph 1 of Part 3 of Article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ).

    If the employee's child is treated in the hospital, the amount of the benefit depends only on the employee's insurance experience. The standard of 50% of the average earnings in this case is not necessary (paragraph 2 of Part 3 of Article 7 of Law No. 255-ФЗ).

    Experience to calculate the hospital sheet in 2017? The size of the manual depending on the insurance experience

    Cause of employee disability

    Insurance experience

    Size allowance

    Own disease (except for occupational disease);

    Injury (except for injury associated with an accident in production);

    - quarantine;

    - prosthetics for medical reasons;

    - Foundation in sanatorium-resort institutions immediately after the hospital

    8 years and more

    From 5 to 8 years

    100% of average earnings

    80% of average earnings

    60% of average earnings

    Profile care or accident at production

    100% of average earnings

    Care for a sick child (under 15 years old) outpatient

    8 years and more

    From 5 to 8 years

    100% for the first 10 days and 50% over the following days of temporary disability

    80% for the first 10 days and 50% over the following days of disability

    60% for the first 10 days and 50% over the following days of disability

    Care for a sick child (under the age of 15) in the hospital

    8 years and more

    From 5 to 8 years

    100% of average earnings

    80% of average earnings

    60% of average earnings

    Care for adult family member (including child over 15 years old) outpatient

    8 years and more

    From 5 to 8 years

    100% of average earnings

    80% of average earnings

    60% of average earnings

    What periods include in the insurance experience?

    The list of periods that are included in, Article 16 of Law No. 255-FZ and clauses 2, 2.1 of the Rules approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 6, 2007 No. 91 were established.

    For example, the period refers to such periods:

    • work on labor contracts (from the employment record);
    • state or military service (urgent and contract) and others.

    But the time of work on the civil law contract in the insurance experience is not included.

    In cases where the periods are superimposed on each other, only one of them is taken into account.

    1. Determine the number of full years from January 1 to December 31.
    2. Calculate the number of full calendar months (from the first to the last number), if they are not included in full calendar years.
    3. Consider the total number of calendar days that did not fall into full calendar months. Translate them into months at the rate of: 30 calendar days \u003d 1 month.
    4. Translate during the years during the calculation: 12 months \u003d 1 year.
    5. Combine the total number of years, months and days.

    Example. The employee's employment book indicates periods of work: from 03/23/2011 to 01/31/2013; from 01.02.2014 to 08.04.2016; From 01.06.2016 to 10/06/2017. We will define the experience in paying a sick leave in 2017.

    The number of full calendar years - 2 years - 2012 and 2015. The number of full calendar months - 40, of which:

    • in 2011, 9 - from April to December;
    • in 2013, January 1 - January;
    • in 2014, 11 - from February to December;
    • in 2016, 10 - from January to March and from June to December;
    • in 2017, 9 - from January to September.

    The number of calendar days in incomplete months - 23, of which:

    • 9 - in March 2011;
    • 8 - in April 2016;
    • 6 - in October 2017.

    We translate 40 full months during the years and months. We get 3 years and 4 months. The overall experience for calculating the hospital sheet in 2017 is 5 years, 4 months and 23 days.

    According to the provisions of the legislation, it is necessary to take into account the work time of such employees abroad, if between Russia and foreign state Agreement on cooperation in social protection is concluded. Such a conclusion follows from paragraph 6 of the Rules approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 06.02.2007 No. 91.

    For example, consider insurance experience:

    • Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia (paragraph 2 of paragraph 3 of Art. 98 of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of 29.05.2014);
    • Of Ukraine (paragraph 2 of Art. 6 agreements between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Ukraine dated 14.01.93).

    Experience to calculate the hospital sheet in 2017.What documents confirm the insurance experience?

    Insurance experience determine the records in the workbook (sample below). They confirm the work on employment contract.

    In addition to the employment record,experience for hospital leaf in 2017 Require:

    • an employment contract, if for some reason the recording in the employment record is missing or the book is not at all;
    • military ticket - the time of military, law enforcement, fire and other similar service;
    • documents on payment of contributions - working time as an entrepreneur.

    This is stated in paragraphs 8-19.1 of the rules.

    Experience to calculate the hospital sheet in 2017.How to reflect the experience of an employee in a hospital list?

    Many questions from accountants comes from the design of hospital sheets. Many ask how to record in the "Filled by the Employer" section, if the experience to pay for a hospital list in 2017, for example, 2 years and 20 days.

    According to the rules, in the line "Insurance experience" do not need to indicate days. It is necessary to enter only full years and full months. Since the employee has only 2 full years of experience, and there are no full months, in cells with months it should write out "00" (paragraph 13 of the FSS letters from 10/28/2011 No. 14-03-18 / 15-12956).

    One of the parameters required for size calculations hospital benefit, is the experience. For the hospital list in 2017, its value will affect the amount of payment in most cases. There are a number of features of calculation and confirmation of the experience. All this will be discussed in the article.

    Features of the calculation of the experience and its influence on the amount of hospital benefits are enshrined in the Federal Law No. 235-FZ of December 29, 2006. Last changes This regulatory act was made on July 3, 2016 after the release of Federal Law No. 250-FZ. It is indicated how to correctly calculate the experience in the 2017 hospital leaf, interest on the payment of benefits depending on the size of the experience.

    Sometimes the experience does not affect the amount of benefits. Each possible situation should be disassembled separately.

    In case of self-disability

    If an employee of the enterprise fell ill, then he is always paid to the allowance in a 100% amount in the event that he was injured during his duties or received a disease due to his professional activities. In all other cases, the length of the manual affects the experience:

    • if the overall work experience does not exceed 5 years, then only 60% will be paid from the average earnings;
    • with general duration labor activity From 5 to 8 years in the case of the hospital, 80% of the average salary value will be accrued;
    • if a common experience More than 8 years, then the allowance will be paid in full in accordance with the average daily earnings.

    Care allowance for a fallen child

    Sometimes the workers have the need to care for their children or adult relatives in case of their illness. In this case, the amount of benefits will depend on the following factors:

    1. common experience;
    2. number of hospital days;
    3. form of treatment;
    4. age of ill;
    5. degree of his kinship.

    The calculation of the benefit should be made in accordance with the data from the table (interest on the value of the employee's average earnings):

    What will happen in the experience?

    All periods that need to be considered when calculating the insurance experience through the hospital sheet are listed in the same federal law No. 235-FZ. These include work on TD, urgent and contractual military service And some other periods. But the work on the GPA should not be taken into account when calculating.

    If at the same time a citizen worked immediately in several organizations or carried out duties on several positions, then there will be no expertise on them.

    How to make information about the experience in the hospital sheet?

    Filling the hospital sheets (since 2017, the experience of the experience has not yet happened, but this question is under consideration from the Ministry of Finance), the accountant must calculate the experience of the employee right up to his disability.

    A situation is possible when an employee at the time of the disease had an experience of 5 years 3 months and 24 days, for example. An indication of the experience in a hospital sheet does not imply data on the number of days. You only need to enter the full number of years and months. In this case, you need to enter "5 years 3 months", and the recording "5 years 4 months" will be incorrect.

    Confirmation of experience

    To calculate the employment experience, the employee of the personnel service or the accountant will be enough workbook. If for some reason the desired entry did not turn out in it, then the following documents can be confirmed at a specific period:

    • military ID;
    • reporting with information about payment of contributions (concerns only those persons who worked as a PI).

    For a quick counting, you should count the experience of workers at least once every six months. This will help to avoid and errors in the calculation.

    Patient payment depending on the experience in 2019

    As a general rule, the amount of temporary disability benefits (hereinafter - allowance) is depending on the insurance experience of the worker. At the same time, other types of experience, not used in the calculation of the manual, should be distinguished from it:

    • general labor, equal to the duration of all periods of employment;
    • continuous - period of work carried out without interruptions;
    • special - periods of employment, characterized special conditions Labor.

    If you compare the procedure for calculating the amount of benefits in 2018 and 2019, it has not changed. Including corrections not to the legislation, the duration of the overall insurance experience, on the basis of which is determined interest ratio Sizes of benefits and average earnings.

    Calculation of the experience for hospital

    When calculating the insurance experience of the worker, the summation of all periods of labor or other forms of activity is carried out during which they were made insurance deductions In FSS (see paragraph 2 of the rules for calculating and confirming the insurance experience ... approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2007 No. 91, hereinafter referred to as the rules), including periods:

    • work under the employment contract;
    • conducting a lawyer's private practice (until 01.01.2001);
    • carrying out entrepreneurial activities;
    • saying to civil service and others.

    Important! The experience of entrepreneurs and lawyers, other self-employed persons is taken into account if insurance premiums paid for the billing period.

    In accordance with paragraph 2.1, the rules in the insurance experience include periods of military service.

    The duration of periods of work is calculated in the calendar, taking into account the full months and full years (paragraph 21 of the Rules).

    Note! The main document confirming the insurance experience is recognized by the workbook. However, in its absence or there is no unreliable / incomplete information, as well as in connection with the specifics of individual forms of labor activity, other documentation can also be used (see paragraphs 8-19.1 of the Rules).

    Calculation of the amount of benefits for working citizens (percentage of average earnings)

    For a citizen who is officially employed at the time of incapacity for disability, the amount of benefits is calculated in accordance with the CC rules. 1, 3-7 tbsp. 7 FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability ..." dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ.

    Thus, according to Part 1 of Art. 7 of Law No. 255-ФЗ The amount of benefits is equal to the amount of averaged earnings multiplied:

    • on 1 - if the insurance experience of the worker is over 8 years;
    • 0.8 - if the experience is in the range from 5 to 8 years;
    • 0.6 - in other cases.

    Important! The amount of benefits for citizens whose employment experience does not reach six months, is limited to the size of the minimum wage for 1 month (part 6 of the title).

    Similarly, according to the rules of Part 1 of Art. 7 of Law No. 255-FZ determines the amount of benefits in connection with the treatment of a child:

    • in the outpatient conditions (paragraph 1 of part 3 of Art. 7) - for the first 10 days of stay on the hospital (other days are paid in the amount of 0.5 of the average earnings);
    • in the hospital (p. 2 h. 3 of Art. 7) - for all days.

    Note! If the employee took the hospital due to the need to care for a sick family member (except for the child), the amount of the benefit is calculated according to the rules of paragraph 1 of Art. 7 of the Law No. 255-FZ, but only for 7 days in a row (or a maximum of 30 days a year).

    Pregnancy and childbirth will be equal to average monthly earnings (part 1 of article 11 of Law No. 255-FZ).

    Allowance in connection with an accident or professional disease An employee is charged in the amount corresponding to its averaged earnings, and does not depend on its insurance experience (part 1 of article 9 of the Federal Law "On compulsory social insurance against accidents ..." dated 24.07.1998 No. 125-FZ).

    Calculation of the size of hospital payments for a foolish employee

    Few of the workers use their legal right to receive benefits after dismissal from work.

    Important! Such right can be implemented if a disease or injury resulting in temporary disability was obtained no later than 30 days from the date of termination. labor relationship or termination of any work provided by the law, during which the employee was subject to mandatory social insurance (Part 2 of Article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ). The amount of benefits will be 0.6 from size average monthly earnings Regardless of the experience.

    If the worker went to the hospital even before the termination of the employment contract happened, the calculation of the benefits to be paid should be made by general rules Part 1 Art. 7 of Law No. 255-FZ.

    Thus, the regulations for calculating the insurance experience to pay for the hospital sheet in 2019 compared with the 2018th did not change. When calculating the overall insurance experience, the summation of all periods of work or other activities provided for by law are made.

    Let us give a detailed calculation of the sick leave in 2017 in a new way, an example of calculation and other nuances that should be taken into account when paying disability benefits.

    If the employee brought a hospital sheet, the accountant must accrue and pay temporary disability allowance. From the article you will learn: how to correctly calculate the average daytime earnings to pay the period of the disease, how to determine the insurance experience, how many percent to pay for a hospital leaf in 2017.

    You can download the example of the filled hospital sheet by reference \u003e\u003e\u003e

    Calculation of the average earnings to pay one day of the hospital

    The correct calculation of the sick leave in 2017 is not possible without the average daytime earnings of the employee. First, we determine the estimated period - these are the two preceding diseases of the calendar year (part 1 of article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ).

    It happens that during these two years the employee did not work because of vacation associated with child care, childbirth. Then, to calculate the hospital, you can take a year preceding such a vacation.

    For example, the employee fell ill in 2017, the billing period will be 2016 and 2015. And if in 2015 the worker was sitting with a child, then this period can be replaced by 2014.

    For what form now to issue certificates about earnings, and what has changed in the form, see the article " New form certificates about earnings in two years. "

    Calculate the base with which the hospital will be paid

    Base for calculation of hospital in 2017 It is necessary to include all payments to the employee with which contributions in case of illness and motherhood (part 2 of Article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ) are accrued. The size of these payments is limited limit value on insurance premiums accrued in FSS for the corresponding year (part 3.2 of article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ).

    How to determine the experience to pay disability

    Please note that the experience of the employee determines the amount of the benefit on the hospital leaf. But you can include only those periods that are confirmed by documented (Article 16 of Law No. 255-ФЗ). It may be a labor book, or a labor contract and references from previous places of work (in case of lack of an employment record). Which document will require FSS if there is no press in the workbook, in the article "New Help without which FSS will not confirm the insurance experience."

    To determine the experience to calculate the hospital in 2017, remember several rules:

    • the experience should be considered in full years and months (paragraph 21 of the rules for calculating the insurance experience);
    • it is necessary to calculate the number of full calendar years, and then full calendar months;
    • the remaining days must be summed up and translated into months, for 30 days in a month, and months during the years (12 months per year);
    • finally, count the total number of years.

    Simplify the calculation of the hospital list in 2017 will help our service "Calculation of insurance experience." Just enter the starting and ending dates and find out the experience to calculate the hospital. The service is available only for subscribers. Select a convenient subscription format and watch bonuses you can on a special page.

    How many percent of pay from the hospital sheet

    The experience determines the percentage of the sick leave, while the cause of the hospital (part 1, 3, 4, Article 7 of Law No. 255-ФЗ) is important.

    If this is a disease, injury, or care for a sick child (family member), then pay a disability sheet in the following size (table below).

    Patient leaf payment in 2017: percentage of experience

    How the hospital sheet is filled in 2017

    The sheet of disability must be made without errors and corrections, or on the printing device, or gel (perch or capillary) handle. The information is entered into a sheet form in capital Russian printed letters (clause 56 of the fill rules).

    Please note: letters can come into contact with the boundaries of cells, but they cannot hang on them, after the name of the doctor, leave an empty one cell, and avoid spaces between its initials. Blank cells must also be left between words.

    At the filled hospital form, a doctor's signature and hospital printing must be necessary (clause 63 of the Filling Rules). Be careful when entering the Name of the Patient, as well as its place of work. How to make corrections if you still allowed a mistake, see below.

    Since 2017, there have been significant changes in the work of the accountant: it will be necessary to pay contributions to the infance of the new CBC, it will become more reporting, it will change its delivery time and others. Overview of the main innovations see our table.

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    Experience for hospital leaf in 2017

    The amount of temporary disability benefits depends on the insured experience of the ill worker. About how the magnitude of the experience affects the size of the hospital, we will tell in our consultation.

    What is insurance experience

    Insurance experience to determine temporary disability benefits is the periods of the insured person under an employment contract, a civil or municipal service, as well as periods of other activities, during which a citizen has been subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and due to motherhood (h. 1 tel. 16 Federal Law dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). Insurance experience also periods of military service, as well as the other service provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 (Part 1.1 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

    If any periods counted in the insurance experience coincide in time, such periods are taken into account only once (part 2 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

    Insurance experience counts like this: they summarize the full calendar years (from January 1 to December 31), as well as full calendar months. Every 30 days in incomplete months, they are translated in full months, and every 12 months - in full years (paragraph 21 of the Rules, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of 06.02.2007 No. 91. Letter of the FSS of October 30, 2012 No. 15-03-09 / 12 -3065P).

    See also: Dismissal in connection with the call in the army

    Experience in hospital leaf 2017: interest

    As a general rule, a manual for temporary disability due to a disease or injury, with quarantine, prosthetics for medical testimony and fogging in sanatorium-resort organizations immediately after medical care In stationary conditions, in the treatment of a child in stationary conditions, as well as, if necessary, care for a sick member of the family (except for the child), in its treatment, it is paid in the following amount (part. No. 2 h. 3. h. 4 .7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ):

    Dependence of hospital payment from work experience 2016-2017

    Work experience for hospital in 2016 It may have a significant impact on the amount of a manual that an employee will receive after the employer will bring a disability. Accountants often have questions related to how to calculate the experience or what documents to confirm it. The article discusses as connected hospital and work experience in 2016 And 2017.

    How to compensate for disability benefits from work experience depends

    For pay hospital from experience A percentage will depend on which the average earnings used to calculate disability benefits is adjusted. The amount of disease payments and the procedure for their calculation is reflected in the law "On compulsory social insurance" of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ.

    In the same regulatory act, other cases are described when a decrease in disease benefits is applied by adjusting the average wage indicator to the specified percentage. In these cases percentage of hospital Will will not be dependent.

    For example, it concerns the care of a sick child. If the child is undergoing treatment in the hospital, apply general rules calculation. But if the child is treated at home, then only the first 10 days are paid for the general rules, after that percentage of hospital payment depending on the experience does not apply, and payment is carried out on the basis of 50% of middle size wage.

    Before dealing with what will be payment of the hospital leaf depending on the experience. It should be understood how to determine the duration of work used to calculate: what periods are included in its composition and what documents it is confirmed.

    Ministry of Health I. social Development described in detail the calculation procedure work experience to accrual a hospital in the order of 06.02.2007 No. 91. According to this regulatory ActThe experience for social insurance purposes includes periods:

    • activities under the agreement decorated under the TK RF;
    • civil servants;
    • other employment, the payment of which was subject to social insurance;
    • military service.

    Calculation of insurance experience and documents confirming it

    Patient payment Assign depending on the experience, which is confirmed by the actual labor book. If for some reason the physical person provides 2 books, then one of them is invalid.

    But if for some reason records in labor do not reflect all the activities of the individuality, the experience can be confirmed:

    • labor contracts decorated in accordance with the provisions of the TC RF;
    • issued by the employer certificate from the place of work;
    • discharge from orders, personal accounts and statements for the issuance of salary;
    • military ticket or other documents confirming military service;
    • any other document on the implementation of payments for compulsory social income individual (This may be a certificate of financial institutions, archival institutions, FSS or other organizations).

    IMPORTANT! If the employer did not pay from earning his employee payments on social insurance, he is not entitled to issue a certificate to confirm the insurance experience.

    All of the above documents should have a number, date, F. I. O. The Insured person and all data on its work. In case of incompatination F. I. O. in a document confirming work experience to accrual a hospital. and the passport of the accuracy of the document is established either by providing evidence of the legality of changing the surname or name or in court.

    The basic rules for calculating the insurance experience are only two:

    • every 30 days are considered one month, and every 12 months - a year;
    • in the absence of a specific month of the date of the beginning or end of employment, the date of the beginning or end of employment is considered to be July 1, and in the absence of a specific date in the month, the 15th number is set to the beginning or end of the period.

    In the certificate of military service, the period from 2008 to 2009 is specified. In this case, only 1 calendar year will fall into the insurance experience - from July 1, 2008 to July 1, 2009.

    How paid hospital with experience less than 6 months

    Hospital with experience less than 6 months It is calculated on the basis of the minimum wage, taking into account all the coefficients established for individual regions. Such an order is applicable to those employees who have no earnings in the two previous year or it was, but the base for calculation turned out to be less than the minimum wage, increased by 24.

    The amount of payment will be obtained as follows:

    N \u003d Mrot × 24 months / 730 × cd,

    P - disability allowance;

    CD - the number of calendar days of the hospital.

    At the same time, the minimum wage is taken equal to the magnitude that operated at the date of the beginning of the hospital sheet.

    But there are cases when patient payment with experience less than 6 months will be calculated otherwise. This concerns situations when an employee has estimated period There was an income above 24-fold minimum wages (for example, if he got a job in September 2016, and he went to the hospital in January 2017. At the same time, his income from September to December was above the minimum wagon × 24). Then, average earnings will be used to determine the amount of benefits (taking into account the rules for hospital payment with experience less than 5 years). But the total amount of benefits for the full calendar month should not exceed the minimum wagon.

    How much will be accrued on a hospital leaf with insurance experience to 3, 4, 5 years

    Individual instructions on how much is hospitalized for 3 years old or 4 years, no. If the experience of a sick physical face is less than 5 years, but more than six months, a disability sheet is calculated in the amount of 60% of the average wage value for the previous 2 years.

    The same percentage, regardless of the experience, will be appointed to those who have sick within a month from the moment of dismissal and no later than 6 months after recovery came for the fellow hospital to the former employer. This norm is spelled out in part 2 of Art. 7 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ.

    But if, by the court decision, the dismissal will be found illegal, and the employee will be restored at the same place of the work, the amount of benefits will have to be counted by applying percentage of hospital payment depending on Actual experience worker. This position directly follows from the norms of Art. 394 TK RF, as well as from the explanations of the Ministry of Labor in the letter dated July 14, 2004 No. 3186-Yul. Correction in this case should be made within 10 calendar days from the date of entry into force of the court decision to follow the time for the assignment of the benefits specified in Part 1 of Art. 15 of Law No. 255-FZ.

    What will be the payment in case of experience less than 6, 7, 8 years - interest from average earnings for calculating hospital

    In the amount of 80% of average payment Labor will be scheduled to allow an employee whose experience is from 5 to 8 years.

    IMPORTANT! If an employer was made in determining the experience of the employer, which caused the payment of benefits in a larger or smaller size, the payment is subject to recalculation. And this is necessary in the following order:

    • draw up accounting certificate about the mistake of the error and the results of its correction;
    • get a statement from the employee about recalculating benefits.

    At the date when it started hospital, work experience The employee, according to his employment book, amounted to 4 years and 7 months. The hospital worker was 12 calendar days. Middle earnings To calculate the manual for disability amounted to 855 rubles. The employee was credited to the manual in the amount: 855 × 0.6 × 12 \u003d 6156 rub.

    Later it turned out that in determining the experience, military service was not taken into account within 18 months. Patient payment for act of 6 years And 1 month is produced already at the rate of 80% of the average earnings. An employee will be made to maintain in the amount: (855 × 0.8 × 12) - (855 × 0.6 × 12) \u003d 2052 rub.

    How paid compensation on a hospital leaf with insurance experience more than 8 years

    When the experience of an individual will overcome an eight-year-old frontier, the amount of benefits is no longer reduced, all 100% of the average wage is paid.

    See also: Hospital after the laparoscopy of the gallbladder

    IMPORTANT! If at the time of the yield of a person to hospital hospital, it was, for example, 7 years and 1 months, and for the period of illness, the experience crossed the eight-year-old border, then the allowance will still be 80% of the average wage. Even if the employee brings a continuation of the hospital leaf, issued after the date of the achievement of an eight-year experience, it cannot count on 100% payment. The experience is used to calculate the one that was at the time of opening the first sick leave, since the period of disability, certified by the hospital, taking into account all the disabilities issued, refers to one insurance case. Such a position of the socialist is recorded in a letter from 18.08.2004 No. 02-18 / 11-5676.

    Determine what percentage of hospital leaf depends from the experience Not always easy. There are nuances that affect both the definition of its size and on the use of coefficients for calculating benefits varying from its duration.

    But if you figure it out what percentage of hospital - from the experience It will depend or other factors It must be used, then the algorithm for calculating the disease benefits will become understandable.

    The procedure for payment of the hospital leaf in 2017

    The amount of disability benefits depends on the experience of the work and the average earnings of the disease. Recall that for lately In the order of payment of hospital sheets in 2017, some changes were made.

    Payment is made in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The correctness of filling the document, as well as the calculation of the benefits is under the control of the FSS.

    In our article, we will consider important issues related to the payment of the hospital list in 2017: the main changes in the legislation, in what situations it is issued and paid to how to calculate the amount of payment and much more.

    Changes in payment of the hospital leaf in 2017

    From January 1, 2016, the next changes associated with hospital sheets entered into force. The amount of benefits depends on the magnitude of the minimum wage. Recall that in 2015 the magnitude minimum size The wage was 5,965 rubles, in 2016 the minimum wage is 6,204 rubles. President of the Russian Federation V. Putin signed a law on the improvement of the Mrots from July 1, 2016. Its size is this moment It is 7,500 rubles.

    Changes in the design of the hospital sheet also concern people who claim to receive payments in the form of temporary disability benefits. In addition, the calculation of the sick leave, starting in 2016, is carried out with regard to the insurance experience.

    Organizations in which some employees are foreign citizens, now count the benefits more often than it was before. In accordance with the changes made to the legislation of the Russian Federation, now foreigners have the right to claim temporary disability benefits, and not just to pay for the hospital sheet.

    In addition, in 2016, the requirements for the design, as well as the filling of the hospital sheet were changed. All these changes remained in force in 2017. In case of non-compliance with these requirements, the refusal to pay compensation to the employee is very likely.

    Design and payment of the hospital sheet in 2017

    It should be noted that the hospital may be issued to an employee in the case of its illness or as a result of injury. In this case, injury can be both manufacturing and household.

    In addition, the hospital sheet can be decorated in such situations:

    • by child's illness;
    • during quarantine (when there is reason to believe that the employee is infected);
    • to restore the patient after the operation;
    • care for adults close relative;
    • for pregnancy and childbirth.

    Please note that the number of hospital days can be different and depends on certain factors. For example, hospital care for adults can only be accrued for the first three days.

    The decreh hospital is paid for all 140 days. Domestic injuries must be paid for the sixth day of the disease. After the operation, the hospital period cannot exceed 12 months (if there is a conclusion of WCC).

    Who makes the hospital sheet?

    From January 1, 2013, new forms of hospital sheets began to apply. Up to this point, the payment of the benefit was engaged in organizations and enterprises. FSS compensated for payment made after reporting. The amounts of contributions decreased to the spent equivalent.

    At the moment, the payment of disability was simpler. The payment of lest benefits is made by FSS on the basis of calculations by the number of days of illness. To obtain benefits, it is important and correctly arranged by the document form itself. Without a decorated document, it is impossible to pay payment.

    Payment of the hospital list in 2017 is provided for such categories:

    • employees who are issued on the employment contract at enterprises and organizations of any form of ownership (except for the contract);
    • workers who are decorated in the employment contract individual entrepreneurs (except for the contract);
    • employees who are decorated under the contract (if the contract contains social package);
    • persons who voluntarily list contributions to the FSS;
    • members of cooperatives.

    FSS can refuse to pay on a hospital sheet if it was issued for outpatient treatment on a day off.

    The payment of the hospital list in 2017 is not made in such cases:

    • the employee works under the contract;
    • disrupted treatment mode;
    • in the outpatient map of the record about the state of the patient's health;
    • if he is issued (extended) medical institutionwho does not have a license;
    • if it is extended for a period of more than 30 days (without the conclusion of WCC);
    • if he is issued without appointing treatment to a patient employee;
    • if it is issued by "rear number";
    • if the employee is under arrest;
    • if the employee is suspended from work without saving wages;
    • at the time of work at the enterprise was simple;
    • if injury (disease) is obtained as a result of a criminal violation.

    In addition, the payment is not subject to a sick leave due to the passage of forensic medical examination.

    Calculation of the hospital sheet in 2017

    During this period, complete calendar days years (including non-working, weekends, as well as holidays). To determine the amount of the benefit, it is also necessary to determine the insurance experience of the employee.

    Insurance experience is the number of years, during which the feasible paid insurance premiums. The work experience in the calculation is not accepted.

    The calculation takes only the final number of years, and months and days are not taken into account.

    Thus, if the employee has an insurance experience of 5 years, the hospital is paid in the amount of 60%, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, and more than 8 years - 100%.

    The resulting amount of the manual must be multiplied by percentage, in accordance with the insurance experience of the employee.

    The calculated amount of benefit benefits must be compared with the maximum allowable amount of payment. In addition, the amount of payment cannot be less than the minimum.

    The maximum allowance for the benefit is the boundary amount of income from which contributions to the FSS were deducted. The minimum benefit amount is the calculation of income based on the minimum wage.

    1. Perform calculation total amount Income over the past two years (for example, from October 15, 2015 to October 16, 2017).
    2. The resulting amount must be divided:

    • at 730 - if the year is not a leap;
    • at 731 - if the year leap.

    As a result, it turns out average income in a day.
    3. The resulting amount must be multiplied by the number of days of illness (only working days are taken into account from the disability period).
    4. The result obtained must be multiplied by the percentage of insurance experience, and the amount of the benefit will be.

    Calculation of the hospital sheet in 2017 by minimum wage

    The exact amount of earnings is not always possible to calculate based on the amount of salary. In this case, you can use the minimum rate. Thus, it is necessary to take into account the workload of the diseased worker in terms of the full month.

    It should be borne in mind that if the employee works on a pollen, then 50% of the minimum value takes into account.

    The minimum amount of minimum income is applied in such situations:

    • no official experience (lack of records in the employment record);
    • working experience is not enough to calculate the amount of income;
    • the employee has no earnings on the date of issuing a document or the amount of wages - below the permissible rate (in terms of full time);
    • employee for the day of the disease has an entry in the employment record day learning in educational institution (In this case, it works in an organization for less than 6 months).

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