
When will be children's for June. Monthly compensation to those who lost their breadwinner to disabled children. If the minimum allowance has been appointed

Many young parents are interested in the question of why children's allowance are delayed. Sometimes it is reported that the allowance was detained for 6 months or more. Is it legal? Is it possible to prevent this? How to influence that the detained money is obtained as quickly as possible?

What dates for the law should child benefits be paid?

To deal with all these issues, it is necessary to carefully examine the laws regulating the payments of children's benefits. Only in this case you will know your rights and be able to require their observance.

The timing of the transfer of funds is largely dependent on whether the allowance is paid to you through the employer or directly from social protection bodies. If this makes social protection, then you can wait for payments next month after submitting an application, but not later than the 26th.

When the manual pays directly an employer, he lists these funds in the coming day when the company's employees are charged. But again, the deadline is the 26th day of the next month.

If you delay more than this period, you can safely refer to the employer with claims.

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What reasons usually lead to delay payments?

As a rule, the delay of payments is caused by two main reasons. The transfer of funds can be delayed by the Social Insurance Fund, which, in turn, receives money from a federal or regional budget. In this case, this is entirely the fault of state bodies. But, as a rule, such delays do not exceed 1-2 months and are necessarily paid as soon as regular financing is restored.

Another common reason is the delay of the funds already listed from the Employer's social insurance fund. Indeed, in some situations (for example, when several employees of the enterprise are at once, there are several employees of the enterprise) that there is simply no necessary funds listed from the Social Insurance Fund. This problem is solved easily - the company needs to simply contact the fund with the application for transferring the necessary funds, and the payment will be made within a few days.

Another thing is when funds for children's manuals were listed, but the employer uses them not for its intended purpose. Of course, in each company there are crises, but this is not a reason to use funds for the payment of children's to solve their problems, leaving the family without the support of the state. It is necessary to deal with delays in the payment of children's benefits in this case, since this is a direct violation of the law.

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What if payments are delayed?

The first thing to be done when the funds put on the law did not do is to find out what time they must be listed. If there is still time for their listing, wait - perhaps after a few days the delay is eliminated.

When children's allowance is delayed, it always entails various difficulties. Many families without this state support simply cannot fully live. Therefore, it is not worth waiting - if all the time-established deadlines for the transfer of money have already passed, it is necessary to act, and not wait.

Many women who receive children's benefits know where to apply if this money did not receive this money. If the manual lists the employer, then to start standing with it. However, if you have not yet given a clear answer to the question for a long time, when there are funds and for what reason they are not paid in time, you can contact the employer in writing to get the official answer. With him, it is much easier for you to defend your rights in state bodies. In addition, in some situations, the official request may scare the employer and force you to list all the necessary funds.

If the employer does not want to solve the employer in peaceful order, you have the right to contact the Social Insurance Fund with a written complaint and then bring this case to court. Be prepared for the fact that the case is not enough, but the problem will definitely decide.

Delays of children's benefits - a phenomenon, unfortunately, is often. Recently, this situation arises quite often, as some businesses are now in a difficult financial situation and are trying to use money for their own purposes. Since it is illegal, you can demand to list the payment allowed you immediately. In the most difficult situations where to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way does not go out, you always have the right to solve this problem in court. In any case, you may not doubt that the law will be on your side, but it may take some time. The main thing is to seek help.

As you know, "children's" is the benefits that are charged upon the birth of a child. As indicated in "On state allowances, citizens who have children", children's benefits include:

  • allowance for addressing consultation and registration on the early period of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks);
  • a one-time allowance at the birth of a child (based on reference from the maternity hospital);
  • monthly childcare allowance to age 1.5 years;
  • maternity benefits (sick leave);

All listed benefits gave birth to a child who gets from the employer. The principle of accrual, as well as the upper and lower planks of children's manuals, you need to know all - and leaders, and Mama themselves.

Enhancing benefits for children in 2019

It is necessary to remember that from January 1, 2019 there was an increase in minimum wage to 11,280 rubles., Which was reflected in all types of benefits.

This year, "children's" benefits, according to, increased from February 1, 2019 - on the coefficient of 1.043. This means that in January, the benefits remained at the same level, and changed only in February.

And now - ATTENTION: Look at how the benefits have changed in early 2019:

  1. Allowance for registration for up to 12 weeks: from January 1, 2019 a woman received - 628.47 rubles, from February 1, 2019 began to receive - 628.47 rubles. × 1,043 \u003d 655,49 rub.

This allowance is paid only once. It relies with women who:

  • stood up in medical institutions up to 12 weeks of pregnancy and provided the appropriate certificate;
  • they have the right to allowance for pregnancy and childbirth ().

If the certificate of registration is provided later than 12 weeks, the manual is paid within a ten-day period after granting, provided that the appeal for the manual followed no later than 6 months after the end of maternity leave ().

  1. One-time benefit at the birth of a child: from January 1, 2019 a woman received - 16 759,09 rubles, from February 1, 2019 began to receive - 16 759,09 rub. × 1,043 \u003d 17 479, 73 rubles.
  2. Minimum size of a monthly care allowance for the second child and subsequent children up to 1.5 years: from January 1, 2019, a woman received - 6,284,65 rubles, from February 1, 2019 began to receive - 6,284,65 rubles. × 1,043 \u003d 6 554, 89 rub.
  3. Monthly allowance for child care until the age of 1.5 years: depends on the minimum wage. If the average earnings per month does not exceed the minimum wage, then the manual is calculated in the amount of 40% of the minimum wage. It is worth considering that from January 1, 2019, the minimum wage rose to 11,280 rubles, as a result of which the minimum amount of benefits for the care of the first child has changed. Now it is 11,280 rubles. × 40% \u003d 4 512 rub.

For 2019, the maximum monthly child care allowance is $ 26,152.33 rubles. (Maximum possible average earnings 65 380,82 rub. × 40%).

Note that in the calculation of this manual, certain criteria were developed, their levels in 2019 are as follows:

  • at the birth of the first child, the lower criterion - from January 1, 2019 amounted to $ 3,142,33 rubles, from February 1, 2019 is 3,277.45 rubles.
  • at the birth of the second and subsequent child, the lower criterion - from January 1, 2019 amounted to 6,284.65 rubles, from February 1, 2019 is 6,554,89 rubles.
  • upper criteria for working - from January 1, 2019 - 26 152.27 rubles, from February 1, 2019 - did not change and also amounts to 26 152.27 rubles.

5. Payment for pregnancy and childbirth ("decreh"): The basis for it is a sick leaf for it from a medical institution, and the calculation is made on the fact of real earnings over the time of time in the two previous years (that is, 2018 and 2017).

The sizes of benefits are calculated from the number of days of the hospital sheet. They act from January 1, 2019. The February indexation did not touch them.

Minimum size for employed women:

  • 51 919 rub. - with standard leave (140 days);
  • 57 852.6 rub. - with premature birth (156 days of vacation);
  • 71 944.9 rubles. - with multiple pregnancy (194 days of vacation)

Maximum benefit size for working women:

  • 301 095,02 rub. - with the standard duration of the decree (140 days);
  • 335 506,08 rub. - for 156 days of vacation;
  • 417 231.92 rub. - in the case of multiple pregnancy (194 days of vacation)

The above allowance is paid to women once upon presentation of the hospital sheet.

Woman maternity leave and calculation of his payment

The rules for calculating decreh in 2019 did not change: as before, it is necessary to take into account the revenues of the employees in the two previous years, and the salary is taken completely, with NFFL.

To calculate the benefit, the annual income size should not exceed the limit value of the base for payment of contributions to the FSS:

  • 718 000 rub. - in 2017;
  • 755 000 rub. - in 2018;
  • 815 000 rub. - In 2019.

To calculate the amount of actual average daily employee earnings, use the formula:

The average daily earnings \u003d earnings in 2 previous years / the actual number of calendar days in the calculated period - the number of days excluded from the current period

When using the formula, consider that:

  • earnings are taken for the calculation in two previous years, which is subject to contributions;
  • in the leap year 731 days, therefore, the actual number of calendar days in the design period can be 730 days, 731 days and 732 days (if one of the two previous anniversary was a leap). However, 2017 and 2018 are "ordinary", not leap years.

Thus, the lower day of daytime for calculating decreh in 2019 is 370.85 rubles.

And the upper day of daytime earning - 2 150, 68 rubles. Calculated by the formula: (755 000 rubles. + 815 000 rubles.): 730 days, where 755,000 rubles. - the maximum earnings from which the manual is charged, in 2017; and 815,000 rubles. - The maximum earnings from which the manual is charged in 2018.

In 2019, the maximum amount of pregnancy benefits and childbirth will be calculated as follows:

  • with ordinary childbirth: 2150,68 rubles. × 140 days \u003d 301 095,20 rub;
  • with complicated childbirth: 2150,68 rubles. × 156 days \u003d 335 506,08 руб.;
  • with complicated multiple births: 2150,68 rubles. × 194 days \u003d 417 231,92 rub.

The manual is paid in the amount of 100% regardless of the insurance experience of workers, but provided that it exceeds 6 months.

It happens that in the settlement period a woman was already on maternity leave or on child care leave. Then the corresponding calendar years can be replaced by the preceding calendar years on its application, if this "replacement" will increase the amount of the benefit ().

Minimum decree size

As you know, the minimum decree size directly depends on the magnitude of the minimum wage. Since from January 1 of the current year, the Marot rose to 11,280 rubles., Then it is necessary to calculate the minimum of average earnings: 11 280 rubles. × 24 months / 730 days \u003d 370,85 rub.

Do not forget that earlier, in 2018, Mrometes changed repeatedly and amounted to: from January 1 to April 30, 2018 - 9,489 rubles, and from May 1 to December 31, 2018 - 11 163 rubles.

Minimal decrets are put on those who have an insurance experience takes up to 6 months who had earnings below the minimum or in the settlement period did not earn money at all.

Now we will calculate the minimum of maternity benefits from February 2019:

  • with the duration of the hospital leaf of 140 days: 370.85 rubles. × 140 days \u003d 51 919 rubles;
  • with the duration of the hospital leaf of 156 days: 370.85 rubles. × 156 days \u003d 57 852.60 rubles;
  • with the duration of the hospital leaf in 194 days: 370.85 rubles. × 194 days \u003d 71 944,90 rub.

Is it necessary to recalculate the allowance up to 1.5 years?

This question can be answered unequivocally - no. The general rule is reading: a child care allowance for up to 1.5 years is appointed once and only at the date of commencement of vacation.

It will be necessary to recalculate the allowance if after February 1, 2019 a female worker out from leave to care for a child at least one day and then went on vacation again. This time she will leave with a new calculation.

Plans to increase child care benefits

Since 2020, the amount of child care benefits aged 1.5 to 3 years will be significantly increased. At the same time, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said such intentions. Now women in the decree after reaching the child of 1.5 years receive a monthly payment of 50 rubles.

Officials believe that the allowance should not be simply increased - it must be addressful, that is, to be paid to those who need it.

Also, according to Medvedev, the issue of increasing decreasing leave of 1.5 to 3 years has needs to be further discussed. First of all, you need to weigh the financial, and the social aspect of this idea, he noted.

Maternal capital in 2019

The size of maternal capital on the second child did not change in the current year and amounted to 453,026 rubles. The last increase in the certificate has occurred four years, and since then the amount has not changed.

The next indexation of maternal capital is planned only from January 1, 2020 - up to 470,241 rubles. And the federal program itself will operate at least until the end of 2021.

What changed:

  • Signed who has changed the decision of the Pension Fund's decision to issue a certificate - from 1 month to 15 days.
  • Previously, the maternity capital was allowed to spend the child on preschool education, that is, now it is no longer necessary to wait when he is three years old. And on the second child, born after January 1, 2018, it is allowed to issue a monthly monetary benefit from maternal capital.

The other day, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved the initiative about the use of maternal capital to build a residential building for permanent residence in the country area (that is, it should be a capital structure). According to him, you need to change the relevant standards and allow the spending of maternal capital for this purpose.

Calculator decret

It is easy and free to calculate the amount of payments using a special decret calculator. Just enter the data from the hospital sheet or information about the child and the duration of the leave, specify the information about the earnings of the employee in the last two years (or previous years - when replacing years) - and find out the amount of the benefit. If there is a district coefficient, do not forget to mark it in the decret calculator.

One of the most large-scale areas of social policy in Russia - support for families with children.

Family and childhood support programs are implemented by a number of interested departments, and payments come from federal and regional sources.

As practice is carried out in the practice of children's benefits, and that applicants should take to take advantage of the benefits.

List of types of assistance

Monetary support is divided into one-time benefits and regular payments.

According to the source of the provision, it can be financed by social insurance or under state social security.

For pregnancy and childbirth

Designed to women temporarily lost their ability to pregnancy and the birth of a child.

On impressive state support may expect Only the applicant, insured by the federal social insurance system:

The amount of benefits in a standard situation is determined based on the wages of the Challenger's salary for the preceding decree a biennial period of work. The average daily earnings is determined by dividing calculations for the estimated period by the number of days in it. The resulting coefficient is applied to calculate the maternity benefit.

His sum Depends on the duration of the leave:

  • 140 days - for one-bed pregnancy and staffing;
  • 156 days - for complex labor;
  • 194 days - with multiple motherhood.

When the work experience of pregnant woman is small (less than 6 months) or a salary is absolutely meager, a federal amount of 11,280 rubles is applied in the calculation of the maternity benefit.

In addition, the law establishes minimum payments:

  • 51 9019 rubles - ordinary childbirth;
  • 57 852 rubles - complications in childbirth;
  • 71 944 - multiple pregnancy.

Maximum Monetary benefits in connection with maternity is limited to the average insurance base for the enumeration of the employer. In 2018 - 815,000, in 2017 - 755,000 rubles.

This year, the period 2017-2018 is used to calculate the decree. According to the current algorithm for accrual and the adopted insurance base is defined maximum limit For 2019:

  • 140 days - 301 095.2 rub;
  • 156 days - 335,506,08 rubles;
  • 194 days - 417231.92 rub.

At the birth of a child

It is lump-sum.

In 2019, the amount of assistance is set in total 17 479,73 rubles (including indexation 2019). If replenishment was somewhat kids, the manual is charged for each newborn.

For its accrual, any of the parents to its employer can appeal within 6 months after the appearance of the baby. Non-working citizens receive a generic help in the regional branch of social protection.

Care for child up to 1.5 and 3 years

After the postpartum part of the maternity leave is completed, the woman has the right to arrange. Also dedicate a year and a half to raising a child, a father or other relative of the baby has the right.

Will be 40% of the average salary for two years in the calculation of each born.

Disabled and low-income applicants are minimum bid:

  • 3277,45 rub. at the first kid;
  • 6554,89 rub. - On the second and further children.

In the amount of allowance should not go beyond the 100 percent level of the average earnings.

If there is a need to care for a child of older, mother or one of the relatives have the right to leave before the execution of the kid of 3 years with the preservation of the workplace. However, the states are symbolic - 50 rubles of monthly transfers.

For a child up to 16 and 18 years

it regional benefit, appointed by the executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in need of the population:, parents and some others.

Depending on the conditions of a particular region, it may be monthly or quarterly. On the ground there are grounds, size and order of transfer.

Maternal capital program

Financial support from the state turns out to citizens who have become parents for the second and subsequent children. Not depending on the number of children in the family, you can only get the state once.

In 2019, it is not indexed amounts to 453026 rubles. Inflationary support correction has been stopped since 2015. At the end of 2016, it was decided to freeze the size of the family capital until January 1, 2020.

According to the program, it is carried out on a non-cash basis and only on the goal established under the law: the acquisition of housing, the education of the child, the rehabilitation of a minor disabled person, a cumulative pension of the parent.

Legal regulation of media

The legislative framework of financial security of social benefits supporting motherhood / paternity and childhood is Federal Law No. 81-FZ "On state benefits to citizens who have children" from 1995.

It complements the extensive arch of federal and regional laws, decrees, decisions and clarification of the Government of the Russian Federation, the regulatory and legal framework of state structures. For example, the Federal Law 255 of December 29, 2006 will determine the procedure for accrualing maternity benefits, care for young children.

Date of maternity and childhood payments


To obtain the manual, the Hife applies a statement and a sheet of disability in the company's accounting department.

Enrollment of full amount of funds is carried out at the date of the next pay for wages.

One-time allowance for newborn

When contacting the place of work, the listing is carried out 10-day term After putting the documents.

The social protection bodies translate money to the 26th of the month following after submitting an application.

For child care

For juvenile children up to 1.5 - 3 years, the appointment and payment is carried out by the employer in general, the deadlines for wage enrollment. The transfer date for children of 16-18 years is determined by regional laws.

Maternal capital

Cash tranches on certificates come to the accounts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the federal budget twice a year before the 3rd number of the first month in the settlement half.

To this end, the Fund sends an application for the necessary amount of funds to the Ministry of Finance:

  • until November 15 for a tranche in January of the coming year;
  • until June 15 for the transfer of funds in July for the second half of the year.

If the family plans spending on a family certificate in the first half of next year, the application to the Pension Fund is submitted until October 1. To use the funds in the second half of the current period, the packet of documents is sent until May 1.

Sources of financing

Financing for motherhood and childhood benefits is made from Social Insurance Fund (FSS).

Accrued happens as follows:

  • at the place of employment of parents. Subsequently, the FSS reimburses the employer costs when paying taxes. This procedure is valid for the maternity benefit, to care for a child up to 1.5 years;
  • foundation for Social Insurance, in case of loss of work of a pregnant woman;
  • departments of social protection of the population - for transfers to the maintenance of children in large families, low-income families, non-working parents;
  • The FIU finances the maternity capital, controls and acts as an operator by order by these means.

To assign the benefit, you need to confirm your right to benefit. Therefore, all children's payments will begin to be transferred to the addressee after the appropriate appeal to the social protection bodies, at the place of work.

If the standard stage of design has been successfully completed, it is possible to be interested directly by receipt. Today it is easiest to do through the Internet on the official website of a department financing payment. If the benefit provides an employer, you can contact the company's accounting personally or by phone.

On the timing of payments for a child under three years later, see the following video:

A new family dreams of his firstborn and a natural question arising from a young family, is the question of what financial assistance to them is supposed to at the birth of the first child, as well as what benefits can I count on the state from the state?

Answering how much money is given for the first child in 2017, first of all we will tell about the state financial support that it relies on the law. And the law provides for a lump sum payment, as well as a monthly allowance. Moreover, if this is the family of a serviceman, then the allowance will be paid in an enlarged form with a 1.5 coefficient. And if we are talking about a lonely mom, then with the coefficient 2. (that is, in double size). That is, the amount of payments on the first child will be different and is connected with the social status of young parents, which they possess. Speaking about the varieties of payments on the first child, there are various one-time benefits, monthly payments and are provided both in the form of cash payments and in the form of non-cash forms of social support.

Manual in the early term of pregnancy on the first child

A one-time allowance in the amount of 613 rubles 14 kopecks pregnant will receive in the early term of pregnancy after registering in the female consultation. Such a manual is optional to the main pregnancy benefit and childbirth.

If a woman has the right to the main benefit on pregnancy and childbirth, it is quite legitimate, it can count on additional payments in the early term of pregnancy.

This type of benefit is relumed to all women who have an insurance policy and the citizenship of the Russian Federation, a sick leave and stagnant for pregnancy up to 12 weeks. In time, inserting a pregnant woman in time not only can get the specified financial assistance, but also minimizes all medical risks and complications during pregnancy, since early observation will undoubtedly contribute to successful pregnancy and normal childbirth.

Where to apply for a benefit on the first child?

If a woman is officially employed, then seek the appointment of benefits in the early term you need to go to the personnel department and accounting at work. If a woman had no employment relationship at the time of pregnancy, then the manual should apply to the social protection department at the place of registration.

What are the documents for benefits on the first child?

It is necessary to write a corresponding application for the manual, get a medical document in the female consultation.

Pregnancy benefits on the first child

All working maternity benefits is paid in the amount of average wages calculated over the period of the last two years, and if the average salary will be lower than the minimum wage, then the payment will be in the amount of the minimum wage.

No official earnings for pregnancy and childbirth on the first child consists of a monthly payout of 613 rubles 14 kopecks. Pregnant students are ensured by the payment of benefits in the amount of scholarships received by them. The duration of payment of maternity benefits and childbirth is the entire period of maternity leave, consisting of two periods: period before delivery and period after delivery. A manual is paid within 140 days, of which half of the term - before childbirth, the other half is after delivery.

The duration of payment of maternity benefits and childbirth is held until 194 days if multiple pregnancy or pregnancy with complications is observed.

The size of maternity benefits and childbirth in 2017 varies from 34520 rubles to 265827.

After the birth of the first child, the family in 2017 receives a monthly allowance until the baby becomes 1.5 years.

One-time payment on the first child

For the birth of the firstborn, a lump-sum payment defined by law is. This type of state promotion is undoubtedly aimed at stimulating fertility in the country. Pays this social insurance fund pay. Receive one-time payment can be both working and non-working young parents. For what to collect and submit documents to the Social Protection Department at the place of residence no later than the first century half a year. The specified encouragement in 2017 is 16350 rubles.

Paid postpartum vacation

While the first child will grow, his mommy is granted to care. The maximum term of such a vacation is 3 years, the 18th first months paid from them. Paid postpartum vacation is funded by an employer in the amount of 40 percent of the average salary of workers and cannot be less minimum (3065 rubles 69 kopecks).

Not cash benefits for the first child

In addition to financial assistance, in connection with the birth of the first child, various benefits and privileges in the form of natural aid and tax deductions are relying parents. In addition, there are social measures for regional support to families who born the first child. Regional payments are made by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their financing is carried out from regional and municipal budgets. They are different in different territories, therefore, the amount of such payments should be clarified in regional departments of social protection of the population.

Summary payroll on the first child

In conclusion of the review due pays to the first child in 2017, we present a consolidated table with the size of these payments:


The amount of payment

as of 01.01.2017

on 01.02.2017

Decal manual working

Per 2 years in the amount of average wages

Maximum dimensions

  • 265827 rub. 63 kopecks. - in normal childbirth, under the term of the decree 140 days
  • 296207 rub.93 kopecks - childbirth with complications, under the term of the decree 156 days
  • 68361 rub. 15 cop. - multipleness, under the term of the decree 194 days

Minimum size

Until 01.07.2017 - 34520 rub. 55 kopecks.

After 01.07.2017 - 35901 rub. 37 kopecks.

Decal monthly allowance for non-working

581 rub. 73 kopecks.

613 rubles. 14 cop.

Views of one-time benefits

Early pregnancy

581 rub. 73 kopecks.

613 rubles. 14 cop.

Allowance of the Military Service Service

24565 rub. 89 cop.

25892 rub. 45 cop.

Birth allowance

15512 rub. 65 kopecks

16350 rub. 33 cop.

Monthly payout

Child care for a child up to 1.5 years working
Do not work

In the amount of 40 percent of wages, monthly

  • Minimum 2908 rubles. 62 kopecks.
  • Minimum 3065 rubles. 69 kopecks.

Payment of the Military Service Military Service

10528 rub. 24 cop.

11096 rub. 76 kopecks.

Payment for the loss of the feeder of the child of a soldier

2117 rub. 50 kopecks

2231 rub. 85 kopecks.

On the child zone Chernobyl

  • 3000 rub. - until the age of 1.5 years
  • 6000 rub. - from 1.5 to 3 years

Regional payments

In accordance with regional laws

The Ministry of Labor has developed a new draft resolution that children's benefits and compensation accruals will be established in an increased amount - 3,2%. Implementation of indexing growth is scheduled for February 2018.

On the contrary, for three years will remain unchanged, today it amounts to 453,000 rubles.

In the fall of 2017, the Ministry of Labor stated that in the new year, all the income and property of citizens will be taken into account. Thanks to this regions it will be easier to evaluate the need of Russians in financial assistance.

Such changes in the legislation will help more carefully verify the data, since many unearned families work illegally or receive money in cash, but at the same time enter the category of "low-income families."

Special attention is paid to the support program for large families, since the appearance of the third and subsequent children is very often shaken by the family budget, and parents are not able to provide a child with comfortable living conditions and high-quality education.

Dimensions of payout

Name Amount in 2017 Amount in 2018
One-time guide at the birth of a child 16,300 rubles 16,800 rubles
Burue allowance 100% of the average income, but not less 34 500 rubles 100% of the average earnings, but not less 43 600 rubles
Child care payments 3000 rubles - unemployed, on the second, third and subsequent children - 6100 rubles 3700 rubles, on the second, third and subsequent children - 6300 rubles
Payments to the child of parents servicemen 11 000 rubles 11400 rubles
Benefits of the Military Spouse 25 800 rubles 26 700 rubles

Interesting fact: Since the beginning of the new year, the law on indexation will come into force. The figure will gradually increase to the size of the subsistence minimum in 2019. To date, the figure is already increased by 21.7%, and the minimum salary is about 9,400 rubles. Children's benefits are directly dependent on this amount.

Labor right provides funding for citizens because of pregnancy and childbirth. Cash accruals are carried out both before delivery and after.

In 2018, pregnant citizens expect some changes:

  • the maximum amount of average salary when calculating the decreh should not be greater than the fixed amount of cash deductions (see). In case of entering the hospital and birth of children in two years, divided by 730 (number of days a year);
  • only the last two recent years (2016 and 2017) are taken into account;
  • considering the fact that the size of the minimum salary in 2018 will be increased, it means that the size of the minimum benefits will also increase.

The minimum allowance in 2018 will look like this:

  1. In the event of a safe tooling of the fetus and lungs, a woman will get 43 600 rub. and 140 days of maternity leave.
  2. If the toaching was under threat or a childhood passed with complications, vacation will last on 16 daysand the amount of maternity leave will 47 600 rubles.
  3. In case of emergence of two or several children, a woman is relying 56 900 rubles. and 194 maternity leave.

The amount of benefits at the birth of a child in 2017 was practically not different from the current one.

Documents for mapping benefits in 2017-2018

On the fact of the appearance of a child to the light of a woman, a unified manual is assumed in the amount of 16 300 rubles., And it is necessary to draw it up for six months after childbirth.

It is necessary to apply for registration in the personnel department (if a woman is officially employed), in other situations - to the social service department. Students at the full-time department draw up benefits on newborns in the decanted department of their educational institution.

It's important to know! If a woman does not have a permanent job, she needs to be registered with the employment service. In another case, the issuance of funds will be impossible, since the face has not been registered anywhere.

The one-time allowance at the birth of a child was 16,300 rubles In 2017, today - 16,800 rubles. In the case of several children, funds are charged on the name of the mother or father in the amount 50 000 rub. You can arrange a manual in the territorial department of USG, pre-collected the following list of documents:

  • application from one of the parents with the question of the provision of "children's" payments;
  • document confirming personality (photocopy);
  • certificate of the birth of children;
  • the document confirming the fact that newborns live on one territory with biological parents;
  • awards are accrued no later than six months after the children appeared.

Pashers for child care in 2018

Officially employed citizens of care for child care are relying on the basis of wages, namely - 40% from her.

The firstborn in the family relies around 3 700 rubles, for everyone next - 6,300 rubles. Maximum amount - 24,500 rubles.

If the organization in which the mother worked, completed its existence before the expiration of maternity leave, the citizen has the right to apply to the social service for payments, but in this case the maximum amount will only have only 12 200 rubles.

Interesting fact: It is not only a biological mother, but also close relatives of a child (father, grandmother), and the amount of charges will remain unchanged, can decorate maternity leave.

Decal leave can be extended to three years. But here there are nuances. The fact is that payments are accrued only for one and a half years, the next one and a half years are not taken into account. This means that a woman will receive only compensation 50 rubles From the employer and no penny. Therefore, most women prefer to go to work as soon as possible and do not wait until the child is three years old.

Interesting fact: In the fall of 2017, state authorities offered to introduce a unite allowance for children who did not get a place in kindergarten. The amount of compensation was supposed to be about 3,000 rubles. To date, this idea is still considered.

If the newborn has disability

Additional payments are provided for children born with physical restrictions or disabilities, disabled:

  1. The size of the Finnish is 11 900 rubles.
  2. Monthly payments - 1,400 rubles.
  3. Monthly accrual non-working parent - 5 500 rubles.

Social payments:

  1. State aid for the purchase of medicines - about 800 rubles / month.
  2. Course to recreational organizations - 120 000 rubles.
  3. Fare of travel in public places - about 100 rubles / month.
  4. Matkapital - 453 000 rubles.
  5. Privileges: 12 000 rubles - parents, 6 000 rubles - adoptive parents.

As a conclusion to the article, consider the incredible question about the financial assistance to young mothers (see P). In the spring of 2017, a rumor was paved in the network that the mother of the age of 3 years will receive state aid in the amount of 250 000 rubles. This news has not yet received official confirmation, but it is not difficult to guess that it is false, since the main motivation for adding to the family is the maternity capital. So far there are Matkapital, compensation in the amount 250 000 rubles Nothing gives.

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