
The course of advanced training of professional accountants. Advanced training courses. Theme certificate: Individual accounting reporting and its analysis

At the end of the training of certified professional accountants, the IPB of Russia is issued certificate of advanced training of the CIP of Russia.

Perhaps the main disadvantage of such a profession, as an accountant, are contradictions and frequent changes in legislation. Specialist needs to be able to deal with legislation and communicate with government agencies. In this case, it is important to be professionally savvy and be able to defend your position.

In the Moscow Higher School of Economics you can pass professional accounting training courses, as well as other accounting professionals.

The procedure for passing training courses by professional accountants and auditors is established by the "Regulations on the Raising Professional Level" of professional accountants and auditors. We pay special attention to the most relevant changes in tax and accounting, as well as innovations in the Russian budget and financial legislation. Classes in MBSE are held in accordance with SPBR Special Course Programs.


All major organizations have long understood how much advanced training is efficient and necessary. This is a kind of additional professional education and training of employees who have the ultimate goal of improving the overall level of knowledge of theoretical issues, improving the skills (practical skills). If you pay enough time to your development, then your value as an employee rises. Having a document on the training you have passed, you will have more opportunities to promote service.

Why do you need advanced training courses?

This professional must comply with modern, constantly changing realities and master the large amounts of new information. Improving qualifications is an opportunity to gain additional knowledge and skills for finding solutions to the most complex and hard tasks. Qualifications can help you achieve real goals and results in a professional career.

Program for advanced training in MVSE: Benefits

  1. Professional lecturers.
  2. Flexible schedule.
  3. Integration of the theory in practice through successfully the workout exercises.
  4. At the end, the listeners receive a certificate confirming the passage of compulsory improvement in the qualifications of a professional accountant.

MBSE offers more than 15 different training programs for professional accountants. To make an appointment of our courses, you just need to call or fill out an online application on the site.

Courses of the Chief Accountant - training that allows you to get theoretical and practical professional knowledge to get theoretical and practical knowledge. Unlike traditional advanced training programs on accounting, students additionally get acquainted with the specifics of leadership and delegation in the framework of work at enterprises of secondary and large businesses.

  • assistants of accountants planning to improve their qualifications;
  • specialists of accounting and taxation claims to increase or plan to go to a larger company.

Training on the chief accountant in this course of advanced training includes

  • study of current regulatory documents;
  • familiarization with the latest innovations in the field of accounting and taxation;
  • solving practical tasks with detailed analysis under the guidance of qualified, experienced teachers.

You will learn

  • take and transfer cases upon entry into office;
  • develop accounting policies within accounting and tax accounting;
  • competently work with all types of reporting;
  • solve a wide range of tasks in the framework of taxation.

There are no courses for the position of chief accountant "from scratch" - this is a responsible qualification requiring an extensive volume of theoretical and practical knowledge.

If you firmly decided to build a career in this area, not possessing specialized education, first you will need to pass accounting courses for beginners and course 1C: Accounting 8.2 or master the comprehensive accounting courses from 1C: Accounting 8.2.

1. Professional Ethics of the Chief Accountant

1.1. Principles of professional ethics
1.2. The rights of the Chief Accountant
1.3. Responsibilities of the chief accountant
1.4. Responsibility of chief accountant
1.5. Organization of accounting in the organization
1.6. Job description
1.7. Chief Accountant in a new place: features of the transfer of cases

2. Accounting organization

2.1. Regulatory accounting base
2.2. Provisions (standards) accounting accounting
2.3. Formation of the organization's accounting policy for accounting purposes
2.4. Document Drive
2.5. Financial result of the organization.
2.6. Practical example to determine the procedure for forming a financial result
2.7. Composition of financial (accounting) reporting, deadlines
2.8. The procedure for the formation of financial (accounting) reporting
2.9. Explanatory note
2.10. Practical example for filling out financial (accounting) reporting
2.11. The procedure for the formation of accounting reporting in the program "1C"

3. Taxation

3.1. Overview of the part 1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
3.2. System of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation
3.3. Classification of taxes and fees
3.4. Rights and obligations of taxpayers
3.5. The responsibility of taxpayers. Sanctions.
3.6. Tax optimization
3.7. Overview of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
3.8. VAT
3.9. Practical example of filling in VAT Declaration
3.10. Formation and filling of the VAT Declaration in the program "1C"
3.11. Organization's income tax
3.12. Accounting policy of the organization for tax purposes
3.13. Tax registers
3.14. A practical example of filling the income tax declaration.
3.15. Formation of tax registers in the program "1C"
3.16. Formation and filling of the income tax declaration in the program "1C"
3.17. Property tax
3.18. Practical example of completing property tax declaration
3.19. Formation and filling on property tax declaration in the program "1C"
3.20. Transport tax
3.21. Practical example of completing the Transport Tax Declaration
3.22. The procedure for the formation and filling of the Declaration on Transport Tax in the program "1C"
3.23. NDFL
3.24. The procedure for the formation and filling of reports on personal income tax in the program "1C".
3.25. Land tax
3.26. Excise
3.27. Trade collection
3.28. Special tax regimes.
3.29. USN
3.30. Practical example of filling the declaration on USN
3.31. The procedure for the formation and filling of the Declaration on WIN in the program "1C". Formation of the book of accounting of income and expenses.
3.32. ENVD

10 reasons to learn accounting and program 1C in the "specialist" at MSTU NAM.N.E. Bauman:

Courses of accountants in the largest educational center of Russia. Courses 1C in the center of Certified learning 1C.

"Specialist" is a training center number 1 in Russia on the preparation of professionals in accounting and taxation. Every year over 1 500 Native specialists are held in the center of comprehensive training in the specialty "Accountant". More 3 000 Enhance their qualifications on courses for professionals.

Unique comprehensive training program

The success of the training center is the unique integrated training program, recognized as the best in Moscow. The author's program combines the deepening theoretical preparation and solving a large number of real practical tasks, including using the most modern software solutions from the company 1C.

The program is developed by teachers of the Training Center - this "Team of the stars", among which and the owner of the prestigious red diploma "Glavbuch Certificate", and certified instructor 1C. They provide graduates not only by invaluable knowledge and experience, but also by constant support for monthly consultations in the classroom and via the Internet.

You get

  • Training in brilliant practitioners practitioners, with great experience in the field of accounting, audit and taxation. Even if you have never been familiar with the accounting department, you can start work right at the end of the training!
  • Tutorials and methodical materials for practical training
  • Free consultations for graduates with center teachers
  • Convenient time of classes: weekdays, weekends, morning, day, evening. Guaranteed schedule for a year ahead.
  • Courses You can pass both in full-time format and remotely online
  • Prestigious submission documents:, Certificate of company 1C.
  • Graduates of the Center can be downloaded for free "Successful job search and employment".
  • Social tax deduction for your training and training your children.


We offer practical workshops on accounting and tax accounting where you will learn about the latest changes in legislation.


All this will allow you immediately after graduation to start real practical work. After all, the facts speak for themselves: more than 70% The listeners are recorded on training on the recommendations of friends, acquaintances or colleagues who have already received a prestigious certificate of the center and in fact were able to assess the relevance of the knowledge gained.

Join thousands of professionals who built a successful career due to learning in our center!

International Academy of Professional Accountants

invites you to take part in seminars on issuesaccounting and taxation

Direction of learning

Course volume

Cost of learning (rub.)




Cost, taking into account discounts


Opening of groups:
Weekend C 02.03 (Saturday)
Evening - C 05.03 (W.T.)

At the conclusion of the contract until 08.03
Group evening and day off - 22500!

Opening of groups:
Morning - March 13 (Pon. Sreda)
Day - March 13 (Pon. Sreda)

Evening - 9300.

Output - 9300.

When paying until 08.03

Opening of groups:
Morning - from March 13
Day - March 13
Evening - from March 13
Weekend from March 13

Opening of groups:
Morning - March 13 (Pon. Sreda)
Day - March 13 (Pon. Sreda)
Evening - March 13 (Mon.)
Weekend - March 03 (SubB.Voice)

Practical accounting for the main accountants

Opening a group
Evening - from February 28 (W.CT)
Weekend - from March 03 (Sunday)

Financial director

for MAPB members 12500 !!!

Accounting for foreign economic activity (VED)

Opening of groups:
Evening - from February 28 (W.T.)
Weekend - from March 03 (Sunday)

Accounting and statements of state (municipal) institutions

Accounting in trade

Accounting in construction

Taxes and Tax Accounting

Management Accounting (Express Course)

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) + Transformation of Russian Reporting.

Opening of groups:
Evening from March 13 (Monday, Wednesday.)
Weekend from March 17 (wax)

for MAPB members 12500 !!!

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Transformation of Russian reporting in IFRS format

International Academy of Professional Accountants Invites you to take part in seminars on accounting and taxation issues

Seminars offered to your attention are designed primarily at practitioners seeking to increase their professional level, get operational and clear explanations on all issues related to changes in legislation and regulations, to obtain competitive advantages in the labor market, perspectives in career growth and wages , as well as establish new business contacts with partners and colleagues, learn about our new retraining programs and advanced training

Plan of seminars for 2018


Name of the seminar


Time spending

from 18.00 to 21.30

11 April
New in the regulatory regulation of accounting. Actual problems of tax practices for 2019.

from 10.00 to 15.00

April 19. 4000

from 18.00 to 21.30


Tax Planning: Optimization of taxation in the light of recent changes in tax legislation.


from 18.00 to 21.30


Accounting Policy for 2019: Formation, subject to recent changes.

from 10.00 to 15.00


Upon completion of training, the seminar participants are issued a certificate of improving the qualifications of the International Academy of Professional Accountants. Classes are held in a group of up to 20 people from 10.00 to 15.00 with a break for a coffee break.
All seminar participants are provided by a practical manual.

Improving the qualifications of specialists working in accounting allows to carry out work on public and private enterprises in the financial accounting department.

Accounting courses are necessary for specialists in accounting and movement of funds in enterprises of any form of ownership, which have a secondary and higher education, or carry out work on the profile (but wish to increase their level of qualifications) or at the moment they receive economic knowledge in the last courses in the highest educational institutions.

These courses are designed for specialists with secondary and higher education, as well as students of high schools of universities.

Accounting training - key information

In order not to lose qualifications and be aware of the latest changes in tax legislation, it is desirable to attend retraining courses.

Form of study remote. When set of groups over 7 people may be listened to the course full-time.

An accountant who led the course of lectures and successfully passed the exam on the distance form of training, will be able to prove its competence and professional suitability in practice. Distance learning allows you to master additional directions of accounting, and, thus, master the new specialization for successful advancement on the career ladder.

All courses are designed according to the standards prescribed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and the issued certificate of the established sample is proof of obtaining quality education.

An increase in the qualifications of an accountant in the Unified Business Support Center "

In the Unified Business Support Center, accountants are retracted by 37 directions. The duration of each course is on average 72 school hoursThe maximum number is indicated in the table of this section.

Advanced training occurs on the basis remote learning model. This does not require a visit to a stationary higher education institution, only the presence of an electronic device input information with access to the Internet is sufficient.

Upon completion of the course of lectures, students will be issued certificate of improving the qualifications of the established sample With the right to conduct work in the financial sector.

The deadline for the certificate is five years, but since new legislative acts in the field of taxation are regularly accepted, training courses are preferably every five years.

Certificate Sample:

LLC "ETSPB" organizes the passage of training courses of accountants on the specified programs:

Accountant Qualification Programs
No. p / p Name of the program Clock Program code
1 140 Buch-CH-01
2 72 Buch-CH-02
3 72 Buch-CH-03
4 72 Buch-CH-04
5 From 72. Buch-CH-05
6 From 72. Buch-CH-06
7 From 72. Buch-CH-07
8 140 Buch-CH-08
9 122 Buch-CH-09
10 From 72. Buch-CH-10
11 144 Buch-CH-11
12 From 72. Buch-CH-12
13 From 72. Buch-CH-13
14 From 72. Buch-CH-14
15 72 Buch-OS-01
16 72 Bu-os-02
17 72 Bu-OS-03
18 72 Bu-OS-04
19 72 Bu-os-05
20 72 Bu-os-06
21 72 Bu-os-07
22 72 Bu-os-08
23 72 Buch-OS-09
24 72 Buch-Os-10
25 72 Buch-Os-11
26 72 Buch-os-12
27 72 Buk-OS-13

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