
Chairman of the Board of Alpha Bank Sokolov Andrei Borisovich. Alfa Bank JSC. Russian Alpha Bank comes to the Georgian market - media

Member of the Encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

Sokolov Andrei Borisovich Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Technology Teaching History and Social Disciplines, Dean of the History Faculty of Yagpu. K.D. Ushinsky. He graduated from the historical and philological faculty of Yagpi in the specialty "History, Social Science and English" in 1979, the graduate school of the IGP in 1985. Scientific interests: History of Great Britain. History of international relations in a new time, Russian-British connections. Historiography of the new and modern time. School and university doactics of history. Scientific degrees and titles: Ph.D. thesis on the topic "The political struggle in England in connection with the war for the Spanish legacy" was protected in 1985. Doctoral thesis on the topic "The political struggle in England on issues of external and colonial politics in the Hush century" was defended in 1995. The academic title of professor was assigned in 1996. Participation in scientific seminars and conferences: a participant in many international and all-Russian scientific conferences in Russia and abroad (the main two recent years ): 2009, December: University of Bielefeld (Germany) International Conference "Political History - Recent Trends In International Perspective". 2009, November: University of Bielefeld (FRG). International Conference "Konsum Als Indikator Politischer Kommunikation 17. - 20 Jahrhundert". 2009, October: Far Eastern State Humanitarian University (Khabarovsk). International Scientific Conference "Asia-Pacific region in the past, present and future." Reports at the plenary meeting and in the method of teaching history techniques. 2009, June: Seminar of the Ministry of Education and Science and Council of Europe "Teaching History and Polycultural Society: New challenges for basic training teachers." 2008, November: International Scientific Conference "Theories and Methods of Historical Science: Step in the XXI Century." Moscow IVI RAS. Society of intellectual history. 2008, November: International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Universal History. Moscow. IVI RAS. 2008, May: International Scientific Conference "Britain: History, Culture, Education." Yaroslavl, Yagpu. Experience research work and grants: 2009 Scholarship of the German service of academic exchanges (DAAD), University of Bielefeld (Germany), 2009 Otto scholarship holder Benmander Institute of Students of History (Brownshweig, Germany), 2006 Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange (DAAD) , University of Bielefeld (Germany), 2004 Senior Researcher in the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), 1999 - 2004 Responsible performer and member of the author's team on the topic included in the theme plan of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Determination of content and new teacher training technologies High School Stories, 2002 - 2003 Member of the author's team on the preparation of multimedia benefits for historians on the Internet. Grant IOO. 1998 - 2003 Russian Coordinator of the Project of Cooperation of Historians Yagpu and the University of Bielefeld under the program "Alexander Herzen" of the German service of academic exchanges (DAAD), 2000 - 2001 Individual grant of the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) for the development of a course "Modern Foreign Historiography" , 1994 - 2000 Russian Coordinator of Collective Projects "History", "History-2" Tempus / Tacis programs of the European Union (Yagpu together with the University of Exeter, United Kingdom, University of Bielefeld, Germany, Friedriksburg Teachers Seminaria, Denmark). Individual grant of the British Academy to work in the archives and libraries of the UK. 1996 - 1997 Russian Coordinator of the History of Elementary School project (Yagpu together with School of Education of the University of Exeter, United Kingdom). Training courses: The history of European countries and the United States in a new time. The historiography of the new and modern time of Europe and the United States. Body history as a direction of modern historiography. The evolution of school history textbooks in England and the USA (XIX - beginning. XX century). Chairman of the Expert Commission for history teachers at the quality control center of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region, a member of the editorial advice of magazines "Dialogue with time. Almanac of Intellectual History, "" Teaching History and Social Studies in School "," International Journal Of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research ", Member of the Editorial Board of the Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin, Member of the Expert Council on the History of the History of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Member of the Council Historical and social science education at the Russian Academy of Education. Honorary titles and rewards: Honorary Worker of Higher vocational education (2002), Order of Friendship (1998).

1. Body History: Prerequisites for the formation of a new direction in historiography. // Dialogue with time. Almanac of intellectual history. M.: IVI RAS. 2009. №26. P. 190 - 211.

2. History of history in high school. Tutorial (in collaboration with L.V. Bayborodova, M.S. Koreareva). Yaroslavl, 2009. (25.25 p.)

3. Agalian revolution in the coverage of the latest foreign historiography: from civil war to the republic and protectorate. // Loving Smolensky state University. 2009. №1. Pp. 146 - 157.

4. Equipped notes of the provincial professor of history. //Knowledge is power. 2009. №5. P. 95 - 102.

5. Concept "body" in modern historical studies. // Yaroslavsky Pedagogical Bulletin. 2009. №3 (60). P. 202 - 207.

6.Galian history textbooks (second half of the XIX - start XXI century) / historian and society: research laboratory researcher. M.: IVI RAS, 2009. P. 75 - 98.

7. Zegeal tourism in the RannevuCtorian England. / From Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II: Problems of British history in the new and the latest time. Yaroslavl, 2008. P. 62 - 74.

8. "The executor of the death sentence over the unfortunate king Anglin Karl first." / From Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II: Problems of British history in the new and the latest time. Yaroslavl, 2008. P. 3 - 11.

9. Carl I Stewart in modern English-American historiography. / New and newest History of the West and East: new approaches in research and teaching. Inter-University Collection of Scientific Labor. Ryazan, 2008. P. 180-195.

10.text, image, Interpretation: Visual turn in modern Western historiography. / Obvious History: Visualized History of Russia in the XX century: Sat.stay. / Ed. I.V. Marsh and others. Chelyabinsk, 2008. P. 10 - 24.

11. Methodology of the history and practice of school education. // Teaching history and social studies at school. 2008. №5. P. 43-51.

12.Galian revolution of the middle of the XVII century in the newest foreign historiography. // Questions of history. 2008. №5. C. 160-168.

13. And another one? Soviet daily eyes of foreigners. // Modern History. Party-political, spiritual history and social movements in the West and East. Ufa, 2008. P. 87 - 92.

14. Entering the historiography of the new and modern time of the countries Western Europe and USA: Tutorial. Yaroslavl, 2007. (30.3 p.)

15. How to teach the methodology of history today. / Didactic history: from school to the university. Yaroslavl, 2007. P. 4 - 23.

16. Interview with prof. J. Rolfes. // Teaching history and social studies at school. 2007. №3.

17.Oh the problems of teaching history in high school schools in Great Britain. // Teaching history and social studies at school. 2006. №10. P. 56 - 62.

18. Carl I stewart Simon Shamas. / Mikhail Abramovich Barg. The legacy of a scientist in modern historical science. / Answer ed. M.S. Bobkov. M.: IVI RAS, 2006. P. 62 - 80.

19. "Visual turn" in modern historiography and training of students to work with visual sources. / New image of historical science in the age of informatization and globalization. M.: IVI RAS, 2006. (1 P.L.)

20. Carl Stuart in modern foreign historiography. // Questions of history. 2005 №12. P. 70 - 85.

21. Interview with H. White. // Dialogue with time. Almanac of intellectual history. M.: IVI RAS. 2005. №14. P. 335 - 346.

22. Interview with R. Kozhelkom. // Dialogue with time. Almanac of intellectual history. M.: IVI RAS. 2005. №15. P. 326 - 340.

23. Preparation of a history teacher in the context of modernizing the highest pedagogical education. Monograph. Yaroslavl, 2005. (Author - 5 P.L., Scientific Editor).

24.Forming school historical education in the context of international experience // Teaching history and social studies at school. 2005. №7. P. 58 - 63.

25. Formation of school historical education in the context of international experience // Historical education in modern school. 2004. №2.

26.Pritish historiography of the 20th century // Questions of history. 2003. №12.

27. Entering into modern Western historiography: Tutorial. Yaroslavl, 2002. - 132 p.

28. Ochakovskie. Anglo-Russian conflict of 1791 // Patriotic history. 2002. №4.

29.der Reckem AM Scheideweg Oder: Nachdenken User Den Heutigen Zustand Der Historischen Schulbildung in RussiaLand // Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht. 2001. JG. 52. H. 9. S. 521 - 532.

30. The trains of historical education and the problem of preparing a new generation of school textbooks on history. // Preparation of a new generation of textbooks for high school. Yaroslavl, 2000.

31.Graf Bekinghamshire about the courtyard of Catherine II. Document from the Royal Archive (Introduction, Publication, Notes, Translation) // Questions of History. 1999. № 4-5.

32. "Right, Britain, Seas"? Political discussions in England on issues of external and colonial policies in the XVIII century. Monograph. Yaroslavl, 1996. - 191 p.

33. British Empire of the XVIII century in foreign historiography. // Questions of history. 1993. №7.

34.pitt junior. // Foreign and colonial policy of the UK in the XVIII-XX centuries. Yaroslavl, 1993.

35. To each other. Russia and England in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Monograph. Yaroslavl. 1992. - 303 p.

36.pitt-senior. // Questions of history. 1991. №1.

37. Running history. // Questions of history. 1991. № 9-10.

38. Capturing England Gibraltar. // Questions of history. 1984. №2.


The first higher education banker received in Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, in 1977 completed training at the faculty of computing mathematics and cybernetics.

In 1981, he graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bby M. Torza, where he studied at the Faculty of Improving Language Training of Certified Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bSpecialists.

Labor activity

From 1995 to 1998, he worked in Alfa-Bank as the head of office for working with major customers of the central office. In the period 1998-2000 was the Deputy Chairman of the Board.

In 2001-2002 She worked in the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Converse Bank.

From March to October 2002 he was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the MDM Bank.

Then headed the Board of Directors of the Insurance Company "Reso-Guarantee" as Chairman.

In 2003, he returned to Alfa-Bank for the post of deputy chairman, in 2007 became the first deputy chairman of the Board of the credit institution.

From August 31, 2011 to the present, the post of Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank is held.

Family status

Married. Spouse - Alina Sokolova, Vice-President of Alfactor, heads the Department of Work with Financial Institutions.

The couple have two children. The eldest son, George, is studying at the Law Faculty of Moscow State University. Junior, Misha, does not go to school yet.

OKFS: 16 - Private property

Skogu: 1500010 - central bank Russian Federation

OKOPF: 12267 - Neppeped joint-stock companies

OKTMO: 45378000000

FSFR: 01326-B.

OKATO: - Krasnoselsky, Central, City Moscow

Enter near: LLC "TK-Consulting" , CJSC "Panorama Consulting" , LLC "SEKOM" , LLC "LANKKA" -




OJSC "Melprom" (OKPO: 52755104).7728208670 200 thousand rub.
OJSC "IVA CAPITAL" (OKPO: 18855498).7728183391 15.93 million rub.
"Alfa Capital Holdings (Cyprus) Limited" ("Alpha Capital Holdingz (Sipris) Limited") 2 million rub.
LLC "Neolelyansky" (TIN: 7704182832).7704182832 16.552 million rub.
LLC "Dandar (CIS) Limited" (TIN: 7705180355).7705180355 75.055 million rub.
LLC "House of Financier" (TIN: 7728169735).7728169735 16.552 million rub.
LLC "Calderra" (TIN: 7728170120).7728170120 71.706 million rub.
LLC Open Company (TIN: 7728170025).7728170025 18.103 million rub.
LLC "OWNER" (TIN: 7728169742).7728169742 11.4 million rub.
LLC "FIRM" ALPHA-OM " (TIN: 7728103290).7728103290 106.81 million rub.
LLC "FIRM MONNA" (TIN: 7712046640).7712046640 217.597 million rub.
Limited Liability Company "Firma Khan"7728116130 216.774 million rub.

Is or was in the past founder of the following organizations:

09.10.2019 LLC "Flo.Dijital" 9701046627 60% 62.4264 million rub.
26.09.2019 JSC "Nbki" 7703548386 1.9488 million rub.
18.09.2019 LLC "Orion" 7810706012 0.1% 2 thousand rub.
18.09.2019 LLC "Phoenix" 9717085773 4.9% 98 thousand rub.
14.09.2019 Acre (JSC) 9705055855 111.112 million rub.
30.08.2019 Association FINTEX 9705086966
16.08.2019 LLC "ESKIZ" 7810786480 19.9% 1.99 thousand rub.
22.07.2019 LLC "GEO NPK" 3914024480 100% 10 thousand rub.
10.07.2019 But Auver 7704155370

Registration in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 087127025234

Registration date: 07.05.1998

Name of the FIU Organ: State Institution - Main Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 10 Management No. 2 in Moscow and Moscow Region Municipal District South-West District Moscow

UAH Making to the register: 2167700597645


Registration in the fund social insurance Russian Federation:

Registration number: 770000000677061

Registration date: 08.06.2006

Name of the FSS authority: Branch No. 6 of the State Institution - Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

UAH Making to the register: 2167700546100

Date of application to the register entries: 27.10.2016

According to RKN.gov.ru dated 20.03.2020, the company consists in the register of operators carrying out personal data processing:

Registration number:

The date of application of the operator in the registry: 07.12.2012

The basis of the application of the operator in the registry (Order number): 1281

The location of the operator: 107078, Moscow, ul. Calanechevskaya, 27

Date of commencement of personal data processing: 24.02.1998

The subjects of the Russian Federation, in the territory of which the personal data is processed: Nizhny Novgorod Region, Novosibirsk Region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan), Rostov region, Samara region, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk region, Stavropol region, Khabarovsk region

Purpose of personal data processing: For the purpose of implementation banking operations and other activities stipulated by the Charter of Alfa-Bank JSC, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Bank of Russia, incl. Considering by the Bank The possibility of concluding any contracts and agreements, making a decision on the proposal of services and services, verification of the accuracy of information, obtaining personal data from other permitted sources, verification and assessment of solvency and creditworthiness to make a decision on the conclusion of a loan agreement and / or a contract that ensures the fulfillment of obligations on the return of the loan, the further execution of the contract (s), obtaining the results of such an assessment, scoring point (individual rating), including characterizing the performance of its fulfillment of their obligations to creditors, the presence or absence of factors indicating the possible procedures applied in case on insolvency (bankruptcy) and other indicators of reliability, coordination of the terms of contracts and agreements with the Bank, the conclusion of contracts and agreements with the Bank, the use of the Bank's services, the implementation of calculations on the client operations and ensuring transfers, including those implemented using bank cards, providing information on the execution of contracts and operations carried out on accounts and bank cards, providing in the International Payment System / Payment System Mir / Organization, which provides payment mobile service, information on the client through the payment mobile service, as well as information in order to determine the card, implementation money transfers Through a system of rapid payments, payment by the client of goods, works, services of third parties through the bank's branches, using Alpha-Click's Internet bank, Alpha-Mobile Services, Alpha Payment Translation Translations, online stores, payment Payment terminals, payment reception cash registers, ATMs and other devices. The list of third party recipient persons is determined by the Bank, the purchase of goods, other property, including property rights, works, services of third parties, including other credit institutions, managers, brokers, forex dealers, insurance organizations, telecom operators, evaluation companies leasing companies, organizations providing legal and other services, improve the quality of service by the Bank, the organization of improving software software, promotion of goods, works, services in the market by carrying out direct contacts using means of communication, through telephone communication, on the network of mobile radiotelephone and other way, chat, SMS mailings, postagers of messages via instant messaging services, email newsletters, push-notifications, and other ways, creating information systems, analysis, modeling, prediction, Building mathematical models, building scoring models, analysis of aggregated and anonymous data, statistical and research objectives, carrying out overdue debts to the Bank on any contract or agreement, client paper storage, creation, storage, transfer of electronic copies of client documents, including recognition scanned images of client documents, investigating controversial operations, including in the case of cash money At the expense of software and technical devices of third-party organizations, promotion of products and services of the Bank and / or third parties, including the transfer of information and advertising reports on bank services and / or third parties by implementing direct contacts with the help of communications, conducting stimulating activities, including lotteries, competitions, games and other promotions organized by the Bank and / or third parties, the registration in promotion programs ( bonus programs) or in other programs for individualsconducted by the Bank or organizations working with the Bank as part of the issuance of partner maps, as well as the implementation of these programs, obtaining a client of the premium service services, the conclusion, execution and termination of civil law agreements with individuals: citizens and individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, organizations recruitment Employees of Alfa-Bank JSC, imprisonment / performance of labor and civil law contracts, conducting personnel workshop, promoting employees in training, maintaining corporate culture, communications between workers, use of various types Benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Placement or updates in electronic form In a single identification system and authentication (ECA) system of information necessary for registering a client - an individual, which is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the information provided for by paragraph of the second paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ "On counteracting legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal, and financing terrorism", as well as placement or updates in the electronic form of biometric personal data of the client - an individual, which is a citizen of the Russian Federation, in one information system Personal data providing processing, including the collection and storage of biometric personal data, their verification and transmission of information on their degree of compliance with the citizen of the Russian Federation provided by the biometric personal data of the physical person (hereinafter - a single biometric system), identifying customers - individuals who are citizens of the Russian Federation, by establishing and confirming the accuracy of information about them using unified system identification and authentication (ECA) and a single biometric system (EBS) in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", to receive customers banking services Without their personal presence according to paragraph 5.8 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ "On Countering Legalization (Laundering) of the income received by criminal means and financing terrorism". Providing information about the bank, its products and services, improving products and (or) services of the bank and to develop new products and (or) bank services, keeping statistics on users of the site / mobile application bank, storing personal preferences and user settings, session status tracking Use of users, ensuring the functioning and improving the quality of the site of the Bank, using the Internet forms on the Bank's website, providing remote service, form a list of interests, demonstrates the user of Internet content. Ensuring security, control and management of access to the protected area, to individual banking safes In the automatic depositary and identification of the personality of personal data. The formation and provision of reporting to regulators in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: The bank has a combination of measures: * A person has been appointed, the answer for the organization of PD processing in the bank, * PDN is processed in acc. With utensils. Policy in terms of personal data processing at Alfa-Bank JSC, policies regarding user data Alfa-Bank JSC, VN. Norm. docking, local acts, setting. Running and procedures for legitimate processing of PDNs in the bank aimed at preventing and identifying violations of the Zacra of the Russian Federation, eliminating the consequences of such violations, * right. Org. and those. Measures to ensure the safety of PDs when processing them in the bank are implemented within the framework of the Unified complex system providing inf. Security in the bank in acc. with demand Art. 19 of the Law 152-FZ, post. Is right. RF of 01.11.2012 No. 1119, the order of FSTEC of Russia of 02/18/2013 No. 21, the Order of the FSB of Russia dated July 10, 2014 No. 378, the provisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 09.06.2012 No. 382-p. In particular, the Bank implements the following measures: 1) the work was carried out to identify and evaluate the relevance of the threats to the safety of PDs processed into the Bank's CD, assessment of harm, which may be caused by PD entities in the event of a violation of the Law 152-FZ. The levels of the protection of PDNs are determined when they are processed into the Bank of the Bank, established by the Government of the Russian Federation. 2) the basic set of measures is defined and implemented in itself. and TEMers to ensure the safety of PDs when they are processed into the CDNs of the Bank necessary to fulfill the requirements for the protection of PDNs, the execution of which provides established levels of PD-security levels, and aimed at neutralizing current threats to PD's safety when they are processed into the banks of the bank. 3) An assessment of the effectiveness of the measures taken to ensure the safety of PDNs to the commissioning of the PDN is carried out, the Machine PDN carriers are recorded, the identification of non-banks. Access to PDNs and the adoption of appropriate measures is provided with the possibility of recovery of PDs, modified or destroyed as a result of non-lawn. 4) Internal control is carried out and (or) an audit of compliance with the processing of personal data by law 152-ФЗ and adopted by the norms. Legal acts, requirements for the protection of PDNs, policies for processing PDN, other local acts Bank. 5) Training and familiarization of the Bank's employees involved in the processing of PDNs, with the provisions of the Zacra of the Russian Federation on PDN, including with the requirements for their protection, with local acts of the Bank for PD processing issues. 6) as measures to organize those. The protection of PDNs when processing the Bank's dwellings are introduced and used to minimize access authorities, access detection tools (identification and authentication of access subjects, restrictions on the number of unsuccessful access attempts) are implemented, and other protection facts are logging. 7) In order to neutralize current security threats, the PDNs use technical and software for the protection of information that have passed the procedure for assessing compliance with the requirements of Zak-VA in the field of information security, including encryption (cryptographic) funds: - software and hardware complexes "FPSU-IP "," FPSU-IP / Customer "with a built-in certified FSB of Russia, a means of cryptographic information protection" FPSU-IP ", - VIPNET COORDINATOR HW1000 package, - hardware-software encryption complexes (APCCH)" Continent "version 3.7, - hardware and software package To protect the network infrastructure using the GOST algorithms - the means of cryptographic information protection: Cryptopro Ngate 1.0, Cryptopro CSP 4.0, Signature Spear (version 5), JCP cryptopro version 2.0, Pak cryptopro Uz 2.0, "Yantar" version 5.0. - Class Ski: KS1, CS2, KS3.

Personal data categories: Biometric personal data, surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, video recording of internal security television systems and bank terminal devices. Email address (internal), telephone, series and document certifying personality, presence, lack of disability

Subject categories whose personal data are processed: Bank employees, bank visitors, customers - individuals, individuals - customer representatives

List of actions with personal data: Collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, blocking, removal, destruction

Personal data processing: With the transfer by the internal network of a legal entity, without transmission over the Internet, mixed

Legal foundation of personal data processing: Guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of 02.12.1990 No. 395-1 "On Banks and banking activities», Tax Code Russian Federation, Civil Code Russian Federation, Art. 86 - 90. Labor Code Of the Russian Federation, federal law of December 30, 2004 №218-ФЗ "On credit stories", Federal Law of 07.08.2001 №115-FZ" On Countering Legalization (Laundering) of Revenues received by criminal means and financing of terrorism ", Federal Law of 04.04.1996 No. 39-FZ" On the market valuable papers", Federal law of 26.12.1995 No. 208-FZ" On joint Stock Company", Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ" On information, information technologies and information protection ", Federal Law of December 23, 2003 No. 177-FZ" On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation ", Federal Law of 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ "On the individual (personified) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance", Federal Law of 07/03/2016 No. 230-FZ" On the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals in the implementation of activities to return overdue debts and on amending the Federal Law "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations", Federal Law of 04/06/2011 № 63-FZ "On electronic signature", Instructions of the Bank of Russia of 30.05.2014 №153-and" On the opening and closing bank accounts, accounts for deposits (deposits), deposit accounts, "the provision of the Bank of Russia of 20.07.2007 No. 307-P" On the procedure for maintaining and submitting information about affiliated persons of credit institutions ", the position of the Bank of Russia of 15.10.2015 No. 499-P" On identification credit organizations customers, representatives of the client, beneficiary and beneficiary owners in order to counter the legalization (laundering) of the income obtained by criminal means, and the financing of terrorism ", indicating the Bank of Russia from 10/17/2018 No. 4936-in" On the procedure for submitting credit institutions to the authorized body and information authority In accordance with Articles 7, 7.5 of the Federal Law "On Counteracting Legalization (Laundering) of the income received by criminal, and the financing of terrorism", Federal Law of 28.06.2014 N 173-FZ "On the Features of Implementation financial operations from foreign citizens and legal entities, on amending the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and Recognition of the Special Provisions of the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation ", the provision of the Bank of Russia of 28.06.2017 No. 590-P" On the procedure for the formation of loan organizations of reserves for possible losses on loans, loan and equal debt ", the position of the Bank of Russia 23.10.2017 No. 611-P" On the procedure for the formation of credit organizations of reserves for possible losses ", instruction of the Bank of Russia dated August 16, 2017 No. 181-and" On the procedure for representing residents and non-resident authorized banks confirming documents and information in the implementation of currency transactions, uniform forms accounting and reporting on currency transactions, the procedure and timing of their submission ", indication of the Bank of Russia dated 08/16/2017 No. 4498-y" On the procedure for transfer by authorized banks, the State Corporation "Development Bank and foreign economic activity (Vnesheconombank) "Bodges of currency control of information on violations by persons carrying out currency operations, Acts of currency legislation of the Russian Federation and acts of currency regulatory authorities ", the charter of Alfa-Bank JSC, as well as on the basis of: applicants 'consents for the replacement of vacant posts for the processing of personal data, workers' agreements for personal data processing, customer processing for personal data processing , consent of other subjects of personal data (including potential customers, visitors, users of the site), contracts whose contracts are subjects of personal data, including in the case of the implementation of Alfa-Bank JSC of their right to assign rights (requirements) on such contracts, as well as to conclude contracts, the parties of which are subjects of personal data. Federal law of 06.12.2011 No. 402-ФЗ "On accounting", the consent of the practitioner for the processing of personal data, the Federal Law of 27.06.2011 No. 161-FZ "On National payment system", The position of the Bank of Russia dated 19.06.2012 No. 383-P" On the rules for the translation of funds ", by the Federal Law of December 31, 2017 No. 482-FZ" On Amendments to Selected legislative acts Of the Russian Federation "(including in the Federal Law of 02.12.1990 No. 395-1" On Banks and Banking Activities ". In the Federal Law of 07.05.1998 No. 75-FZ" On Non-State pension funds", In the Federal Law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ" On Countering Legalization (Laundering) of Revenues received by criminal, and financing of terrorism ", in the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ" On Information, Information Technologies and Information protection ", Federal law from 11/27/2018 №422-ФЗ "On conducting an experiment to establish a special tax regime "Professional income tax."

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state