
On which account is the authorized capital recorded. How to reflect in the accounting an increase in the authorized capital of an LLC due to additional contributions

If the founder makes a contribution to the authorized capital of the organization, it is worth reflecting this operation accounting entries. Let's find out how accounting is carried out in this case referring to the regulations in force in 2019.

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After the LLC registration process has been completed, the founders will receive documentation that will confirm such a fact. But what's next?

In addition to the fact that the production process begins, taxes are charged, reports are prepared, which are submitted to the authorized bodies.

But first, you should properly organize the accounting at the company. No mistakes can be made. The first business transaction will be reflected authorized capital.

The founders of the enterprise must decide what size it should be, since such information is recorded in the founding documents. The determined amount should be reflected in accounting by means of postings.

What you need to know

A company cannot function if it does not have an authorized capital. But what is it? Let's turn to the legislation for the answer Russian Federation.

General points

The authorized capital is the amount of funds that are contributed by the founders during the development of the company. These funds will be used in the future.

The authorized capital is the company's liability, it forms assets. Founders can make a contribution in the form of:

  • cash amount;
  • cashlessness;
  • materials;
  • fixed assets;
  • goods.

The account where the share capital is taken into account is always passive and has a constant credit balance.

When the need arises

The authorized capital is necessary for the formation of start-up capital, which will be used in the activities of the company. It is the basis for business in the future.

Note that each founder bears the company's debts within the limits of the share in the authorized capital. For the lender, this is the minimum amount of property that can be returned.

The authorized capital shows the size of the shares of the founders. Given this indicator, the participants of the LLC, JSC receive and manage the company.

Legal regulation

Basic normative document, which should be guided by - Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14.

It says about the possibility of increasing the authorized capital at the expense of an additional founder's contribution. And such a decision must be certified by a notary.

The accounting rules for deposits are stated in the Accounting Regulations:

Consider also the data given in the Chart of accounts of accounting for the financial and economic activities of the company ().

Taxation of deposits is carried out in accordance with.

Share capital contribution transactions

A commercial enterprise is created by compulsory formation of the authorized capital. The amount of capital, payment term, type of contribution and other nuances are negotiated by the members of the company and fix the decisions made in.

When the process for making contributions is complete, the organization will make notes reflecting the date on which registration was made.

It is worth showing that the full amount of the authorized capital has been accrued. Note that the analytics on account 80 is organized according to the owners of the company, the stages of formation and the type of shares.

So, the authorized capital is recorded on account 80, which will be passive. If the liability increases, then the reflection will be on the loan, if it decreases - on the debit.

The formation of the authorized capital is a business transaction. And that's why the principle works double entries... In the chart of accounts, 2 accounts are selected that participate in the operation, and they make an entry for DT and CT.

When accounting for settlements with the founders, you should choose account 75. It takes into account contributions, the transfer of the amount of dividends, etc. According to DT and take into account the size of the authorized capital.

To check whether the amount is correctly entered into the DT account, it is worth conducting an analysis. DT 75 will reflect the founder's debt to the company (indicator of the receivable, which is an asset).

If the indicator increases according to the DT of the account, then the amount is entered correctly. The amount of capital is entered into CT 80. You just need to choose which account to enter the information into.

The transaction may look like this - Dt 75 Kt 80. Passive accounts have a credit balance, which can be changed when the edits are approved by orders. But usually the credit balance remains the same.

Through the cashier

The founders have the right to contribute funds to the authorized capital through the cashier. The firm disposes of these funds without contributing them to.

But remember that the size net assets at the end of all periods (from the second), must be higher than the minimum amount, which is reflected in.

In 2014, a law was adopted, according to which the founders can contribute up to 10 thousand rubles in cash to the authorized capital ().

The amount that has exceeded this limit can be paid in cash or property equivalent. Participants have the right to decide whether through the cashier or to deposit money.

In the first case, the established limit must be observed. It is also necessary to prepare cash documents.

In case of violation of the requirements for maintenance cash transactions(according to the instructions of the Central Bank of Russia) the company can be fined. The amount of the fine is 40-50 thousand rubles.

If a member of the organization makes a contribution to the authorized capital in cash, accounting entries use such:

DT 50 KT 75.1

The company itself has the right to set limits on funds that may be at the cash desk. Everything excess amounts transferred to current accounts.

An exceptional situation is the day when it is issued, as well as a non-working day and a public holiday.

To the current account

The authorized capital must be paid within 4 months after the registration of the company. Until 2014, they adhered to a different procedure for depositing funds to the current account:

  1. We opened savings accounts before registering an LLC.
  2. Contributed to the account 50% or more of the authorized capital.
  3. The remainder was paid extra within a year after the organization was registered.

Depositing money to a bank account must be made out for each participant separately (according to the share available).

If the participant in the creation of the company does not pay the share in time, then it will be transferred to other founders. There is no need to notify the tax authority or other authority that the funds have been deposited into the account.

All information will be reflected in accounting documents and reports. Proof of the fact that the amount has been deposited into the account will be a posting in the accounting of such a plan:

The main means

The company can expand its authorized capital at the expense of property funds. Basis - accounting statements for previous periods.

When making fixed assets, it is worth following the same law as in other cases ().

Provided that the payment is not made in money, and the price of the increase in the authorized capital is more than 200 minimum wages, the property is assessed by independent experts.

When the appraisal is received, the price is set at which the property will be accepted as an additional contribution.

When transferring fixed assets or intangible assets in accounting, account 08 is used. Entries when contributing to the authorized capital of property will be as follows:

The last posting is done based on the certificate of registration of changes in the founding documents.

Note that when you deposit a monetary amount or a fixed asset, there will be no object that is taxed and.

Another organization

A legal entity can be created by both citizens and other organizations, including those of another state.

When participating in the opening of a limited liability company, the founders must contribute funds to the authorized capital.

When transactions are made, the share capital reflects both the founder and the established company that will receive the contribution.

If a company is registered by a legal entity that was registered in Russia, then in accounting it must show the agreed capital contribution.

And then the posting will look like this - DT 58 Kt 76. Credit balances on the subaccount of account 76 will reflect the amount of the unpaid amount of the authorized capital. The founders have the right to make a contribution not only in monetary terms.

At the time when the contribution is made, both the founder and the organization being founded repay the corresponding part of the debts that are available. Let's analyze the nuances of how to take into account the operation.

The owner of the company first forms residual value objects to write them off the balance sheet. If a depreciation premium has been applied to an asset, it cannot be reversed upon transfer.

When a fixed asset is transferred to a company, it will not have any costs or profits in tax accounting, which cannot be said about accounting.

Video: share capital

The amount that was accepted for deduction upon receipt of the object should be restored ().

In accounting, the founders will include the value of the restored VAT in the cost of financial investments.

Given such nuances, the company must make the following entries when transferring fixed assets to the authorized capital of another company:

If materials

If the contribution is made by materials, then the corresponding account will be account 10.
The cost of materials is written off according to DT 76 and KT 10, 41.

VAT is accounted for according to the same rules as for fixed assets. Here are the actual postings in this case:

The transaction itself is drawn up, where the amount of the restored VAT is also allocated.

The legislation stipulates that the authorized capital can be increased (upon adoption of an appropriate decision by the founders).

Be sure to comply with the following conditions:

Sources of increase:

Accounting rules for accruals and payments additional contribution the same as when registering an enterprise. All the nuances are written in the solution.

Postings on accruals of liabilities are made at the time when the decision is made to increase the authorized capital, and at the time when the changes are registered in the charter.

The authorized capital is the assets of the organization, which the founders of the LLC contribute after state registration... Since September 2014, the minimum amount of the authorized capital in the amount of 10,000 rubles must be paid in cash (Article 66.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In addition to this amount, the contribution of the authorized capital is possible both in cash and in property form. Founders can fulfill their obligations to deposit the Criminal Code in cash in the cash office of the organization or deposit the authorized capital to the current account.

The introduction of the authorized capital in cash to the cash desk of an LLC requires registration cash documents and compliance with the cash limit. If the design is carried out in violation of the Instructions of the Central Bank, then the organization can be fined in the amount of 40 to 50 thousand rubles.

How to deposit the authorized capital to the current account

Since 2014, the payment of the authorized capital is made no later than four months after the registration of the LLC. Prior to that, a different procedure for the contribution of the authorized capital to the current account was in force:

  1. Before registering a company, open an accumulative current account;
  2. Deposit to this current account at least 50% of the authorized capital;
  3. Pay the rest of the Criminal Code within a year after the registration of the organization.

Now the registration of an LLC is possible without first opening a current account, however, we do not recommend the founders to delay contacting the bank. The fact is that the organization can pay taxes and other payments to the budget only by bank transfer, therefore, sooner or later, you will have to open a bank account. Before we recommend our users to get free consultation banking specialists, which will make it possible to do this on the most favorable terms.

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The organization can dispose of the funds (cash or non-cash) contributed by the founders to the authorized capital at its discretion: purchase goods or equipment, pay office rent or industrial premises, pay salaries, etc. In the course of the company's activities, the authorized capital of an LLC can be increased or decreased, but it cannot become less minimum size established by law, i.e. 10,000 rubles.

Introduction Money to the current account of the company as payment for the authorized capital is drawn up for each founder separately, within the limits of his share in the LLC. If the founder fails to pay his share in a timely manner or does not pay it in full, then it goes to the company and is distributed among the other participants. For violation by the founders of the deadlines for the introduction of the Criminal Code, the agreement on the establishment may provide for liability (fine or penalty).

Concerning administrative fines in relation to the LLC itself for violation of the 4-month deadline for the contribution of the authorized capital, they are not provided for by law, however, in such cases the company may be forcibly liquidated.

How to put money into a bank account

If you decide to put the authorized capital into the settlement account in cash (and we recommend this method as the most convenient), then, of course, the LLC settlement account must already be opened. All the founder has to do is contact the bank, where the current account of his company is opened, and inform that he wants to contribute his share of the authorized capital.

Pay attention to the fact that in bank documents, as the basis for payment to the current account, it is indicated "Contribution of the participant to the authorized capital", "Payment by the founder of the share in the authorized capital" or a similar phrase. This document is kept by the founders, because it is proof of payment of the share in the LLC.

Inform about the contribution of the authorized capital to tax office or other government bodies no need. All the necessary information about this will be reflected in accounting documents and annual accounting statements, which organizations are required to pass at the end of the year no later than March 31.

Postings when depositing the authorized capital to the current account

Proof of making the founders of the management company will also be accounting entries intended for the contribution of the authorized capital to the current account. An LLC, like any organization, is obliged to keep accounting records, so we recommend that you immediately resolve the issue with.

The transactions for depositing the authorized capital to the current account are as follows:

  1. The formation of the authorized capital is reflected on account 80 "Authorized capital", and the receipt of contributions from the founders - on account 75 "Settlements with the founders", subaccount 75.1 "Settlements for contributions to the authorized capital". Posting - Dt 75.1 - Kt 80.
  2. Contribution of the authorized capital to the current account: posting - Dt 51 - Kt 75.1.

If you have not yet decided who will keep the accounting of your LLC, we suggest that you try the option of outsourcing accounting from 1C without any material risks.

A contribution to the authorized capital (postings will be provided later) is required for legal entities engaged in commercial activities, regardless of their organizational and legal form. The authorized capital (CC) is a certain amount of money that the founder of an LLC or a company with any other form of ownership invests during its development. This contribution can be expressed in various forms:

  • cash - the entry "contribution to the authorized capital through the cash desk" will be specified in the article;
  • non-cash amounts;
  • various kinds of materials;
  • fixed assets (OS);
  • goods, products.

The Criminal Code is the liability of any organization, on the basis of which its assets are formed.

The account on which the accounting for transactions with the authorized capital is kept is 80. This account is always passive with a constant credit balance. After the founders have invested their funds, the accountant needs to create an appropriate record. Contribution to the authorized capital, transactions: Dt 75 Kt 80. This analytical record should reflect the total amount of investments of the founders. Account 80 corresponds to account. 75 "Settlements with founders". The balance of Dt 75 on the sub-account of such investments reflects the amount of the unpaid statutory contribution. For 80 accounts, you can open sub-accounts for more accurate analytical accounting:

  • participants, owners of the organization;
  • types of shares (in the case of joint stock companies);
  • stages of formation.

Legal regulation

Rationing legal relationship for deposits in the management company is made on the basis of Civil Code RF (Art. 51) and Federal Law No. 14-FZ of 08.02.1998.

14-FZ allows an increase in the authorized capital by making additional contributions founders. The decision on additional deposit of funds must be notarized.

In addition to Federal Law No. 402 "On Accounting" dated 06.12.2011, accounting transactions on making contributions to the development of organizations are regulated by the following regulatory legal acts:


The rules for taxation of contributions are specified in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 07-05-06 / 302 dated 19.12.2006.

Contributions to the Criminal Code do not form tax base neither for income tax (subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 of article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), nor for value added tax (subparagraph 4 of paragraph 3 of article 39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition to money, founders can contribute their share of the Criminal Code through property. In such cases, it is necessary to assess the property involved. If the value of the property share is more than 20,000.00 rubles, then for the assessment it is necessary to involve an independent expert and obtain a special opinion from him.

If the value of the property contribution is less than or equal to 20,000 rubles, then monetary value such OS is defined on general meeting founders and is confirmed by a unanimous decision of all participants.

The introduction of property investments does not create profit or loss either for the shareholder or for the issuer of shares or shares (subparagraphs 1 and subparagraphs 2 of paragraph 1 of article 277 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The taxpayer receives property rights as payment for the shares provided to him, and the shareholder, in turn, transfers his property to receive certain shares of the issuer.

Thus, the calculated difference between the value of the contributed property and the nominal share in the structure of the authorized capital does not affect the taxable base for income tax.

A similar situation arises with the taxation of property investments, VAT - the provision of property as a share of the Criminal Code is not considered a sale, and therefore is not subject to value added tax (clause 4, clause 3 of article 39, clause 1 of clause 2 of article 146 Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, according to paragraph 11 of Art. 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the issuing taxpayer has the right to deduct VAT restored by the founder or shareholder.

When an accountant determines the property tax base for fixed assets accepted as an investment in the Criminal Code, he should take into account the cost of such fixed assets according to accounting data (Letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-05-05-01 / 80 dated 03.10.2011). The property invested in the MC is accounted for at the cost of reflection in balance sheet according to PBU.

Accounting for transactions with statutory contributions

The formation of the authorized capital is always associated with the right to establish a company. The amount, term of payments, types of contributed funds and other provisions are prescribed in the founding agreement. V this agreement all organizational issues related to the procedure for the formation of statutory contributions are discussed.

Let's consider how to reflect in accounting the contribution to the authorized capital - transactions for various organizations.

Since the count. 80 is always passive, then the increase in the liability will be carried out on the loan, and the decrease - on the debit.

The introduction of the Criminal Code is recorded in the accounting as follows: Dt 75 Kt 80.

If the founder contributes in cash, he must remember that the limit for this operation is 10,000 rubles (Article 66.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Contribution of the authorized capital to the cashier, postings: Дт 50 Кт 75.1.

According to the current legislation, payment of the Criminal Code must be made within four months after the registration of the institution. If deposits are made through a current account, then each participant must arrange such a deposit of money separately in accordance with his share:

In the event that the founder decided to participate in the management company through fixed assets, the accounting entry for the receiving party (posting) will look like this:

If another organization is a participant in investments for purposes under the charter, then the following records (postings) will be made with such a founder:

Increase the authorized capital

The amount of the Criminal Code may be increased by the decision of the participants if certain conditions are met:

  1. Registration of an additional issue, conversion of shares in the Federal tax office or SBRFR (for joint stock companies and PJSCs).
  2. Payment in full, not only of the initial deposits, but also in terms of the increase.

The main sources of an increase in the authorized capital are considered to be the retained earnings of the organization, including additional capital or financial resources founders. If a new participant is accepted in addition to the others, then only his funds are taken into account. Also, a specific founder or several owners at the same time can increase his share. If all participants are involved in the increase in the authorized capital, then such an increase is made through a proportional increase in all shares, shares.

Accounting records reflecting an increase in the authorized capital (posting) are similar to operations for the formation of a charter capital and are made on the immediate date of money transfer or transfer property objects... All decisions regarding transactions on such deposits are also reflected in the founding agreement.

Despite the fact that operations on accounting for authorized capital are rare, they are extremely important, as they reflect the relationship of the enterprise with its owners. Within the framework of this article, accounting entries related to the initial formation of the authorized capital from the contributions of its founders will be considered.

The property of the enterprise can be formed at the expense of its own and borrowed funds. Own funds(capital), in turn, consists of the authorized capital, additional capital, reserve capital and retained earnings... The authorized capital is central position among all the above reserves, since it is a fund formed when an enterprise is created. The first accounting entry at the enterprise is connected with the formation of the authorized capital - however, the authorized capital also applies to the last operations during the liquidation of the enterprise.

Accounting for authorized capital in the Chart of Accounts

Information on the state and movement of the authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital) of enterprises is reflected in the passive account 80 "Authorized capital". The balance of this account must correspond to the size of the authorized capital fixed in the constituent documents of the enterprise.

Entries on account 80 "Authorized capital" are made during the formation of the authorized capital, as well as in cases of capital increase and decrease only after making appropriate changes to the constituent documents of the enterprise.

No other operations of the enterprise have an impact on the size of the authorized capital, the authorized capital is changed only in the cases and in the manner provided for by legislation or constituent documents.

Analytical accounting for account 80 "Authorized capital" should provide information on the founders of the enterprise, the stages of capital formation (formation at foundation and all subsequent changes) and types of shares (common and preferred shares).

Formation of the authorized capital

After state registration the enterprise's authorized capital in the amount of its founders' contributions is reflected in the credit of account 80 "Authorized capital" in correspondence with the debit of account 75 "Settlements with founders", subaccount 75-1 "Settlements on contributions to the authorized (pooled) capital".

Example 1

The amount of the authorized capital of CJSC "Veter" in accordance with the charter of 15.10.2013 is 20 million rubles. According to the agreement on the establishment of CJSC "Veter" dated 15.10.2013, the shares are distributed among three founders:

OOO Tandem - RUB 10 million;

OJSC Beseda - 5 million rubles;

CJSC Avalanche - 5 million rubles.

Date of state registration of CJSC "Veter" - 18.10.2013.

For the payment of the authorized capital, the legislator has provided for a certain period. So, according to JSC Law (clause 1 of Art. 34) at least 50% of the shares of the company, distributed at its foundation, must be paid within three months from the date of state registration of the company. Since according to clause 3 of Art. 2JSC Law before the payment of 50% of the shares of the company distributed among its founders, the company is not entitled to conclude transactions that are not related to the establishment of the company, insofar as (if we go back to the chronology of accounting records) the following entries will be related to the payment of the authorized capital.

Applied to limited liability companies LLC Law stricter time frames have been established: the authorized capital must be paid by the founders at least half at the time of state registration of the company ( clause 2 of Art. 16Of the lawabout LLC).

The maximum term for payment of the remaining part of the authorized capital in accordance with JSC Law and LLC Law the same - one year from the date of state registration of the enterprise ( clause 1 of Art. 34 of the Law on JSC and clause 1 of Art. 16 of the Lawabout LLC).

Payment of authorized capital

The actual receipt of the founders' contributions is made out accounting records on the debit of accounts for the accounting of values ​​and the credit of account 75 "Settlements with founders". In accordance with clause 2 of Art. 34 of the Law on JSC payment for shares distributed among the founders of the company at its foundation, additional shares placed by subscription can be carried out in money, securities, other things or property rights or other rights that have a monetary value.

A similar rule is contained in clause 1 of Art. 15Of the lawabout LLC... If the founder contributes Russian rubles, then there are no peculiarities in accounting, the receipt of contributions in the form of other material values and rights deserves special attention.

Law on JSC (clause 3 of Art. 34) and The lawabout LLC (clause 2 of Art. 15) special requirements have been established so that the capitalization of property transferred in kind into the ownership of the enterprise on account of contributions to the authorized capital is carried out at market prices. In this case, the monetary value of the contributed property is made by agreement between the founders .

The rules for capitalizing property in the authorized capital of LLC and JSC are presented in the form of a table.

Balance accountBase
The debit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets".

Then the received fixed assets and intangible assets are written off from the credit of account 08 to the debit of account 01 "Fixed assets" and (or) 04 "Intangible assets" in the generally established procedure

Initial cost fixed assets contributed to the account of a contribution to the authorized (pooled) capital of the organization, their monetary value, agreed upon by the founders (participants) of the organization, is recognized, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The actual (initial) value of an intangible asset contributed to the account of a contribution to the authorized (pooled) capital, is its monetary value, agreed upon by the founders (participants) of the organization, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Clause 9 PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets" 6

Clause 11 of PBU 14/2007 "Accounting for intangible assets" 7

Invoices for inventory and goodsThe actual cost of inventories contributed to the contribution to the authorized (pooled) capital of the organization is determined on the basis of their monetary value, agreed by the founders (participants) of the organization, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian FederationClause 8 PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories" 8
Account 58 " Financial investments» The initial value of financial investments made as a contribution to the authorized (pooled) capital of an organization is recognized as their monetary value agreed upon by the founders (participants) of the organization, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian FederationClause 12 of PBU 19/02 "Accounting for financial investments" 9

The only exception to the rule is the contribution to the authorized capital of an asset denominated in foreign currency (see the table below).

Balance accountContent of the accounting legislation normBase
Account 52 "Currency accounts"The conversion of the value of an asset or liability, expressed in a foreign currency, into rubles is carried out at the official exchange rate of this foreign currency against the ruble established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

If a different rate is established by law or by agreement of the parties to recalculate the value of an asset or liability, expressed in foreign currency, payable in rubles, the recalculation is made at that rate.

For accounting purposes, the specified translation into rubles is made at the exchange rate in effect on the date of the transaction in foreign currency

Clauses 5 - 6 of PBU 3/2006 "Accounting for assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency" 10
Example 2

Let's add the data to example 1. The shares are distributed among three founders: OOO Tandem - 10 million rubles, OJSC Beseda - 5 million rubles, ZAO Lavina - 5 million rubles. Payment for shares on the basis of the agreement on the establishment of CJSC "Wind" is made in the following order. LLC "Tandem" brings equipment in the agreed estimate of 4 million rubles., The right to use real estate for a period of five years in the agreed estimate of 3 million rubles. and cash - 3 million rubles. The other two founders must pay for the shares in cash.

The actual payment of the authorized capital took place:

October 22, 2013 - the contribution of Beseda OJSC in the amount of 5 million rubles was paid in full;

October 24, 2013 - property and rights were transferred as a contribution to Tandem LLC (equipment in the amount of 4 million rubles and the right to use property in the amount of 3 million rubles);

11/12/2013 - the deposit of CJSC "Avalanche" in the amount of 5 million rubles was paid in full;

11/13/2013 - paid the contribution of LLC "Tandem" in the amount of 3 million rubles.

The formation of the authorized capital of CJSC "Wind" is accompanied by the following entries:

Contents of operationDebitCreditAmount, rub.
The contribution was made by the monetary funds of OJSC "Beseda" 51 75-1 5 000 000
Contributed by Tandem LLC equipment 08 75-1 4 000 000
Contribution made by the right to use the property of LLC "Tandem" 97 75-1 3 000 000
A contribution was made in monetary funds of CJSC "Avalanche" 51 75-1 5 000 000
The contribution was made by the monetary funds of LLC "Tandem" 51 75-1 3 000 000

Specifics of Payment of the Authorized Capital in Foreign Currency

The procedure for depositing foreign currency into the authorized capital is more specific. Russian enterprises are not allowed to contribute foreign currency own contribution to the authorized capital, as it is prohibited Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 10.12.2003 No.173-FZ "O currency regulation and currency control» ... As for foreign investors, then they agree Art. 6 of the Federal Law of 09.07.1999 No.160-FZ "On foreign investments in the Russian Federation" can contribute foreign exchange. In this case, the assessment of capital investment is carried out in the currency of the Russian Federation. The resulting exchange rate difference is to be credited to the additional capital of the enterprise ( p. 14 PBU 3/2006).

So, when making contributions to the authorized capital in foreign currency, the following accounting entries are made:

- Debit 75 "Settlements with founders" Credit 80 "Authorized capital" - formation of the debt of a foreign founder at an agreed rate;

- Debit 52 "Currency accounts" Credit 75 "Settlements with founders" - receipt from the foreign founder of foreign currency at the exchange rate on the date of crediting to the foreign currency account;

- Debit 75 "Settlements with founders" Credit 83 " Extra capital» - reflection of a positive exchange rate difference (if the foreign currency rate has increased) or Debit 83 "Additional capital" Credit 75 "Settlements with founders" - reflection of a negative exchange rate difference (if the exchange rate has fallen).

Since the newly created enterprise does not have a balance on account 83 "Additional capital", there may be a negative balance on the passive account.

The amount of the authorized capital of CJSC "Mart" according to the charter -

RUB 25 million The shares are distributed between two shareholders: LLC Raduga - 20 million rubles, Soleil Ltd - 5 million rubles. According to the agreement on the formation of CJSC “Mart” dated 06.11.2013 LLC “Raduga” pays for its share in rubles, and Soleil Ltd - in US dollars (in the amount of 154,555.21 dollars).

The date of state registration of CJSC Mart is 11.11.2013. LLC "Raduga" paid for the capital on 14.11.2013, Soleil Ltd - 27.11.2013.

The US dollar exchange rate as of November 6, 2013 is 32.3509 rubles / dollar, as of November 27, 2013 - 32.9879 rubles / dollar.

The following entries will be made in the accounting of the organization:

Contents of operationDebitCreditAmount, rub.
The management company was formed at the expense of the share of LLC "Raduga" 75-1 80 20 000 000
The management company was formed due to the share of Soleil Ltd 75-1 80 5 000 000
A contribution was made to the management company of CJSC "Mart" by the monetary funds of LLC "Raduga" 75-1 80 5 000 000
Contribution to CJSC Mart CJSC by foreign currency Soleil Ltd

(USD 154,555.21 × RUB 32.9879 / USD)

52 75-1 5 098 451,81
Reflected positive exchange rate difference 75-1 83 98 451,81

Placement of shares at a price above par

Formation of the authorized capital joint stock company may be accompanied by the formation of the premium amount per share. This amount arises when, during the initial issue, shares are sold at a price higher than par. In accordance with Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts the amount of the difference between the selling and par value of shares received in the process of forming the authorized capital of a joint-stock company (upon foundation of the company, with a subsequent increase in the authorized capital) is credited to account 83 "Additional capital" in correspondence with account 75 "Settlements with founders". Since the payment for the shares of the company during its establishment is made by its founders at a price not lower than the par value of these shares ( clause 1 of Art. 36JSC Law), on account 83 "Additional capital" only a positive balance can be formed, but never a negative one.

If, according to the current legislation, an LLC has an excess of the value of the participant's contribution to the authorized capital of the company over the par value of the share paid by the participant, then the amount of such excess may be taken to accounting of the company in the same manner as the amount of the difference between the selling and par value of shares received in the process of forming the authorized capital of a joint-stock company ( Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated September 15, 2009 No. 03‑03‑06/1/582 ).

Example 4

The amount of the authorized capital of OJSC Volga in accordance with the charter is 25 million rubles. The par value of the share is 1,000 rubles, 25,000 shares are issued. Shares are placed by closed subscription at a price of 1,050 rubles. Motor LLC buys 6,250 shares, Oka CJSC - 18,750 shares.

Contents of operationDebitCreditAmount, rub.
The management company was formed due to the contribution of Motor LLC

(6 250 × 1,000 rubles)

75-1 80 6 250 000
The management company was formed at the expense of the contribution of JSC "Oka"

(18,750 × 1,000 rubles.)

75-1 80 18 750 000
Made payment to LLC "Motor"

(6 250 × 1,050 rubles)

51 75-1 6 562 500
Made payment to JSC "Oka"

(18 750 × 1,050 rubles)

51 75-1 19 687 500
The difference between the sale and par value of shares acquired by Motor LLC is included. 75-1 83 312 500
The difference between the sale and par value of shares acquired by Oka CJSC is included. 75-1 83 937 500

Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts

It should be noted that according to the current civil legislation (clause 3 of article 89 and clause 3 of article 98 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the agreement on the establishment of a company and the agreement on the creation of a joint-stock company are not (unlike the charter) constituent documents, but it is in them it is indicated how the shares (or shares) are distributed between the founders.

Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies".

Federal Law of 08.02.1998 No. 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies".

In order for LLCs to be able to provide funds for the payment of the authorized capital before their state registration, commercial banks open so-called savings accounts for them. After the state registration of the company, its accumulation account becomes a settlement account. It is envisaged that the concept of "savings account of the created legal entity" (project federal law No. 47538-6 "On Amendments to Parts One, Two, Three and Four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as to individual legislative acts Russian Federation"). From now on, all openable commercial banks de facto savings accounts will receive their own legal status.

  1. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2001 No. 26n.
  2. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 27, 2007 No. 153n.
  3. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 09.06.2001 No. 44n.
  4. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 10, 2002 No. 126n.
  5. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 27, 2006 No. 154n.

The activity of any organization begins with the formation of the authorized capital. This requires the display of the amount in the constituent documentation and accounting. What transactions are used to display transactions on the share capital?

The start-up of the enterprise is provided with start-up capital. In the process of registration, the organization is registered in the constituent documents full cost authorized capital.

Accounting begins with the display of the same amount. Moreover, the accounting should reflect the sources of funds. What are the postings on the share capital?

What you need to know

The organization's own funds begin to form even before the moment of direct establishment. This is how the authorized capital is formed, from which the activity of the subject begins.

The share capital is the assets of the organization. These can be expressed in monetary or property form.

The minimum initial capital for an LLC is ten thousand rubles, but the amount may be greater. The entire amount of start-up capital is divided into shares, according to the number of founders.

The shares are not necessarily equal. Each participant is obliged to contribute his part in money or property. In some cases, it may be necessary to increase the amount of the initial capital.

In particular if:

  • enters into society new members contributes;
  • the minimum amount of capital is changed;
  • the founder wishes to increase the size of his own share in the authorized capital;
  • capital increase is carried out at the request of potential investors or creditors.

The authorized capital can be increased due to the net accumulated assets or additional contributions from the participants. In any case, the change in starting capital must be reflected in the accounting of the organization.

Basic concepts

Share capital is the total value of fixed assets and working capital, which the founders contributed when the company was created, and the amount of which is shown in the constituent documentation.

The amount of the authorized capital reflects the amount of investment. Therefore, the profit from the activities of the enterprise does not affect the amount of the authorized capital.

Any change in the authorized capital must be reflected in the accounting records. The basis for reflection is the changes made to the constituent documents.

The concept of "authorized capital" is also defined as:

The formation of the authorized capital is the process of depositing funds by the founders to create start-up capital. Each participant contributes an amount equivalent to his share of participation in the activities of the enterprise.

What is its role

The size of the authorized capital shows the amount of funds that the founders of the enterprise are ready to invest at the initial stage of activities in order to further develop the organization.

Initially, the start-up capital is the liability of the organization. It forms assets, subsequently the participants will contribute their shares of contributions to the authorized capital.

Someone will deposit funds by bank transfer, someone in cash through the cashier, someone with fixed assets, goods or materials.

In whatever form the share of the founder is contributed, in the process of contributions, an asset of the organization is created, the liability turns into an asset. That is, the account where the registered capital is passive with a constant credit balance.

What is the need for an authorized capital? With its help, start-up capital is created, which can be used to carry out commercial activities.

In fact, the authorized capital is the basis for all subsequent activities. Also, the role of capital is important in determining the responsibility of the founders.

Each of them is responsible to creditors within the limits of the owned share. For creditors, this becomes a guarantee of a refund, since the minimum amount of funds guaranteed to be returned is known.

One of the main functions of the authorized capital is the determination of the size of the share of each participant.

According to this amount, the founder will receive income from the activities of the enterprise and in the same amount he has the right to participate in the management of the organization.

Legal grounds

The need for the formation of the authorized capital is envisaged.

Any founder must contribute his share in the amount set. Proof of payment becomes, which will become the basis for making accounting entries.

At their will, the founders have the right to increase the authorized capital, but only if all the contributions declared during registration are made by the participants in full.

The Criminal Code can increase due to:

  • new member;
  • additional contributions from existing founders;
  • at the expense of the property of the LLC.

Property contribution

A contribution to the authorized capital with property assumes that the founders contribute their share in goods (p. 41), materials (p. 10), intangible assets(c. 04) or fixed assets (c. 01).

The property of the organization itself can become a source of increasing the Criminal Code. From this, the shares of the participants are not redistributed, but their nominal value increases.

The value of the property is taken as the value of net assets - book value property is reduced by the amount of liabilities on it.

If it is necessary to appraise the property, the organization can engage independent experts or carry out the appraisal on its own.

Property worth up to twenty thousand rubles is assessed by the founders. At a higher cost, an expert assessment is required.

The contribution to the share capital of the property is displayed by the following entries:

To the current account

Any founder has the right to contribute the due share in cashless form... In this case, the participant transfers funds from his personal account to the current account of the organization, intended to create the authorized capital.

The note indicates that the funds transferred are the payment of a share in the authorized capital. An accounting entry is made on the basis of the receipt.

Video: the authorized capital of a legal entity

When the share in the authorized capital is repaid, the debt of the founders to the enterprise is reduced. The decrease in debt is displayed on the credit of account 75. Another account used in the transaction is selected based on the form of the installment.

So, when you make a deposit to a settlement account, account 51 "Current account" becomes the second. Its debit reflects the receipt of the amount from the founder towards the repayment of his share.

If the authorized capital is deposited to the current account, the transactions are made in one entry:

Dt51 Kt75

Cash payment

It is not prohibited by law to pay a contribution to the authorized capital of an organization in cash. In this case, the money is paid by the founder through the organization's cash desk. As in other cases, the wiring is carried out according to the standard scheme.

The credit of account 51 reflects the decrease in the founder's debt to the organization, and the debit of the corresponding account reflects the deposit of funds.

In this case, account 50 "Cashier" is used as the second account. It is for him that the amount of the deposited amount is reflected.

At the same time, the entry showing the deposit of cash in the authorized capital is as follows:

Dt50 Kt75

If the capital of another organization

The process of multiplying the UK LLC at the expense of the capital of another organization is nothing more than an increase in capital due to contributions from third parties.

The process of increasing the Criminal Code is very simple:

As a result, the ratio of shares in the authorized capital changes. That is, a part of the share of each founder is recalculated according to the contribution made from total amount UK.

In accounting, a third-party contribution is reflected by the standard participant contribution transaction. The type of posting depends on the form of the contribution.

A partner organization that contributes part of its capital to the authorized capital of another organization must reflect this operation in its accounting.

For this, account 58 "Financial investments" is used. The debit of this displays the amount of investment. The wiring looks like this:

Dt58 Kt51

Change of founder

According to the participant is free to sell his share or assign it to a third party, if this is not prohibited by the Charter of the company.

Moreover, the participant can only cede or sell the already paid share. How to reflect the change of the founder in accounting? The value that the seller of the share receives does not constitute a contribution to the management company, which means that it is not displayed on the accounts of the organization in any way.

As a result of the change of founders, the size of the authorized capital does not change. In the Instructions to the Chart of Accounts, there is no mention of the need for records on account 80 when changing founders.

But analytical accounting for this account is organized so as to ensure the formation of data regarding the founders of the organization.

As a result, after making changes regarding the change in the composition of participants in the constituent documents, the data is displayed on analytical accounts to account 80.

The posting to display the transition of a share from one participant to another would look like this:

Dt80, subaccount "Founder-Seller" Kt80, subaccount "Founder-Buyer"

It is worth noting that since the company does not participate in any way in settlements between the seller and the buyer, no transactions are made in this regard. This means that account 75 is not used in this case.

In general, postings on the authorized capital are not particularly difficult. It is enough to know that capital accounting is kept on account 80, and accounting for settlements with founders on account 75.

The invoices that are required to be specified when making a member's contributions are easy to determine based on the form of contribution.

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