
International experience in ensuring economic security during the Olympic Games. International and Russian approaches to the concept of “economic security” Experience in ensuring economic security

Economic security enterprises Firsova Olesya Arturovna



At present, in the conditions of the state's economy emerging from the period of depression, achieving stability in the functioning of business entities and other types of activities is the most pressing and important task.

To solve it, ensuring the economic security of these entities plays an important role.

The economic growth of an enterprise can be influenced by various factors. Economic growth is closely related to the problems of expanded reproduction; moreover, economic growth is a concentrated expression and way of solving problems of reproduction.

Economic growth is the trend of changes in the aggregate development indicators of an enterprise over a certain period of time, usually a year. To characterize economic growth, both general and specific indicators are used.

A general indicator of the dynamics of economic growth is usually considered to be the growth of revenue, profit and profitability over a certain period of time. Labor productivity, production efficiency, etc. are used as private indicators. The economic situation in the state, in addition to a number of other factors, depends on the ability of the relevant government bodies to ensure both the economic security of the state and economic entities - enterprises. At the same time economic entities, regions of the country, enterprises in various sectors of the economy must make their own efforts to ensure their economic security. Economic security is one of the components of the general concept of “security”. Any damage sooner or later may be assessed in monetary terms, that is, the purely economic component of the damage can be highlighted.

This Law establishes the legal basis for ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state, defines the security system and its functions, establishes the procedure for organizing and financing security agencies, as well as control and supervision of the legality of their activities.

Abroad, the problem of business security is traditionally given greater importance, since the experience of managing in a market economy in developed foreign countries is much richer than in Russia. This is explained by the fact that the Russian economy differs from the steadily and progressively developing economies of developed countries.

The head of an enterprise (firm), an entrepreneur, operating in a market economy, experiences daily pressure from competitors in the struggle for new consumers, for new markets, for the quality of products and services provided. The competition of competitors forces them to constantly worry about increasing the efficiency of production, economic and marketing activities, reducing costs, protecting their trade secrets, which, by increasing productivity and better management, ensure stable financial stability enterprises, which in turn determines their economic security.

Course objectives:

– definition of the concept and essence of economic security;

– determination of the main tasks in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation;

– characteristics of the main criteria and indicators of economic security;

– analysis of the main indicators of economic security of Russia and the regions;

– identification of existing and potential threats to Russia’s economic security at the current stage of development.

– formulation of principles for ensuring the economic security of enterprises based on modeling of individual processes of enterprise activity;

– research into industry specific economic security of enterprises;

– proposal of a mechanism for implementing an integrated approach to organizing activities to ensure the economic security of enterprises;

– designation of the direction of development of activities to ensure the economic security of enterprises;

– formation of motivation to create a system of a unified algorithm of actions in the event of external and internal danger.

Target audience of the course:

– Owners of enterprises and organizations;

– Heads of security services;

– Heads of enterprises and organizations;

– Managers of various levels, specialists in the field of security, management, economics, and finance, accounting, audit, control.

Most likely, many will agree that it is completely indifferent whether the enterprise is ruined by bandits, extortionists, fines tax office, or as a result of dishonest actions of business partners, competitors or our own personnel. In any case, it may cease to exist. Therefore, we must talk about ensuring the safety of the organization’s activities.

Security is necessary for any organization, regardless of its form of ownership, ranging from government organizations to a small tent engaged in retail trade. The difference will only be in what means and methods are required and in what volume.

Of course, no matter what we talk about - no matter what security measures we consider, one way or another, everything is aimed at ensuring economic stability in the activities of the enterprise.

However, achieving this stability is impossible without analyzing all aspects of the enterprise's activities.

Currently, the state of affairs in matters of ensuring the security and sustainable functioning of economic and financial processes in the field of entrepreneurship is very, very difficult. The lag in the development of legislation regulating the field of developing entrepreneurship, confusion in the field of law enforcement and absolute inconsistency in the actions of various government institutions are accompanied by an increase in corruption and crime.

Under these conditions, entrepreneurial activity itself is criminalized. Its goal is to make profit using illegal methods and means. In relation to the three main areas of entrepreneurship (trade, finance, production), their common negative manifestations are tax evasion, unfair competition, deception of partners and clients, and others.

The current situation in the field of entrepreneurship and especially in the field of small business poses an acute problem of ensuring security and protecting the interests of business.

Ensuring business security is not the exclusive prerogative of any one department, service or group of individuals. It must be supported by the entire internal structure of the enterprise, from management to ordinary employees, all links and structures of the facility.

Providing security cannot be a one-time act. This is a continuous process consisting of searching, justifying and implementing the most rational methods, methods and techniques for ensuring security, and timely identifying potential threats to the safety of an object.

Security can be ensured only with the integrated use of the entire arsenal of forces and means of protection, as well as an understanding of the importance of security issues in all structural units of the facility. The greatest effect is achieved when all the means, methods and activities used are combined into a single holistic mechanism - comprehensive security system, a necessary element of which is the training of personnel and their compliance with all established rules to ensure safety.

Also, a comprehensive security system cannot provide the required level of facility security without the appropriate level security system management.

Business security management (company, firm, enterprise) is a multi-stage process, including:

Analysis of economic and legal features of business;

Business valuation;

Security system audit;

Analysis of the costs of ensuring business security;

Development of a security strategy;

Implementation of the security strategy;

Monitoring business development trends in order to improve the means and methods of its protection;

Training in the basics of personal safety for company employees;

Providing legal assistance and economic advice in the implementation of business projects.

What should be understood by enterprise security, what does it actually consist of, and what issues require increased attention?

Enterprise security- this is the state of its protection from the negative influence of external and internal threats, destabilizing factors, which ensures the sustainable implementation of the main commercial interests and goals of the statutory activities.

Such protection is achieved by using a set of measures of a legal, economic, organizational, engineering, technical and socio-psychological nature.

The existing opinion that security is, first of all, physical security is not entirely true. Safety entrepreneurial activity today it is not only a machine gun and armored glass of a car, but, above all, it is the calculation and comprehensive analysis of threats to the activity of an enterprise; forecast and creation of systems and measures to protect and minimize commercial risks.

Under threat to enterprise security should be understood potentially or actually possible event, an action, process or phenomenon that can disrupt its stability and development or lead to the cessation of its activity. At the same time, threats are considered not only such obvious facts as, for example, an attack on the person: robbery, racketeering or physical violence, that is, those that are clearly criminal in nature, but also such unobvious ones as: dishonesty of business partners and incompetence of personnel, unfounded claims tax or law enforcement agencies, etc.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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Economic security

1. Foreign experience in ensuring and increasing economic security

The goal of national economic security is to ensure a long, quality-rich life for the population based on minimizing socio-economic costs arising from objective threats. Technologies for regulating economic security are based on target forecast planning and management of processes of optimization and control of criteria indicators and guidelines contained in state targeted programs and priority national projects.

The methodological basis for the formation of a system for ensuring the economic security of the state is:

1. cameralist concept of protecting foreign economic security;

2. Keynesian concept of protection against internal macroeconomic threats;

3. institutional concept of protection from administrative barriers.

Friedrich List's cameralist concept of national economic security assumes that the main responsibility for ensuring it lies with government bodies, developing laws on import quotas, and on customs and border services.

An alternative approach to the interpretation of national economic security was formulated in the 1930s. English economist John Maynard Keynes. According to the Keynesian paradigm, the main threats to the national economy are unemployment and economic decline in production. Methods for preventing threats in accordance with the recommendations of Keynes - active government regulation economic activity based on provision financial support and administrative control over competition.

In accordance with the institutional point of view on economic security, the main threats are administrative barriers, and the priority measures to prevent them should be the adoption of development-appropriate market relations laws.

The setting of priorities in protecting national economic security is determined, first of all, by the degree of development of a particular country. For the so-called core, or capitalist, countries, Keynes's approach is most relevant, for the countries of the periphery and semi-periphery - the theory of E. de Soto. As for the concept of F. List, in the context of economic globalization, this paradigm is of secondary importance for all countries. In this regard, it can be concluded that in modern conditions formation of models of economic security, the considered approaches complement each other.

The world has accumulated some experience in this area, but a comprehensive institutional security system has only developed in the United States to date. Such a system is sufficiently developed in Germany and France. The UK security model is characterized by a specific construction, where there is no legally defined institutional system, but in fact it exists.

Country experiences European Union shows that ensuring national economic security has a decisive influence on securing a clear place for the state in global world, which would correspond to its geostrategic significance and potential.

In the European Union (EU), the term "economic security" refers to the union's position in the global economic system. The EU dictates the importance of European integration in order to achieve a high level of competitiveness in the context of globalization. Separately, each EU member country has much less economic resources than other developed and even developing countries. The synergy effect achieved through the exchange of resources determines the ability of the European Union to ensure a high level of economic security and competitiveness. The ultimate goal of ensuring economic security in the EU is the formation of a fully integrated Europe with the same standard of living in all member countries.

Most EU countries define the main goal of security policy in national doctrines as strengthening the European space of stability through the development of European integration and an active neighborhood policy of the European Union with the countries of Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, Central Asia and the Mediterranean region. Nevertheless, the concept of economic security of the European Community must be considered to a large extent in the context of the economic security of each individual state, national doctrines, programs and concepts for ensuring national security.

In Germany separate law, dedicated to the concept of economic security does not exist. The state philosophy of economic security is implemented in practice mainly through laws regulating the most important areas of market activity and vesting the state with significant control functions. Thus, the country's main interests in the field of national security, including its economic component, are presented in the form of an official directive from the Ministry of Defense.

Germany sees its economic security in maintaining economic and social progress, democratization in Europe and throughout the world, protection from economic blackmail, ensuring freedom of trade and access to raw materials and markets within the framework of a fair global economic system. Internally, the goal is to guarantee the healthy economic development of the country and the material and social well-being of the population. In foreign economic terms, the main emphasis, due to the export-oriented economy, is on stability and improvement of sales markets.

The main methods of ensuring safe economic development in Germany are actions to maintain the civilized nature of market relations, creating equal conditions for competition, preventing monopolization in certain industries and maintaining the stability of the national currency.

In a broad sense, economic security in France refers to the prevention and control of economic threats by introducing new schemes, adapting international security norms and structures and creating a network of cooperation, in particular between the public and private sectors and between states.

In France, the main state document that addresses certain provisions for ensuring economic security is the Law “On National Security” of 1964. The concept of national economic security in France is interpreted as the creation of favorable internal and external conditions for increasing national well-being and strengthening economic potential countries. Economic security in a broad sense is ensured by the entire set of economic regulation instruments. To this end, in France, in the process of developing and adopting economic decisions criteria related to vulnerability reduction are used economic system and maintaining the economic foundation of an independent foreign policy. These criteria include: eliminating serious imbalances in the level of economic development of business entities; avoiding excessive external dependence in critical sectors of the economy: minimizing the risks associated with dependence on outside world.

Security policy in the UK is closely linked to defense policy: both are based on assessments of national interests and are implemented through their defense. “National interests” in the economic sphere are understood as the national economic interests of the entire society as a whole, which have priority over other forms of public interests.

Threats to national economic security are divided into external and internal and are ranked according to the degree of importance and likelihood of occurrence, which makes it possible to concentrate efforts to predict and prevent the most dangerous risks from the point of view of national economic security. It should be noted that in the field of preventing economic threats, the government traditionally relies on private business, providing it with maximum support. In addition, the country has an extensive network of institutions that ensure effective interaction between parliament, government and big business in the development and implementation of decisions related to ensuring national economic security. It includes, in particular, such organizations as the Confederation of British Industry, the Council for Trade with Eastern Europe and a number of more specialized organizations representing the interests of industrialists and entrepreneurs.

The concept of economic security is considered in Spain largely in the context of the economic security of the entire European Community. At the same time, an effective system has been created to ensure national interests in economic field. It is based on: a flexible legislative and regulatory framework; a clear delineation of the competence of ministries, departments and organizations in the implementation of regulations relating to economic development; the presence at each stage of development of a legislatively approved program of economic priorities, which, in principle, should have excluded the possibility of distributing targeted privileges; availability of special public services control.

In the system of ensuring economic welfare and sustainable development countries, an important place is occupied by the identification of priority sectors of national industry that are subject to the protection of protectionist measures; regulation of investment promotion procedures; currency control; carefully developed legislation on joint stock companies.

In Italy, the state pays great attention to foreign economic expansion, which is carried out through the economic and technological linking of Italy to its foreign partners. Moreover, the most promising among them are the OECD countries, as well as developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The emphasis is also on the Italian presence abroad through the development of international industrial cooperation and, as in Germany, the diversification of energy suppliers. In the absence of an officially formulated doctrine of economic security, the fulfillment of Italy's international obligations related to participation in political or economic groups is the objective guideline of the Italian government. At the same time, the state, within the legal framework, uses all available mechanisms to protect the interests of its own producers in the domestic and foreign markets.

Analysis of the experience of such countries Western Europe how the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland to ensure economic security shows that their main strategic goal to protect national economic interests is to ensure sustainable economic growth and modernization of the economy in accordance with the conditions of competition in the world market. These countries do not have the opportunity to significantly influence the formation of the structure of the world economy, as a result of which they are forced to adapt to the conditions of development of the world economy, change the existing structures of national economies and the proportions of their development. At the same time, the so-called “small countries” of the European Union define the formation of an effective structure and specialization of the economy as strategic goals.

The policy of ensuring the economic security of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and the Baltic countries is based on the convergence of national interests with pan-European interests, as well as political, economic and institutional transformation in accordance with Western European standards. In the early 90s, these countries chose almost the same model for ensuring economic security, which included the following actions: assessment of the geopolitical situation in the region; determination of the vector and strategy of development; building and implementing a model of behavior, including in the economic sphere, in accordance with the dominant trends of the regional and global evolutionary process; correlation of basic quantitative and qualitative development indicators with global and regional standards; course correction economic reforms. The main threats to the economic security of this group of countries can be called: the economic backwardness of the regions of Central Europe from Western European countries, the difficulties of transition to a market economy, the problems of forming democratic and market institutions, and in some countries, for example Poland, restrictions on the import of strategically important raw materials.

Giving general characteristics the current state of development of the economic security sector in all the countries considered, we can separately highlight relatively stable economic systems (Great Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, France). These countries are primarily focused on improving economic efficiency while maintaining the existing level of personal economic security for their citizens. About the new EU member states (Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic) it can be said that they have already completed the “first generation” reforms (with an emphasis on restructuring and reassignment) and have entered the final stage of reforms of security structures.

An analysis of approaches to the economic security of the state in the countries of the European Union convincingly indicates that the level of security depends on many factors.

Ultimately, the successful provision of national economic security by the countries of the European Union depends on the stability and strength of their national economies. Only a strong economy makes it possible to successfully defend national interests in conditions of increasing global competition and growing global economic imbalances. Consequently, the state must not only develop a national security concept based on world experience, but, first of all, reform economic domestic and foreign policies in order to protect all economic entities.

economic security leasing investment

2. Leasing as a way to activate investment activities

The type of investment activity for the acquisition of property and its transfer on the basis of a leasing agreement to individuals or legal entities for a certain fee, under certain conditions with the right to purchase the property by the lessee is called leasing.

Financial leasing is a system of economic and financial relations related to the acquisition of ownership of equipment and its rental for a certain fee for temporary use. In financial leasing, between the equipment manufacturer and its user, as a rule, there is an intermediary who finances this transaction. The essence of this transaction is that the lessee, who does not have available financial resources, makes a proposal to the leasing company to conclude a leasing transaction. With an appropriate agreement, the lessee selects a seller or manufacturer of the necessary equipment, and the lessor purchases it for temporary use for the lessee for a fee specified in the leasing agreement. After the end of such an agreement, this equipment either becomes the property of the lessee (depending on the terms of the agreement) or is returned to the lessor.

Thus, the nature of leasing is dual. This duality, on the one hand, is expressed in the fact that leasing is an investment of funds on a repayable basis in fixed assets, on the other hand, by providing individual elements of fixed assets for a certain period, the owner receives them back at a set time, i.e. There is evidence of the existence of the principles of urgency and repayment. For his services, the property owner receives remuneration in the form of commissions, which ensures the implementation of the principle of payment.

When implementing an expensive project, by attracting new financial sources to the transaction (banks, investment companies, etc.), the number of participants in the leasing transaction may increase.

By its economic nature, leasing is very similar to credit relations and investments. Thus, in leasing (as in credit relations), the owner of the property, transferring it for temporary use, in accordance with set deadline receives it back, and receives a corresponding commission for the service provided. This means that practically all elements of credit relations are involved in a leasing transaction. The only difference is that when leasing, the parties to the transaction operate not with cash, but with specific property.

The financial function of leasing is that it is a form of investment Money to fixed assets, additional source to traditional financing channels such as budget resources, own funds enterprises, long-term credit and other sources.

In world practice, there are two types of leasing:

1. financial;

2. operational.

Financial leasing should be understood as a transaction in which all risks and income associated with the use of equipment are transferred to the lessee. At the same time, leasing payments must provide the lessor not only with a return on the cost of the equipment, but also with an appropriate return on the invested capital. As for the ownership of the property upon expiration of the contract, it may or may not be transferred to the lessee, depending on the terms of the contract. With operational leasing, the period for transferring equipment, as a rule, is very short, and all risks and losses inherent to the owner of the property remain with the lessor.

The main subjects of leasing are:

1. lessor - an individual or legal entity who, at the expense of borrowed or own funds, acquires ownership of property during the implementation of a leasing transaction and provides it as a leased asset to the lessee for a certain fee, for a certain period and under certain conditions for temporary possession and use with or without transfer to the lessee of ownership of the leased asset;

2. lessee - an individual or legal entity who, in accordance with the leasing agreement, is obliged to accept the leased asset for a certain fee, for a certain period and under certain conditions for temporary possession and use in accordance with the leasing agreement;

3. seller (supplier) - an individual or legal entity who, in accordance with the purchase and sale agreement with the lessor, sells to the lessee within a specified period the property produced (purchased) by him, which is the subject of leasing. The seller (supplier) is obliged to transfer the leased item to the lessor or lessee in accordance with the terms of the purchase and sale agreement.

The main document of the leasing transaction is the leasing agreement, which must consist of two parts: an agreement between the lessor and the supplier on the purchase and sale of equipment and a leasing agreement between the lessor and the lessee.

Very important point leasing - ensuring the full reproduction of fixed assets through the correct and timely calculation of depreciation charges.

Positive characteristic financial leasing is a more simplified procedure for obtaining a loan compared to a bank one. As evidenced by modern domestic and foreign experience, with a leasing agreement the amount of time spent and the list of financial documentation required for submission is significantly lower than when drawing up an agreement with a bank for a long-term loan. To a large extent this corresponds strictly intended use received loan and its reliable security.

In addition, financial leasing does not require the formation of a principal debt repayment fund in the organization due to the gradual depreciation of the leased object. Since in financial leasing, servicing of the principal debt and depreciation of the leased asset are carried out simultaneously (i.e., included in lease payments), at the end of the leasing period, the cost of the principal debt on the leased asset is reduced to zero. This relieves the organization of the need to divert its own financial resources to form a sinking fund.

The listed credit aspects of financial leasing allow us to consider it as a fairly attractive investment instrument in the process of attracting borrowed capital to an organization to ensure the economic development of the company.

In modern economic conditions, the financial function of leasing plays a leading role. The lessee company, turning to leasing for financial reasons, gets the opportunity to use the property it needs without simultaneously mobilizing its own or attracting borrowed money. The lessee is exempt from making a one-time full payment of the cost of the property, which distinguishes leasing from a regular sale and purchase. Leasing can provide access to the necessary property both in the event of any credit restrictions, and in the event of the impossibility of attracting borrowed funds for these purposes. With the help of leasing, as a rule, those enterprises that either do not have financial opportunities purchase equipment as your own, or due to the peculiarities production cycle do not need constant possession of them.

The main disadvantages of leasing are:

1. The lessor bears the risk of equipment obsolescence and receipt of lease payments, and for the lessee the cost of leasing is greater than the purchase price or bank loan. Therefore, a leasing transaction is preceded by a lot of preliminary work on its examination.

2. A lessee who is not the owner of his fixed assets cannot provide them as collateral if a bank loan is needed, which reduces his chances of receiving such a loan on more favorable terms.

3. Lessor who does not have “cheap” and stable sources financial resources, at risk of sudden change interest rates on loans that he is forced to take out to finance the lessee’s investments, which also increases the cost of the leasing contract. This risk is neutralized if the leasing company is a branch of a large bank.

A very important aspect of leasing is ensuring the full reproduction of fixed assets through the correct and timely calculation of depreciation charges. In the traditional way depreciation deductions Until recently, they were written off as production costs evenly throughout the entire standard period of their operation, which, on the one hand, led to under-depreciation of certain types of fixed assets, and on the other hand, did not contribute to the creation of financial opportunities for their accelerated renewal.

Nevertheless, positive points, inherent in leasing, are much greater than the negative ones, and the historical experience of the development of leasing in many countries confirms its important role in updating production, expanding sales of products and intensifying investment activity.

Currently in front of many Russian enterprises there is a serious problem of searching and attracting long term investment to expand production, purchase modern equipment and introduce new technologies.

In a situation where the banking system is underdeveloped and the possibility of obtaining investment loans limited, leasing is one of the most affordable and effective ways financing production development.

Leasing is a unique investment tool that helps improve competitiveness Russian industry, directly stimulates the process of replacing imported products with high-quality domestic analogues, increasing employment, and increasing income of private businesses and the state.

Advantages of leasing:

1. Legal optimization of taxation of your business;

2. Leasing payments are fully included in the cost price and reduce the taxable base for income tax. VAT paid to the leasing company reduces VAT payments to the budget. Due to accelerated depreciation The total period for paying property taxes is reduced by three times.

Leasing allows you to reconcile the interests of producers and consumers in the most profitable way. With a leasing scheme, the recipient receives a number of significant advantages, which will minimize costs both during the validity of the leasing agreement and upon its expiration.

Very often, when choosing between leasing and a loan, enterprises take the amount of lease payments as a basis and compare it with the amount of the loan and interest. This does not take into account the reduction in tax deductions that occurs when using both a leasing scheme and a credit financing scheme. Preferential taxation of leasing is one of its significant advantages and results in a reduction in the real costs of servicing a leasing transaction.

List of sources used

1. Vechkanov G.S. Economic security: Textbook for universities / G.S. Vechkanov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. - 384 p.

2. Vorobyov A.E. National economic security of Russia: management methodology public debts: tutorial/ A.E. Vorobyov, T.V. Chekushina. - M.: Publishing house of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University, 2006. - 414 p.

3. Kirillov A.A. Legal basis of leasing: textbook / A.A. Kirillov. - M.: Informator, 2009. - 120 p.

4. Kovalev V.V. Leasing: financial, accounting, analytical and legal aspects / V.V. Kovalev. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 448 p.

5. Semenikhin V.V. Leasing/ V.V. Semenikhin.-M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 480 p.

6. Chuvilova O.N. Regional aspects of the country's economic security in the context of globalization / O.N. Chuvilova, I.V. Romanyuta, D.D. Bersey, C.H.-B. Ionov, Yu.V. Rybina. -M.: Prospekt, 2015. - 94 p.

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The conditions and prospects for further development of luxury goods market in Russia are analyzed in this article. The author focuses attention on the crisis of the Russian luxury goods market and possible ways out of this crisis.

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UDC 339 DOI: 10.22394/2079-1690-2017-1-2-197-201


Vlasenko postgraduate student, Department of Management, South Russian Institute

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Vladimirovich and public service under the President of the Russian Federation

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The article is devoted to the analysis of foreign experience in ensuring economic security. Special attention focused on identifying and analyzing factors that influence national security and provide socio-economic conditions for stable development and support for business structures. As a result, a system of measures has been proposed to help ensure economic security at the macro and micro levels.

Key words: foreign experience, ensuring economic security.

In the context of increasing international integration and globalization, while simultaneously intensifying the crisis impacts and instability of national economies, ensuring the economic security of the state and protecting its economic interests is an important condition for the development of both the country as a whole and its business structures. In this regard, the need to review the effectiveness of the economic security management system, taking into account advanced international experience and the search for its new models, is becoming urgent.

Considering that the most economically independent countries in terms of GDP level are the USA - 18124.7 trillion dollars, China - 11211.9 trillion dollars, Japan - 4210.4 trillion dollars, Germany -

3413.5 trillion dollars, France - 2464.8 billion dollars, India - 2288.7 billion dollars, Italy - 1848.7 billion dollars, Brazil - 1534.8 billion dollars, Canada - 1462.3 billion dollars, South Korea - 1321.2 billion dollars, Spain - 1242.4 billion dollars, Australia - 1200.8 billion dollars. , then their experience in forming a mechanism for managing economic security is of particular interest for building a domestic management system.

An analysis of existing foreign approaches to determining economic security demonstrates that, simultaneously with its theoretical understanding, state economic strategies developed and a mechanism was formed government controlled. Depending on the continent, the specifics of economic development, global integration processes and the mentality of the population, as well as the priorities of national interests, the positions of countries in the field of ensuring economic security differ.

At the same time, there is a close relationship between solving problems (neutralizing threats] to socio-economic development, increasing the level of economic growth and consolidating the interests of all segments of society and economic entities. In order to solve the problems that countries have encountered in connection with the global financial and economic crisis (a decrease in GDP, unemployment, a decrease in the level of gold and foreign exchange reserves, an increase in the differentiation of incomes of the population) and to manage economic security, the governments of a number of foreign countries are taking active measures to regulate the national economy.

The key government bodies whose powers include ensuring economic security, balanced development of industry, foreign and domestic trade are in the USA - the Ministry of Commerce, in Japan - the Ministry foreign trade and industry, in China - the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in the UK - the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

It is interesting that in a number of developed countries (USA, Japan, China), ensuring economic security is equated to protecting national interests and national security in priority areas of citizens' lives. Therefore, the fundamental documents defining key directions in this area are strategies or concepts of national economic security.

An analysis of US strategic documents indicates that economic security is considered as a main element of national security. Moreover, in the 2010 and 2015 Strategies, globalization is presented not only as an advantage of economic development, but also as a threat to the internal economic growth of the country and its economic entities. In addition, in the United States, the mechanism for ensuring economic security was based on the measures defined in the Emergency Response Act and the Anti-Crisis Plan.

Regarding the management of economic security in eastern countries (Japan, China), it is worth noting that initially these countries developed taking into account their specifics and closeness from globalization processes. Moreover, it was in Japan that issues of economic security and its provision were raised to the national government level. Until 2000 Unlike Western countries The key external threats were the security of energy, mineral and food resources and the safety of transport routes. Moreover, no attention was paid to internal economic security. However, globalization, strengthening interethnic relations and the global financial and economic climate have influenced the change in the paradigm of economic security towards a pro-American concept, active financial policy in order to preserve payment system countries, improving the structure of the economy and protecting the environment. As a striking example of copying, it is worth citing the Kaifu doctrine, based on the American doctrine of the new world order of George W. Bush, anti-crisis measures of the Japanese government, and policy documents of high-ranking Japanese officials.

In China, since 2013, political, military and economic aspects security provisions are considered in a comprehensive manner. As noted in the Defense White Paper, interests that may be at risk include sources of raw materials and energy resources, strategic sea lines of communication, and the rights of Chinese citizens and organizations abroad. It is the issues of internal economic security that are in first place in this country.

It is interesting that this document from 2015 describes a potential adversary of China, outlines a course towards declaring globalization interests and opportunities, and also understands the issue of national economic interests outside the country. Besides,


The country's leadership has outlined as priorities a course to ensure sustainable and relatively rapid development of the country's economy (bao zengzhang), defined a "scheme" ("technology"] for solving this problem by accelerating the transition to a new growth model and regulating the structure (tiao jiegou), carrying out reforms on “key links” (tui gaige], increasing the level of openness and improving the lives of the population (bao mingsheng).

In India, the main measures to ensure economic security are aimed at increasing the liquidity of the financial and banking sector, supporting national producers and exporters, and stimulating domestic consumption. In addition, the adoption of the government plan to reduce the budget deficit made it possible in 2012/2013. reduce the budget deficit to 4.1%, change in 2010 Standard&Poors agency forecast for long-term and short-term ratings to “stable” and carry out foreign commercial borrowings for Indian companies.

In addition to the experience of developed countries, countries such as Brunei and Singapore deserve special attention, as they managed to ensure the economic growth of the country in a short period of time. So, since the 2000s in Brunei, a distinctive feature economic activity there was an intensification of entrepreneurial activity of the state and industry. For example, in 2001, the Brunei Economic Development Authority was reformed, the socio-economic development strategy “Wawasan Brunei 2035” was developed and adopted, several large projects were identified with the participation of public investments (for example, in industry - petrochemical and renewable energy enterprises, pharmaceutical and food-flavoring, in the service sector - information and communication technologies, logistics, in infrastructure - construction of a new port and airport modernization], the implementation of the largest investment project with the participation of the state, centers have been created industrial development. In addition, in the five-year plan, attention is paid to the development of priority types of business and, first of all, information and communication technologies. Moreover, for comparison, it is worth noting that 12.1% of all budget allocations are allocated for these purposes, and 13.6% for education over five years.

In Singapore, economic security is ensured through accelerated industrialization with a focus on the foreign market and reliance on foreign capital. Moreover, earlier industrialization was carried out at the expense of its own financial resources, without resorting to large borrowings abroad. However, the Strategic Economic Plan determined that Singapore should reach the level of the Netherlands in terms of GDP per capita by 2020, and the level of the United States by 2030.

Accordingly, in order to achieve these results, activities aimed at developing human resources, industry and services, increasing international status and international competitiveness, creating a favorable environment for innovation and economic reconstruction, maintaining national unity and reducing the vulnerability of the country have been identified as priority areas. In addition, the economic strategy contains measures to stimulate the diversification of national enterprises, increase the level of their technological development and achieve the status of a regional business center.

As a result, the transformation of Singapore into a country with high international ratings and a level of economic security was achieved through the implementation of targeted economic strategy government focused on solving internal problems, increasing the international status of the country, creating a strong and effective cluster of business structures, influx foreign capital to raise the technological level of national production, targeted incentive tax policy (for example, corporate tax rates decreased from 26% in 1999-2000 to 22% in 2003-2004, 20% in 2005-2007; to 18% in 2008-2009 and up to 17% in 2010-2015, introduced tax benefits, companies created since 2005 receive full tax exemption for three years, etc.], training of highly qualified personnel.

A similar change in priority areas of domestic policy is occurring in countries such as the USA, Japan, Germany, France, as well as in leading companies in the world that are moving to a new innovative economic policy, to an economy capable of ensuring universal quality of products based on the serious development of the knowledge base.

So, the US increased spending federal budget for education in the period 2000 -2016. by 50%. Although the global financial and economic crisis has significantly affected the ability of states to increase the level of their economic security, as well as the adoption and implementation by the governments of these countries of additional anti-crisis measures.

It is worth noting that as the main forms of ensuring economic security in foreign countries The following measures are being taken at the national level:

Economic patronage of economic activities, within the framework of which support is provided for key producers and industries;

Economic cooperation, within which there can be interaction between unrelated sectors and areas of production (for example, the financial sector and industry), joint functioning national economies and the exchange of economic resources between various industries, areas of activity, states and regions;

Economic confrontation, the essence of which is to increase the level of competitiveness, achieve and ensure superiority in a certain field of activity;

Economic regulation internal processes of economic development of the country.

At the same time, due to the intensification of globalization processes, increasing threats to economic security and increasing types of economic crimes, the role of business structures in ensuring economic security at the micro level is increasing. Therefore, in the current conditions, it is interesting to study the experience of developed foreign countries in ensuring the economic security of business structures, using tools to level out illegal actions, as well as issues of combating economic crimes.

For example, in the USA, firstly, there is a program for the prevention and combating of economic crimes in the interaction of the country's law enforcement agencies with public and private institutions, security and detective bureaus, thanks to which programs are being developed to combat crime and prevent a wide range of threats to business. Secondly, in order to ensure the protection of the general interests of the business community in the event of the dismissal of employees who deserve to be prosecuted for economic crimes, companies inform the business community about the personality and behavior of this person. Thirdly, companies are creating internal security structures, where employees of special government organizations, or close cooperation with government security services. This US experience in creating a large-scale system of collective security for American business has allowed them to regularly exchange information on the most pressing issues of business threats to protect American citizens since the early 90s. as part of an agreement between the State Department and more than 500 American corporations.

In Germany, the competence of the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs includes improving legislation regulating the procedure for carrying out measures to prevent the leakage of information constituting commercial or industrial secrets of business structures. At the same time, business structures, together with independent and private detective and security agencies, actively cooperate with the national security service and participate in the creation of modern security and safety structures. Detective and security firms and agencies created on the initiative and with the support of intelligence services, security services exchange relevant information with the police and counterintelligence, in some cases even carry out joint activities to ensure economic security.

In France, the tendency to organize independent private economic security services for industrial and commercial firms and financial institutions, engaged in preventing trademark abuse, identifying facts of unfair competition, industrial espionage and counterintelligence, and ensuring security in banking system and so on. Required condition The formation of these institutions is that their founders can only be persons with citizenship of France or the European Union. Former members of the French police can only take on such functions with the written permission of the country's Minister of the Interior.

Regarding ensuring the internal security of business structures, it is worth noting that in the USA and Great Britain, companies carry out preventive activities with employees whose behavior raises suspicions of unlawful behavior.

A word to young scientists

behavior or economic interests that could harm the firm. In addition, company employees undergo selection, screening and testing to ensure internal security when hired.

In general, it should be noted that in foreign countries attention is paid not only to declaring national threats and tasks in the field of economic security, but also to creating favorable conditions for the development of business structures and attracting foreign investment. At the same time, it is important to ensure economic security within industrial and commercial firms, their close cooperation with law enforcement agencies and independent organizations providing services in this area. In addition, in modern conditions of globalization, there has been a clear tendency to focus the attention of foreign countries on managing economic security through state regulation of the economy.

Thus, we can conclude that the creation of an appropriate institutional structure, organizational and methodological reference documentation, the definition of a mechanism and tools for managing economic security, as well as the involvement of interested parties (government bodies, business structures, citizens] in ensuring the economic security of the country are the main criteria its effectiveness and efficiency in foreign countries.


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Vlasenko Audrey Vladimirovich, postgraduate student; South-Russia Institute of Management -branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (70/54, Push-kinskaya St., Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation], E-mail: [email protected]


The article is devoted to analysis of foreign experience of economic security. Special attention is paid to the identification and analysis of factors affecting national security and ensuring economic and social conditions for stable development and support of entrepreneurial structures. Consequently, the proposed system of measures that promote economic security at the macro and micro levels. Keywords: experience of foreign countries, ensuring an economic safety.


Japan is the first country in the Far East that has clearly demonstrated the ability to adapt global managerial and technological experience to the conditions of Asian society and its national interests. The main thing is that the Japanese manage to preserve the foundations of their culture, traditional institutions and relations, modifying them only to the extent required by the tasks of increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the country and its citizens in the post-industrial era and global development. Particular attention is paid to management culture and macroeconomic regulation. An important element The adaptation of the Japanese economy to new conditions was the transfer (while maintaining control) of a number of production facilities abroad - to countries with large markets, cheaper labor and favorable exchange rates. Japan has become the world's largest creditor and has the world's second-largest (after China) gold and foreign exchange reserves ($850 billion).

As a result, high competitiveness of Japanese society was achieved. Among its features: stability, sustainable development, low inflation and high savings rates, favorable investment conditions, quality education and healthcare, high standard of living, outstanding life expectancy, etc.

With an area of ​​378 thousand square meters. km. and a population of 127 million people, Japan accounts for up to 12% of world industrial production (3rd place in the world in terms of GDP), every fourth car or television created in the world and every second merchant ship are Japanese. The Japanese not only work well, but also work hard. The country has one of the longest working hours in the world, amounting to 2088 hours per year (in the USA - 1924 hours, in Germany - 1655 hours), and vacation usually lasts no more than a week.

The Japanese have a dual worldview: calm adaptation to the Western way of life and at the same time protection of national values ​​and customs. As a result, a situation often arises when the external pattern of behavior, appearance, and clothing are borrowed, and the motivation for life decisions is traditional. At work and in politics, outwardly a Japanese may behave “in a European way,” but internally he is in a system of traditional values. And only at home or while traveling, he allows himself to fully be himself. In contrast to the unlimited active principle of Western culture, the wisdom of contemplation, leading to the comprehension of the laws of the internal and external world of man, has been cultivated in Japan since ancient times. For the Japanese, virtue is a person’s ability to control his feelings and not show them to the outside world. A smile in Japanese is a pleasant facial expression that hides the truth.

The Japanese example shows that the path to success is not a rejection of one’s culture, but the choice of a development strategy that includes an acceptable balance of cultures. The outstanding Japanese humanist Akutagawa Ryunosuke wrote: “The ideas of Confucius, other outstanding Chinese thinkers, and even hieroglyphs came to our country from afar. And it was not the hieroglyphs that subjugated us, but we subjugated them to ourselves. Otherwise our language could become Chinese. But we won not only over hieroglyphs. Our breath, like the sea wind, softened even the teachings of Confucius and the teachings of Lao Tzu. Buddha suffered the same fate. Our strength is not to destroy. It’s about remaking.”

1. National interests and national security strategy of Japan

Over the centuries, Japanese society has developed a special type of development based on the preservation of historical continuity. Such an approach to one’s own historical heritage should probably be sought in the centuries-old practice of cultural interaction with civilizational centers in relation to which Japan occupied a peripheral position (China, USA). Neighborhood with them in the absence of direct political dependence presented the Japanese with the problem of preserving their identity in conditions of massive cultural and technical borrowing and prompted them to develop the practice of uniquely combining innovations that were external in origin with local conditions. All this determined the peculiar nature of the relationship between traditions and innovations in Japanese genesis in general. It is also important that Japanese society was closed from the outside world for many centuries and was ethnically homogeneous.

The development of Japanese society and its governance is based on tradition, continuity and corporatism, descending from the Confucian socio-psychological and ethical stereotype “wa” (“balance”, “harmony”). In the management culture of Japan, the command-collectivist (or corporate-collectivist) principle, mediated by the corresponding norms of this society, is distinguished. The traditional system of relations strives to ensure the participation of the maximum number of group members in decision making. Further, it is desirable that decisions are made based on the consensus of all its members. The main goal is agreement. Thus, functionality appears as an important feature of Japanese paternalism.

However, collectivism in the East is inseparable from hierarchy. A Japanese company may be united, but it is certainly not democratic. The transmission belts connecting managers and subordinates cannot be broken. Information follows from top to bottom and bottom to top vertically in strict accordance with the protocol. You cannot cut corners and cross the path. With the advent Email There have been some relaxations in the system, but the psychology of unity and the reluctance to stand out are still unshakable.

In this regard, the Japanese concept of “Enlightened National Interest” can be mentioned. Enlightened national interests are those that express the interests of the entire society, participating in their formulation and placing public interests above private or group interests. Japan's foreign policy is also shaped from the point of view of national interests and good neighborly relations, primarily with the APR states. The concept of “enlightened national interests” accumulates the basic values ​​of Japanese society and proposes to steadily implement them (mainly in a tolerant but persistent form), both in domestic and foreign policy.

An important role is played by the system of lifelong employment, which guarantees the Japanese a comfortable existence in exchange for obedience to the “eternally right” majority. 70% of Japanese base their existence on bank loans and loans. Money for a purchased house is paid in full only towards retirement; More than half of society pays off debts throughout their lives; if they lose their job, everything is lost.

The mentality of the Japanese is beginning to change, especially in large cities. Some young people go abroad to study, and more and more enterprises hire mixed staff. The value of the group certainly remains important, but individualism also emerges. About 2 million young people today prefer not to commit themselves for life at once, but to try to realize themselves in different areas, changing places of work - they are called “furita” (from English - “freedom” and German - “to work”). However, this small, usually wealthy layer, which accepts postmodern approaches to management and life, is not yet large and over time is usually incorporated into the traditional management system- its inconsistency is well shown in Murakami’s novels.

The objectives and goals of Japan's national security concept were developed and formulated in the mid-1980s. The doctrine of “comprehensive national security” was supposed to justify, on the one hand, the multicomponent means of achieving national security, and on the other, to link the national security of one’s country with the entire Western world. Unlike all previous concepts and doctrines, it was expressed in clear categories.

In previous doctrines, the country’s security was considered only in the context of Japan’s national interests, while the KONB doctrine was permeated by the idea of ​​“global,” “indivisible” security of all countries of the “market zone” in the face of the threat from the Soviet Union. In this regard, the Blue Book of the Japanese Foreign Ministry noted that “countries that have common values ​​in politics and economics must develop a holistic, unified and fundamental strategy.”

Japan's security concept was formed under the influence of a complex interweaving of a whole range of different factors. These included, first of all, the ruling circles of Japan, who viewed the country's security as a kind of derivative of the stability of the capitalist system as a whole.

Japan's position was strongly influenced by the high degree of integration into the US military-political system in Asia. The presence of military bases and facilities that the United States had on Japanese territory gave the United States a significant means of putting pressure on the Japanese government.

Very important They also had trade and economic ties between them. The growing importance of the markets of the USA and other developed capitalist countries was directly related to profound changes in the structure of the Japanese economy in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution.

Its strong attachment to the American economy forced Japan to try to prevent the introduction of protectionist measures in the United States through concessions in the political and military fields. Supporting Washington's political course and meeting its demands regarding building up military potential and expanding Japan's functions in a joint military-strategic system with the United States was thus a kind of payment that Japan was forced to make in order to maintain the trade and economic relations it needed with the United States . At the same time, Japan was relatively willing to meet the demands of the United States, since they, in principle,

The goal of national economic security is to ensure a long, quality-rich life for the population based on minimizing socio-economic costs arising from objective threats. Technologies for regulating economic security are based on target forecast planning and management of processes of optimization and control of criteria indicators and guidelines contained in state target programs and priority national projects.

The methodological basis for the formation of a system for ensuring the economic security of the state is:

  • 1. cameralist concept of protecting foreign economic security;
  • 2. Keynesian concept of protection against internal macroeconomic threats;
  • 3. institutional concept of protection from administrative barriers.

Friedrich List's cameralist concept of national economic security assumes that the main responsibility for ensuring it falls on government agencies developing laws on import quotas and on customs and border services.

An alternative approach to the interpretation of national economic security was formulated in the 1930s. English economist John Maynard Keynes. According to the Keynesian paradigm, the main threats to the national economy are unemployment and economic decline in production. Methods for preventing threats in accordance with the recommendations of Keynes - active state regulation of economic activity based on the provision of financial support and administrative control over competition.

In accordance with the institutional point of view on economic security, the main threats are administrative barriers, and the priority measures to prevent them should be the adoption of laws adequate to the development of market relations.

The setting of priorities in protecting national economic security is determined, first of all, by the degree of development of a particular country. For the so-called core, or capitalist, countries, Keynes's approach is most relevant, for the countries of the periphery and semi-periphery - the theory of E. de Soto. As for the concept of F. List, in the context of economic globalization, this paradigm is of secondary importance for all countries. In this regard, we can conclude that in modern conditions of formation of models of economic security, the approaches considered complement each other.

The world has accumulated some experience in this area, but a comprehensive institutional security system has only developed in the United States to date. Such a system is sufficiently developed in Germany and France. The UK security model is characterized by a specific construction, where there is no legally defined institutional system, but in fact it exists.

The experience of the countries of the European Union shows that ensuring national economic security has a decisive influence on securing a clear place for the state in the global world, which would correspond to its geostrategic significance and potential.

In the European Union (EU), the term "economic security" refers to the union's position in the global economic system. The EU dictates the importance of European integration in order to achieve a high level of competitiveness in the context of globalization. Separately, each EU member country has much less economic resources than other developed and even developing countries. The synergy effect achieved through the exchange of resources determines the ability of the European Union to ensure a high level of economic security and competitiveness. The ultimate goal of ensuring economic security in the EU is the formation of a fully integrated Europe with the same standard of living in all member countries.

Most EU countries define the main goal of security policy in national doctrines as strengthening the European space of stability through the development of European integration and an active neighborhood policy of the European Union with the countries of Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, Central Asia and the Mediterranean region. Nevertheless, the concept of economic security of the European Community must be considered to a large extent in the context of the economic security of each individual state, national doctrines, programs and concepts for ensuring national security.

In Germany, there is no separate law dedicated to the concept of economic security. The state philosophy of economic security is implemented in practice mainly through laws regulating the most important areas of market activity and vesting the state with significant control functions. Thus, the country's main interests in the field of national security, including its economic component, are presented in the form of an official directive from the Ministry of Defense.

Germany sees its economic security in maintaining economic and social progress, democratization in Europe and throughout the world, protection from economic blackmail, ensuring freedom of trade and access to raw materials and markets within the framework of a fair global economic system. Internally, the goal is to guarantee the healthy economic development of the country and the material and social well-being of the population. In foreign economic terms, the main emphasis, due to the export-oriented economy, is on stability and improvement of sales markets.

The main methods of ensuring safe economic development in Germany are actions to maintain the civilized nature of market relations, creating equal conditions for competition, preventing monopolization in certain industries and maintaining the stability of the national currency.

In a broad sense, economic security in France refers to the prevention and control of economic threats by introducing new schemes, adapting international security norms and structures and creating a network of cooperation, in particular between the public and private sectors and between states.

In France, the main government document that addresses certain provisions for ensuring economic security is the Law “On National Security” of 1964. The concept of national economic security in France is interpreted as the creation of favorable internal and external conditions for increasing national well-being and strengthening the economic potential of the country. Economic security in a broad sense is ensured by the entire set of economic regulation instruments. To this end, in France, in the process of developing and making economic decisions, criteria related to reducing the vulnerability of the economic system and preserving the economic foundation of an independent foreign policy are used. These criteria include: eliminating serious imbalances in the level of economic development of business entities; avoiding excessive external dependence in the most important sectors of the economy: minimizing the risks associated with dependence on the outside world.

Security policy in the UK is closely linked to defense policy: both are based on assessments of national interests and are implemented through their defense. “National interests” in the economic sphere are understood as the national economic interests of the entire society as a whole, which have priority over other forms of public interests.

Threats to national economic security are divided into external and internal and are ranked according to the degree of importance and likelihood of occurrence, which makes it possible to concentrate efforts to predict and prevent the most dangerous risks from the point of view of national economic security. It should be noted that in the field of preventing economic threats, the government traditionally relies on private business, providing it with maximum support. In addition, the country has an extensive network of institutions that ensure effective interaction between parliament, government and big business in the development and implementation of decisions related to ensuring national economic security. It includes, in particular, such organizations as the Confederation of British Industry, the Council for Trade with Eastern Europe and a number of more specialized organizations representing the interests of industrialists and entrepreneurs.

The concept of economic security is considered in Spain largely in the context of the economic security of the entire European Community. At the same time, an effective system has been created to ensure national interests in the economic field. It is based on: a flexible legislative and regulatory framework; a clear delineation of the competence of ministries, departments and organizations in the implementation of regulations relating to economic development; the presence at each stage of development of a legislatively approved program of economic priorities, which, in principle, should have excluded the possibility of distributing targeted privileges; the presence of special government control services.

In the system of ensuring the economic well-being and sustainable development of the country, an important place is occupied by the identification of priority sectors of national industry that are subject to the protection of protectionist measures; regulation of investment promotion procedures; currency control; carefully developed legislation on joint stock companies.

In Italy, the state pays great attention to foreign economic expansion, which is carried out through the economic and technological linking of Italy to its foreign partners. Moreover, the most promising among them are the OECD countries, as well as developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The emphasis is also on the Italian presence abroad through the development of international industrial cooperation and, as in Germany, the diversification of energy suppliers. In the absence of an officially formulated doctrine of economic security, the fulfillment of Italy's international obligations related to participation in political or economic groups is the objective guideline of the Italian government. At the same time, the state, within the legal framework, uses all available mechanisms to protect the interests of its own producers in the domestic and foreign markets.

An analysis of the experience of Western European countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, and Switzerland in ensuring economic security shows that their main strategic goal in protecting national economic interests is to ensure sustainable economic growth and modernization of the economy in accordance with the conditions of competition in the world market. These countries do not have the opportunity to significantly influence the formation of the structure of the world economy, as a result of which they are forced to adapt to the conditions of development of the world economy, change the existing structures of national economies and the proportions of their development. At the same time, the so-called “small countries” of the European Union define the formation of an effective structure and specialization of the economy as strategic goals.

The policy of ensuring the economic security of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and the Baltic countries is based on the convergence of national interests with pan-European interests, as well as political, economic and institutional transformation in accordance with Western European standards. In the early 90s, these countries chose almost the same model for ensuring economic security, which included the following actions: assessment of the geopolitical situation in the region; determination of the vector and strategy of development; building and implementing a model of behavior, including in the economic sphere, in accordance with the dominant trends of the regional and global evolutionary process; correlation of basic quantitative and qualitative development indicators with global and regional standards; adjusting the course of economic reforms. The main threats to the economic security of this group of countries can be called: the economic backwardness of the regions of Central Europe from Western European countries, the difficulties of transition to a market economy, the problems of forming democratic and market institutions, and in some countries, for example Poland, restrictions on the import of strategically important raw materials.

Giving a general description of the current state of development of the economic security sector in all the countries considered, we can separately highlight relatively stable economic systems (Great Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, France). These countries are primarily focused on improving economic efficiency while maintaining the existing level of personal economic security for their citizens. About the new EU member states (Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic) it can be said that they have already completed the “first generation” reforms (with an emphasis on restructuring and reassignment) and have entered the final stage of reforms of security structures.

An analysis of approaches to the economic security of the state in the countries of the European Union convincingly indicates that the level of security depends on many factors.

Ultimately, the successful provision of national economic security by the countries of the European Union depends on the stability and strength of their national economies. Only a strong economy makes it possible to successfully defend national interests in conditions of increasing global competition and growing global economic imbalances. Consequently, the state must not only develop a national security concept based on world experience, but, first of all, reform economic domestic and foreign policies in order to protect all economic entities.

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