
What is the young family program of the year? How to improve living conditions under the program “Affordable housing for young families. What is the Young Family program

At the level of constant increase in real estate prices, becoming the owner of an apartment is becoming difficult. In such difficult conditions, the participation of government agencies in solving emerging problems becomes more relevant. Young people have already appreciated the benefits of the Young Family program, which helps obtain affordable housing with support in the form of subsidies. More than 3.5 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of this project in 2016-2020.

What is the Young Family program

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the state nature of this project, which provides serious guarantees to all participants. Under such a program, a family can count on social payments to purchase housing or improve living conditions. In order to qualify for government benefits under this program, applicants must meet certain criteria. This applies to the age of spouses, financial situation and social status of those in need of improved living conditions.

How the state supports young families

The implementation of the Housing target program began in 2002. This federal project was launched with the aim of providing housing to needy categories of citizens and solved a wide range of related issues (modernization of communal infrastructure, etc.). The basic directions of the project included the implementation of the subprogram Providing housing for young families (better known in its abbreviated form - the Young Family program), distributing housing certificates, the holder of which received a subsidy from the state.

Program Goals

The main purpose of this project is government support in the acquisition or construction of residential real estate. This is done in different ways, for example, by applying for a subsidy for housing loans or paying for a contract for building a house. Spouses who need to improve their living conditions and who have not reached the age of 35 can participate in the subprogram.

State programs for young families

The timing of the implementation of the next stage of the state program was determined for the period 2011-2015, but then the period was extended until 2020 without significant changes. All this allows us to talk about it as a well-thought-out targeted federal project for the issuance of government subsidies, which has a clearly defined target audience and social orientation. According to official data, in the first four years of implementation, about 108.5 thousand participants in the target program were able to achieve improved housing conditions.

“Affordable housing for a young family”

The emergence of such a project was quite predictable given the existing social norms and government policy to improve the demographic situation. It is important to note that within the framework of the housing subprogram, you can not only acquire your own real estate from scratch, but also improve existing conditions. This is especially true for participants with many children - if the apartment in which they are registered does not meet the standard (less than 18 sq. m per person) - this is a reason to apply for participation in the project.

Regional program “Providing housing for young families”

Although the social assistance program is federal in nature, the distribution of subsidies largely depends on the administration of a particular region, because it takes place with the participation of local budgets. The authorities of a region or republic determine the amount of subsidies, therefore, different norms for the provision of social benefits from regional budgets apply in different regions. At the same time, the region’s very entry into the program of providing affordable housing for young people takes place on a competitive basis.

What is assistance to young families?

By insisting on targeted spending of the funds received, the state provides ample opportunities for young families to use the subsidies received. Social benefits can be used for:

  • Purchases of housing - for example, apartments from a developer, where part of the cost is paid through social benefits.
  • Construction of a residential building - in this case, the cost of the construction contract is paid.
  • Obtaining a mortgage loan - the down payment is paid using the subsidy.
  • Payment for a housing construction cooperative - this must be the last payment, after which the living space becomes the property of the program participant.
  • Repayment of real estate loans - both principal and interest. It is important that the bank loan is not overdue and was received before January 1, 2011, and that the housing is checked for compliance with economic class.

Subsidy amount

State payments are provided for targeted spending (as confirmed by receipt of a certificate), and therefore can only be used to improve living conditions. One of the basic factors that determines the amount of subsidy that a participant receives is the estimated value of the property (RVN). Moreover, if:

  • Spouses are married but do not have children - the amount of social payment is at least 30 percent of the RSN.
  • There is 1 child or more (this includes single-parent families) - a subsidy is provided starting from 35 percent of the RSN.

The estimated value of real estate is calculated using the formula RSN = NOP x NS1, where:

  • NOP - standard total area (for example, for two people - 42 square meters);
  • NS1 – standard cost of 1 square meter, established by local government.

Additional benefits for large families

A family with three or more minor children is considered to have many children. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Federal Targeted Housing Program” specifically emphasizes that large families are one of the priority categories. They are provided with a benefit - a larger subsidy in relation to the estimated cost of housing. For example, if a simple community unit of three people can receive 600,000 rubles for a social mortgage, then a large group can receive 1,000,000 rubles or more, depending on the number of children.

How to become a participant in the program in 2019

The conditions for participation in the project have not changed over the past years, which gives all candidates the same rights. If the necessary requirements are met and all documents are provided, the participant may qualify for a subsidy. An apartment for a mortgage to a young family is the most common use of social benefits, which will be the down payment on the loan.

Mortgage conditions for a young family

Given the wide popularity and mass awareness of the Young Family program, many banks offer mortgage products designed for those who agree to participate in this project. This is a very attractive category of clients, given the government funding of the program and additional subsidies from local budgets, which is why such a borrower will be given a mortgage much more willingly than ordinary clients.

Requirements for borrowers

Those who are interested in the Young Family program and who are going to apply for participation need to know that there are certain incoming requirements for candidates:

  1. The age of each spouse does not exceed 35 years.
  2. If there are no children, it is necessary that the husband and wife have Russian citizenship. If there is at least one child, then only one of the spouses can be a Russian citizen.
  3. Applicants must be recognized as in need of housing by local authorities and have an area less than the registration norm.
  4. Applicants must have funds that, together with the subsidy, are enough to purchase real estate, or they must have income sufficient to obtain a mortgage loan.

Where to contact

Applicants who qualify and want to take advantage of the benefits this subsidy program offers must submit an application to their local government office. More detailed information is available on the website of the Real Estate Department - if you have any questions related to paperwork, you can contact them by email.

What documents are needed

The list of documents that the Young Family program requires from participants will be as follows:

  1. Application in the prescribed form.
  2. Copies of passports of both spouses, birth certificate of the child (children).
  3. A copy of the marriage certificate (does not apply to single-parent families).
  4. Documentary evidence of the need to improve living conditions.
  5. Documents about the financial status of the spouses.

If it is planned that social benefits will help pay off mortgage debt, then in addition to points 1-3 you will need:

  1. A copy of the loan agreement.
  2. A document confirming the need to improve housing conditions at the time of issuing mortgage funds.
  3. A certificate from the bank regarding the amount of the remaining principal and interest.

Preferential mortgage for a young family with state support

The advantage of this form of lending for borrowers is difficult to overestimate - everyone who has ever tried to use this service knows about the difficulties of obtaining a bank loan. The subsidy project is an additional guarantee for the credit institution, because in this case the borrower already has funds for the down payment, plus his solvency has been verified by government agencies.

Which bank can I get it from?

The Young Family program has proven itself well in the banking segment, and major players - Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB24 - offer participants mortgage lending on preferential terms. For example, a mortgage for a young family from Sberbank will require only 10 or 15% of the cost of the apartment (depending on the presence or absence of children), with a reduced interest rate on the loan. For those who take advantage of this offer to apply for a loan, the bank has a special benefit - upon the birth of a child, payments can be deferred for up to one year.

Registration procedure

The subsidy procedure and further related actions take place for project participants in several stages:

  1. Submitting a package of documents to the local government body, where within 10 days they must make a decision - to accept the candidate or refuse.
  2. Before September 1 of the current year, a single list of participants is being prepared, taking into account all submitted applications. Priority in the queue is given to those registered as needing improved housing conditions before March 1, 2005 and those with many children.
  3. After the government approves the amount of social payments for the next year, lists for payments are approved. Everyone on the list is notified that they will be paid a subsidy.
  4. After filling out the necessary documents, the participant receives a certificate of entitlement to receive social benefits. The certificate should be submitted to the bank where an account is opened to which the local government body transfers funds for the intended use.
  5. Having received an order from the project participant, the bank transfers the money to its destination (real estate seller, mortgage lender, etc.).

Young family project for Moscow residents

Although Moscow is the capital and center of Russia, the Young Family program is not formally implemented here. The thing is that although the program is financed from the federal budget, in the implementation of the project the emphasis is on work in the regions for which funds are allocated. But at the same time, the residents of the capital did not stand aside - a special Moscow program was launched for them, which can be called a city initiative, financed from municipal funds.

Who can apply

The requirements for young families from Moscow seeking to acquire their own housing are a little stricter than for the regions. For candidates it is necessary to:

  • that both spouses be citizens of Russia and at least one of them has Moscow registration;
  • be on a waiting list for improved housing conditions (or registered as in need of improvement);
  • have an appropriate level of income that makes it possible to pay a mortgage or immediately purchase real estate when a subsidy is issued.

How the queue is formed under the Young Family program

Muscovites who want to take part in this project should prepare an application and, having collected a package of documents, contact the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow. A fund employee will not only accept your documentation, but will also check that the application is filled out correctly and issue a receipt. Since the second copy of the application with a signature confirming the acceptance of documents will remain with you, make it in two copies in advance.

The queue for the city housing program includes several categories of people in need, with priority for applicants with many children, those with disabled children, etc. The implementation mechanism itself in Moscow is also somewhat different from the federal one - participants are offered to purchase real estate at a discounted price, with compensation (write-off) of part cost. For example, 30% is written off for parents with three or more children (or at least one disabled child). Along with their own funds to purchase an apartment, participants can also use maternity capital.

Where can you spend money received under the housing program?

It is envisaged that the amount received will be spent on the purchase of housing, and two options for purchase and sale are possible - using a social mortgage or in installments. In the second case, the contract is concluded for a period of up to 10 years with quarterly payments and a flexible system of reducing conditions. For example, the first payment is 20-60% of the property value, but it will be 15% if you have two children and 10% if you have three.

The total amount of the repurchase and the amount of interest for the installment plan are determined by the regulations of the city of Moscow. An important regulatory indicator is the average market price per square meter - in the second quarter of 2019 it was 90,400 rubles. It is important that until the end of the installment plan, the apartment belongs to the municipality - the project participant must pay utility bills, and in case of a long delay, the purchase and sale agreement may be terminated.

Pros and cons of the program to help young families

The positive aspects of this social project are obvious - it is material and organizational assistance to young spouses so that they acquire their own housing. By taking part in this project, you can reasonably expect that your housing issue will soon be resolved for the better. You will receive real estate with a limitation on the area of ​​residential buildings or apartments, but this is a social project, and it is not designed for lovers of luxury apartments.

Among other disadvantages, too high requirements for those who are issued housing certificates are often cited - since these people have an income sufficient to obtain a mortgage, how much do they need a subsidy? If we compare this with the fact that a single mother with two children can receive the same amount as two spouses with one child, then it is easy to see that there is still room for improvement in the project.


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We can state with complete confidence that the most difficult issue to resolve today is purchasing your own home. This is especially true for young families who, without outside help, do not have the opportunity to acquire housing. So what can the state offer to support this category of the population, and are there any social payments provided for the purchase of housing for a young family?

Features of the “Young Family” program in 2019

Especially in order to help young families in implementing such an issue as purchasing their own housing, the government launched the “Young Family” social program as part of the “Housing” project. This program will operate until 2020. What will be done next remains unknown. That is why young families are strongly recommended to take advantage of this opportunity now.

Let us note that the main goal of the project is to assist young families in obtaining their own housing on preferential terms. In accordance with the requirements of this program, constructed housing is sold at a cost that is below the market average (but not less than 80% of it).

At the moment, due to all known economic events, the cost per m2 of living space will be at the level 35,000 rubles.

Exclusively all project participants have the right to count on government support, that is, compensation to the family for part of the cost of housing, however no more than 30% of the total value of the property.

As for large families, then, in accordance with the law, they have the right to receive an increased subsidy for the purchase of housing. Other expenses are repaid from personal funds or through a mortgage loan.

The primary goals of this program are to support the low-income population, as well as to increase the volume of construction in the Russian Federation.

Changes in the terms of the “Young Family” program

It is worth noting that in 2017 there were some changes in the conditions of this program, in particular:

  1. Now certificate holders are not able to provide the document directly at any stage of the mortgage loan repayment. Funds received during the program cannot be used to repay the loan.
  2. New project participants will not have the opportunity to spend this social assistance on purchasing real estate on the secondary market. The certificate can be used exclusively for the purchase of primary housing or for participation in shared construction.

Of course, such innovations provoked enormous dissatisfaction on the part of program participants. The government assures that these changes are relevant only for young families who have applied for a certificate since 2015. It is likely that the strict requirements will be relaxed in the future, but the government does not provide reliable information regarding this decision.

Who is eligible to participate in the Young Family program?

Please note that the “Young Family” program in 2019 will be available to persons who have not yet reached their birthday age at the time of submitting documents. 35 years. Moreover, applicants must have official employment. The income level of all family members must be sufficient to obtain a mortgage loan. Note that its minimum size is directly depends on the number of people in the family:

  • 2 people - 21,621 rubles;
  • 3 people - 32,510 rubles;
  • 4 people - 43,350 rub.

Families of the following categories are eligible to take advantage of this program:

  1. spouses who do not have children;
  2. spouses with children;
  3. a single parent who has one or more children.

Please note that applicants must confirm the need to improve their living conditions. In particular, the need can be triggered by a number of reasons:

  • lack of own housing;
  • poor living conditions (for example, the emergency condition of residential real estate, the need for its demolition or reconstruction);
  • insufficient living space (in particular, if the area is no more than 18 m2 per resident or does not meet the requirements that have been established in each individual region).

This program also involves the use of such types of social assistance as pooling maternity capital and obtaining a mortgage loan for the purchase of housing.

List of documents required to complete the application

Considering the fact that the list of required documentation is quite large, it will not take much time to collect it:

  • work book of each spouse;
  • passport of each adult family member;
  • children's birth certificate;
  • certificate for receiving social support “Maternity Capital”;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • current ownership of housing (provided that the family has one);
  • a certificate confirming the number of registered persons;
  • a certificate confirming the level of family income;
  • a document obtained as a result of an assessment of personal property;
  • military ID;
  • certificate for queuing for residential real estate.

The package with documents must include two copies of the application for participation in the program, the preparation of which is carried out exclusively according to the approved sample.

It is also worth noting that the amount of assistance provided depends on the number of people living in the family and the presence of children in it. Each payment is calculated individually, namely:

  1. For families who do not have children - 35% of the total cost of the housing being purchased.
  2. Families with children have the right to count on assistance in the amount of 40% of the purchased living space.

Control of this program is carried out at the federal level.

Where should I go to participate in the program?

​In order to take advantage of the right to participate in the “Young Family” program, you must contact the territorial authorities directly at the place of registration of registration. As a rule, this can be the city's real estate department or the housing policy department.

An application that has been accepted by an administration employee must be reviewed within 10 working days. After this, the applicant receives written notification of the decision. If the answer is positive, the family has the right to stand in line and receives a certificate, which confirms the issuance of the subsidy.

This certificate is valid for only two months, so it must be used immediately - take the certificate to a banking institution in order to open a blocked account. Exclusively all funds from this bank account can be used for certain needs, which will be specified in the agreement.

The cherished dream of every newlywed is to purchase their own home.

The solution to this issue involves the development of events in 2 options. The first is to buy an apartment using a credit card. The second way is to become participants in the federal program, which will be discussed further.

What legislation regulates

In order to support newlyweds who find it difficult to purchase their own housing, a special program called “Young Family” was developed and approved in the Russian Federation. It is part of the ongoing Housing project.

Its validity was initially set until 2015. But it was decided to extend the project for newlyweds, and the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a corresponding resolution. It contains a new completion date programs - 2020.

From the legal side, the project is regulated the following regulatory acts of the Russian Federation:

The main task What the program extended until 2020 should solve is assistance in purchasing or building their own apartment for newly formed families. Its effect does not apply to any individual regions, but extends to the territory of all of Russia. However, all legal aspects relating to this project are being developed by regional authorities in local districts. Therefore, the conditions for the participation of newlyweds may differ.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive sides For newly created families who have just embarked on their life path, the following are obvious:

However, the program has some disadvantages and limitations:

  1. Families who already have their own housing cannot participate in the project.
  2. Spouses must live together.
  3. The minimum family income for two should not exceed 21,621 rubles, for three – 32,510 rubles.
  4. Each family member (including children) must have Russian citizenship.

The first applications to be accepted are from those families who have absolutely no place to live or whose living conditions really need to be improved.

The terms of participation

Participants in the project can be those families who have living space per member below the approved rate for their region of residence.

Husband and wife can only be adult citizens of the Russian Federation.

Age limit spouses is set at 35 years old, when they can still become participants in the project.

Who can apply for these benefits?

For benefits can claim families in need of housing if:

Housing requirements

In the program, the need to improve living conditions means the following factors:

  • existence in difficult conditions unsuitable for normal life;
  • the area of ​​the premises is underestimated and does not meet the requirements adopted at the regional level;
  • the risk of infection if living in communal housing with a sick person.

Amount of subsidy received

Assistance in providing housing to young families is provided through the payment of subsidies depending on the market value in the following sizes:

Subsidized funds are automatically transferred to your bank account. They come from the budget, which is established annually by the authorities for the implementation of the program.

Any of the participants in the project to help young families will be able to track your position in the queue to receive a subsidy. To do this, on the website of the Housing Department, you need to open the page of the region where the family lives.

Registration procedure

To become a participant in the project, you need to collect a package of documents to receive a subsidy. The list for different regions of Russia is approved at the local level. You can find out the exact register of necessary documents on the official resource of your district.

Where to go

Application needed address to the Commission, recognizing families as truly in need of improved housing conditions. At the meeting, the package of documents provided by the applicant is reviewed and the issue of assigning a subsidy is decided. within 10 days. If the commission satisfies the applicant’s application, then you need to obtain a certificate for the subsidy.

To enroll as a project participant in 2019, you need to submit an application with a package of papers to the executive bodies of local authorities.

List of required documents

Usually, to contact the regional administration you need prepare such documents:

The listed documents are common, but this register may be supplemented depending on regional regulations. Therefore, the requirements for the necessary documents need to be clarified at your place of residence. The Housing Department reviews papers and issues certificates to program participants.

Registration procedure

Before contacting the housing department commission of the district administration, it is necessary to prepare a package of all necessary documents.

General requirements to them are:

When the package is fully prepared, you can submit a written appeal to the regional housing department. This can be done by both or one of the spouses.

The employee who accepts applications must explain how family participation in the project is carried out. He puts the entry number on one of the application forms and returns it to the applicant. You can also address all questions of interest to him regarding the further course of events.

Queue formation

If the decision to accept the application is satisfactory, the family put in line to receive a subsidy. You can check the position number in the list on the official website of the program for your region of residence.

Please note that eligibility conditions may vary by region.

Program update caused indignation among the participants, because Several points have been eliminated:

  1. The position on subsidies assigned for payment of mortgage loans at all stages has been removed;
  2. There is no opportunity to purchase an apartment on the secondary market.

Duration of this program

The end of the project was planned for 2015, but then good news for those wishing to participate in the program appeared on April 15, 2014.

On this day, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 323 was signed on extending the period of validity of the Housing project for another 5 years. Now it will be valid until 2020.

Assistance to young families in creating or purchasing their own housing will now be supported by federal and local legislation.

For a description of this state program, see the following video:

The main event "Providing housing for young families" of the state program "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utility services to citizens of the Russian Federation" for 2015 - 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 1050 (with amendments and additions)

Conditions for participation

  • the age of both spouses in a young family does not exceed 35 years;
  • a young family is on a waiting list for housing;
  • the young family is solvent.

Under the terms of the subprogram, a young family is paid social payment (or hereinafter referred to as subsidy) fixed size. The size of the social payment depends on the number of members of a young family and the cost of 1 square meter of total living space (Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation), approved by the authorized federal body (Ministry of Construction of Russia), and is 30% for a family without a child, 35% for a family with a child (with children ).

The payment can be directed by a young family to:

Purchasing housing,

For the construction of an individual residential building,

To pay the down payment of a housing loan, mortgage loan, housing loan, to pay the last share contribution of a housing construction cooperative,

To repay the remaining debt on a loan taken out by a young family to purchase a home before December 31, 2010 (no later),

To repay the remaining debt on a loan taken out after June 1, 2016 for the purchase (construction) of housing.

The right to receive payment is certified by a Certificate issued to a young family by the local government body in which the young family is on the waiting list.

Families on the housing list and with sufficient income to purchase housing are eligible to participate in the federal subprogram for providing housing for young families. The procedure for the participation of a young family can be divided into three stages.

Young families can exercise their right to participate in the subprogram once.

Note. 1. The young family does not include the parents of the spouses.

2. The payment is gratuitous, irrevocable, and does not accrue interest. This, in essence, is government assistance to a young family in need of improved living conditions.

3. There are no separate charges for children.

First stage: Recognition of a young family in need of housing, placement in a queue.

Let us immediately note that this information sheet does not provide grounds for recognizing a young family as in need of housing.

Briefly: a family is recognized as needy if each family member has less than 14.5 square meters of total area of ​​the premises in which the young family is registered. If spouses are registered in different residential premises, then the calculation of the area is carried out together. If, in addition to the residential premises in which the family is registered, members of a young family or other relatives registered together with the young family own other residential premises (or shares of property), the total area of ​​these premises is also taken into account. The area is calculated without taking into account balconies (canopy and other outbuildings for individual private buildings).

To recognize a young family as needing housing, it is necessary to submit the required list of documents to the housing registration and distribution department of the district administration. The list can be obtained on the website in the section “Recognition as needy” - “State support”. The application form is also posted on the website. The application is considered within a month, and the young family is notified of the decision in writing, by simple mail.

Young families on the waiting list for housing skip this stage, but are required to re-register and submit new documents confirming their need.

Second phase. Recognition of a young family with sufficient income and inclusion in the list of participants in the subprogram for the next financial year.

In accordance with the conditions, a young family wishing to take part in the subprogram must have sufficient income or other funds sufficient to pay the estimated cost of housing in excess of the amount of social benefits (confirm solvency).

A single mother or single father, a family with a child (with children) must confirm solvency in the amount of the difference in the estimated cost of housing and subsidies, i.e. 65% of the estimated cost of housing, a young family without a child - 70% of the cost.

Any of the following can serve as a document confirming solvency for the specified amount:

1) or a copy of an account in any bank opened for a member of a young family;

2) or a certificate (extract or confirmation) issued by any bank about the creditworthiness of a young family;

3) or market assessment of the value of your own residential premises located entirely owned by a young family, produced by an independent appraiser;

4) or a guarantee obligation of an individual, certified by a notary, or a legal entity to provide the required amount when the young family receives a certificate of right to payment;

5) or a copy of the loan agreement for funds and attached to it, or a copy of the receipt for the payment of borrowed funds by a legal entity, or a copy of a bank account for the borrowed amount transferred to a young family by an individual

6) if a young family has State certificates of maternal (family) capital, they are also accepted as confirmation of solvency.

How is the payment calculated?

The formula for calculating the payment includes the concept of the total area of ​​social housing per family, the average market value of 1 sq.m of total housing area in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

Total area of ​​social housing per family:

for two people - 42 sq.m;

of three or more people - 18 sq.m. for each family member: for 3 people - 54 sq.m., for 4 - 72 sq.m., for 5 - 90 sq.m.

The average market value of 1 sq.m of total housing area in the Chuvash Republic for the last quarter of 2016 was approved in the amount of 31,034 thousand rubles (the cost of 1 sq.m is approved 2 times a year!).

Based on these data, the estimated cost of housing is determined:

The estimated cost of housing is equal to the product of the total area of ​​a family’s housing and the average market value of 1 sq.m in the Chuvash Republic.

From this product a payment is calculated: 30% to a family without children, 35% to a family with a child (with children).

So, for example, with the cost of 1 sq.m of housing in the amount of 30,303 rubles:

single mom or single dad with a child will receive a payment in the amount of: 42 sq.m * 30,303 rubles * 35% = 445454 rubles;

young family without a child will receive a payment in the amount of:

42 sq.m * 30303 rubles * 30% = 381818 rubles;

young family with two children(4 person family):

4 people * 18 sq.m * 30303 rubles * 35% = 763636 rubles

The calculation was made at the end of 2015, the amount of payment must subsequently be clarified with the department specialists!!

Young families confirm their solvency in 2015 in the amount of:

830 thousand rubles (rounded) for single mom or single dad;

family without a child - 891 thousand rubles, family with 1 child - 1 million 100 thousand rubles; with two children - 1 million 420 thousand rubles, with three - 1 million 778 thousand roubles.

(The prices are indicated at the end of 2015, in the future the prices must be clarified with the department specialists!!).

Important note. If a young family can confirm solvency in different ways, then the calculation of the amount of solvency will be made in aggregate. For example: a copy of the market assessment of the value of your own premises for 600 thousand rubles, a copy of a bank account for 300 thousand rubles, a maternal certificate for 400 thousand will give a total of 1 million 300 thousand rubles to confirm solvency.

To be recognized as a participant in the subprogram and having sufficient income, a young family submits the following documents to the housing accounting and distribution department of the district administration (or to the MFC):

1) application in the prescribed form in 2 copies;

2) documents confirming the solvency of the young family;

3) identity documents: passports (pages: identity, registration at place of residence, marital status, children), birth certificates of children, marriage certificate;

4) notification of placement in the queue for residential premises.

5) documents confirming need (if necessary, for families admitted to the queue for housing more than a year ago).

Copies of these documents must be submitted along with the originals to be attached to the application.

The specified documents are also accompanied by two stamped envelopes with a completed return address of the recipient (the address of the place of residence of the young family is indicated).

The application and attached documents are reviewed by the administration within 10 working days, after which the young family is notified of the decision by a simple letter by mail.

Grounds for refusal: the age of the spouses (or one spouse) exceeds 35 years, the right to receive a subsidy under the subprogram has been previously exercised, insufficient solvency, the information provided in the documents does not correspond to reality.

Applications from young families to participate in the subprogram are accepted throughout the year, admission ends on May 29 of each year, and resumes after June 1 not for the next year, but for the second subsequent year.

By June 1 of each year, the district administration forms a Consolidated List of young families participating in the main event of the next financial year. The list is being formed based on the time of application on recognition of a young family as a participant in the main event and having sufficient income. First of all, the list includes families who were on the waiting list for housing before March 1, 2005 and families with three or more children.

After approval, the district administration transfers the Consolidated List to the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Chuvash Republic to form a general list for the Republic of Chuvashia. Changes to the list are not allowed.

The list is published on the official website of the district administration; subsequently, the young family can track the dynamics of movement in order of priority on the website. We ask you to pay special attention to those families who do not fulfill the obligation to undergo re-registration. Administration employees are faced with a situation where young families do not submit information to the administration on time (or even for a long time - more than 3 years) about changes in family composition, place of residence, or changes in telephone numbers for communication. In this case, even the fact that a young family is included in the List does not entail a decision to issue a Certificate, since it is not possible to find such a family. Please remember this. List of documents for re-registration:

Third stage. Participation in the program, purchase of housing.

The consolidated list of young families, after approval by the district administration, is sent to the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the federation (Mingradstroy of the Chechen Republic), from where, together with the consolidated lists of other districts and cities, it is sent to the authorized federal authority to determine the amount of funding at all budget levels.

Social benefits are formed from funds from three budgets: federal, republican, local. The amount of funding is determined based on the limits of all budgets. According to the amount of funding, lists of applicants for participation and a reserve list are formed from the Consolidated Lists of districts and cities. Young families included in the list of applicants will become recipients of social benefits and will receive a certificate of entitlement to receive it from the district administration. Young families included in the reserve list will be able to receive payments only if, for some reason, young families included in the list of applicants refuse to receive the payment.

Important note. Unfortunately, funding is not complete and does not amount to 100% of the number of young families applied for, so the number of young families included in the reserve list is usually larger than the list of applicants. Remember, if your family has not received social benefits this year, you do not need to submit an application for the next year; your family will automatically be included in the next year’s subprogram.

Participation in the subprogram.

Before the opening of the subprogram, young families included in the list of applicants are notified by the district administration by simple mail about their participation.

To obtain a certificate of entitlement to receive social benefits, young families submit to the administration documents confirming solvency and need.

Solvency is determined at the time of issuance of the Certificate, taking into account the increase in the cost of 1 sq.m.

Grounds for refusal to issue a certificate: insufficient solvency of a young family; exclusion from the queue for housing, failure to submit documents on time, a family member reaching 36 years of age.

After receiving the certificate, the young family begins to search for residential premises to purchase. The residential premises must meet the following conditions:

1) the total area of ​​the premises is at least 14.5 sq.m. for each family member per family (excluding balconies): 29 sq.m. for a two-person family, 43 sq.m. for a three-person family, 58 sq.m. for four people families; 72.5 sq.m for five people

2) the residential premises are registered as common shared ownership all members families (spouses, children);

3) the residential premises must be located within the Chuvash Republic.

Issuance of a certificate, payment of the cost of living space

Within 10 days from the date of crediting budget funds allocated by the federal and republican budgets for the implementation of the subprogram to the accounts of the local government body, the district administration, they are issued to young families, included in the list of applicants, certificates of entitlement to receive social benefits.

The amount of social benefits is calculated at the time the certificate is issued.

The certificate indicates the members of the young family, the amount of social benefits, and the validity period of the certificate.

The certificate is valid for 7 months from the date of issue. Within a month, the young family must submit a certificate to an authorized bank to open a blocked account. If the young family does not submit certificates to the bank after two months, the certificate is invalid.

Within 3 days from the date of submission of the certificate, the authorized bank opens a blocked account for the young family and enters into an account servicing agreement with the family.

After this, the young family submits copies of documents in 2 copies to the district administration:

1) certificate of entitlement to social benefits;

2) agreement on servicing a blocked account;

3) certificate of TIN of the spouse (or single parent) for whom the blocked account is opened.

Young families enter into a purchase and sale agreement for residential premises.

After receiving the purchase and sale agreement and certificates of ownership from the Registration Service, the young family submits these documents to the bank branch where the blocked account is opened.

The bank conducts a legal assessment of the transaction (5 working days), and, if it recognizes it as eligible, sends an application to the district administration for the transfer of budget funds (3 working days). Upon receipt of the Application from the bank, the district administration begins the procedure for crediting budget funds (10 days) to the young family’s bank account. After which the funds from the young family’s account are transferred to the seller of the residential premises.

From this moment on, the young family is considered to have taken part in the program and is excluded from the queue for housing at the district administration.


For those wishing to build an individual residential building.

You need the following documents:

Documents on the right to own (use) a land plot for the construction of a residential building;

Permission from the local government for the construction of a residential building (issued by the local administration at the location of the land plot);

Residential building construction project;

Construction estimate;

Certificates of acceptance and transfer of completed work;

Contracts for the purchase of construction materials.

Inquiries by phone. 23 52 04

Mortgage conditions for a young family for 2016-2017 Good afternoon, young reader! I dedicate this post to you and your family.

That summer they celebrated my cousin's wedding and, as it goes without saying, they are now expecting a child.

Living in a rented apartment is not an option, and I don’t want to live with my parents either, so we settled on a mortgage.

It’s good that you didn’t rush, because there are special conditions for young families, including in our bank. He took on the role of helmsman and helped them get a subsidy for the purchase.

What is it and how is a mortgage issued to a young family in 2016-2017? Read on.

Mortgage for a young family in Russia A mortgage for a young family in Russia is practically the only opportunity to become the owner of their own home.

It is very difficult to save up to buy an apartment or build a house yourself.

The reasons for this are: high inflation, high cost of living (including housing), and the difficulty of finding a permanent job with high wages for a young specialist.

Few will doubt that taking out a mortgage for a young family is the same as signing an obligation to voluntarily work all your life for the benefit of the bank. Nevertheless, the majority of Russian young families decide to take this risky step.


You should know that a mortgage loan for a young family can be obtained by becoming a participant in the state program to assist young families.

A mortgage under the “Young Family” program is an opportunity to receive a significant government (support) subsidy when purchasing a home.

In addition, you can take advantage of bank mortgage programs. Many banks have mortgage programs for young families. They certainly differ from each other, and also differ from the state subsidy program “Young Family”.

The main difference between the so-called bank assistance to young families and the federal program is that the state. help is free of charge.

The state provides a free subsidy for the purchase of housing if a family is recognized in the appropriate manner as in need of improved housing conditions.

Banking programs

Banks, in turn, do not “give” anything to their clients, but can offer one of the following profitable options:

  1. reduced interest rate,
  2. no down payment or minimum down payment,
  3. possibility of deferring payment without imposing penalties,
  4. preferential lending.

To join the mortgage program, a young family needs to do the following:

To receive a government subsidy:

  1. obtain the status of a family in need of improved housing conditions;
  2. join the “Young Family” program and receive a certificate confirming your right to subsidize;
  3. contact the branch of the OJSC Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, which was created by the Government of the Russian Federation specifically to implement subprograms to improve the living conditions of young families in need.

To participate in banking programs, you need to contact the bank for clarification regarding the conditions of the relevant programs, then select the program you like and sign a loan.

Conditions for taking out a mortgage Each bank offers its own conditions for the Young Family mortgage program.

However, several universal ones can be distinguished.

The general conditions for obtaining a mortgage for a young family are as follows:

  1. age limit;
  2. the need to pay a down payment (it is usually calculated as a percentage of the cost of housing and ranges from 10%);
  3. Having a stable income and a permanent place of work.

Additional conditions for receiving government subsidies include:

  1. age of spouses (up to 35 years);
  2. the need to recognize a family in need of improved housing conditions;
  3. compliance with the condition that the family must be registered in a certain region for at least 10 years.

Documents for obtaining a mortgage

Among the general documents usually required by bank employees to apply for a mortgage are the following:

  1. original and copy of passport;
  2. original and copy of the certificate of registration at the place of residence;
  3. copies of documents on marital status;
  4. educational documents;
  5. a copy of the work book certified by the employer;
  6. a copy of the employment contract (with additional agreements certified by the employer);
  7. originals of certificates in form 2-NDFL;
  8. a completed request to the employer to confirm information about income received.

Banks may ask for additional documents necessary to make a decision on granting a mortgage loan to a family.

We have selected for you the best mortgage offers from our catalog:

Banks working with the Young Family program

The following banks offer their own mortgage lending programs for young families:

  1. Sberbank – mortgage loan “Young Family”;
  2. VTB 24
  3. Bank "Pervomaisky";
  4. Gazprombank;
  5. OTP-Bank;
  6. Tatfondbank;
  7. RosselkhozBank.


Now in most cases, in order to get affordable housing for a young family, it is necessary to take out a mortgage. If the family decides to do this, then the bank should be chosen especially carefully.

source: http://molodaja-semja.ru/

State programs to support young families

State programs Considering the importance of correct demographic policy, the state seeks to assist young families in improving their living conditions.

Without support from the budget, most young families simply cannot purchase housing, and, accordingly, cannot afford to have a child.

State support for young families is provided subject to the following conditions:

  • each of the spouses (and if the family (hereinafter - sometimes S.) is incomplete, then the only parent) must be no older than 35 years;
  • the family must register their status as needing improved housing conditions;
  • there must be at least one child in the family. This condition is not specified in all programs (in some cases, the presence of children may simply increase the subsidy percentage);
  • the family must have a regular income to pay the state mortgage, or have their own funds to buy an apartment.

What state programs exist for young families?

The Federal Target Program (FTP) “Housing” for 2011-2016 was approved by government decree in December 2010. It was developed to solve the housing problem in general.

Program goals:

  1. to create an economy class housing market in the Russian Federation;
  2. eliminate the lack of comfortable housing;
  3. improve the quality of the housing stock in Russia.

This program implements the national project “Affordable and (in the exact wording - author’s) comfortable housing for citizens of the Russian Federation.”

One of the subprograms of this target program is “Affordable housing for young families.” Provides for state support (subsidy) for the purchase (construction) of housing by a young family. Designed for 2011-2016.

To implement the program, regional programs “Providing housing for young families” have also been developed. This is also part of the programs to support young families who need to improve their living conditions.

Program “Affordable housing for young families” for 2016-2017

affordable housing 2016-2017 The project ultimately aims to increase the population.

The program is designed to solve the following important tasks:

  1. correct the demographic situation in the regions;
  2. provide MS with their own housing (houses or apartments);
  3. reduce social tension;
  4. activate the mortgage lending system.

The “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program should not be confused with regular youth mortgages from commercial banks. “Affordable housing for a young family” is part of the comprehensive support for MS from the state.

For young families participating in the subprogram within the framework of the national project, the state allocates funds on a first-come, first-served basis for partial payment for purchased primary housing or for partial payment for the construction of their own home. In 2016-2017, it is expected to provide housing for 172 thousand families.


The amount of assistance depends on the presence of children and on the standard cost of a meter of housing in a particular municipality.

This amount is expressed not in money, but as a percentage of the average cost of housing. In 2016, the following amount of financial assistance is provided for participants who entered the program:

  • A family without children receives a 35% subsidy. The size of the family budget for a S. of two people must be at least 21,621 rubles, and payments for such a S. will be approximately 600 thousand rubles;
  • A family with children receives a 40% subsidy. The size of the budget for a family of three should be at least 32,510 rubles, and for a family of four, accordingly, it should be no less than 43,350 rubles. In monetary terms, the payment for S. of three people is approximately 800 thousand rubles, for four people - approximately 1 million rubles.

If program participants give birth to or adopt one child, they can receive an additional subsidy of 5% or more.

In addition, the program provides benefits and payments to families with many children. According to the demographic situation, each region provides its own additional financial assistance, which, together with federal measures, becomes comprehensive support for young families.

What documents are needed to receive a subsidy under the program?

To participate in the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program, the family must provide the following documents to local governments:

  1. application of the established form in two copies;
  2. passports of spouses or single parents (copies);
  3. marriage certificate (for two-parent families);
  4. child's birth certificate;
  5. documents confirming that the family is on the waiting list for housing;
  6. loan or mortgage documents;
  7. documents for housing that is being purchased or built.

If a social benefit is needed to pay off a debt on a housing loan, then you additionally need to provide:

  1. a document confirming ownership of housing purchased or built with the help of a mortgage loan (copy of state registration certificate);
  2. loan agreement (for agreements concluded from June 1, 2006 to December 31, 2010) - a copy;
  3. a certificate from the lender about the remaining principal and interest payments on the mortgage loan.

The authority decides to recognize this MS as a participant in the program, then notifies about it.

After receiving already approved lists of young families applying for participation in the program, he informs about the need to submit documents to obtain a certificate.

Grounds for refusal to participate in the program:

  1. family failure to meet established requirements;
  2. failure to provide the necessary documents;
  3. unreliability of information in documents;
  4. Previously, the family had already improved their housing at the expense of the federal budget.

After receiving the notification, applicants must submit the application and documents mentioned above to the local authority within a month.


When the family receives a personal certificate in response, it must send it to any of the partner banks of this federal target program. The required subsidy amount is credited to the account of this bank.

The bank issues a loan secured by purchased real estate. The property is transferred to the family. The subsidy is provided once.

So, the mechanism for receiving social benefits is as follows (except for Moscow):

  • register regionally as a participant in the subprogram;
  • receive a certificate, then transfer it to an authorized bank;
  • select housing, pay for it under the purchase and sale agreement through this authorized bank (and add 70% of your own funds).

Changes in 2016-2017 The main points of the program remained unchanged.

Let's list some of the latest innovations:

  1. from January 1, 2014, funds must be used to purchase only primary housing or to participate in shared construction;
  2. it is not allowed to use the subsidy at any stage of repaying the mortgage loan, as was the case before;
  3. It is not allowed to direct funds to secondary housing.

The innovation, as we have already noted, affected only those who registered in the program in 2014. The rest will receive assistance under the same conditions.

What remains the same?

The main part of the program does not contain changes. Thus, the criteria for participation in the project remained the same. They are:

  1. citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  2. the age of the spouses (or single parent) is not older than 35 years;
  3. a young family should be taken into account as in need of improved housing conditions;
  4. the family budget must be of sufficient size to receive a loan;
  5. Each Family member must have an insufficient number of square meters of living space (no more than 15) or there must be no housing in the property at all.

Programs “Affordable housing for young families” in the regions

Young families – affordable housing in the regions Regional programs to assist young families (created on the basis of the Federal Target Program “Housing”) operate in 80 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, each region takes into account its own capabilities and sets its own priorities and preferential order of priority.

There are the following options for social mortgages, which are provided for by law:

  • subsidies for part of the cost of housing purchased with a mortgage;
  • sale of municipal apartments on credit and at a reduced price;
  • reimbursement of part of the interest rate on a mortgage loan.

Different types of social mortgages operate in different regions. To participate in this program, you need to contact local authorities - the department (management, department) that deals with local housing policy.

Specialists should advise on social mortgage issues. At the request of the applicant, they must make preliminary calculations taking into account the income of the young family, the size of the down payment, the size of the loan and its term, and the amount of monthly loan payments.

In Moscow, the subprogram “Affordable housing for young families” is not carried out literally, but with some variations, preserving only the principles and tasks defined in the federal target program.

Thus, social benefits are not given to young families, but they are allowed to buy real estate in the capital at preferential prices, which is the property of the city.
In the Moscow region, the program operates in its classic form.

Prospects for the program

Since 2016, Russia was supposed to introduce additional measures of social support for young families. The corresponding bill “On additional measures to support young families” was developed by a group of deputies and submitted to the State Duma back in December 2013. Its text is posted on the official website of the State Duma.

The bill provided, in particular, for the following measures:

  • an interest-free loan to a young S. with many children for the purchase (or construction) of housing;
  • preferential rate under a credit agreement (or loan agreement);
  • social payment for the purchase (or construction) of housing (from 25% to 40% of its average cost);
  • housing subsidy to repay part of the loan debt and loan interest upon the birth of a child.

However, this bill has not been adopted and is still under consideration. So, in 2016-2017, no significant changes are expected in state support for families compared to the previous year.

Most likely, the “Young Family” social project, originally designed from 2011 to 2016, will be extended for several more years - until 2020.

source: http://molodsemja.ru/

Program “Young Family 2016-2017”

Young family 2016-2017 In 2011, a program was launched in the Russian Federation to support young families.

With its help, the state was going to help Russians who were just starting family life, making it easier for them to solve the most pressing issue - purchasing their own home.


The Young Family program was originally designed for the period from 2011 to 2015.

However, the government has repeatedly said that the significance of this project for the life of society is very great. Therefore, on April 15, 2014, a decree was signed to extend the “Young Family” program until 2020 inclusive.

In May of the same year, the head of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, M. Men, repeatedly emphasized the importance of this program. The head of the Ministry of Construction noted that the reduction in project costs, which occurred as a result of the crisis, causes concern among members of the State Duma.

He said: deputies will try to return the program to its original level. According to the plans, about 170 thousand Russian families and single parents will be able to receive new housing. But what changes will the program undergo in 2016, and what are its features today?

What does Young Family guarantee?

Let us clarify right away: the extended program has undergone some changes. Initially, the range of opportunities it opened up was wider.

Now it has narrowed, but changing the conditions will allow the state to help more people buy their own homes. Previously, a young family or a single parent could apply for improved housing conditions in different ways.

So, if citizens became participants in the program, they could buy an apartment, finance the construction of a house, pay the first part of the mortgage loan amount, or repay the loan that they had at the time of joining the program, but only on the condition that it was taken out before January 1, 2011 .

In addition, if a couple or single citizen were members of a housing savings or housing cooperative, the state could finance the last part of the contribution. The received subsidy could be used exclusively for the purchase of one’s own home or its construction.

However, not all citizens are given the opportunity to receive assistance from the state.


A number of requirements are presented to applicants. Thus, the maximum age of people who can receive a subsidy is 35 years.

Moreover, they must be citizens of the Russian Federation. In addition, it must be proven that applicants are in line for improved housing conditions and really need it.

Legitimate reasons for improving living conditions

  1. The conditions in which the applicants live are unsuitable for this.
  2. The applicant does not have his own living space, or the area allocated to each family member is less than what is required for one person. This indicator is determined in accordance with the standards adopted in the region where the person lives.
  3. The applicant lives in a communal apartment with a sick person, with whom it is impossible to coexist.
  4. A person or couple who wishes to participate in the program already has enough money to partially cover the purchase of a home or mortgage. The subsidy amount is not taken into account.

The state also imposes income requirements for citizens applying for participation in the program, and the amount of the subsidy is affected by the number of family members. If there are two people in it, the budget for each of them must be equal to at least 21 thousand 621 rubles.

The maximum possible amount of assistance is 600 thousand rubles. If there are three members in a family, each person should receive at least 32 thousand 510 rubles, and you can count on a maximum of 800 thousand rubles.

In families of four, each person’s budget should be from 43 thousand 350 rubles, and the state can provide assistance in the amount of 1 million rubles. The subsidy amount until 2015 was 35%.

If a family or a single person with children applied to participate in the “Young Family”, the amount of the subsidy changed to 40%. For those couples or people who raised several children, additional benefits were also provided.

“Young Family” program in 2016-2017

In 2016, the program rules were changed. Among the main amendments that the plan to provide young families with their own housing has undergone, three can be named.

  1. If previously it was possible to obtain a subsidy to pay off a mortgage at any stage, now this is impossible. According to the new rules, you cannot pay off debts with the allocated money.
  2. The new version of the program does not allow receiving government assistance for the purchase of housing from the secondary market.
  3. The maximum amount of assistance that can be allocated is 30% of the total cost of the apartment or construction. The difference will have to be paid on your own or through credit.

All participants who were included in the program under the old rules will be able to use the money as they planned. However, newcomers will be accepted according to new standards.

How to become a participant in the program?

First, the family should ensure that it meets all the requirements outlined above.

And secondly, in order to participate in the “Young Family” program, you must submit a package of documents to the authorized body (most often the district administration). They must confirm several important facts about the family.

Required documents The package must contain an application requesting entry into the program.

It is written in accordance with the established form in two copies.

One of them remains with the administration, and the program participants take the second with them - as confirmation that the document has been accepted.

The statement should provide arguments why this particular person or family needs government help.

You will also need personal documents (passport).


If the applicant has children, their birth certificates should be added to the package. For a couple who have legalized their relationship, it is also mandatory to submit a copy of the marriage certificate.

It is necessary to notify the state about what sources of income a family or citizen has. In this case, the purpose of the documents is to confirm the solvency of the applicants. Only those who will be able to repay the debt can count on help.

The package should be accompanied by salary documents issued at work, as well as (preferably, but not required) a certificate of a bank account. If a couple or citizen receives social benefits, documents about this will also be needed.

Take care of an extract from the house register. She will inform the government agency about the composition of your family.

To receive assistance, you will also need documents for housing that is being purchased or built, and for obtaining a loan or mortgage. In addition, the applicant must confirm that he is in line for housing.


To do this, you should take care of a certificate certifying your placement in the queue.

The list ends with information about the place of residence of the couple or citizen. It should cover the period over the last 5–7 years. It is advisable to provide documentary evidence (information about registration, and if the apartment is rented, then, for example, a rental agreement, etc.). But if this is not possible, you can make do with oral evidence.

When this entire package has been collected, all that remains is to go to the administration, submit a request for inclusion in the “Young Family” program and wait for a decision.

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