
Federal Law 79 Federal Law dated 07.05. Administration of Blagoveshchensk rural settlement. Material currency values

Currency values– these are some foreign exchange assets, which include:

    securities, which are denominated in foreign currency. These are stocks, bonds, letters of credit, checks, bills, and others debentures, which are denominated in foreign currency;

    foreign currency; in Russia, for example, dollar, euro.

    precious stones in raw and processed form (emeralds, diamonds, alexandrites, rubies, pearls, sapphires);

    precious metals (gold, silver, platinum);

    platinum group metals (palladium, iridium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium), except for jewelry and household products made from the listed metals, their scrap, and stones.

With regard to currency values, the state usually establishes a limited circulation regime.

Currency values ​​and accounting and

For income tax and for accounting the term “currency values” is important because they provide for a recalculation of value in connection with changes in the exchange rate of foreign currency, resulting in the formation of positive or negative exchange rate differences.

In accounting, positive exchange rate differences are reflected in account 91 “Other income and expenses”, subaccount “Other income”, negative exchange rate differences are reflected in account 91 “Other income and expenses”, subaccount “Other expenses”.

In tax accounting, positive exchange rate differences are taken into account as non-operating income, and negative exchange rate differences are reflected as part of non-operating expenses.

Current legislation and currency values

In the Russian Federation, the concept of currency values ​​is a norm that appears in several legal acts.

The main ones of these acts are the following:

    Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Art. 141 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation generally establishes the concept of currency values ​​- this is a type of property. And to clarify what needs to be understood by this type of property, the Civil Code refers to the regulations on state regulation of transactions with currency.

    What is included in the concept of “currency values” is formulated in the Law of December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ “On currency regulation And exchange control" Subparagraph 5 of paragraph 1 of Article 1 defines the categories of currency values ​​- these are foreign currency and securities of external (non-Russian) issuers.

Thus, according to the current law on currency regulation and control dated December 10, 2013 No. 173-FZ, currency assets include 2 types of assets: external securities and foreign currency.

At the same time, we note that the entire paragraph 1 of Article 1 of Law No. 173-FZ is a list of objects accepted as international means of payment, transactions with which are regulated in the Russian Federation at the state level.

Thus, we can say that the concept of currency values ​​is a broader category than just foreign currency and securities.

Currency values: concept and composition

The first article of the law on currency regulation and control provides the conceptual apparatus that is used in the law.

According to these provisions, Russian “currency” consists of:

    cash banknotes (coins, banknotes) of the Bank of Russia;

    non-cash funds for bank accounts and in contributions.

Foreign "currency" includes:

Note that previously, currency values ​​included not only securities and currency, but also precious metals and stones.

However, at present, according to the Law on Currency Regulation and Control, currency values ​​do not include, for example, gold, diamonds, silver, etc.

Accordingly, they are removed from the scope of currency regulation.

However, their circulation is regulated by special legislation. The main thing for them is the law on precious metals and stones dated March 26, 1998 No. 41-FZ.

The current legislation classifies only foreign currency and foreign securities as currency values.

What values ​​are regulated by the Law on Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 1 of Law No. 173-FZ, the objects, operations with which are subject to state regulation in foreign trade relations, are:

Money in the form of banknotes, treasury notes and coins. Moreover, issued both by other states and the Russian Federation.

Let us note that if banknotes are outdated or damaged, but can be exchanged for those in circulation, it should be assumed that such banknotes, which are not suitable for direct payments, are also currency values.

Cashless cash. Moreover, both in foreign currency and in Russian rubles.

Securities in documentary and non-documentary form, the nominal value of which is expressed both in foreign currency and in Russian rubles.

Thus, if you apply in practice the laws of the Russian Federation regulating the circulation of currency objects, then you need to take into account everything presented in Art. 1 of Law No. 173-FZ and the above categories. That is, all these are currency values.

Material currency values

In order to regulate the circulation of currency objects, some of them are additionally classified and separated into an independent group - these are currency values ​​that have a material form.

These are banknotes and certified securities. Such objects are called tangible currency values.

Securities and currency values

Note that the concept of securities is defined in Article 142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

According to its provisions, these include bonds, bills, shares, investment shares, mortgages, bills of lading, checks, and other securities.

For the purposes of currency regulation, securities are divided into domestic securities and external securities.

The concept of external securities is defined by law as securities that are not classified as internal securities.

At the same time, special emphasis is placed on the fact that this also includes the so-called book-entry securities (this is the name given to securities in the form of an account entry that do not have a classic paper form).

Domestic securities under the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control Law include:

    issue-grade securities placed in Russian currency, the issue of which is registered in Russia;

    other securities placed in Russia and providing the right to receive Russian currency.

Foreign exchange transactions with domestic securities fall under the scope of regulation of the Foreign Exchange Regulation and Control Law when they involve a non-resident.

But such transactions carried out between residents are not subject to the rules of currency regulation.

As for currency values, the law establishes the rules:

    import of currency values ​​into the territory of the Russian Federation and export of currency values ​​from the territory of the Russian Federation;

    transfer from account to account, as well as without opening accounts;

    purchase and sale of foreign currency and checks in foreign currency.

However, some operations may be limited or prohibited altogether.

Thus, today the amounts of transfers in foreign currency between resident individuals to accounts in foreign banks; Transactions with foreign currency values ​​between residents are prohibited, with some exceptions.


Russian regulations formulate such a definition of currency values ​​as foreign currency and securities.

At the same time, taking into account the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and practical use state regulation norms foreign exchange transactions in the Russian Federation, everything that is listed in paragraph 1 of Art. 1 Federal Law No. 173-FZ.

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Currency values: details for an accountant

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Russian Federation the federal law

About the ban separate categories persons to open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial instruments

This Federal Law, in order to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation, streamline lobbying activities, expand investment of funds in national economy and increase the effectiveness of anti-corruption, a ban is established for persons making decisions on duty affecting issues of sovereignty and national security of the Russian Federation, to open and have accounts (deposits), to store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, to own and (or) use foreign financial instruments, the categories of persons in respect of whom this prohibition is established, the procedure for verifying compliance by these persons with this prohibition and the penalties for violating it are determined.

Article 2

1. It is prohibited to open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial instruments:

1) persons replacing (occupying):

a) government positions of the Russian Federation;

b) positions of the first deputy and deputies of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

c) positions of members of the Board of Directors Central Bank Russian Federation;

d) government positions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

e) positions of the federal public service, appointment to and dismissal from which are carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation or the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

f) positions of deputy heads of federal executive bodies;

g) positions in state corporations (companies), funds and other organizations created by the Russian Federation on the basis of federal laws, appointment to and dismissal from which are carried out by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation;

h) positions of heads of city districts, heads of municipal districts;

2) spouses and minor children of the persons specified in paragraph 1 of this part;

3) other persons in cases provided for by federal laws.

2. Federal laws specified in paragraph 3 of part 1 of this article may provide for periods during which accounts (deposits) must be closed, storage of cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation must be stopped, and (or ) the alienation of foreign financial instruments has been carried out, the grounds and procedure for conducting relevant checks, as well as the legal consequences of failure to comply with the prohibition established by this Federal Law.

3. The prohibition provided for by this Federal Law to open and have accounts (deposits) in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation does not apply to persons specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of this article holding (holding) government positions in the Russian Federation and federal positions. civil service in official representative offices of the Russian Federation located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, official representative offices of federal executive authorities, appointment to and dismissal from which are carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation or the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, as well as to spouses and minor children of these persons.

Article 3

2. In the event that the persons specified in Part 1 of Article 2 of this Federal Law cannot fulfill the requirements provided for in Part 1 of this Article in connection with the arrest, prohibition of orders imposed before the date of entry into force of this Federal Law by the competent authorities of a foreign state in accordance with the legislation of the foreign state in whose territory the accounts (deposits) are located, cash and valuables are stored in a foreign bank and (or) there are foreign financial instruments, such requirements must be met within three months from the date of termination of these in this part of the arrest, prohibition order.

3. Trust management of property, which provides for investment in foreign financial instruments and the founder of the management in which is a person who, in accordance with this Federal Law, is prohibited from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside territory of the Russian Federation, to own and (or) use foreign financial instruments is subject to termination within three months from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law.

Article 4

2. Citizens applying to fill (occupy) positions specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 2 of this Federal Law, when submitted in accordance with federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption”, other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation information on income, property and liabilities property nature in addition to the information provided for in Part 1 of this article, indicate information about their accounts (deposits), cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) foreign financial instruments, as well as information about such accounts (deposits) ), cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) foreign financial instruments of their spouses and minor children.

3. A citizen, his wife (husband) and minor children are obliged, within three months from the date the citizen fills (occupies) the position specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 2 of this Federal Law, to close accounts (deposits), stop storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) alienate foreign financial instruments.

Article 5

1. The basis for making a decision to carry out a compliance check by a person who, in accordance with this Federal Law, is prohibited from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) use foreign financial instruments, this prohibition (hereinafter referred to as verification) is sufficient information that the specified person does not comply with this prohibition.

2. The information specified in part 1 of this article may be submitted in writing to in the prescribed manner:

1) law enforcement and other government agencies, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, credit institutions, other Russian organizations, local government bodies, employees (employees) of departments for the prevention of corruption and other offenses and officials of state bodies, local government bodies, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign banks and international organizations; Federal Law “On Combating Corruption” of this Federal Law, explanations of the information and materials provided by it;

4) send requests in the prescribed manner to the prosecutorial authorities of the Russian Federation, other federal government bodies, state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, local government bodies, public associations and others Russian organizations, to banks and other organizations of foreign states about the information they have about the presence of persons who, in accordance with this Federal Law, are prohibited from opening and having accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation , own and (or) use foreign financial instruments, accounts (deposits), cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) foreign financial instruments. Powers of bodies, divisions and officials specified in part 1 of this article, in terms of sending requests provided for in this paragraph, are determined by the President of the Russian Federation;

5) make inquiries from individuals and receive from them, with their consent, information on inspection issues.

3. Heads of bodies and organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation who have received the request provided for in paragraph 4 of part 2 of this article are obliged to organize its execution in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and provide the requested information in the prescribed manner.

Article 8

Article 10

Failure of the person specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 2 of this Federal Law, his spouse and (or) minor children to comply with the prohibition to open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments entails early termination of powers, dismissal from the position being replaced (occupied) or dismissal due to loss of confidence in accordance with federal constitutional laws and federal laws defining the legal status of the relevant person.

The president
Russian Federation

Federal Law of 05/07/2013 N 79-FZ (as amended on 05/01/2019) "On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) use foreign financial instruments" (as amended and additionally, entered into force on 08/06/2019)

State Duma

Federation Council

Judicial practice and legislation - 79-FZ On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments

Statement by a civil servant about the impossibility of fulfilling the requirements of Federal Law No. 79-FZ of May 7, 2013 “On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial instruments"<4>(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments”) in connection with arrest, prohibition of orders imposed by the competent authorities of a foreign state in accordance with the legislation of that foreign state, on the territory of which accounts (deposits) are located, cash and valuables are stored in a foreign bank and (or) there are foreign financial instruments, or in connection with other circumstances not dependent on his will or the will of his spouse and minor children;




On approval of the provision “On the prohibition of certain

store cash and valuables

in foreign banks located outside

territory of the Russian Federation, own and (or)

use foreign financial instruments"

In accordance with the Federal Law of 05/07/2013. No. 79-FZ “On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments”,

The Council of Deputies of the Rogovskoye settlement decided:

  1. Approve the regulation “On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments” (Appendix).
  2. Publish this decision in the Moscow Municipal Bulletin bulletin and post it on the website of the administration of the Rogovskoye settlement on the Internet information and telecommunications network.
  3. This decision comes into force from the date of publication.
  4. Control over the implementation of this decision is entrusted to the head of the Rogovskoye settlement.

Head of the Rogovskoye settlement O.A. Vdovina


to the decision of the Council of Deputies

settlements of Rogovskoye

Regulations “On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments”

Article 1

This Regulation “On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) for the purposes of to increase the effectiveness of anti-corruption, a ban is established for persons who, on duty, make decisions affecting issues of sovereignty and national security of the Russian Federation, and (or) participating in the preparation of such decisions, open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation to own and (or) use foreign financial instruments, the categories of persons in respect of whom this prohibition is established, the procedure for verifying compliance by these persons with this prohibition and the penalties for its violation are determined.

Article 2

1. It is prohibited to open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial instruments:

1) persons replacing (occupying):

a) positions of acting heads of local administrations, heads of local administrations;

2) spouses and minor children of the persons specified in subparagraphs “a” - paragraph 1 of this part;

2. The prohibition established by this article to open and have accounts (deposits) in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation does not apply to persons holding (holding) government positions of the Russian Federation, positions of the federal civil service in official positions located outside the territory of the Russian Federation representative offices of the Russian Federation, official representative offices of federal executive authorities, positions in representative offices of state corporations (companies) and organizations created to support the activities of federal government bodies, as well as for spouses and minor children of these persons.

Article 3

1. The persons specified in paragraphs 1 of part 1 of article 2 of these Regulations are obliged, within three months from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of 05/07/2013. No. 79 “On the prohibition for certain categories of persons to open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial instruments” close accounts (deposits), terminate storage of cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) alienation of foreign financial instruments. In case of failure to fulfill such an obligation, the persons specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 2 of these Regulations are obliged to terminate their powers early, vacate the position being replaced (occupied) or resign.

2. In the event that the persons specified in Part 1 of Article 2 of this Regulation cannot fulfill the requirements provided for in Part 1 of this Article and Part 3 of Article 4 of this Regulation, in connection with the arrest, prohibition order imposed by the competent authorities of a foreign state in accordance with the legislation of the foreign state in whose territory the accounts (deposits) are located, cash and valuables are stored in a foreign bank and (or) there are foreign financial instruments, or in connection with other circumstances not dependent on the will of the persons specified in part 1 of Article 2 of these Regulations, such requirements must be fulfilled within three months from the date of termination of the arrest, prohibition of order or termination of other circumstances specified in this part.

2.1. Each case of failure to comply with the requirements provided for in Part 1 of this Article and (or) Part 3 of Article 4 of these Regulations is subject to consideration in the prescribed manner at a meeting of the relevant commission for compliance with requirements for official conduct and resolution of conflicts of interest (commission for monitoring the reliability of income information, on property and property-related obligations).

3. Trust management of property, which provides for investment in foreign financial instruments and the founder of management in which is a person who, in accordance with these Regulations, is prohibited from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments is subject to termination within three months from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of 05/07/2013. No. 79 “On the prohibition for certain categories of persons to open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial instruments.”

Article 4

1. Persons specified in paragraphs 1 of part 1 of Article 2 of these Regulations, when presented in accordance with federal constitutional laws, Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption” ), other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, information on income, property and property-related obligations indicate information about what belongs to them, their spouses and minor children real estate located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, about the sources of funds at the expense of which the specified property was acquired, about their property obligations outside the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as information about such obligations of their spouses and minor children.

2. Citizens applying for filling (occupying) positions specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 2 of these Regulations, when presented in accordance with federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption”, other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and others regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature, in addition to the information provided for in Part 1 of this article, indicate information about their accounts (deposits), cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) foreign financial instruments, as well as information about such accounts (deposits), cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) foreign financial instruments of their spouses and minor children.

3. The persons specified in Part 1 of Article 2 of these Regulations are obliged, within three months from the day the citizen fills (occupies) the position specified in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Article 2 of these Regulations, to close accounts (deposits), stop storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) carry out the alienation of foreign financial instruments, as well as stop trust management property that involves investing in foreign financial instruments and the founders of management in which are the specified persons.

Article 5

1. The basis for making a decision to carry out a compliance check by a person who, in accordance with these Regulations, is prohibited from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments, this prohibition (hereinafter referred to as verification) is sufficient information that the specified person does not comply with this prohibition.

2. The information specified in Part 1 of this article may be submitted in writing in the prescribed manner:

1) law enforcement and other government bodies, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, credit institutions, other Russian organizations, local government bodies, employees (employees) of units for the prevention of corruption and other offenses and officials of state bodies, local government bodies, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign banks and international organizations;

2) permanently operating governing bodies of political parties and other all-Russian public associations registered in accordance with the law that are not political parties;

3) Public Chamber of the Russian Federation;

4) all-Russian media.

3. Anonymous information cannot serve as a basis for making a decision to carry out an inspection.

Article 6

1. The decision to carry out an inspection is made by an official authorized to make a decision to carry out an inspection of a person’s compliance with the prohibitions and restrictions established by federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption”, and other federal laws.

2. The decision to carry out an inspection is made in the manner prescribed for making a decision to carry out an inspection of a person’s compliance with the prohibitions and restrictions established by federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption”, and other federal laws.

3. The inspection is carried out in the manner and within the time limits that are provided for verifying a person’s compliance with the prohibitions and restrictions established by federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption”, and other federal laws.

Article 7

1. The inspection is carried out by bodies, divisions and officials authorized to verify a person’s compliance with the prohibitions and restrictions established by federal constitutional laws, the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption”, and other federal laws.

2. When carrying out an inspection, the bodies, divisions and officials specified in part 1 of this article have the right to:

1) conduct, on his own initiative, a conversation with the person specified in paragraphs 1 of part 1 of article 2 of this Federal Law;

2) study additional materials received from the person specified in paragraphs 1 of part 1 of Article 2 of this Federal Law, or from other persons;

3) receive from the person specified in clauses 1 of part 1 of article 2 of this Federal Law, explanations on the information and materials provided by him;

4) send, in the prescribed manner, requests to the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, other federal state bodies, state bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, local government bodies, public associations and other Russian organizations, to banks and other organizations of foreign states about information available to them about the presence of persons who, in accordance with this Federal Law, are prohibited from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments, accounts (deposits), cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) foreign financial instruments. The powers of the bodies, divisions and officials specified in part 1 of this article, in terms of sending requests provided for in this paragraph, are determined by the President of the Russian Federation;

5) make inquiries from individuals and receive from them, with their consent, information on inspection issues.

3. Heads of bodies and organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation who have received the request provided for in paragraph 4 of part 2 of this article are obliged to organize its execution in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and provide the requested information in the prescribed manner.

Article 8

The person specified in paragraphs 1 of part 1 of Article 2 of this Regulation, in connection with the verification of compliance by him, his wife (husband) and (or) minor children with the ban on opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to own and (or) use foreign financial instruments:

1) provide explanations, including in writing, on issues related to the inspection;

2) provide additional materials and give explanations on them in writing;

3) apply to the body, division or official specified in Part 1 of Article 7 of this Federal Law to conduct a conversation with him on issues related to the inspection. The request must be granted.

Article 9

The person specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 2 of this Regulation, for the period of verification of compliance by him, his wife (husband) and (or) minor children with the prohibition to open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign banks, located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial instruments may, in accordance with the established procedure, be removed from the position being replaced (occupied) for a period not exceeding sixty days from the date of the decision to carry out the inspection. This period may be extended to ninety days by the person who made the decision to carry out the inspection. During the period of removal from the position being replaced (occupied), the salary for the position being replaced (occupied) is retained.

Article 10

Failure of the person specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 2 of this Regulation, his spouse and (or) minor children to comply with the prohibition to open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation , owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments entails early termination of powers, dismissal from the position being replaced (occupied) or dismissal due to loss of confidence in accordance with federal constitutional laws and federal laws defining the legal status of the relevant person

Bills Bill 220675-6

Bill 220675-6 On the ban on certain categories of persons

On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening Federations, owning and (or) using foreign financial

from the President of the Russian Federation

Bill number:220675-6
Date of submission of the bill to the State Duma:12.02.2013
Address of the bill page in the ASOZD:http://sozd.parlament.gov.ru/bill/220675-6
Responsible committee:
Profile committee:State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption
Co-Executive Committee:State Duma Committee on Financial Market
Date of status/phase change:07.05.2013
Bill status:Passage of the law by the President of the Russian Federation
Bill status phase:Consideration of the law by the President of the Russian Federation
Decision made (wording):the law was signed
Decision document type:the federal law
Name of the decision document:79-FZ
Bill type:the federal law
Subject of legislative initiative:President of the Russian Federation

Stages of consideration:

Transcript of bill No. 220675-6 On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments

Meeting date 24.04.2013 , meeting number 95 , lines in the transcript 6467

On the draft federal law No. 220675-6 "On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments."

Review stage: Consideration of the bill in the third reading


1137 I ask that items 4 and 5 on the agenda be considered together, with one report.

(each line contains the line number from the transcript of the bill)

1198 Ernest Abdulovich Valeev proposes to consider the 4th and 5th questions with one

1199 report. Do we agree? Thank you.

(each line contains the line number from the transcript of the bill)

1298 4th question, draft federal law “On prohibiting certain categories of persons

1299 open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and

1300 valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory

1301 Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial

1302 instruments." Ernest Abdulovich...

1304 VALEEV E. A. And immediately the 5th.

1306 PRESIDING PRESIDENT. And the 5th question, the draft federal law “On introducing

1307 changes to individual legislative acts Russian Federation in connection with

1308 adoption of the Federal Law "On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and

1309 have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in

1310 foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation

1311 Federation..."

1313 Ernest Abdulovich Valeev, please.

1315 Turn on the microphone in place.

1317 VALEEV E. A. Presidential bill “On prohibiting certain categories of persons

1318 open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and

1319 valuables in foreign banks... own and (or) use foreign

1320 financial instruments", as well as a bill introduced by deputies,

1321 which amends twenty-one federal laws and the Labor Code

1322 code in connection with the adoption of the presidential law, were considered in the second

1324 reading. All procedures have been completed, there are no comments. Proposed to accept

1325 bills in third reading.


1329 Will there be performances based on them? Please sign up.

1331 Turn on recording mode.

1333 Show the list.

1335 FROM THE HALL. (Can not hear.)

1337 PRESIDING PRESIDENT. Yes, I see there are two speeches here from the Communist Party faction, but

1338 according to two laws. Let's take this into account, thank you.

(each line contains the line number from the transcript of the bill)

4923 The next one is the 4th question, the draft federal law “On the ban on certain

4925 funds and valuables in foreign banks located outside

4926 territory of the Russian Federation...” Based on Anatoly Lokot

4927 Evgenyevich.

4929 Anatoly Evgenievich, please.

4931 ELBOW A.E. Dear deputies, the Communist Party faction will certainly support this

4932 bill, since its relevance, in our opinion, is very high. We

4933 We are fighting corruption, this campaign has been going on for several years now,

4934 For almost ten years, we have been struggling with the withdrawal of our funds abroad, and in this

4935 In a sense, of course, the relevance of the law, as I have already said, is very high. Except

4936 Moreover, the influence of the West on our management team is also important

4937 aspect, and this issue is also partly resolved by this bill. This is also

4938 I repeat once again, of course, an anti-corruption measure. Moreover, if our

4939 ministers, deputies, members of the Federation Council keep money here, with us, in

4940 Russian banks, which means the economic situation is stable. But this is also

4941 a certain precedent: we are probably prescribing for the first time, one might say,

4942 prohibitive regulatory measures not for citizens, not for the country, but for themselves

4943 first of all.

4945 This is definitely positive sides of this bill, but it has,

4946 Of course, there are also negative aspects. I would like to remind you that in the first reading in

4947 This bill was not only about finances, not only about accounts, but also

4948 on property, after the second reading the provisions on property disappeared,

4949 and in connection with this, of course, the bill became significantly weaker.

4951 Moreover, we are talking about individuals, and that's right, as I already

4952 said, well, how about it? legal entities? Listen to what the Chairman says

4953 Government of the Russian Federation (he spoke about this here when

4954 heard the government report, he spoke about this in an interview):

4955 state corporations used financial schemes in which there were

4956 Cypriot banks are involved, this became known after the collapse of the banking

4957 systems in Cyprus. How can this be, what is this?! In general, I think

4958 that this is a very serious statement, this is a statement from the second person in the country, and it

4959 should be the subject of close study, including by us, deputies,

4960 relevant authorities, it is necessary to determine how legal these

4961 schemes and whether they can be used at all. That is, it turns out that physical

4962 individuals are not allowed to keep funds abroad, and state corporations,

4963 to whom we presented colossal budget resources, hundreds of billions

4964 rubles, it turns out, you can withdraw them there! Of course, this is what they do

4965 it is forbidden!

4967 We are a country of innovators, we are certainly a country of talented people,

4968 and, as for the execution of any law, workarounds may appear.

4969 There are workarounds and here, in this bill, I don’t want to talk about it

4970 speak so as not to create, so to speak, a precedent, but nevertheless we

4971 We believe that this is a step in the right direction, this is the right vector, and we


4976 Anatoly Borisovich, are you speaking on the 4th question or the 5th? Two at once?

4978 Anatoly Borisovich Vyborny, please.

4980 Turn on your microphone.

4982 ELECTIVE A. B., "UNITED RUSSIA" faction.

4984 Dear Sergey Evgenievich, dear colleagues! Faction "UNITED RUSSIA"

4985 supports the bills under consideration. Why? In fact this is the answer to

4986 public request for the development of transparency of the institution of state power.

4987 The adoption of these laws will serve, firstly, to strengthen the national

4988 security of the Russian Federation, secondly, streamlining the lobbying

4989 activities, thirdly, increasing investment in national

4990 economy, but the main thing is that their adoption will improve efficiency

4991 anti-corruption.

4993 The bills are fully consistent with the logic of the development of anti-corruption

4994 legislation. The proposed restrictive measures are due to the high

4995 corruption risk. This is due to the activities of a special category of persons,

4996 who, in the course of their duties, make decisions affecting the interests of

4997 sovereignty and national security of the Russian Federation. What matters is that

4998 the proposed mechanism for monitoring compliance with the established ban is built in

4999 into the system of control over the income and expenses of officials provided for by the current

5000 anti-corruption legislation.

5002 Thus, the bills: a) comply with the Russian Constitution

5003 Federations; b) correspond to the national interests of Russia; c) improve

5004 legal regulation combating corruption in our country.

5006 For these reasons, the UNITED RUSSIA faction supports the bills and

5007 proposes to adopt them in the third reading.


5011 I am putting this bill, agenda item 4, to a vote.

5015 Show the results.

5020 1 person abstained 0.2%

5023 Result: accepted

5025 The law has been passed.

5027 5th item on the agenda, draft federal law "On Amendments to

5028 certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption

5029 Federal Law "On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having

5030 accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in foreign

5031 banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation...".

5033 Based on - Sergei Vladimirovich Ivanov.

5035 IVANOV S.V. Dear colleagues, these are the bills that we are now

5036 we accept, they say one thing: the Motherland is in danger, and in terrible danger,

5037 because if you read the Constitution, you know that there are rights and freedoms

5038 person and citizen who cannot be limited under any circumstances

5039 conditions, except perhaps by the adoption of a new Constitution, there are rights and freedoms

5040 persons who cannot be restrained outside of an emergency

5041 provisions. These are the restrictions that we are now accepting cannot be

5042 were not adopted in a state of emergency, and what this means is that

5043 do we accept these restrictions? This suggests that the country is in emergency

5044 position!

5046 Personally, for example, I didn’t know that we had adopted a law on lobbying

5047 activities. If I'm wrong, tell me, is it accepted or not?

5049 FROM THE HALL. (Can not hear.)

5051 IVANOV S.V. No, not accepted. And in explanatory note they write that

5052 bills are adopted in order to streamline lobbying activities, -

5053 okay, right? That is, there is no need to bring it to the West, you only need to bring it here,

5054 and no one understands what the rules are. Well done, great!

5057 government and authorized bodies, - the President sends to the West

5058 a list in which absolutely everything, from a tiny deputy to the president himself,

5059 and says: “Guys, keep an eye on these comrades.” Moreover, note: those

5060 who works abroad, who is appointed by the president, you can keep money on

5061 foreign accounts to make it easier to bribe, please, guys,

5062 keep it healthy!

5065 do not qualify. Here are St. Petersburg and Moscow - restrictions apply here,

5066 since these are subjects of the Federation, and everyone else - keep in good health,

5067 guys, at least take care of yourself! I'm not talking about adult children, dads,

5069 Maybe there’s also a ban to establish so as not to have any children or relatives, well

5070 no one, huh? In general there will be complete safety - crystal honest, clean

5071 a man who works for unknown reasons!

5074 The president is the guarantor, he is responsible for everything. And here it’s something like this

5075 it turns out that candidates for deputies and senators are obliged to close all accounts,

5076 destroy everything completely, show: I’m clean, and if it turns out

5077 the opposite is all, abdication of powers. Fine, but what about the president?

5078 The presidential candidate will not be registered, but if it turns out that

5079 the current president had accounts, then how? This is also in the bill

5080 nothing is said, it’s somehow strange.

5082 That is, it turns out that, by and large, the Constitution is being violated by

5083 all articles, independence of authorities from one another - legislative,

5084 judicial and executive - completely down the drain! For these

5085 You and I, comrades, are voting on bills now! Well maybe it's us

5086 will protect us from the danger that hangs over our country.


5092 FROM THE HALL. (Can not hear.)

5094 PRESIDING PRESIDENT. And, Nikolai Vasilyevich, did he offend you?

5096 Nikolai Vasilievich Kolomeytsev.

5098 Nikolai Vasilyevich has not performed for a long time. Sorry.

5100 Please.

5102 KOLOMEYTSEV N.V. Dear Sergey Evgenievich, dear colleagues! Well you

5103 you know, unlike Sergei Vladimirovich, I support the concept of this

5104 bill, but again I would like to do a few significant things with our

5105 points of view, comments.

5107 Look: regarding state corporations, you and I were initiated either from here or from there

5108 adopted special laws where they completely deprived themselves of any control functions,

5109 having given colossal budget funds, hundreds of billions, to, well, let’s say, everyone

5110 famous and beloved Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, together with

5111 They gave away 232 billion rubles in government guarantees, do you understand? These are colossal

5112 money, almost twice as much as is allocated for all agriculture

5113 our big and cold country, but there’s nothing to say about state corporations,

5114 Do you understand? And this despite the fact that state corporations are not only moving offshore

5115 state funds, they also salaries determined!

5116 Let's say, at Chubais, at Rusnano average salary 430 thousand, you can

5117 introduce? They settled down well: without answering for anything, they took the money

5118 state, put it on deposit and on deposit without doing anything, 20

5119 they get billions - Delhi, go to New Zealand, make films, do PR, but

5120 nothing but harm to the state, you understand? They take cars for 1 million 800

5121 thousand one car rented per month! There are many wealthy people here who

5122 they know that in three months you can buy a normal car and drive - pay

5123 only for refueling. They spend 600 million on security, can you imagine?

5124 And you deprived us of the opportunity to control state corporations. Moreover, even

5125 when a hundred deputies plucked up courage, patience and signed the request

5126 to the Accounts Chamber, they began, so to speak, to twist the arms of the Accounts Chamber -

5127 they say such things cannot be voiced. And there are also billions, dozens

5128 billions of rubles were transferred to those same offshores amid talk about what was happening there

5129 They will develop new technologies, then bring them and make Russia happy. Who's into this

5130 does he believe? And no one. But there are no state corporations here.

5132 We believe that in principle the law should be adopted, but it cannot be castrated,

5133 Do you understand? In your first reading you were talking about property - I think that the one

5134 whoever removed this provision probably decided that since there are no accounts, then the property

5135 it is impossible to serve, but adult children can still do it.

5136 It seems to me that, in fact, this law is a typical mass grave. Why?

5137 Because there are several laws here, and it will be necessary to introduce

5138 amendments, be sure to keep in mind the property and be sure to provide

5139 full control state corporations... (Microphone muted.)

5141 PRESIDING PRESIDENT. Thank you, Nikolai Vasilievich. Are you ready for yourself

5142 sacrifice.

5148 Show the results.

5153 0 people abstained 0.0%

5156 Result: accepted

5158 The law has been passed.

Meeting date 19.04.2013 , meeting number 93 , lines in the transcript 7354

On the draft federal law No. 220675-6 "On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments" ( adopted in the first reading on February 22, 2013 with the title “On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and holding accounts (deposits), keeping issuers”).

Review stage: Consideration of the bill in the second reading

(each line contains the line number from the transcript of the bill)

2246 Question 10, draft federal law “On prohibiting certain categories of persons

2247 open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and

2248 valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory

2249 Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial

2250 instruments", second reading. Report of the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on

2251 security and anti-corruption of Ernest Abdulovich Valeev.

2253 Please.

2255 VALEEV E. A., faction "UNITED RUSSIA".

2257 Dear Alexander Dmitrievich, dear deputies! Your attention

2258 a bill "On prohibiting certain categories of persons from opening and

2259 have accounts (deposits), store cash and valuables in

2260 foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation

2261 Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial

2263 title "On the prohibition of certain categories of persons to open and have accounts

2264 (deposits), store cash in foreign banks,

2265 located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and have valuable

2266 securities of foreign issuers."

2268 Fifty-seven amendments were received to the bill, fourteen of them

2270 adoption of amendments aimed at expanding the circle of persons in respect of whom

2271 the ban applies to the introduction of a ban on the storage of all valuables, not

2272 cash only.

2274 I propose to approve the tables of amendments.


2278 Do you have any questions regarding table of amendments No. 1? No.

2284 Show the results.

2289 0 people abstained 0.0%

2292 Result: accepted

2294 Accepted.

2296 Do you have any questions regarding table of amendments No. 2? No.

2302 Show the results.

2307 0 people abstained 0.0%

2310 Result: accepted

2312 Accepted.

2314 Turn on the microphone in the central stand.

2316 VALEEV E. A. There are no comments from the Legal Department, the committee recommends adoption

2317 the bill is in the second reading.

2319 PRESIDING PRESIDENT. Not in the third reading yet?

(each line contains the line number from the transcript of the bill)

5817 10th paragraph, draft federal law “On prohibiting certain categories of persons

5818 open and have accounts (deposits), store cash and

5819 valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory

5820 Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial

5821 "tools."

5825 Show the results.

5830 0 people abstained 0.0%

5833 Result: accepted

5835 Accepted.

Meeting date 22.02.2013 , meeting number 81 , lines in the transcript 6237

On draft federal law No. 220675-6 “On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and holding accounts (deposits), storing cash in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and holding securities of foreign issuers.”

Review stage: Consideration of the bill in the first reading

(each line contains the line number from the transcript of the bill)

3185 So, the 22nd question, the draft federal constitutional law “On introducing

3186 amendments to Article 11 of the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Government

3187 Russian Federation". And at the same time the 23rd question, the draft federal law

3189 cash in foreign banks located outside

3190 territory of the Russian Federation, and have securities of foreign

3191 issuers." One report on these projects will be made by Garry Vladimirovich Minkh.

3193 Harry Vladimirovich, please.

3195 MINKH G.V., Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in

3196 State Duma.

3198 Dear Sergei Evgenievich, dear deputies of the State Duma! to yours

3199 We present to your attention two bills introduced by the President of the Russian Federation

3200 Federation. In addition, substantively related to this issue are

3201 quite voluminous amendments, which were also introduced by the president to

3202 State Duma to the bill, which has already been adopted in the first reading and

3203 intersects thematically with the package that we are going to talk about today

3204 speak. All these draft laws are aimed at solving one very important and

3205 very serious task - the fight against corruption. I would like to remind you that in

3206 time to present his annual message to the Federal Assembly

3207 Russian Federation in December 2012, Vladimir Vladimirovich asked

3208 support legislative proposals to limit the rights of politicians and

3209 officials to foreign accounts, securities and shares, and precisely for this

3210 the bills being considered today are devoted to.

3212 I'll start with the second bill. This is a separate draft of the federal law "On

3214 cash in foreign banks located outside

3215 territory of the Russian Federation, and have securities of foreign

3216 issuers." This bill, as its name suggests, prohibits

3217 persons who, in the course of their duties, make decisions affecting issues

3218 sovereignty and national security of the Russian Federation, as well as their

3219 spouses and minor children, open and have accounts (deposits),

3220 keep cash in foreign banks located overseas

3221 outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and have state valuables

3222 securities of foreign countries, bonds and shares of other foreign issuers

3223 on the right of ownership. The ban, as expressly provided for in the draft law,

3224 is established in order to ensure the national security of the Russian

3225 Federation, streamlining lobbying activities, increasing investment

3226 funds into the national economy.

3228 The bill defines the circle of persons who are affected by this ban: these are persons

3229 who hold government positions in the Russian Federation are persons

3230 who fill the positions of the first deputy and deputy general

3231 Prosecutor of the Russian Federation, positions of members of the Board of Directors

3232 Central Bank of Russia, government positions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

3233 Federation, federal civil service positions, appointment to

3234 which and exemption from which are carried out by the President of the Russian Federation

3235 Federation, Government of the Russian Federation or Prosecutor General

3236 Russian Federation, as well as those persons who hold positions in

3237 state corporations, foundations and other organizations created on the basis of

3238 federal laws, also assignment to and exemption from which

3239 carried out by the President or the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as

3240 spouses and minor children of these persons. Exception provided

3241 only for those who hold relevant positions in diplomatic

3242 representative offices, consulates and other official

3243 representative offices of the Russian Federation, official representative offices

3244 federal executive authorities located outside

3245 territory of the Russian Federation.

3247 The persons I am talking about, if they now have these accounts,

3248 the corresponding shares and property are required to close the account (deposit), terminate

3249 storage of cash in a foreign bank and carry out

3250 alienation of securities of foreign issuers. In case of violation of the specified

3251 prohibition, there are legal consequences such as early termination

3252 powers of a member of the Federation Council, deputy of the State Duma, deputy

3253 legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject

3254 Russian Federation, federal judge or exemption from employment

3255 positions on the basis that is formulated as follows: due to loss of trust.

3257 The bill provides for a procedure for declaring real estate

3258 property located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, with

3259 mandatory indication of the sources of receipt of the funds at the expense of which this

3260 the property was acquired. The bill also provides for a procedure

3261 verification of compliance by those persons about whom I spoke, established

3262 ban. These procedures, in fact, repeat those provided for

3263 exercising control over the compliance with the income of the expenses of persons replacing

3264 government positions (you and I not so long ago adopted the corresponding federal

3265 law), or to verify the accuracy and completeness of income information,

3266 property, property obligations - this procedure

3267 established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

3269 Checks of compliance with prohibitions can begin based on statements sufficiently

3270 a wide range of individuals and organizations, but including - and this is a novelty -

3271 information provided by the Central Bank or credit

3272 organization, since we are talking about accounts. This, I repeat, is a novella, which

3273 It didn't exist before.

3275 The provisions contained in this bill provide for an adjustment

3276 a number of federal laws, as well as the Federal Constitutional Law

3277 "On the Government of the Russian Federation". And the changes that are being made to

3278 this federal constitutional law provides for a ban on members

3279 government to open accounts and have the corresponding property, about which I

3280 said abroad. The prohibition also applies to their spouses and

3281 minor children. Monitoring compliance with the established ban

3282 by the indicated persons will be carried out in the manner that will be provided

3283 decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

3285 And it is proposed to make corresponding corresponding changes to a number of

3286 federal laws, there are only seventeen of them, I won’t name them all, I’ll name

3287 only one of them is the Federal Law “On the status of a member of the Federation Council

3288 and the status of a State Duma deputy...".

3290 As has already been said, the changes I am talking about are envisaged

3291 Presidential amendments to the bill, which had already been adopted in the first

3292 reading, but today this is not the subject of our consideration, I just think that

3293 we need to be aware of these proposals and see how we deal with this situation

3294 regulate as a whole, comprehensively.

3296 Here are the main provisions of the bills we are considering. I beg

3297 you to support the presidential initiatives and accept the draft in the first reading

3298 federal law, and approve the draft federal constitutional law in

3299 first reading.

3301 Thank you for your attention.


3305 Irina Anatolyevna Yarovaya.

3307 YAROVAYA I. A., Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and

3308 Anti-Corruption, UNITED RUSSIA faction.

3310 Dear colleagues, the legislative initiative introduced by the president is dedicated to

3311 issues of protecting national interests, ensuring national

3312 security, counteracting unfair lobbying and corruption

3313 behavior. A detailed report given by Harry Vladimirovich,

3314 in fact, it gives an answer to the question of what circle of subjects

3315 direct prohibitions apply. Direct prohibitions are mandatory

3316 execution, and first of all we are talking about the choice of behavior model by the person who

3317 holds the corresponding government position.

3319 I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the list of government positions,

3320 in respect of whom a direct ban is established, we are talking about persons who

3321 due to their competence are associated with making decisions that ensure

3322 national security and implementation of national public policy.

3323 As a matter of fact, these are direct requirements for the profession, and any official

3324 persons in this regard, direct obligations arise or fulfill direct

3325 bans for three months, or vacate your position. In

3326 if the subject for some reason does not intend to fulfill these

3327 obligations or hides information, distorts information, occurs completely

3328 specific legal consequences no longer associated with exemption from

3329 position, but with dismissal from position due to loss of confidence.

3331 As for elected officials. This is undoubtedly the most important

3332 the principled position of the bill introduced by the president. This is about

3333 that those persons who make political decisions - and you very well

3334 you know that these decisions directly affect the implementation of state

3335 national policy, economic security, social security

3336 our citizens - must have corresponding obligations to

3337 Russian Federation, and before Russian citizens, therefore the requirement for

3338 early resignation is quite logical and consistent with the requirement for

3339 other officials.

3341 Dear colleagues, very important norms that were emphasized

3342 Harry Vladimirovich, - control procedure and initiation of inspection. You

3343 remember that the cost control procedure already includes a very serious

3344 mechanism of openness and publicity, namely the possibility of communicating information,

3345 requiring further verification, public organizations,

3346 political parties, the Public Chamber, federal funds

3347 mass media. IN in this case taking into account the specifics of the subject

3348 regulation and features of presidential control are also proposed

3349 provide an opportunity to the Central Bank and credit organizations report

3350 information that may be a signal and basis for carrying out

3351 appropriate verification. In addition, to implement the control procedure, with

3352 Taking into account, again, the specifics of the subject of control, it is proposed to give the opportunity

3353 sending requests and foreign organizations for getting

3354 relevant information.

3356 Dear colleagues, it is very important that today this legislative initiative

3357 is being considered in a package with amendments to the Federal Constitutional Law "On

3358 Government of the Russian Federation" and with the parliamentary initiative that

3359 we considered it earlier and adopted it in the first reading. The President prepared very

3360 serious amendments to this legislative initiative, and this is now

3361 in fact, a single block of relevant legal regulation.

3363 Undoubtedly, the measures that are being proposed today have a very serious

3364 significance both for the reputational cleansing of power, and in the future for change

3365 requirements for motivation to join the civil service and for replacements

3366 relevant government positions. In terms of real estate, like you

3367 remember, in the Address of the President of the Russian Federation it was absolutely clear

3368 it is said that all information about real estate must be declared and

3369 must be open. The need to confirm sources of acquisition

3370 namely foreign real estate, regardless of the cost of the objects - absolutely

3371 a fair requirement, it relates not only to the tasks of control over

3372 expenses, but also for other purposes - with purposes related to preventing

3373 conflict of interest, unfair lobbying and possible

3374 abuse.

3376 The Security and Anti-Corruption Committee supports this

3377 legislative initiative. We, dear colleagues, are absolutely confident that

3378 that you share the position of the president, we hope to prepare together with you

3379 This package of initiatives is to be considered in the second and third readings.


3383 Do the deputies have any questions?

3385 Yes, I apologize, I almost deprived Vladimir Nikolaevich of his word. Vladimir

3386 Nikolaevich, please, I invite you to the microphone.

3388 PLIGIN V.N. Dear Sergey Evgenievich, dear colleagues! I will be extremely

3389 brief, since Harry Vladimirovich and Irina Anatolyevna in detail

3390 settled on the bill.

3392 Amendments to the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Government"

3393 Russian Federation" is a logical continuation of the changes that

3394 are included in federal law. The bill provides for addition

3395 list of restrictions related to being a member of the Government

3396 Russian Federation, establishing a ban for members of the Government of the Russian Federation

3397 Federations, their spouses and minor children to open accounts

3398 (deposits), storage of cash in foreign banks,

3399 located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, ownership

3400 government securities of foreign countries, bonds and

3401 shares of other foreign issuers on the right of ownership. Control for

3402 compliance with the established prohibition by these persons will be carried out in

3403 in the manner prescribed by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

3405 The Committee considers this draft federal constitutional law

3406 consistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, supports the general

3407 the concept of bills introduced by the President of the Russian Federation and

3408 invites the State Duma to approve it in the first reading.

3410 Dear colleagues, strictly speaking, we could stop there, but

3411 I would also like to draw attention to Vladimir’s speech

3412 Abdualievich Vasiliev this morning. Vladimir Abdualievich - I completely

3413 I share his position - he said that we are not talking about some kind of deviant

3414 behavior that is alleged to have occurred, in no way, is simply presented

3415 new requirements, a number of requirements simply change in this situation. We

3416 should respect what individuals have achieved in their lives in

3417 previous period time, their behavior was fully consistent with Russian

3418 legislation This is the first.

3420 Second. To comply with the provisions of this federal law and those

3421 proposals that are being made now, in a number of cases, individual

3422 officials propose creating new control or law enforcement

3423 organs. It seems to me that in the Russian Federation there is enough

3424 developed control system, there are a sufficient number of bodies that

3425 are engaged in law enforcement, and therefore about the creation of new bodies that supposedly

3426 should additionally engage in some more substantive research, in

3427 in particular, financial activities, there should hardly be any discussion, including with

3428 from the point of view of saving public funds, and also, I emphasize once again, from

3429 taking into account the sufficiency of the personnel component and the operational component in order to

3430 to explore relevant issues.

3432 Thank you very much for your attention.


3436 Please enable recording mode for questions about the report and co-report.

3438 Please sign up.

3440 Show the list.

3442 Eighteen people. Two per faction?

3454 2 people abstained 0.8%

3457 Result: accepted

3459 Accepted.

3461 The first question is asked by Nikolai Vasilyevich Kolomeytsev from the Communist Party faction.

3463 KOLOMEYTSEV N.V. Thank you.

3465 Dear Harry Vladimirovich, please tell me: for example, there were

3466 reports that deputy prime ministers, ministers and their wives have apartments in

3468 months of their wife or they will not sell these apartments and purchase similar ones

3469 in Moscow, then they should all write a letter of resignation from the government? IN

3470 The Duma commission has already examined the cases of fifty people, and now,

3471 It turns out that they have to be disassembled in a new way? And again we will send in batches

3472 deputies to leave, right?

3474 MINKH G.V. Dear Nikolai Vasilievich, in those bills about which we

3475 we're talking about cash accounts and shares - for brevity I’ll call it that.

3476 All real estate will need to be declared and sources indicated

3477 receipt of funds with which this property was purchased, so you

3478 interpret the text somewhat more broadly.


3482 Dmitry Yurievich Nosov.

3484 NOSOV D. Yu., LDPR faction.

3486 Dear colleagues, the question is this. For example, respected deputy Zhirinovsky

3487 someone wants to compromise and every day opens abroad in his name

3488 an account that Vladimir Volfovich will then have to close. Or, let's say

3489 enemies are persuading the wife of a deputy to secretly open an account abroad,

3490 But deputies cannot control all the actions of their spouses. Like with

3491 this be - maybe introduce some clarifications or some other

3492 a procedure concerning relatives, but not the deputy himself? Harry

3493 Vladimirovich, how does the law look at this?

3495 MINKH G.V. Dear Dmitry Yuryevich, I do not rule out the situation that the enemy

3496 will sneak up on Vladimir Volfovich himself and convince him, fooling him

3497 (which is impossible in principle), open an account abroad, but this, of course, is a joke.

3498 But seriously, then, understanding after all high level responsibility of tasks and

3499 issues that you and I are solving - and dear colleague Vladimir Volfovich

3500 Zhirinovsky, and you, and all of us - I think we need to carry out preventive work with

3501 themselves, their spouses and minor children.


3505 Rafael Mirkhatimovich Mardanshin.


3509 Dear Harry Vladimirovich, among the persons who will be prohibited from having

3510 bank accounts outside the Russian Federation, it is proposed to include

3511 deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

3512 Federation. As we know, there are two categories of deputies: those working for

3513 on an exempt basis and on a permanent basis. So please explain

3514 this law will apply to all deputies or only those who work for

3515 permanent basis?

3517 MINKH G.V. I answer briefly - everyone, because when discussing issues and

3518 making decisions, regardless of whether it is a full-time or non-staff deputy,

3519 Let's just say that they all have equal legal status in this regard, they have

3521 sometimes there are much more freelance deputies than working deputies

3522 on an ongoing, professional basis.


3526 Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva.

3528 DMITRIEVA O. G., “A JUST RUSSIA” faction.

3530 We fully support the presented draft presidential law, but I have

3531 question to the leaders of our two committees, Irina Anatolyevna and Vladimir

3532 Nikolaevich.

3534 The bill on Rosfinagency has just been adopted in the first reading, which

3535 proposes to place 5.4 trillion rubles primarily abroad - this

3536 balances of the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund. His

3537 the workers will not be government employees - it is a public limited company

3538 society, it is also expected to attract foreign workers

3539 highly qualified experts. I have a question: do you think that

3540 Rosfinagency employees should also be covered by this

3541 law or not?

3543 PRESIDING PRESIDENT. Irina Anatolyevna Yarovaya.

3545 YAROVAYA I. A. Dear colleagues, a list of those officials in relation to

3546 which are directly prohibited are indicated. Based on the status again

3547 created bodies and institutions, then the requirements that are now proposed

3548 president, must be correlated with the level of tasks, competence and responsibility

3549 these organs.


3553 Sergey Nikolaevich Reshulsky.

3555 RESHULSKY S.N., Communist Party faction.

3557 I have a question for Harry Vladimirovich.

3559 I am interested in the practical side of the matter, namely Article 2 of the bill

3560 under agenda number 23. Here is a list of officials who are prohibited

3561 to have these accounts and securities - there are six such categories. Tell,

3562 Please, Harry Vladimirovich, what is the numerical composition of all these categories,

3563 how many persons does the ban apply to and does the author have

3564 bill (that is, the President of the Russian Federation) data on which of the

3565 Do these officials have such accounts and securities?

3567 I'm just afraid that such rapid changes might lead to...

3568 collapse financial system Russian Federation. And how to implement

3569 foreign securities for three months - also complex issue. I think the law

3570 well-designed, we'll all support it, but here's how almost all of it

3571 will it work? How many do we have now... (Microphone is muted.)

3573 PRESIDING PRESIDENT. Harry Vladimirovich, please.

3575 MINKH G.V. Dear Sergey Nikolaevich, regarding your first question - I can

3577 can be easily counted. The number of legislative deputies is known

3578 assemblies of subjects, federal judges, federal parliamentarians, etc.

3580 name, but I will do the calculations and be sure to let you know the result.

3582 On the second question. You know that those persons who occupy the indicated

3583 positions or apply for their replacement, are required to submit information about

3584 what accounts and shares are owned. We're talking about accounts.

3585 in general, including abroad, and shares of foreign issuers are also included in

3586 list of property that relevant officials are obliged to

3587 declare, therefore this information in the vast majority of cases

3588 is also already known.

3590 And third. As for how the market will react to the emergence of free

3591 circulation of such an array of shares of foreign issuers, then I think this is more

3592 economic question. I don't think the cost of the relevant organizations

3593 will collapse, will fall sharply if some

3594 the number of these shares. Regarding the volume of property that will be

3595 launched into civil circulation, I think serious companies of this are probably

3596 They won't even notice.

3598 PRESIDING PRESIDENT. Harry Vladimirovich, there was one more part of the question:

3599 Do you think three months is enough time to sell? In purchase and sale

3600 there must be the will of two parties - the one who sells, and the one who buys, and

3601 We won’t be able to influence the latter much, right?

3603 MINKH G.V. Of course, that’s why I pretended that I didn’t remember this part

3604 question... (Animation in the hall.)

3606 PRESIDING PRESIDENT. Thank you for your sincerity.

3608 MINKH G.V. In fact, this problem can only be assessed by experts, and

3609 of course, some serious object, if it is large, in a short time

3610 It will be quite difficult to implement. Plus the technology itself for selling shares is not

3611 so simple, it’s not like selling a glass of seeds, this procedure is still

3612 takes...

3614 FROM THE HALL. (Can not hear.)

3616 MINKH G.V. I want to sell, not buy, Nikolai Vasilievich.

3618 I really find it difficult to answer this question. But the problems are quite

3619 likely to arise in practice. I think this also needs to be discussed,

3620 at the same time, it might be worth talking with those of our colleagues who work

3621 in this sector both in the State Duma and in federal bodies

3622 executive power and deals with securities and securities turnover.


3626 Sergey Vladimirovich Ivanov.

3628 IVANOV S.V. Garry Vladimirovich, well, this is not a problem, for the second reading you can

3629 register: sell only to the Russian state, and at the price that

3630 They'll offer it, that's all.

3632 But in general, of course, the bill is interestingly written. Let's say there are words

3633 that if a person has not complied with the requirements for closing an account or selling

3634 papers, then it is obliged to terminate the powers of a State Duma deputy or a member of the Council

3635 Federation. But you and I know that the powers of a State Duma deputy are terminated

3636 by the decision of the chamber, if he died, God forbid, or is recognized

3637 absent. So it’s somehow written incorrectly here.

3639 In general, my question is the following. Article 34 of the Constitution: everyone has the right to

3640 free use of one's abilities and property for

3641 entrepreneurial and other economic activities not prohibited by law.

3642 Money, as you know, also belongs to property. And this article is not subject to

3643 review even under martial law. Do you think they match?

3644 such prohibitions of the Constitution, in particular this article?

3646 MINKH G.V. Of course, they correspond, dear Sergei Vladimirovich. I

3647 I suggest you read this article in conjunction with Part 3 of Article 55

3648 The Constitution of the Russian Federation, which stipulates that restrictions on rights

3649 citizens are constitutionally possible meaningful goals, and those goals that I

3650 today indicated that they fall precisely under this category constitutionally

3651 significant is National security. And the level of introduction of these bans

3652 (also a requirement of Part 3 of Article 55) - federal law that you and I

3653 we do.


3657 Gennady Vasilievich Kulik.

3659 KULIK G. V. Please tell me, do you have at least expert review, O

3660 what amount can we talk about, what can we count on in terms of

3661 that this will strengthen our banking system, and economic in general

3662 system? Approximately what amount of funds are stored abroad are we talking about?

3663 is it coming?

3665 MINKH G.V. There is no such assessment, Gennady Vasilyevich, and in principle it is from the point of view

3666 It is impossible to carry out this in accordance with legal requirements. Why? Because from

3667 of the circle of officials in question, only a small part

3668 are persons who not only declare this property, but are also obliged

3669 publish information in this part; quite a large number of people from this

3670 does not have a list of such responsibilities, so information about this is

3671 restricted information. In other words, these are expert assessments

3672 will be given with such a spread that, in essence, it will be fortune telling.


3676 Dmitry Gennadievich Gudkov.

3678 GUDKOV D. G., faction "A JUST RUSSIA".

3680 Dear Harry Vladimirovich, I also have a practical question. One of the most

3681 young members of our government is Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev,

3682 whose son, as we know, recently came of age and entered

3683 Russian university, for which the whole country congratulated him. Dmitry's colleagues

3684 Anatolyevich is much older: not only their children, but even their grandchildren have already reached

3685 coming of age. Therefore, the fight against corruption ends exactly there

3686 the moment when all these accounts are recorded in the name of adult children and grandchildren.

3687 Well, I guess then the only one who falls under this bill is

3688 Arkady Dvorkovich, who still has minor children, from which it is possible

3689 probably conclude that someone has a grudge against him. How do you think,

3690 maybe it’s worth expanding the list of relatives, adding at least

3691 adult children? Then we can really do it more efficiently

3692 fight corruption.

3694 MINKH G.V. Dear Dmitry Gennadievich, I think you don’t know very well

3695 composition of the government, because in particular there is a federal minister,

3696 who turned thirty years old not so long ago. Dmitry Anatolyevich in this

3697 In terms of the person, let’s say, he is already quite mature.

3699 Well, speaking seriously, it must be said that expanding the circle of people is

3700 the direction you are talking about is a rather complex problem.

3701 Why? Because adult children are not always in relationships,

3702 let's say, controlled, communicative with their parents. What

3703 concerns the question asked by colleague Nosov from the LDPR, then here

3704 You don’t need enemies, it’s enough to have minor children, and then you can

3705 potentially any subject falling under this law, let down, figuratively

3706 speaking, like a monastery. Therefore this is not a solution to the problem. You just need to have it in

3707 mind that sometimes there is a situation where minor children are much richer than their

3708 more adults

(each line contains the line number from the transcript of the bill)

3912 Dear colleagues, let me remind you that we continue to discuss points 22 and 23

3913 agenda. We have two speakers left. From the faction "UNITED RUSSIA" -

3914 Irina Anatolyevna Yarovaya.

3916 Please.

3918 YAROVAYA I. A. I believe that the LDPR faction will not perceive this as extraordinary

3919 performance.

3921 Dear colleagues, today we are considering a very important bill.

3922 Various questions were asked in the hall, I think that there really was a meaning to them

3923 ask, but only in a slightly different aspect - not in the emotional, but, if

3924 you want, morally. Today there is a category of citizens who

3925 arrive on the territory of the Russian Federation to earn money, we call them

3926 guest workers: they work and bring money to support their families for

3928 if he earns money in Russia and then takes it abroad? Maybe,

3929 after all, the task of those who enter public office is to serve

3930 their country and their citizens and connect their interests and the interests of their

3931 families with the future of Russia.

3933 We often talk about conflicts of interest, unfair lobbying,

3934 the possibility of even blackmail and pressure. Is the instrument of such influence

3935 and pressure from the presence of financial interests outside the Russian territory

3936 Federation? Undoubtedly, this is a deliberate threat. Do they cause potential

3937 distrust of those who, entering public office, have a certain

3938 addiction? They call. But the question is not mistrust, the question is uniform rules,

3939 requirements and criteria. And here there can be no personal, personalized

3940 approach is general requirement, general rule, which is associated with the feature

3941 status, with the peculiarity of job competence, and, probably, from this it is necessary

3942 proceed.

3944 Then, dear colleagues, it is completely wrong to consider this

3945 bill only from the point of view of those who are on the

3946 government positions. Legislative regulation provides

3947 perspective, provides, among other things, new approaches to the formation

3948 motivation for coming to public office, so we must understand

3949 that these are new, high-quality requirements, including for those who only

3950 intends to enter the civil service.

3952 Dear colleagues, I would like to draw your attention to the list of subjects.

3953 You probably also noticed that all these subjects have access

3954 including classified information, information that constitutes

3955 state secret. We haven’t discussed this aspect yet, but it was necessary

3956 would, because taking into account the availability of information that provides, among other things,

3957 economic security our country, the question arises whether it is possible

3958 attract investment to Russia if you yourself invest in other countries, in

3959 including those included in other military blocs. We didn't touch on this topic at all, but

3960 necessary because the issue of national security comes first.

3961 Therefore, it is very misleading to interpret this only in light of the fact that someone

3962 was engaged in successful business, and someone was not engaged in business - the question is not at all about

3963 this, the question is that today those who hold government positions

3964 associated with the predetermination of national policy and with the protection of

3965 national and military interests. Let me remind you that these are persons who have and

3966 special information, and special status, and there must be special requirements for them.

3968 Moreover, regarding the issue of correlating moral categories,

3969 ethical categories with legal ones, then this is where the president proposes that

3970 there was a complete coincidence of moral ideas and legal guidelines so that

3971 there was no discrepancy between words and deeds. The position of deoffshorization of the economy has been declared.

3972 Is offshorization a problem for Russia today? Of course it is.

3973 Is this law a step towards solving this issue as well?

3974 Without a doubt! Moreover, those who previously successfully ran a business and accumulated

3975 serious capital, there is an excellent opportunity to confirm the fact that it

3976 ready, while in a leading political position, not only to declare

3977 future of Russia, but also to move their capital to the Russian Federation and thus

3978 including strengthening the Russian economy. In general, it’s strange to imagine

3979 imagine that an employee can be in the role of Figaro and decide who and when to

3980 serve. Do you know that in the United States, when accepting citizenship

3981 an oath is taken, an oath of allegiance to the country. Today we do not demand from those

3982 who holds these positions, oaths, but loyalty to their country, of course,

3983 there must be, and this fact is completely obvious. Therefore it is very important that

3984 Today the President proposed specific mechanisms, including for

3985 reputational confirmation of trust in the authorities - this is important today, this

3986 important for the future.

3988 There were questions here about how suddenly someone would behave

3989 in bad faith, third parties will be involved, and so on. You know,

3990 life shows and proves that everything secret sooner or later becomes

3991 explicit. In addition, the risks of managing your funds and placing them in

3992 benefit of third parties can only mean one thing - that this subject is in

3993 will lose everything overnight, because in no way judicial procedure then he doesn't

3994 confirms his right to this property, not in any other way, that is, not

3995 formally or actually.

3997 Regarding real estate. The approach is quite obvious due to the fact that

3998 all information must be disclosed. They talked here about whether we need

3999 accounts for real estate maintenance. You know bills are needed for maintenance

4000 only very expensive real estate, the maintenance of which can be

4001 comparable to annual income. Just so that, among other things,

4002 this was not the case, and in order to avoid abuses associated with

4003 primary purchase, it is offered, in our opinion, working and completely

4004 the correct scheme to confirm the bona fide acquisition.

4006 Dear colleagues, today, at the initiative of the President, we are doing

4007 another serious step towards the implementation of systemic state policy in

4008 protection of national interests and for the purpose of combating corruption. Certainly,

4009 this is all predetermined by the fact that you and I are consistent, step by step

4010 We are forming a new legal culture and new systemic legislation. You

4011 you know, polls have shown that the absolute majority of citizens support

4012 initiative of the president, we are generally talking about popular trust in this

4013 initiative. I believe that the actions of parliament can only be one

4014 direction - support for the president and the level of trust of our citizens.


4018 From the LDPR faction - Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. Please.

4020 ZHIRINOVSKY V.V. All speeches from the LDPR faction are aimed at saying something

4021 that others are somehow afraid, or don’t want to say, or don’t know. Of course we

4022 We will support this draft law, but not because the people want it. People

4023 ours will gladly support any slogan: now they will say to arrest everyone

4024 officials, deputies - and the people will support and will be glad to see how prisons

4025 are overflowing. And they will come here with pleasure, they will sit, nothing

4026 understanding, but they will say that here is finally people's power again. Here are the links

4027 We often do this to the people, but the people live poorly, and they are happy to do so

4028 to say, he perceives with a feeling of joy any blows to any echelon

4029 authorities, according to any official. Now everyone is watching with pleasure: they’re about to arrest

4030 Will Serdyukov be arrested or not? They don’t think about how we could live better, but

4031 just: how much they will give, when they catch you, when they put handcuffs on, how much

4032 lovers, will they give these rings back or not?

4034 Therefore, a justification is needed here: why is there such a high level of corruption?

4035 This was done on purpose; under Yeltsin they said openly: don’t interfere,

4036 let them get rich soon. They were afraid of revenge, they were afraid that they would return

4037 communists to power, and there was every reason for this. Everything they've done since '91

4038 according to 95th - it was monstrous, it was the defeat of the entire country! Needed it sooner

4039 a layer of people who have a good life and who have prospects, therefore

4040 All restrictions have been lifted: come on, guys, take it, buy it, open accounts,

4041 the whole planet is yours! And everything was allowed to be done from the inside, and from there, from the outside: they gave

4042 loan, remember, in 1998 - well, where are the 5 billion dollars? Chubais first

4043 shouted: they gave us, they gave us, there will be no default! They gave you, the officials who are there and

4044 They left and opened all their accounts there.

4046 It is right now that there is a struggle to cleanse power, to renew,

4047 refresh, but we are hitting our citizens again - we first say:

4048 let's become rich, then we say: that's it, hand over your wealth. IN

4049 that's the problem! I see that this is a well-thought-out operation: to create conditions

4050 for total corruption in the young Russian state, give money for

4051 bribing officials, turning a blind eye to the fact that these financial flows go to

4052 the benefit of officials, not Russian economy, feed, cheer,

4053 support it financially and with real estate - buy, take everything there!

4054 Accounts will be opened instantly, everything will be sold, everything is easy there, but you try here

4055 buy something in Russia! This is the first moment like this.

4057 The second point, of course, is moral. If there were British dachas in Barvikha

4058 deputies, German, French, what would we think of them? What guys

4059 are preparing to come here, bought them here good places for accommodation.

4060 Therefore, of course, if a high-ranking official has good dachas, apartments in

4061 beautiful European capitals, then I have only one thought: my friend is about to leave.

4062 This property needs to be exploited, it needs to be maintained, it needs to be looked after

4063 care, and money also requires attention - where will he have time?

4065 Next moment. What should we do now? Now we must create

4066 conditions so that closing accounts there and selling objects there would be beneficial to them.

4067 Here is our bank, at least one, let's make it the head bank, let there be 10

4068 interest, for example, on a deposit. Transfer all money from any banks

4069 world, you put it in one bank, and here the state guarantees the deposit 10

4070 percent - there is no higher anywhere in the world, not even 8 percent, 2-3 and that’s all, and even then not

4071 There is always a downside when you keep money in some banks and also

4072 you pay for it, you don't get any interest. And there must be a guarantee of secrecy - here

4073 then we will ensure a normal process, everyone will know: yes, there is money,

4074 but only he knows about this.

4076 What are we turning inside out? What will the Russian elite be like then?

4077 society? The man is sick, weak, lonely, without relatives, with a bunch of

4078 illnesses, living in a boarding house, he has nothing, he is on the bus

4079 They bring him here to the hall, and he votes stupidly - that’s it, a pure deputy! Well that's it

4080 no good, there’s nothing like it anywhere! Reached in America social politics before this

4081 level... Who receives the most benefits? Black person. He is disabled, one-legged, he

4082 Muslim, he is a single father, he is unemployed and has sexual

4083 minorities are entitled to five benefits. That's how it is in America. Why work?

4084 Stay at home and that's it. He's a black man, he has a prosthetic leg instead, and he's without a family, so to speak.

4085 sexual minority, he was once married, he has children, but they

4086 live with their grandmothers - and the American government gives him five benefits, five thousand

4087 dollars every month: relax! It turns out, white Christian, healthy,

4088 married with a family, with children, must work for those who consider themselves to be

4089 various kinds of minorities. This is the wrong development paradigm! Where

4090 pushing society? And America has come to complete degradation in this regard.

4092 I have already said many times: first you need to declare the zero option, declare

4093 universal financial, economic, tax, land, migration,

4094 dacha, any amnesty, forgive everyone everything, absolutely everything, once and for all,

4096 gradually. And announce in advance that high-ranking officials will not under any circumstances

4097 must not have a single penny abroad and not a single object

4098 real estate, let everyone understand - it’s better to keep everything here. But then I must

4099 be guaranteed one hundred percent confidentiality of the deposit. Yes, the house cannot be hidden, but

4100 Why do we give information to criminals: look who needs to be robbed!? AND

4101 after all, what will we come to - everyone will hide money, since they need it in banks

4102 declare and declare some income, everyone will hide the money, and it will

4103 robbery to go to dachas and apartments. And the money will leave the banks - we will save the economy

4104 We'll bleed you out.

4106 We need to think through everything. This is a well-planned provocation so that Russia will always

4107 keep on half-bent: get rich - then hand over, get rich again -

4108 hand over everything again! We need to think about it so that it doesn't get worse. We will support the law, but

4109 We need to think about ensuring that no one leaves us in the cold anymore.


4113 Dear colleagues, everyone who wanted to speak did so. Do you have a desire?

4114 presidential representative? Harry Vladimirovich? No. Committees? No.

4115 Government? No.

4117 We bring these two bills, 22nd and 23rd, to the “voting hour”.

(each line contains the line number from the transcript of the bill)

5085 Next, item 22 on the agenda. I draw your attention, colleagues, that this

5086 draft federal constitutional law "On Amendments to Article 11

5087 Federal constitutional law "On the Government of the Russian Federation".

5088 In the first reading it is considered.

5092 Show the results.

5097 1 person abstained 0.2%

5100 Result: accepted

5102 Approved

5104 Clause 23, draft federal law “On banning certain categories of persons

5105 open and have accounts (deposits), store cash in

5106 foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation

5107 Federation, and hold securities of foreign issuers."

5111 Show the results.

5116 0 people abstained 0.0%

5119 Result: accepted

5121 Adopted in the first reading.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and Deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state