
Zodiac horoscope for the day. Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

This Notice in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 44 Federal law dated April 22, 1996 No. 39-FZ "On the market valuable papers"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 17, Art. 1918; 2001, No. 33, Art. 3424; 2002, No. 52, Art. 5141; 2004, No. 27, Art. 2711; No. 31, Art. 3225; 2005, No. 11, Art. 900; No. 25, Art. 2426; 2006, No. 1, Art. 5; No. 2, Art. 172; No. 17, Art. 1780; No. 31, Art. 3437; No. 43, Art. 4412; 2007, No. 1, Art. 45; No. 18, Art. 2117; No. 22, Art. 2563; No. 41, Art. 4845; No. 50, Art. 6247, Art. 6249; 2008, No. 52, Art. 6221; 2009, No. 1, Art. 28; No. 18, Art. 2154; No. 23, Art. 2770; No. 29, Art. 3642; No. 48, Art. 5731; No. 52, Art. 6428; 2010, No. 17, article 1988; No. 31, article 4193; No. 41, article 5193; 2011, No. 7, article 905; No. 23, article 3262; No. 27, article 3880; No. 29, article 4291; No. 48, Art. 6728; No. 49, Art. 7040; No. 50, Art. 7357; 2012, No. 25, Art. 3269; No. 31, Art. 4334; No. 53, Art. 7607; 2013, No. 26, Art. 3207; No. 30, Art. 4043, Art. 4082, Art. 4084; No. 51, Art. 6699; No. 52, Art. 6985; 2014, No. 30, Art. 4219) defines the types of derivatives financial instruments.

1. The underlying assets of derivative financial instruments are securities, commodities, currency, interest rates, inflation rate, official statistical information, physical, biological and (or) chemical indicators of the state environment, contracts that are derivative financial instruments, values ​​calculated on the basis of one or a combination of several indicators specified in this paragraph, on the prices (values) of which the obligations of a party or parties to a contract that is a derivative financial instrument depend.

The underlying asset of a derivative financial instrument is also the occurrence of a circumstance that meets the conditions, stipulated by the agreement that is a derivative financial instrument that indicates non-performance or improper performance by one or more legal entities, states or municipalities (hereinafter referred to as the control person) of their obligations, on the existence of grounds for filing a demand for the early performance of the control person's duties, on the restructuring of the control person's debt, on recognizing the control person as insolvent (bankrupt), on actions government agencies capable of preventing the control person from fulfilling his duties, or another circumstance that is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regarding which it is not known whether it will occur or not (hereinafter referred to as a credit event), provided that a message is made about the occurrence of such a credit event that meets the conditions, provided for in a financial derivative contract.

A derivative financial instrument can have more than one underlying asset.

2. An option agreement is recognized:

an agreement that provides for the obligation of a party to the agreement, in the event of a claim by the other party, to periodically and (or) pay at a time sums of money depending on the change in prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of a circumstance that is the underlying asset;

an agreement that provides for one of the following obligations:

the obligation of a party to the contract, on the terms determined at its conclusion, in the event of a demand by the other party to buy or sell securities, currency or commodities that are the underlying asset, including through the conclusion of the party (parties) and (or) person (s), in whose interests (of whom) the option agreement was concluded, the securities sale and purchase agreement, the sale and purchase agreement foreign currency or a contract for the supply of goods;

the obligation of a party to a contract, in the event of a demand from another party, to enter into a contract that is a financial derivative and constitutes the underlying asset.

An option agreement, in addition to the conditions established by or this clause, may also provide for the obligation of each of the parties to periodically pay monetary amounts depending on changes in prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of a circumstance that is the underlying asset.

An option agreement that provides for the obligation established by or of this clause, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the option agreement, is a delivery agreement. Other option contracts are settlement contracts.

3. A futures contract is a contract concluded at exchange trading that stipulates the obligation of each of the parties to the contract to periodically pay monetary amounts depending on changes in prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of a circumstance that is the underlying asset.

A futures contract, in addition to the conditions set forth in this clause, may also provide for one of the following obligations:

the obligation of one party to the contract to transfer the securities, currency or commodity that is the underlying asset to the ownership of the other party or to the person (s) in whose interests the futures contract was concluded, including through the conclusion of a party (parties) of a futures contract and (or) a person (by persons) in whose interests a futures contract, a securities purchase and sale agreement, a foreign currency purchase and sale agreement or a contract for the supply of goods was concluded;

the obligation of the parties to a futures contract to enter into a financial derivative contract that constitutes the underlying asset.

A futures contract that provides for the obligation specified in or of this clause, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the futures contract, is a delivery contract. Other futures contracts are settlement contracts.

4. A forward agreement is an agreement that provides for one of the following obligations:

the obligation of one party to the agreement to transfer securities, currency or commodities that are the underlying asset to the ownership of the other party not earlier than the third day after the day of the conclusion of the agreement, the obligation of the other party to accept and pay for such property and an indication that the agreement is a derivative financial instrument;

the obligation of the parties or parties to the contract to pay monetary amounts depending on the change in prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of a circumstance that is the underlying asset.

A forward contract that contains the obligation specified in this clause is a delivery contract. Other forward contracts are settlement contracts.

5. A swap agreement is recognized as follows:

an agreement that provides for the obligation of a party or parties to the agreement to periodically and (or) pay monetary amounts at a time depending on changes in prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of a circumstance that is the underlying asset. If such an obligation is established for each of the parties, it is determined on the basis of different underlying assets or different values ​​of the underlying asset (the rules for determining the values ​​of the underlying asset). In this case, the obligation of a party to the contract to pay monetary amounts may be determined on the basis of a fixed value of the underlying asset established by the contract;

agreement (with the exception of a repo agreement) stipulating the obligation of one party to transfer currency, securities or goods to the ownership of the second party and the obligation of the second party to accept and pay for currency, securities or goods, as well as the obligation of the second party to transfer currency, securities or goods to property to the first party not earlier than the third day after the day of the conclusion of the contract and the obligation of the first party to accept and pay for currency, securities or goods. This contract must have an indication that it is a derivative financial instrument, or provide for the obligation of the party or parties to the contract to periodically and (or) pay monetary amounts in a lump sum depending on changes in the prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of the underlying circumstance. asset, and (or) from the prices (values) of the underlying asset fixed in the contract. In this case, the determination of the obligation of each of the parties to the agreement to pay monetary amounts is carried out in accordance with the terms of the agreement on the basis of various underlying assets or different values ​​of the underlying asset (the rules for determining the values ​​of the underlying asset);

an agreement that provides for the obligation of a party or parties to the agreement to periodically and (or) pay a lump sum of money depending on the occurrence of a circumstance that is a credit event.

A swap agreement, in addition to the conditions set forth in this clause, may also provide for one of the following conditions:

the obligation of the parties or parties to the swap agreement to transfer, including on a periodic basis, to the other party securities, currency or commodities that are the underlying asset, or other securities, or rights (claims), including by concluding a swap by the party (parties) - the contract and (or) the person (persons) in whose interests the swap agreement was concluded, the securities purchase and sale agreement, the foreign currency purchase and sale agreement, the contract for the supply of goods, the agreement on the assignment of rights (claims);

the obligation of the parties to the swap contract to enter into a financial derivative contract that constitutes the underlying asset.

A swap agreement that provides for the obligation specified in or of this clause, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the swap agreement, is a deliverable agreement. Other swap contracts are settlement contracts.

6. An agreement that is a derivative financial instrument may contain conditions that are not provided for by this Directive for determining the types of derivative financial instruments. These conditions are not taken into account when determining the type of a derivative financial instrument.

7. A contract that is a derivative financial instrument containing the terms of several types of derivative financial instruments provided for in this Directive is a mixed contract.

8. This Instructive Regulation shall enter into force 10 days after the day of its official publication in the Bank of Russia Bulletin.

9. From the date of this Instruction, do not apply the order of the FFMS of Russia dated March 4, 2010 No. 10-13 / pz-n "On Approval of the Regulations on the Types of Derivative Financial Instruments", registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 14, 2010 No. 16898 (Bulletin of Normative Acts federal executive bodies dated April 26, 2010 No. 17).

Document overview

The types of financial derivatives are redefined.

These include, inter alia, an agreement that stipulates the obligation of a party or parties to periodically and (or) pay sums of money at a time depending on the occurrence of a circumstance that is a credit event (the so-called credit default swap - CDS).

At the same time, credit events are determined by expanding the list of circumstances that are the underlying asset of a derivative financial instrument.

The order of the FFMS of Russia, which approved the Regulation on the types of derivative financial instruments, does not apply.

The instruction comes into force 10 days after its official publication.

Birthday number 8 gives business ability, entrepreneurial spirit, fearlessness in all spheres and areas of life, especially in commerce and industry.

Striving only forward, these people successfully carry out their plans and intentions, carry out their plans: their will and strong character, their ability not to feel sorry for themselves and others, is reflected. And resistance, obstacles on the way, opponents only whip up, increase their energy and efficiency.

This is the strangest and most difficult number. On the one hand, it can be represented as the sum of 4 + 4, which suggests that the character of his people is doubly characteristic of the qualities of people of number 4. On the other hand, the number 8 has its own properties. For example, it can mean grief, sadness and, at the same time, success, sometimes of global significance. Number 8 people are distinguished by great willpower and a pronounced individuality, in communication they are characterized by external coldness and aloofness, although, in fact, they are capable of the most ardent feelings.

Lucky day of the week for number 8 is Wednesday

Your planet is Uranus


The "eights" have rare administrative abilities, the ability to manage teams, drawing people along. This is especially evident in the field of politics, in the military, in the business world, where they can be cruel and merciless. But people with a birth number of 8 judge people, choose friends for themselves according to their wealth, position in society.


Striving for power, success, sport.

Eight forms a business materialist, strong, with a complex device inner peace... From all situations, a person of eight will find a way out, will never fall into a mess, will always seem richer than he really is. His life is fraught with constantly changing situations, forcing him to take unexpected bold decisions.

This number patronizes scientists, innovators and computer scientists, pilots and cosmonauts, television men, communications. Eight forces a person to move from one level to another many times in his life. Eight people are rapidly moving along the evolutionary ladder, among them there are many Initiates. The social circle of these people changes with every turn of fate.

Love and sex:

If these people enter into an early marriage, their partners will need great endurance, because it is during this period that they are completely captured by work and are eager to achieve their goals. In this case, they can destroy the love relationship. Therefore, later marriages are suitable for them. By that time, everything will be fine with them, and their feelings will become more stable.

In general, if the choice of a partner is made correctly, these people are faithful, loving spouses, although they bring some peculiarities to the marriage. By the way, many of them are ready to sacrifice marriage for the sake of a career at any age.

Birth number for woman

Birth number 8 for a woman Strong-willed, domineering, assertive woman. Deep down, she is very vulnerable and in dire need of love and understanding. Sometimes hides strong feelings and sexuality behind external restraint. She is alien to selfishness in love relationships, although in other cases she can show it to the fullest. She has "one step from love to hate." Unspoken experiences destroy her. Often she herself complicates good relationships and spoils the life of her chosen one. She needs an intellectual partner, with the same strong character, who is able to counter her ambitions with her own. An equitable union and joint commitment will benefit not only them, but those around them as well. It is useless to beg for love. Either he loves and achieves his goal, or does not love, allowing himself to be loved, but without claims to the right of property, freedom and will. In a relationship with her, one should not "get into her soul", accuse her of infidelity, look for flaws, persuade her to restrain her emotions. But you can appreciate her passion, sensitivity, as well as practicality and originality.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 8 for a man
An independent, self-confident and self-sufficient man. He has a strong will, honesty, sincerity and perseverance. It can be important, even arrogant, to suppress your partner, or it can be humble and not flaunt your accomplishments. He always needs an incentive to move forward. He does not like to be addicted, but strives for complete control over people.

It can be gentle, reasonable, kind and loving, or it can be tough and even vicious. His negative expressions of emotion can be intimidating. Lucky in business. The need for activity and constant busyness can overwhelm close relationships. He will be interested in an intelligent and sensual woman who appreciates him and obeys him in personal relationships.

When courting, he uses either natural charm or sometimes annoying persistence. It is difficult to resist under the pressure of his energy. He himself needs admiration and love, as well as a reward for all his efforts and achievements. Thinks carefully about marriage, paying great attention to financial security future family, as he is thrifty himself. In fact, he can be generous and understands that money is a tool for making dreams and plans come true. A mistake in choosing a spouse will cost him more than anyone else. Since he is constantly busy with business, he will not mind the spouse taking on household chores and making him comfortable at home.

Birth number 16

Good artists and writers, practicing researchers. Smart and romantic, sentimental and sensitive. Travelers. They are interesting and attractive to people of the opposite sex, women have many admirers. They have deep emotions. Independent.

They are capable of strong affection, but cannot be with one person for a long time, they need changes, while constant affection does not weaken, especially in feelings.

Sexually strong and aggressive: men aggressively besiege the object of adoration with a force that is difficult to resist. They are gentle, good lovers. The objects of their passions are happy.

Romantic inclinations require a spouse who can be sentimental without falling into melodrama. Partners should be sensitive to their mood, active in sex, without inhibitions.

They are devoted in friendship, have many friends. They are diplomatic and generous, which makes them the soul of society. They are happy only with those who respect their independence, do not try to interfere and limit them.

They have a tendency to wander, are afraid to be alone, isolated, begin to rush from one person to another, from place to place.

They need to cultivate resilience in themselves. These people should not be blamed for inconstancy and frivolity; such qualities develop in them due to the misunderstanding of those around them.
You need to pay attention to the lungs, the digestive tract.

Pythagoras square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of digits in the cell.

Deciphering the Pythagorean Square (square cells)

Character, willpower - 4

Energy, charisma - 2

Knowledge, creativity - 0

Health, beauty - 0

Logic, intuition - 2

Diligence, skill - 2

Luck, luck - 1

Sense of Duty - 1

Memory, mind - 0

Deciphering the Pythagorean Square (lines, lines and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-assessment (column "1-2-3") - 6

Making money (column "4-5-6") - 4

Talent potential (column "7-8-9") - 2

Purposefulness (line "1-4-7") - 5

Family (line "2-5-8") - 5

Stability (line "3-6-9") - 2

Spiritual potential (diagonal "1-5-9") - 6

Temperament (diagonal "3-5-7") - 3

Chinese Zodiac Sign Horse

Every 2 years there is a change of the Elements of the year (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Horse Elements Tree of the Year Yang

Birth clock

The 24 hours correspond to the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The sign of the Chinese horoscope of birth, corresponding to the time of birth, therefore it is very important to know the exact time of birth, it has a strong effect on a person's character. It is argued that according to the birth horoscope, you can accurately find out the features of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will take place if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat - 23:00 - 01:00
  • Bull - 1:00 - 3:00
  • Tiger - 3:00 - 5:00
  • Rabbit - 5:00 - 7:00
  • Dragon - 7:00 - 9:00
  • Snake - 09:00 - 11:00
  • Horse - 11:00 - 13:00
  • Goat - 13:00 - 15:00
  • Monkey - 15:00 - 17:00
  • Rooster - 17:00 - 19:00
  • Dog - 19:00 - 21:00
  • Pig - 21:00 - 23:00

European zodiac sign Aquarius

Dates: 2013-01-21 -2013-02-18

The Four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main traits of a person's character, by including them in our horoscope, they help to compose more complete presentation about a particular person.

The features of this element are warmth and humidity, flexibility, divisibility, adaptability. In the Zodiac, these qualities correspond to an air trine (triangle): Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The Trigon of Air is considered to be the trigon of ideas and intelligence. Principle: exchange, contact.
Air defines contacts and relationships. The Element of Air endows a person with such qualities as mobility, activity, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility, receptivity, omnipresence, boundlessness, curiosity. The air is independent, free. He is responsible for the main processes on Earth - movement, reproduction, procreation, that is, for the transmission of life.
People in whose horoscopes the element of Air is expressed have a sanguine temperament. Such people can make an impression. They are quick in decisions and deeds, easily and quickly grasp any information, then all this in a reworked form is transmitted to other people. They instantly adapt to any changes and changes in life. They are characterized by spiritual flexibility, lability of the psyche, mobility of the mind, they are tireless as long as they are carried away by some business. Monotony tires them.
The lack of solidity and depth in the sphere of thinking, in the sphere of feelings and activity can be attributed to the shortcomings of the character of the people of the element of Air, they are very unreliable, you cannot rely on them. They are too superficial, nervous, indecisive, their goals and plans are constantly fluctuating, changing. But they can present their shortcomings as advantages.
No trigone possesses such abilities for diplomacy and secular life as the trigone of Air. He is a virtuoso in the ability to establish numerous and varied connections, to grasp, connect and use heterogeneous information. People of the Air do not tolerate a sedentary lifestyle, business routine, most often they do not have a stable profession, unless it is connected with information, travel and contacts.
The people of the trigone of Air have the greatest success in the field of science, technology, the world of arts, especially literature. And journalism is just their element. The best assistants of these people in their work are their constant striving for more and more new impressions, new experiences, continuous exchange of thoughts and ideas, views and opinions with the people around them and their ability to establish quick connections and contacts. Their ideal is to be at the center of all events.
Most often, people of the element of Air do not fit into the generally accepted framework due to their craving for freedom, they do not like obligations, they avoid excessive dramatization of relationships. Even the usual family life for them it may seem like a certain "cross" from which they will try to escape, or at least make it easier.
Monotony and monotony are their worst enemy, so crises in the field of love and marriage are a common story for them. Their superficial feelings can quickly ignite and be inspired, and close contacts can be made even from the first meeting and with the first person they meet, but all this will continue exactly until they meet with the next object of delight and admiration, until new reason inspiration and passion.
Parents and educators of Trigon Air children Special attention should be drawn to their excessive idealism, superficiality of thinking, susceptibility to other people's influence. Therefore, it is necessary to lay in them that moral core as early as possible, which will be their support in life. Since the child of this trigone is very susceptible to both bad and good influences, it is very important who is next to him. The role of parents in choosing friends is very important. With such a child, one must be constantly in contact, participate in his affairs and be close during the rest, then the spiritual connection between the parents and the child will remain until the end of life.
The greatest advantage of people of this element is the ability to communicate with the outside world, the ability to connect people and circumstances, and the greatest danger is mental and spiritual fragmentation, which often causes unnecessary worries and disappointments.

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. The fixed cross is the cross of evolution, stability and stability, accumulation, concentration of development. He uses the experience of the past. It gives stability, hardness, strength, durability, stability. A person in whose horoscope the Sun, Moon, or most of the personal planets are in fixed signs, is distinguished by conservatism, inner calmness, steadfastness, perseverance, perseverance, patience, endurance, prudence. He fiercely resists what they are trying to impose on him, and is able to rebuff anyone. Nothing annoys him as much as the need to change something, no matter what area of ​​life it may concern. He loves certainty, consistency, requires guarantees of reliability in order to be protected from any surprise.
Although he does not have sharp impulses, ease in making decisions that are inherent in other signs, but he is distinguished by constancy of opinions, stability in his habits and life positions. He is attached to his work, he can work tirelessly, "until he drops." He is also constant in his attachments to friends and relatives, firmly and steadfastly clings to someone or to something, be it material value, social status, faithful friend, devoted like-minded person or close and loved one. People of the fixed cross are faithful, loyal and reliable, they are the knights of the word. You can always rely on their promises. But it is worth deceiving them only once, and their trust is lost, maybe even forever. People of the fixed cross have strong desires, passions, they act only from their own motives and always rely on their own instinct. Their feelings, likes and dislikes are unshakable, unshakable. Adversity, setbacks and blows of fate do not bend them, and any obstacle only enhances their perseverance and perseverance, as it gives them new strength to fight.

In Aquarius, the element of Air is manifested in the transformation zone. The main planetary rulers are the planets Uranus and Saturn.
The Aquarius symbol is a person holding two vessels, one of which contains living water, and the other contains dead water. If you are Aquarius, it means that you are a person who separates Good and Evil, Black and White. On the external level, you are, as a rule, very active, sociable, sociable, you are attracted by everything new, everything related to spiritual growth is from the element of Air. Usually you quickly get in touch with any person, often strive for freedom in your ideological convictions, for equality and brotherhood in general. This slogan “Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood” symbolizes the three air signs of the Zodiac: “Brotherhood” is Gemini, “Equality” is Libra, “Freedom” is Aquarius.

Aquarians adore their circle of acquaintances and friends, cannot live without communication with close people, value people very much and easily establish friendly relations with any people. If you were born under this sign, you can objectively assess the person and the environment. At the inner level, Aquarius already begins to sound the Water of the next sign of Pisces, which forms such qualities as variability, the ability to transform and spiritual tact. Your attitude towards people you know can change dramatically throughout your life. Despite your external activity, you are internally isolated, you have some detachment, you know how to take the position of an observer. You never get into the center of events, you often have extravagant, original behavior, thinking, ideas. But, despite your extravagance, you almost always have the ability to self-observe your consciousness, to self-control. You can sometimes observe spontaneous psychological abilities, the ability to penetrate the secrets of the psyche, up to flashes of revelation that reach the level of prophecy.

You always strive not only for originality in your manifestations, but often for an original way of life. Sometimes you express extraordinary thoughts that are ahead of their time and do not fit in the heads of contemporaries. It happens that tomorrow you can discard what you worshiped yesterday, you can also express very harsh judgments on the same issue. An example of such an Aquarius was the poet and philosopher V. Solovyov, who, brilliantly speaking in various disputes, with great persuasiveness showed everyone the legitimacy of his point of view, shattered the arguments of opponents in disputes. And after that, not at all embarrassed, he took the opposite point of view and easily proved the opposite, refuting himself. Therefore, in the worst case, you often scold what you used to lean towards, what was close to you in the past, but today turned out to be alien. In general, you are distinguished by very quick and unexpected connections in society.
In addition, many changes occur in your life, often unexpected. A profession becomes your hobby, and a hobby develops into a profession, and sometimes you cannot separate one from the other. In the lowest version it sounds like this: "Your savings bank is my savings bank." In the worst case, you are an anarchist, a person with no moral foundations, a player in life. You often lead an extravagant lifestyle, play the fool, pretend to be clowns and magicians. You kind of mix the concepts of Good and Evil from two vessels, making unimaginable cocktails out of them. Therefore, you have to be very careful with you. If we talk about the dynamics of your development, then these are constant, sudden upheavals, irrational and original, and then a slow and steady attraction to one of the poles, to one of the opinions.

Your spiritual problems are to clear your consciousness of illusion, to put at the forefront of your spiritual evolution the high ideals of the divine revelation of information, which are poured out on us in the form of an information stream. you are very interesting person, you often get original ideas, thoughts, information that sometimes does not fit into your head. You seem to be accepting information from the future, and sometimes it is very difficult for you to figure it out. Your spiritual karmic goal is to understand this information, translate it into a language understandable to people and give it to others. The Land of Aquarius is Russia. From Aquarius we have the breadth of the soul, the desire for freedom. And from the worst - extremes, when people first kiss and then fight.

Among Aquarians, you can find many science fiction writers, magicians, manipulators and artists of the original genre. Aquarians were the writers Jules Verne, Dickens, I. Krylov, Zhukovsky, Stendhal, Beaumarchais, the writer Garshin and Vladimir Vysotsky; scientists Mendeleev and Edison; very original and mysterious musicians - Mendelssohn, Schubert, Mozart.

Famous Aquarians: Bashmet, Byron, Berezovsky, Belushi, Boyle, Beaumarchais, Baryshnikov, Brecht, Bacon, Vanga, Voroshilov, V. Wolfe, Vysotsky, A. Gaidar, Galileo, Hoffman, Dobrynin, Joyce, Dickens, Dunaevsky, Darwin, Yeltsin , Ioseliani, Art. Lebedev, Leshchenko, Lincoln, Kabo, El. Cooper, Kitaro, Carroll, Landau, Meyerhold, Mendeleev, Maugham, A. Men, Malikov, Manet, Mozart, I. Mendelssohn, Morozov, Al. Sailors, Muravyova, Yoko Ono, Parfenov, Penkin, Prishvin, Ramakrishna, P. Rabanne, Rabelais, Reagan, Safin, Simenon, S. Citroen, Swedenborg, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Travolta, Talleyrand, Ukupnik, Frunze, Chkalov, Salyapin Sheldon, Exler, Eisenstein, Yarmolnik.

Watch a video:

Aquarius | 13 signs of the zodiac | TV channel TV-3

The site provides concise information about the signs of the zodiac. Detailed information can be found on the respective websites.


This Instruction in accordance with clause 2 of Article 44 of the Federal Law of April 22, 1996 N 39-FZ "On the Securities Market" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 17, Art. 1918; 2001, N 33, Art. 3424; 2002, No. 52, Art. 5141; 2004, No. 27, Art. 2711; No. 31, Art. 3225; 2005, No. 11, Art. 900; No. 25, Art. 2426; 2006, No. 1, Art. 5; N 2, Art. 172; N 17, Art. 1780; N 31, Art. 3437; N 43, Art. 4412; 2007, N 1, Art. 45; N 18, Art. 2117; N 22, Art. 2563 ; N 41, Art. 4845; N 50, Art. 6247, Art. 6249; 2008, N 52, Art. 6221; 2009, N 1, Art. 28; N 18, Art. 2154; N 23, Art. 2770 ; N 29, Art. 3642; N 48, Art. 5731; N 52, Art. 6428; 2010, N 17, Art. 1988; N 31, Art. 4193; N 41, Art. 5193; 2011, N 7, Art 905; N 23, Art 3262; N 27, Art 3880; N 29, Art 4291; N 48, Art 6728; N 49, Art 7040; N 50, Art 7357; 2012, N 25 , Art. 3269; N 31, Art. 4334; N 53, Art. 7607; 2013, N 26, Art. 3207; N 30, Art. 4043, Art. 4082, Art. 4084; N 51, Art. 6699; N 52, Art.6985; 2014, N 30, Art.4219) defines the types of derivative financial instruments v.

1. The underlying assets of derivative financial instruments are securities, commodities, currency, interest rates, inflation rate, official statistical information, physical, biological and (or) chemical indicators of the state of the environment, contracts that are derivative financial instruments, values ​​calculated on the basis of one or a combination of several indicators specified in this paragraph, on the prices (values) of which the obligations of a party or parties to a contract that is a derivative financial instrument depend.

The underlying asset of a derivative financial instrument is also the occurrence of a circumstance that meets the conditions stipulated by the contract that is a derivative financial instrument and indicates non-performance or improper performance by one or more legal entities, states or municipalities (hereinafter referred to as the control person) of their obligations, and the existence of grounds for filing a demand for the early fulfillment of the duties of the control person, on the restructuring of the control person's debt, on the recognition of the control person as insolvent (bankrupt), on the actions of state bodies that can prevent the control person from fulfilling his duties, or another circumstance that is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and in relation to which it is not known whether it will come or not (hereinafter referred to as a credit event), provided that a message is made about the occurrence of such a credit event, corresponding e terms of a financial derivative contract.

A derivative financial instrument can have more than one underlying asset.

2. An option agreement is recognized:

an agreement stipulating the obligation of a party to the agreement, in the event of a demand by the other party, to periodically and (or) pay a lump sum of money depending on the change in prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of a circumstance that is the underlying asset;

an agreement that provides for one of the following obligations:

the obligation of a party to an agreement, on the terms determined at its conclusion, in the event of a demand by the other party to buy or sell securities, currency or commodities that are the underlying asset, including by way of conclusion by the party (parties) and (or) person (s), whose interests (of whom) an option agreement was concluded, a securities sale and purchase agreement, a foreign currency sale and purchase agreement or a contract for the supply of goods;

the obligation of a party to a contract, in the event of a demand from another party, to enter into a contract that is a financial derivative and constitutes the underlying asset.

An option agreement, in addition to the conditions set forth in paragraphs four or five of this clause, may also provide for the obligation of each of the parties to periodically pay monetary amounts depending on changes in prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of a circumstance that is the underlying asset.

An option agreement that provides for the obligation established by paragraph four or five of this clause, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the option agreement, is a delivery agreement. Other option contracts are settlement contracts.

3. A futures contract is a contract concluded at exchange trading that stipulates the obligation of each of the parties to the contract to periodically pay monetary amounts depending on changes in prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of a circumstance that is the underlying asset.

A futures contract, in addition to the conditions established by the first paragraph of this clause, may also provide for one of the following obligations:

the obligation of one party to the contract to transfer the securities, currency or commodity that is the underlying asset to the ownership of the other party or to the person (s) in whose interests the futures contract was concluded, including through the conclusion of a party (parties) of a futures contract and (or) a person (by persons) in whose interests a futures contract, a securities purchase and sale agreement, a foreign currency purchase and sale agreement or a contract for the supply of goods was concluded;

the obligation of the parties to a futures contract to enter into a financial derivative contract that constitutes the underlying asset.

A futures contract providing for the obligation established by the third or fourth paragraph of this clause, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the futures contract, is a delivery contract. Other futures contracts are settlement contracts.

4. A forward agreement is an agreement that provides for one of the following obligations:

the obligation of one party to the agreement to transfer securities, currency or commodities that are the underlying asset to the ownership of the other party not earlier than the third day after the day of the conclusion of the agreement, the obligation of the other party to accept and pay for such property and an indication that the agreement is a derivative financial instrument;

the obligation of the parties or parties to the contract to pay monetary amounts depending on the change in prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of a circumstance that is the underlying asset.

A forward contract that provides for the obligation established by the second paragraph of this clause is a delivery contract. Other forward contracts are settlement contracts.

5. A swap agreement is recognized as follows:

an agreement that provides for the obligation of a party or parties to the agreement to periodically and (or) pay monetary amounts at a time depending on changes in prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of a circumstance that is the underlying asset. If such an obligation is established for each of the parties, it is determined on the basis of different underlying assets or different values ​​of the underlying asset (the rules for determining the values ​​of the underlying asset). In this case, the obligation of a party to the contract to pay monetary amounts may be determined on the basis of a fixed value of the underlying asset established by the contract;

agreement (with the exception of a repo agreement) stipulating the obligation of one party to transfer currency, securities or goods to the ownership of the second party and the obligation of the second party to accept and pay for currency, securities or goods, as well as the obligation of the second party to transfer currency, securities or goods to property to the first party not earlier than the third day after the day of the conclusion of the contract and the obligation of the first party to accept and pay for currency, securities or goods. This contract must have an indication that it is a derivative financial instrument, or provide for the obligation of the party or parties to the contract to periodically and (or) pay monetary amounts in a lump sum depending on changes in the prices (values) of the underlying asset and (or) the occurrence of the underlying circumstance. asset, and (or) from the prices (values) of the underlying asset fixed in the contract. In this case, the determination of the obligation of each of the parties to the agreement to pay monetary amounts is carried out in accordance with the terms of the agreement on the basis of various underlying assets or different values ​​of the underlying asset (the rules for determining the values ​​of the underlying asset);

an agreement that provides for the obligation of a party or parties to the agreement to periodically and (or) pay a lump sum of money depending on the occurrence of a circumstance that is a credit event.

A swap agreement, in addition to the conditions established by paragraphs two and four of this clause, may also provide for one of the following conditions:

the obligation of the parties or parties to the swap agreement to transfer, including on a periodic basis, to the other party securities, currency or commodities that are the underlying asset, or other securities, or rights (claims), including by concluding a swap by the party (parties) - the contract and (or) the person (persons) in whose interests the swap agreement was concluded, the securities purchase and sale agreement, the foreign currency purchase and sale agreement, the contract for the supply of goods, the agreement on the assignment of rights (claims);

the obligation of the parties to the swap contract to enter into a financial derivative contract that constitutes the underlying asset.

A swap agreement that provides for the obligation established by paragraph three or six of this clause, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the swap agreement, is a delivery agreement. Other swap contracts are settlement contracts.

6. An agreement that is a derivative financial instrument may contain conditions that are not provided for by this Directive for determining the types of derivative financial instruments. These conditions are not taken into account when determining the type of a derivative financial instrument.

7. A contract that is a derivative financial instrument containing the terms of several types of derivative financial instruments provided for in this Directive is a mixed contract.

8. This Instructive Regulation shall enter into force 10 days after the day of its official publication in the Bank of Russia Bulletin.

9. From the date of entry into force of this Instruction, do not apply the order of the FFMS of Russia dated March 4, 2010 N 10-13 / pz-n "On Approval of the Regulations on the Types of Derivative Financial Instruments", registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 14, 2010 N 16898 ( Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies dated April 26, 2010 N 17).

Chairman of the Central Bank

Russian Federation

"On the approval of the procedure for the submission by citizens applying for positions and employees filling positions in organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, information about their income, expenses, property and property obligations is characteristic, and also information about income, expenses, property and liabilities property nature their spouse and minor children "
(registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 17, 2015 N 36912, changes were registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 22, 2016 N 40727)

In accordance with Articles 8 and 8.1 of the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 52, Art. 6228; 2011, N 29, Art. 4291; N 48 , art.6730; 2012, no. 50, art. 6954; no. 53, art. 7605; 2013, no. 19, art. 2329; no. 40, art. 5031; no. 52, art. 6961; 2014, no. 52, art. . 7542), Federal Law of December 3, 2012 N 230-FZ "On control over the compliance of expenses of persons holding public office and other persons with their income" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 50, Art. 6953; 2014 , N 52, Art. 7542) and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2013 N 309 "On measures to implement certain provisions of the Federal Law" On Combating Corruption "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 14, Art. 1670; 23, Art.2892; N 28, Art. 3813; N 49, Art. 6399; 2014, N 26, Art. 3520; N 30, Art. 4286), dated April 2, 2013 N 310 "On measures for implementation of certain provisions of the Federal Law "On control over the compliance of the expenses of persons holding public office and other persons with their income "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 14, Art. 1671; 28, Art. 3813; 49, Art. 6399; 2014, N 26, Art. 3520) and dated June 23, 2014 N 460 "On Approval of the Form of Certificate of Income, Expenses, Property and Property Liabilities and Amendments to Certain Acts of the President of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, N 26, Art. 3520) I order:

1. To approve the attached Procedure for the submission by citizens applying for positions and employees holding positions in organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, information about their income, expenses, property and property obligations, as well as information about income, expenses, property and property obligations of their spouse and minor children (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

2. Heads of organizations created to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation:

  • define structural subdivision or executive responsible for the prevention of corruption and other offenses in the organization;
  • familiarize the organization's employees with the Procedure and establish control over the timely provision and correctness of the information provided.

3. To declare invalid:

  • Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2013 N 240n "On Approval of the Procedure for Submission by Citizens Applying for Positions and Employees Holding Positions in Organizations Created to Perform the Tasks Set before the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation , information about their income, expenses, property and property obligations, as well as information about income, expenses, property and property obligations of their spouse and minor children "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 18, 2013, registration N 29096);
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2014 N 67n "On Amendments to the Procedure for Submission by Citizens Applying for Positions and Employees Holding Positions in Organizations Created to Perform the Tasks Set before the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Of the Russian Federation, information on their income, expenses, property and property obligations, as well as information on income, expenses, property and property obligations of their spouse and minor children, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation from June 5, 2013 N 240n "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 17, 2014, registration N 31616).

The minister

Aries (03.21-20.04)

Today, Aries can spend the day with benefit and pleasure. Work aimed at a specific material result will work especially well. The abstract benefit will interest you much less. Communication is best limited to joint activities or other common interests. The moon in Capricorn introverts, makes you think out thoughts and make plans for the future. Take part in business meetings, resolve professional issues, and carry on correspondence. A pleasant day for household chores, family events, discussing acquisitions. You can solve the issues of acquiring land, real estate.

  • (21.04-21.05)

    Taurus needs to do a good job today. And in the evening it will be possible to have an equally successful rest. The day promises a lot, if you do not sit on the sidelines, do not waste time. Listen carefully to your partners. Today you can get good advice, a hint, an important answer to a question that has been bothering you for a long time. If you have problems, this is the right time to seek advice. In personal relationships, this day provides an opportunity to discuss difficult situations, find a solution or a suitable reason for parting. The day is favorable for travel, renewal of business contacts. correspondence, foreign negotiations. Good for a long trip.

  • (22.05-21.06)

    Gemini has good prospects today, especially in serious matters. Maybe get lucky in something unexpected. Be quick, quickly use circumstances to your advantage. Events are now in the stage of active formation, and it is better not to take a detached position. You can go to your superiors and solve issues that interest you. Moon in Capricorn requires careful work, instructions and discipline. But unexpected news can wedge in and disrupt current plans. A sense of security will be restored if you find the best prospects for yourself behind all the changes. If there is tension in your relationship, you may the best solution will not get to the bottom of the matter.

  • (22.06-22.07)

    Cancers today will be lucky in team work, partnership. You can conclude deals, contracts. In personal relationships, change is positive if you are serious about it. It is good to deal with Capricorns, Taurus. During the day, it is best to load yourself with work and not let others interfere and command. Any result of today's activity must be material. It is desirable to formalize the negotiations. You can also expect spontaneous development of events in the direction you need. Minor emotional wounds can cause a storm of emotions today. If those around you are obstinate and uncooperative, do not slam the door. Try to get as much fresh information as possible. In the evening you can shop.

  • (23.07-23.08)

    Leos may find the day boring, and it is better to focus on work and carry it out with a head start. To have some rest and fun tomorrow. When you get around the inhibitions, think about the consequences. When changing the traditional approach in business to a new one, do not ignore the opinions of others, otherwise you may face criticism or harsh protests. You will be reminded of the rules, instructions and deadlines. Your new ideas are likely to feel premature to other people. Try presenting them tomorrow. Avoid putting pressure on family members. If you want to do something, count on yourself. Take advantage of opportunities that make your life difficult. In general, not an easy, but interesting day, and so far this is a characteristic tendency.

  • (24.08-23.09)

    Virgos today must not waste a minute of their precious time. A good day, both for serious matters and for personal interests. You can agree on issues that have arisen in previous days with partners, discuss financial difficulties... Favorable time for repair and construction works, the practical implementation of design solutions in the home and office. In personal relationships, a stable and harmonious day, but without sentimentality and warmth. After the stressful days of the previous day, give yourself a chance to catch your breath, do things that do not require rush and active communication. Physical labor or sports are helpful. You can resume an old hobby, "bring to mind" a postponed thing, do minor repairs.

  • (24.09-23.10)

    A Libra can do something important in the home. A good day to start repairing, buying household and computer equipment. It's better to invite guests for tomorrow. Today, you may not receive the compliments and signs of sympathy for which you are tuned. Events may occur in several important topics at once, which will become a signal that you are entering a phase of change. It will be difficult for you not to be picky and irritable in your environment, because right now you are completely sure that you know well how everything should be. If you manage to hold your tongue in time and listen to the opinions of other people, then there is a chance that your picture of what is happening will expand. Teamwork is now more optimal and can be marked by the emergence of new ideas, strengthen the corporate spirit.

  • (24.10-22.11)

    Scorpios can travel today. Anything that provides an influx of new information, especially useful information, is good for you. You can enroll in courses or engage in self-education. Impressions are also important. Make sure that your seriousness does not disappoint people who are waiting for completely different signs and manifestations. Keep promises, take an interest in their problems, help. Be wary of your competitors, take advantage of opportunities that make your life difficult. You can suddenly decide to do something that has been constantly postponed. Good day for physical work or sporting events.

  • (23.11-21.12)

    For Sagittarius, day is like day. Nothing extraordinary is foreseen. You can do household chores or relax. If you wish, you can go shopping. If you suddenly have an opportunity to earn extra money, agree. For money matters, this is a good day. Work will go better in privacy. If someone annoys you and you find new "leads" for claims, the situation can escalate into a conflict within a few days. Before it's too late, assess the consequences and your interests. What do you really want. A good day for health prevention, long walks, massage. Take care of your feet.

  • (22.12-20.01)

    Capricorns are the masters of the situation today. Your relationship with the environment may lack warmth and genuine interest, but if necessary, you will do whatever is necessary to save the situation or a loved one. Be attentive to the opinions of others, but do as you see fit. Try to summarize the conversation that interests you. It is good if you manage to gain consent, to unite goals and interests with someone. The contradictions that pull you into different sides, will force you to listen to your intuition and make a choice in favor of the most important. Go around mentally your "possessions", decide what you can achieve maximum success, get ready in the near future for big work. It can be started today.

  • (21.01-20.02)

    Aquarius situations of this day will be limited in some rights and interests. Most likely, you will be forced or you yourself will take on a lot of work. Relationships require concessions, sacrifices, care. The house can be renovated or general cleaning can be done. In this and the coming days, events may occur that will change your plans for the near future. The decisions and promises made will oblige you to fulfill them. Afternoon meetings will be of practical use. Try to set in motion plans that are important to you, if the opportunity presents itself. Do more physical work. It will help relieve stress and keep you on your toes. Let romantic interests wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

  • (21.02-20.03)

    Pisces can rejoice in the deeds and results of this day. Especially if they spend it in some kind of collective activity, with colleagues or friends. Sympathy may arise along the way. A good day for business and personal acquaintances. Life is now generous with advances; something must be used. V personal life now intrigues, gossip, intrigues of competitors are not excluded. Take your time to act so as not to get confused even more. Observe, think, analyze. You are now in a better position than others. And intuition works for you. In business contacts, disagreements will disappear, new interests will emerge. Gain strength for a new round of activity.

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