
Programs for architects. Online design. Arcon: planning all kinds of structures at the highest level

If you are an engineer, designer, surveyor, or maybe even a lithologist, you probably have to use special software in your professional activities, the so-called CAD programs (CAD) - computer-aided design systems.

Here we will consider the most popular, including free programs that will help you design objects of varying complexity.

The program is equipped with such virtual tools as compasses, protractor, patterns, ruler, etc.

It allows you to change the thickness of lines, apply layers to create complex drawings, create footnotes and tables to complete the project. AT AutoCAD you can also build 3D objects.


Compass is a simplified version of AutoCAD from Russian developers. In the program, you can generate a three-dimensional model into a drawing, which is subsequently associated with the model and depends on the changes made to it.

The data in the title block is also associated with the model. Thanks to the established connection, working with the project is greatly simplified, since changing the characteristics in one drawing changes the data in the others. Users consider the availability of ESKD and SPDS standards to be the most important advantages in the Compass program.


Refers to the program's competitors from Autodesk. Has a similar set of tools. It differs in interface and approach to creating drawings.

AT AutoCAD attention is focused on the construction of lines, in ArchiCAD - on the creation of a virtual three-dimensional object, which greatly speeds up the process of constructing cuts.

Google SketchUp

Used to quickly create 3D models. The program has a simplified interface. In the drawing, you can set natural lighting, insert ready-made templates for cars, furniture, trees, and figures of people. Suitable for sketching.

Autodesk 3Ds Max

The program has rich features for creating powerful visualizations that may not even differ from a photograph. To make the picture livelier, animations are used (burning fire, falling cloth, etc.).

By using 3DSMax you can create houses that will resemble real wood buildings. All this is possible thanks to the variety of textures presented in the library, which in appearance resemble real building materials.

nanoCAD program

First of all, nanoCAD is a free analogue of Autocad, developed by Russian programmers.

The construction of the interface, as well as the principles of operation, are similar to the design of Autocad. Therefore, the Autocad user will easily master this software.

Documents created in nanoCAD, can be opened in AutoCAD without any transformations, and vice versa.

In addition, unlike the well-known program from Autodesk, nanoCAD can be downloaded absolutely free, for example, on the website besplatnyeprogrammy.net.

Interestingly, in nanoCAD, you can additionally process raster substrates (eliminate distortions, erase an unnecessary part of the picture with an eraser, refine it with a Pencil). The program uses SPDS standards.

Many of us dream of our own country house, where we could come for the weekend and take a break from the annoying and noisy city life. And if we talk about the independent construction of such a house, then the most difficult step will be, perhaps, the selection of a suitable project that fully meets the requirements and wishes of the future owner. Designing a house on your own is quite difficult, this procedure requires certain knowledge and skills.

First you need to figure out what a country cottage should be like. There can be quite a lot of requirements, but they all boil down to three important points:

  • polyfunctionality;
  • simplicity of design;
  • aesthetics.

There are a lot of ready-made projects on the Internet, both standard and individual. But when choosing one or another of them, you should not rush, first of all, you should decide - is it really an individual project that is really needed?

Important! Such projects are used mainly for non-standard sites, where the construction of a typical house is problematic or even impossible.

The best option (in terms of time and finances) would be to purchase a standard project with subsequent binding to a specific site by an experienced architect. But this is on condition that only a slight adjustment is required, and if you need to completely change the project, then it is better to immediately order an individual version.

If plannedDIY house design, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without a qualified specialist, since when drawing up, problems may arise with numerous technical details - the number and location of lamps, sewerage, wall thickness / height, etc. Based on this, there are only two possible (read: inexpensive) options.

  1. You can turn to designers who will make a sketch of the house, but without any technical details. With such a sketch, you can easily build a small country house, but only the most primitive layout.
  2. Another way to save money is to ask for help from design students who are already familiar with the basics of the profession.

Important! Regardless of who and how drafted the project, the construction must be entrusted to a qualified foreman, who is able to “by eye” determine what exactly needs to be done to implement this or that detail.

If this is not done, then in the event of the destruction of the house there will be no one to blame, since according to the law the foreman cannot be responsible for the compliance of the house project with safety requirements.

If an architect was involved in the design of the house, then you need to remember the basic requirements and, if possible, fulfill them.

  1. It is necessary to provide the architect with a site plan, the results of geological studies, a detailed description of all available landscape elements (forests, country roads, reservoirs, etc.) that can affect the location of the house.
  2. You also need to notify the contractor about all the restrictions imposed by the management company or the legislation m. This may be, for example, a ban on construction in a water protection zone, requirements for the strength of the facade, the height of the house.
  3. In most cases, communication inputs must be connected at your own expense. This also applies to gas supply, which should be handled exclusively by specialized companies.
  4. Before starting work, the architect will offer the customer to fill out the so-called questionnaire, which will indicate the main requirements for the project. All these points are mutually agreed upon in writing.
  5. Sometimes the architect himself suggests making certain adjustments. A striking example of such adjustments can be a bedroom for older family members, which is transferred from the second to the first floor so that they do not have to often move up the stairs.
  6. Customers often neglect documents, which is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary to carefully study and fill out the questionnaire - this will significantly reduce the time for drafting the project.
  7. Creating an individual project takes a lot of time - on average, it takes three months. This moment is an additional incentive to independently draw up a project.

Important! Sometimes the customer, after reviewing the finished project, wants to make adjustments or additions. Of course, this will also increase the compilation time.

DIY project

As mentioned earlier, a house project with a primitive layout can be made by hand. To create a sketch of a “dream house”, you only need paper and a pencil, no specific skills or an architect’s diploma are needed. Below is the sequence of basic steps.

Stage 1. Geological exploration

Design should begin with geo-prospecting of the site. This will provide accurate information about the properties of the soil and the depth of groundwater (the latter is necessary when planning the foundation and basement). It is desirable to carry out exploration in the spring, when groundwater rises to the highest level.

Stage 2. Scaling

First, a sheet of paper is taken in a box. Let's say one meter of the plot is two cells. In this case, the scale will be 1:100, that is, 1 mm in the project will equal 10 cm in life.

Stage 3. Marking the contour of the site

Next, you need to draw the outline of the site with all adjacent buildings in order to correctly determine the location of the house. At the same stage, the number of floors and whether there will be other structures in the yard is determined. If there are already some objects on the site that will not be removed (for example, a pool), then they are applied first. So the design will be carried out taking into account free space.

Important! You need to be prepared for repeated use of the tape measure, because everything needs to be done in accordance with the scale.

Stage 4. Start planning

Let's say the house will have two floors, two bedrooms, two toilets, a living room, a kitchen and a basement.

If there are any structures nearby, then it is necessary that there be at least three meters between them and the house - this is necessary for fire safety.

Stage 5. Basement

Next, you need to start planning the basement. If the groundwater level is high enough, then building a basement will increase the total cost by about a third. Therefore, it is desirable to simply make an additional room instead, but on the condition that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allows it.

Stage 6. First floor

After determining the height and type of foundation, the issue is resolved with the building material that will be used to build the house. Next, a hall is drawn, a living room with a kitchen are joined to it, and a toilet is placed in the formed “pocket”.

Then you need to see what happened. We’ll make a reservation right away that you shouldn’t get upset at the same time, because this is just a rough sketch.

It turned out quite well, but some things can be corrected.

  1. The kitchen and toilet should be located next door - this will facilitate the planning of communications. In the first version of the project, these premises are located far from each other.
  2. A lot of people usually gather in the living room, so its area should be appropriate. The hall should be somewhat reduced and thereby expand the living room.
  3. You also need a staircase to the second floor, so you need to find a place for it.
  4. On the first sketch, there were no auxiliary premises, such as, for example, a boiler room.

The basement may need to be modified. In the second version of the sketch, there were some changes.

  1. The dining room was swapped with the kitchen, because the exit from the living room should lead to the dining room, where the family will gather.
  2. The size of the bathroom has changed. It was decided to place the bathroom on the second floor, so the free space on the first floor was saved in favor of the boiler room.
  3. A staircase appeared.
  4. The living room has been enlarged.

Stage 7. Second floor

Everything is much easier on the second floor. The toilet is located in the same place so that there are no problems when making communications. The wall between the bedroom and the recreation room moves somewhat in favor of the bedrooms.

It is also necessary to plan all the windows and the front door.

Stage 8. Roof

When designing a roof, there is one simple rule to keep in mind: the more bends and joints, the higher the value of the house. In addition, a roof that is too complex will be unreliable and over time, leaks will form at the bends.

Stage 9. Thermal insulation

In order to reduce heat loss, all non-residential premises should be placed in the northern part of the house. In addition, thermal insulation largely depends on the quality of the materials used for insulation, as well as on the location of the windows.

Important! Despite the fact that the house looks perfect on paper, once it is built, it may no longer be to your liking. At the same time, according to an unfinished and “raw” sketch, you can build a quite decent cottage that will last for more than a decade.

Step 10: Approvals

So, the project is almost ready, it remains to take it to the architecture for approval. Most likely, the department will offer to modify it somewhat - you should not refuse. In addition to the project itself, the architecture must be provided with:

Important! Risu nk must be accompanied by a real estimate for building materials.


Designing a house, like any other important event, should be thought out in advance, because the future may depend on it. The above project has already taken into account the possibility of increasing the size of the family (there are two bedrooms on the second floor - one of them is for children).

Video - DIY house design

Programs for designing houses - software that no interior designer, residential building, building designer can do without. Such applications are installed on a PC, helping to get a model of the house and interior space - taking into account the terrain, infrastructure facilities, individual parameters that the designer enters into the program. Each program has its own "chips" and features, differs in functionality, tools and interface. When choosing such software, attention should be paid to user reviews, simplicity and ease of use of the application.

Why do we need virtual home designers?

First of all, builders, architects and interior designers use software designed for designing models of residential buildings, interior filling of rooms and arranging the local area. The parameters of programs for designing a convenient and comfortable home allow you to make changes by changing the building model, the arrangement of rooms, correct shortcomings, on paper it will be much more difficult. Other features for designers include:

  • The choice of optimal opportunities for the location of the house on the site.
  • Selection of the correct configuration and size of the roof, openings for doors and windows.
  • Creation of a unique house model and interior space layout.
  • Selection of building materials, taking into account the climate, weather and characteristics of a particular region.
  • Drawing up such interior compositions that will suit all residents of the house.
  • The correct location in areas near the houses of pools, gazebos, patios, playgrounds.
  • Quick mastery of the skills of working in the program allows novice designers and builders to understand the principle of drawing up drawings, planning rooms.
  • The use of programs for the virtual design of a house model will allow builders who want to build housing on their own to save money. Professionals can do construction, but it is specialized software that determines exactly what materials are needed for the foundation, walls, roof, interior floors.

    • Learn building terminology that helps build building models. The 3D Home Architect program will help beginners with this. The program perfectly helps to study independently, immerse yourself in the features of architectural science.
    • Learn the features of finishing materials, drawing structures and tools.
    • Look at the model from the side, from a height and at an angle of inclination.
    • Design models of houses taking into account the features of the landscape, topography and climate.
    • Watch video tutorials for programs that will help you get acquainted with the basic and additional software options.
    • Create a 3D room model.
    • Make a detailed visualization of the interior space.
    • Use free software, which has a clear and simple interface. After mastering such programs, you can move on to more complex applications. Installing paid and advanced programs for designing houses is not immediately worth it if the user has not undergone preliminary training and has not received the necessary knowledge.

    Professional software: how to choose

    Before installing on a computer, you need to study the program and the requirements for PC system parameters. The main attention should be paid to the following factors:

    • Availability of free hard disk space.
    • Availability.
    • Features of the processor and monitor.
    • Color rendering quality.
    • Ability to connect digitizers and plotters to a PC. Such devices are needed in order to import drawings created by hand, printed on a printer, into the installed program; or import drawings and diagrams into the program.

    The selected software must necessarily have a Russian-language version, which will facilitate the study of the functionality of the program and work with it. Before downloading the program, it is recommended to get acquainted with its demo version. This always helps to evaluate how clear and convenient the interface of the program is, whether it is difficult to work with options. It will not be superfluous to consult with people who understand applications for design and architecture. You need to choose software only for the needs of novice architects.

    It is not necessary to buy multifunctional programs if you need to design models of residential buildings in 3D format.

    The simpler the program, the easier it will be to work with. To calculate the required amount of materials needed for construction, you will need simple interactive services. These can be special online designers or calculators that can be used without downloading.

    List of free software- assistants for design.

    For designing houses, selecting materials and constructing roofs, the following free programs are recommended for novice architects and designers:

    Both beginners and professionals can use free multifunctional programs for choosing the type of roof and designing houses. Before installing the full version of the software, it is recommended to try its demo version. If the interface and functions will not cause problems, you should download the full version of the free program on the developers' website.

    The best DIY home building apps

    • Google SketchUp. Designed to create three-dimensional models, various sketches, drawings, sweeps, plans, diagrams. An excellent assistant in the work of novice architects and professional designers. The program has options for import, export, a calculator for calculating the area and specific parameters of buildings, tools for creating sketches in one style or another. The Google SketchUp program has a simple interface that allows you to quickly learn programming, 3D design, the basics of architectural planning, drawings, interior interiors. The application is available in two versions - paid and free.
    • Revit. This is software for professionals who are familiar with modeling and designing houses. This program is more complicated than Google SketchUp, so it will take longer to master it. As a result, users get a lot of room for creativity, creativity, and the implementation of their own ideas. The program allows you to make three-dimensional models of buildings from the outside, create a detailed layout of the interior spaces, where furniture and interior items are placed. It is only necessary that users accurately and correctly enter data for schemas. Before installing the paid version, it is possible to try the trial version, which is valid for 30 days.
    • AutoCad. One of the simplest applications that allow you to design houses, roofs and interior design. Developers release two versions of AutoCad - 3D and AutoCad LT 2D. The main advantages include architecture, visualization, tools for the final completion of a construction project. You can work with both simple and advanced features that are aimed at clear and high-quality visualization of models.
    • sweet home. Suitable for beginners in design, construction and architecture. The program creates 2D and 3D models - with the ability to import 3D models in formats such as OBJ, DAE and 3DS.
    • Floor Plan 3D. The application is suitable for creating projects of apartments, houses, planning the design of premises. The program allows you to build projects for private houses, draw plans for one or more floors, add openings for windows and doors, decorate, insert text files, comments to the plan.
    • ArchiCAD. It has useful features that are suitable for architects. Planning buildings, creating a landscape, arranging furniture - these are the features of ArchiCAD. The program also has a useful function - the principle of the Virtual Building, which allows you to see a model of a real building, whose image is placed on the computer. Users are allowed to use tools that create windows, stairs, elevators.
    • ArCon. An excellent assistant in planning the internal space of an office, apartment, house, cottage, development of architectural and design structures. Apply ArCon to build facilities for industry. The program allows you to use an integrated approach to interior design, create models and generate appropriate documentation for them.
    • Autodesk 3ds Max. This is a multifunctional program that is designed to create three-dimensional models. You can use 3D tools and animation elements. It should be borne in mind that the program has complex functionality, an intricate menu structure and an interface that will not be easy for beginners to understand. Used by professional designers and architects to create streets, fit infrastructure into urban planning.
    • KZ-cottage. The program is needed in order to build houses from timber and logs, to work out the interior of wooden cottages to the smallest detail. With it, you can create wooden structures, automatically select sizes, set them yourself, and compile reports on materials. Schematics and drawings are attached to such reports.
    • chief architect. It is used for the construction of frame houses and buildings. The program is complex, with an English-language interface. If the user speaks English at a sufficient level, then the program will become a real assistant in the design of private houses, baths, saunas, outbuildings.

    Programs designed for three-dimensional and two-dimensional modeling are needed to create virtual models of houses, interior arrangement. Users need such designers and designers to draw up a construction plan, and then implement it in stages. As a result, inconsistencies and errors are detected, shortcomings online.

    The programs are in excellent contact with modern computers, take into account all the wishes of designers and constructors, are able to independently adjust the thickness of the material, move windows and doors, change the style of the roof.

The times when architects drew diagrams and drawings of future houses on sheets of paper are long gone. Now everything is done on the computer. It is much more convenient, faster and more efficient. may have built-in templates for the most popular architectural solutions, they can automatically calculate slopes, angles, areas and volumes of materials. Therefore, today we will talk about programs for and related IT solutions.

The possibilities of many software packages for modeling and design are almost limitless. Any idea, any subject to the laws of physics can be easily implemented in such programs. You can add a new floor or remove the old one, fence or change the type, calculate the number or. Naturally, for local builders who will be engaged in construction, the electronic version cannot be used, so programs for building houses are equipped with convenient functionality for printing drawings on paper in the desired projections and sections.

Types of free home planning software

As you know, all software on the Internet is divided into two broad categories: free and paid. Paid ones, in turn, can be sold immediately, or they can have a free limited trial period, after which you will have to pay to continue working. Simple design programs are usually free. And powerful and complex products are very expensive.

Truly Free House Modeling Software

Free programs usually cannot boast of wide functionality. Sometimes it depends on the origin of the program, when it is written by enthusiasts, and sometimes it is part of the overall concept of the sale. For example, the construction software and SketchUp comes in two versions - free and paid.

The first has limited functionality, the second squeezes everything out of its capabilities. But in fact, they are not as big as we would like. You can design pretty primitive things in SketchUp - , and .

Another free program for creating, and even open source, is SweetHome 3D.

You can model almost anything - the interior of the house, or. The application can work with files from other similar products, such as 3DMax or Wavefront. An online version is also available, in which you can design directly from the browser window.

Programs for architects with a free trial period

A free trial period means the period during which the program will work normally, and then either lose some of its functionality or not work at all. Most often, the period is 30 days. Of the most famous, 3DSMax can be distinguished.

In general, this program is positioned not only as a tool for designing and. With it, you can simulate anything, create realistic objects, customize, manage materials, use a bunch of built-in visual effects, and even create entire movies. The paid version has a free trial period of 30 days, after which you can buy an annual subscription for a year for 52,000 rubles. Yes, quite expensive, but for those who are professionally involved in modeling and design, this is not such a significant amount.

An interesting product under the unpretentious name "Interior Design 3D".

The program is oriented, as you might guess, precisely for modeling the interiors of buildings. It has a simple and clear design, easy control and excellent visualization of the preview windows. The free period of the program lasts only 10 days. After that, you can buy it for 700, 1000 or 2000 rubles, depending on the configuration.

Overview of programs for architectural design

In addition to those programs that have already been presented, there are many other analogues that are no less interesting and convenient. Some are popular, some are not.



Another brainchild from Autodesk. The program is used for two-dimensional and three-dimensional design. You can draw anything - from drawings of small bolts to designing a huge one. The program is more universal and has a wide user community. It is used by many: from students in educational institutions to professional development studios. The program for 3D design of houses AutoCAD costs 54,000 rubles for an annual license.


A program focused on modeling architectural and building structures. The main concept is to create a virtual model in the computer's memory, on which the user forms building elements - walls, and others. After the simulation is completed, the user can remove the necessary elements from the necessary drawings in different sections and projections. Since the program serves mainly for, it is difficult to implement objects with complex geometry and unique surfaces in it. This is probably the most expensive automatic design system. The full professional version costs almost 140,000 rubles.

Features of programs for designing apartment design

Interior design software is usually simpler, less resource intensive, and cheaper or free. Of course, you can create cool ones in 3DMax or similar, but it will take a lot of time to master them. Therefore, there are simpler solutions. Usually they have ready-made sets, windows, etc. This is a very convenient approach - you create a room, fill it and get a general picture of the design.

Overview of interior design programs

There are many more amateur programs in this category, since they are easier to use, and the very concept of their inner workings is simpler than that of professional design mastodons.

Astron Design

Unpretentious for interior design. The room is selected, its size, and design. Then you can choose components from the sets and easily fill the room with them. You can also change the parameters, adjusting to the size of the room. The program is free.

IKEA Home Planner

This is an online interior planning product from a well-known furniture manufacturer. Everything works quite simply. There is a room with adjustable dimensions, into which you can “throw” the necessary furniture details from the libraries. Naturally, all the furniture is from the IKEA store. In general, to create an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future design of the room - a good solution.


Another online product for creating . The concept is similar to the previous project. There is a room that is filled with ready-made elements from the library and. The set of various items is huge, and the final pictures are juicy and clear. The only thing that confuses a little is that the translation is not fully adapted.

Everyone who plans to build their own home thinks about drawing up a project. It's nice to feel like an architect and try your hand at creating a visual plan of the future home. Well, there are programs for designing houses, and you can choose free versions.

Sketch Up Make

This program is designed to create relatively simple three-dimensional objects, it allows you not only to draw up a project of the house itself, but also to work with interior design, furniture arrangement. It was owned by Google's SketchUp Make, there is also a paid version of SketchUp Pro, but we will talk about programs that you can use for free.

Users note that SketchUp is a simple program, there is a built-in crack, designed for beginners in the field of 3D modeling.

In addition to creating and editing 3D projects, the program allows you to work with landscape design, interiors, engage in virtual archeology, that is, model disappeared buildings, and master engineering design. There is a lot of reference information, SketchUp has simple graphic tools, such as "eraser", "brush" and others, it can convert created projects into various graphic formats.

Another plus of SketchUp is the ability to create statistics on the consumption of building materials. Structures are designed to the nearest millimeter. The program does not work with 2D drawings.

Another 3D building modeling program that you can use for free. You can make a detailed two-dimensional plan, which is then converted into a three-dimensional model. The program allows you to work with interiors, it is quite simple, you can change the viewing modes of the finished project from a transparent frame to the location of the building among the landscape. The finished project is easy to print and save in various formats. Envisioneer Express is less popular than SketchUp, but generally has a fairly wide range of functionality.


This is a Russian development, there is a free version not for commercial use. NanoCAD has a fairly wide potential - the program allows you to work with various drawings and even allows you to create a complete package of documents that are included in the construction project. Files saved in nanoCAD are compatible with other applications from the AutoCAD category.

Home Plan Pro

A free house plan program that supports BMP, GIF, JPG formats. It has a fairly simple interface, can work with color palettes, different levels and layers, and has a large number of ready-made structures, such as windows, doorways, and furniture. The finished Home Plan Pro house plan can be printed in several projections. Designed specifically for beginners, not professionals in the field of architecture.

A program with many features that allow you to experiment with 3D images of buildings, landscapes and interiors. It is noteworthy that professional designers often work with FloorPlan 3D, which indicates its high functionality and advantages. Information is automatically created not only about the quantity, but also the cost of materials, levels and floors are designed, texts, roofs, windows and stairs are added, the library is very extensive. There are several versions. Works with effects such as snow and rain, the sketch can be viewed from any angle, and the design can be designed down to the smallest detail.

This program can be called shareware - you can use it only for 30 days from the moment of installation, after that, if you wish, you should buy a license. CyberMotion 3D-Designer 13 allows you to create three-dimensional models, animation, rendering. The program is used far from only for creating projects and designing houses, you can just do animation by making your characters.

Among the more specialized programs are Sweet Home 3D, created specifically for interior design modeling, as well as LIRA-SAPR 2013, designed to calculate the load on building structures.

The most positive reviews on the net about the program SketchUp, as a software product that is most suitable for use by beginners.

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