
Bunker device for survival. Turnkey underground houses (bunkers). Projects and prices. Bunker area

People are known to love to be afraid. This weakness of theirs is successfully exploited in their business not only by filmmakers, but also by builders and real estate agents, whose new hit of sales has become comfortable bomb shelters. The range is wide - from minimalist structures, more like a cistern dug into the ground, to luxurious underground mansions.

In 1949, following the USSR's first nuclear test, President Harry S. Truman organized the Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA), asking Congress for millions of dollars to build a nuclear defense system. In the late 1950s, funding began for local departments of civil protection, whose responsibilities included organizing and supplying bomb shelters. However, the strongest impetus to their construction was given by the young President John F. Kennedy (John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy), who in 1961, at the height of the Cuban missile crisis, called on his fellow citizens to show conscience and take care of their own safety. Citizens began to build private shelters from the Soviet nuclear bomb.

With money from local and federal authorities, thousands of public shelters were set up across the country, in which two-thirds of the population could take refuge. In Washington alone, there are about 1,300 public shelters with more than a million places - enough to accommodate all of the city's residents and even some of its guests. However, these were not specialized structures. As a rule, for these purposes, the basement rooms of residential buildings, churches, schools and public buildings, the walls of which were reinforced with concrete to protect them from radiation, after which the necessary supplies of food and medicine were stored there.

In 1965, in the Washington suburb of Bethesda, an experiment was conducted in which 34 naval officers spent four and a half days in such a basement, eating "refuge" food - cookies, tomato soup, peanut butter and jam. The subjects lost an average of 2.36 pounds, were in a bad mood and complained of constipation.

Much fewer private bomb shelters were built - according to some estimates, between 1945 and 1961 there were about 200 thousand of them.On the one hand, it was expensive: in 1961, it cost $ 2,500 to build a shelter in the backyard of a family house. - created the ground for friction with neighbors, because it posed a dilemma: whether or not to take them to a close family shelter in case of something? The question is all the more difficult because digging a "hole" in the backyard has often become the subject of ridicule from these very neighbors.

It took two years to construct a typical family air-raid shelter in the garden, measuring three by four meters, with access through a hatchway. In 1961, 38-year-old Charleston, West Virginia resident Michael Preiser, inspired by President Kennedy's appeal, founded Shelters Inc., which became very successful. The secret to the success was that the company sold uniform bomb shelters. In fact, it was a set of corrugated metal parts, the assembly of which did not require professional construction skills. On average, such a shelter cost $ 685, broken down into monthly payments of $ 15.

Some enthusiasts have also created more powerful structures. A certain head of the family from Washington state built a four-level underground fortress with an area of ​​130 square meters under his three-story house. m, with several rooms, numerous passages and a three-ton door opened and closed by an electric motor. The life support systems were powered by a generator that occupied a separate room. By the way, now this house is on sale for $ 259 thousand.

There were also special offers for the rich. In California, the Hungarian-born architect Paul László, who built houses for Hollywood stars such as Gary Grant and Barbara Stanwick, even developed the whole concept of Atomville USA, according to which the special underground settlements, the structures in which would be connected by a cable car. While the idea was being considered at the Pentagon, the architect built a private bomb shelter in Woodland Hills. In keeping with the architect's signature style, with an emphasis on luxury and comfort, the bomb shelter was a spacious room with telephones and other amenities that could be used as additional living space. Another famous architect at the time, Robert Stacy-Judd, who was born in London, also designed bomb shelters to order, making them look like the structures of the ancient Mayan tribe, whose culture he was fond of.

In the 70s and 80s, when the anti-nuclear movement tried to convey to everyone that the explosion of even one nuclear bomb would make rescue impossible, the bomb shelters began to decline. The authorities began to close public shelters, supplies were partly thrown away, partly distributed to the poor. Private bomb shelters were converted by their owners into wine cellars and mushroom growing workshops. The local civil defense departments were finally merged with the federal ministry of emergencies... And if in the 50s-60s, 90% of programs to protect the population were designed to combat the nuclear threat and only 10% - against natural disasters, now the ratio is exactly the opposite, with 10% "reserved" for the nuclear threat, quickly reorient themselves to fighting the consequences of terrorist attacks.

After 9/11, interest in bomb shelters resumed. In the spring of 2002, the UC Santa Barbara Branch Museum of Art even organized an exhibition entitled Nuclear Families: The California Nuclear Shelter Movement 1950-1969. It featured, among others, plans for the shelters designed by Paul László and Robert Stacy-Judd.

Local offices of the Ministry of Emergency Situations note an increase in calls: people are interested in the addresses of bomb shelters and how to build them. Private entrepreneurs, unlike the state, immediately responded to the growing demand. Shelter manufacturers in the US claim their sales have increased 500%. A typical mass-produced shelter resembles a buried cistern and costs about $ 30 thousand. But you can also choose something more fun, as much as possible preserving the usual lifestyle.

F-5 Storm & Fallout Shelters, based in Baskin, Louisiana, has been making ventilating devices with filters sourced from Switzerland since the 1950s and selling them nationwide. Excluding installation costs, they cost from $ 8,000 to $ 20,000, depending on the configuration. Harden Structures from Virginia Beach, Virginia sells "survival tents" that supposedly rescue from chemical, biological and nuclear threats and cost from $ 7.5 thousand for $ 66 thousand Radius Engineering from New Hampshire offers a product called The P10 Disaster Shelter is a ten-person fiberglass structure buried underground and equipped with bulletproof hatches.

Kleen Air Technologies Inc. from Frisco, Colorado, she works for an even more demanding clientele: 18 shelters she has already sold have wood floors, a kitchen and even a laundry room, walls more than half a meter thick, and a minimum area of ​​about 100 square meters. m, although orders are mainly received for much larger premises. Mirrors create the effect of expanding space, fake illuminated windows give the illusion of a sunny landscape outside the window, and a meditation library should help overcome depression.

In addition to the luxurious baths, there are decontamination rooms and a state-of-the-art control room with a generator, internal surveillance cameras, radiation meters, shortwave transmitters, police wave scanners and more. Starting price - $ 600 thousand

20th Century Castles LLC of Dover, Kansas, is converting closed underground missile bases into bomb shelters at expensive private homes. The former Atlas-F missile launch base in Adirondack Park, New York, has been converted into a $ 1.7 million dacha in the mountains. m with a private landing strip is a spacious premise with three bedrooms. The former Atlas-E missile launch center in Wamego, Kansas, has been converted into a 1,400 square meter underground fortress. m for ten people, with a sauna, kitchen and a massive 47-ton garage door (sold for $ 1.2 million).

Over the past decades, not only the appearance, but also the concept of shelters has changed. After the films "Panic Room" with Jodie Foster and "Areas of Darkness" with Bradley Cooper with special rooms, which are increasingly called "panic rooms", their purpose is to shelter a wealthy family from hijackers or kidnappers and help him hold out until the police arrive. Such a room could be just a closet with a reinforced door and a telephone inside.

However, a more typical option is a room fenced off from the rest of the house by fortified walls and a hidden door with magnets. It is equipped with a ventilation system and telephone lines as well as a toilet. For the most demanding customers, we offer Kevlar-armored bullet-proof interior walls, internal home monitoring systems, a generator, and more. technical support... It is not known how many such rooms have already been built, but it is known for sure that their owners live mainly in the prestigious areas of Manhattan and Hollywood, and it is not surprising - a fully equipped room costs up to $ 500 thousand.

Shelters are also being built in Europe. In October last year, the house of the famous realtor Christian Pellerin was demolished for violating planning regulations on the Azur coast in France. In the estate worth $ 23 million (bought at one time for $ 100 thousand from an American woman), underground structures with an area of ​​743 sq. m, the construction of which was carried out without permission. This was the reason for the demolition of the house. The underground space, described by the authorities as "a striking combination of luxury and vulgarity," included swimming pools, fountains, jacuzzis, thermal saunas and a bomb shelter.

Programs for the construction of bomb shelters exist in a number of countries, for example in Switzerland, as well as in Singapore, where a special law of 1998 made their construction on residential buildings compulsory. Since 1983, when the project began, 87,000 have already been built in municipal residential buildings and about 1,000 in private ones. They can shelter 700 thousand people.

Design of underground shelters- a reliable and sure way to preserve the life and health of your family. If you decide build a bunker do it yourself, there are various options for the construction of underground structures.

It is necessary to dig a pit from 2 to 5 meters deep, cover the walls and floor with boards or logs. The upper floor is faced with polyethylene in several layers. On top of the roof, soil is poured with a thickness of 30-5-0 centimeters. As an entrance-exit, you can use a wide pipe, build a hermetically sealed door. A bathroom is being built inside the shelter. It is necessary to equip the personal bunker with ventilation and a filtration device.

A concrete bunker is more reliable, but it will require more financial costs. The depth of construction is 10 meters. In order to enhance the safety of the possibility of entering and exiting from the outside, at the zero mark, a small concrete structure is being built, using metal reinforcement, a pressurized door is installed. Or the entrance is built like a concrete shaft, taking into account the possibility of entering it for people of any size. The use of concrete rings is possible.

It is known that thick reinforced concrete walls provide protection from radiation. For the same reason, a sealed door is also required at the entrance and exit directly to the shelter. For sheltering people, storing food, an internal room is used, in which a toilet is equipped. Reinforced concrete ventilation openings are constructed at least three meters from each other. It must be remembered that such a mine can serve as an emergency or additional exit.

In our understanding, a modern underground house is an underground space with the strength of a modern bunker and all the comforts of a modern cottage. But the choice always remains with the client, you can order an underground room with all the amenities, or, on the contrary, choose a real bomb shelter, but if you need reliable protection for years to come, then of course you need both. its very construction, since this is not an easy task and requires certain skills and a careful study of the plan. Appearance such houses underground is a small mound or a kind of burrow, which makes it possible to perfectly fit into the natural landscape. Today, this type of house (often called * fox mink *) is in good demand and is due not only to the desire to live in nature, but also to the fact that the construction and use of such a house brings economic benefits in comparison with other types of houses. Building an underground house is an affordable option, and also guarantees (subject to all construction standards) an environmentally friendly environment inside your house. If we talk about temperatures inside an underground house, it is worth noting that the earth itself conducts heat weakly, but at the same time accumulates it well. All temperature changes outside very slowly pass in the soil itself, that is, heat comes to the depth with a long delay. The temperature of an underground house will depend on both the type of soil and the climatic location. The temperatures will be approximately as follows: in winter it will be from 5 to 10 degrees, and in summer from 15 to 20 degrees.

What are the requirements for a construction site?

Speaking about the construction of an underground house, it is immediately worth noting that this cannot be realized everywhere due to the peculiarities of the soil. Therefore, further we will talk about what the relief, soil, groundwater level and so on should be, in order to have an idea of ​​what the site should be for the construction of an underground house.

  • What should be the relief? The best site for construction will be a site that has elevation differences, that is, with slopes of the terrain or with hills. A plot with such a relief will allow you to choose a place for construction, where you will not have to invest heavily in earthworks. During construction on an elephant, a kind of floor will appear, further deepening and expanding which will make it possible to equip a room underground. If the construction will be carried out on a terrain with hills, then the house is built into a horizontal surface, which will provide the formation of natural walls. As a result, most underground homes are built in hilly terrain. It's important to know. You should not build an underground house in the lowlands, as water from the surface will flow there, formed as a result of rain, snow and other sources, and the soil will be wet, which will negatively affect your house.
  • With what orientation is it better to choose the terrain? Your best bet is to choose a south-facing area that will provide you with more sun warmth. The choice of the north side will be wrong, since although it will save you from the excessive heat in the summer seasons, it will be unacceptable in terms of ecology and hygiene, since the house will need sunlight. If your site is located in latitudes with a constant or mostly hot climate, then the choice of the eastern orientation of the house will be good.
  • What kind of soil should be on the site? If your site has a soil that allows water to pass through in the best way, then this is the most option for a site. Such soil is: sand, loam and other types of soil. Due to the better water transmission, such soil dries quickly and makes it possible to carry out natural or artificial embankment. If we talk about what kind of soil is less suitable for the construction of an underground house, then this is clay. It is very poorly permeable to water and the Sámi is washed away at the same time. But it can be used as a kind of additional waterproofing of the bearing parts of the house underground. Above, for waterproofing, a fertile layer of earth is used.
  • What is the best climate for a plot with an underground house? The rule here is that the drier the climate and the surrounding area, the better for an underground house. If the climate is humid and you still decided to build an underground house on such a site, then you will need to organize ventilation in the best way and constantly monitor the state of the entire structure of the house. Therefore, such a choice will not be the best and will bring a lot of problems and unnecessary costs.
  • What should be the water level in the ground? The lower the groundwater is, the better for the site. This will give you the opportunity to build an underground house lower in the terrain itself. Conduct construction below level groundwater Absolutely forbidden. You also need to make sure that there is no underground water flowing in the area in order to avoid water entering your home. Of course, thanks to new technologies, it is possible to protect your home from water intrusion, but this will require huge costs.

What are the benefits of building and living in an underground house?

In the old days, living in an underground house was considered the lot of poor people, since the construction of a dugout did not require large expenses and was, so to speak, a budget solution. Now all the necessary technologies have been developed that allow you not only to quickly and cheaply build a house underground, but to organize everything you need to comfortable stay... But with the use of all these benefits, the cost of such housing increased and became not much less than a house on the surface, and sometimes more expensive. It is possible to make construction less expensive by using the correct terrain. This is what will be discussed:

  • Energy saving. Due to the fact that the soil does not transmit heat in the best way (and the thicker the soil layer, the worse the heat passes), a certain temperature balance is maintained in the house, that is, there are no temperature jumps. In the same winter, the heat stays in the house and does not go away, and in the summer you do not need to use additional equipment to reduce temperatures, since they will be acceptable, which will allow you to save on energy savings.
  • Excellent isolation from external sounds. Considering that the soil layer poorly transmits external noises of various frequencies, you will be able to enjoy silence in the house and you will not have to equip additional sound insulation.
  • It doesn't take a lot of effort to build. This is due to the fact that for an underground house there will be no need to carry out work on the arrangement of the facade and roof, which will further reduce your construction costs. In addition, you do not have to invest in maintaining the integrity of the house for many decades, provided that the construction was carried out in accordance with all standards and high-quality waterproofing was laid.
  • Defence from external factors... The underground house will be almost completely protected from such weather phenomena as hurricanes and small earthquakes. Also, in the event of a fire on the surface, nothing will threaten your home. Among other things, the house can be used as a bomb shelter. In general, the construction of an underground house, in comparison with others, is quite profitable if you take into account all the nuances and build in the right places. So, in some cases the best option there will be construction in the ground, and sometimes it is better to build it on the surface and carry out the embankment. What types of underground houses are there?

The most basic types of such houses are: underground and embankments, which are protected by the earth. Underground houses can be considered a house that is completely submerged under the layer of earth or partially. Bunded houses are usually located either above the ground or do not fully sink into the soil, and the entire part of the house that is above the ground is covered with a layer of soil so that it smoothly passes into the surface of your site.

Options for the construction of underground houses

All these underground houses are unique and have their own characteristics, but there are several main options for the construction of such houses:

Bunker, bomb shelter

Such a house is built on any relief, the only problem during its construction may be the presence of underground layers of water. But again, this will depend on the depth at which the house is being built. Such a house can be called an underground bunker, because in 95% at great depths, bunkers are ordered from us. The only difference between a bunker and a house at a depth is the thickness and technology of wall construction.


Such a house can be built on any terrain, from the usual flat, ending with a plot with hills. Usually the house is partially submerged in the ground, and its upper part is sprinkled with earth. Typical construction of a bunded house consists of an extension to a mound, which will serve as part of the walls, and the rest of the walls are subjected to further embankment. With such construction, there are practically no restrictions, you can build a house with several floors or with a large number of rooms. You can also equip windows in two or three directions of the world at once. Bunded construction is quite economical due to less excavation work.


This type of underground home is the most common and typical. Its construction is carried out on flat areas or on areas with some slope, and in some cases there is the possibility of an extension to the mound. The house is being built so that only the roof is visible on the surface, which is covered with a layer of soil. The entrances and exits are arranged in the wall from the end side, in front of which it is necessary to dig a small hole with steps down and make a canopy. The windows are arranged on the front walls or in the roof so that they look like some kind of lanterns from which light is emitted. The disadvantage of the dugout is that it will not be possible to build more than one floor, otherwise it will not be an underground house, but an ordinary one with a basement. The construction itself consists in pulling out a large pit, on all sides of which walls and supports for the roof are built in. After that, the entire structure is covered and covered with soil.

House in a hillside

The dimensions and height of such a house are determined by such parameters as the steepness and direction of the slope. That is, the steeper the slope, the more floors you can build. Lighting is organized in such a way that it was as long as possible.Before starting the construction of a house, you need to remove a certain part of the slope, after which they build the necessary structure and then restore the previous appearance of the site again. If there is a hilltop on your site, then you can organize some passages with exits in opposite directions, which will make it possible to improve ventilation and lighting.

What rules must be followed when building a house underground?

  • Use for construction such a material that has good moisture resistance, for example: ceramics, reinforced concrete or wood after special treatments.
  • It is imperative to waterproof the entire building.
  • The embankment must be carried out using the same soil that was extracted during the digging of the pit. And falling asleep at home is carried out with the help of the brought soil, which will be required a lot.
  • For a house underground, a finely serrated foundation is mounted, the dimensions of which will be based on the characteristics of the house.
  • The walls of the house can be made of various materials: wood, brick, concrete blocks or completely poured out of concrete.
  • The roof structure is made in the form of a rafter system. If the walls are made of brick or concrete, then the ceiling is vaulted to increase strength.
  • If the layer of earth, which is the natural protection of the house, is less than one meter, then it is necessary to perform additional thermal insulation and waterproofing.
  • To drain water from the surface of the walls and reduce pressure, it will be necessary to drain around the entire perimeter of the house.

What type of waterproofing to choose?

The choice of waterproofing will be determined by the material chosen for the construction of an underground house, the level of moisture in the soil of your site and mechanical factors:

- If the construction of the house was carried out without stone, then the waterproofing can be roll, plaster or coating. If concrete was used, then it is best to use waterproofing, which penetrates into the concrete and blocks the passage of water.

- When the soil on the site is dry enough, then you can simply paint the surface of the house with several layers of bitumen. It is better to use roll waterproofing if the humidity is high and the number of roll layers will depend on the strength of the water pressure.

- If the house was built on a slope, it is best to use plaster waterproofing, as it will not move and slide off the walls, unlike bitumen and similar materials.

The house, according to the saying, is a fortress, but there are adversities from which it is better to hide not in this fortress, but where far away or, more precisely, deeper - for example, in your own family bunker... Especially for those who, according to the principle Last Day Club — « Hope for the best, prepare for the worst! “, Admits the possibility of serious natural disasters in the zone of its habitat, and generally takes a responsible attitude to the issue of its own safety, we have prepared material on how to build asylum in a suburban area.

No bureaucracy required

To build a small asylum on your own site, you do not need to draw up special documents. However, this only works if there are no centralized communications under the site that can be damaged during construction. bunker a. Before starting construction, it is advisable to find out.

We measure the level of groundwater

So that it does not happen that during construction an underground bunker turned into a pool of water, you need to find out at what depth the groundwater passes. This can, in principle, be done on your own: just pay attention to the water level in nearby wells or pay attention to water bodies or rivers that are nearby. The difference between the surface of the water, for example, in a well, and the level of the surface of the land plot will be an approximate indicator of the depth of the groundwater.

You can also seek advice from neighbors who have their own water wells in the areas, since when drilling them, the depth of the groundwater is determined more accurately.

Build bunker, of course, you need at least 50 centimeters above the groundwater level. For example, if the groundwater at the site flows at a depth of 4 meters, then the depth of the pit should be no more than 3.5 meters.

Experts conducting such work claim that the ideal depth bunkers 4 meters, therefore, in the case of a closer occurrence of groundwater, build a good asylum it will hardly work, otherwise it will not be comfortable and functional.

Base location

It is important to choose the right place for construction bunkers... Some homeowners choose to arrange bunker right under the house, almost in the basement. But experts disagree with this location. Arrange something like that asylum better at some distance from the house, since in the event of, for example, a strong hurricane or earthquake, the main building may be destroyed and its debris will block the exit from bunkers.

Location asylum under the house is possible only if there are separate exits from it within a radius of 15 meters from the building of the house. In addition, communication systems should be autonomous and not connected in any way with the systems of the house.

Moreover, the entrance to asylum, according to the expert, it is better to disguise. For example, it can be placed on the side of a wooden outdoor toilet or tool storage shed. Typically, such structures are located in the garden among plants and trees, which makes penetration into bunker most imperceptible to the surrounding eyes.

Taking measurements

Before starting construction bunkers, you need to calculate its area. Considering that bunkershelters That is, in the event of a hurricane or earthquake, it is not designed for long-term stay of people, you can limit yourself to 3 square meters per person, which will provide quite adequate conditions in case of danger. Thus, for an average family, the area of ​​such a room will be 9-12 "squares".

Short stay bunker

If bunker built exclusively for short stays, in case of natural disasters, the most rational solution is to use a septic tank made of impact-resistant plastic, dug into the ground. Experts confirm that such a solution will be quite enough to wait out the hurricane, but on the other hand, it is a durable structure that will not require significant funds to maintain it in proper condition.

Moreover, such a design does not require any complex engineering solutions, be it ventilation or heating.

For a small asylum it is enough to arrange natural ventilation: in fact, these are two pipes leading to the surface. Specialized air purification systems for such asylum are also not needed.

You can limit yourself to a standard dust-proof ventilation filter, which you can make yourself from gauze or fiberglass. Electricity, he said, could include connecting the facility to central grids and stocking up on batteries and accumulators in an emergency.

According to experts, it makes no sense to implement a serious heating system: the ground rarely freezes to a depth of more than 1 meter, while the concept itself asylum does not provide for a long-term stay. In this case, it makes sense to limit yourself to a supply of warm clothing, thermal underwear, etc.

On average, a high-quality septic tank with a capacity of 18 cubic meters will cost about 300 thousand rubles. Whereas land work does not require special preparation, and it is quite possible to implement them independently. In the case of using hired force, the cost of such work is unlikely to exceed 50 thousand rubles.

Long stay bunker

For homeowners who are serious about safety and want to arrange bunker, in which you can hide for a long time not only from bad weather, but also from a chemical attack, leading experts in the field of the construction of such structures advise building bunker 12 square meters with a separate technical room in 2-3 square meters, where an energy generator and a dry closet will be located.

Construction asylum begin with pit, and with it digging you need to take into account the thickness of the walls and the height of the foundation of the future bunkers and, accordingly, make "allowances" on them. So, for example, the thickness of the brick walls will be 25 centimeters, and the thickness of the foundation slab is 23 centimeters. Pit walls for the period of construction, it is necessary to strengthen it with logs and boards in order to avoid the collapse of the soil or ground.

Before pouring foundation slabs it is necessary to prepare the base by leveling and strengthening the bottom of the pit with 20-30 centimeters of rubble or sand. To strengthen the strength of the base, it is better to reinforce the floor of the foundation with reinforcement and knitting wire. After pouring the concrete, it is advisable to wait 10-15 days for it to harden and become durable.

After the foundation is completely dry, you can proceed to wall arrangement... Experts recommend using white solid brick with masonry reinforcement every 3 rows with metal mesh or wire. Masonry thickness maybe half a brick. The height of the masonry must be at least 2.2 meters.

The next step is roof construction. Roof overlap architects advise to make of a metal I-beam, covering it on top with boards 4 centimeters thick and sheets of metal 2 centimeters thick. For roof waterproofing, for example, 2 layers of dense polyethylene are suitable. After that bunker covered with earth. Login to bunker equipped with a tight-fitting sealed hatch door and a wooden ladder to descend. Hermetic door you can do it yourself by laying, for example, strips of insulation from a rubber tube. In addition to the main entrance, the device bunkers must also have an emergency exit in case of blockage of the main manhole. For waterproofing asylum from the inside, before finishing, it is necessary to coat the walls and floor with waterproofing.

At the end, half-brick internal partitions are erected to equip the engine room with a separate door. The estimated cost of such bunkers, built with your own hands, will range from 75 to 130 thousand rubles.

Engineering and household equipment

In order to hold out in bunker from 12 hours to several days, it is necessary to provide an autonomous power supply source and an external ventilation duct with air filters in order to avoid the ingress of poisonous substances and dust there. However, it can also be arranged in bunker air conditioning system for internal cleaning with air regeneration, but this will cost significantly more than conventional "external" ventilation. The cost of such a system starts from 100 thousand rubles. However, this will be the only significant line of construction costs. asylum.

A generator running on gasoline or diesel fuel is suitable as an autonomous energy source system. Accordingly, in bunker There should always be a canister with a fuel supply for it, say, 10 liters. To save space, sleeping places in bunker equip themselves in the form of bunk beds.

Strategic reserve

The main strategic reserve in bunker there is water, you need to stock up on it as much as possible - 200-300 liters. Food should be canned, it is also a good idea to stock up on various cereals - they are nutritious and have a long shelf life.

Bomb shelter

Bomb shelter

To increase the safety of your loved ones and relatives, you can install armored canvases at the entrance, alarms on the windows in the house, hire security and go to many other measures. But in case nuclear war can only protect a bomb shelter, equipped as a bunker. It can be a bomb shelter in the country where you can hide from the natural disasters, fires or a hurricane, as well as wait out any danger in cases where evacuation by other means is impossible.

Do-it-yourself shelters and underground bunkers on summer cottage quite legal, since there are no unequivocal prohibitions. It is more difficult to make a bomb shelter within the city limits with your own hands, because land are owned by the administration or other people. Let's take a closer look at how to build a bomb shelter with our own hands, where and how to find a place for it in the city, photos of typical shelters and bunkers in the house.

Own bunker on the site can be used by individuals as a place long stay or short-term residence time. You can also wait a while in a simple cellar, although the bomb shelter does not contain complex schemes and resembles a cellar with a low earthen floor, walls of planks or logs, and a wooden roof.

Drawings of a long-term bomb shelter also do not exist, but structurally there are some differences - it is imperative to drill wells, purchase and install a septic tank at the base of the pit. And only after that you can pour a layer of concrete as a foundation.

Each site owner found many advantages and disadvantages of both options, but they build bomb shelters in the country no deeper than half a meter to groundwater. It is recommended to have a thicker earthen lintel under your feet to prevent waterlogging of the base of the structure. Knowing his ownership, a person can clearly orientate himself to the depth of groundwater, or clarify this point with neighbors with a well with drinking water.

How to make a short stay bomb shelter?

The most important thing when arranging bomb shelters is to choose the right place. The shelters made should not be placed under the house or near buildings, high plantings or massive structures. The construction of a bomb shelter is carried out exclusively in places where there will be no debris from destruction during cataclysms. A fence, a tree, a house - these structures can collapse during a shock wave or rampant elements, while the entrance will be blocked. Experts have found a way out - you need to make an emergency exit in case of blockage of the main one.

Simple calculations can be used to figure out the amount of work in the ground that needs to be done. To hide from the elements for a short time, it is enough to dig three square meters. meters per person. With a building depth of 2 meters, the double bomb shelter will be 12 cubic meters. You can do these works yourself within a couple of weeks, maximum a month.

The optimal location would be on a slope, so that the sides of the entrance are covered by the natural landscape. From the side, the entrance group is masked by technical buildings, a toilet or a shed, large trees or powerful shrubs.

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Interior arrangement

The floors in the pit are covered with sand and gravel, on top of which beams and deck boards are placed. Drainage must be sufficient to drain water from precipitation or melted snow. Walls made of earth need to be sheathed with logs (thin) or boards, they also need to finish the ceiling. It is necessary to fasten the cross-members on the ceiling especially carefully so that during bombardment or from the action of a shock wave, the ground does not destroy the roof when shaken.

The roll from above is covered with earth by 20 centimeters. An entrance is arranged on the side of the structure, it is better to dig it with a well made of earth and a cover. To minimize labor costs, you can bury a plastic septic tank, container or metal tank in the pit.

It is very important to make a ventilation system equipped with a pair of pipes. The longest should be placed with an exit near the floor, and the second - near the ceiling by 20 cm. Deflectors cover the exits, while they should rise no more than 40 centimeters. A dust filter is placed in each pipe; flax or gauze fiber is suitable for this. Bathrooms in the bomb shelter are fenced off and made near the hood so that the smell does not interfere with being inside. If biounitase is supplied, the waste will be processed chemically.

A bunker or shelter in which people will be for a long time, the pit should be dug 4 meters. The foundation is poured with a monolithic concrete of 23 centimeters. The same work is performed when building cottages or country houses... The concrete mixture must be strengthened with bundles of metal rods for reinforcement, you can use basalt fiber rods. Such work itself cannot be done efficiently, because the grant tends to sag, the base can be covered with cracks.

Determination of the area of ​​the bomb shelter is carried out according to the total area of ​​residential sectors of 12 square meters, but the toilet and shower and the technical sector are equipped separately. One room can be made into a warehouse for food and things. You can also store drinking water in the pantry with food. The walls should be 2.2 meters and at least 0.25 meters thick. The connection to the base must be monolithic, without cracks and seams. The optimal material will be concrete.

The ceiling is made of slabs filled with a cap and a layer of soil. Channels can be used to strengthen the ceilings, the main exit is arranged like a pipe in a trench. It is installed on slopes, so that the shelter will be more protected. The outlet can serve as ventilation, especially if it is reinforced with a corrugated tube half a meter. A special booth is made on the surface, where the end of the corrugated sleeve is inserted.

Bunker house project

Great attention is paid to the entrance - it is hidden from prying eyes and has an airtight closure. Water and electricity are supplied to the structure, and drains are discharged. It is necessary to prepare in advance a supply of medicines and food, water and other necessary things, without which the owner will be uncomfortable.

The bomb shelter is built according to the individual intentions of a person, but there are also ready-made drawings in which you can make changes and add rooms. Experts recommend studying Additional information and read literature on setting up shelters in order to equip a library or recreation area, gym and other sections inside, if necessary.

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