
Bunker for survival with your own hands. Build the bunker with your own hands. Refuge for a long stay

The house is considered to be a protective fortress of every person. As part of this conditional concept, many began to think about more reliable buildings. There is a question of how to build a bunker. It is located underground, nothing is better to invent. If a person is afraid of natural cataclysms and just tries to be in a protective place, there is special projects such a building.

You can build it on my site, often this is done in the country. There are a number of advantages in this shelter, although it does not always save. If it is decided to build, you have to take the basis useful instructions And to implement the project. There are no difficulties, only the entire instrument is prepared and the material, because the house underground has its own characteristics of the construction. What is the features, consider further.

Paper Tools will not be

Thinking over how to build a bunker, many take into account this question. Should any documents be issued? The first plus, according to experts, is that it is not necessary to prepare documentation, to obtain permission to such a structure. But this is provided if everything is done on the personal site. Although there is an exception. If there are central communication communications under the soil, make the bunker more complicated. The structure may cause damage, and this is a serious violation.

Before building a bunker, all these questions should be clarified. This is the first step towards the construction of protective housing. There will be no one to do, so the assistant must be present, and it is better not one. Only after that the main work begins. It is important when building is taken into account and the proximity of groundwater.

Intimacy of groundwater

Before building a bunker, you will have to understand, at what level are groundwater. If you miss attention, it will turn out not a residential premises, but a large pool. To do this, it is important to know at what depth there are water. But is it possible to perform such procedures yourself? According to experts, the process is not as folded: attention is sent to the nearest wells, any reservoirs. The difference between the level of land and water will be the principle of grounding streams. It is not difficult to make accurate calculations, it is important not to hurry at this stage. Instructions for the performance of work elementary - everyone who creates their in-depth dwelling should come to this purpose with certain knowledge.

Opinion of architects with experience

Another helper is deep-water wells. In the process of their creation, it is more clear at what level the ground flows are going.

The house underground should be formed above the streams, the minimum distance is 50 centimeters. The bigger, the better. Here is such a calculation: if the groundwater is at the level of 5 meters, then the pit for a new structure is made by 4.5 meters. Although when soil waters occur above 4 meters, create a full-fledged house under the ground will not work. Because attention is paid to comfort, protection, convenience of existence for a long time. Reliability is not in the last place, so it is necessary to calculate every little thing.

How to choose a place?

Many are thinking about how to choose the basing and calculate the depth of the bunker. Sometimes there are ideas to build asylum under the house, in the basement. Architects believe that this idea is bad and implement it is not worth it. And all because the cataclysms are occurring - a hurricane, winds, flooding. The main structure collapses, and fragments will throw the entrance to the shelter underground. We have to search for something more suitable. If the dimensions of the site allow, construction begins.

Although such a structure is allowed if the entrance to the bunker will have an additional, up to 10 meters from the house. Communications are necessary for a full life. If they are autonomous, it is the best decision. Communications should not have connections with the house, with the collapse there will be no electricity supply to the bunker. This is emphasized by all architects and specialists in the structure of residential premises.

In addition, you have to hide the input place. It is placed in the place of business buildings on the site. Often the construction of the bunker is carried out with their own hands from the entrance. Let it be in the garden among trees and shrubs. It will not be visible to anyone - only the owners will know how to get into his

What area?

Important moment Each housing is to output. The basis is that people will be a short time in it. For a period of natural disaster, a hurricane, this calculation of the area is made - 4 m 2 per living. Under these conditions, it will be comfortable to wait for adverse conditions on the surface of the Earth.

If in the family three people, then it turns out 12 m 2, it is easy to implement such a project. The calculation is carried out by multiplying. If the territory at the house is large, then the area increases, but not to the detriment of comfort. Bunkers build temporary and long stay. From this depends the choice of some parameters.

For a short period

Architects are considered to be inside asylum a short period of time, it may well be septic from durable material. What is done:

  • Durable capacity is purchased.
  • I'm burned to the ground for a certain distance.
  • The size is calculated taking into account the arrivals.

It can be checked with a hurricane and tornado, it is also not required to be needed for many years. There is no need to invest in this structure, mount ventilation and heating. For exhaust air, there are enough two pipes of natural ventilation overlooking the surface. You will not need to complement the structure with special cleaner devices.

You will need to install a standard cleaning filter. Sometimes it is performed with your own hands. It is purchased march, glass gamble - they are fixed on the pipes. Electricity connects to the main system. It is worth doing and batteries so that the reserve is for a long period.


This is an open question. Because the land does not freeze more than one and a half meters. For temporary stay does not require maximum heat. Experts advise to have stock:

  • Warm things.
  • Blankets.
  • Plaids.
  • Term underwear.

The price of such asylum is within 400 thousand rubles. The required amount of septica - 19 m 3, the preparation of the pit will not be long, and each will cope with it quickly. Easy to hire workers, about 30 thousand rubles.

For long stay inside

Before building underground bunker Long stay, it is worth thinking every room. The total area is not less than 15 m 2. There is a separate room for the location of the generators and other necessary components.

For such a structure, drainage is made under the foundation. It must be at least 25 centimeters, and the wall is 27. For the soil is not plenty, it is strengthened with the help of an affordable, inexpensive material. The bottom of the pit, before starting construction, align. After drying the foundation, in 30 days begin to build the walls. For reliability, the reinforcement should be fixed every three rows. The size of the drainage under the foundation is created arbitrary.

The roof should be reliable. Durable metal is used. We must not forget about heat and waterproofing. The staircase is mounted for a descent and a tightly closing door. In order not to call such a cappon such asylum, a spare output is made. Before starting the inner finish, it is worth creating strong, high-quality waterproofing for the walls. For this there are many materials. The next partition is made between the main housing and the engine room. The cost will be within 150 thousand, if you do it yourself.

To be in such a protective shelter to be a few days, it is worth thinking:

  • Autonomous electricity. A generator operating on diesel or gasoline is suitable. Bunk installations are made for storing fuel.
  • Ventilation with air filtration.
  • Conditioning. Due to this, air is flowing with cleaning, the installation cost is high.


If the stay implies for several days, then without reserves do not do. One of the important components is water (at least 300 liters). The value of people has a value. It is important to have canned food, cereals, other products, packed and with a long shelf life.

Without a first-aid kit, you can not do. It includes:

  • Bandage, leukoplasty.
  • Wool.
  • Thermometer, tonometer.
  • Scissors, harness.
  • Masks, boards.

A set of tablets is embedded individually. Be sure to be anesthetic and antipyretic. In the presence of chronic deviations from health, you need to put more auxiliary preparations. Since the nutrition will move away from the norm, then the digestive tablets are mandatory.

What else is taken into account?

In addition to food, first aid kit, you need to create conditions for a comfortable stay, sleep. Clothing - replaceable, but most importantly, so that you can get into the light. If chemical impacts are meant, then without personal protection to do not do - gas masks, protective clothing, lantern. The last item constituting the list of important things is quite useful for internal movement to save electricity.


To fully be in the bunker, you need to create conditions for yourself. Each person gets used to his own food, warmth, the total atmosphere. Today, such buildings are in great demand. They are not difficult to build, not even having experience. But if you do everything alone, this process will delay for a long time.

The saying "My house is my fortress" is true exclusively during the full dimension life. Saving at home from truly serious dangers will not be released. Crazy bullets when shooting a laughing gang, air bibles, rockets, mortar mines and shells try the walls. Flying during the confrontation of regular armies, will get you within the dwelling no worse than on the street, therefore such bright events, as well as the attacks of the living dead during a zombie apocalypse or an attack of aliens, it is better to wait in a place more accurate. Two characteristics are important here: strength and inconsistency. Under these parameters, a compact cozy bomb shelter is disguised in or near housing, with their own hands dug and equipped.

The bunker is convenient only because it is not necessary to flee to him and will know about it a limited circle of individuals. The latter gives a guarantee that, fleeing from the shelling, do not have to face unreasonable guests who came to get free supplies from your refuge. After all, to drive such guys, especially if they are armed, it will be not easy.

The relevance of the problem

The probability of an aliens or zombie attack can be considered only as a joke or plot for the next blockbuster. But local conflicts and war, man-made catastrophes and natural disasters are the reality of our world. The history of mankind is the history of wars. Among all living beings on the planet, only a person made intravidal murders by systemic and encouraged societies. Therefore, it is impossible to think that the XXI century is very different from the enlightened XX and all previous ones.

People are still, with pleasure or forced, participate in hybrid and declared wars, inter-ethnic conflicts and other events to murder themselves like. If there is no desire to become a random victim of such a "carnival", take care in advance about the presence of a durable bomb shelter. Otherwise, then when everything starts, it will remain only for luck. Under whistle mines, perhaps there is a chance to have time to pull out the trench. But it's not to build and equip your bomb shelter for all the rules.

In addition to hostilities, it will help to experience the consequences of the leakage of the "peaceful atom" with the nearest (or long) nuclear power plant or the achievements of the chemical industry, which suddenly be sprayed in the air due to the accident of worn out factory equipment.

At least, if the catastrophe does not occur and the end of the world will not come, you will become happy winners of the wine cellar, from which you will not be expelled that your wife from a mother-in-law, but even the company soldiers.

Basics of the project

The element determining the reliability of the bunker is durable doors. They must withstand the effect of the shock wave. Therefore, the entry design is calculated on the load resistance, at least 1.5-2 times more than it is supposed for normal overlaps.

In order for the intrinsivity of the shock wave, approaching the doors, decreased, before the entrance, it is necessary to provide an expansion chamber. Perhaps, few people will be able to build a bomb shelter with doors as in the famous Fallout series. But, as they say, "do it better, but it will be bad for itself." Therefore, the exit from the room of the hopper into the expansion chamber must have a flap with two shutters. From how tightly they will close, the purity of the medium inside during air pollution during the chemical, bacteriological or nuclear attack depends.

Another important requirement for the entrance: there must be at least two. In this case, if the shock wave hurts the door or will cover them, the shelter will not be a self-emitted grave for you. And the calculation here should only go to your strength. With serious problems, you should not count on large rescue teams with dogs to find victims and techniques for breaking the ruins. There is an option that the situation will be simple: everyone for himself.

An emergency yield should be located at least 20 centimeters above groundwater level. If these norms cannot be observed, the yield should be a hermetic mine, protected from water penetration. Otherwise, the construction of its own bomb shelter can be compared unless with the root of the wells for watering the site.

Bomb shelving channels are equipped with filters, and uninterruptible power supply and generators are installed to provide electricity there. It is better to select alkaline batteries for the UPS. They differ particularly long life. The exhaust system of the generator should not match the air to the shelter, for it you need a separate ventilation channel and, preferably, the room. Otherwise, the carbon monoxide will cope with the bunker inhabitants faster than shells or radiation.

Bureaucratic formalities

When you decide on our own site to make a bomb shelter with your own hands, to work out permits and coordinate the project in the city hall or, God forbid, the military registration and enlistment office is not required. The only thing about to take care is about the preservation of underground communications that can pass through your territory. With the construction of refuge, no cable, water or gas pipeline should suffer. Therefore, try to make sure of their absence before the construction of construction.

The lack of formalities pay another problem: it will not be possible to officially register the bunker as the courtyard building. Therefore, when selling cottages or houses with a plot, problems with BTI representatives are possible. In this case, the asylum disguise will be useful not less than during the invasion of hilling zombies or marauders. For the same reason, try not to advertise your construction in front of the neighbors. In peacetime, they will love to "surrender" you to BTI, and in the military - those who will be profitable to do this.


The pool in the garden plot is certainly a pleasant and useful addition. But this is only if it is not about the underground basin, which can turn the bunker due to groundwater. Therefore, it is worth measuring their level before starting the design of bomb shelter in its own area.

Order geo-survey services do not have to. Just look at the depth of nearby wells. The distance from the surface of the Earth to the water level is the very desired level. More precisely, it can be determined by turning attention to water wells. Just do not need to measure Artesian: the depth of finding water is necessary in the usual well "on the sand". Doesn't your well or well? Ask for neighbors. But you should not explain to them for what you really need it. Make a desire to build your own source of drinking water. By the way, if you are really concerned about survival, it is very useful. As practice shows, central water supply in cities often disappears much earlier than the enemy bombs and shells begin to ride on their territory.

It is necessary to build a shelter so that it is located at least 50 centimeters above groundwater.

Important: Sufficient room strength can be ensured by deepening it at least 4 meters. If, because of the groundwater, it is impossible to do this, there remains a shallow basement. All the same, it is much better than trying to escape in the country house or in the cellar with pickles and potatoes.


One of better options The location of the bunker is right under the house. In this case, its main entrance will be reliably hidden from prying eyes, which will ensure additional safety. Another extremely important advantage of this location is that it makes it possible to hide in bomb shelter during the shelling. To run out of the house to hide in the shelter, let them even be 15 meters from the housing, not just unreasonable. It suicide. The walls of the house provide excellent protection against the fragments of mines and shrapnels, which are filled with rockets of salvo fire systems. Therefore, if the shelling found you not to refuge, you need to heal in the folds of the terrain, and not risks, making your way under the hail of fragments.

So, to have a bunker under the house is very nice. But when the projectile hit, with an earthquake or hurricane, the building can collapse and the entrance to the bunker will turn out to be chosen. For this, emergency tunnels leading to the surface will be used. Their outputs need to be located not closer than 15 meters from ground buildings. Whatever happens, your bomb shelter equipment should provide complete autonomy and independence from the communications of the residential building.

At the stage of calculating the location of the bunker, you should finally resolve the issue of masking inputs-outputs. You can perform them in the form of a street toilet, lung Saraj For tools, garage or even dog booth. The latter can only be used as a disassembly camouflage. To enter through it, not attracting the attention of the neighbors, you will not succeed.

Size bunker

Square asylum depends on its purpose and the number of people. For a short stay during a hurricane, 3 m2 per person (9-12 "squares" on the family). If you plan to live in it for a while, you will have to build a room of much larger sizes. You can make a preliminary layout, drawing or scheme to determine the location of the equipment and other nuances.

Refuge short-term stay

To protect against natural cataclysms (of course, not from flooding) is suitable for a plastic tank for septic. His shockproof material will perfectly feel in the ground. The preliminary project of such a structure is not even required. The price of 18 cubic meters capacity (which will give an area of \u200b\u200b9 m2) is approximately 300 thousand rubles. Land work can be performed independently or hire a technique. In the second case, the estimation will increase by thousands of 50. No special engineering facilities No need. It is enough to make the simplest ventilation system of two pipes with a dust filter from gauze or fiberglass. For lighting and power supply, there are enough battery lanterns and a uninterruptible power source. It can be stored there a small stock of the batteries that will be used in light and electrical appliances. Lamps should only be LED, as their power consumption is 10 times lower than that of the device with an incandescent spiral.

The heater will not need - the land does not freeze at a depth of more than a meter, and it is not necessary to be in such a bunker for a long time. It is better to add thermal underwear, warm things and hiking.

Refuge for a long stay

If you expect to be saved not only from bad weather, but from more serious and long cataclysms, you will have to take construction of a spacious bunker. In it, it will be possible to wait for multi-day shelling, the consequences of the accident on the chemical plant or the short triumph of the aliens to the moment Bruce Willis do not deal with them.

The size of such a bomb shelter should be noticeably more container for the septic, proposed in the previous section. It should consist of "residential" and "technical" premises. The first must be easily equipped for existence, in the second one should place the generator and a dry launcher.

After the end of the shelling of asylum can be moved to earthworks. The dimensions of the pit should take into account allowances for the walls and the foundation of the underground building. While brick walls are erected, the pit is strengthened with durable boards so that the land does not cover while you reveal the mason talent.

The base of the foundation plate must be pre-paved the boards, align the surface and strengthen the crushed stone with 20 centimeters, and then lay the reinforcement. After filling the base, it needs to be left alone for 10-15 days until it freezes and does not gain sufficient strength.

The masonry of the shelter walls should be performed from a durable full-scale brick. Given the high requirements for the strength of the structure, every three rows need to lay the reinforcement or metal grid. It will not save from the direct hit of the atomic bomb, but you can be sure that the bunker does not hit the head itself. Walls are not lower than 2.2 meters.

The best material for overlapping is a metal duct, covered with boards and sheet metal. According to regulations, the thickness of the wood should be at least 40 mm, and the steel shields are 5 mm. So that the design does not rotate and did not fall apart without any war, and in order to through the ceiling of the bunker, water was cut after heavy rain, it is necessary to perform waterproofing. To do this, it is enough to put a couple of layers of polyethylene film. Next to her pour land. The walls of refuge are processed by hydroizol.

It remains to install a hermetic door-hatch and a staircase, which can be descended into its abode. And do not forget about the spare outlet, otherwise the refuge can turn into a spacious crypt.

The compartment for the dry ladder and the electric generator is separated from the "residential" room with the wall "in Polkirpich". The orientation cost of such a structure, if you build it yourself, begins with 100 thousand rubles.

Equipment and communication

To hold on underground, even a few days, one natural ventilation is not enough. It is necessary to provide at least a fan, and better system Air conditioning and air purification. This is a serious application for successful survival in solid man-made and military cataclysms. But it is worth such pleasure no less than all homemade bomb shelter.

To be light and not boring, it is necessary to power supply. Naturally, pulling the wire bunker from the outlet is meaningless. Install the lighting devices, diesel or gasoline electric generator and stock at least one canister fuel.

The sanitary standards and the needs of the body determine the installation of the dry lad.

It is worth taking care of the rest, equipping bunk beds. This will save space.

Strategic reserves

For survival, first of all, drinking water is needed. Her norm per person is 2-3 liters. in a day. It requires it to be the minimum of 300 liters. Canned long-term storage and cereals. The latter must be kept so that they are not reached by rodents and insects before. Optimally, if you have the skills of drying and rolling meat, to, for example, make such a product like pemmicika (briquette, consisting of a year of money and the meca, CAIL, SPEES and CWXFPUCT), which can be stored for 6 months.

Be sure to prepare first aid kit, turning on it:

  • antiseptics;
  • antipyretic means;
  • anesthetic drugs;
  • wide spectrum antibiotics;
  • drugs against diarrhea;
  • antiwheat preparations;
  • patch;
  • bandage;
  • gauze bandages;
  • highlight;
  • scissors.

This list is expanding, based on the health status of households. It may include heartbreaks, insulin and other vital at chronic diseases Medicines.

In bomb shelter, you need to collect protective equipment for reconnaissance bars: map, gas masks, OZK, lights. For the latter, you need to stock batteries.

Maintaining in readiness

To refuge around the clock it was "cut to receive guests", you will have to carry constant costs. It is necessary to monitor the shelf life of food and water and change the delay fresh food. Similarly, you will have to do with medicines and batteries. It is expensive, but note that any product, every tablet or item will be on the weight of gold, happens to a serious shot.

The bunker is a well-fortified structure that is intended for shelter from various kinds of dangers. It is usually built underground or in a half-breasted form. The most expensive in the construction of the bunker is a boiler and a concrete box. The most difficult - ventilation. Everything else is done with time and do it yourself. In my case, the hands of my husband.

Prepared the pit (take as an example minimum size 6x8 m). Depth 4 meters. We carry out the drilling of the well so that shelter does not depend on the central supply. On average, it will cost 30,000 rubles. Well, either in the catlogo itself, or right to it. To always have access to the room, where filters and other equipment will be standing. Equipment for well.

Autonomous sewerage includes equipment designed to output and wastewater disposal, ensuring their accumulation and cleaning. You can meet within 30-50 thousand. Although, there is also a hundred thousand worth.

On the installations of such systems all info on the Internet. But for any "fireman" you can buy a couple of bownitzics:

Capacity of the receiving tank of 10 liters, with an indicator of filling waste, two-way washed bowl of the toilet bowl. The volume of the receiving tank allows you to use the toilet both individually and for the family. Be sure to order sanitary liquid and shampoo. Two liters of fluid is quite enough for 3-6 months for a small family (infa from the Internet). The average cost of 4 thousand rubles.

There must be a spare way out of asylum (the main is in the house). From the prepared pit, a trench. The trench is stacked with a pipe of the desired diameter from 1 to 1.5 m (such a pipe is about 30 thousand rubles). From above, the trench and the pipe flooded with concrete, the land will fall asleep in the future. The output must be masked under the sewer hatch with a double bottom. Luke Walls - Concrete Rings. One ring, on average, depending on the size, costs from 2000 rubles.

Then we are engaged in the fill of the shelter walls. As an antiseptic between the ground and concrete walls, we pour liquid glass (although someone can offer a different means, better and reliable). Thickness is about 10 cm. In my opinion, this thickness is enough. Then pour concrete. The wall thickness should be at least 1.5 m around the perimeter of asylum, with the exception of the inner walls. On the pit, large formwork, concrete walls, the floor and the ceiling will take an average of 500 thousand rubles. (if it yourself is to prepare a solution and pour themselves, but to rent a formwork).

During the fill, you need to remember the laying of communications, water intake and sinking of sewage.

Energy supply to asylum will be carried out from solar cells. What makes it possible to equip the "bunker" with electric stove, other necessary electrical appliances, including the heating of premises. (About solar panels a lot of information on the Internet. And there is an opinion that Chinese is cheaper and better). It will be no cheap, as you need more batteries, etc., but the prices are acceptable.

In the shelter there will be a refrigerator, which is a quickly mounted collection-collapsible design of three-layer sandwich panels filled with polyurethane foam. The camera is designed to store cooled and frozen food, semi-finished products, fruits and vegetables at medium temperatures. The camera is made from the panels of different thickness. Overall dimensions can be selected from the standard matrix or order individually. The internal volume of the chamber is cooled by monoblock refrigeration machines or split systems.

The cost of the low temperature chamber is different, but you can meet in minimum cost from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

The entrance to the shelter through the hatch of the hidden access located in the house. Outdoor hatches are made of aluminum profile and equipped with a seal. The hatch cover is a rectangular container with the reinforcement grid. The cover is filled with concrete in a half with a floor, after which the laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc. fit onto the lid and floor. Outdoor coverage (you can get information on the site "Perspective" and other). The cost of the hatch also depends on its size. Price from 1550 rubles.

Deluxbunger (they generally estimated the construction of bunkers in at least 20 million) offers such a homemade system: "You need to take a small pipe in 9 and a half meters long. Then the first 6 meters are cut by welding into pieces, each of which is 25 centimeters. Next, you need to sharpen one side of the piece under the blade or a screwdriver and put the bunker to the end to the roof. Having lifted them into the roof of the bunker almost to the end, to tear the second piece to them. We drive and weld the third, then the fourth, and in such a way we make 3 meters of depth. We get rid of the ground inside the pipes (be sure to the direction of the bunker -\u003e surface). Then we make the second same pipe and weld to both pipes for two more pipes, each 3 meters long. After that, we weld to the lower piece of the pipe (already in the bunker) a metal box of the type of air cleaner. Insert the air cleaner myself in the box and stand the box. It remains only to weld the plug to the box, which will completely close the air cleaner at the exit to the bunker. Thus, opening this cover, it will be possible to create craving in the shelter. Undoubtedly specifications The bunker, the air condition in which will be arranged in this way, will slightly give up the current ways of air protection, but this method is good enough to save life. "

I believe that the ventilation installation must be entrusted to the pros. I did not find purses on any of the sites. You must call and clarify the call.

Well, then already the internal shelter finish.

That's it seems to be.

Maybe it's true who useful such as shelter is useful.

  1. If you are not aware of the state of the soil in your area, it makes sense to take into account this before you are going to cost the shelter, because the soil can be very thick in the rainy season and thin, like fluff in the dry season. The pit must be dug at the corner outside so that it does not fall on you. Some areas have a soil, strong, like a dry clay, while in other areas there is calcium carbonate, which is something comparable with good strong clay soil. Such a soil will allow you to dig a hole straight down with a smaller probability of the collapse. Here you can save on the material for the framing. You can use dirt as a backup basis for cement. Areas where the soil is softer and more dangerous for work, need high shelter if you do not have a different place for the pit. Another problem in small places when working with very soft soil, if you are digging too close to the property of neighbors. Their house can go cracks, and you can be punished for this. Stone masonry underground or concrete block is a large project, taking into account the value of materials and find a reliable plan. Millions were spent on the development of such plans during the Cold War, they were tested in a special locality, so that are a choice number 1. Unfortunately, many of them are no longer printed, but they can be found in e-books on www. FIRST Patriot Press.com. You do not need to put in debts to build a shelter. With the help of a list of materials and an old pickup with several cement packages, you can gradually collect the necessary materials, folding them next to the house for a short time. It is always helpful to buy minus 10% of your list so that at the end there is no bunch of unnecessary materials. If you hire a contractor to make some work, buy 100% of what you need, then the contractors do not run and do not bother materials, demanding money for this. So that you do not pay for the work of three men, and not one. If something needs something, you will have to break away from work and go to something to buy something. Labor is the most expensive goods In the workplace, so if you lack several pieces of plywood, always go to the nearest store to buy the necessary materials. Three or four people who will stand up, while you will go to the other end of the city to save a couple of dollars - just nonsense. You can build a shelter yourself, but this is a hefty project. Buy plastic reinforcement in case you turn around and fall, because a piece of sticking fittings can kill you if you fall on it. The bending of the reinforcement is made by flexing the rigid pipe on the crossbar by 5 cm. Put the foot on the base, lift the pipe and you will have a fairly straight angle. Cutting reinforcement rods is easier than working as a saw, but you can do it and hacksaw. Make the cut to half the path and put the leg on the side of the cut and it will break down when lifting it. It will save you from cutting the plank along the entire length.
    • Do not forget to stock products, water and preferably with the content of omega-3, calcium and multivitamin tablets. Make sure that there are no windows or holes in a piece of plywood and that most of your shelter is underground. Existing basements or cellars will require additional shielding. Here are the minima to follow: 10 cm concrete, 12-15 cm brick, 15 cm of sand (packages or boxes, it does not matter) can be filled with earth as a side support, 17 cm of the Earth, 20 cm of hollow slag blocks filled with Earth Or sand, if something else is not available (12 cm, if with sand), 25 cm of water, 35 cm books / magazines or 45 cm of wood. Make sure you have a lot of food and water, canned or any other food that will not be cleaned. Ready food is also recommended.
    • A first-aid kit Be sure to have a wide range of preparations, and not just a set of ambulance. This is what should contain a first-aid kit on the recommendation of the Ministry of Defense:
      • Sterile gauze bandages 10x17 cm
      • Compress and Bandage 5x5 cm 4 Stripes
      • Bandages gauze compress type 7 cm x 6 m
      • 3 five-meter roll 2 cm and 5 cm in width of marlevary bandage
      • Compressed bandage 93x93x132 cm
      • Gauze, petrolatum 7x66 cm 3 stripes
      • Scotch 2 cm x 1 m 100 strips
      • Leucoplasty 1x7 cm 100 strips
      • Flushing for the eye
      • Ammonia solution for inhalations, aromatic ampoules (1 / 3cc, 10 units)
      • Povidone-iodine without iron, 10% 1.4CL
      • Sodium chloride bicarbonate mixture (salt)
      • Surgical razors / scalpels
      • Instructions for use and content.
    • Below are particularly recommended drugs that must be included, although it is possible for some of them the permission of a doctor will be resolved (many of them can be used to treat symptoms of radiation sickness):
      • Tweezers
      • Compazine candles (from nausea and vomiting)
      • Opa tincture (Diarrhea)
      • Antacid tablets (from stomach disorder)
      • Bottle aspirin (minor pain)
      • Narcotic (severe pain)
    • Other things that are not the need that you must have:
      • Sleeping bags
      • Many warm clothes and covered (when you are outside the refuge), as well as easy when you are inside
      • Sunscreen and lotion
      • Toiletries
      • Sunglasses
      • Lanterns and batteries
      • Radio and radio (not cell phones, EMP (electromagnetic impulse) from the explosion will be useless for a while, so you will not get any signals)
      • Lanterns and radio with autonomous food, sealed in an aluminum foil or other metal, so that Amy do not bring them out. The batteries will be very difficult to find after the nuclear attack, for obvious reasons, so make sure that the nutrition is autonomous.
      • Torches
      • Candles. Use only if there is no gas leakage nearby; Explosive gas.
      • Glowing sticks
      • Waterproof matches
      • Dimkovuhi
      • Compass
      • Tablets of the chalazone for water purification (they do not filter radiation, only pathogens!)
      • Needles and Niti.
      • Canvas
      • Weapons for self-defense, preferably a gun.
      • Ax / cutter, hand saw, scrap, knife for leather, combat knife and cutlery. (Do not forget to take a grinding stone or grinding to mold sharp objects.)
      • Pencil, paper and all that will help pass time
      • Copy of this article

Now it is not so relevant the theme of the bomb shelter, as many years ago, but still, in order to protect against the cataclysms, it is worth thinking about the construction of such a room. The nuclear bunker, made by his own hands, will help save the lives and will give the opportunity to ride in a safe place until the situation is settled. A relevant cause for construction remains a man-made accident or a natural disaster, from which no one is insured. Before building a bomb shelter, it is necessary to determine its target purpose and the term of finding it.

The construction of the bunker will not require the execution of special documents. However, if there are centralized communications under the site, then problems may arise, so you need to find out in advance.

Types of bunkers and requirements for bomb shelters

Nuclear bunkers must comply with certain safety requirements:

  1. Protect people from damaging factors.
  2. Place the area that does not flood.
  3. Have a few inputs or outputs, a spare output in the event of a bulk.
  4. Purify air from all sorts of harmful additives with ventilation equipment.
  5. Provide sanitary and hygienic conditions for people.

The bunker as a refuge for the family is classified by:

  • Protective properties.
  • Location (built-in and detached).
  • Filterventive support (industrial and handicraft).
  • Construction time (built in advance or pre-fabricated).
  • Stay time (short-term and long-term).

Nuclear bunker for short-term stay Built easily and quickly. When building simple asylum, strengths and wretches for construction several times are saved. The bottom of the room is strengthened with stones or boards. The rational solution is the use of a septic tank of a shock-resistant plastic, poured into the ground.

For a nuclear hopper of this type, a serious heating system will not be required, because the concept does not provide for a long-term stay. Such a design does not require complex engineering solutions. For a small room there is enough to arrange natural ventilation.

The preliminary drawing of the bunker will help correctly form an action plan. This option is a simple solution that can be carried out with minimal costs.

Preparation for the construction of bomb shelter

Now the construction of bunkers is rarely engaged, because the cost of building is quite high. Therefore, if presence land plot You can independently cope with such a task. To make a bomb shelter with your own hands, it is necessary to invest in construction, buy high-quality materials and other systems and designs to ensure safety and comfort. Before starting construction, you need to make a estimate, calculate the cost of building and the cost of all necessary equipment.

Before starting the construction, the hopper scheme is made and the location is selected. Also worth knowing several mandatory factorswhich are taken into account when building the room:

  • You must choose the right place for the bunker device. There should be no pillars, bushes, trees and other facilities that can be owned from shelter in the event of a disaster.
  • Need to take into account the fact that the entrance to the room is located as close as possible to the house so that in case of emergency You could immediately hide.
  • Before the construction of bomb shelter, it is necessary to measure the level of groundwater so that in the future it does not turn into the pool. The depth of the pit should be half the meter above this level.
  • It is important to correctly measure the area. The scheme of the bunker will help calculate its dimensions, and the number of square meters per person: for a short-term option, 3 m² per one.
  • It is strictly forbidden to build bomb shelter with their own hands near gas and plumbing communications.

How to build a bunker? If you take into account the above factors, you can independently make a bomb shelter that will stand for many years.

How to build a long stay hopper?

Refuge for the family is intended for shelter from various kinds of dangers and most often located underground. The hardest and expensive is a pit or concrete box. And the rest of the work can be done independently, but it is necessary to do according to a certain sequence.

Building will take much more time and effort. To build a reliable bunker with your own hands, you will need a huge amount of concrete. The most important thing is to align the surface in the pit, and also strengthen it with a layer of rubble or sand 30 cm. For better strength, it is possible to use fittings and knitting wire.

It is important to provide in advance the location of the necessary communications, ventilation, spare output, decide on the power source. There is always one thing - the longer the person wants to be in a bomb shelter, the more funds will have to invest in its construction and the purchase of the necessary elements.

Three main commodities for the construction of a long stay hopper:

Phased construction of the bunker do it yourself

Long stay nuclear bunker is built by the following stages:

  1. First, it is prepared by the pit, a depth of about 4 m, then drilling wells. It is necessary that the room does not depend on central heating.
  2. The sewage of the bomb shelter is made at the level below the pit itself.
  3. The spare output is thought out. A trench is digging out of the pit, the pipe is stacked and poured with concrete.
  4. Two weeks after the fill with concrete, when the foundation froze well, you can move to the construction of walls. During such works, it is worth remembering the laying of communications, water intake and draining sewage.
  5. The issue of the bunker arrangement is solved, energy supply and ventilation takes into account.
  6. The roof of the ceiling slabs is erected, the waterproofing is used dense polyethylene in two layers. If necessary, bomb shelter falls asleep earth.
  • area - 12 m²;
  • wall thickness - 25 cm;
  • the thickness of the foundation plate - 23 cm;
  • brick laying height - 2.2 m.

The type of long-term stay bunker is suitable for those homeowners who are more serious about their safety. Here you can wait not only bad weather, but also chemical attacks, and even a nuclear war.

The drawing of the bunker forms the focus of the construction. The room is subject to a large amount of finishing work. Internal finish, of course, is not so necessary and does not apply to security. But it is worthwhile to miss the floor and walls by hydroizol.

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