
GDP level per capita by country. GDP per capita. What is the difference between GDP per capita from ordinary GDP

    - (Per Capita Real GDP) Real GDP countriesper resident. It can be calculated based on the number of the entire population, only adults or on the basis of equivalent of adults, using various weights when recalculating children in ... ... Economic Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see the list of GDP countries. World Countries on GDP (PPS) per capita (IMF, 2008) ... Wikipedia

    World Countries on GDP (nominal) per capita (IMF, 2011) ... Wikipedia

    List of countries for the future GDP level (by parity purchasing power) per capita on forecasts of the International Monetary Fund. All figures are indicated in international dollars. GDP (PPS) per capita, in international dollars Country ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see the list of GDP countries. The list of countries in the future level of GDP (for purchasing power parity) per capita in the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund. All numbers are indicated in international ... ... Wikipedia

    Consumption of coffee per capita in the world The list of countries in the consumption of coffee per capita in 2008 (the latest data available) ... Wikipedia

    Request "GDP" is redirected here. Cm. Also other values. GDP per capita, recalculated by purchasing power parity in US dollars (as of 2008) * Maximum: Luxembourg 58 600 USD * Minimum: East Timor 400 ... Wikipedia

    GDP (gross domestic product, eng. Gross Domestic Product) - level indicator national income. Expresses the total market value of all final goods and services produced in all sectors of the economy in the territory of the state for consumption, exports and accumulation. Unlike t. ... ... ... Large current political encyclopedia

    This term also has other meanings, see the list of GDP countries ... Wikipedia


  • Russia is not Singapore. What kind of GDP we need, Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich. In his new book, the well-known publicist and writer Yuri Mukhin stops at an amazing phenomenon in world politics and the economy of the 20th century - "Singapore economic miracle" . It…
  • Russia is not Singapore. What kind of GDP we need, Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich. In his new book, a well-known publicist and writer Yuri Mukhin stops at an amazing phenomenon in world politics and the economy of the 20th century - 171; Singapore economic miracle 187; It…

    This term has other meanings, see the list of GDP countries. World Countries on GDP (PPS) per capita (IMF, 2008) ... Wikipedia

    Consumption of coffee per capita in the world The list of countries in the consumption of coffee per capita in 2008 (the latest data available) ... Wikipedia

    List of GDP countries: List of GDP countries (Nominal) List of GDP countries (PPS) Dollar Evaluation of GDP, obtained as a result of the counting of purchasing power parity (PPS) List of GDP countries (PPP) per capita list of GDP countries ... Wikipedia

    This term also has other meanings, see the list of GDP countries ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see the list of GDP countries. The list of countries in the future level of GDP (for purchasing power parity) per capita in the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund. All numbers are indicated in international ... ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    The list of countries in the future level of GDP (for purchasing power parity) per capita in the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund. All figures are indicated in international dollars. GDP (PPS) per capita, in international dollars Country ... Wikipedia

    Indicating the volume of wine products for 2001 2006 in thousands of hectoliters. Data is provided by the International Organization of Grapes and Wine (English International Organization of Vine and Wine, OIV). The largest countries manufacturers ... Wikipedia


GDP per capita- This is a special macroeconomic indicator, which reflects the state of the country's economy regarding its citizens. General GDP is market value All services and goods produced in the country, which are ready to use. All branches are taken into account, and, as a rule, a temporary interval for this indicator is a calendar year. General GDP is not suitable for determining the welfare of citizens of the country. To assess the standard of living of the state's citizens, it is GDP per capita, and with the right count, it gives the most reliable data that all economists and analysts operate, with the exception of special cases. So, in the first place in the world in 2019, the United Industance is the United States, and in the calculation of the per capita, China was only on 2 place. That is, one thing is 1 billion dollars for 10 million people, and a completely different picture will be with the same GDP per 100 million people. In addition, you should not confuse the well-being of citizens from well-being. In the calculation of the latter there are more social indicators, rather than economic.

The formula for calculating GDP per capita is very simple: general GDP / population of the country.

Recall that the GDP formula:

GDP \u003d Consumption + Investments + Government Expenditures + (Export-Import)

With GDP in 1 billion population of 10 million, the same figure per capita will be equal to: 1,000,000,000/10,000,000 \u003d 100, and with a population of 100 million - 10.

GDP refers to the most important macroeconomic indicators, and completely reflects the state of the economy, because Its calculation includes all industries, all production, costs and costs. He is the main indicator of the country's economy. So, growth and reduction of GDP affect stock indices, policies Central Bank and the state apparatus as a whole.

However, often with an equal volume of state economy may have a rather large level gap social Development. If we consider the same per capitaand consider only the real results economic Policy in social sphereThis will see the difference in three main needs groups:

  • basic benefits to which water, nutrition, first medical care, satisfactory sanitary conditions, personal safety and quality of housing are counted;
  • the main benefits that include a good environmental situation, the availability of communications and information, general education and health care;
  • the possibility of the development of the population. This category includes equality, civil rights, accessibility of higher and additional education.

New Zealand is considered one of the most prosperous countries, but it only takes the 34th place on GDP per capita.

Thus, the considered indicator for the most part reflects the state of the economy regarding the population, but does not indicate the absolute well-being of residents of the first five countries.

GDP per capita of the countries of the world in 2018-2019

Country ratings for macroeconomic indicators are World Currency Fund, the World Bank, the UN, and even the CIA. Below is a list of 10 countries on GDP per capita for 2018 - 2019. The calculation is made in US dollars.

Hong Kong is part of the PRC, but it is highlighted as a special administrative area. In the ratings, it stands out separately from the whole country, as it is the main financial center of Asia. In addition, the Government of the People's Republic of China does not interfere in the economy of this area, which is atypically for the country as a whole.

GDP per capita in Russia

To the main macroeconomic indicator A lot of circumstances have an impact, starting with the situation within the country, its wealth of natural and human resources, political activities, ending with external criteria (wars, relations between countries, etc.).

GDP - gross domestic product. If we talk simple wordsthen this is an indicator of the value of goods issued and services in one way or another . These are all products and services produced in the state, which are expressed in the monetary equivalent. Often this indicator is expressed in US dollars due to the fact that the US dollar is one of the most stable currencies in the world.

Today there are two types of GDP:

  • Nominal is the total volume of products and services measured in current pricesThat is, in the costs that are relevant to today.
  • Real GDP - the total amount of products and services produced during a certain period of time, measured in the basic costs. Basic costs are constant prices.

The difference between nominal and real GDP indicators is that only changes in the volume of goods produced can affect real GDP. While the price of products and services itself affects the change in the rating of nominal GDP.

The ratio of nominal to the real indicator in the economy is called the GDP deflator.

In other words, a deflator is an indicator of the difference in total value in the economic industry.

The total volume of GDP we divide the number of citizens living in the state.

The most developed states

The most developed countries in the world in 2019-2020, according to the UN rating of countries, 5 states became.


US GDP - 20,494 trillion US dollars. Such a high indicator of US GDP received due to its national currency - Dollar. This currency is used throughout the world and is considered one of the most stable.

America entered the ranking of countries with the highest GDP level thanks to such corporations as Microsoft and Google. Every year in America there is an increase in the country's GDP in the amount of 2.2%. An indicator per person is equal to $ 6,2605.


China with GDP 13.608 trillion US dollars. China does not leave its position and still remains one of the world's most leading economies. According to economists and financial analysts, China has all the opportunities soon to oust the United States of America. This is possible due to the intensive growth of GDP magnitude. The share of GDP in China is growing by 10% annually.


The third place is occupied by Japan. Despite the fact that economists predict Japan partial suspension of growth in indicators, this country of the world today has GDP in the amount of 4.970 trillion dollars.

According to statistics, the share of GDP of this republic increases by 1.5%. An increase in the indicators is due to the export of car exports, household appliances, computers and other electronic goods. In this country, GDP per capita is 39,309 dollars.


The fourth place occupies Germany with GDP level of 3,996 trillion American dollars a year. The country was able to achieve such indicators thanks to the export of car brand "Volkswagen", industrial equipment and household appliances. Compared with the previous year, the share of gross domestic product in Germany increased by 0.4%. GDP per capita is 48,264 US dollars.

Great Britain

The last place in the top 5 developed countries of the world took the United Kingdom. The level of the indicator at a mark of 2.825 trillion dollars allowed the UK to oust France.

Table: Top 20 countries in the level of GDP after 5 developed countries of the planet in 2019 according to the UN

The name of the country GDP (expressed in billions of US dollars)
France 2,777
India 2,726
Italy 2,073
Brazil 1,868
Canada 1,712
Russia 1,657
South Korea 1,619
Australia 1,432
Russia 1132.7
Spain 1,426
Mexico 1,223
Indonesia 1,042
Netherlands 913
Saudi Arabia 782
Turkey 766
Switzerland 705
Poland 585
Sweden 551
Belgium 531
Argentina 518

Indicators in EU countries

The European Union is a very powerful and unique economic structure. In 2020.

GDP of the countries of the world for 2019

Top 10 most economically developed EU countries (2018 statistics of the IMF):

  1. Samoa developed country The world included in the European Union is Luxembourg. Despite its small area, in this country an incredibly strong economy is evidenced by the indicator of GDP per capita, which was equal in 2018 114234 USD.
  2. Second place is given to Switzerland. This country has per capita GDP in the amount of 82950 USD.
  3. Norwegma ranks third. The size of GDP per capita is 81694 USD.
  4. In Ireland, the GDP indicator per capita is 81694 USD.
  5. Iceland has an indicator at 74278 USD.
  6. In Denmark, the size of the gross domestic product is 60692 USD.
  7. According to statistics in Finland, the GDP level is 38 100 USD.
  8. Eighth place occupies Sweden with GDP in 53873.
  9. In the Netherlands there is a rapid growth rate. In 2018, this figure was equal to 53106.
  10. The tenth place occupies Austria with an indicator 51509.

Table: GDP level of some EU countries per capita

The most "weak" states

Economists technical analysis Forex studies have been conducted regarding the growth forecast and recession of GDP for 2020. According to the conclusions, the list of countries with weak economies in 2020 will consist of states such as:

Forecast of the dynamics of increasing GDP of other countries of the world

Table: The list of countries whose in 2020 is expected to increase the level of GDP

Name of the Republic Expected growth (expressed in%) The likelihood of occurrence economic crisis (expressed in%)
India 7.4 0
Vietnam 6.6 0
China 6.5 12
Sri Lanka 6.4 0
Philippines 6.0 5
Dominican Republic 5.4 0
Indonesia 5.2 10
Malaysia 4.5 10
Bolivia 3.9 20
Peru 3.8 10
Romania 3.8 10
Poland 3.5 5
Albania 3.5 0
Slovakia 3.3 8
Thailand 3.2 5
Iceland 3.1 0
Turkey 3.0 20
Bosnia 3.0 0
South Korea 2.9 18
Colombia 2.8 8
Mexico 2.8 10
Sweden 2.8 10
Spain 2.7 5
Czech Republic 2.7 10
Australia 2.6 15
Bulgaria 2.5 10
United States of America 2.5 15
Armenia 2.5 0
Hungary 2.4 0
New Zealand 2.3 13
Great Britain 2.3 13
Uruguay 2.0 25
Kazakhstan 2.0 33
Taiwan 2.0 55
Germany 1.8 8
Canada 1.8 25
Serbia 1.6 18
France 1.4 10
Norway 1.4 15
Ukraine 1.4 60
South Africa Republic 1.4 25
Italy 1.3 13
Denmark 1.9 0
Kuwait 1.9 0
Chile 2.3 5
Azerbaijan 2.4 0

In the countries of the European Union, an increase in GDP level is expected to be 1.7%. In this case, the probability of recession is 15%.


Interior gross Product It is a special macroeconomic indicator, which is often called synonymous with the economy. It shows the amount of all goods and services produced in the country and ready for consumption in market prices. The activities of absolutely all organizations, commercial, budget, non-financial institutions, branches of foreign companies, etc. Thus, the GDP per capita in Russia in 2020 shows how effectively the country's economy works. In addition, the analysis of this indicator over the past years allows us to talk about positive or negative dynamics.

Also calculated. This calculation is made in all countries, including in Russia. The overall level of GDP is divided into the total number of citizens of the state, and according to the results we can say about their well-being. In 2019, Qatar occupies the first place in the ranking; The main income of this country brings liquefied gas.

In 2018, the IMF predicted an increase in GDP in 2019 to 1.7%. Now the increase in GDP in Russia in 2019 is predicted to 1.2%, and in 2020 to 1.9%. This is due to a decrease in oil prices, as well as exposure to more high Betting VAT for private consumption.

The main industries of Russia

  • 19% of GDP accounts for trade (Wholesale and retail), as well as repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household items and personal items;
  • 16% - taxes;
  • 16% - financial activities, real estate, rental, public and social services;
  • 14% - manufacturing industry;
  • 9% - mining mining;
  • 8% - transport and communication;
  • 6% - education, health care;
  • 5% - construction;
  • 4% - agriculture, forestry, fishing and fish farming;
  • 3% - production and distribution of gas, electricity and water.

The development of those industries that "emerge" will increase, and, consequently, the growth of the pillow. The growth in the volume of such industries can seriously improve the situation. In addition, the development of a direction or another, as a rule, always requires additional human resources. Accordingly, the unemployment rate can be reduced.

Dynamics of GDP for 25 years - as changing in Russia

Since the proclamation Russian Federation There were quite a lot of change and significant events. According to the schedule it is clear how the first GDP volume has increased over the past 25 years, and that in last years There is some decline in its decline.

In addition to dry data, it is also necessary to remember that Russia is a big country experienced quite heavy and unstable times in the past, so to bring the economy to high quality new level not easy. GDP per capita In 2019, in Russia, according to the IMF data amounted to $ 30,284, which corresponds to 73 points in the ranking. Russian economy It continues moderate growth in the conditions of a reasonable macroeconomic policy, but in the presence of structural restrictions and impact of sanctions.

Sources: International Monetary Fund, World Bank

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