
Khusnullin explained the reasons for personnel changes in the capital's construction complex. How I got to the hearing on Leninsky Prospekt or the benefits of being late to the cinema About our interlocutor

Yesterday I had an interesting evening - I attended a hearing on the project for expanding Leninsky Prospekt. No, I’m not running for municipal deputies or prefect’s chair, I didn’t become a reporter for a regional newspaper)) Everything happened because of Dimon, with whom, after his studies at the university, we gathered for the famous trash “Throw of the Cobra 2” and were safely late because of his own long rubbish with the scientist. There were no more cobra sessions expected that day, so we went wandering around Vernadka and the surrounding area. Within half an hour they were quite frozen. Suddenly, a bus and about 5 policemen were noticed at the city council. Let's go find out what happened. It turned out that those very hearings on Leninsky were attended by anyone, and the police were there for security. Considering the cold and lack of entertainment, we immediately became concerned about the fate of our native region))

We entered and were stunned: the hall was full of people, everyone was making noise, discussing something, in the presidium there was a respectable uncle speaking, and next to him there was a sign - Sergei Valerievich Sushchenko. We were later told that it was big man in the Moscow leadership, was previously deputy prefect of the entire JSC. There were posters hanging around and diagrams in the right corner - a screen with presentations. Overall a serious level. We began to figure out what was causing this fuss. Then a man from the General Plan of Moscow, Igor Bakhirev (somehow the name sounded like that, I can’t vouch for the accuracy) came out and began to talk about the project for the expansion and reconstruction of Leninsky Prospekt.
I started with the fact that now in Moscow there are 300 cars per 100 residents. And every year Muscovites get as many as 100,000 new cars. He also said that main reason traffic jams on Leninsky - a traffic light system that cannot “digest” such a number of cars. Because of this, in fact, the accumulation of exhaust gases begins, the noise of signals, constantly moving engines, etc. increases. He justified it very interestingly, Dima even began to take videos and photos on his own, so that later he could show his parents what they would do with the area, and until the end of the hearings he continued to work as a “cameraman”))

In fact, they will organize traffic-light-free traffic from Gagarin Square to the Moscow Ring Road, and in order to implement this without blocking exits to the former Leninsky, they will build an overpass in the area of ​​Lobachevsky and Udaltsov. At the exit outside the Moscow Ring Road there will be a large modern interchange. This is the essence of the project. I thought it was pretty sane. An overpass is better than a constantly stinking and buzzing traffic jam.
When the master planner paused in his story, people behind him began to make noise, and homemade posters appeared in support of change.

This is understandable, the eternal cue ball on Leninka is already across everyone’s throats, and most importantly, it is across Lobachevsky, from which I constantly drive off and get stuck in traffic jams ((Finally, the presenter Sushchenko calmed everyone down and the time has come for questions. This is where the natural Verkhovna Rada began: who- sometimes he supports, someone shouts against him from the spot, someone speaks for his problems, and someone speaks for the entire JSC!Again we had to reassure the audience that our area is part of a large road complex and serious changes cannot be avoided. True, the general planner said that the construction of the overpass is guaranteed to meet international standards. From the edge of the overpass to the nearest house there will be at least 70 meters and along the entire length there will be 7 underground pedestrian crossings. But, despite the explanations, residents still had many questions.
First, our deputy Zhilin came out to show off and spoke some kind of vague blizzard from the category of “if only”, then the residents took the microphone away from him and began to ask the organizers for details that interested them. One elderly man was very worried that it would be difficult for his wife and, most importantly, his mother-in-law to get to public transport due to postponement of stops. But a person from the Department of Transport said that the stops would move no more than 5-15 meters, after which someone from the audience cheerfully shouted “Mother-in-law will come!”
Another woman was worried that the side passage would be only 13 meters from the entrance. Sushchenko supported her and said that it would definitely be necessary to look into this in more detail. To which the General Plan said that the option of placing a sidewalk on this passage has already been considered. Those who were concerned about landscaping were informed that new green areas would be created in place of the cut down trees and cleared lawns.
Well, at the end a couple more bonuses were discovered: free plastic windows for the facades of buildings facing the overpass and also free parking under the overpass.
In general, we wanted to warm up, but we sat there for an hour and a half. After which we decided to go to Zvezdny again and ended up on “Oblivion”, I’ll tell you about it in the next post)

The west of the capital remains the city leader not only in the construction of housing for Muscovites, but also in the reconstruction of dilapidated housing stock. To questions from “KR” about the progress of construction and housing programs Deputy Prefect of the Western District Sergei Sushchenko answers today.

Housewarming as planned

– Sergey Valerievich, there is a lot going on in the area housing construction. Has the crisis affected this year’s plans, what volumes will be fulfilled?

– In 2010, it is planned to build 530 thousand square meters in the Western District. m of housing, including 50.5 thousand sq. m. m at the expense of the city budget. These are four houses in the 95th quarter of the Mozhaisk district: buildings 3, 5A, 5B and 11. The first three buildings have been transferred for actual occupancy, the commissioning of building 11 is scheduled for December. As part of investment contracts, 189 thousand square meters will be built in the district by the end of the year. m of housing, the city's share in them will be 45 thousand square meters. m.

Due to crisis problems, the construction of some commercial residential projects with the city's share was frozen. The Prefecture of the Joint-Stock Company provides the necessary assistance in selecting bona fide contractors to complete construction that has already begun. We are trying to resolve the current situation, based primarily on the interests of the affected residents.

In reserve - reconstruction

– Are there still free sites for construction in the district? residential buildings?

– Sites are constantly being released due to the demolition of dilapidated five-story buildings. Thus, in 2008–2009, in the areas of Filevsky Park, Kuntsevo and Vernadskogo Prospekt, houses were demolished and sites were cleared for the construction of eight municipal buildings with a total area of ​​143.7 thousand square meters. meters. The demolition of 18 houses in the areas of Kuntsevo, Prospekt Vernadskogo and Mozhaisky in 2010 will free up sites for the construction of eight more municipal buildings with a total area of ​​about 100 thousand square meters. meters. In addition, in block 34-35 of the Prospekt Vernadskogo district there are three free sites for construction council houses with an area of ​​22.3 thousand square meters. meters. Thus, the total area of ​​free land plots for resettlement purposes is approximately 260 thousand square meters. m.

Five-story buildings are being demolished

– How is the reconstruction program of the dilapidated five-story building being carried out? Are there many houses left from the demolished series?

– The demolition program in the Western District in the period from 1995 to 2012 provides for the liquidation of 311 houses with a total area of ​​about 1.14 million square meters. meters. By January 1, 2011, the planned volume of residual demolition will be 389.5 thousand square meters. m. At the same time, about 600 thousand square meters are required to resettle residents from the reconstructed areas. m of living space.

Next year, as part of the city's targeted investment program, it is planned to build six municipal buildings in the Kuntsevo area, and five buildings in the areas of Kuntsevo, Vernadskogo Avenue and Filevsky Park.

Despite the impressive volumes of reconstruction that have already been carried out, it is too early for us to calm down. Today, 118 houses remain to be demolished: 48 in the Kuntsevo area, 35 in Fili-Davydkovo, 29 in the Vernadskogo Avenue area, five in the Mozhaisky area and one house in the Filevsky Park area. So there is still a lot of work ahead!

From Kuntsevo to Fili-Davydkovo

– This year, the Kuntsevo district has become a leader in the demolition of Khrushchev-era buildings. How are things going there now?

– In Kuntsevo, nine five-story buildings were planned for demolition in the past year; their residents were completely resettled in new buildings both in their district and in Mozhaisk. The demolition of five-story buildings made it possible to free up the site for the construction of five municipal houses.

– Will large-scale reconstruction come to Fili-Davydkovo? When will the construction of high-rise buildings, begun by the Mirax Group company, be completed and people will move out of the dilapidated houses located on Slavyansky Boulevard?

– Fili-Davydkovo is an area, the reconstruction of which is carried out at the expense of investors, and the resettlement program in it suffered the most. Back at the end of 2008, it was planned to commission four residential buildings with the city’s share for resettlement purposes, but the Mirax Group company violated the construction deadlines, and as a result, the district did not receive 34 thousand square meters. m of housing. This footage would ensure the resettlement of residents of six houses with a total volume of residual demolition of 18 buildings in microdistrict 1-2 and would free up sites for the construction of three residential buildings with a total area of ​​100 thousand square meters. m.

By Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 30, 2009 No. 653-PP, the reconstruction period for the 1-2 Fili-Davydkovo microdistrict was extended until the end of 2012. The district prefecture, in turn, is working with the developer and doing everything possible to ensure that the residents of Khrushchev can still move into comfortable housing.

If the house is being vacated...

– What other problems do you encounter during the resettlement process?

“Of course, there are problems, and the most serious of them is the unreasonable demands of some residents of the houses being evicted. Do not forget that resettlement is carried out in accordance with the law of the city of Moscow dated May 31, 2006 No. 21 “On ensuring the housing rights of citizens during relocation and release residential premises(residential buildings) in the city of Moscow.” This law establishes standards for the provision of housing to tenants - 18 square meters. m total area for each registered person, including newborns. Owners who vacate residential premises are provided, at their choice, in cash or in kind (in the form of other comfortable housing) with equivalent compensation (compensation) or the redemption price.

However, despite the norms clearly stated in the law, some families put forward excessively inflated requirements for apartment space. In the event that negotiations with them do not lead to a resolution of the issue, the Department Management housing policy and the housing stock of the city in the Western District files claims for forced eviction, and these citizens vacate apartments in houses being vacated by court decision.

– Do local authorities help residents of demolished five-story buildings with moving?

- IN mandatory! Such assistance is provided on the basis of Art. 13, clause 9 of Moscow City Law No. 21, which we have already discussed. In accordance with it, the costs of moving citizens to the provided residential premises are borne by the person carrying out the resettlement.

In the event that the resettlement is carried out at the expense of the city, payment of expenses, including the use of trucks and the labor of workers engaged in loading and unloading the property of resettled residents, provision of access to the telephone network during the resettlement of owners of alienated residential premises, is carried out at the expense of the Moscow budget . If the house is occupied at the expense of the investor, then the costs of relocating people are borne by him.

Who keeps order?

– Any construction causes certain inconvenience to residents of nearby houses. Are they following construction sites for cleanliness and order?

– Our task is to reduce the inconvenience caused by construction to a minimum. Cleanliness and order at construction sites are under strict control by district administrations, control and supervisory authorities– Mosgosstroynadzor, Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections and others. Also for order during production construction work monitors the established City Headquarters to coordinate the actions of city organizations and prefectures of administrative districts and interaction with control and supervisory authorities to ensure order at construction sites.

Comfort – all in one

– How are the issues of developing social infrastructure in areas of new buildings resolved? Is it planned to build new kindergartens, schools, sports complexes, and shops?

– Of course, the comprehensive development of neighborhoods in accordance with the planning project provides for the construction of all social infrastructure facilities. Moreover, in 2009 the task was set to develop a long-term target program improving the comfort of housing in the capital. The Moscow government issued a decree of August 11, 2009 No. 772-PP “On the priority activities of the Long-term city target program for the demolition of uncomfortable housing in the city of Moscow for the period until 2025.” Departments of urban construction and overhaul housing fund, together with the Moscow Committee for Architecture, a draft of such a program was prepared; it was considered in August of this year at a meeting of the Coordination Council for the Development of Built-Up Areas of the City of Moscow. A final decision on this document is now expected. We have built, are building and will continue to build comfortable housing for Muscovites!

About our interlocutor

Sergei Valerievich Sushchenko was born in the city of Talgar, Alma-Ata region of Kazakhstan. In the state civil service - since January 2004, when he was appointed head of the Krylatskoye district government. Since August 2005, he has been working as Deputy Prefect of the Western Administrative District of Moscow for construction, reconstruction and provision of urban housing programs.

Alexandra Volkova

RIAMO - January 12 New appointments in the department of urban planning policy and the department of construction of Moscow are associated with the need to strengthen the leadership of the departments of the capital's construction complex, which faces a large number of tasks in the coming years, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for urban planning policy and construction Marat Khusnullin told reporters on Saturday.

Last week, the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin signed documents on personnel changes in a number of departments. In particular, Sergei Sushchenko was appointed to the position of deputy head of the construction department, Dmitry Stulov was appointed deputy head of the urban planning policy department. Karen Oganesyan became deputy head of the construction department, Maxim Stepanov became first deputy head of the urban planning policy department.

“Our Targeted Investment Program for 2019-2021 has tripled compared to 2010-2012, and the number of employees has increased slightly, by 10 percent. At the end of the year, we were preparing to change the management structure of the entire complex. We have added a large number of tasks - the metro is doubling, the MCD, in renovation it is necessary to reach 5 million for the design and construction square meters real estate,” said Khusnullin.

He noted that the construction department has appointed a deputy who will deal only with metro issues.

“Despite the fact that I myself hold headquarters and the head of the construction department holds headquarters, there are still issues that require daily meetings, headquarters and the organization of this process. Sergei Valerievich Sushchenko previously worked in the department of urban planning policy; he will head the direction of metro construction. Experienced person, good organizer.

We hope that it will give a serious impetus to this work,” Khusnullin added.

He noted that Karen Oganesyan was appointed deputy head of the construction department in the field of social facilities. Khusnullin recalled that 265 social facilities need to be built in Moscow over the next three years. “We also hired an additional new deputy to the construction department in the area of ​​healthcare. We plan to build more than 30 clinics, five large, world-class ones medical centers

. We have strengthened the block of the urban policy department.

“It is planned to invite additional deputies to the Moscow Architecture Committee. Moskomstroyinvest will be strengthened, as the volume of work has increased. In fact, in every committee of the department we are making certain personnel changes, we are simply strengthening ourselves, because there is a lot of work,” concluded Khusnullin.

The mayor of Moscow has made personnel changes in the Construction Complex.

Sergei Sushchenko was appointed to the position of deputy head of this Department. Previously, the official was first deputy prefect of the Western Administrative District. A service contract was signed with him for a period of five years.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130211095924.shtml

Sobyanin fired the deputy head of the urban planning policy department

“Sergei Sushchenko, who previously worked as the first deputy prefect of the Western Administrative District, was appointed deputy head of the department,” the agency’s interlocutor added. According to him, a service contract was signed with the official for a period of five years.
link: http://www.vedomosti.ru/ politics

link: http://www.irn.ru/news/71207. html

The capital's mayor made a number of personnel changes in the Moscow Construction Complex

At the same time, Sergei Sushchenko was appointed to this post, who previously served as deputy prefect of the Western Administrative District of the capital. The service contract was concluded with him for a period of five years.
link: http://www.novopol.ru/- stolichnyiy-mer

The kindergarten on Tolbukhin Street has been returned to children

This was stated by Deputy Prefect of the Closed Joint-Stock Company Sergei Sushchenko at a visiting meeting in the district prefecture, which was held by the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, head of the capital's construction complex Vladimir Resin.
link: http://mozh.ru/index.php? option=com_content&task=view& id=96&Itemid=1

On October 18, the head of the Moscow City Construction Department, Alexander Kosovan, conducted a traditional Saturday tour of city construction sites.

This tour was attended by the prefect of the South-Western Administrative District Alexey Chelyshev, the first deputy prefect of the Western Administrative District Sergei Sushchenko, heads and specialists of a number of metropolitan departments, construction organizations Moscow.
link: http://shalyapin. cukarickistankom.com

“Responsibility to shareholders will be borne by CJSC FCSR”

On CITY-FM, First Deputy Prefect of the Western District of Moscow Sergei Sushchenko commented on the information about the scandal surrounding the Kutuzovskaya Mile residential complex.
link: http://www.city-fm.ru/experts/opinion/100423473.html

Deputy Prefect of the Closed Joint-Stock Company Sergei Sushchenko held a meeting with defrauded shareholders of the Kutuzovskaya Mile

Deputy Prefect of the Western District Sergei Sushchenko together with CJSC Federal Center social development"("FCSR") and the district department of the capital's Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund discussed with defrauded shareholders on October 13 residential complex"Kutuzov Mile" construction problems.
link: http://www.zao.mos.ru/press_ news/20111014/340864694.html

Personnel changes took place in the prefecture of the UAB

The capital's mayor appointed Sergei Sushchenko to the position of first deputy prefect of the closed joint-stock company, and Andrei Prishchepov to the position of deputy prefect.
link: http://www.zao.mos.ru/press_official/20110630/340706058. html

Sergei Sushchenko: We built, we are building and we will continue to build!

The west of the capital remains the city's leader not only in the construction of housing for Muscovites, but also in the reconstruction of dilapidated housing stock. Deputy Prefect of the Western District Sergei Sushchenko answers today's questions from KR about the progress of implementation of construction and housing programs.
link: http://www.moskv.ru/articles/fulltext/show/id/10610/

The authorities of the closed joint-stock company discussed the problems of implementing the construction of garages in the district

The meeting was opened by the first deputy prefect of the JSC Sergei Sushchenko. He noted that over the past 3 years alone, the number of vehicles in the district has increased by 40%. Thus, the total number of registered vehicles in the CJSC as of January 1, 2011 amounted to 446.220 thousand vehicles. As for parking, including within the boundaries of the road network, the provision of parking spaces in the district amounted to 219.320 thousand parking spaces (about 49%). Of these, 20% are open courtyard parking lots and parking lots, 29% are organized storage areas,” said Sushchenko.
link: http://www.zao.mos.ru/press_ news/20111123/340930783-print. html

Progress in the construction of priority churches of Program 200 in the west and southwest of the capital

On June 23, Vladimir Resin, Advisor to the Mayor of Moscow and Patriarch of Moscow Kirill, and First Deputy Chairman of the Financial and Economic Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church, Hieromonk Nikodim, together with a working group, inspected the progress of construction of priority churches of Program 200 in the west and southwest of the capital. The off-site meeting was attended by: Mikhail Sazhenov, head of the department of the adviser to the mayor of Moscow V. Resin, Vitaly Bekmetov, deputy head of the Department for reconstruction and development of unique objects, prefect of the South-Western Administrative District Viktor Fuer, deputy prefect of the Closed Administrative District Sergei Sushchenko, representatives of administrations, investors, designers, contractors and clergy.

Shareholders of the Kutuzovskaya Mile ask the Cambodian court not to believe Polonsky

“We are sure that Polonsky is lying in this case too. In Cambodia, Polonsky behaved in a boorish, defiant manner; he behaved in the same way in September 2011, when, during the active phase of the conflict around the Kutuzovskaya Mile residential complex, he swore at police officers and threw his fists at the deputy prefect of the Western Administrative District of Moscow, Sergei Sushchenko,” write shareholders.
link: http://www.dolevoe.irn.ru/news/583.html

There have been personnel changes in the Construction Complex

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin relieved Alexander Maksimenko from the post of deputy head of the Department of Urban Development Policy due to his retirement. The vacant position will be filled by the First Deputy Prefect of the Western Administrative District Sergei Sushchenko.

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