
The population of the Russian Federation promote employment. State programs to promote employment of the population

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    • Introduction
    • 1. State employment service
      • 1.1 Prerequisites for the creation of an employment service
      • 1.2 Functions of the employment service
      • 2.1 Federal employment programs
      • 2.2 Regional employment programs
    • 3. Government policy to create and maintain jobs in the regions
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography
    • Appendix


The main task carried out by the highest authorities of Russia social policy- maximum maintenance of the standard of living of the population and strengthening of measures for the social protection of citizens who remain unemployed.

For its implementation, the State Program for Employment of the Population has been developed, which provides for organizational and economic measures for managing labor resources, reflects the policy on the labor market for the next year, and outlines joint actions of structures government controlled different territorial subordination in solving specific problems.

To implement the state policy in the field of employment of the population and provide citizens with appropriate guarantees in the Russian Federation, the State Employment Service was created on the basis of existing centers for employment, retraining and career guidance of the population.

In this regard, the concept of employment required a new definition.

On the one hand, the voluntary unemployment of citizens is recognized as legal. It cannot, as before, be condemned by society or serve as a basis for bringing a person to administrative or criminal liability.

On the other hand, the unemployment of a person who is looking for a job. It is this category of the population that should be in the field of view of the state, which is called upon to provide every citizen with his constitutional right to work.

Accordingly, it is necessary to solve the problem of organizing the accounting of the unemployed population, it is necessary to single out from the millions of unemployed those who were forced into such a situation.

The State Employment Service is a structure of special state bodies designed to ensure coordination, address employment issues, regulate the supply and demand for labor, assist unemployed citizens in finding employment, organizing their professional training, and providing social support to the unemployed.

The purpose of this work is to consider employment programs in the region.

To study the process of formation of the employment service;

Identify the functions of the employment service;

Consider federal employment programs;

To reveal features of regional programs of employment of the population;

To study the state policy on creation and preservation of jobs.

1. State employment service

1.1 Prerequisites for the creation of an employment service

Within the framework of this program, in 1991, the State Employment Service was created, the functions and areas of activity of which we will now consider.

In the economic and economic practice of our country, the issues of labor resource management in various forms have always been resolved. The emergence of a modern employment service occurred on the basis of a clear distribution system labor resources. Its main types were:

Distribution of graduates of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions;

Organized recruitment of workers;

Agricultural resettlement of families;

public appeals;

Self-employment of an employee by an enterprise;

The activities of the employment authorities.

Some of these forms of distribution and redistribution of the labor force have become obsolete, others have been transformed and transferred their functions to the employment service.

The system of employment agencies for the population began to take shape in the second half of the 1960s. economic need in the creation of this service arose for a number of reasons.

Firstly, such traditional forms of staffing the most important economic facilities as organizational recruitment, resettlement and public appeals were focused on the territorial movement of labor resources, and the problem of staffing an enterprise in a particular city by residents of that city was left without attention.

Secondly, there has been an increase in the loss of working time associated with the search for work, as well as irrational movement of the workforce associated with staff turnover. The population of the city had no information about the supply of jobs in the city. All these problems were to be dealt with by the employment service.

At first, the divisions of the service were called the "Bureau for the Employment of the Population" and were available in only a few cities of the country. They were engaged in the fact that they identified the need of enterprises for personnel, published advertisements in the local press and gave referrals to enterprises for employment of citizens who applied to them. This service was mainly informational in nature. The direction of citizens to enterprises did not always end in employment - the enterprise was not obliged to do this. The enterprises themselves provided the service with far from complete information about vacancies - these were mainly places for workers of lower qualification, with difficult and harmful working conditions. Therefore, there was a need to transform the organized employment service from an information service into a body for the distribution of labor resources. At the same time, both the rights and obligations of the employment service were significantly expanded, and its divisions were called the State Bureau for Employment and Information of the Population (GBTIN). However, the service was not able to organize its work in such a way that both enterprises and workers would be interested in its services, so that contacting the service would not be fictitious and not forced.

The next step towards the transformation of the employment service was the creation of centers (bureaus) for employment, retraining and career guidance of citizens on the basis of the existing STBIN. It was carried out in 1988. The centers were created as self-supporting regional organizations working under the leadership of the local Council of People's Deputies under contracts and in cooperation with enterprises and institutions. They were engaged in taking into account the movement of the able-bodied population, creating data banks on the needs and sources of labor, informing the population about vacancies, carrying out work on the employment of the unemployed population, recruiting the necessary personnel for enterprises, career guidance and consulting all groups of the population on the selection and change of profession, organizing retraining and professional development of employees.

When creating a system of centers for employment, retraining and career guidance of the population, the functions and tasks of the previously existing employment service were significantly expanded.

The fundamental difference was also the fact that the relatively disparate GBTIN was to be replaced by a nationwide employment system covering levels ranging from the union, republican, regional, regional and ending with the city. It was this nationwide employment system that was the real predecessor of the modern state employment service.

However, at the present stage, in order to overcome the simplified approach to solving employment problems, to carry out an in-depth analysis of trends in the labor market, forecast for the future, assess the real scale of unemployment and its socio-political consequences, new employment management structures are needed that meet the needs of society.

Development and implementation of regional, territorial and other targeted programs to promote employment of the population;

Informing the population and the public about the situation on the labor market;

Assistance to citizens in job search;

Assistance to employers in recruitment;

Vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens;

Organization of public works and temporary employment;

Social payments to unemployed citizens;

Legal advice and legal assistance.

1.2 Functions of the employment service

The State Employment Service is a structure of special state bodies designed to ensure coordination, address employment issues, regulate the supply and demand for labor, assist unemployed citizens in finding employment, organizing their professional training, and providing social support to the unemployed. Services are provided by the service free of charge.

For the effective implementation of these tasks, a comprehensive introduction of automation into employment management processes is necessary. It allows you to free the staff from the routine work of processing information, leaves time to analyze the various options for decisions.

The most promising also seems to be the creation of distribution information systems, networks of local databases with the exchange of information between them at all levels of the employment service.

For citizens who have lost their jobs and earnings, a job is considered suitable that corresponds to their professional training, taking into account age, seniority and work experience in the previous specialty, transport accessibility of the new workplace. According to the law, citizens have the right to freely choose a job by applying directly to enterprises, and not necessarily through the employment service.

With a significant release of workers from enterprises, it will be necessary to organize courses for their accelerated training and retraining under a short-term program.

The main principle of education, including through the system of employment services, should be "continuous education".

The employment service and the relevant training authorities, based on the needs of administrative-territorial divisions, analysis and forecast of employment, determine the thematic focus of training, a list of educational institutions, as well as a set of curricula, and regional employment services - calculate the need for training places, conclude contracts and provide funding.

Employment centers of cities, focusing on free educational places, can conclude agreements with the released workers and send them to vocational training in their chosen profession.

In this regard, it is necessary to develop a new concept for the development of a career guidance system covering all categories of the population, determining the status of various parts of this system, and prospects for developing a network of career guidance centers and psychological support.

Vocational guidance services should be provided not only to young students, but also to working citizens who want to change their profession. This requires the development of a network of vocational counseling units that are part of the employment service.

In connection with the new functions of the career guidance system, the requirements for employees of the employment service are also changing. Now specialists are needed to assess the situation in the field of employment, forecast employment, develop programs and organize public works; professional orientation of the adult population and the organization of vocational training for the unemployed, financial employment training; inspection work.

The law defines the status of the unemployed, which is a forced unemployed person, in relation to whom the state could not fulfill its obligations, that is, did not provide work.

However, not every unemployed person who wants to work receives the status of unemployed and can count on social assistance or state support. For this, two conditions must be met.

First, a citizen must be of working age and have the ability to systematically work in any profession. If there is no profession, then he is obliged to accept the offer of the employment service for preliminary vocational training.

Secondly, his readiness to work is necessary, that is, the desire and obligation to accept an offer of suitable work.

Thus, the functions of the State Employment Service have significantly expanded in comparison with the functions of the previously operating system of employment of the population.

Today, the employment service develops and implements state policy in the field of employment promotion:

1. Development and implementation of regional, territorial and other targeted programs to promote employment of the population;

2. Informing the population about the situation on the labor market;

3. Assistance to citizens in job search;

4. Assistance to employers in recruitment;

5. Vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens;

6. Organization of public works and temporary employment;

7. Social payments to unemployed citizens;

8. Legal advice and legal assistance.

The functions of the employment service are diverse:

1. Analysis and forecasting of supply and demand for labor, informing the population and employers about the state of the labor market.

2. Accounting for vacant jobs and citizens applying for employment.

3. Consultation of workers and employers applying to the employment service about the possibilities of obtaining a job and providing labor force, about the requirements for professions and employees.

4. Assistance to citizens in choosing a suitable job, and to employers in the selection of the necessary workers.

5. Organization of vocational training, retraining and advanced training of citizens in the training centers of the employment service or other educational institutions, assisting in the development and definition of the content of training and retraining courses.

6. Provision of services in vocational guidance and employment to the released workers and other categories of the population.

7. Registration of the unemployed and providing them with assistance within their competence.

8. Payment of the cost of vocational training, retraining of citizens whose employment requires obtaining a new profession, the establishment of a scholarship for the entire period of study.

9. Issuance of unemployment benefits to citizens in the manner prescribed by law and suspension of the payment of these benefits.

10. Preparation of proposals and conclusions on the use of labor of foreign workers attracted to the Russian Federation on the basis of intergovernmental agreements and licenses.

11. Development of republican and regional employment programs, including financial support and social security measures various groups population.

2. State policy in the field of promoting employment of the population

2.1 Federal employment programs

The main direction of state policy in the social and labor sphere is the formation of an effective system for creating and maintaining jobs, preserving human resources, combined with anticipatory measures to prevent the growth of unemployment.

The work of the federal state employment service is headed and organized by the federal executive body, which performs the functions of providing public services in the field of promoting employment and protection against unemployment.

The goals of the Program are to increase the level and change the structure of employment of the population of the Russian Federation based on the creation of cost-effective jobs in promising sectors of the economy.

The main objectives of the Program are:

Providing legal, economic and organizational conditions for creating and maintaining jobs, developing human resources in various sectors of the economy and regions of the Russian Federation;

Regulation of the emerging national labor market and increasing the competitiveness of the domestic labor force;

Formation of an effective structure of employment of the population; improving the quality of created jobs; development of professional and territorial labor mobility; creating favorable conditions for improving the standard of living by stimulating the labor activity of the population, strengthening the role and responsibility of participants in social and labor relations in the field of employment;

Preventing the growth of underemployment and mass unemployment; development of the system of public works.

The implementation of the Program provides for implementation in two stages.

As part of the first stage of the implementation of the Program, the federal executive authorities need to implement the following set of measures:

1. Determining the need for job creation.

2. Identification of sectoral and regional priorities in the development and preservation of promising jobs.

3. Conducting social expertise of federal targeted and investment programs being developed.

4. Development of a regulatory legal framework focused on the formation general conditions to create and maintain jobs.

5. Creation of a mechanism that ensures the development of professional and territorial mobility of the labor force.

6. Improving the efficiency of using existing production capacities.

7. Formation of a system for organizing temporary jobs on the basis of public works.

8. Development of a mechanism for the development of social partnership in the field of creating and maintaining jobs.

9. Targeted support for the creation and preservation of jobs for non-competitive citizens.

At the second stage of the implementation of the Program, the federal executive authorities need to achieve the following tasks:

1. Development and implementation of a package of targeted programs aimed at creating jobs in the sectors of the economy and regions of the Russian Federation.

2. Creation of conditions for improving the quality of jobs.

3. Stimulating the formation of an effective structure of employment of the population.

The implemented employment policy becomes active when the funds of the State Fund for Employment of the Population (SSEF) are used in full, and the cost structure is dominated by financing the costs of maintaining jobs and creating additional ones, providing subsidies for starting one's own business, covering the costs of vocational training, retraining and vocational guidance, etc.

2.2 Regional employment programs

Federal programs usually have regional aspect, but in the regional programs to promote employment of the population, federal and other regional programs are not even mentioned, not to mention the reflection of indicators of the movement of jobs.

Regional employment programs - a mechanism of state influence on regional labor markets in the conditions of refusal from territorial planning and transition to program methods for regulating socio-economic processes and using legislative framework and resources (primarily financial) at the disposal of state structures management. Regional employment programs are defined as a set of long-term and short-term activities with their respective financial, organizational and other support, the purpose of which is to achieve effective employment of the able-bodied population in the region under conditions market economy combined with social support for the unemployed.

According to the coverage of the territory, Regional programs for employment of the population are divided into state (federal), republican within the Russian Federation, regional, regional, district and city. Regional employment programs consist of the following sections: analytical, targeted, program tasks, resource, summary, organizational and legal support.

The analytical section reveals the situation on the labor market, the factors affecting employment rates, migration and demographic processes, as well as the predictive assessment of the labor market, the specifics of the socio-economic situation. It deals with the issues of remuneration, training and retraining of personnel, the processes of laying off workers, the creation of new jobs and the elimination of existing ones. The collection of the necessary information is carried out according to the approved forms. statistical reporting, and calculations according to methods approved by the government of the Russian Federation.

In the target section, on the basis of the previous one, the concept of employment policy is determined, the list of goals set, their priority, qualitative and quantitative parameters of the final expected result, as well as the effectiveness of the employment service.

The resource section of the Program considers the totality of personnel, material, technical and financial resources necessary for the implementation of a particular program, the sources of their receipt, the required volumes and terms of receipt. Here, legal support is considered - a list of legislative normative acts necessary for the practical implementation of a particular program.

The organizational section deals with general scheme development and implementation of the Employment Program with the involvement, in addition to the employment service, of other organizations. Responsibilities are distributed between them, the terms for their implementation, the procedure for monitoring the implementation of the program and its activities are established.

Regional employment promotion programs represent a mechanism of state influence on regional labor markets. Programs regional policy employment of the population include activities aimed at:

Expansion of the role of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in solving specific regional problems of the labor market;

Implementation of priority funding from funds federal budget and social off-budget funds social and economic programs in regions with high unemployment;

minimization negative consequences mass unemployment in industrial areas, including in small and medium-sized cities, settlements with a monoeconomic structure;

Prevention of mass layoffs of workers, creation of new and preservation of existing economically viable jobs, implementation of advanced retraining of personnel for new progressive industries;

Ensuring the protection of the labor rights of employees of insolvent organizations, effective support for citizens who have lost their jobs, ensuring their professional orientation.

Conventionally, such regional programs can be divided into three levels:

1. The republican program of employment of the population contains a set of organizational, logistical and financial measures that can be implemented only at this level. These, in particular, may include the creation of jobs in economically disadvantaged areas, the reduction of social tension in areas with a critical situation in the labor market, the definition of a general concept of employment and analysis of the labor market;

2. The regional program of employment of the population determines measures to regulate the labor market already at a different, lower level of administrative-territorial division. These include the creation of inter-territorial educational structures, the allocation of cities, areas of priority development. At this level, the labor market is analyzed and employment indicators are predicted, taking into account their impact on other criteria for the socio-economic development of the region;

3. The city employment program is a set of specific activities that are aimed at solving the problems of individual citizens and employers. These programs differ in detail, certainty and concreteness. They can be a set of measures that can be carried out only with the use of their own resources and implemented with the involvement of funds. higher authority for employment; activities that can be implemented with the involvement of local authorities and other structures.

The work of the Novosibirsk employment service is presented in the appendix.

The Federal State Employment Service is a unified federal system of bodies and institutions, whose activities are aimed at:

Assessment of the state and forecast of the development of employment of the population, informing about the situation in the labor market;

Development and implementation of programs that provide for measures to promote employment of the population, including programs to promote the employment of citizens at risk of dismissal, as well as citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work;

Assistance to citizens in finding a suitable job, and to employers in the selection of the necessary workers;

Organization of activities of an active policy of employment of the population;

Implementation social benefits citizens recognized in in due course unemployed, in accordance with this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Regional employment programs are defined as a set of long-term and short-term activities with their respective financial, organizational and other support, the purpose of which is to achieve effective employment of the able-bodied population in the region in a market economy in combination with social. support for the unemployed.

According to the coverage of the territory, Regional programs for employment of the population are divided into state (federal), republican within the Russian Federation, regional, regional, district and city.

Regional employment programs consist of the following sections: analytical, targeted, program tasks, resource, summary, organizational and legal support.

3. State policy on creation and preservation of jobs in regions

The government program to promote employment of the population should be based on the state employment policy. According to Russian employment law, her the main objective is to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment by providing vocational training, advanced training and retraining of released citizens, curbing mass long-term (chronic) unemployment, increasing the efficiency of the state employment service and implementing other measures aimed at ensuring social protection of citizens in the labor market.

The growth of production should become the starting point for the implementation of the employment strategy to achieve and maintain effective employment at a socially acceptable level of unemployment. It must be determined according to two criteria:

Financial, according to which extrabudgetary funds state fund employment, together with earmarked appropriations from budget system(federal and regional levels) provide funding for employment promotion programs;

Social, in accordance with which society sets a threshold for the natural level of unemployment (which is formed due to its structural and frictional forms), not exceeding which should be the goal of the state employment policy implemented by federal and regional governments.

The presence of a certain number of citizens seeking work and officially recognized as unemployed should be considered as an inevitable result of the peculiarities of the movement of the labor force and jobs.

Minimization of the socially acceptable level of unemployment depends on the effectiveness of the organizational and economic mechanism for regulating the labor market, as well as its components - the job market, which forms the demand for labor, and the labor market, which forms the demand for jobs.

At the present stage, the necessary balance in the labor market as an element of effective employment should be achieved by maintaining existing jobs, which implies their qualitative development. This is true for Russia as a whole, but in the regions, due to the action of the socio-demographic factor, the formation of the labor market can proceed in different ways.

Features of employment and the functioning of the labor market in an industrial region are determined by the specifics of the formation of the economically active population, the current level and structure of employment, investment activity and the attractiveness of the territory, the nature of support for enterprises by federal and regional authorities and administrations. This support should be selective and determined by the priorities of the structural restructuring of the economy at the federal and regional levels, provided with funds from the respective budgets. Measures to overcome temporary financial difficulties of enterprises should become the core of regional programs and be financed from the employment fund in order to maintain or increase jobs at a particular enterprise, especially if it is a city-forming enterprise.

The state pursues a policy of promoting the realization of the rights of citizens to full, productive and freely chosen employment.

Public policy in the field of promoting employment of the population is aimed at:

Development of labor resources, increasing their mobility, protection of the national labor market;

Ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of nationality, gender, age, social status, political beliefs and attitude to religion, in exercising the right to voluntary work and free choice of employment;

Creation of conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person;

Support for the labor and entrepreneurial initiative of citizens, carried out within the framework of the law, assistance in the development of their abilities for productive, creative work;

Implementation of measures to promote the employment of citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job (disabled persons; persons released from institutions executing a sentence of deprivation of liberty; minors aged 14 to 18 years; persons of pre-retirement age (two years before the age giving the right access to labor pension old age, including early retirement old-age pension); refugees and forced migrants; citizens dismissed from military service and members of their families; single and large parents raising minor children, children with disabilities; citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl and other radiation accidents and disasters; citizens aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary institutions vocational education job seekers for the first time);

Prevention of mass and reduction of long-term (more than one year) unemployment;

Encouragement of employers who maintain existing and create new jobs, primarily for citizens who experience difficulties in finding a job;

Consolidation of efforts of labor market participants and coordination of their actions in the implementation of measures to promote employment of the population;

Coordination of activities in the field of employment of the population with activities in other areas of economic and social policy, including investment and structural policy, growth regulation and income distribution, inflation prevention;

Coordination of the activities of state bodies, trade unions, other representative bodies of employees and employers in the development and implementation of measures to ensure employment of the population;

International cooperation in solving the problems of employment of the population, including issues related to labor activity citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation, compliance with international labor standards.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on employment of the population also applies to foreign citizens and stateless persons, unless otherwise provided by federal laws or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

In order to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment of the population, the state shall:

Development of plans and programs for socio-economic development, measures of financial and credit, investment and tax policies aimed at the rational distribution of productive forces, increasing the mobility of labor resources, developing temporary and self-employment, encouraging the use of flexible working regimes, and other measures that contribute to the preservation and development of the system of jobs;

Legal regulation in the field of employment based on the observance of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and relevant state guarantees, further improvement of legislation on employment of the population;

Development and implementation of programs that provide for measures to promote employment of the population;

Creation of the federal state employment service;

Implementation effective mechanisms pursuing an active employment policy, including organizing and conducting special profiling events (distributing unemployed citizens into groups depending on the profile of their previous professional activity level of education, gender, age and other socio-demographic characteristics in order to provide them with the most effective assistance with assistance in finding employment, taking into account the current situation on the labor market) unemployed citizens;

Provision of social support to citizens who are duly recognized as unemployed.

For an objective assessment of the state of the labor market and the situation in the field of employment in the Russian Federation, state statistical reporting is established.

Employment service bodies are exchanged free of charge with state statistics bodies, tax authorities, bodies of the migration service and other interested government bodies reporting documentation and information necessary for each of the parties to perform their functions.

The form of implementation of the state employment policy at all levels of government are federal, territorial and local (city, district) programs.

IN modern conditions The initial postulate of the employment strategy in Russian society should be the principle of achieving and maintaining effective employment, allowing unemployment within socially acceptable limits. The implementation of this principle can be facilitated by the optimal combination economic efficiency and social outcomes, which will be different in regions that differ in their economic potential, economic structure, resource availability, etc.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on employment of the population consists of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation", other federal laws and regulatory legal acts regulating relations in the field of employment of the population and adopted in accordance with federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


At present, there is a need to intensify the activities of federal and regional bodies for forecasting, constant accounting and analysis in the territorial and sectoral context of the needs of enterprises, institutions and organizations in skilled workers and specialists and creating appropriate conditions for their training.

At the same time, a dual form of education should be developed more widely, based on a periodic change in the educational process and industrial practice, which will eliminate certain contradictions between formal education and the real content of the educational process, taking into account the needs of production.

When addressing the issues of regulation of employment of the population, it is important to take into account specific features Russian model of the labor market. These are: a higher degree of collectivism as a traditional way of mutual support for workers; different speed of movement to the market of various industries and sectors of the economy; uneven transition to the market in certain regions, cities and rural areas.

When choosing ways to form the labor market, one must proceed from the need to study and analyze the internal patterns inherent in the development of employment and persisting in a market economy, since many factors affecting the most important parameters of employment depend directly on the person (population, its sex and age structure, resettlement of the population in urban and countryside etc.).

One of the main elements in the formation of an efficient employment policy is the development and implementation of a mechanism that regulates the dynamic balance of demand and supply of labor in the labor market. In this regard, two sets of problems should be distinguished:

Revitalization of the economic situation and investment activity in the country, creation of conditions for the dynamic movement of capital, development of measures to develop the system of jobs and increase the need of enterprises and organizations in the labor force;

Improving the wage system, expanding opportunities for the population to receive additional income (dividends from valuable papers, interest on deposits, etc.), the development of a system of social benefits, subsidies and benefits that reduce the need for work of certain socio-demographic groups of the population, especially women, students and pensioners.


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Data from the Novosibirsk Employment Service

During 2004, 251.8 thousand people turned to the employment service, of which 14.0 thousand people were registered as “job seekers”. The rest received advice and started looking for work on their own. Taking into account citizens registered as of 01.01.2004, the number of people who passed through the employment service for 6 months was 21.9 thousand people.

Since the beginning of the year, with the assistance of the city employment center, out of 21.9 thousand people registered in search of work, 9313 people have found jobs, 55.3% of which are women. The level of employment was 42.6% of those registered. Of the employed, 43.3% found a job within 10 days after registration.

For 6 months of 2004, in addition to 7060 registered at the beginning of the year, 7737 people were recognized as unemployed and registered, and 8166 people were dismissed during the same period. As a result of the actions of the employment service during the current year, 59.8% of the unemployed who were deregistered were employed, 17.9% were sent for vocational training, and 3.2% were registered for early retirement.

The number of officially registered unemployed by the end of the month amounted to 6,631 people. The level of registered unemployment was 0.79% of the able-bodied population. 74.9% of the unemployed are women, every third is raising minor children. Every third unemployed person has a higher education, every fourth is under 30 years old. Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, the share of women and disabled people has increased.

The average duration of unemployment was 5.9 months. 2562 registered unemployed have not found a job and have been registered for more than 6 months, and 80.1% of them are women.

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The implementation of an active state employment policy in the Russian Federation is carried out through the preparation and implementation of federal and regional programs to promote employment of the population, which are formed based on the situation on the labor market, taking into account the forecast of its socio-economic development. In addition, territorial features, national traditions, the specifics of economic and social development are taken into account.

Programs to promote employment of the population are developed by the relevant bodies of the state employment service with the involvement, if necessary, of other structures (for example, statistical bodies, tax service) based on the analysis and forecast of the labor market. IN transition period such programs are usually of a short-term nature.

the main objective federal program promotion of employment of the population - the formation of favorable conditions for employment of the population.

The program can be implemented in the following main areas:

1) increasing investment activity aimed at creating and modernizing jobs;

2) reforming the vocational training of the new workforce;

3) improvement of in-house training;

4) vocational training for unemployed citizens;

5) strengthening professional orientation and psychological support for job seekers;

6) prevention of discrimination in the labor market;

7) improving the efficiency of state policy in the regional labor markets;

8) regulation of labor migration, promotion of employment of refugees;

9) ensuring employment of the population living in rural areas;

10) assistance in the development of entrepreneurial initiative of citizens;

11) promotion of employment of the most vulnerable groups of the population in the labor market;

12) income support for unemployed citizens.

On the basis of the Federal program are developed regional employment programs. They determine the main directions of the state employment policy and represent a mechanism of state influence at the regional level.

Conventionally, regional programs can be divided into three levels.

1. Republican program of employment of the population. Contains a set of organizational, logistical and financial measures that can be implemented only at this level (for example, stimulating job creation in certain areas).

2. Regional (regional) program of employment of the population. Determines measures to regulate the labor market at a lower level of administrative-territorial division (singling out cities, areas of priority development).

3. District (city) program of employment of the population. It is a set of specific activities aimed at solving the problems (labor market) of individual citizens and employers. These programs are distinguished by their detail, definition and specificity (a set of measures that can only be performed using their own resources).

The main goals and objectives of such programs are improving the efficiency and quality of work, mitigating the consequences of long-term unemployment, providing targeted support to unemployed citizens who are in particular need of social protection.

All city and district offices of the employment service develop, approve and implement the relevant territorial programs promotion of employment.

The key principles for the formation of such programs are:

The principle of target orientation (preliminary formation of the goals of the state employment policy in the region is assumed, to achieve which the program activities should be aimed);

The principle of complexity (taking into account the whole range of problems related to the problems of employment in the region and the state of the regional labor market as a whole);

The principle of contingency (the planned measures to regulate the employment of the population are associated with other measures developed and implemented within the framework of socio-economic policy in the region);

The principle of specificity (concrete indicators of the socio-economic development of the region and their impact on the level of employment are taken into account);

The principle of reality (when planning events, they proceed from the possibility of their financial, logistical and organizational support based mainly on their own resources);

The principle of efficiency (providing the most effective use available resources);

The principle of optimality (ensuring the optimal balance between active and passive means of employment policy);

The principle of priority (measures of the program in conditions of limited financial resources are subject to ranking according to the degree of urgency of their implementation);

The principle of the maximum permissible level of unemployment (exceeding the permissible level of unemployment leads to a sharp increase in tension and negative socio-economic consequences, especially in an unstable economic situation);

The principle of targeting (activities provided by the program and the corresponding resources are divided according to the structures responsible for their implementation);

The principle of manageability (a special management system for the development and implementation of an employment program);

The principle of interconnectedness of all sections and activities of the program.

Model Regional Employment Promotion Program, which ensures the implementation of these key principles, may consist of several sections.

Passport of the program to promote employment of the population.

Introduction: conceptual approaches to ensuring employment of the population are being formed.

Section 1. Analysis and prospects of the socio-economic situation in the region, taking into account structural transformations.

Section 2. The labor market and employment of the population (in the context of the main socio-demographic groups), development prospects.

Section 3. Employment Assistance.

Section 4. Program for the preservation and creation of new jobs.

Section 5. Promoting the development of entrepreneurial initiative.

Section 6. Vocational orientation, training and retraining of the unemployed and released population.

Section 7. Organization of public works.

Section 8. Main measures to ensure employment of certain categories of the population requiring special attention(with limited ability to work, discharged from military service and members of their families, youth, women, citizens released from penitentiary institutions).

Section 9. Actions in the conditions of a critical situation in the labor market.

Section 10. Improving the management of employment in the region.

Section 11. Priority measures to ensure employment of the population for the next year.

Section 12. Resourcing the Employment Program.

Section 13. Program Delivery Effectiveness.

Section 14. Control over the implementation of the program.

For more successful fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the employment promotion program, separate subprograms and projects can be developed that allow concretizing and at the same time expanding the practical scope of the employment service, creating a more holistic picture of the problems that arise in the labor market.


(see text in previous edition)

  • Passport of the state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment of the population"
  • Passport of the subprogram "Active employment policy and social support for unemployed citizens" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment of the population"
  • Passport of the subprogram "Safe work" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment of the population"
  • Appendix N 1. Information on indicators (on indicators) of the state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment of the population", subprograms of the state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment of the population" and their values
  • Annex N 2. Information on indicators (on indicators) of the state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment of the population" for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • Annex N 3. List of the main activities of the state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment of the population"
  • Appendix N 4. Information on the main planned measures of legal regulation in the field of implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment of the population"
  • Appendix N 5. Resource support for the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment of the population" at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget and budgets of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation
  • Appendix No. 6
  • Appendix N 7
  • Appendix N 8
  • Annex N 9. Information on the resource provision and forecast (reference) assessment of the expenditures of the federal budget, the budgets of state off-budget funds of the Russian Federation and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of activities of the state program of the Russian Federation "Promotion of employment of the population" in the Far East federal district
  • Annex N 10
  • Appendix N 11
  • Appendix N 12
  • Annex N 13
  • Annex N 14
  • Appendix N 15
  • Annex N 16
  • Appendix N 17
  • Appendix N 18
  • Appendix N 19
  • Appendix N 20
  • Appendix N 21
  • Appendix N 22
  • Appendix N 23
  • Annex N 24
  • Appendix N 25. Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures in the field of employment
  • Appendix N 26 ensuring the growth of labor productivity" of the national project "Labor productivity and employment support"
  • Appendix N 27 vocational training and additional professional education for persons of pre-retirement age within the framework of the federal project "Older Generation" of the national project "Demography"

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April 29, 2019 , Emergencies and elimination of their consequences Funds allocated to help victims of wildfires in the Trans-Baikal Territory Order dated April 29, 2019 No. 859-r. 55.31 million rubles are allocated from the reserve fund of the Russian Government for social support for victims of wildfires in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

April 29, 2019 , Extraction, transportation, export of gas. LNG industry. Gasification On the investment project for the construction of a marine transshipment complex for liquefied natural gas in the Murmansk region Order dated April 26, 2019 No. 834-r. Implementation plan approved investment project"Sea transshipment complex of liquefied natural gas in the Murmansk region". The investment project includes the construction of two floating gas storage facilities, an auxiliary berth and the necessary onshore infrastructure. A preliminary estimate of the cost of implementing the investment project is 70 billion rubles. The implementation period is 2023.

April 26, 2019 , State policy in the field of research and development The charter of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been updated Decree of April 25, 2019 No. 496. In order to bring the Charter of the Russian Academy of Sciences in line with changes in legislation, the objectives of the activity, the main tasks, functions and powers of the Academy have been adjusted.

April 26, 2019 , Labor Relations. Social partnership in the sphere of labor A set of actions was approved to encourage employers and employees to improve working conditions and maintain health Order dated April 26, 2019 No. 833-r. In particular, it is planned to disseminate the best practices to reduce industrial injuries, encourage employers to improve working conditions and preserve the health of workers, and introduce a healthy lifestyle in work collectives. The complex will be implemented jointly with the All-Russian Association of Employers "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia.

April 23, 2019 , Environmental Safety. Waste management On changes in the procedure for pricing in the field of solid municipal waste management Decree of April 13, 2019 No. 446. The decisions taken are aimed at reducing the payment of citizens for the removal of MSW, which is especially important in those regions where a significant part of the fee is the cost of their transportation, providing the possibility of revising the long-term parameters of regulation of tariffs in the field of MSW management in the event of a corresponding order from the regulatory authorities.

April 22, 2019 , business environment. Development of competition Approved new edition standard for the development of competition in the subjects of the Federation Order dated April 17, 2019 No. 768-r. The purpose of the adopted decision is to increase the efficiency of the work of regional authorities in the field of competition development.

April 22, 2019 , Technological development. Innovation The Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019–2027 was approved Decree of April 22, 2019 No. 479. The main objectives of the Program are a comprehensive solution to the problems of the accelerated development of genetic technologies, including genetic editing technologies, the creation of scientific and technological groundwork for medicine, Agriculture and industry, improving the system for preventing emergency situations of a biological nature and control in this area.

April 22, 2019 , Housing policy, housing market Criteria have been established, subject to which the developer has the right to attract cash participants in shared construction without using escrow accounts Decree of April 22, 2019 No. 480. Approved criteria that determine the degree of readiness apartment building or another real estate object and the number of concluded agreements for participation in shared construction, subject to compliance with which the developer is granted the right to raise funds from participants in shared construction without using escrow accounts under agreements for participation in shared construction submitted for state registration after July 1, 2019. The purpose of the decision was to ensure the completion of residential buildings in cases where share building possibly under the old rules, that is, without the use of escrow accounts.

April 22, 2019 , Disabled people. Barrier-free environment On actions to support and develop the rehabilitation industry Decree of April 12, 2019 No. 436. Russian manufacturers of innovative rehabilitation products will be reimbursed for part of the costs of testing such products with the participation of disabled people. The decisions taken are aimed at improving the quality of domestically produced rehabilitation means.

April 22, 2019 , Disabled people. Barrier-free environment Reduced terms for providing disabled people technical means rehabilitation Decree of April 13, 2019 No. 443. In order to minimize the terms of providing disabled people in need of palliative medical care, technical means of rehabilitation (TCP) of serial production, the terms for considering the application of a disabled person and ensuring his TSR are reduced to seven days. Previously, these terms were 15 and 30 days, respectively.

April 20, 2019 , Higher, postgraduate and continuing education On budgetary appropriations for the completion of construction and reconstruction of dormitories of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman Decree of April 16, 2019 No. 455. To complete the construction of the dormitory complex in 2019-2020, budget allocations in the amount of 1,085.3 million rubles are allocated. This will create an additional 1,350 places in hostels for students.

April 19, 2019 , Government statistics Updated the Federal Plan of Statistical Works Order dated April 10, 2019 No. 680-r. The purpose of the decisions taken is to optimize the composition of the statistical work performed by Rosstat and other subjects of official statistical accounting, improve the quality of meeting information needs in official statistical information, and reduce the reporting burden on respondents.

April 18, 2019 , Protective measures in foreign trade On protective measures in trade and economic relations with Ukraine Decree of April 18, 2019 No. 460-25. Decree of the Government of December 29, 2018 No. 1716-83 introduced a ban on the import into Russia of goods whose country of origin is Ukraine or moved through the territory of Ukraine, and a list of such goods was approved.

April 16, 2019 , National project "Demography" On budget allocations to support families with the birth of children in the Far East Orders dated April 13, 2019 No. 743-r, No. 744-r. In order to implement the federal project " Financial support families at the birth of children" of the national project "Demography" in the subjects of the Federation that are part of the Far Eastern Federal District, 3,146.26 million rubles are allocated from the Government's reserve fund for a lump sum payment at the birth of the first child, the provision of regional maternity capital at the birth of a second child, monthly payments at the birth of a third and subsequent children.

April 16, 2019 , Budgets of subjects of the Federation. Interbudgetary relations On the provision of subsidies to the Trans-Baikal Territory for payment wages employees public sector Order dated April 11, 2019 No. 698-r. The Trans-Baikal Territory receives funds to ensure the payment of wages to public sector employees.

April 16, 2019 , Selected issues of national defense On the indexation in 2019 of certain payments to military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies Decree of April 12, 2019 No. 435. The decision on indexation from January 1, 2019 of the amount of insurance amounts, lump-sum benefits and monthly compensation certain categories military personnel and persons equated to them by 4.3%.

April 16, 2019 , Regulation of insurance activity On the procedure for compensation for damages lost as a result of emergency housing using the mechanism of voluntary insurance Decree of April 12, 2019 No. 433. The minimum amount of obligations of the insurer for the risk of loss of housing as a result of an emergency has been established and the calculation rules have been approved maximum size damages eligible for compensation under compensation programs living quarters using the mechanism of voluntary insurance. The procedure for the formation of a list of tax expenses and their assessment was approved Decree of April 12, 2019 No. 439. It was established that an assessment of the feasibility and effectiveness of tax expenditures will be carried out.

April 15, 2019 , Organization of the healthcare system. Health insurance About changes in the State Guarantees Program free provision citizens of medical care for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021 Decree of April 12, 2019 No. 440. The Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care for Citizens for 2019 and for the planned period of 2020 and 2021 has been amended to increase the availability of palliative care, as well as to specify guarantees for citizens undergoing preventive medical examinations, including as part of medical examinations.


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