
Mu application sbts design work. On approval of guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction. III. the procedure for determining the cost of design work, taking into account additional factors affecting the labor

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About approval Guidelines on the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction

In accordance with the Regulations on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2005 No. 40 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 5, Art. 390; No. 13, Art. 1169; 2006, No. 6 , Article 712; No. 18, Article 2002; 2007, No. 45, Article 5488; 2008, No. 22, Article 2582, No. 42, Article 4825, No. 46, Article 5337; 2009, No. 3, Article 378, No. 6, item 738; No. 14, item 1669; No. 38, item 4497), by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2008 No. 44 "On approval of the Procedure for the development and approval of standards in the field of budget regulation and pricing in the field of urban planning” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 12, 2008, registration No. 11661, Bulletin of Normative Acts of Federal Executive Authorities, 2008, No. 22) and by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2009 No. 353 "On the approval of qualifications estimated standards to be used in determining estimated cost objects capital construction, the construction of which is financed with the involvement of federal budget funds” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 2, 2009, registration No. 14940, Bulletin of Normative Acts of Federal Executive Authorities, 2009, No. 42) order:

1. Approve as a state estimate standard the attached Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction.

2. To the Department for Regulation of Urban Development (I.V. Ponomarev), within 10 days from the date of signing, send this Order to state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation S.I. Kruglik.

And about. Minister V.A. Tokarev




1.1. Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) are intended to determine the cost of developing a design and working documentation for the construction of new buildings and structures, their reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment (hereinafter referred to as the construction of facilities), determined using Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction.

1.2. The provisions given in the Guidelines apply to all Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction (hereinafter referred to as the Reference books) entered in the federal register of estimated standards to be used when determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects as state estimated standards.

1.3. When using the Handbooks, the following should be taken into account:

1.3.1. The base prices of the Reference books are set depending on the natural indicators of the design objects (capacity, length, capacity, area, etc.) or on the total cost of construction.

1.3.2. The prices given in the Handbooks are set in accordance with the composition and requirements for the content of the sections project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings, structures, provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 8, Art. 744).

1.3.3. The directories show prices for individual design objects of capital construction of buildings and structures using for individual elements building structures drawings of typical (reusable) products and assemblies.

1.3.4. The prices in the Handbooks take into account the costs of developing design and working documentation, attributable without value added tax.

1.3.5. The prices of the Handbooks include the following works and services: Production of demonstration materials (except for demonstration layouts). Participation of the design organization together with the customer in the coordination of the finished project documentation with government bodies and local governments. Protection of project documentation in expert and approving instances.

1.3.6. The prices of the Handbooks for the development of design and working documentation do not include the costs of: Development of those specified in the design assignment design solutions in several variants, with the exception of variant studies for the selection of optimal design solutions. Development of solutions for the monumental and decorative design of enterprises, buildings and structures. Making changes to the design and working documentation (with the exception of correcting errors made by the design organization). Development of detailed drawings of metal structures (KMD) and industrial pipelines of factory production. Carrying out surveys and measuring work at facilities subject to reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment. Development of design documentation for custom-made equipment, in addition to the preparation of initial requirements for the design of this equipment. Business trips. The base prices of the Guides do not take into account the costs of business trips, including the costs of administrative personnel, if the business trips of this personnel are directly related to the design of the facility. Development of projects for the production of works (R&D). Development of working documentation for the construction of temporary buildings and structures for the needs of construction organizations. Research and experimental work. Development automated systems enterprise management (APCS) and automated control systems technological processes(APCS). Development of the section "Measures for civil defense and measures to prevent emergencies natural and technogenic character. The base price for the development of the specified section is determined by the relevant Directory. Performing work on assessing the impact of a capital construction facility on environment(EIA).

1.4. The distribution of the base price for the development of design and working documentation is carried out, as a rule, in accordance with the indicators given in Table 1, and can be specified by agreement between the contractor and the customer.

Table 1

Types of documentation

Percentage of base price

Project documentation

working documentation


1.5. If the design assignment provides for the simultaneous development of design documentation and partial development of working documentation, then the total percentage of the base price is determined by agreement between the construction customer and the design organization, depending on the architectural, functional, technological, structural and engineering solutions contained in the design documentation , as well as their level of detail.

1.6. By doing design work, in abbreviated form against those stipulated by the current normative documents composition of sections and volumes of work, their price, regardless of the methods of its calculation, is determined by the prices for the development of design and working documentation using a reduction factor, the size of which is set by the contractor in agreement with the customer, in accordance with the complexity of the work and the relative cost of developing sections of the design and working documentation.

1.7. When determining the initial (maximum) price of the contract for the performance of design work to their value determined at the time of the competition (auction), it is recommended to use the deflator index established by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Rules for the development of a forecast for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2009 No. 596 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2009, No. 30, Article 3833), effective in the middle of the standard design period.

1.8. When applying the Handbooks, it should be taken into account that the Handbooks present the recommended relative costs for the development of sections of design and working documentation (as a percentage of the base price), which can be specified for subdivisions (departments) of the design organization, when designing a specific object, within a certain total design cost , depending on the complexity of the work performed.


2.1. The procedure for determining the base price depending on the natural indicators of design objects.

2.1.1. The base price for the development of design and working documentation is determined by the formula:

WITH = (a + V x ) × K i ,


" A " And " V " - constant values ​​for a certain interval of the main indicator of the designed object, in thousand rubles;

X - the main indicator of the designed object;

K i - coefficient reflecting inflationary processes in the design at the time of determining the price of design work for the construction of the facility.

2.1.2. When applying the Handbooks, it should be taken into account that the prices of the Handbooks for the development of design and working documentation for enterprises, workshops, buildings and structures take into account the cost of designing all on-site engineering networks, communications, structures and devices (electricity supply, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, etc.), including connection workshops, buildings and structures for them, as well as planning organization schemes land plot (master plan and landscaping) within the construction site.

If the price in the Directory is set for the development of design and working documentation for the main production (excluding auxiliary, as well as site engineering networks and structures), the total design cost is determined by a set of cost indicators for the design of the main and auxiliary facilities.

The cost of designing capital construction projects does not take into account the cost of designing engineering networks and communications outside the construction site.

2.1.3. If the projected object has a value of the main indicator less than the minimum or more than the maximum indicators given in the price tables of the Handbooks, the price for the development of design and working documentation is determined by extrapolation in accordance with the formula given in the appendices and to these Guidelines. This provision also applies to positions where in the price table before the minimum and after the maximum are the words “before” and “above”, respectively. In cases where the accepted indicator is less than half of the minimum or more than twice the maximum indicator given in the table, the base price of design work is determined in the manner prescribed by paragraph 2.1.4 of these Guidelines.

2.1.4. The price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of facilities for which prices are not given in the Directories and cannot be accepted by analogy is determined by cost calculation in accordance with costing (Form 3P).

2.2. The procedure for determining the base price of the total cost of construction.

2.2.1. The base price for the development of design and working documentation is determined from the total cost of construction of the entire complex of buildings (structures) or an object, determined according to the summary estimate calculation of the cost of construction, depending on the categories of complexity of design objects.

2.2.2. The cost of construction can be determined:

With the use of analogue objects, taking into account their comparability;

According to the aggregated indicators of the estimated cost per 1 sq.m total area, 1 cubic meter of building volume, 1 m (km) of track, 1 ha of building, per unit of power, productivity, etc.

By type or complex of works.

2.2.3. The price for the development of design and working documentation is determined according to the tables of the Handbooks corresponding to functional purpose capital construction projects.

2.2.4. The base price of project documentation is determined by the formula:

Where WITH- base price of design and working documentation in current prices;

WITH 01 - base price of design and working documentation as of 01.01.2001;

WITH c tr .01 - construction cost as of 01.01.2001;

a - percentage of the base price of the total cost of construction in 2001 prices. (Directory table);

K i - coefficient reflecting inflationary processes in the design at the time of determining the price of design work.

To recalculate the cost of construction of objects from the price level as of 01/01/2000 to the price level as of 01/01/2001, a coefficient equal to 1.25 is taken.

2.2.5. When the projected object has a construction cost value that is between the indicators given in the table, the base price for the development of project documentation is determined by interpolation. If the cost of building an object is less or more than the extreme cost indicators given in the price table, the base price of the design work is accepted in the amounts established for the extreme indicators without extrapolation in the direction of decrease or increase.

2.2.6. In the event that the volume of construction and installation work on the construction site is less than 60% of the total cost of construction, the following coefficients are applied to the prices for design work:

up to 50% - 0.95;

up to 40% - 0.9;

up to 30% - 0.8;

up to 20% - 0.7.

2.2.7. If the contract for the performance of design work provides for the possibility of clarifying the cost of design, then such clarification is recommended to be carried out based on the cost of construction determined as a result of the design.

2.2.8. When determining the base price, coefficients that take into account complicating factors (paragraphs , and of these Guidelines) are not applied.


3.1. The price for the development of design and working documentation using the mock-up design method is determined at the prices of the Handbooks using multiplying factors. If there are no established multipliers in the Handbooks, the price for the development of project documentation by the specified method is determined by applying the coefficients to the base price: project documentation - 1.05; working documentation - 1.1.

3.2. The binding price of standard or reusable design documentation, without making changes to the above-ground part of the building, is determined by the prices of the Reference Books using coefficients from 0.2 to 0.35. Wherein minimum size coefficient is taken when linking the object without making any changes to the aboveground and underground parts of the building. The price of binding standard or reusable project documentation with changes to it in the underground and aboveground parts is determined at the prices of the Reference Books using a general coefficient of up to 0.8, depending on the complexity of the work. The approximate scope of work on the development of individual elements of buildings and structures as a percentage of the design cost is given in the appendix to these Guidelines.

3.3. The price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of unique objects is determined at the prices of the Directories using a multiplying factor of up to 1.5, with the exception of the Directories, which establish a special procedure for calculating the price of these objects.

3.4. The price for the development of design and working documentation for the reconstruction of existing enterprises, workshops, buildings and structures is determined at the prices of Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction.

At the same time, when determining the cost of design work based on the value of the main natural indicator of the projected object, which should be achieved as a result of its reconstruction, technical re-equipment - using a coefficient of up to 1.5 to the prices of the Reference books. When determining the cost of design work from the cost of reconstruction - up to 1.3.

For especially dangerous, technically complex and unique capital construction projects - up to 2.0 and 1.7, respectively.

The size of the coefficient is set by the design organization in agreement with the customer.

3.5. The price for the development of design (working) documentation for the overhaul of facilities is determined according to the relevant reference books of basic prices.

3.6. When compiling local estimates using resource method, in the absence of a centralized data bank on the current cost of resources in the construction region, a multiplying factor of 1.1 is applied to the cost of developing estimate documentation.

3.7. The price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures in difficult conditions is determined at the prices of the Reference books, applying the following coefficients to the cost of design work, for the development of which special requirements are established by the relevant regulatory documents:

Complicating factors


Permafrost, subsidence, swelling soils; karst and landslide phenomena; location of the construction site above mine workings, in flooded areas


and etc.

Seismicity 7 points


Seismicity 8 points


Seismicity 9 points


If there are two or more complicating factors, coefficients are applied for each factor.

3.8. The cost of designing enterprises, buildings and structures with the installation of an imported main technological equipment applied by the design organization for the first time, is determined by the prices of the Reference Books; at the same time, a coefficient of up to 1.3 is applied to the cost of types of design work, the development of which is complicated due to the use of the specified equipment, as agreed with the customer.

3.9. Expenses design organizations related to their performance of the functions of the general designer and supervision of design work transferred to subcontracting, are determined in the amount of up to 2% of the development pricedesign and working documentation transferred to subcontractor design organizations and are paid additionally.

3.10. The prices of the Handbooks take into account the cost of 4 copies of design and working documentation transferred to the customer. The cost of copies of design products issued at the request of the customer in excess of the specified quantity is determined in addition to the base price.

3.11. When determining the base price of design according to the Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction, in the event of a reduction, at the request of the customer, established in the design assignment, design time compared to the standard ones, it is recommended to apply the following multiplying factors:

with a reduction in terms of 1.2 times - up to 1.1;

1.4 times - up to 1.2;

2 or more times - up to 1.4.

3.12. Price application guidelines and correction factors given in one Handbook are not allowed to be used when determining the cost of design work according to other Handbooks.

3.13. The price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of facilities abroad is determined taking into account complicating factors:


Complicating factors

Ratios to development cost

Project documentation

working documentation

Translation of text materials of technical documentation, inscriptions on drawings into a foreign language


Translation of materials of a foreign customer into Russian



Double checking of calculations, drawings and specifications, calculations of the scope of work, estimate documentation and other design materials, making duplicate copies of cripples, increased requirements for the design and packaging of project documentation

Other factors affecting the increase in the complexity of design work:

Current frequency and voltage, the difference in the permissible range of fluctuations in current frequency, different from the Russian Federation (to the cost of designing electrical equipment, power supply, low currents, and, if necessary, other sections)


Dry or humid tropical climate


When the design organization uses for the first time equipment and materials purchased in the customer's countries or supplied from other countries (according to clause 3.8 of these Guidelines)

Application of foreign norms and standards for materials and equipment, performance of structural calculations on them, etc., specified by the customer in the design assignment


Additional requirements for design and working documentation for the construction of facilities on a contract basis, including the preparation of specifications for equipment and materials for temporary import

Note - Increasing coefficients are applied to the cost of sections of project documentation or parts thereof, the development of which becomes more complicated.

3.14. When determining the cost of design work at the prices of the Reference Books, in the presence of several complicating factors and, in connection with this, several coefficients greater than one are used, the total multiplying coefficient is determined by summing their fractional parts and one. When determining the cost of design work using several coefficients less than one, the total reduction coefficient is determined by multiplying them.

When determining the cost of design work at the prices of the Reference Books, the pricing coefficients are multiplied. The pricing factors include the distribution coefficients of the base price for the development of design and working documentation, types of capital construction objects, reconstruction, as well as the coefficients established in the Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction.

3.15. Costs of design organizations located in areas where, in accordance with applicable law, payments are made due to regional regulation of wages, incl. payments to regional coefficients, as well as bonuses to wages for continuous work experience and other benefits provided by the legislation in the districts Far North and areas equated to them, are determined additionally by introducing multiplying coefficients to the base price total,established on the basis of the relevant justifying calculations performed by the design organization itself.

Application No. 1


In the case when the projected object has a value of the main indicator less than the minimum or more than the maximum indicator given in the table of the Base Price Directory, the base price of the design is determined by extrapolation; at the same time, the value of the correction to the price is reduced by 40%, i.e. when calculating the indicator of the designed object x ass accepted with a coefficient of 0.6.

If the power indicator of the object is less than the tabular indicator, the base price of its design is determined by the formula:

C = A + V ´ (0,4 ´ X min + 0,6 ´ x ass),


A , V - constant values ​​taken according to the table minimum value indicator;

X min -

x ass - indicator of the designed object.

If the power indicator of the object is greater than the tabular indicator, the base price of its design is determined by the formula:

C = A + V ´ (0,4 ´ X max + 0,6 ´ x ass),


A , V - constant values ​​taken according to the table of the maximum value of the indicator;

X max - the maximum figure given in the table;

x ass - indicator of the designed object.

In the case when the table shows only the value "A ", and the projected object has an indicator value that does not match those given in the table, the base price of its design is determined by interpolation or extrapolation; when extrapolating upward or downward, the price adjustment value is reduced by 40% (when calculating the adjustment amount, a reduction factor is introducedK = 0,6).

Application No. 2


Example 1. In the case when the values ​​"a" and "c" are given in the table of the Base Price Reference.


Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation, thousand rubles.



Wastewater sludge incineration facilities with a capacity, thousand m 3 / year:

from 25 to 60

1 thousand m 3 / year


1.1. It is required to determine the base price for the design of sewage sludge incineration facilities with a capacity of 15 thousand m 3 /year. The base price is determined by the formula:

WITH = A + V ´ (0,4 ´ X min + 0,6 ´ x ass),


A And V - constant values ​​taken according to the table of the minimum value of the indicator;

X min - the minimum figure given in the table;

x ass - given indicator of the designed object.

Calculation example:

66,5 + 1,2 ´ (0,4 ´ 25 + 0,6 ´ 15) = 89.3 thousand rubles.

*) The indicators of the tables are accepted conditionally

1.2. It is required to determine the base price for the design of sewage sludge incineration facilities with a capacity of 80 thousand m 3 /year. The base price is determined by the formula:

WITH = A + V ´ (0,4 ´ X max + 0,6 ´ x ass),


A And V - constant values ​​taken according to the table of the maximum value of the indicator;

X max - the maximum indicator given in the table;

x ass - a given indicator of the designed object.

Calculation example:

66,5 + 1,2 ´ (0,4 ´ 60 + 0,6 ´ 80) = 152.9 thousand rubles.

Example 2. In the case when only the value "a" is given in the table of the Base Price Reference.

In the Reference book of basic prices for design work, a table is given:


Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation, thousand rubles.



Rinsing water treatment facilities, capacity, m 3 /day.

1 m 3 / day

- « -








- « -



- « -


2.1. It is required to determine the base price for the design of a wash water treatment plant with a capacity of 100 m 3 /day.

Calculation example:

2.2. It is required to determine the base price for designing a wash water treatment plant with a capacity of 300 m 3 /day.

Calculation example:

2.3. It is required to determine the base price for designing a wash water treatment plant with a capacity of 90,000 m 3 /day.

Foundations, other than pile foundations, with resizing

Foundations, except for pile foundations, with a change in type

Pile foundations

II. Aboveground part

Facades without processing of the heating project


Walls with a change in material or thickness or design

Floors with a change in the design, type or layout of panels

Redevelopment of premises

Floors with redesign

Interior decoration

We will talk about the "Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction" ( Guidelines) approved by Order No. 620 of December 29, 2009 of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. The main points of the Methodological Guidelines will be considered, what should be paid attention to Special attention and what has changed in the assessment of the cost of design work with the release of the Guidelines.

In accordance with clause 1.4 Guidelines the distribution of the base price for the development of design and working documentation is carried out, as a rule, in the ratio of PD-40% and RD-60%, and can be specified by agreement between the contractor and the customer. And this ratio is valid for the previously established ratio of P and R - 30% and 70%. But questions still arise, what to do if there were other P and R ratios in the CBC, not 30% and 70%, and how to determine the ratio of the cost of developing design and working documentation for sections of the Collection of prices for design work for construction, prices in which are set for the development of working documentation.

He provided clarifications to these questions. OJSC "CENTRINVESTproject" and clarified that for other initial ratios of the cost of design work (other than the ratio of P and R - 30% and 70%), the distribution of PD + WP will have other indicators that increase percentage by 10% in favor of the development of project documentation. And when determining the cost of design according to the sections of the Collection of prices for design work for the construction of ed. 1987 - 1990, in which price indicators are set for the development of working documentation, the distribution by type of design documentation (P) and working (R) is carried out based on the total design cost (P + R), and for them there is also an increase in the percentage ratio by 10% in favor of the development of project documentation.

For example, if in the CBC there was a percentage of P and R of 23% and 77%, now the ratio of PD and RD will be 33% and 67%.

This change is not the only one due to the release Guidelines. It happens that the value of the coefficients in the Directory of basic prices differs from the values ​​in the Guidelines. As a result, the question arises, which values ​​to use?!

When determining the cost of designing according to price documents included in the federal register of estimated standards to be used in determining the estimated cost of capital construction objects as state estimated standards, the values ​​of the coefficients given in the Guidelines for the use of reference books of base prices for design work in construction, ed. . 2010

The changes also affected the procedure for determining base price of the total construction cost. In accordance with clause 2.2.4 of the MU, the base price of project documentation is determined by the formula:

α - percentage of the base price of the total cost of construction in 2001 prices. (Directory table);

But how should the cost be calculated for the reference books of basic prices for design work for construction based on of the total cost of construction in the price level for 01/01/91?

When calculating the cost of design work for Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction, based on the total cost of construction in the price level as of 01.01.91, one should take into account the procedure established in Guidelines, i.e. the base price for the development of design and working documentation is determined by the formula:

C \u003d C 01 * K i \u003d ((C p. 01 * α) / 100) * K i, where

C - base price of design and working documentation at current prices;

From 01 - the base price of design and working documentation as of 01.01.2001;

From line 01 - the cost of construction as of 01.01.2001;

α - percentage of the base price of the total cost of construction in 1991 prices. (Directory table);

K i - coefficient reflecting inflationary processes in the design at the time of determining the price of design work.

This applies to changes and innovations. Now consider the points that are not described in detail in the Guidelines.

According to clause 2.1.3 MU, in the case when the indicator of the design object is less than half of the minimum or more than twice the maximum indicator given in the CBC table, the base price of the design work is calculated on the basis of costing.

In the same time, OJSC "CENTRINVESTproject" gave clarifications on these issues, in which it is said that in order to determine the price of designing an object with an indicator less than the tabular indicator by 2 times or more, according to the price indicators of the Directory, as an analogue, you can use the corresponding values ​​​​of CBC price indicators for an object that is 2 times less than the tabular indicator . At the same time, a reduction factor (0.7-0.9) is introduced into the calculation, taking into account the difference in the complexity of designing the object under consideration and the object with an indicator whose size is 2 times less than the tabular one (analogue object).

For example, when determining the price of designing a heat supply unit with a load of less than 5 Gcal / h according to price indicators clause 1.101 of table 3 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction " Chemical fiber industry facilities» edition of 2004 (SBC-2004), in which the minimum indicator is 10 Gcal / h, as an analogue object, you can use a heat station with a load of 10: 2 = 5 Gcal / h and enter into the calculation a reduction factor (K), taking into account the difference in the complexity of work on the designed object and the object-analogue.

Based on the foregoing, the calculation of the base price of design work can be represented by the formula:

1041.0+4.14×(0.4×10+0.6×5)×K×K inf. , Where:

K is a reduction factor for an analogue object;

To inf. is the inflation rate.

If the main indicator of the projected object is more than twice the maximum tabular one, the calculation is based on the price of an analogue object with an indicator twice the maximum, taking into account extrapolation. At the same time, increasing coefficients that take into account the difference in the size of the main indicator are not applied.

In accordance with the regulation clause 3.5 sectionIII Guidelines for the price of developing design (working) documentation for overhaul of construction objects is determined according to the relevant reference books of basic prices (CBC). At the same time, the procedure for using for these purposes the Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction is not regulated.

However, in the absence of an appropriate CBC for the development of documentation for a major overhaul, we consider it possible to calculate the cost of this documentation using the price indicators contained in the Reference books of basic prices for design work for new construction conditions, using a reduction factor, the size of which is set by the contractor in accordance with the complexity of work on agreement with the customer.

In accordance with clause Basic Provisions Guidelines for the application of Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction the performance of work on the assessment of the impact of a capital construction facility on the environment (EIA) at the prices of Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction (CBC) are not taken into account and are determined in addition to the cost of design. The estimated cost of developing an EIA may be additionally up to 4% from the total cost of development of design and working documentation (P + R).

Well, to the features Guidelines it remains to note which coefficients are related to pricing, and which to complicating.

In accordance with sectionIIIGuidelines on the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction, ed. 2010, the coefficients used in determining the base price according to the sections of the Book of Prices and Reference Books of Base Prices are divided into pricing and taking into account complicating factors.

Pricing factors include coefficients that determine the base price by design stages, types of construction, as well as those established to determine the price of individual objects and types of work.

Factors that complicate the design are taken into account by increasing coefficients for seismicity, permafrost, subsidence, swelling soils, karst and landslide phenomena, application imported equipment, as well as other, specially stipulated conditions ( paragraphs 3.3, 3.4, 3.7, 3.8, 3.13 MU)

Thus, increasing coefficients in the design of: objects in cities with a population of more than a million people; pipelines from non-metallic pipes; for the development of measures to protect against hydraulic shock are price-forming.

Increasing coefficients for the development of the territory; at the intersection of existing communications are complicating.

Well, in conclusion of this post, I would like to note that there are still questions when calculating the cost of design work that require a more detailed answer.



In accordance with the Regulations on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2005 N 40 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 5, Art. 390; N 13, Art. 1169; 2006, N 6, 712; N 18, art. 2002; 2007, N 45, art. 5488; 2008, N 22, art. 2582; N 42, art. 378; N 6, art. 738; N 14, art. pricing in the field of urban planning" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 12, 2008, registration N 11661; Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies, 2008, N 22) and by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of August 20, 2009 N 353 "On approval qualification of estimated standards to be applied in determining the estimated cost of capital construction objects, the construction of which is financed with the attraction of funds federal budget"(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 02.10.2009, registration N 14940; Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies, 2009, N 42)

I order:

1. Approve as a state estimate standard the attached Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction.

2. The Department for Regulation of Urban Development (I.V. Ponomarev), within 10 days from the date of signing, send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

3. The control of the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation S.I. Kruglik.

Acting Minister

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
March 23, 2010
registration N 16686

Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction


I. Fundamentals

1.1. Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) are intended to determine the cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of new buildings and structures, their reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment (hereinafter referred to as the construction of facilities), determined from using reference books of basic prices for design work in construction.

1.2. The provisions given in the Guidelines apply to all reference books of base prices for design work in construction (hereinafter referred to as the Reference Books) entered in the federal register of estimated standards to be used when determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects as state estimated standards.

1.3. When using the Handbooks, the following should be taken into account:

1.3.1. The base prices of the Reference books are set depending on the natural indicators of the design objects (capacity, length, capacity, area, etc.) or on the total cost of construction.

1.3.2. The prices given in the Handbooks are set in accordance with the composition and requirements for the content of sections of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings, structures, provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 8, art. 744).

1.3.3. The Handbooks provide prices for individual design of capital construction objects of buildings and structures using drawings of standard (reusable) products and assemblies for individual elements of building structures.

1.3.4. The prices of the Guides take into account the costs of developing design and working documentation, which are attributable without value added tax.

1.3.5. The prices of the Handbooks include the following works and services: Production of demonstration materials (except for demonstration layouts). Participation of the design organization together with the customer in coordinating the finished project documentation with state bodies and local governments. Protection of project documentation in expert and approving instances.

1.3.6. The prices of the Handbooks for the development of design and working documentation do not include the costs of: Development of the design solutions specified in the design assignment in several versions, with the exception of variant studies to select the optimal design solutions. Development of solutions for the monumental and decorative design of enterprises, buildings and structures. Making changes to the design and working documentation (with the exception of correcting errors made by the design organization). Development of detailed drawings of metal structures (KMD) and industrial pipelines of factory production. Carrying out surveys and measuring work at facilities subject to reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment. Development of design documentation for custom-made equipment, in addition to the preparation of initial requirements for the design of this equipment. Business trips. The base prices of the Guides do not take into account the costs of business trips, including the costs of administrative personnel, if the business trips of this personnel are directly related to the design of the facility. Development of projects for the production of works (PPR). Development of working documentation for the construction of temporary buildings and structures for the needs of construction organizations. Research and experimental work. Development of automated enterprise management systems (APCS) and automated process control systems (APCS). Development of the section "Measures for civil defense and measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies". The base price for the development of the specified section is determined by the relevant Directory. Performance of work on the assessment of the impact of the capital construction object on the environment (EIA).

1.4. The distribution of the base price for the development of design and working documentation is carried out, as a rule, in accordance with the indicators given in Table 1, and can be specified by agreement between the contractor and the customer.

Table 1.

Table 1

Types of documentation

Percentage of base price

Project documentation

working documentation

1.5. If the design assignment provides for the simultaneous development of design documentation and partial development of working documentation, then the total percentage of the base price is determined by agreement between the construction customer and the design organization, depending on the architectural, functional, technological, structural and engineering solutions contained in the design documentation, as well as their level of detail.

1.6. When performing design work in a reduced composition of sections and volumes of work, as opposed to those provided for by the current regulatory documents, their price, regardless of the methods of its calculation, is determined by the prices for the development of design and working documentation using a reduction factor, the amount of which is set by the contractor in agreement with the customer, in accordance with the laboriousness of work and the relative cost of developing sections of design and working documentation.

1.7. When determining the initial (maximum) price of the contract for the performance of design work to their value determined at the time of the competition (auction), it is recommended to use the deflator index established by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in accordance with clause 5 of the Rules for developing a forecast for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2009 N 596 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 30, Art. 3833), effective in the middle of the regulatory design period.

1.8. When applying the Handbooks, it should be taken into account that the Handbooks present the recommended relative costs for the development of sections of design and working documentation (as a percentage of the base price), which can be specified for subdivisions (departments) of the design organization when designing a specific facility within a certain total design cost, depending on the complexity of the work performed.

II. The procedure for using reference books when determining base prices for design work

2.1. The procedure for determining the base price depending on the natural indicators of design objects.

2.1.1. The base price for the development of design and working documentation is determined by the formula:

C = (a + bx) x K,


a and b - constant values ​​for a certain interval of the main indicator of the designed object in thousand rubles;

x - the main indicator of the designed object;

K - coefficient reflecting inflationary processes in the design at the time of determining the price of design work for the construction of the facility.

2.1.2. When applying the Handbooks, it should be taken into account that the prices of the Handbooks for the development of design and working documentation for enterprises, workshops, buildings and structures take into account the cost of designing all on-site engineering networks, communications, structures and devices (electricity supply, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, etc.), including connection workshops, buildings and structures for them, as well as a scheme for the planning organization of a land plot (master plan and landscaping) within the construction site.

If the price in the Directory is set for the development of design and working documentation for the main production (excluding auxiliary, as well as site engineering networks and structures), the total design cost is determined by a set of cost indicators for designing the main and auxiliary facilities.

The cost of designing capital construction projects does not take into account the cost of designing engineering networks and communications outside the construction site.

2.1.3. If the projected object has a value of the main indicator less than the minimum or more than the maximum indicator given in the price tables of the Handbooks, the price for the development of design and working documentation is determined by extrapolation in accordance with the formula given in Appendixes No. 1 and 2 to these Guidelines. This provision also applies to positions when in the price table before the minimum and after the maximum indicator there are, respectively, the words "before" and "above". In cases where the accepted indicator is less than half of the minimum or more than twice the maximum indicator given in the table, the base price of design work is determined in the manner prescribed by paragraph 2.1.4 of these Guidelines.

2.1.4. The price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of facilities for which prices are not given in the Handbooks and cannot be accepted by analogy is determined by calculating the cost in accordance with the cost calculation (Form 3P).

2.2. The procedure for determining the base price of the total cost of construction.

2.2.1. The base price for the development of design and working documentation is determined from the total cost of construction of the entire complex of buildings (structures) or an object, determined according to the summary estimate calculation of the cost of construction, depending on the categories of complexity of design objects.

2.2.2. The cost of construction can be determined:

- with the use of analogue objects, taking into account their comparability;

- according to aggregated indicators of the estimated cost per 1 sq.m of total area, 1 cubic meter of building volume, 1 m (km) of the route, 1 hectare of building, per unit of power, productivity, etc.;

- by types or complexes of works.

2.2.3. The price for the development of design and working documentation is determined according to the tables of the Handbooks corresponding to the functional purpose of capital construction projects.

2.2.4. The base price of project documentation is determined by the formula:

C - base price of design and working documentation in current prices;

C - base price of design and working documentation as of 01.01.2001;

- cost of construction as of 01.01.2001;

- percentage of the base price of the total cost of construction in 2001 prices (table of the Directory);

K - coefficient reflecting inflationary processes in the design at the time of determining the price of design work.

To recalculate the cost of construction of objects from the price level as of 01/01/2000 to the price level as of 01/01/2001, a coefficient equal to 1.25 is taken.

2.2.5. When the projected object has a construction cost value that is between the indicators given in the table, the base price for the development of project documentation is determined by interpolation. If the cost of building an object is less or more than the extreme cost indicators given in the price table, the base price of the design work is accepted in the amounts established for the extreme indicators without extrapolation in the direction of decrease or increase.

2.2.6. In the event that the volume of construction and installation work on the construction site is less than 60% of the total cost of construction, the following coefficients are applied to the prices for design work:

up to 50% - 0.95;

up to 40% - 0.9;

up to 30% - 0.8;

up to 20% - 0.7.

2.2.7. If the contract for the performance of design work provides for the possibility of clarifying the cost of design, then such clarification is recommended to be carried out based on the cost of construction determined as a result of the design.

2.2.8. When determining the base price, coefficients that take into account complicating factors (clauses 3.3, 3.7 and 3.8 of these Guidelines) are not applied.

III. The procedure for determining the cost of design work, taking into account additional factors affecting the complexity of design

3.1. The price for the development of design and working documentation using the mock-up design method is determined at the prices of the Handbooks using multiplying factors. If there are no established multipliers in the Handbooks, the price for the development of project documentation by the specified method is determined by applying the coefficients to the base price: project documentation - 1.05; working documentation - 1.1.

3.2. The binding price of standard or reusable design documentation, without making changes to the above-ground part of the building, is determined by the prices of the Reference Books using coefficients from 0.2 to 0.35. In this case, the minimum size of the coefficient is accepted when linking the object without making any changes to the aboveground and underground parts of the building. The price of binding standard or reusable design documentation with changes to it in the underground and aboveground parts is determined at the prices of the Reference Books using a general coefficient of up to 0.8, depending on the complexity of the work. The approximate scope of work on the development of individual elements of buildings and structures as a percentage of the design cost is given in Appendix No. 3 to these Guidelines.

3.3. The price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of unique objects is determined at the prices of the Directories using a multiplying factor of up to 1.5, with the exception of the Directories, which establish a special procedure for calculating the price of these objects.

3.4. The cost of developing design and working documentation for reconstruction operating enterprises, workshops, buildings and structures is determined by the prices of Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction.

At the same time, when determining the cost of design work based on the value of the main physical indicator of the designed object, which should be achieved as a result of its reconstruction, technical re-equipment, - applying a coefficient of up to 1.5 to the prices of the Reference books. When determining the cost of design work from the cost of reconstruction - up to 1.3.

For especially dangerous, technically complex and unique capital construction projects - up to 2.0 and 1.7, respectively.

The size of the coefficient is set by the design organization in agreement with the customer.

3.5. The price for the development of design (working) documentation for the overhaul of facilities is determined according to the relevant reference books of basic prices.

3.6. When compiling local estimates using the resource method, in the absence of a centralized data bank in the construction region on present value resources, a multiplying factor of 1.1 is applied to the cost of developing estimate documentation.

3.7. The price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures in difficult conditions is determined at the prices of the Reference books, applying the following coefficients to the cost of design work, for the development of which special requirements are established by the relevant regulatory documents:

Factors complicating design


Permafrost, subsidence, swelling soils; karst and landslide phenomena; location of the construction site above mine workings, in flooded areas, etc.

Seismicity 7 points

Seismicity 8 points

Seismicity 9 points

If there are two or more complicating factors, coefficients are applied for each factor.

3.8. The price of designing enterprises, buildings and structures with the installation of imported main technological equipment used by the design organization for the first time is determined by the prices of the Reference Books; at the same time, a coefficient of up to 1.3 is applied to the cost of types of design work, the development of which is complicated due to the use of the specified equipment, as agreed with the customer.

3.9. The costs of design organizations related to their performance of the functions of the general designer and supervision of design work transferred to subcontracts are determined in the amount of up to 2% of the price for the development of design and working documentation transferred to subcontracted design organizations, and are paid additionally.

3.10. The prices of the Handbooks take into account the cost of 4 copies of design and working documentation transferred to the customer. The cost of copies of design products issued at the request of the customer in excess of the specified quantity is determined in addition to the base price.

3.11. When determining the base design price according to the Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction, in the event of a reduction, at the request of the customer, established in the design assignment, design time compared to the standard, it is recommended to apply the following multiplying factors:

while shortening the term

in more times

3.12. Price application guidelines and correction factors given in one Handbook are not allowed to be used when determining the cost of design work according to other Handbooks.

3.13. The price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of facilities abroad is determined taking into account complicating factors:

Complicating factors

Ratios to development cost

project documentation

working documentation

Translation of text materials technical documentation, inscriptions on the drawings in a foreign language

Translation of materials of a foreign customer into Russian

Double checking of calculations, drawings and specifications, calculations of the scope of work, estimate documentation and other design materials, making duplicate copies of cripples, increased requirements for the design and packaging of project documentation

Other factors affecting the increase in the complexity of design work:

Current frequency and voltage, the difference in the permissible range of fluctuations in current frequency, different from the Russian Federation (to the cost of designing electrical equipment, power supply, low currents, and, if necessary, other sections)

Dry or humid tropical climate

When the design organization first uses equipment and materials purchased in the customer's countries or supplied from other countries (according to clause 3.8 of these Guidelines)

Application of foreign norms and standards for materials and equipment, performance of structural calculations on them, etc., specified by the customer in the design assignment

Additional requirements for design and working documentation for the construction of facilities on a contract basis, including the preparation of specifications for equipment and materials for temporary import

Note. Increasing coefficients are applied to the cost of sections of project documentation or parts thereof, the development of which becomes more complicated.

3.14. When determining the cost of design work at the prices of the Reference Books, in the presence of several complicating factors and, in connection with this, several coefficients greater than one are used, the total multiplying coefficient is determined by summing their fractional parts and one. When determining the cost of design work using several coefficients less than one, the overall reduction coefficient is determined by multiplying them.

When determining the cost of design work at the prices of the Reference Books, the pricing coefficients are multiplied. The pricing factors include the distribution coefficients of the base price for the development of design and working documentation, types of capital construction objects, reconstruction, as well as the coefficients established in the Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction.

3.15. Costs of design organizations located in areas where, in accordance with applicable law, payments are made due to regional regulation of wages, incl. payments according to district coefficients, as well as wage bonuses for continuous work experience and other benefits provided for by legislation in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, are additionally determined by introducing multiplying coefficients to the base price total, established on the basis of the relevant substantiating calculations performed by the design organization itself.

Appendix N 1. Extrapolation and interpolation when calculating the price of design work

Appendix No. 1
to the Guidelines

In the case when the projected object has a value of the main indicator less than the minimum or more than the maximum indicator given in the table of the Base Price Directory, the base price of the design is determined by extrapolation; at the same time, the value of the adjustment to the price is reduced by 40%, i.e. in the calculation, the indicator of the projected object X is taken with a coefficient of 0.6.

If the power indicator of the object is less than the tabular indicator, the base price of its design is determined by the formula:


a, c - constant values ​​taken according to the table of the minimum value of the indicator;

If the power indicator of the object is greater than the tabular indicator, the base price of its design is determined by the formula:

C \u003d a + in x (0.4 x X + 0.6 x X),


a, c - constant values ​​taken according to the table of the maximum value of the indicator;

X - indicator of the designed object.

In the case when only the value of a is given in the table, and the projected object has an indicator value that does not match those given in the table, the base price of its design is determined by interpolation or extrapolation; when extrapolating upwards or downwards, the value of the correction to the price is reduced by 40% (when calculating the value of the correction, a reduction factor K = 0.6 is introduced).

Appendix N 2. Examples of determining the base price for designing objects whose indicators are higher, lower or are between the indicators given in the reference tables

Appendix No. 2
to the Guidelines

Table indicators are accepted conditionally.

Example 1. In the case when the table of the Reference book of basic prices contains the values ​​a and c.

Sewage sludge incineration facilities with capacity, thousand m3/year: from 25 to 60

1 thousand m / year

1.1. It is required to determine the base price for the design of sewage sludge incineration facilities with a capacity of 15 thousand m3/year. The base price is determined by the formula:


a and b are constant values ​​taken according to the table of the minimum value of the indicator;

X - the minimum indicator given in the table;

Calculation example:

66.5 + 1.2 x (0.4 x 25 + 0.6 x 15) = 89.3 thousand rubles

1.2. It is required to determine the base price for the design of sewage sludge incineration facilities with a capacity of 80 thousand m3/year. The base price is determined by the formula:

C \u003d a + in x (0.4 x X + 0.6 x X),


a and b are constant values ​​taken according to the table of the maximum value of the indicator;

X - the maximum indicator given in the table;

X is a given indicator of the designed object.

Calculation example:

66.5 + 1.2 x (0.4 x 60 + 0.6 x 80) = 152.9 thousand rubles

Example 2. In the case when only the value a.

In the Reference book of basic prices for design work, a table is given:

Name of the design object

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation, thousand rubles.

Wash water treatment facilities, capacity, m/day



2.1. It is required to determine the base price for designing a wash water treatment plant with a capacity of 100 m/day.

Calculation example:

2.2. It is required to determine the base price for designing a wash water treatment facility with a capacity of 300 m/day.

Calculation example:

2.3. It is required to determine the base price for designing a wash water treatment plant with a capacity of 90,000 m/day.

Calculation example:

Appendix N 3. Approximate scope of work on the development of individual elements of buildings and structures when using standard and reusable projects

Appendix No. 3
to the Guidelines

(as a percentage of the cost of designing the building as a whole)

Name of individual elements of buildings and structures


I. Underground part of the building

Foundations, other than pile foundations, with resizing

Foundations, except for pile foundations, with a change in type

Pile foundations

II. Aboveground part

Facades without processing of the heating project

Walls with a change in material, or thickness, or design

Floors with a change in the design, type or layout of panels

Redevelopment of premises

Floors with redesign

Interior decoration

Staircase and elevator assembly with a change in the design of the elevator

Redesigned roof

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