
Economy and its main participants 7. Economy. Her main participants. Studying a new material

The person buys something in the dining room, dressing clothes, buys tickets in public transport, children listen to adult conversations about prices, wages, etc. - these are all processes of economic, and they directly affect people.

Economy - consciously built by people the system of their livelihoods is a system of using those resources, data to human nature or physical abilities. It is built so that the maximum human needs are satisfied. Human life consists of those needs that are provided by his daily life.

Scientists allocate two directions of economic activity: the economy (the management of everyday life, its organization) and the science (the specific area of \u200b\u200bhuman knowledge, which studies the management of this economy). Science is divided into separate elements: macroeconomics (studies global processes), microeconomics, etc.

Economy as farm management is a private type of economy. The main task is to answer the question: "How is the amount of funds that have a person or resources of his family, to use the most rational way to get the maximum amount of good?" The general characteristics of the economy in terms of scientific knowledge consists of the main elements of the study of the economy, which were defined long before our time. They will be studied in high school.

Economic activity has 4 main components: production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services produced by man.

All these elements are closely linked. For example, the phone manufacturer transports products to stores (distribution), which for money sells this product (exchange), it is used by those who bought it (consumption). So all these elements interact with each other.

Human life consists of a variety of desires that a person is trying to satisfy. In different economic era, these need changed: during the war, the man needs only shelter over his head, who protects him from the cold, but in the period of a favorable political situation, a person is not content with elementary needs, he wants his own delights.

Scientists allocate two types of satisfaction of human needs: Natural production and commercial production.

Natural economy

Natural economy as a type of economic production was characteristic of Western and Eastern European countries during the middle ages (period of medievalism). This is a period of history when most peasant farms tried to do their own. They not only produced everything they needed, themselves, people even believed that it was wrong to use the products produced by other people, this was contrary to the divine picture of the world. In the Middle Ages, people made it with their own hands all that could come in handy in everyday life: glue, household appliances, dishes, etc. The diversity of such things is huge, because every owner is mastering and invented such things with almost scratch.

The natural economy is considered a primitive (initial) stage of the development of economic relations, but it should be noted that at that time the creative potential of man was very high.

Natural production is a type of production in which a person is creating everything necessary for vital activity himself. All students are familiar with Roman D. Defo "Robinson Cruzo" (Fig. 2). This work presents the type of natural economy. The hero of the novel creates around him a civilization from things that threw out on the island after the crash of his ship.

Fig. 2. Robinson Cruzo ()

In reality, it would be difficult to organize your life, although in human history the natural economy existed quite a long time. In a natural economy there is one big minus - very low rates of production and limited opportunities. A separate person can only do a specific business or a few, but it is not able to cover the entire spectrum.

Commodity production is a type of production in which a large number of people take part, and this production has a clear distribution of responsibilities. Participants in the commodity production are the manufacturer and consumer of the goods. Although the consumer does not produce goods, it is fully involved in the economic process and is part of it. The producer of goods will not make something that does not need to consumers. If someone from manufacturers began to make dresses that were fashionable in the XVIII century, no one would buy them. This means that the manufacturer must always respond to the interests of the consumer (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. All for the buyer ()

The consumer is trying to rationally use its resources, which means it will try to buy the goods of the best quality and for a lower price. The manufacturer must take care that its goods are cheaper and better. So in the struggle between different manufacturers competition is born. The economy is a tough race who cannot withstand this competition, he loses.

Economy is a complex science, but it studies the processes that occur with people every day. Resources on Earth Limited quantity: material resources, mineral resources, labor opportunities. The main task of the economy is to understand how to make sure that the limited number of resources serve people in the best possible way.


  1. Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A. Social Studies: Textbook for Grade 7 Educational Institutions. - 11th ed. - M.: LLC TID "Russian Word - RS", 2009. - 224 s.: Il.
  2. Nikitin A.F., Nikitin T.I. Social Studies 7. - M.: Drop.
  3. Lazebnikova A.Yu., Koval T.V., Gtorova O.Yu. Social Studies 7. - M.: Mnemozin.
  1. Spinform.ru ().
  2. Econ.asu.ru ().
  3. Bibliotekar.ru ().


  1. When did you first encounter economic processes? How are you involved in the economy now?
  2. What do you think now could have the natural type of farm? Write your own conclusions.
  3. Write an essay on the topic: "Economy in my life."
  4. * Using Internet resources, conduct a study: what cars most often buy Russians (several brands)? Think what factors affect this. How can I improve sales indicators of domestic cars?

Economics - this is the ability to keep an economy according to the rules

Economy is science

Economy is the system of their livelihoods built by people

Economy (in history) - Agriculture, Industry, Trade

Advanced homework: Come up with the law on the protection of the manufacturer and the consumer (to use the word: item, goods)

Public lesson

Objectives: Educational

    Improve the ability to work with educational and additional literature, laws.

    Create conditions for learning a new material in class

    Key concepts - economics, resources, needs, manufacturer, consumer.

    The understanding of the understanding of the main issues and terms in the field of "economy".

    Application of knowledge gained for everyday life, selection of the profession, independent solution of problem tasks


    Creating conditions for the formation of communicative culture

    The ability to work in the study group

    Ability to listen and respect the opinion of others

    Formation of humanistic worldview and tolerance in students


    Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, the formation of intelligent skills

    The formation of the ability to critically analyze the knowledge gained on the basis of self-study learning and additional literature, to formulate the conclusion and update its position

    Contribute to further growing interest in the process of knowledge

Equipment -projector, PC, Cards, Constitution, Civil Code, Labor Code, Plasticine, Dictionaries, Didactic Material - Resource Table, Terms, Magnets.

The lesson is the second on the topic "Economics and its participants" A.S. Pushkin:

Branil Homer, Foocrita;
But read Adam Smith
And there was a deep economy,
That is, I knew how to judge
As a state rich,
And what lives, and why
Not need gold to him
When a simple product has.

Board: number, plan, rational (lat.) - reasonable.

During the classes.

1 .Org.Moment. Greeting. (I am very glad to see you!) Action on active activity in the lesson.

Today we have a second lesson on the topic "Economy and its participants." (So \u200b\u200byou can not record the topic)

    Major participants in the economy.

Manufacturer and consumer.

    State on the protection of participants in the economic process. Laws.

    Economic resources.

    The main rule of the economy.- At the end of the lesson, we must bring it together, formulate.

2. Reception.

1-2 people - customized cards

1 person - at the board. (Distributes correctly - exchange, technology, distribution, production, consumption, product)

The rest - groups of 2 people - work with cards, textbooks, dictionaries.

Slide on the rules of independent work:

1. Found ideas does not happen.

2.Collect creatively.


4. Do not criticize.

1 Card: Tale "Repka", what is technology?

2 Card: Verse "We Deli Orange", what is the economy?

3 card: verse "Robin Bobin Bararak", what is a natural economy?

4 Card: verse "Sites squirrel on a trolley", what is commodity production?

Checking the work at the board.

3 Working with a textbook.

We continue the topic of the last lesson. SLIDE

For the first time they spoke about the economy as a science: Xenophon, Aristotle (384-322 BC). It was they who first allocated two main members of the economic process: the manufacturer and the consumer.

So, to participate in the process of economy by and large two participants are needed: the one who produces the goods and the one who consumes it.

Let's call them manufacturer and consumer. SLIDE

Write in the notebook.

Found concepts in the textbook or in the dictionary (p.94) - read out loud.

Is the hero of fairy tales by the consumer?

    Muha-Costohah, when went to the bazaar and bought a samovar? (Yes)

    Old man in relation to the goldfish. (No, since the old man does not pay fish for services.)

    Robinson Crusoe on the island? (not)

I'm talking about Andrew

(example, builder Andrei and he stayed in the evening)

Who is the manufacturer in this case? Can there be a manufacturer of only 1 person, a group of people?

Imagine that Andrei did not create a firm with friends, but works at the State factory, which means the manufacturer who? (state)

Let us dwell on the state. The state is not only the manufacturer, it performs another feature. Do you think the state should protect manufacturers, consumers and other participants in the economy or not? (Yes)

How can the consumer or manufacturer be protected? (Create laws)

4.Convertence experiment.

Work on the preparation of the law on the manufacturer, consumer and goods. (It is given to the execution as a leading homework group of students)

Imagine that you were offered to take part in the competition for the best law on the consumer, the manufacturer and goods. Two groups were given homework. We hear. (at the blackboard.)

What is the name of the main law of the country? (Constitution)

What are the laws actually?

5.Poysk activity.

Practical work in groups of 2 people with the constitution. - Chapter 2.

We are looking for articles about the economy, write to the notebook. (Art. 34. Art.35, Article 36, Art.37) Slide

We read out loud. We check the slide.

In addition to the Constitution, there are still many documents regulating the activities of the participants in the economic process. For example, the "Consumer Protection Act", "Civil Code", "Labor Code" and others. Write them down in a notebook . SLIDE


Let's return to the concept of the consumer. Who is it? (p. 94This one who uses goods and services to meet their needs)

And what are the needs of a person you can call? (held in grade 6 - biological, social, spiritual - food, water, sleep, communication, listen to music, read, etc.)

More about the needs, we will talk about their species in high school.

Question: Needs are limited? (not)

Why? (example, food, new disk, etc.)

If Old Man Hottabych, for example, performed all your desires at 12.30, would you have absolutely happy at 13.00? Why?

A person as a biosocial being is in constant development and in the course of communication he has new desires.

Russian poet XVIII century. Mikhail Matveevich Heraskov wrote
Desires never die;
Having something, we wish the best.

So, the needs of a person are unlimited, they need to be constantly satisfied. For this, you need a manufacturer. It produces products to satisfy our needs. But any product is made of raw materials, material, using resources. Bread - from wheat, which is grown on Earth, paper - from wood, need people who will produce all this. Everything that is involved in the production process is resources - in a notebook . SLIDE

In the process of the economy add resources.

To work that answered at the board will add resources, The class helps - where? (from students)

The manufacturer uses 4 types of resources: -

7.Poys and research activities on additional material, dictionaries.

Task: Additional literature (handouts), dictionaries choose the name of the economic resource, lead an example and prove that it is limited.

Slide on the rules of independent work.

1. Found ideas does not happen.

2.Collect creatively.


4. Do not criticize.

We work. (While working, distribute tables)

Each on the table didactic material - the table is only with the headlines, the guys enter the answers in the course of the speeches. I explain the task on the empty table

(gradually coming out on the slide)

Economic resources



Human physical and mental abilities

+ (age, gender, ability, mortality)

Natural resources of the planet

Production Means: Machines, Buildings, Money

Wear out, spend


Initiative, the ability to keep economy.

Not all people are capable

So, fasten. (according to the slide) - ask about Peter 1 - Forest - to tie with history.

8. War down a small game study, where now I will try to prove that resources are limited (game).

Distribute plasticine (all participants). Lepim one product production - product ( one thing)food or industrial. We believe. Long. (If we are manufacturers with you, our consumers would die with hunger). We prove that resources are limited, and needs must be more satisfied with food.

(While pested - music sounds: close the projector)

9. Sight conclusion.

So, we approached the main issue of the economy: you need to satisfy the needs of a person, but how then to use resources? (Rational)

(pay attention to the word "rational" on the board)

The main rule of the economy sounds like this:

To satisfy the needs of a person, you need to use resources rationally.SLIDE

Recall: Needs - what? And resources? So, the general rule of the economy sounds a little different:

To satisfyunlimited the needs of a person must be rational to uselimited resources.SLIDE

Write to the notebook.

10. Is it useful what we were talking about in life? Where? In what situations? (in everyday life, we live in a market economy, maybe we will become businessmen, laws - to protect yourself from deception, fashion profession - manager - organizer - be able to think, know the needs of a person)

11. Frequency.

1. What laws protect the participants of the economic process?

2. What economy resources did you know?

3. What is the main issue of the economy?

Slide with question questions:

1. What cannot be described from the listed as natural resources?

A. Oil
B. Natural Gaza
V. Coal.
G. Petrol

1. Self-creating economic products:





3.Sust the missed words in the text of the law (Article 34 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)

(right, property, economic)

Art.37 (free, abilities, profession)

12. Moving task:

paragraph 8, Task number 2, pick up newspaper articles about labor people. SLIDE

13.Estimates for the lesson.

14. Reflection is a distribution material on the desks, mark any sign that you think necessary.

Thanks to everyone!

Sinwen (if time) - economy, science, system, rational, private, state, economic, produce, trade, (with unlimited. Carefully, etc.)

"Song of the Fair"

Leonid Filatov (with change)

Whether you are a sheriff or cowboy, here all the goods are necessary
Ile gold detector, - and sell it is not difficult,
Let's go with you here selling even smoke
At the fair, buddy! From the fire of Jordan Bruno.

Although the coins happen here you will find easily -
Here is a fast leak, at least this product and roads!
But there was no other bird's milk in the world.
More pleasant town. But even bird cottage cheese.

It is selling from the hammer well, in a word, who you are there either,
That just want - even if the creator itself is, -
For example, Spartak's hat disadvantaged you
And shoes Nefertiti. At the fair, buddy!

Touch at least a broken chest of drawers,
Though dead hyena -
There is always one kandak,
Which will ask the price.

Economy and its main participants

The purpose of the lesson:

Introduce students with the concept of "economy", as well as develop ideas about its need.


To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe economy as a sphere of life of society, its main manifestations and participants;

Reveal the role and importance of the economy in ensuring the most important needs and vital activity of people;

Identify the specifics and relationship of the main spheresabout nomic life, the nature of its participants;

Help students learn the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of management (natural and commodity economy).

During the classes.

Orgmoment. Greeting. Good morning, guys. We are starting a new section of the textbook "Man and Economics". And the topic of our today's lesson "Economy and its main participants. " (Slide 1) Write it down in a notebook. The lesson plan you see on the screen. (Slide 2)

1. What is the economy.

2. Why do you need an economy.

Word the purpose of the lesson.

Let's remember with you:

What does a person encourage activities? What are the chaptersin need people? What role does labor play in society? What is created by labor?

1. What is the economy

Question class: What is the economy?

With the manifestations of the economy you meet every yearin but: you hear the talk of the house and on the street about prices for Tovbut , learn about the size of the salary of parents, read in gbut zaya about taxes, participate in the repair of school furniture, buy food in the store. All these Divisionb manifestations can be combined with the general concept of "ekabout Nomika. "

You already know from grade 5, which initiallyabout in the "economy" translated from the ancient Greek meant "business according to the rules, laws".(Slide 3) Over time, this concept got a wider interpretation. So, for exampleand measures, English writer George Bernard Show (1856-1950) argued: "Economy is the ability to use life in the best way," and modern scientists of SDe. lali conclusion: "The economy is consciously built and used by people the system of their livelihoods."

Getting acquainted with various economic phenomena or studying them in the course of history, geography, you can helpe. it is discussed in two values: this concept:

economy as a household and as a region of knowledge. You M.about wear yourself offer your options, how to supplement cle. fine definitions: "The economy is knowledge of ...", "The economy is the skills ...".

Thus, the author of the book "Economics" P. Samuelson offers, nbut example, the following economy definitions: Economics - this is: 1) the activities related to exchange and monetarys mi transactions between people; 2) Casual Businessz. people's activities, extracting them to existe. and use of these funds; 3) establishment and exercise of consumption and production; 4) wealth. (Slide 4)

There is a discussion of the following questions:why B. tor offers different definitions? As in thesee. different parties to economicz. neither society? Which of the definitions with which you are sentbut coming in the lesson, can be considered the most complete?

We started a conversation with private manifestationse. man's life, but you can see and naibabout more common processes and phenomena.

The main manifestations of the economy include:proI Z. water, distribution, exchange, consumption.These processes are interrelated and have periodically repeated in nature, they can proceed not only strictly consistently, but also at the same time, in parallel. Consider this on the example of satisfying one of the most important needs of a person - the need for bread.Tutorial on page 89 - 90.Baker using a certaintechnology bakes, i.e. produces bread. (Production.) The bakery supplies one part of the products in kindergartens, schools, and the other part is to the shops. (Distribution.) The store's seller sells bread, i.e. exchanges for moneybut televisions. (Exchange.) Students eat during school sbut fresh bread ground. (Consumption.)

Perform the task (slide 5)

Writes listed types of economic activityabout in the appropriate column of the table: the manufacture of Christmas tree toys, drawing up a family spending plan for a month, breakfast in the school canteen, visitto maherian, paying benefits to families for children, prolongedb lighting in everyday life, purchase of equipment for a tourist campaign.

Next, we will consider in more detail the characteristics of the main manifestations of economic life. Here P.about we try to determine the role of the economy in the life of a person, the whole society.Fizkultminutka.

2. Why do I need an economy

Remember how a variety of human needs in pand easy, clothing, housing, communicating, health protection, etc.NEY E. mu must satisfy these requests and needs? Obviously - to ensure his life and dei . The economy takes an active part in the Udoin imaging these needs, its goal is to maintain and continue the lives of people. For this are made differentabout fashion products, goods, services are provided.

Economic products,created using such forms of organizing or doing economy as NATw. rally and commodity.

Question class: Recall what kind of natural economy is?

Natural economy -this is a way to organizez. neither people in which everything necessary for lifeb it is made by themselves and only for their ownabout consumption. (Slide 6). This is the most ancient form of farming using mainly primitive instrumentsz. water, simple technologies. In production, there is no trade, exchange of products and services, which makes it difficult to increase the living standards of people.

Question class: What do you think, what is the lack of such a form of management?

The main disadvantage of this form of management - neithers kaya. labor productivityallowing to provide only the minimum conditions for survival. Lifestyle based on natural economy, although extremely heavy, well known to residents of the Russian De jealous.

Question class: Remember what is a commodity economy?

Product Management -the method of organizing economyand social life of society, in which people, specialtiesand hlowing in certain activities, produce goods and provide services for sharing with each other. (Slide 6).

Question class: Why is the market economy is better than natural?

This form of farming is greatert. ensures the goals of the economy - the most satisfying the needs of people. All manufactured steel productsabout they are found in a commodity intended for exchange. Workabout sights seek to increase productivity and improve the quality of goods to make a profitable exchange. The awareness of people of the advantages of this lifestyle led to the fact that the commodity economy, replacing the natural, became the society prevailing in the economic life of society.

Natural economy - low-efficient form of management and its preservation in the economy, asbut wILOO, is a brake of socio-economic developmentsocieties, a separate country, a factor in reducing the level ofz. neither population. The development of society led to the emergence of a more efficient and perfect form - the commercial economy, which allows you to better satisfy the needs of people.

3. Major participants in the economy.

We read the text of the textbook with the explanation of the teacher, p.93.

For consolidation, we perform tasks: (slide 7).

1. You are going to have breakfast in the Cafe Rapid OSLw. living (for example, in McDonalds). Apply the concept of "product", "manufacturer", "consumer", "Exchange" to this situation.

Special attention deserves the conclusion about the relationship and interdependence of the objectives and results of economic activity of its main participants. Deeper to understand and soilabout it will help his discussion of the following issues:what is it in the requirement of goods and services affects production? Does the level of consumption depends on the level of production?

Homework: § 8,

on "4" and "5" Question number 2, 4 from the heading "in class and houses" on page 96. (Slide 8)

In the presence of free time:

Question class: Tell me, please, have you had to buy goods? And you thought, why do you commit one or another purchase?

The task: Remember the purchase of you or members of your family of any three products. Using the material of the heading "Knowledge for every day", analyze which footagee. ballean motives influenced the choice of one or anotherabout vara, and determined how rational choice was. Think if you need to change something in your stratae. gIA buyer. If so, what?

Product Name

Consumer motifs




one . What is the economy. P. Samuelson offers the following definitions of the economy: 1) the activities related to the exchange and monetary transactions between people; 2) the daily business life activity of people, recruitment of livelihoods and the use of these funds; 3) establishment and exercise of consumption and production; 4) wealth.

one . What is the economy. Production Distribution Exchange Consumption Production of Christmas tree toys, drawing up a family spending plan for a month, breakfast in the school canteen, visiting the hairdresser, paying benefits to families for children, using lighting in everyday life, purchase of equipment for a tourist hike.

2. Why do you need an economy. Natural economy is a way of organizing the lives of people, in which everything necessary for life is made by themselves and only for their own consumption. The market economy is a way to organize the economic life of society, in which people specializing in certain activities produce goods and provide services to exchange each other.

3. Major participants in the economy. You are going to have breakfast in the fast service cafe. Apply the concepts of this situation: "Product", "Manufacturer", "Consumer", "Exchange". How does the consumption of goods and services affect the production? Does the level of consumption depends on the level of production? The manufacturer is one who participates in the creation of goods or services. The consumer is the one who uses goods and services to meet their needs.

Homework :: § 8, on "4" and "5" Question # 2, 4 from the heading "in class and houses" on page 96.

Product Name Consumer Motives Conclusions Emotional Rational

Question 1. What does a person encourage activities? What are the main needs of people? What role does labor play in society?

Movement - Motor Impulse, Emotional-Will Aspiration of Personality for anything, which received the name of the motive in psychology. The basis of all behaviors are needed. The need is understood as the need of an individual in what is needed to maintain his body and the development of his personality. The need directly encourages a person to activities aimed at meeting this need. It is thus the inner stimulus of his behavior and activity. Based on the need for humans, the motives of activity arise, encouraging her.

Abraham Masu recognized that people have many different needs, but also believed that these needs can be divided into five main categories:

Physiological: hunger, thirst, sexual attraction, etc.

Security Needs: Comfort, consistency of living conditions.

Social: social ties, communication, affection, concern for a friend and attention to themselves, joint activities.

Prestigious: self-esteem, respect from others, recognition, achieving success and high marks, service growth.

Spiritual: knowledge, self-actualization, self-expression, self-identification.

Labor is an activity aimed at human development and the transformation of nature resources into material, intellectual and spiritual benefits. Such activities can be carried out either for coercion, or by inner motivation, or on the other.

In the process of its evolution, the work was significantly more difficult: a person began to perform more complex and varied operations, apply increasingly organized equipment, to put in front of them and achieve higher goals. Labor became a multilateral, diverse, perfect.

In the context of the use of more advanced resources and warehousing, the organization of labor has an increasing influence on the environment, sometimes in harm. Therefore, the ecological aspect in labor activity acquires a new meaning.

Joint work of people is more than a simple amount of labor spent. Joint labor is considered as a progressive unity of total labor results. The interaction of a person with natural materials, the means of labor, as well as the relationship, in which people come, are all called production.

Question 2. Are economic processes possible without human participation? Is the economy capable of satisfying all the needs of people?

No, economic processes are fully controlled by a person.

The economy is the company's economic activity, as well as a set of relations that develop in the production system, distribution, exchange and consumption. The needs of absolutely all people are not able to satisfy the current economy.

Question 3. If your family uses products grown by their work, can it be argued that you have a natural economy? What else uses the family to meet the basic needs?

Yes, because the natural economy is a farm who enjoy the family itself, and not for sale. To meet basic needs, uses store services, markets.

Question 4. Bring examples of specialization of people on certain types of economic activities.

Production: Metallurg;

Design and survey activities: the estimator, designer, designer;

Resource mining: Shakhtar;

Construction: Mason, Installer;

Operation: Lifter;

Medical activity: Surgeon, therapist;

Agriculture: Tractorist, Pacquer, Agronom;

Services: Driver, Cleaner.

Question 5. Deciding to make money on a travel around the country, Peter with a friend opened the interior "Urgent photo". What is the economic interest of the organizers of the cabin as producers? What economic knowledge will be required to achieve success and develop their work?

Economic interest is to receive profits to cover travel costs. They use the ability to calculate economic indicators - income, expenses, losses, margin.

Question 6. How does the economy serve people?

With the manifestations of the economy, you meet every day: you hear the talk of the house and on the street about the prices of goods, find out about the salaries of parents, you read in the newspaper about taxes, participate in the repair of school furniture, you buy products in the store. All these individual phenomena can be combined with the general concept of "economy".

The main manifestations of the economy reflecting the stage of product movement include production, distribution, exchange, consumption. These phenomena are interconnected. A constantly repeating process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption is the reproduction of the product. In the production process, economic benefits (goods and services) are being created to meet the needs of people. The product produced must be distributed by performing actions associated with the movement of it from the manufacturer to the consumer. The distribution is exchanged - the process of obtaining the desired product with a proposal of something instead. Reproduction of the product is completed by consumption - using the product in the process of satisfying needs.

Question 7. What form of management most successfully solves the goal of the economy?

The market economy is more than natural, meets the goals of the economy - the most satisfying the needs of people. All products produced become a product intended for exchange (purchase). Manufacturers seek to improve labor productivity and improve the quality of goods to make a profitable exchange. The awareness of people of the advantages of such a lifestyle led to the fact that the commodity economy, replacing the natural, became the predominant in society.

Question 8. What is general and what differences in the economic interests of the manufacturer and the consumer?

The manufacturer is one who participates in the creation of goods or services. The consumer is the one who uses goods and services to meet their needs.

The manufacturer and consumer in the economy can be both a separate person and a group of people, an enterprise, a state.

The manufacturer is interested in organizing its activities in such a way as to obtain a planned result with the smallest costs of all the resources required for the production of goods and providing services. This allows him to receive income and develop its production.

The consumer, in turn, seeks to extract as much benefit from the consumption of goods and services, while satisfying their needs with the least costs. The buyer's support is not emotional, but to a rational choice when buying allows him to reduce costs and save revenues.

Question 9. How is the activities of the main participants in the economy are interconnected?

The economic interests of the main participants in the economy are closely interrelated. The manufacturer seeks to produce those goods that will further find their consumer. He is forced to focus on his requests and needs. The consumer, making his choice of goods or services, suggests the manufacturer that, how much and what quality it is necessary to produce. Such behavior of the main participants of the economy allows you to carefully (economically) and reasonably use the available resources (material, financial, labor).

Question 10. You already know that the term "economy" has several values. Contact the dictionaries, the Internet and find several definitions of this term. Offer classmates to discuss them and give their explanations.

The economy is the company's economic activity, as well as a set of relations that develop in the production system, distribution, exchange and consumption.

Organization, structure and status of any. Industry of economic activity.

Economy is a collection of public sciences studying the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

Question 11. Is it possible to agree with the following statement: "Economics is life itself in all of its diversity"? Argument your answer.

The economy is the sphere of life of people, without which a person cannot live. Man every day faces economic processes (every day goes to the store and buys something), it can be argued that the economy is life itself in all its diversity, because everywhere we are faced with the economy without it anywhere.

Question 12. One of the scientists of the past identified the economy as a science about the wealth and ways to achieve it. What do you think it is enough to master economic knowledge to become rich? What else needs to know and be able to achieve this goal?

I believe that to become rich, you need to know at least the economy. This knowledge helps to save funds, can help in a situation where disputes arise in any question, on this topic, requiring an accurate, fast and reasonable answer. Knowing the economy and a number of sciences that belong to this topic can be one of the richest people in the world, such as a businessman. But, this is not the only thing you need to know to become rich. You also need to know the behavior of the world market, the exchange rate, many other characteristics, you also need to be assertive, sociable, be able to find a way out of difficult situations.

Question 13. Fill in table.

The main stages of the product movement

Production of making Christmas tree toys.

Distribution Drawing up a family spending plan for a month, paying benefits to families for children.

Exchange Purchase of equipment for a tourist hike.

Consumption breakfast in the school canteen, visiting the hairdresser, using lighting in everyday life.

Question 14. Is there a connection between the concepts of "economy" and "wealth"? Illustrate the answer examples.

There are many economy definitions. There is a definition that "the economy is a science of wealth." At different times they understood this in different ways. Wealth in turn is an abundance of a person or society of material and intangible values. Economy (Science) - Science, which studies the use of various kinds of limited resources in order to ensure the needs of people and relationships between the various parties arising in the management process. The needs of people can also be called the values \u200b\u200bto which monetary resources are needed. A successful enterprise from an economic point of view, it is an acquisition that brings maximum profits. And the maximum profit \u003d wealth.

Question 15. Playing words that characterize the process of converting nature objects in consumption objects, in the correct sequence: exchange, resources, technology, distribution, production, consumption, product.

Resources-technology-manufacturing and product-product distribution - consumption.

Question 16. Family S. lost the crop of potatoes as a result of arid summer and was forced to buy potatoes for the next landing on the market. What manifestation of the economy illustrates this example? Explain your answer.

Exchange: money-goods. The family bought goods for money (potatoes).

Question 17. Petrov on the Family Council decided that to improve health it would be useful to play sports. By defining the interests and opportunities of family members, they choose in class skiing. A list of necessary and rated money resources, agreed on the place and conditions of purchase. What is the economic interest of the family as a consumer? What economic knowledge will help her implement a rational (profitable) purchase and get the greatest benefit from it?

Economic interest is to buy ski at the most favorable price. It is necessary to know the prices in different stores, stocks are held in them, what quality are skiing depending on the price.

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Chapter III Man and Economics

What you will know: - How does the economy serve to people - whether everything is profitable - what is a business - how they change their appearance what questions answer: why do people do business? Why does trade consider the country's wealth source? What functions in the economy do money?

Economy and its main participants

The economy is the ability to use life in the best possible way. D.B. Show

Plan: What is the economy why the economy needs the main participants of the economy

What is the economy? Economy - Translated from the ancient Greek: "House" and "Rule", "Law", literally - "Management Rules" Find how the meaning of the word "economy" is explained in the dictionary.

The concept of economy

The concept of economy

Complete Definitions: Economy is the ability ... The economy is knowledge of ...

The economy as the field of activity of people is related to the cost of resources production of consumer goods - all that increases well-being, satisfying the various needs of people.

Directions (spheres) of the economy: illustrations in the textbook, p. 130 - 131

Name the spheres of economics: 1 2 3 4 Distribution Consumption Production exchange

Which of the manifestations of the economy do we observe in the following texts?

Determine the scope of the economy: we divided the orange, a lot of us, and he is alone. This slicer is for hedgehog, this slicing is for a string, this slicker is for ducks, this slicker is for kittens, this slicing is for a beaver, and for a wolf - a peel.

Determined the sector of the economy: Robin Bobin Bararak talked 40 people, and a cow, and a bull, and a meat curve, a cart, and an arc, and a broom, and a church, heavened the church, said the house, and a blacksmith with a blacksmith.

Determine the scope of the economy: put the grandfather repka. Riot rolled big. I went to grandfather to tear: pulls - pulls, can't pull it out! I called the grandmother's grandmother: grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for represented - they can not pull it out! I called grandmother's granddaughter: granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka - pull - pull, can't pull it out! I called the granddaughter of the bug. Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for Rack - pull - pull, can't pull it out! Call a bug Cat: a cat for a bug, a bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for Rack - pull - pull, can't pull it out! Call a cat mouse: a mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug behind the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka - pull - pulled, pulled out a repank!

Determine the scope of the economy: squirrels sitting on the cart, sells nuts: a sister-sister, sparrow, a pan, Tolstophal, Tolstophack, Zaine, whom in a handkerchief, to whom in Zobok, who in a paw.

Why do I need an economy?

Economic product - product, product, service that satisfies one or another human need. Services Useful Amenities provided to some products Labor products manufactured for sale The main goal of economic activity is to meet the needs.

Farm forms Natural Commodity

this is a way of organizing the lives of people in which everything necessary for life is made by themselves and only for their own consumption. Natural economy-

If your family uses products grown in the country, is it possible to argue that you have a natural economy? "Journey to the past" - tutorial, p. 132? What are the shortcomings of the natural economy?

this is a way to organize the economic life of society, in which people, specializing in certain activities, produce goods and provide services for exchanging each other. Product Management -

Give examples of people's specialization in certain activities.

The discher is the one who participates in the creation of goods or an indication of services. He who uses goods and services to meet their needs. Consumer Economic Participants:

The manufacturer is interested in organizing its activities in such a way as to obtain the planned result at the lowest costs of all means necessary for the production of goods and the provision of the consumer's services, in turn, seeks to extract as much benefit from the consumption of goods and services as possible, while satisfying their needs with the lowest goals. Economy participants

The goals of the economy participants getting profitable to meet their needs with the lowest costs.

Dictionary: Profit - Excess revenues from the sale of goods or services over costs.

Can one person be simultaneously both by the manufacturer and the consumer, i.e. Perform both roles? ? Name what is common between the manufacturer and the consumer. ? What is the difference?

Fill in the table issues in the natural economy of the market economy who produces who consumes how to produce labor productivity

Natural Products Directory WHERE WHERE MACHINES - FAMILY COMMUNICATIONS WITH COMMUNICATIONS WHERE CONSEVER PRODUCTION For themselves for mass consumption, how to produce traditional methods The use of technology to increase the amount of products and profit is what labor productivity is usually not a high desire to improve productivity Labor

Homework Paragraph 12 (read, answer questions after paragraph) Terms to know by heart the task in the working notebook page 53-56 - No. 4, 5, 7, 9 (optional) Task number 3 in the section "In Class and Houses" ( necessarily). Prepare for the fulfillment of task number 2 (landscape sheet, colored pencils, cutting from newspapers, pictures, etc.)

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state