
Sberbank collections for individuals and legal entities. User's Guide for the Collection Client module. with the formation of barcoding of transmittal sheets Sberbank collection client download program 2.1

5 minutes to read. Views 382 Published 03/21/2019

PJSC Sberbank Russia is a leader in the selection of collection services online. The remote collection program helps small and medium-sized businesses save time when resolving financial tasks. The innovative algorithm ensures the reliability of the relevant operations.

Advantages of cooperation with Sberbank on collection issues

The Sberbank collection client allows users to remotely create and cancel requests for collection procedures. As part of managing the service, it is possible to add new objects, monitor interaction with the bank's collection service, send messages, etc. Among the main advantages of the service are:

  • organizing effective cooperation with the largest financial structure Russian Federation;
  • instant transfer of funds to a special account;
  • access to loyal tariff programs (no commissions or hidden fees);
  • constant service, regardless of location legal registration companies;
  • remote execution of partnership agreements online.

After submitting an application, signing all types of contracts is possible within the system electronic document management. If necessary, each client can interact with Sberbank through the nearest branches.

Features of the Client-collection program

How to install

The remote collection program is available for download on personal computers and all modern mobile devices. To install the client, you must mandatory follow the standard algorithm of actions:

Activating the program: launching the client

Immediately after restarting your personal computer, you can begin working with the installed module. A shortcut to launch the Client will appear on the desktop. As part of the first interaction, a window will be displayed asking for permission to download the complete bank directory. The user is required to consent to the operation.

The next step is to add information about the serviced point. The work module will be fully launched when the user clicks on the button "OK". Refusal to specify standard information entails a limitation of the functionality of the program. To minimize the number of problems, it is recommended to fully follow the generally accepted procedure.

Getting started: main sections/subsections

To get started with the software, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the available components. The Client has several modes that can greatly simplify the work of collection. The main window contains the following list of sections:

If users have questions regarding the stable operation of the application, they can contact the competent employees of the collection department of Sberbank of Russia PJSC. For this purpose it is used single phone hotline: 8 800 555 55 50. It is allowed to organize feedback through a specific department financial organization, in which constant servicing of the service consumer takes place.

What to look for: Reference and object modes

Users of the program need to pay close attention to the existing Client modes. The option to enter operational information makes it possible to instantly transfer information to the bank for correct compilation transmittal notes. The generation of such documentation is a mandatory step in the preparation of cargo for the collection service.

Additional modes:

Mode Characteristics
Directory of currencies Includes a detailed set of data about the available currencies with which the client works.
Denominations Information about the denominations of banknotes that prevail in the financial turnover of the company.
Cash symbols Is a reference book with up-to-date information about cash type symbols. Each line can be changed or deleted if necessary.
The mode allows you to download the details of the servicing branch of Sberbank or the user himself. The program will not be able to work fully if the option is not activated. For download purposes bank details you need to put a marker opposite the position about adding new INC points.
Editing details The mode is used for initial data entry and subsequent correction. A file with details is provided to the user by bank employees, based on the terms of the concluded agreement. The following information can be reflected in an accessible form:

· an identification number client;

· name of the property;

· registration address;

· Checkpoint, INN, OKATO;

· name of the recipient by agreement;

· name of the bank acting as the depositor;

· BIC of the bank, reflected in the standard agreement.

Directory of points Includes a set of information about the addresses served by the service. The section allows you to enter new objects and delete them. In practice, the directory is most useful in cases of issuing transmission forms from one address to several work locations.

During operation, the user may encounter a number of restrictions. The system does not function without the latest updates to the Microsoft Visual C++ software module. If there is no such package on your home computer, then you need to immediately download it from the official Microsoft website.


Sberbank has an extensive network of correspondent branches, thanks to which most settlements are carried out via internal system and strictly in favor of the respondents. The Sberbank collection client performs operations that do not depend on the flights of the authorized service and on working hours. The program creates comfortable conditions for bank clients, since financial operations in rubles can be carried out on large sums. There is no additional charge for remote service under any circumstances.

Today, a cash collector is considered one of the most dangerous professions. This is due to the need to protect cash during their transportation. They usually transport large amounts, precious metals or securities. All this is of great interest to attackers.

Many people are interested in how one can get a job as a cash collector at Sberbank and what is needed for this. Here you need to look at the functions that the employee performs. You need to make a decision about applying for such a dangerous position consciously, weighing all the pros and cons.

What are the responsibilities?

The profession of a collector, like any other, involves the presence of responsibilities in accordance with job descriptions. So, everything happens as follows:

  1. The collector arrives at the cash desk of the Sberbank branch to receive valuables. This could be money, securities or precious metals, in bullion, for example.
  2. Funds are being accepted. In this case, the collector needs to make sure that the packaging is not damaged or tampered with, and that the prints are clear.
  3. It is also very important to compare the amounts on the packaging label and expense order. If they do not match, then acceptance cannot be carried out.
  4. After this, the cargo is transported by a collector or several collectors. At the same time, the employee must not forget about safety rules. Funds can be delivered to or from the bank, depending on the task at hand. Sometimes cash collectors also transport money from the cash register to ATMs and service terminals.
  5. It is the collector who is responsible for the safety and condition of the transported goods. When hired, he signs the appropriate papers, and also accepts valuables before each flight.

Why is working as a cash collector in demand today?

In a difficult economic situation in the country, citizens are trying to find reliable operation with stable income. When applying for a position as a cash collector at Sberbank, the applicant receives an official job, full social package(paid sick leave, vacations).

In addition, the employee is required to insure his life and health, because the work is associated with increased danger. Average level wages

collector in Sberbank is 23 thousand rubles. Which for most cities, especially small ones, is a decent amount.

Who can become a cash collector at Sberbank?

  • It would seem that the collector does not require any special theoretical knowledge. In fact, getting this job is not very easy. Here the applicant is presented with a rather serious list of requirements, namely:
  • people with less than a specialized secondary education are not hired as collectors;
  • a security guard's certificate increases the chance of getting a position, as well as working in the police;
  • 3–5 years of work experience is also welcome (this is due to the fact that the employee must know how to carry out cash collection and many other nuances);
  • knowledge in the field of medicine (ability to provide first aid);
  • ability to use firearms and other means of defense;

excellent physical fitness.

Any entrepreneur working with cash and other valuables is faced with the need to transport them. Moving independently is unsafe and can lead, for example, to theft. In order not to lose their own valuables, many entrepreneurs use the collection services of Sberbank, having previously concluded an appropriate service agreement.

Collection services provided

Collection at Sberbank involves the provision of the following services:

  • moving cash and various valuables to and from the cash register;
  • delivery of valuables from one place of work of the organization to another;
  • acceptance and crediting to the organization’s account (not necessarily registered with Sberbank) of funds delivered by Sberbank collectors or other carriers;
  • transportation of documentation along with collected cash;
  • delivery of funds for the purpose of their subsequent exchange for banknotes or coins of other denominations;
  • cash exchange (subsequent delivery may be carried out by another carrier);
  • moving valuable papers jar.

Advantages of collection at Sberbank

Many private entrepreneurs choose collection at Sberbank because of the following advantages:

  • A large number of branches throughout Russia allows you to carry out transactions with funds (receipt and delivery) near the place of work of the organization.
  • Coordination of working hours with the client, selection of a convenient time.
  • There are no restrictions on the amount of cash delivered.
  • Bearing full financial responsibility of Sberbank to clients.
  • Using your own settlement system. This ensures that funds are quickly credited to the client’s account.
  • The organization employs experienced, qualified and trained cash collectors who are official employees of Sberbank.
  • Use of specialized equipment with enhanced armor and protective properties.
  • Reliable control over the collection and movement of vehicles using an established communication system.
  • Cash collectors at Sberbank have military small arms.
  • Use of individual tariffs depending on calculated indicators.
  • The presence of a centralized agreement service allows you not to open additional current accounts for the organization’s divisions.
  • Possibility of making a pre-order for the provision of the required amount, broken down into banknotes of a certain denomination, used for issuing wages.

Procedure for concluding a collection agreement

To draw up an agreement with Sberbank for the provision of collection services, you must:

  • Fill out a questionnaire or card (the name of the document depends on the region) of the client.
  • Visit the bank branch where the account was opened and serviced. You can also contact any other division of the bank that works with legal entities. You can find the nearest branch on the official website of Sberbank by indicating your location.
  • An authorized employee of the collection service evaluates the service object in accordance with existing security requirements.
  • Sberbank provides offers with detailed description tariffs, draws up a draft of the future agreement.
  • If the conditions are suitable for the client, then an agreement is concluded between him and Sberbank for the provision of collection services.

Before starting work, ensure that the following conditions are met:

*If collection is carried out using special disposable plastic bags, then it is necessary:

  • pick up packages from a Sberbank branch if their provision is stipulated by the agreement;
  • purchase packages for collection that meet the requirements of Sberbank, and also provide the branch with 3 images of packages with a detailed description (information about the material, appearance, cost, size, distinctive features, etc.).

*If collection is carried out using special bags, then you need:

  • purchase the required number of seals and twines, as well as a seal;
  • provide the bank with 2 or 3 samples of the seal imprint (they must meet the requirements set by the bank).

Concluding a centralized agreement - does it make sense?

Organizations with several branches (especially those located in different cities) it is possible to conclude a centralized agreement. It has a number of features. Its advantages include:

  • all cash goes to the general account;
  • there is no need to open separate accounts and pay for their maintenance;
  • there is a single agreement;
  • the work is carried out by one Sberbank specialist who answers questions that arise in any of the branches;
  • signing of collection documents takes place in one place, and not in each branch separately;
  • a single tariff has been established;
  • the cost of services provided by Sberbank has been optimized.

Cost of collection at Sberbank

Many, when looking for a suitable tariff, ask the question, how much does Sberbank collection cost? There is no single figure for using this service. The cost depends on the size of the income and the route of delivery of funds, its length. The price is usually set at percentage from the amount of income. An increase in revenue volumes reduces this percentage. The cost varies around 0.5-2%.

Sberbank has developed a number of individual offers for cash collection for small businesses whose daily revenue does not exceed 200 thousand rubles.

Sberbank has own system work. A special safe is installed in a specific location. As a rule, these are shopping centers and other buildings where there are many collection points. In this automatic safe, Sberbank clients drop bags of money into a special device. Before this, fill out Required documents(the same as for regular collection). One of the main advantages of such collection is its cost. It is lower than normal. For small businesses, this method is the most profitable.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 335 Published 02/13/2019

The profession of a cash collector, although highly paid, is associated with a certain amount of risk. This is explained by the obligation to protect large items during transportation. sums of money. The protected property may be of interest to intruders. Before deciding to get a job in the collection field, you should weigh all the pros and cons of this profession.

Features of the collection service

The profession that is associated with ensuring the safety of valuables appeared quite a long time ago. This happened when the need arose to protect traveling merchants. In those days, the strongest people armed with weapons were hired to perform this task. The requirements for modern cash collection employees have remained virtually unchanged. Until now, the functions of protecting material assets are performed by people with good physical training who know how to handle weapons.

Cash collectors today are employees responsible for transporting material assets to banking structures and not only. The duties of such workers include participating in the checking and packaging of money. The main task of collection employees is to ensure security during the transportation of funds.

The nuances of the work of collection service workers depend on the employer. For example, there are security guards who perform exclusively a security function. There are also cashiers and collectors who are responsible only for the preparation of documentation and the acceptance and transfer of funds.

Where to get a position as a cash collector

To get the position of collector, no higher education required. Candidates with secondary education can also get such a job. The main thing is compliance with the requirements. Vacancies for the position of cash collector are often published on the Internet on job portals. Also, sometimes banks post advertisements for candidates on their resources.

The largest of the modern employers providing work as a cash collector is Rosinkas under the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. However, getting a job there is not at all easy, because there is a tough selection process. Vacancies are practically not published, since there is already a large queue of applicants.

Work as a cash collector at Sberbank

Many citizens are interested in how to get a job as a cash collector at Sberbank. This bank, like others financial and credit organizations, publishes advertisements for the search for employees on the Internet, on specialized websites with vacancies. In addition, you can find a job by going to the “Vacancies” section on the official Internet portal of Sberbank.

Main responsibilities

Working as a cash collector at Sberbank involves performing a number of duties in accordance with work instructions:

  1. The collector is obliged to arrive at the cash desk in a timely manner to accept valuables - cash, metals, etc.
  2. The responsibilities of the workers include checking the property for safety upon acceptance.
  3. The collection service employee must compare the values ​​of the amounts in the disbursement order and on the packaging. If the readings do not match, acceptance will not be made.
  4. Loading of valuables into vehicle. Next, they must be delivered to the bank or to another end point, for example, to service terminals.

During work, the collector is responsible for the preservation of the transported property. He signs the relevant documents at the employment stage.

There are a number of actions that are prohibited for collectors. Firstly, the use of weapons in crowded places is prohibited. This also includes the purchase of goods and the use of third-party services in work time. Smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs at work, and sleeping during working hours are prohibited. It is also worth refusing to perform the work of other people and transferring responsibilities to other members of the collection team. Driving and parking that are not included in the planned route is prohibited, as well as leaving the car at a location other than the work point, and allowing strangers into the car. The collection officer can use weapons only when attackers encroach on protected material values, life and health of the collection team.


The collection service employee bears administrative, material or criminal liability. This is stated in the contract when applying for a job. In case of theft or loss of valuables, compensation for damage falls on the shoulders of the collection team.

Salary level

The salary of a cash collector at Sberbank is what applicants for such a position are primarily interested in. Unfortunately, the profession can hardly be called highly paid. On average, employees receive around 30 thousand rubles. However, the earnings of workers with solid experience can reach up to 50 thousand rubles.

The question regarding how much a cash collector earns at Sberbank is usually discussed with the applicant for the position at the interview stage.

It is worth noting that the earnings of collection employees abroad are much higher than in the Russian Federation. So, for example, translated into rubles at the current exchange rate in Germany, such workers receive up to 280 thousand rubles, and in Australia - up to 395 thousand rubles.

Fringe benefits Benefits for employees are included in the social package. Among the main preferences available to all employees are life insurance, health insurance And pension payments . Can be provided and fringe benefits

. These are, for example, salary supplements, payments of an additional monthly pension, payment for food, etc.

Career Today, the position of collector is in high demand in Russian market

. Under certain conditions, such employees can make a professional career. Having proven himself well, the employee can receive the position of senior cash collector. In the future, it is possible to grow to manager. However, in most cases, collectors cannot count on special prospects for career growth.


The work schedule of collection service employees depends on the employer. So, for example, in various branches of Sberbank, collectors can work either on a standard “five-day” schedule or on a daily or sliding schedule.

How to get a job at Sberbank as a cash collector

Candidates must have certificates from a psychoneurological medical institution about mental health and not be registered with the police. Also, the collector must undergo specialized training and complete security guard courses.

At work, employees will be required to constantly carry heavy packages of money and other valuables, so they need to be prepared for significant physical exertion. Important qualities of a collector are emotional stability, calmness and restraint, as well as the ability to accept right decisions V difficult situations. During the entire period of work, collectors are observed by psychologists. Persons under 60 years of age can work in this position.


The peculiarity of the work of a collection employee is associated with the need for strict adherence to instructions. In the current realities, the risk of this profession is minimized due to the equipping of cash collectors with protective equipment and modern communications. The nuances of the work are related to the requirement for the employee to have good endurance.

Unfortunately, despite the risks, salaries in the collection industry are not as high as we would like. There are a number of other professions that pay better and involve less risk for employees.

1. What security requirements apply to collection objects?

The main requirements are:

  • the presence of free and illuminated access roads, entrances, corridors, an isolated and locked room from the inside for the reception/delivery of cash and valuables by the Bank's collectors;
  • absence of presence in the premises for receiving and issuing cash and valuables of persons not participating in the collection operation, with the exception of the managers of the Bank, a Bank branch, a client or persons appointed by them to check the work of collectors or a cashier (cashier);
  • the possibility of parking the Bank's special vehicle near the Client's facilities on the days and hours of collection operations.

2. Are disposable plastic bags issued for packaging and subsequent transfer of cash in them, or are they purchased independently?

Disposable plastic bags are provided by most Bank branches. They can also be purchased by clients independently from third parties, however, disposable plastic bags must comply with the Bank’s requirements.

3. When will the collected funds be credited to the account?

Funds are credited to the account no later than the next business day after receipt of cash within trading day, and in the case of cash acceptance at the end of operating hours at the Bank's evening cash desk - no later than the 2nd working day.

4. Why may the collection time differ from what is desired?

In rare cases, the requested time may coincide with the collection time of another item. In such cases, an alternative collection time is offered that is as close as possible to the requested one.

5. In what cases does the fee for the “Re-check-in” service arise?

If, during the arrival of collectors at the site, it turns out that the cash cannot be deposited for reasons independent of the bank, a re-arrival is scheduled, which is charged in accordance with the relevant clause of the contract.

6. Can collectors carry out collections in the presence of unauthorized employees or clients of the organization?

Collection operations are not carried out in the presence of unauthorized employees or clients of the organization.

7. Does the collection service carry out night arrivals?

By agreement with the Bank's servicing branch, collection can also be organized at night.

8. How can I reduce the tariff under the current contract?

Consideration of the issue of reducing the tariff for collection/reception services is possible with an increase in the volume of collected revenue, a reduction in the frequency of visits by collectors, a transition to collection through an automatic safe, or when using other types of banking services.

9. What is collection through an automatic safe and what are its advantages?

The “Automatic Safe” service is available to clients operating in the territory of shopping centers, large stores equipped with a device of the same name. The convenience of this service is as follows:

  • collection without a pre-approved schedule;
  • 24/7 availability;
  • speed of the procedure for depositing funds.

10. Is it possible to apply for collection and delivery of cash via the Internet?

Yes, it is possible, the detailed process for applying online in your region is described.

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