
What is a local estimate? Selection of materials from estimates

In a number of large cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk), a study was conducted, the object of studying which was the question of the proposals of employers and the expectations of applicants for the "estimator" position.

With the full working day, the functionality of this position implies the usual action for the estimator: checking and developing estimates for certain types of work, the design of the estimated documentation, the implementation of controlling work with contractors.

The wage of the estate is determined by the list of functional duties, the level of professionalism, the experience of this specialty. With this in mind the minimum wage The estimator in Moscow - $ 300, in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk - $ 200, the maximum in Moscow will be $ 2500, in St. Petersburg - $ 1500, in Novosibirsk - $ 750. Comparison with the capital of Kazakhstan showed that smeatchik in Almaty It has similar minimum and maximum indicators as in Moscow.

It has been established that several main salary intervals can be distinguished in these regions. Each of them is distinguished by a certain complex of claims for a candidate for the post of the estimator. Thus, the first salary plug meets such requirements for skills for this profession: higher education (economic, construction), confident PC user, knowledge of estimating programs, regulatory and other instructions for the development of estimated documentation, work experience (desirable). According to these criteria in Moscow, the salary of such an estater is $ 500, in St. Petersburg - $ 400, in Novosibirsk - $ 300. Smeatchik in Kazan.
For example, in their salary is not inferior to a repetition from Novosibirsk.

Each next salary plug is complemented by an indication of work experience in position. For the second salary fork (in Moscow - $ 500-700, in St. Petersburg - $ 400-500, in Novosibirsk - 300-400 $) Experience should be at least 2 years,
For the third (in Moscow - 700-1000 $, in St. Petersburg - $ 500-800, in Novosibirsk - $ 400-700) - Not less than 3 years,
For the fourth (in Moscow - more than $ 1000, in St. Petersburg - more than $ 800, in Novosibirsk - more than $ 700) - at least 5 years.

According to the obtained data of the age range, which is in demand by the market of the survitors, is 25-50 years. However, despite the demand of the profession specchik, vacancies Volgograd observed quite often.

44% of the total - these are renumbers under the age of 30, 27% - aged 30 to 40 years.

Almost 88% of the surrenders with the highest or incomplete higher education,
The rest have a special special.

Up to 18% of the spectacles at the technical level can use the knowledge of the English language.

Other data are interesting: among the surrenders up to 67% of women, 46% of the estimates are family-run people, 57% of the estimators have children, up to 34% of the estimators received the driver's license of the category "B".

Comparison of indicators on these criteria of this profession would be interesting on other, less large Russian cities: smithchik Barnaul
, omsk's estate, Penza

Not one construction does not work without installing electrical equipment and installation of power supply. That is why in the estimated documentation for any object (not only construction) should appear local estimates on electric mounting work. This species estimates need to be in regulatory bases, in current prices In a certain region, as well as using existing coefficients for labor costs. As a rule, is local, as it is formed to a separate type of work.

What is worth paying attention to creating a estimate of electrical work?

✓ The nature of the building in which the installation of electrical equipment will be carried out;

✓ the volume of planned work;

✓ Character and composition of the necessary equipment;

✓ Current cost of equipment and inventory.

If the attack on electrical work will be compiled by a competent specialist, then this can be planned to schedule the magnitude of future financial expenses, And if you wish to reduce them.

How to make and where to see example of estimates for electrical work?

Before making an estimate for electrical work, it is necessary to very carefully view the project to install power supply and electrical networking networks, as well as the technical specifications for connecting the building. This project is obliged to follow the existing PTE (rules for the operation of electrical equipment). The rules contain basic requirements for network laying methods, the parameters of the materials used, the construction of the building from fire. If these rules are non-compliance with these rules, fires and tragic cases are possible, so in the performance of electrical installation work, many nuances should be taken into account and trust this work, as well as work on design only by specialists.

A specialist who has all these knowledge and certain experience can competently compile power supply schemes, choose the desired sections and brand of wires and electrical cables, collect shields. On the final project, an extended estimate is drawn up. It contains the methods of laying electrical wiring, cable runs, models of cables used, the dimensions of the planned work. One can be stored at the customer. Experts, calculating the estimate, rely on the current estimate-normative base, the calculations use the coefficients that are taken from the corresponding collections. This document allows you to assess labor costs to carry out installation work, as well as make a sample of materials and clarify the cost of work. You can find examples of intertwine on electrical work on our website, downloading them in free access.

Order repair work The facade of the building depends on the technology of its construction and from the material from which it is built. The sequence of repair work is determined after the building survey, and then issued estimation for construction.

Repair of brick facades

Before repairing the brick facade, its careful inspection is carried out to identify damage, cracks and the destruction of masonry. If you detect the serious destruction of brick masonry, it is necessary to identify the reason for their occurrence and begin urgent restoration work. The brickwork is restored as follows: Serious destruction is eliminated by bookmarking new bricks, rasters poured into the middle, and small cracks are lubricated with a thin layer of putty. It is worth noting that the repair of the facade takes into account not only the cost of inspection and restoration of the building, but also work on cleaning from dirt, dust and fungal formations.

The appearance of very deep cracks in the building is a reason for checking the state of the foundation and roofs, which most likely have defects leading to the destruction of the facade of the building and can lead to the emergency. But the most detrimental effect on brick masonry It has water freezing during frosts.

Repair of ventilated facade

The ventilated facade consists of multilayer paosoolasias, insulation, air gaps and facing material. It is drawn up taking into account the dismantling work of all worn or deformed elements of the design and the installation on their place of new parts of the facade.

Repair of a wooden facade

Most of the estimated cost form the main materials: metal, brick, wood, reinforced concrete. It is also important design type - gates, fence, sections. The estimated cost includes auxiliary elements - primer coatings, paint.

When making a resource estimate, the cost of basic and auxiliary materials is reflected in current prices. If necessary create an estimate of the fence The basic-index method, then the cost is determined either by price, or by the collection of rates. If the cost of materials is not separately accounted for, it should be combined with rates for mounting the material of a particular type during construction or repair work.

Often the fence device is the preceding stage of the preparation of the territory. Estimated fence in obligatory Must include preparatory work, be it layout or markup.

You can see examples of ready on our site.

ahah. Thank you. Yes, especially the question about "swing" made you think. By the way, when you about the guy asked and hit me on my leg, I barely restrained with laughter.

Estrase - a document that displays the cost of absolutely all types of activities executed by agreement required by materials, equipment and other technical means. Estimation of expenditure for the provision of services It happens both solid and approximate. If the work was composed of solid estimation for servicesThe executor at no matter what force majeure situations and incidents (even when changing prices) has no right to change it. Exception when complemented, there can be only the instructions of the consumer to render additional services (works) and its approval for these services.

There is still a concept "Approximate estimation for the provision of services". It is applied in cases where it is impossible to accurately figure out the cost of work, technical equipment and other things. In the future, complemented and can be refined. But this does not mean that on the first requirement you can increase the approximate estimate. In order to increase it, there should be a significant reason. For example, if during work on the arrangement of the recovery, it was found that due to the properties of the soil, another foundation is needed, then the amount of work and, accordingly, the cost of estimates increases. Of great importance in the expansion of the estimate has not only the cause of its increase, but also the size of which it increases.

If the need has appeared to significantly increase the approximate estimate, the Contractor must immediately inform the consumer. The consumer has the right not to give consent to an increase in the estimate and terminate the contract, covering the contracts incurred by them, which followed on the work performed according to the original estimate, and pay the share of work that was performed. Or agree with a significant excess of the estimate. If the Contractor does not notify the consumer on the appreciation on time, then it is not entitled to demand compensation for ultimual expenses.

Local estimates - Primary estimated document, compiled on certain types of work (costs) on the basis of the volumes that were defined in the development working documentation. The need for a local estimated calculation occurs in cases where the final costs of costs and volumes of work are not yet defined and they must be clarified or when they cannot be determined in the course of the design, it is sufficiently defined that it implies the clarification of the volumes, methods and nature of work during construction.

Grouping by sections when drawing up a local estimate

The construction local estimate is a table indicating the list of works, the cipher of these works and the cost of execution. A document is drawn up (in the general case - on one type of work), based on:

  • customer's source data
  • nomenclature and quantities necessary for the working documentation of equipment (inventory), as well as data drawings, statements of the volumes of CMR, equipment and materials, defective Vedomostispecifications,
  • volume of work and main decisions on the organization of installation explanatory notes to project materials
  • estimated standards acting at the time of the document
  • market prices (tariffs) and transportation costs for equipment, inventory, furniture.

Local estimate is drawn up by all-wide work and buildings (facilities).

  • Warm work. Estrase created by vertical layout, on the device of networks, roads, maphes, landscaping of territories, etc.
  • Buildings and constructions. Estrase is preparing for construction work, including special, internal sanitary and electric lighting work, on electrical installations, installation of equipment, instrumentation (control and measuring instruments), low-voltage devices, inventory, etc. When carrying out the design by several organizations on complex objects and in the formation process The estimated cost of start-up complexes is possible to compose several local estimates by one type of work.

Data in the estimates are grouped into sections according to different principles. This can be a grouping of constructive elements of objects or on a technologically determined sequence of construction works, taking into account their features. Estimated calculations on buildings and structures allow division to work zero cycle - underground and overhead steps. Sections are detailed depending on the type of work type (cost).

So the section of construction work will include calculations of earthworks, the structures of the foundation and basement walls, frames, floors, floors, roofs, bearing walls and partitions, more , climbing, protective coatings, etc. Internal sanitary work includes estimates on water supply, sewage, ventilation, air conditioning, heating. And the installation of equipment is technological pipelines, metal structures related to the installation of equipment and the installation of technological equipment itself.

Methods and methods of calculation

Common source data in the preparation of local construction estimates are:

  • The statement of calculating the volume of work or the resource statement of project and regulatory materials.
  • Local specific conditions for the construction of objects.
  • Pricing conditions agreed with the customer.
  • Project data of the organization of construction, which includes labor costs, time of machine work, etc.

For carrying out the most often used 4 methods, the first two of which are the main.

  1. Resource method. It is defined as a estimated calculation in these (current) or predicted prices of all resources that are needed to determine the estimated cost of work on construction. The method is widely used as giving the greatest approximation to a real market situation, since the cost of resources is calculated based on the current current in this moment prices. The method provides for the creation of 2 documents: local resource statement and local resource estimate (estimated calculation).
  2. Basic-index method. When drawing up the estimate in this way, basic prices are multiplied by certain updated index coefficients, which allows them to bring them to the current level. Actualized index tables are intended to compile investor documentation, to interact between contractors and customers in the formation of a proposal for the price and calculations on facilities with a non-separable construction cycle, as well as for the integrined investment and planning calculation.
  3. Resource-index method. It is a combination of a resource methodology and application of the index system to estimate resource prices.
  4. Method based on enlarged standards. Methodology includes the use of indicators of analog objects.

To simplify computing on changing, there are special programs (for example, a "estimated calculator", "WinSmet"). Depending on the methods of calculation methods, various forms of a document that differ in table composition will be presented. The calculation made with the use of index coefficients reflects the value of the coefficients in the individual columns of the tabular part. Since the compilation of the estimate is made in the basic or in the current price level, the title of the table states exactly which level of prices is used to compile (with the date). Estimation, the example of which is shown below, is a sample of calculations for general construction work:

With a relatively small amount of the range of resource indicators, form 4 is used, and with a relatively large nomenclature - form 4a. In this case, the local estimate, compiled by a resource method, assumes the creation of a local resource statement (form 5), and a local estimated calculation.

Reflection of the cost of resources in local estimated documentation

The cost of work (costs) in local estimates can be given in two types of price levels:

  • Basic level. Indicators are determined on the basis of estimated norms and prices acting at the time of the preparation of the estimate.
  • Current price level. It is also referenced by the forecast, since the goal of bringing it is to establish the most relevant real prices or at the time of the preparation of estimated documentation, or - directly at the time of construction.

The peculiarity of bringing prices to databases is that to work with these bases they need to be updated by indexing. Rates are taken from the corresponding collections, where for each position (string) of the local estimate is indicated by the code cipher. It is consistent with the consistent addition of numbers into the cipher from the collection numbers, partition, tables in the section and norm numbers in the table.

Ralance here is the cost different work (construction, assembly, etc.), which is installed per unit of measurement and is fixed to a specific date.

A single rates are the combination of resources necessary to perform any type of work presented in monetary terms. Such single ratesDepending on the type of work, they are combined into collections, which presents rates for construction, repair, assembly, commissioning, maintenance.

Rates, as part of the estimated rationing system and pricing in construction in the territory of the Russian Federation, are developed in the basic price level, the state of which is fixed for January 2000.

Collections of rates for construction and repair work, commissioning, installation of equipment for the application level are divided into the following groups:

  • Federal unit rates (FER). On their basis, urgent regional collections are being developed. They contain rates for all work that are carried out in the territory of the Russian Federation. Developed at the price level of the Moscow region - the 1st basic region.
  • Territorial unit rates (ter). Collections include single rates applicable during construction in local conditions within the region - administrative education of the Russian Federation. The information reflects the level of wages in construction, materials, operation of mechanisms, etc. In this regard, there is more accurate to reflect the cost of construction work in the region.
  • Estimate-regulatory databases.

Thus, if the region passed the statement and the territorial rates act in the region, then when drafting the estimates using the basic-index method, Ter-2001 is used. If such regional rates are not approved, the rates of the federal level of Fer-2001 are used. When applying the resource method, the compilation of estimates is used by GESN (reduction from government element estimated norms). Depending on the type of work, the main abbreviation - GESN is added to the labeling letter:

  • GESNR - for repair,
  • GESNM - for assembly,
  • GESNP - for commissioning.

For actually construction work is used by GESN-2001. However, nor GESN, nor far and ter do not apply to works related to maintenance of buildings, including network engineering, security and fire alarms, and those systems that do not belong to construction and installation work. The cost of such work is determined by local or technical regulations for technical operation, which are approved, respectively, by local governments or ministries and departments. The procedure for the application of these price list refers to the competence of the federal level executive bodies and the enterprise operating the engineering system.

I want to understand once for yourself and forever the next moment. Is it possible when drawing up the estimated calculation for materials and equipment that will be delivered by the Customer's specification, to allocate separately local, and all the work on the installation of materials and equipment to ride in the next local one? On the one hand it is logical, because It makes it easy to select the cost of equipment, materials and work on their installation and commissioning from the CMR composition. But on the other hand, for the second time in its modest practice, I stumble upon the requirement, so that the materials indicated next to the rates for their installation. The second time and the second time it requires the Lord from Siberian federal District. These are their local habits or something I do not catch up ???

MDS 81-35.2004 IV. Drawing up estimating documentation Local estimated calculations (estimates) 4.10. The cost determined by local estimated calculations (estimates) may include direct costs, overhead, estimated profit, equipment, furniture and equipment. Direct costs take into account the cost required to perform work: material (materials, products, structures); technical (operation of building machines and mechanisms); Labor (funds for labor of workers, as well as machinists, taken into account in the cost of the construction of construction machines and mechanisms). As part of direct costs separate strings There may be considered the difference in the cost of electricity obtained from mobile power plants, compared with the cost of electricity to the returned energy system of Russia and other costs. Overhead costs take into account the costs of construction and installation organizations related to the creation general conditions Production, its service, organization and management. Estimated profit includes the amount of funds needed to cover individual (general) costs of construction and installation organizations for the development of production, social sphere and material incentives. Calculation of overhead costs and estimated profits in the preparation of local estimated calculations (estimates) without division into sections is made at the end of the estimated calculation (estimates), for the outcome of direct costs, and when forming by partitions - at the end of each section and as a whole on the estimated calculation (estimet ). In connection with the issues that have arisen, make changes to the method of determining the cost construction products in the territory Russian Federation (MDS 81-35.2004) and paragraph 4.10 methodologies shall be amended as follows: 4.10. "The cost determined by local estimated calculations (contamizes) may include direct costs, overhead, estimated profit, equipment, furniture and equipment. Direct costs take into account the cost required for performance: material (materials, products, structures); more By the text of this item. So this is not the local habits of the Lord from the Siberian Federal District.

"May include", and may not include. Maybe it may not necessarily.

Well, logic when determining costs is completely lost. If a separate local estimate, I will indicate equipment, separate Lock. Estimates - materials, then I will have the cost of equipment and the cost of materials required for installation. And in the next local one, all work on installation and get the cost of the CMR.

This is only your vision of a question. In any case, in direct costs, the cost of materials takes into account

for Rulers: Your problem is clear to me, .. Yes, indeed, if you scatter work and equipment in different, then it's easier to work with the results, ... I wonder what your estimated program do you have ?? Smeta.ru allows without any difficulties and problems to allocate from direct costs the cost of materials and equipment, in which place they would not have been, at least under the rated, at least in another section / estimate

My prog is called. And there it is low. At least I do not know how. All flooded but it does not work. Go to another program to me the manual will not allow for how to spend on the estimate program they no longer want

Equipment is always done. The cost of equipment is taken into account separately from the cost of installation and is not included in the acts of work performed. According to the materials, this is not legitimate, the cost of matrials (supply of the contractor or customer) is included in the cost of work performed and cannot be separate on them.

I agree. Well, it is possible in one local scatter by sections? One section to take off under the materials that will be delivered to the customer, and the second section under installation work. Otherwise, I have a pimp almost to do

So it is possible

yes, it seems to be a sample of materials from pressing a pair of buttons

what if not a secret. I know how to extract data on unaccounted materials and for unaccounted equipment in order to reflect them in the confection. But only here in the consolidated estimated calculation of the treadmill will be assigned to one column. And how to divide the result on the dirty work and the cost of equipment and materials in the SSR ???????

This in Gazprom has been accepted for several years. All Gazprom Institutes are so diagnosed, and sometimes they require contractors (if the contractor is) only usually all the same on separate "customer delivery materials". It is so necessary for me to take into account the value of the customer's delivery of the customer - they have peculiar statements there. I think nothing special about it - nothing contradicts the rules of the estimate, and the convenience of undoubted. It is even useful to contractor (I, the contractor helps a lot when planning).

Why is illegally? Everywhere in all estimated "saints" is registered: "The cost of materials must be taken into account in the estimated documentation." Estimated documentation, this requirement was kept. Materials took into account. So what that is a separate estimate? Nowhere is not written that it is impossible to divide the installation and the cost of basic materials in different ways.

I do not agree with everything MDS 81-35.2004 4.10. The cost determined by local estimated calculations (estimates) may include direct costs, overhead, estimated profit, equipment, furniture and equipment. Direct costs take into account the cost required to perform work: material (materials, products, structures); technical (operation of building machines and mechanisms); Labor (funds for labor of workers, as well as machinists, taken into account in the cost of the construction of construction machines and mechanisms). The editors in connection with the issues arising from the issues to make changes to the method of determining the cost of construction products in the Russian Federation (MDS 81-35.2004) and paragraph 4.10 of the methodologies shall be amended as follows: 4.10. "The cost determined by local estimated calculations (contamizes) may include direct costs, overhead, estimated profit, equipment, furniture and equipment. Direct costs take into account the cost required for performance: material (materials, products, structures); more in the text of this item. Those., in the materials included as a composite direct cost

Note at first glance is reasonable. Only I propose to throw a second look at this quote from MDS-35. "The cost determined by local estimated calculations (shoots) may include direct costs, overhead, estimated profit, equipment, furniture and equipment. Direct costs take into account the cost required for performance: material (materials, products, structures);" Separating the installation and cost of materials on 2, this MDC point is not at all violated, direct costs as they were and remain. They did nothing with them - neither distorted, nor into another chapter the SSR did not shovel, nor decreased, nor added. They were simply divided into 2 handhes, reformating the usual design of estimated documentation. Well, what is broken? It turns out nothing. Only work is more convenient (for this customer).

I fully agree with Marie (another box of sweets with me), especially in the quotes of MDS-A, you should pay attention to the word "may", which is far from the word "must".

I agree with Marie. In addition, recently reworked at the request of the customer (semigraph) on breaking the installation of windows and the cost of structures. (And not one was, but from the beginning of the year and urgently, because Commission from Moscow arrived, + acts). The second, by order of power engineers we design the substation. As part of the SSR, one local on the purchase and delivery of transformers and the engine (without installation, it goes a separate estimate). And then, on the ground, hold tenders for the supply of equipment and separately on the installation. So there are precedents.

I can not understand why it is so more convenient, then, when closing the acts, if it is not fully closed, the calculations must be made twice. I can admit as a separate section in the composition. But if the customer requires so much - you can do, if only it (the customer) smiled, and the contractor was satisfied and another quote from MDS 4.4. In local estimated calculations (estimates), the data is performed in the sections on the individual structural elements of the building (structures), types of work and devices in accordance with the technological sequence of work and the consideration of the specific features of certain types of construction. On buildings and structures, separation on the underground part (the operation of the "zero cycle") may be allowed and the above-ground part. Local estimated calculation (estimate) can have sections: by construction work - excavation; Foundations and walls of the underground part; walls; framework; overlaps, partitions; floors and bases; coatings and roofs; filling opening; stairs and sites; Finishing work; different works (porch, scene and other), etc.; According to special construction work - foundations for equipment; Special foundations; Channels and pitches; Outlook, lining and insulation; Chemical protective coatings, etc.; on domestic sanitary and technical work - water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc.; on the installation of equipment - the acquisition and installation of technological equipment; technological pipelines; Metal structures (associated with equipment installation), etc.

For us, for example, because it is more convenient - that in various contracts supply and installation are manufactured. And even in different years can be. And it is not necessary to gang away over one estimate - there is an agreement for the supply with shoots to Oimat, there is a contract for installation with estimates to the SMR. Sections, in particular, can be formed by start-up complexes. Otherwise, the one who is not aware of the project and the contract with the calendar plan, the samples will accomplish the samples at the supply stages. If you figure it out at all.

Well, as a rule, when organizing construction, it is wiser to buy equipment and materials that will be required during construction (I'm solely ourselves about electrical installation work), at the very beginning. In some cases, the customer suits this approach: first you do acts on acquired equipment and materials, and next time on work. Although I recognize this in the root of incorrectly and no self-respecting OKS and UKS or Ukxir will not miss it. In this case, it is easier to make an act 100% at the end of all works. At least always so dwelled with Oxami about it to negotiate.

Oh, as convenient as convenient. 1. When planning an object, it can be seen at once - how much money we must buy materials, and how much money the customer will put material (by selling, of course). To advance the contractor - there is clarity to plan the customer's financing, etc. In general, for the internal economic calculations of the contractor on the object - very convenient. 2. And most importantly convenience - when calculating the appointment index. As a rule, according to customer delivery, it is healthier, and our (contractor) is smaller. If it were joint, he would have been high. And so everything is easy and simple - the index intensity is great (says the customer), and I am "so he is great because of your materials."

And why it is impossible to do in one? It is hard to make a sample of customer materials? I have long understood why it is so profitable to the contractor - you can quickly get used after purchasing materials to this and get money.

Of course it is possible. Heavy. It is much easier if you get sd, and there is already everything on the shelves. What is the supply of the customer, and what is our. It is not necessary to spend time and, having twisted with the dividing statement (this statement is also predetermined, sign, etc.), allocate these materials. Everything is immediately coordinated and decorated. Okay, one would be alone. Well, spend 2 times more time. And if there are 50 in the object for one such subtika as we (usually happens). And for the customer, the number is a few hundred? Allocate weave. So why not allocate these materials if everyone is only good, and no violations? Well no. With the competent technadsis of the customer (usually in Gazprom still so) such things rarely pass. And if you pass, then by political considerations - with the knowledge and consent of the customer. By the way, it often needs to be the customer (they have some features with the development of limits).

And I always allocate unaccounted materials into a separate section, but when drawing up a consolidated estimated calculation or object, these materials are added to the recorded materials in the installation work and are appropriately included in the installation work. This is also done because the limited costs (winter appreciation and so on.) Are considered to be% of the CMR (excluding equipment)

So this customer immediately refers materials to a separate one? I wonder ... it means that it is convenient for him, but as the saying goes: "Do not argue about tastes" ...

Well, yes, I wrote and wrote. The task was so commanded with all my departmental projects in institutions. And the PSD is issued in such a video. And if the contractor is, the customer is also sometimes asked to do. And we, contractors, and glad - we are comfortable. The conversation, however, was about the materials .... and about the equipment - the more convenient it is in a separate and for this reason too. So even not only Gazprom does, I'm still seeing such a CD. Well, I myself have come to this many years ago (convenient). Well, maybe really do not argue about tastes. And on the contrary, I do not understand the more convenient everything in one - and work, and equipment, and materials of any delivery ..... Long "tail" (eyes scatter) and that's it. Well, the matter of taste.

In general, to a single opinion so come and could not succeed. If the customer will be capricious and demanding to indicate the supplied materials directly with the installation rates, it will have to be subordinate or try to put pressure on logic and hint that so more convenient

It is to such an opinion that we came. It is most likely not a caprice of the customer, but its requirement for the compilation of SD

and for example, so practically we work, with the exception of some "inadequate customers"! Making on: 1) Installation; 2) Poland; 3) materials unaccounted by rates; 4) Equipment This is not a bit contrary to the structure of the price of the SMR, determined in accordance with MDS-35! Do you know how accountanking is trembling at the sight of such a structure?! - Song sing! And the customer? - same! from happiness! All transparently and nonsense! In general, the use of almost everyone in our time is the apparent character! So it turns out ... The database came up with oh how long ago, and the equipment is modern ..... and what happens? So you have to make a less logical way to do! Sheep to sheep, and kittens to kittens!

I agree on the ports 1, 2, 4. But why are it separate on 3), the materials unaccounted by rates are different on the same material (for example, concrete)?

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