
Snip 111 10 75 Actualized edition. Passages, pedestrian walkways and playgrounds

State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

For construction affairs

(Gosstroy USSR)

SNIP III -10-75


Part Il

Rules of production and acceptance of work

Chapter 10

Improvement of territories



State Committee

Council of Ministers of the USSR

by construction business

from 25 September 1975 G. 158

Stereotype edition

Chapter SPEP III-10-75 The "landscaping of the territories" was developed by the Giprombommunster of the RSFSR Minzhilomhoz with the participation of the CNIIEP of spectacular buildings and sports facilities of the State Georgia, the Institute "Soymaker SoyuzportProekt" of the USSR Sport Committee and the Rostov Research Institute of the Academy of Communal Services. K. D. Pamfilova.

Editors: engineers A. I. Davydov (Gosstroy USSR), L. N. Gavrikov (Hyroeomumunstroy Mnigilcommunhoz RSFSR).

1. General provisions

1.1. The rules of this chapter should be observed in the production and acceptance of work on the improvement of the territory, including the preparation of them to build, working with vegetable soil, the device of intra-ordinary travel, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, sites, fences, open planar sports facilities, recreation facilities and landscaping.

The rules apply to work on the improvement of territories and sections of the placement of objects of housing and civil, cultural and industrial and industrial purposes.

1.2. Work on the improvement of territories should be carried out in accordance with working drawings under the compliance with the technological requirements provided for by the rules of this chapter and work projects.

1.3. Work on the preparation of the territory should be started with marking places of collection and obmissions of vegetable soil, as well as plants transplanting places to be used to landscap in the territory.

1.4. The device of various types of coatings of intravadal passages, sidewalks and platforms is allowed on any stable underlying soils, the carrier's ability to be changed under the influence of natural factors is not more than 20%.

1.5. As underlying soils, it is allowed to use drainage and negotiating sandy, sandy and clay

soils of all varieties, as well as slags, ash timers and inorganic construction trash. The possibility of using soils as underlying should be specified in the project and confirmed by the construction laboratory.

1.6. Vegetable soil to be removed from the built-in area should be cut off, move into specially selected places and stored. When working with vegetable soil, it is necessary to protect it from mixing with the underlying unimpressive soil, from contamination, erosion and weathering.

The vegetable soil used for landscaping the territories, depending on climatic subarea, should be harvested by removing the top cover of the Earth to depth:

7—20 CM - with podzolic prizes in climatic subarea with the average monthly temperatures of January minus 28 ° From and below July ± 0 ° C and above, harsh long winter with a height of snow cover up to 1.2 m and permenzed soils. The perplexed primer should be harvested in summer as it is thawing and moved to dumps to roads for subsequent removal;

before 25 cm With borous and serous soils in climatic subarea with average monthly temperatures of January minus 15 ° From and above and July + 25 ° C and higher, with hot sunny summer, short winter period and sediment;

7—20 cm on podzolic soils and 60—80 cm with chestnut and black soil soils of other climatic subneecons.

The thickness of the dismantled non-relaxed layer of vegetable soil should be at least 15 cm with podzolic soils and 30 See with other soils and in all climatic subsidies.

1.7. The suitability of vegetable soil for landscaping must be installed by laboratory tests.

Improving the mechanical composition of vegetable soil should be administered by the introduction of additives (sand, peat, lime, etc.) with the spreadsheet of vegetable soil by two-three-three stirring of soil and additives,

Improving vegetation soil fertility should be carried out by the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers in top layer of floral soil with his pallberry.

1.8. After removing the vegetable soil, drainage should be provided from the entire surface of the construction site.

1.9. When working with the soil, the following exhaust values \u200b\u200bshould be taken into account: vegetable soil, sands with a dimension module less 2 and connected soils 1,35 ; soil mixtures, sands with a minority module more 2, gravel, stone and brick crushed stone, slags - 1,15.

1.10. Soil humidity used in improvement territories , Must be around 15% full of its moisture intensity. In case of insufficient humidity, the soil should be artificially moistened. The maximum humidity of the soil should not exceed the optimal: for dust sand and lungs of large splaces on the 60%; for souses of lungs and dust on the 35%; for sophouse heavy dusty, lungs and lungs dust on the 30%; For loams of heavy and heavy dust on the 20%.

1.11. Materials used in the work of work on the improvement of territories are indicated in the project and must meet the requirements of the relevant standards and technical conditions.

Unexpected types of bases and coatings, as well as bases and coatings for sports facilities, should be carried out from the following basic materials: rubble, gravel, brick rubble and slag with fractions 5—120 mm, stone, brick and slag crumbs with fractions 2—5 mm, evidence of construction waste without organic inclusions, as well as from sands with a filtration coefficient of at least 2,5 m / day.

Advanced types of bases and coatings should be performed from the following basic materials: monolithic brand's monolithic concrete 300, precast concrete road plates brand not lower 300, as well as asphalt mixes: hot (with laying temperature not lower + 110 ° C) warm (with laying temperature not lower + 80 ° C) and cold (with laying temperature not lower + 10 ° FROM).

1.12. Preparation of territories for development should be performed in the following technological sequence:

in territories free from buildings and green spaces, removal of vegetable soil in directions of temporary surface drainage, as well as in places of excavation of earthworks and removal or dilution of this soil; the device of temporary surface drainage with the construction of small artificial structures at the intersections with transport paths;

in the territories engaged in green plantings, allocation of arrays of green spaces that must be saved; digging and exporting trees and shrubs for landscaping other territories; roll and cutting trunks, cleaning of stumps and shrubs; cleaning the vegetable layer from the roots; Further in the above sequence;

in the territories occupied by buildings and communications, laying engineering communications that ensure the normal operation of objects and structures in this area, turning off the electricity, communications, gas, water, heat supply and sewage in the work areas; Removal, removal or rolling of vegetable soil in places of demolition of buildings, roads, sidewalks, sites, openings and removal of underground communications, fading trenches and pits; demolition of the ground part of buildings and structures; demolition of the underground part of buildings è structures; Flipping trenche and pita; Further in the above sequence;

after the end of construction and installation work Traveling device, sidewalks , Roads and pads with advanced coatings and fences, flooding of vegetable soil, the device of travel, sidewalks, tracks and sites with unprincipled types of coatings, planting green spaces, sowing lawns and planting flowers in flower beds, caring for green plantings.

1.13. Preparation of the construction areas for the construction site, as well as the improvement of the construction site after the completion of construction and installation work must be carried out within the following tolerances:

the biases of temporary drainage must be at least 3;

the thickness of rubbed, gravel and sand pillows under the foundations of improvement structures should be at least 10 cm;

the thickness of the sand bases under the premium elements of coatings should be at least 3 cm;

the height of the adjacent prefabricated elements of the improvement should be no more 5 mm;

the thickness of the seams of prefabricated coating elements should be no more 25 mm.

The coefficient of sealing soils must be at least 0,98 under coatings and no less 0,95 in other places.

1.14. The slight sealing mechanisms should include rollers on pneumatic tires weighing 15 8 t. To the heavy sealing mechanisms should include rollers on pneumatic tires weighing up to 35 t and rollers with smooth rollers weighing up 18 t.

1.15. Specialized organizations should be involved in the production of explosive work.

1.16. Lawns (seeded or acted) and flower beds should be water water with sprinkling after sewage, styling of turf or planting colors. Watering should be made at least two times a week for a month.

1.17. With the improvement of the territories of deviation from design dimensions should not exceed:

high-rise marks when working with vegetable grounds ± 5 cm, when the base of the base under coating and coatings of all types of ± 5 cm;

the thickness of the layers of frost-proof, insulating, draining, as well as the bases and coatings of all kinds of ± 10%, but not more than 20 mm; vegetable soil ± 20%;

it is allowed to lumen under the three-meter rail on the bases and coatings: from soils, crushed stone, gravel and slag —15 mm; from asphalt concrete, bitumenineral mixtures and cement concrete 5 mm; lawn not allowed;

the width of the base layer or coating of all kinds, except for cement concrete, —10 cm from cement concrete 5 cm.

2. Clearing territories

And preparation of them to build

2.1. Clearing territories and preparations of them to build should begin with preliminary marking points and embalts of plant soil and its removal, with protection against damage or transplantation used in further plants, as well as from the device of the time removal of water from the surface of the construction site.

2.2. Construction of constant drainage, coinciding with the structures of temporary drainage, should be erected in the process of preparing the territory for construction. These facilities include: cuvettes, ditches, water pipes under roads and travel, bypass trays and devices to reduce the flow rate of water.

Artificial structures at the intersections of temporary surface drainage with temporary roads and drives should pass surface and flooded water from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment for this artificial structure and have unnewable row attachments at approaches to structures and for them. With the device of artificial structures, a building rise should be resistant 5 See on the axis of the road or travel. The surface of the trough under the base should have a bias in the direction of water flow and be sealed to the density at which the sealing trace compensation does not appear. Gravel or crushed stone base should be seal to the stable position. The depth of the installation of spurs from the top of the base under the construction must be at least 50 cm.

2.3. The deposit of the precast concrete elements of artificial structures should be performed on the cement solution of the brand not lower 200, cooked on portland cement brands not lower 400 (composition of the solution 1:3, mobility 6 8 CM diving standard cone). Junction stakes are reinforced concrete pipe must be isolated by sizing them with two layers of rubberoid on hot bitumen mastic. Insulation should be applied according to a predetermined seam surface. Skin joints should be caught by a smallest strand with a subsequent bess chacking with cement mortar.

2.4. Prefabricated plates of trays should be laid on a sandy base. Plates must be based on the entire support surface, which is achieved by the compression of stoves with mobile loads. When assembling the plates, plates should be stacked closely.

2.5. Green plants that are not subject to cutting or transplant should be protected by a common fence. The trunks of detached trees falling into the work area of \u200b\u200bthe work should be protected from damage, lining them with waste lumber. Separate bushes should be transplant.

When squeezing or cutting of the soil in the zones of the saved green plantings, the size of the wells and glasses in the trees should be at least 0,5 Diameter crown and no more 30 cm in height from the existing surface of the earth in the tree trunk.

Trees and shrubs suitable for landscaping should be dug or transferred to a specially designated security zone.

2.6. Clearing the territory from trees can be performed with a cutting of trees in place and the subsequent export of logs or with a cutting of fallen trees aside.

2.7. Korchevka Stumps should be produced by dishes. Separate stumps that are not amenable to Korchevka should split the explosions. Cleaning the emerged stumps with a move of them to 1,5 km should produce bulldozers (at least 4 Machines in the group).

2.8. Clearing the territory of the trees along with the root should be performed by bulldozers or disgusts with highly raised dumps, ranging from the middle of the massive trees. Trees with a roll should be laid by the vertices to the middle. At the end of the rolls, trees together with the roots are gratened to the place of their cutting.

2.9. Cleaning scraps of roots from the vegetable layer should be made immediately after cleaning the territory from the stumps and logs. Purples of the roots should be extracted from the vegetable layer with parallel passages of disgusts with ardent dumps. Separated roots and bushes should be removed from the cleared territory in specially designated places for subsequent removal or burning.

2.10. Preparations for the construction of the territory engaged in buildings should begin with the removal of communications used in the construction process, turning off the gas supply at entering it into the territory and purge of the disconnected gas nets with compressed air, and water supply, sewage, heat supply, electricity and communication On the inputs of them to the subjects to be demolished as needed in their demolition. After disconnecting the communication, the possibility of re-inclusion them must be excluded without the permission of the relevant services, as well as fire and sanitary supervision.

2.11. Full or partial disassembly of buildings or their the demolition should begin with the withdrawal of individual structural elements that are recognized appreciated to use re-in conditions of a particular construction. Elements that can be seized only after partial disassembly of the structure must be protected from damage during disassembly.

2.12. Disassembly of buildings should be started with removal of heating and ventilation devices, sanitary equipment and installation electrical equipment, communications equipment and radio, gas supply equipment. Not to be seized wires, risers and wiring, which can serve as bonds in the disassembly of the building, should be cut into parts excluding the possibility of formation of these ties.

Simultaneously, suitable hardware, metal elements of fences, parts of floors, etc., can be removed for future use, part of the building.

2.13. Wooden non-separable, stone and concrete structures should be demolished by flushing and collapse with subsequent removal of scrap or by burning wooden buildings in place.

Before the collapse of the vertical parts of the structure, the upper coating elements should be removed, which can create interference when carrying out demolition operations. Vertical parts of the structure should be engaged inward. When used to demolish the structure of a truck crane or an excavator-crane, a metal ball should be used as a shock element, the weight of which should not exceed half of the mechanism loading capacity with the highest arrows. In some cases, explosive work should be applied to pre-weakening buildings.

2.14. The possibility of burning the wooden structure in place or scrap from its disassembly in a specially designated place should be consistent with the local councils of workers deputies, as well as with the fire and sanitary inspection.

2.15. Wooden collapsible buildings should be disassembled, rejecting prefabricated elements for subsequent use. When disassembling, each separated prefabricated element must be pre-limited in a steady position.

2.16. Scrap from the disassembly of stone buildings, suitable for further use, should be sifted to separate wooden I.Metallic components from it.

2.17. Monolithic reinforced concrete and metal structures should be dealt with a specially designed demolition scheme that ensures the stability of the structure as a whole. The largest weight of the reinforced concrete block or metal element should not exceed half of the cranes of the cranes with the greatest arrows. Membership on blocks should be started with opening of reinforcement. The block is then fixed, after which the cutting of reinforcement and the block of block are produced. Metal elements should be cut off after the link.

2.18. Precast reinforced concrete structures should understand the demolition scheme, the inverse installation scheme. Before starting withdrawal, the element must be exempt from connections.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that are unsenongable to elementary separation should be dismembered as monolithic.

2.19. Underground parts of buildings and structures, if necessary, must be examined in separate characteristic sites. According to the results of the survey, you should refine how to disassemble them.

2.20. The foundation to be demolished should be opened in the place of education of the initial slaughter. Foundations from butt clips should be disassembled using shock fixtures and excavator. Boot concrete and concrete foundations should be hacked up with shock fixtures or by shaking explosions with subsequent withdrawal of scrap. Reinforced concrete foundations should be disassembled, starting from exposure and cutting fittings and subsequent membership of them to blocks.

2.21. Work on the disassembly of roads, sidewalks, platforms and underground communications should begin with the removal of plant soil in the disassembly areas adjacent to them and cleaning it into specially reserved places.

2.22. Asphalt coatings of roads, sidewalks and platforms should be disassembled by cutting or hacking asphalt concrete and exporting it for subsequent processing.

2.23. Cement concrete coatings and bases for coating (monolithic) should be broken by concrete machines with subsequent injection and removal of concrete scrap.

2.24. Crushed stone and gravel coatings and bases for coating should be disassembled, avoiding contamination of these materials by the underlying soil. The removal of rubbed and gravel coatings and base bases should begin with loosening coating or base, storage in piles of rubble or gravel, removing curb stones with subsequent removal of guidelines for reuse.

2.25. Sand base thick 5 See should be disassembled, having in mind the possibility of subsequent use of sand.

2.26. Underground communications should be tear off areas without exposing the risk of flooding with surface or groundwater. Opening should be made of excavators. Places of cutting or disassembly of communications must be cleaned additionally.

2.27. The pipeline networks of the chambed gasket should be disassembled using them into separate components or by separating the bell joints. Cables of the chamberless gasket must be opened with excavators, free from the protective coating, examined and with the possibility of reuse to be elevated with the sealing ends, clean and sweeping on the drums.

2.28. Pipelines laid in non-voluntary channels should be disassembled in such a sequence: to open the channel, remove the plates (shells), covering the pipelines on top, remove the insulation of pipelines in the places of dismemberment, cut pipelines and remove them from the channel, disassemble and remove the remaining combined channel elements, crack and remove from the trench of the monolithic channel elements from the trench, examine the seized elements of the pipelines and the channel in order to reuse, release the place of work from the removed elements and scrap, float the trench with layer-by-layer soil seal.

2.29. Cables laid in cable collectors should be examined, miscurrent, close the ends and remove from the channels, pushing cables on the drums. Next, work should be performed on the seizure of channel elements in the sequence set forth for pipelines laid in non-recovery channels.

2.30. Trenches and pitted from underground parts of buildings è Communications having a width of more than three meters should be filled with a layer-by-layer seal regardless of the time of subsequent construction work at this place, with the exception of tranches and boobs that fall into the kittle's zone for newly under construction buildings and structures.

2.31. Acceptance of the territories after their clearing and preparation for improvement should be carried out with the following requirements:

ground and underground buildings and facilities to be demolished must be eliminated. The elimination of underground facilities should be covered with soil and are compacted;

the temporary drainage, excluding flooding and the convergence of individual places and the entire development area as a whole, must be completed;

green plantations to be preserved on a built-in area should be reliably protected from possible damage in the construction process. Stumps, trunks of trees, bushes and roots after cleaning against them of the built-in territory should be taken out, eliminated or stored in specially reserved places;

vegetable primer must be assembled in specially designated places, it is designed and strengthened;

earth and planning work must be fully fulfilled. Mattles to the excavation should be sealed to the design coefficient of density and are planted before the design marks.

3. Trains, pedestrian walkways

And platforms

3.1. During the construction of intra-ordinary travel, sidewalks, pedestrian tracks and platforms, the requirements of the head of the SNiP "Car Roads" must be followed. The rules of this section contain features on the construction of intra-ordinary passages, sidewalks, pedestrian tracks, sites, exterior stairs, ramps, messshesteok and borders. When building pedestrian tracks width more 2 m should take into account the possibility of traveling vehicles with axial loads to 8 T (Polywed cars, cars with sliding testers, etc.). Coatings of intra-ordinary travel, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways and platforms should provide removal of surface waters, should not be sources of dirt and dust into dry weather.

3.2. In-departments, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways and platforms must be built by a wrapping profile; Used during the construction period should be equipped with a temporary open drainage. The curbon stone on these drives and platforms should be set after the completion of the planning work on the territories adjacent to them at a distance of at least 3 m.

3.3. In the districts of permafrost in order to preserve the underlying soils in the frozle state, clearing places of laying of travel, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways and sites should be made in winter and only within the boundaries of their gasket. Violation of the vegetable and moss layer is not allowed. Additional frost-protective and waterproofing base layers under these structures should be carried out in compliance with by their protection against damage by vehicles, smoking and sealing machines, as well as to protect against pollution. When a moroto-protection layer is removed, the soil is removed should be removed immediately before the mismatch of the frost-protective layer. Waterproofing layers of rolled materials should be arranged in relation to the direction of water flow of water with overlapping of insulating material 10 See the additional layer of soil, dumbfounded over the waterproofing layer, should have a thickness of at least 30 See and fumble away from yourself.

With the device of additional layers, their thickness and purity should be checked with the selection of at least one sample on the area not more than 500 M. 2 And at least five samples with a dumbbed area.

3.4. For the lower and middle layers of rubble bases and coatings for travel, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways and playgrounds should be applied to crushed stone fractions 40—70 and 70—120 mm; For the upper layers of bases and coatings 40—70 mm, for folding 5—10 mm; For gravel bases and coatings, an optimal gravel mixture of fractions should be applied. 40—120 mm, for folding — 5—10 mm.

3.5. Crushed stone and gravel in the layer should be seal three times. In the first rainfall, the cripping of the placer should be achieved and a stable position of rubble or gravel was ensured. To the second pitching should be reached the rigidity of the base or coating due to the mutual setting of fractions. The formation of a dense bark in the upper part of the layer should be achieved in the third Raytach, by splitting the surface with small fractions. Signs of the end of the seal in the second and third periods are the absence of mobility of rubble or gravel, stopping the formation of the wave before the rink, the absence of a trace of roller, as well as the crushing of individual crushes or gravel grains with roller rollers, but not induction to the top layer.

3.6. When laying slag bases and coatings, the largest thickness of the slag sealing layer (in dense state) should not exceed 15 see slags should be watered before the distribution of the earth canter at the rate of 30 l waters on 1 m 3 of an infertable slag. Slag seal should be performed first with light rollers without watering, and then severe, with watering small doses at the rate of 60 L / m 3 of an unplicated slag. After Radin, the slag base (coating) should be water during 10—12 days from the calculation 2,5 L / m 3 of an unplicated slag.

3.7. The material of the lower layers of rubberial, gravel and sand bases under the coating, as well as rubbed and gravel coatings stacked on the converted, pre-compact and converted surface of the earthen canvase or trough, should be distributed only from themselves. Width grooves should be cut in front of the material distribution on the converted surface 20—25 cm and a depth of no less thickness of the converged layer. Grooves should be positioned at no more 3 m one of the other and cut into a slope or at an angle 30-60 ° To the direction of the slope. The soil from the grooves must be removed beyond the coating. Water removal in the grooves should be performed 3 m from the boundaries of the coating. The slope of the grooves must or repeat the slope of the surface, or be at least 2%. The distribution of rubble, gravel and sand should be made only from the highest marks to the lower. The thickness of the separated layer of rubble, gravel and sand should be such in which it does not happen the extrusion of the moistened soil through the pores of the distributed material. When distributing rubble, gravel and sand, it is necessary to ensure that the drainage grooves fall asleep first. Movement of machines and people along the overwhelmed soil of the fallen surface is not allowed.

3.8. In winter, it is allowed to arrange gravel, crushed stone and slag bases and coatings. The bases and coatings of the rubble of high-strength rocks should be solved with limestone crushes. Before the base distribution, the surface of the earth cannol must be cleaned of snow and ice. The base material or coating must be compacted and is disclosed without watering before the end of the death. The thickness of the sealing layer of the material is no more 15 cm (in a tight condition). The bases and coatings of active domain slags should be arranged from slag fractions less 70 Mm for both the lower and the top layer. Before laying upper layers along the bottom layer follows 15—20 Days to open the movement of the structured transport. During thaws and in front of the spring snow, the layer must be cleaned from snow and ice. The correction of deformations should be carried out only after stabilization and dying of the ground of the earth canvas and all layers of base and coating, as well as checking the degree of their seal. A device for concrete bases and coatings with additives of chloride salts is also allowed.

3.9. When the device of rubbed, gravel and slag bases and coatings should be checked: the quality of materials; planning of the surface of the earth canvas; The thickness of the base layer or coating at the rate of one promoter on 2000 m 2, but not less than five industries on any square; The degree of seal.

3.10. Coating garden tracks and platforms should be performed of the four layers. When the device of garden tracks and platforms, the following layers of layers should be taken: lower (from rubble, gravel, slag) thickness less 60 mm, upper inclusive thickness 20 mm, upper (from extending stone materials and slag) thickness not less 10 mm and coating (out of pure sand) with a thickness of at least 5 mm. Each of the layers after a uniform distribution must be sealed with watering water.

3.11. Asphalt concrete coatings are allowed only to dry weather. The bases for asphalt concrete coatings must be purified from dirt and dry. The air temperature when laying asphalt concrete coatings from hot and cold mixtures should not be lower + 5 ° With spring and summer and not lower than + 10 ° in autumn. The air temperature when laying asphalt concrete coatings from heat mixtures should not be lower than -10 ° C.

3.12* Base or layer of previously laid asphalt concrete 3—5 h before laying asphalt concrete mixture should be treated with a discharged or liquid bitumen or bitumen emulsion at the rate 0,5 L / m 2. Pre-processing by bitumen or bitumen the emulsion is not required in the case of styling asphalt concrete based on the formation constructed with the treatment with organic knitting materials, or on the freshly fastened lower asphalt concrete layer.

State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs (Gosstroy USSR)


Rules of production and acceptance of work

Improvement of territories

Approved by the Resolution of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the construction of September 25, 1975 No. 158

Moscow, Stroyzdat. 1979.


1.1. The rules of this chapter should be observed in the production and acceptance of work on the improvement of the territory, including the preparation of them to build, working with vegetable soil, the device of intra-ordinary travel, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, sites, fences, open planar sports facilities, recreation facilities and landscaping.

The rules apply to work on the improvement of territories and sections of the placement of objects of housing and civil, cultural and industrial and industrial purposes.

1.2. Work on the improvement of territories should be carried out in accordance with working drawings under the compliance with the technological requirements provided for by the rules of this chapter and work projects.

1.3. Work on the preparation of the territory should be started with marking places of collection and obmissions of vegetable soil, as well as plants transplanting places to be used to landscap in the territory.

1.4. The device of various types of coatings of internal travel, sidewalks and platforms is allowed on any stable underlying soils, the carrying ability of which is changed under the influence of natural factors by no more than 20%.

1.5. As underlying soils, it is allowed to use drainage and unfinished sandy, samp and clay soils of all varieties, as well as slags, ash and slags and inorganic construction trash. The possibility of using soils as underlying should be specified in the project and confirmed by the construction laboratory.

1.6. Vegetable soil to be removed from the built-in area should be cut off, move into specially selected places and stored. When working with vegetable soil, it is necessary to protect it from mixing with the underlying unimpressive soil, from contamination, erosion and weathering.

The vegetable soil used for landscaping the territories, depending on climatic subarea, should be harvested by removing the top cover of the Earth to depth:

7-20 cm - with podzolic prizes in climatic subheeons with the average monthly temperatures of January minus 28 ° C and below, July - ± 0 ° C and above, harsh long winter with a height of snow cover up to 1.2 m and permanently soils. The perplexed primer should be harvested in summer as it is thawing and moved to dumps to roads for subsequent removal;

up to 25 cm - with borous and serous soils in climatic subarea with the average monthly temperatures of January minus 15 ° C and higher and July + 25 ° C and higher, with hot sunny summer, short winter period and sediments;

7-20 cm - on podzolic soils and 60-80 cm - with chestnut and black soil soils of other climatic subneecons.

The thickness of the dismantled non-relaxed layer of vegetable soil should be at least 15 cm during podzolic soils and 30 cm for other soils and in all climatic subheeons.

1.7. The suitability of vegetable soil for landscaping must be installed by laboratory tests.

Improving the mechanical composition of vegetable soil should be administered by the introduction of additives (sand, peat, lime, etc.) with the spreadsheet of vegetable soil by two-three-three stirring of soil and additives,

Improving vegetation soil fertility should be administered to the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers in the upper layer of vegetable soil during its piping.

1.8. After removing the vegetable soil, drainage should be provided from the entire surface of the construction site.

1.9. When working with the soil, the following division values \u200b\u200bshould be taken into account: vegetable soil, sands with a dimension module less than 2 and connected soils - 1.35; Soil mixtures, sands with a dimension module more than 2, gravel, stone and brick crushed stone, slags - 1.15.

1.10. The humidity of the soil used in the landscaping of the territories should be about 15% of its full moisture intensity. In case of insufficient humidity, the soil should be artificially moistened. The maximum humidity of the soil should not exceed the optimal: for dust sand and lungs of large sophons - by 60%; for soupy lungs and dusty - by 35%; For the sophons of heavy dust, lungs and lungs of dusty - by 30%; For the loams of heavy and heavy dust - by 20%.

1.11. Materials used in the work of work on the improvement of territories are indicated in the project and must meet the requirements of the relevant standards and technical conditions.

Unfertured types of bases and coatings, as well as bases and coatings for sports facilities, should be carried out from the following basic materials: rubble, gravel, brick rubble and slag with a fraction of 5-120 mm, stone, brick and slag crumbs with a fraction size of 2-5 mm , Evidence of construction waste without organic inclusions, as well as from sands with a filtration coefficient of at least 2.5 m / day.

Improved types of bases and coatings should be carried out from the following basic materials: the monolithic road concrete brand is not lower than 300, the precast concrete road panels of the brand are not lower than 300, as well as from asphalt mixtures: hot (with laying temperature not lower than + 110 ° C), warm ( With the laying temperature is not lower than + 80 ° C) and cold (with the laying temperature not lower than + 10 ° C).

1.12. Preparation of territories for development should be performed in the following technological sequence:

in the territories free from buildings and green spaces - removal of plant soil in directions of temporary surface drainage, as well as in places of maternity work and removal or dilution of this soil; the device of temporary surface drainage with the construction of small artificial structures at the intersections with transport paths;

in the territories engaged in green plantings - the allocation of arrays of green plantings, which must be saved; digging and exporting trees and shrubs for landscaping other territories; roll and cutting trunks, cleaning of stumps and shrubs; cleaning the vegetable layer from the roots; Further in the above sequence;

in the territories engaged in buildings and communications - the laying of engineering communications that ensure the normal operation of objects and structures in this area, turning off electricity, communications, gas, water, heat supply and sewage in the work areas; Removal, removal or rolling of vegetable soil in places of demolition of buildings, roads, sidewalks, sites, openings and removal of underground communications, fading trenches and pits; demolition of the ground part of buildings and structures; demolition of underground part of buildings and structures; Flipping trenche and pita; Further in the above sequence;

after the end of construction and installation works - a device of travel, sidewalks, tracks and pads with advanced coatings and fences, laying of vegetable soil, a device of passing, sidewalks, tracks and sites with unprinted coatings, planting green plantings, planting lawns and landing flowers in flower beds, Care for green plantings.

1.13. Preparation of the construction areas for the construction site, as well as the improvement of the construction site after the completion of construction and installation work must be carried out within the following tolerances:

the biases of temporary drainage must be at least 3;

the thickness of rubbed, gravel and sand pillows under the foundations of improvement structures should be at least 10 cm;

the thickness of the sand bases under the prefabricated elements of coatings should be at least 3 cm;

the height of the adjacent prefabricated elements of the improvement should be no more than 5 mm;

the thickness of the seams of prefabricated coating elements should be no more than 25 mm.

The coefficient of sealing of the hydrations must be at least 0.98 under coatings and at least 0.95 in other places.

1.14. The slight sealing mechanisms should include rollers on pneumatic tires weighing up to 15 tons and rollers with smooth rollers weighing up to 8 tons. To heavy sealing mechanisms, it is necessary to include rollers on pneumatic tires weighing up to 35 tons and rollers with smooth rollers weighing up to 18 tons.

1.15. Specialized organizations should be involved in the production of explosive work.

1.16. Lawns (seeded or acted) and flower beds should be water water with sprinkling after sewage, styling of turf or planting colors. Watering should be made at least two times a week for a month.

1.17. With the improvement of the territories of deviation from design dimensions should not exceed:

high-rise marks when working with vegetable grounds ± 5 cm, when the base of the base under coating and coatings of all types of ± 5 cm;

the thickness of layers of frost-proof, insulating, draining, as well as bases and coatings of all kinds of ± 10%, but not more than 20 mm; vegetable soil ± 20%;

it is allowed to lumen under the three-meter rail on bases and coatings: from soils, rubberized, gravel and slag -15 mm; from asphalt concrete, bitumenineral mixtures and cement concrete - 5 mm; lawn - not allowed;

the width of the base layer or coating of all kinds, in addition to cement concrete, -10 cm, from cement concrete - 5 cm.

2. Clearing the territories and prepare them to build

2.1. Clearing the territories and preparations for the development should begin with the preliminary markup of the places of collection and obmissions of vegetable soil and its removal, with protection against damage or transplantation used in further plants, as well as from the device temporarily removal of water from the surface of the construction site.

2.2. Construction of constant drainage, coinciding with the structures of temporary drainage, should be erected in the process of preparing the territory for construction. These facilities include: cuvettes, ditches, water pipes under roads and travel, bypass trays and devices to reduce the flow rate of water.

Artificial structures at the intersections of temporary surface drainage with temporary roads and drives should pass surface and flooded water from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment for this artificial structure and have unnewable row attachments at approaches to structures and for them. With the device of artificial structures, a building rise of at least 5 cm on the axis of the road or travel should be set. The surface of the trough under the base should have a bias in the direction of water flow and be sealed to the density at which the sealing trace compensation does not appear. Gravel or crushed stone base should be seal to the stable position. The depth of the installation of spurs from the top of the base for the construction should be at least 50 cm.

2.3. The deployment of precast concrete elements of artificial structures should be performed on a cement solution of the brand not lower than 200, prepared on portland cement of the brand not lower than 400 (composition of the solution 1: 3, mobility 6-8 cm of diving of the standard cone). The junctions of the links of reinforced concrete pipes should be isolated by sizing them with two layers of rubberoid on hot bitumen mastic. Insulation should be applied according to a predetermined seam surface. Skin joints should be caught by a smallest strand with a subsequent bess chacking with cement mortar.

2.4. Prefabricated plates of trays should be laid on a sandy base. Plates must be based on the entire support surface, which is achieved by the compression of stoves with mobile loads. When assembling the plates, plates should be stacked closely.

2.5. Green plants that are not subject to cutting or transplant should be protected by a common fence. The trunks of detached trees falling into the work area of \u200b\u200bthe work should be protected from damage, lining them with waste lumber. Separate bushes should be transplant.

When swelling or cutting of the soil in the zones of the remained green plantings, the size of the wells and glasses in the trees should be at least 0.5 diameters of the crown and not more than 30 cm in height from the existing surface of the earth in the tree trunk.

Trees and shrubs suitable for landscaping should be dug or transferred to a specially designated security zone.

2.6. Clearing the territory from trees can be performed with a cutting of trees in place and the subsequent export of logs or with a cutting of fallen trees aside.

2.7. Korchevka Stumps should be produced by dishes. Separate stumps that are not amenable to Korchevka should split the explosions. The cleaning of the emerged stumps with a slide to 1.5 km should be produced by groups of bulldozers (at least 4 cars in the group).

Rules of the device Otzostki Adjusted by a number of regulatory documents, in each of which many requirements are spelled out. Therefore, to look for a SNIP to break as the only norms make no sense: if you want to do everything with compliance with the requirements, you will have to observe them all. At one time, I collected a rather large number of excerpts from the requirements for the device of the device to apply to the court to the Customer's service, for its representatives rudely broke the rules for compiling the estimated documentation, reflecting both incorrect and non-existent values \u200b\u200bin it. We will analyze everything consistently.

General requirements for reasons (on SNiP 2.02.01 83)

By SNiP 2.02.01 83.which is often determined as a SNIP to the breakfast, only the general moments of the buildings of buildings and structures are regulated, including calculations for deformation, the impact of groundwater and other similar things. Appropriate, SNIP 2.02.01 83 can be guided for general calculations and fulfillment of basic requirements for soils, etc. However, specific values \u200b\u200bdo not determine this document, in connection with what to recommend it as the only one is not possible.

General requirements for the improvement of territories (SNIP III-10-75)

"The scene on the perimeter of buildings should be tightly adjacent to the central base. The slope of the scene must be at least 1% and not more than 10%.

In places inaccessible to work mechanisms, the base under the unit is allowed to be sealing manually until the fingerprint disappears from the shocks and stop the movement of the sealing material.

The outer edge of the scene within the rectilinear sites should not have curvatures horizontally and vertically more than 10 mm. Concrete Options in Frost resistance must meet the requirements for Road concrete "

Assocative item above, the requirements for concrete for must satisfy "GOST 9128-97 *. Mixes asphalt concrete road, airfield and asphalt concrete. Technical conditions "and" GOST 7473-94. Mixtures concrete. Technical conditions. "

Requirements of technical supervision services (SNIP instructions)

We study another regulatory document, which is called the "scheme of operational quality control of construction, repair and construction and installation work." Documents of this type are used by technical supervision services as instructions to perform surveys of objects and quality control:

1. Technical requirements: According to SNiP 3.04.01-87 Table. 20, SNIP III-10-75 p. 3.26

2. Allowed deviations: slope coverage from given - 0.2% of the width of the scene; The surfaces of the asphalt or concrete coating from the plane when checking the two-meter rail - 5 mm; surfaces of rubbed preparation from the plane when checking the two-meter rail - 15 mm; The thickness of the coating of the scene from the project - -5% - + 10%. The scene on the perimeter of the building should be tightly adjacent to the basement. The slope of the building from the building should be at least 1% and not more than 10%.

The width of the scene must be: with clay soils - at least 100 cm; With sandy soils - at least 70 cm.

3. Not allowed In a concrete monolithic break, the presence of cracks, shells and depressions.

For the preparation of the foundation (evenness, the quality of the seal), an act of examining hidden work should be issued under the breakdown. Here I will insert a note: If the technical supervision is refused to sign acts, suspend the work, and require an official or signing or a written reasonable refusal. Before the customer, all hold on Tekadzor - they are obliged to sign your acts or refuse to substantiate. Words do not believe, because if you (or you) give to arbitration, then permission to pour concrete without acts, only in words, will not appeal. Failure to sign acts (oral) write to the voice recorder. Require your and send everyone - if you are substituted, you will pay exactly you, and not the customer, and even more so, not tehnadzor. Let's tear it well. We will continue.

4. Requirements for the quality of the materials used: GOST 9128-97 *. Mixes asphalt concrete road, airfield and asphalt concrete. Technical conditions; GOST 7473-94. Mixtures concrete. Technical conditions.

Concrete mixes should be characterized by the following indicators: classforce; convenientness; the view and number of source materials (binders, aggregates, additives); The size of the aggregates.

In coordination with the design organization that carries out the supervision, the sample of the concrete mix on the place of laying them in the monolithic design is allowed. Conceptuality of the concrete mixture is determined for each batch no later than 20 minutes after the delivery of the mixture to the placement site.

Concrete mixes on the place of laying are accepted by volume. Finished concrete mixes should be delivered to the consumer with concrete mixers, concrete rooms. In coordination of the manufacturer with the consumer, it is allowed to deliver concrete mixtures by automobile and on cars in bunkers (Badjah).

Asphalt concrete mixes are characterized by the following indicators: the character of the mixture, depending on its temperature; asphalt concrete density; The greatest size of the mixture aggregate. The temperature of the hot mixtures during the release from the mixer must be no less than 140 ° C.

The quality control of asphalt concrete mixtures is produced on asphalt concrete factories in their manufacture, as well as when laying in the case. To control the quality of the mixture, select and experience in one sample from each batch. Each batch of the mixture upon delivery to the consumer must be accompanied by a document on quality. Let's insert another note: Documents should not be on the entire batch of concrete or asphalt, but for each mixer (dump truck). Require certificates for each flight - They are obliged to provide them. Sub-quality material Send back, for you can give a certificate for a batch of 100 cubes, and only 25 cubic cubes will be more or less complied with this certificate. We will continue.

Instructions for the production of work: According to SNiP III-10-75 p. 3.26

The base of the cabin from the asphalt concrete must be sealed with rubble or gravel with a size of 40-60 mm with an inximication of it into the ground with a roller or rubbing. A scenestone from monolithic concrete should be arranged on a sandy base compacted to a density coefficient not lower than 0.98.

Asphalt concrete scenes should be arranged from a hot mixture of factory preparation with a temperature of at least 120 ° C when it is laying. Concrete used for the scene, the frost resistance must match the road concrete and the brand should be at least M200.

Asphalt mixtures are allowed to lay only in dry weather. The bases under the coating must be cleaned of dirt. The air temperature when laying asphalt concrete coatings from hot mixtures should not be lower than + 5 ° C in spring and summer, and in the fall not lower than + 10 ° C. Special concrete or asphalt trays with a slope of at least 15% should be made to remove moisture from the drain pipes.

In general, this is such a quote. Pay attention to the lines: "Samples of the concrete mix on the place of laying them in the monolithic design is allowed do not select, but evaluate the strength of concrete according to the control of the manufacturer of the concrete mix" In practice, it usually means that you will have to cast several cubes from concrete and send them to the factory laboratory (without giving up tehnadzor). With each concrete plant, there is a laboratory in which the samples will test and give certificates that will need to show technical superrigase or customer (if you work directly with it). Cubes when casting need to be good, otherwise they can fall apart. I did forms for casting like this: I went to the garbage near the supermarket, rummaged in it, found pieces of five boxes for fruits and a piece of plywood. Of all this, I built self-made forms with cells, these are:

These things need to put on a solid surface (GCL, for example), pour concrete into them and a good tamper it. Then the forms must be broken and removed from them samples (in the photo below the portion of the samples turned out not very good quality). From each mixer it is necessary to prepare 3-4 cubes with a side of 15 cm., Finished products are better to complete the transportation in a rag. Strictly donate samples need not earlier than they raise primary strength (at least 7 days). In practice, the laboratory sometimes take them through a day, two, as soon as they are ready. If you work directly with the customer, do not forget to include in the estimate of the laboratory tests of concrete and the manufacture of samples for them. In Gos Names, you will have to do samples even if this is not reflected in the estimate.

This concerns "instructions." As you can see, SNIP 2.02.01 83 in the breakfast is not mentioned in general, which confirms the data above comments about the fact that this item can be considered only with general, indicative, and apply some information for calculations.

From TSN of the city of Moscow

"4.11.4 To ensure the surface water purification from buildings and structures, it is necessary to provide a device of a breakfast with reliable waterproofing in accordance with SNiP III-10. The slope of the scene should be taken at least 10 from the building. The width of the scene for buildings and structures is recommended to take 0.8-1.2 m, in complex geological conditions (soils with aster) - 1.5-3 m. In the case of an adjuncing building to pedestrian communications, the role of the sidewalk performs the sidewalk with a solid view of the coating "

This is how the requirements for the settlements of buildings "norms and rules for designing a comprehensive improvement in the city of Moscow MGSN 1.02-02 TSN 30-307-2002" are regulated. What is surprising, I carefully tried to discover a similar document and in St. Petersburg, but I could not find it. However, appealing to the fact that in this case the requirements set forth in the document are not caused by special climatic and other conditions, as well as conditions for construction and / or features of the operation of buildings and structures in a specific region, you can apply these figures and recommendations for the territory Petersburg.

Requirements for projects under construction on 384-FZ buildings

Article 25. Requirements for ensuring moisture protection

1. In the project documentation, building and structures should provide for design solutions, providing:

1) drainage from the outer surfaces of the enclosing building structures, including roof, and from underground building structures of the building and facilities;

2) waterproof of the roof, exterior walls, floors, as well as the walls of underground floors and floors on the soil;

3) preventing condensate formation on the inner surface of the enclosing building structures, with the exception of translucent parts of windows and stained glass windows.

2. In the event that this is established in the design task, the project documentation should also provide for measures to prevent the flooding of premises and building structures during accidents on water supply systems.

As we see, unlike TSN and SNiP, 384-ФЗ only in general terms set out the requirements for waterproofing, being not a regulatory document, but by the governing. Appropriate, paragraph 2 of Article 25 indicates the provision of waterproof "walls of underground floors and floors on the ground," which includes both the waterproofing of the foundations and the device of the scene, these foundations of protecting.

Clearness requirements

As I suppose, the thickness of the layers (pillows) of sand, rubble and other things should be in the theory calculated on the materials of SNiP, part II, section in the "floors. Design standards. II-V.8-71. " Usually, nevertheless, the thickness of the sand layer takes at least 10 and to 15 cm., Rubble - at least 6 and to 9., and concrete - from 7 to 12 cm. (All in the solid, i.e., the rammed layer ). The standard average thickness of the breakfast from reinforced concrete for residential and public buildings (in practice) is 10 cm, and from asphalt concrete - 5 cm. Direct instructions on the minimum thickness of the scene I have not found anywhere.

However, according to PP. 3.1 and 3.128. "Guidelines for the design of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from heavy concrete without prior voltage", the thickness of the monolithic plates should be assigned and taken not less than 40 mm. This is not a regulatory document, but recommending. If you consider the breakfast by a monolithic design (like a beam plate), then, therefore, these recommendations are suitable for it too.

On this, the main requirements for the construction of reinforced concrete and other messages end. As you can see, they include not only SNiP, but also TSN norms, as well as all other notes, calculations and recommendations set out in the leading and recommending documents. Appropriate, B, if this is a state order, can also be set out any additional requirements. Naturally, in this case, the additional wishes of the customer should not contradict the established standards and rules, so it is necessary to be attentive before taking anyone in a row. It must be said that concrete work on state procurement is distinguished by a small value and draconian soldiers, as concrete as a typical material has the abyss of all tolerances, certificates and other bureaucracy.

Before the direction of e-treatment in Minstroy Russia, please read the rules of the work of this interactive service below.

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SNIP III-10-75
Registered by Rosstandard as SP 82.13330.2011. -
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Rules of production and acceptance of work

Improvement of territories

Date of introduction 1976 -07-01

The head of the SPIP III-10-75 "Improvement of the Territories" was developed by the Giprombommunster of the RSFSR Minzhilomhoz, with the participation of the CNIIEP of spectacular buildings and sports facilities. Gosportstroy, Institute "SoymagismismSportPrect" of the USSR Sports Committee and the Rostov Research Institute of the Academy of Communal Services. K.D. Pamfilova.

Editors: Engineers A.I. Dawdovov (Gosstroy USSR), L.N. Gavrikov (hypocommumunstroy Mnigilcommunhoz RSFSR).

Made by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR.

Approved by the Resolution of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the construction of September 25195 No. 158.

Instead of the head of SNIP III-K.2-67 and CH 37-58.


1.1. The rules of this chapter must be observed in the production and acceptance of work on the improvement of territories, including the preparation of them to build, working with vegetable ground, the device of intra-ordinary travel, sidewalks, pedestrian tracks, sites, fences, open planar sports facilities, equipment of recreation places and landscaping.

The rules apply to work on the improvement of territories and sections of the placement of objects of housing and civil, cultural and industrial and industrial purposes.

1.2. Work on the improvement of territories should be carried out in accordance with working drawings under the compliance with the technological requirements provided for by the rules of this chapter and work projects.

1.3. Work on the preparation of territories should be started with marking places of collection and obmissions of vegetable soil, as well as plants transplanting places to be used to landscap in the territory.

1.4. The device of various types of coatings of internal travel, sidewalks and platforms is allowed on any stable underlying soils, the carrying ability of which is changed under the influence of natural factors by no more than 20%.

1.5. As underlying soils, it is allowed to use drainage and unfinished sandy, samp and clay soils of all varieties, as well as slags, ash and slags and inorganic construction trash. The possibility of using soils as underlying should be specified in the project and confirmed by the construction laboratory.

1.6. Vegetable soil to be removed from the built-in area should be cut off, move into specially selected places and stored. When working with vegetable soil, it is necessary to protect it from mixing with the underlying unimpressive soil, from contamination, erosion and weathering.

The vegetable soil used for landscaping the territories, depending on climatic subarea, should be harvested by removing the top cover of the Earth to depth:

7-20 cm - with podzolic soils in climatic subarea with the average monthly temperatures of January minus 28 ° C and below, July - ± 0 ° C and above, harsh long winter with a height of snow cover up to 1.2 m and permanently soils. The perplexed primer should be harvested in summer as it is thawing and moved to dumps to roads for subsequent removal;

up to 25 cm - with borous and serous soils in climatic subarea with the average monthly temperatures of January minus 15 ° C and higher and July + 25 ° C and higher, with hot sunny summer, short winter period and sediments;

7-20 cm - on podzolic soils and 60-80 cm - with chestnut and black soil soils of other climatic subneecons.

The thickness of the dismantled non-relaxed layer of vegetable soil should be at least 15 cm during podzolic soils and 30 cm for other soils and in all climatic subheeons.

1.7. The suitability of vegetable soil for landscaping must be installed by laboratory tests.

Improving the mechanical composition of vegetable soil should be carried out by the introduction of additives (sand, peat, lime, etc.) with the spreadsheet of vegetable soil by two-three-three stirring of soil and additives.

Improving vegetation soil fertility should be administered to the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers in the upper layer of vegetable soil during its piping.

1.8. After removing the vegetable soil, drainage should be provided from the entire surface of the construction site.

1.9. When working with the soil, the following division values \u200b\u200bshould be taken into account: vegetable soil, sands with a dimension module less than 2 and connected soils - 1.35; Soil mixtures, sands with a dimension module more than 2, gravel, stone and brick crushed stone, slags - 1.15.

1.10. The humidity of the soil used in the landscaping of the territories should be about 15% of its full moisture intensity. In case of insufficient humidity, the soil should be artificially moistened. The maximum humidity of the soil should not exceed the optimal: for dust sand and lungs of large sophons - by 60%; for soupy lungs and dusty - by 35%; For the sophons of heavy dust, lungs and lungs of dusty - by 30%; For the loams of heavy and heavy dust - by 20%.

1.11. Materials used in the work of work on the improvement of territories are indicated in the project and must meet the requirements of the relevant standards and technical conditions.

Unfertured types of bases and coatings, as well as bases and coatings for sports facilities, should be carried out from the following basic materials: rubble, gravel, brick rubble and slag with a fraction of 5-120 mm, stone, brick and slag crumbs with a fraction size of 2-5 mm , Evidence of construction waste without organic inclusions, as well as from sands with a filtration coefficient of at least 2.5 m / day.

Improved types of bases and coatings should be carried out from the following basic materials: the monolithic road concrete brand is not lower than 300, the precast concrete road panels of the brand are not lower than 300, as well as from asphalt mixtures: hot (with laying temperature not lower than + 110 ° C), warm ( With the laying temperature is not lower than + 80 ° C) and cold (with the laying temperature not lower than + 10 ° C).

1.12. Preparation of territories for development should be performed in the following technological sequence:

in the territories free from buildings and green spaces - removal of plant soil in directions of temporary surface drainage, as well as in places of maternity work and removal or dilution of this soil; the device of temporary surface drainage with the construction of small artificial structures at the intersections with transport paths;

in the territories engaged in green plantings - the allocation of arrays of green plantings, which must be saved; digging and exporting trees and shrubs for landscaping other territories; roll and cutting trunks, cleaning of stumps and shrubs; cleaning the vegetable layer from the roots; Further in the above sequence;

in the territories engaged in buildings and communications - the laying of engineering communications that ensure the normal operation of objects and structures in this area, turning off electricity, communications, gas, water, heat supply and sewage in the work areas; Removal, removal or rolling of vegetable soil in places of demolition of buildings, roads, sidewalks, sites, openings and removal of underground communications, fading trenches and pits; demolition of the ground part of buildings and structures; demolition of underground part of buildings and structures; Flipping trenche and pita; Further in the above sequence;

after the end of construction and installation works - a device of travel, sidewalks, tracks and pads with advanced coatings and fences, laying of vegetable soil, a device of passing, sidewalks, tracks and sites with unprinted coatings, planting green plantings, planting lawns and landing flowers in flower beds, Care for green plantings.

1.13. Preparation of the construction areas for the construction site, as well as the improvement of the construction site after the completion of construction and installation work must be carried out within the following tolerances:

the biases of temporary drainage must be at least 3%;

the thickness of rubbed, gravel and sand pillows under the foundations of improvement structures should be at least 10 cm;

the thickness of the sand bases under the prefabricated elements of coatings should be at least 3 cm;

the height of the adjacent prefabricated elements of the improvement should be no more than 5 mm;

the thickness of the seams of prefabricated coating elements should be no more than 25 mm.

The coefficient of sealing of the hydrations must be at least 0.98 under coatings and at least 0.95 in other places.

1.14. The slight sealing mechanisms should include rollers on pneumatic tires weighing up to 15 tons and rollers with smooth rollers weighing up to 8 tons. To heavy sealing mechanisms, it is necessary to include rollers on pneumatic tires weighing up to 35 tons and rollers with smooth rollers weighing up to 18 tons.

1.15. Specialized organizations should be involved in the production of explosive work.

1.16. Lawns (seeded or acted) and flower beds should be water water with sprinkling after sewage, styling of turf or planting colors. Watering should be made at least two times a week for a month.

1.17. With the improvement of the territories of deviation from design dimensions should not exceed:

high-rise marks when working with vegetable grounds ± 5 cm, when the base of the base under coating and coatings of all types of ± 5 cm;

the thickness of layers of frost-proof, insulating, draining, as well as bases and coatings of all kinds of ± 10%, but not more than 20 mm; vegetable soil ± 20%;

it is allowed to lumen under the three-meter rail on the bases and coatings: from soils, rubbed, gravel and slag - 15 mm; from asphalt concrete, bitumenineral mixtures and cement concrete - 5 mm; lawn - not allowed;

the width of the base layer or coating of all kinds, in addition to cement concrete, - 10 cm, from cement concrete - 5 cm.

2. Clearing the territories and prepare them to build

2.1. Clearing the territories and preparations for the development should begin with the preliminary markup of the places of collection and obmissions of vegetable soil and its removal, with protection against damage or transplantation used in further plants, as well as from the device temporarily removal of water from the surface of the construction site.

2.2. Construction of constant drainage, coinciding with the structures of temporary drainage, should be erected in the process of preparing the territory for construction. These facilities include: cuvettes, ditches, water pipes under roads and travel, bypass trays and devices to reduce the flow rate of water.

Artificial structures at the intersections of temporary surface drainage with temporary roads and drives should pass surface and flooded water from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment for this artificial structure and have unnewable row attachments at approaches to structures and for them. With the device of artificial structures, a building rise of at least 5 cm on the axis of the road or travel should be set. The surface of the trough under the base should have a bias in the direction of water flow and be sealed to the density at which the sealing trace compensation does not appear. Gravel or crushed stone base should be seal to the stable position. The depth of the installation of spurs from the top of the base for the construction should be at least 50 cm.

2.3. The deployment of precast concrete elements of artificial structures should be performed on a cement solution of the brand not lower than 200, prepared on portland cement of the brand not lower than 400 (composition of the solution 1: 3, mobility 6-8 cm of diving of the standard cone). The junctions of the links of reinforced concrete pipes should be isolated by sizing them with two layers of rubberoid on hot bitumen mastic. Insulation should be applied according to a predetermined seam surface. Skin joints should be caught by a smallest strand with a subsequent bess chacking with cement mortar.

2.4. Prefabricated plates of trays should be laid on a sandy base. Plates must be based on the entire support surface, which is achieved by the compression of stoves with mobile loads. When assembling the plates, plates should be stacked closely.

2.5. Green plants that are not subject to cutting or transplant should be protected by a common fence. The trunks of detached trees falling into the work area of \u200b\u200bthe work should be protected from damage, lining them with waste lumber. Separate bushes should be transplant.

When swelling or cutting of the soil in the zones of the remained green plantings, the size of the wells and glasses in the trees should be at least 0.5 diameters of the crown and not more than 30 cm in height from the existing surface of the earth in the tree trunk.

Trees and shrubs suitable for landscaping should be dug or transferred to a specially designated security zone.

2.6. Clearing the territory from trees can be performed with a cutting of trees in place and the subsequent export of logs or with a cutting of fallen trees aside.

2.7. Korchevka Stumps should be produced by dishes. Separate stumps that are not amenable to Korchevka should split the explosions. The cleaning of the emerged stumps with a slide to 1.5 km should be produced by groups of bulldozers (at least 4 cars in the group).

2.8. Clearing the territory of the trees along with the root should be performed by bulldozers or disgusts with highly raised dumps, ranging from the middle of the massive trees. Trees with a roll should be laid by the vertices to the middle. At the end of the rolls, trees together with the roots are gratened to the place of their cutting.

2.9. Cleaning scraps of roots from the vegetable layer should be made immediately after cleaning the territory from the stumps and logs. Purples of the roots should be extracted from the vegetable layer with parallel passages of disgusts with ardent dumps. Separated roots and bushes should be removed from the cleared territory in specially designated places for subsequent removal or burning.

2.10. Preparation for the construction of the territory engaged in buildings should begin with the removal of communications used in the construction process, turning off the gas supply at its entry into the territory and purge of disconnected gas compressed air, and water supply, sewage, heat supply, electricity and communication - in the inputs to them demolition objects as needed to demolish them. After disconnecting the communications, the possibility of re-enabling them must be excluded without the permission of the relevant services, as well as fire and sanitary supervision.

2.11. Complete or partial disassembly of buildings or their demolition should begin with the seizure of individual structural elements, which are recognized as appropriate to use re-in conditions of a particular construction. Elements that can be seized only after partial disassembly of the structure must be protected from damage during disassembly.

2.12. Disassembly of buildings should be started with removal of heating and ventilation devices, sanitary equipment and installation electrical equipment, communications equipment and radio, gas supply equipment. Not to be seized wires, risers and wiring, which can serve as bonds in the disassembly of the building, should be cut into parts excluding the possibility of formation of these ties.

Simultaneously, suitable hardware, metal elements of fences, parts of floors, etc., can be removed for future use, part of the building.

2.13. Wooden non-separable, stone and concrete structures should be demolished by flushing and collapse with subsequent removal of scrap or by burning wooden buildings in place.

Before the collapse of the vertical parts of the structure, the upper coating elements should be removed, which can create interference when carrying out demolition operations. Vertical parts of the structure should be engaged inward. When used to demolish the structure of a truck crane or an excavator-crane, a metal ball should be used as a shock element, the weight of which should not exceed half of the mechanism loading capacity with the highest arrows. In some cases, explosive work should be applied to pre-weakening buildings.

2.14. The possibility of burning the wooden structure in place or scrap from its disassembly in a specially designated place should be consistent with the local councils of workers deputies, as well as with the fire and sanitary inspection.

2.15. Wooden collapsible buildings should be disassembled, rejecting prefabricated elements for subsequent use. When disassembling, each separated prefabricated element must be pre-limited in a steady position.

2.16. Scrap from disassembly of stone buildings suitable for further use should be sifted to separate wooden and metal components from it.

2.17. Monolithic reinforced concrete and metal structures should be dealt with a specially designed demolition scheme that ensures the stability of the structure as a whole. The largest weight of the reinforced concrete block or metal element should not exceed half of the cranes of the cranes with the greatest arrows. Membership on blocks should be started with opening of reinforcement. The block is then fixed, after which the cutting of reinforcement and the block of block are produced. Metal elements should be cut off after the link.

2.18. Precast reinforced concrete structures should understand the demolition scheme, the inverse installation scheme. Before starting withdrawal, the element must be exempt from connections.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that are unsenongable to elementary separation should be dismembered as monolithic.

2.19. Underground parts of buildings and structures, if necessary, must be examined in separate characteristic sites. According to the results of the survey, you should refine how to disassemble them.

2.20. The foundation to be demolished should be opened in the place of education of the initial slaughter. Foundations from butt clips should be disassembled using shock fixtures and excavator. Boot concrete and concrete foundations should be hacked up with shock fixtures or by shaking explosions with subsequent withdrawal of scrap. Reinforced concrete foundations should be disassembled, starting from exposure and cutting fittings and subsequent membership of them to blocks.

2.21. Work on the disassembly of roads, sidewalks, sites and underground communications should begin with the removal of plant soil in the disassembly areas adjacent to them and cleaning it in specially reserved places.

2.22. Asphalt coatings of roads, sidewalks and platforms should be disassembled by cutting or hacking asphalt concrete and exporting it for subsequent processing.

2.23. Cement concrete coatings and bases for coating (monolithic) should be broken by concrete machines with subsequent injection and removal of concrete scrap.

2.24. Crushed stone and gravel coatings and bases for coating should be disassembled, avoiding contamination of these materials by the underlying soil. The removal of rubbed and gravel coatings and the base bases should begin with loosening coating or base, storage in piles of rubble or gravel, removing curb stones with subsequent removal of the specified materials for reuse.

2.25. Sand base with a thickness of more than 5 cm should be disassembled, having in mind the possibility of subsequent use of sand.

2.26. Underground communications should be tear off areas without exposing the risk of flooding with surface or groundwater. Opening should be made of excavators. Places of cutting or disassembly of communications must be cleaned additionally.

2.27. The pipeline networks of the chambed gasket should be disassembled using them into separate components or by separating the bell joints. Cables of the chamberless gasket must be opened with excavators, free from the protective coating, examined and with the possibility of reuse to be elevated with the sealing ends, clean and sweeping on the drums.

2.28. Pipelines laid in non-voluntary channels should be disassembled in such a sequence: to open the channel, remove the plates (shells), covering the pipelines on top, remove the insulation of pipelines in the places of dismemberment, cut pipelines and remove them from the channel, disassemble and remove the remaining combined channel elements, Hacking and removed from the trench of the monolithic channel elements from the trench, examine the seized elements of the pipelines and the channel in order to reuse them, release the place of work from the removed elements and scrap, fall asleep the trench with a layer-by-layer soil seal.

2.29. Cables laid in cable collectors should be examined, miscurrent, close the ends and remove from the channels, pushing cables on the drums. Next, work should be performed on the seizure of channel elements in the sequence set forth for pipelines laid in non-recovery channels.

2.30. Trench and pitted from under the underground parts of buildings and communications having a width of more than three meters should be filled with layer-by-layer seal regardless of the time of subsequent construction work at this place, with the exception of tranches and catlovans entering the kittle's zone for newly under construction buildings and structures. .

2.31. Acceptance of the territories after their clearing and preparation for improvement should be carried out with the following requirements:

ground and underground buildings and facilities to be demolished must be eliminated. The elimination of underground facilities should be covered with soil and are compacted;

the temporary drainage, excluding flooding and the convergence of individual places and the entire development area as a whole, must be completed;

green plantations to be preserved on a built-in area should be reliably protected from possible damage in the construction process. Stumps, trunks of trees, bushes and roots after cleaning against them of the built-in territory should be taken out, eliminated or stored in specially reserved places;

vegetable primer must be assembled in specially designated places, it is designed and strengthened;

earth and planning work must be fully fulfilled. Mattles to the excavation should be sealed to the design coefficient of density and are planted before the design marks.

3. Arrangements, pedestrian walkways and sites

3.1. During the construction of intra-ordinary travel, sidewalks, pedestrian tracks and platforms, the requirements of the head of the SNiP "Car Roads" must be followed. The rules of this section contain features on the construction of intra-ordinary passages, sidewalks, pedestrian tracks, sites, exterior stairs, ramps, messshesteok and borders. When building pedestrian walkways, more than 2 m wide should be taken into account the possibility of traveling on them vehicles with axial loads up to 8 tons (polishing cars, cars with sliding testers, etc.). Coatings of intra-ordinary travel, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways and platforms should provide removal of surface waters, should not be sources of dirt and dust into dry weather.

3.2. In-departments, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways and platforms must be built by a wrapping profile; Used during the construction period should be equipped with a temporary open drainage. The curb stone on these drives and platforms should be set after the completion of the planning work on the territories adjacent to them at a distance of at least 3 m.

3.3. In the districts of permafrost in order to preserve the underlying soils in the frozle state, clearing places of laying of travel, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways and sites should be made in winter and only within the boundaries of their gasket. Violation of the vegetable and moss layer is not allowed. Additional frost-proof and waterproofing layers of bases under these structures should be carried out in compliance with measures to protect against damage by vehicles that spots and sealing machines, as well as to protect them from pollution. When a moroto-protection layer is removed, the soil is removed should be removed immediately before the mismatch of the frost-protective layer. The waterproofing layers of roll materials should be arranged with respect to the direction of water flow of water with overlapping of insulating material by 10 cm. The additional layer of soil, swept over the waterproofing layer, should have a thickness of at least 30 cm and fuse from itself.

With the device of additional layers, their thickness and purity should be checked with a selection of at least one sample on an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 500 square meters and at least five samples with a dumbbed area.

3.4. For the lower and middle layers of rubble bases and coatings for travel, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways and platforms should be applied rubble fractions 40-70 and 70-120 mm; For the upper layers of bases and coatings - 40-70 mm, for the crushing - 5-10 mm; For gravel bases and coatings, an optimal gravel mixture of fractions 40-120 mm should be used, for the crushing - 5-10 mm.

3.5. Crushed stone and gravel in the layer should be seal three times. In the first rainfall, the cripping of the placer should be achieved and a stable position of rubble or gravel was ensured. To the second pitching should be reached the rigidity of the base or coating due to the mutual setting of fractions. The formation of a dense bark in the upper part of the layer should be achieved in the third Raytach, by splitting the surface with small fractions. Signs of the end of the seal in the second and third periods are the absence of mobility of rubble or gravel, stopping the formation of the wave before the rink, the absence of a trace of roller, as well as the crushing of individual crushes or gravel grains with roller rollers, but not induction to the top layer.

3.6. When slag bases and coatings, the largest thickness of the slag sealing layer (in a dense state) should not exceed 15 cm. The slag should be poured before the distribution along the earthen canvase at the rate of 30 liters of water per 1 cubic meter. The slag seal should be performed first with light rollers without watering, and then severe, with irrigated small doses at the rate of up to 60 l / cubic meters. After Radin, the slag base (coating) should be poured within 10-12 days at the rate of 2.5 l / cubic member of the non-relative slag.

3.7. The material of the lower layers of rubberial, gravel and sand bases under the coating, as well as rubbed and gravel coatings stacked on the converted, pre-compact and converted surface of the earthen canvase or trough, should be distributed only from themselves. Before the distribution of the material on the converted surface, drainage grooves 20-25 cm wide and a depth of no less thickness of the mooring layer should be cut. The grooves should be placed at a distance of not more than 3 m one from the other and cut into the slope or at an angle of 30-60 ° to the direction of the slope. The soil from the grooves must be removed beyond the coating. Water removal in the grooves should be made 3 m from the coating boundaries. The slope of the grooves must or repeat the slope of the covered surface, or be at least 2%. The distribution of rubble, gravel and sand should be made only from the highest marks to the lower. The thickness of the separated layer of rubble, gravel and sand should be such at which there is no extrusion of the moistened soil through the pores of the material distributed. When distributing rubble, gravel and sand, it is necessary to ensure that the drainage grooves fall asleep first. Movement of machines and people along the overwhelmed soil of the fallen surface is not allowed.

3.8. In winter, it is allowed to arrange gravel, crushed stone and slag bases and coatings. The bases and coatings of the rubble of high-strength rocks should be solved with limestone crushes. Before the base distribution, the surface of the earth cannol must be cleaned of snow and ice. The base material or coating must be compacted and is disclosed without watering before the end of the death. The thickness of the sealing layer of the material is no more than 15 cm (in a dense state). The bases and coatings of active domain slags should be arranged from slag fractions less than 70 mm for both the lower and the top layer. Before laying up the upper layers along the bottom layer, it follows 15-20 days to open the movement of the structured transport. During thaws and in front of the spring snow, the layer must be cleaned from snow and ice. The correction of deformations should be carried out only after stabilization and dying of the ground of the earth canvas and all layers of base and coating, as well as checking the degree of their seal. A device for concrete bases and coatings with additives of chloride salts is also allowed.

3.9. When the device of rubbed, gravel and slag bases and coatings should be checked: the quality of materials; planning of the surface of the earth canvas; The thickness of the base layer or coating at the rate of one prominance for 2000 sq.m, but at least five industries on any area; The degree of seal.

3.10. The coating of garden tracks and platforms should be performed from four layers. When the device of garden tracks and platforms, the following layers of layers should be taken: lower (from rubble, gravel, slag) with a thickness of at least 60 mm, the upper spinning thickness of at least 20 mm, the upper (from the evidence of stone materials and slag) with a thickness of at least 10 mm and cover (made of pure sand) with a thickness of at least 5 mm. Each of the layers after a uniform distribution must be sealed with watering water.

3.11. Asphalt concrete coatings are allowed only to dry weather. The bases for asphalt concrete coatings must be purified from dirt and dry. The air temperature when laying asphalt concrete coatings from hot and cold mixtures should not be lower than + 5 ° in spring and summer and not lower than + 10 ° in the fall. The air temperature when laying asphalt concrete coatings from heat mixtures should not be lower than -10 ° C.

3.12. The base or layer of a previously laid asphalt concrete is 3-5 hours before laying asphalt concrete mixture should be treated with a discharged or liquid bitumen or bitumen emulsion at the rate of 0.5 l / sq. M. Pre-processing by bitumen or bitumen emulsion is not required in the case of an asphalt concrete laying based on the treatment with organic knitting materials, or on the freshly lined bottom asphalt concrete layer.

3.13. When laying asphalt concrete mixtures to provide seamlessness of the connection of adjacent bands, the asphalt pavers must be equipped with the equipment for heating the edges of the previously laid lanes of the asphalt concrete. The junction device is allowed by laying the edge on the board.

3.14. Asphalt concrete coatings made of hot and thermal mixtures should be compacted in two stages. At the first stage, a preliminary seal is carried out by 5-6 passes at one place with light rinks at a speed of 2 km / h. At the second stage, a mixture of a mixture of heavy rinks is carried out by 4-5 passes at one place at a speed of 5 km / h. The coating is considered to be rolled, if the wave is not formed before the rolle on the coating and the roller trail is not applied. After 2-3 passes of light rinks should be checked by the smooth coating with a three-meter rail and cross-linked pattern. The required number of rink passes at one place should be installed by a test pitch. In the places inaccessible to the roller, the asphalt concrete mixture should be seal with hot metal traamies and burn with hot metal irons. Seal the mixture follows the complete disappearance of trails from the shocks of the tamper on the surface of the coating.

3.15. When applying asphalt concrete coatings, check the temperature of the mixture when laying and sealing, the smoothness and thickness of the stacked layer, the adequacy of the mixture seal, the quality of the interface of the edges of the bands, compliance with the design parameters. To determine the physico-mechanical properties of the laid asphalt concrete coating, cores or cutting down of at least one sample from the area from no more than 2000 sq.m.

The coefficient of sealing the coating from a hot or warm asphalt concrete mixture should be 10 days after a seal of at least 0.93%; Water saturation - no more than 5%.

3.16. Concrete coatings monolithic should be arranged on a sandy base compacted to a density coefficient not lower than 0.98. The difference in adjacent formwork elements (rail form) should not exceed 5 mm. Frames of deformation seams and gaskets should be installed after preparing the base, installation and reconciliation of the coating formwork. The gap between the formwork, the frame and gaskets should be no more than 5 mm. The gaps under the three-meter rail on the surface of the planned base should not exceed 10 mm.

3.17. The width of the tape of the unarmed concrete coating should be no more than 4.5 m; The distances between compression seams are not more than 7 m and between the seams of expansion - not more than 42 m. With the seams, the extended ends of the pins of the movable part of the seam should be prevented at least the middle of the tubes, put on these pins. Water and cement milk, which perform on the surface of concrete when it is sealing, should be removed beyond the coating plate. When applying concrete coatings, special attention should be paid to the seal of concrete in deformation seams and in places of adjustment to the formwork.

3.18. The coating concrete laid must be covered and protected from dehydration after the disappearance of excess moisture from its surface, but not later than 4 hours from the date of installation. Film-forming materials, bitumen and tar emulsions or a layer of sand should be used as protective coatings (thickness of at least 10 cm), biparted by one layer of bitumen paper. Sand should be in a wet state for at least two weeks.

3.19. In the case of cutting deformation seams with diamond discs, the strength of concrete coating should be at least 100 kgf / sq. Cm. The seams should be cut into a depth of at least 1/4 of the thickness of the coating, and filling with mastic. The seizure of wooden regions from compression and expansion seams should be carried out no earlier than two weeks after the coating device. When removing the plates, it is necessary to prevent breakage of the edges of the seams.

3.20. The filling of the seams by mastic should be made after clearing and graze the concrete seam. To fill the coating seams, hot mastic, consisting of 80% of bitumen (BND-90/130 and BND-60/90 grades) and 20% mineral aggregate mineral powder introduced into the preheated bitumen when preparing mastic. Mastics should be prepared centrally and deliver to the place of use in insulated containers. The heating temperature of the bitumen for the preparation of mastic and mastic during their laying should be equal to + (160-180) ° C.

3.21. With the average daily air temperature below + 5 ° C and the minimum daily air temperature below 0 ° C, coating and base concreting should be performed, according to the requirements of SNiP, by monolithic and reinforced concrete structures.

The coating, laid and winter time, should not be transported in spring for a month after a complete deposition of the coating if the concrete has not been subjected to artificial heating to a complete durability.

3.22. Plates of precast coatings of intra-ordinary passages, sidewalks and platforms should be laid under the slope of the pre-prepared base, starting from the light-day row, disposed along the axis of the coating or by its edge, depending on the direction of the flow of water surface. The laying should be done from itself by moving plugging machines along the laid coating. Plate landing on a sandy base should be made by vibratory machines, and kids - vehicles before the disappearance of visible slab sediments. The ledges in the jacks of adjacent plates should not exceed 5 mm. Filling the seams of slabs with sealing materials should be made immediately after the installation of plates.

3.23. Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete tiles of sidewalks and pedestrian tracks that are not calculated on the impact of a 8-ton axial load from vehicles, should be laid on the sandy base with the width of tracks and sidewalks up to 2 m. The sand base should have a side stop from the soil and be compacted before density with the coefficient not lower than 0.98; Have a thickness of at least 3 cm and ensure full fit of tiles when styling them. The presence of reverences of the base when checking its template or control rail is not allowed.

The tight fit of tiles to the base is achieved by sediment when laying and immersing tiles in the base of the base to 2 mm. The seams between the tiles should be no more than 15 mm, vertical displacements in the seams between the tiles must be no more than 2 mm.

3.24. The device for cement concrete coatings should be checked: the density and flatness, correct installation of the formwork and device of the seams, the thickness of the coating (by taking one core from the site no more than 2000 sq. M), the maintenance mode of concrete, the smooth coating and the absence of cement films on its surface milk.

3.25. The onboard stones should be installed on the ground base, compacted before the density with the coefficient of at least 0.98, or on a concrete base with a soil with a ground from the outside or strengthening concrete. Borf must repeat the design profile of the coating. The ledges in the joints of the onboard stones in the plan and profile are not allowed. In places of intersections of intra-ordinary travel and garden tracks, curvilinear onboard stones should be installed. The curvilinear board device with a radius of 15 m and less from the rectilinear stones is not allowed. The seams between the stones should be no more than 10 mm.

A solution for filling the seams should be prepared on portland cement of the brand not lower than 400 and have a mobility corresponding to 5-6 cm of diving of a standard cone.

In places of intersection of vitreal roads and pedestrian tracks with sidewalks, approaches to sites and road part of the streets, side stones should be plugged with the device of smooth adjoins to ensure the passage of baby strollers, sled, as well as entry vehicles.

In climatic subarea with the average monthly temperature of January -28 ° C and below, July + 0 ° C and above, harsh long winter, with a snow cover up to 1.2 m and eternal soils allowed a device of on-board walls from the monolithic concrete of the brand not lower than 350 and Frost resistance of at least 200. For the perception of loads arising from the cleaning of snow, the sizes of the onboard wall should be increased in height and width by 5 cm compared to the size of the onboard stones.

3.26. The scene on the perimeter of the buildings should be tightly adjacent to the base of the building. The slope of the scene must be at least 1% and not more than 10%.

In places inaccessible to work mechanisms, the base under the unit is allowed to be sealing manually until the fingerprint disappears from the shocks and stop the movement of the sealing material.

The outer edge of the scene within the rectilinear sites should not have curvatures horizontally and vertically more than 10 mm. Concrete of the cesspost of frost resistance must meet the requirements for Road concrete.

3.27. The levels of external stairs should be made from the brand concrete not lower than 300 and frost resistance of at least 150 and have a slope of at least 1% in the direction of the overlying stage, as well as along the stage.

4. Fences

4.1. Fences should be arranged mainly in the form of live elevations from single-row or multi-row shrubs planting, from precast concrete elements, metal sections, wood and wire. The use of metal and wire for the device of the fence should be limited. The device of constant fence with the use of wood is allowed only in forest-free areas.

4.2. Permanent and temporary fences should be established taking into account the following technological requirements:

the axial lines of the fence should be fixed on the place of installation of finished signs, the longness of which should be determined based on the specific conditions of the construction;

the trench under the base of the fence must be opened with a mechanized method with a margin in a width of up to 10 cm in both sides of the axis and 10 cm dende the position of the base of the base of the base (for the device drainage layer). The length of the capture of the discovered trench should be installed, taking into account the sweeping of the soil of the trench walls;

pubs under the fence racks should be drilled at a depth of 10 cm greater depth of installation of racks for the possibility of setting the top of the racks along the same horizontal line on the possible lengths of the length, the drainage cushion devices and the elimination of the need for manual cleaning of the bottom of the pit; In clays and sublinks, pits must have a depth of at least 80 cm, and in the sands and squeeces - at least 1 m;

draining material in pits and trenches should be sealed: sand - watering, gravel and rubble - rubbing to a condition in which the movement of rubble and gravel ceases under the influence of sealing agents. In sandy and samp soils, draining pillows under the grounds and fence racks are not made.

4.3. The fences in the form of living hedges should be placed by planting one row of shrub in advanced trench of a width and depth of at least 50 cm. On each subsequent row of shrub planting the width of trenches should be increased by 20 cm. The composition of the multi-row hedge, trees can be included as well as Fill from wire on racks. The device of living ingredients should be made in accordance with the requirements of the section "Landscaping of territories".

4.4. Fences at racks installed without concreting underground part, should be arranged immediately after installing the racks. Fences from reinforced concrete or metal racks installed with underground concreting, should be arranged no earlier than two weeks after concreting the bottom of the racks.

4.5. Wooden racks for the fence must have a diameter of at least 14 cm and a length of at least 2.3 m. The part of the rack is immersed in the ground at least 1 m should be protected from rejected by the coating with a preheated bitumen or firing in the fire before the formation of the coal layer. The upper part of the rack must be pointed at an angle of 120 °.

4.6. Racks without shoes should be installed in the pits with a diameter of 30 cm and pour into a mixture of soil and rubble or gravel with layer-by-layer rambling in the process of frustration. At the level of the earth's surface, the rack should be sprinkled with a soil with a height of up to 5 cm. Racks, strengthened in the ground by concreting underground part, should be concreted only after reconciling their position vertically and in terms. Deviation of racks vertically, as well as their position in the plan should not exceed 10 mm.

Fences from wire tensioned by racks should be erected, starting from the installation of angular diagonal and crusades between the racks. Crusades between racks should be installed no more than 50 m.

4.7. Diagonal and crusades must be closed in the rack, tightly driven and fixed with brackets. Communications should be cut into a rack at a depth of 2 cm with the oppression and the prescription of the planes of contact to the dense adjustment. The brackets should be clogged perpendicular to the axis of the binder element. At the top of the communication rack, it should be embedded at an altitude of at least 20 cm from the start of the pointing. At the bottom - not higher than 20 cm from the day surface of the Earth.

4.8. Wire fence must repeat the terrain. The wire should be installed with parallel land with rows at least, than after 25 cm. The slaughter from the barbed wire is complemented by the cross-shaped crossing of the wire in each section. All intersections of parallel rows of barbed wire with crosses should be knitted with knitting wire.

4.9. Wire under the device of wire fence should be attached, starting from the bottom row at a height of no more than 20 cm from the surface of the Earth. It should be mounted on wooden wire racks. To reinforced concrete and metal wire racks, diagonal and crusades should be attached by special captures provided for in the project.

Wire tension should be made until the wire deflection disappears. The length of the linked wire must be no more than 50 m.

4.10. Fences from steel grid must be performed in the form of sections installed between the racks.

Sections to racks should be fixed with welded to the mortgage parts. Stacks for the steel grid fence can be installed in advance or simultaneously with the installation of sections. In the latter case, fixing the racks in the soil should be made after reconciling the position of the fence in the plan and in the profile, the racks - vertically and the top of the sections - horizontally. Metal and reinforced concrete racks should be attached using concrete.

4.11. Fences from precast concrete elements should be installed, starting from the installation of the first two racks on temporary fasteners holding the rack in a vertical position. In the racks, the grooves should be cleaned and the prefabricated elements of the fence were introduced into them. The assembled section must be installed on temporary fasteners in the design position. After that, the section filling panel must be compressed by mounting clamps to dense adjacent to the racks in the grooves. Then the third rack is installed on the temporary fasteners and the filling of the second section of the fence is assembled and attached. After installing several sections, the fence should handle its position in the plan and horizontally and concrete all racks other than the latter, to concrete, which follows after assembly and reconcile the position of the next several sections of the fence. The racks of the precast concrete fence must be concreted and are constructed on temporary fastenings of at least one week. Concrete for attaching racks should have a brand not lower than 200 and frost resistance of at least 50 cycles.

4.12. In places of decrease in the day surface of the Earth and on Kosoyrats, there should be submits or good socles, there are sections horizontally, ledge with the difference of HE heights more than 1/4 of the section height. Cocols should be performed from typical elements or brick widths of at least 39 cm. The top of the brick base must be covered with a bounce plum of the brand's solution not lower than 150 and frost resistance of at least 50 cycles.

4.13. During the construction of fences on the eternal soils, the racks should be ensured at least 1 m below the active layer of permafrost. It is allowed to fill up racks of the incoherent soils or the coating of the bottoms of the racks with anti-waterproofing lubricant for the entire depth of immersion in the ground.

4.14. The acceptance of the fence should be carried out by checking the rectinity and vertical of the fence. Deviations are not allowed in the position of the entire fence and its individual elements in terms of vertical and horizontally by more than 20 mm, as well as the presence of defects affecting the aesthetic perception of the fence or on its strength. Diagonal and crusades must be tightly driven and securely fixed. Stands of the fence should not swing. Prefabricated fence elements should sit tightly in the grooves. Metal elements of fence and welded joints must be processed by weather-resistant paints.

5. Open plane sports facilities

5.1. The main building processes in the construction of open planar sports facilities should be carried out in the following technological sequence: removal of the vegetable layer and the rolling of plant soil, platform markup; device surface drainage; preparation of the underlying layer from connected, draining or filtering soils; layered coating; coating coating layer device; Installation of sports equipment and markup.

5.2. The device of the underlying layer should be carried out by layer-by-layer laying and seal this layer of soil. When the soil of the underlying rinks of rollers weighing 1.2 tons of the thickness of the sealing layers should not exceed 30 cm for connected soils and sands with a dimension module less than 2 and 20 cm for sands with a dimension module more 2. The required seal of the soil should be achieved by 12-15 roller passages. one place.

5.3. Filtering layers should be carried out in compliance with measures that exclude the clogging of emptiness between stones and reduce the filter ability of the layer. When squeezing the layers, the larger stone should be laid down, and smaller on top.

The minimum size of the body for the body of the filter layer must be at least 70 mm. The laying of the stone in the filter layer should be made by planning machines that seal the filter layer during its device.

5.4. During the construction of open plane sports facilities, the following materials should be applied:

for the lower layer of coating - crushed stone, gravel, brick crushed stone, slag with a fraction of 40-70 mm. Fractions are allowed less and more specified dimensions in the amount of not more than half the volume of the main fractions. The thickness of the base in the dense body must be at least 50 mm;

for an intermediate coating layer - rubble, gravel, brick crushed stone, slag with a fraction of 15-25 mm in size, and a wavy peat, rubber crumb, cord fiber flakes, waste of regenerative, chemical and polyethylene production, dehydrating the upper coating layer due to its own moisture intensity and drainage removal from the base of the coating. The thickness of the intermediate layer of rubble, gravel and slag should be at least 30 mm, and from elastic moisture-intensive materials - at least 10 mm;

for the upper coating layer - crushed stone, gravel, brick crushed stone, slag with a fraction of 5-15 mm in size. It is allowed to preserve small fractions with a size of at least 3 mm in an amount of no more than 1/3 of the volume of the main fractions. As a component of the upper coating layer, lime-push can be used in the amount of 15% of the volume of the top layer material. The thickness of the upper coating layer in the dense body should be at least 40 mm;

for coating wear layer - crumb stone, brick and slag with a fraction with a size of at least 2 mm and no more than 5 mm. Sand with a minority module of at least 2.5 can also be used. The thickness of the non-relaxed layer of wear during its distance must be at least 5 mm;

for the subsidized layer of the sports lawn coating - the soil close in the granulometric composition to a light loam mixed in relation to 1: 1 by volume with sand having a dimension module for no more than 2. The thickness of the underlined layer in a dense body should be at least 8 cm;

for the soil layer of sports lawn coating - a soil close to a granulometric composition to a light loam, having a weakly acidic reaction (pH \u003d 6.5) and contain humus 4-8%, nitrogen (by Tyurin) at least 6 mg per 100 g of soil, phosphorus (according to Kirsanov) at least 25 mg per 100 g of soil, potassium (by drill) 10-15 mg per 100 g of soil. The thickness of the soil layer in the dense body should be at least 8 cm.

The turf for the upper layer of sports lawn coating should contain meadow cereals (meal mint, wildfish, oatonese, vigor. An admixture of white clover and wild herbs in the amount of not more than 10% are allowed. Dernins must be cut in the form of rectangular plates with sides of no more than 30x40 cm and have vertical side faces. Dernin thickness should be at least 6 cm. When transporting and storing the turf should be stored in a stack of not more than 8 pieces. Store Dernins in stacks for more than five days is not allowed.

Special coatings should be arranged only in accordance with the instructions of the project.

5.5. Stacking the coating should be preceded by the creation of a side stop in the form of a predetermined onboard stone, concrete, soil or wooden brow, as well as other device provided by the project. Rosser materials and sealing them without the creation of lateral stop are not allowed.

5.6. When the base of the rut base and traces of machines on the surface of the underlying layer should be smoothed and tied rollers weighing at least 1.2 tons with smooth rollers. Machines that perform work on the pallberry of the base materials must be moved by diverse materials.

5.7. Sealing rubble, gravel and slag at the base and intermediate layer should be carried out in two stages with irrigation at the rate of 4-8 l / sq. M. At the first stage, the seal should be made easy (weighing at least 0.8 tons) rollers with smooth rollers for 2-3 passages at one place. In the second stage, the layer is compacted by rollers with smooth rollers weighing 1.2 tons for 3-5 passes at one place. In both cases, the seal is conducted until the wave formation is stopped in front of the rollers and the tracks from the rink. At the end of each stage of the seal, the thickness, evenness and slopes of the layer should be checked. In places of appeal, the layer should be shred and compressed to the cessation of the formation of the wave before the rollers and the tracks from the rink. In places inaccessible to the roller, the seal can be performed by manual traaming until the formation of trimming prints.

5.8. The intermediate layer of elastic moisture-intensive materials should be laid on the base surface without a seal with special sealing agents. When laying the intermediate layer, it is not allowed to move on it by vehicles delivering the material of the intermediate layer, and the movement of the mechanisms, separating and leveling this material should be limited.

5.9. During the delivery and pallberry of materials of the upper coating layer, violations and contamination of the intermediate layer should not be allowed, as well as race races to the intermediate layer. The movement of transport and construction machines and mechanisms, except planning, should be allowed only on the raised material of the upper layer, after the first stage of its seal.

5.10. The top layer seal should be made in two stages. The first stage of the seal consists of 1-2 passes at one site of the roller weighing 1.2 tons with smooth rollers without watering and is made for precipitation of sealing materials. The second stage of the seal should produce rinks weighing 1.2 tons with smooth rollers with irrigation at the rate of 10-15 l / sq. M. The seal is conducted until the formation of the tracks from the rink. The seal at the second stage is achieved after 5-10 parishes of the rink one by one place. In places of sidel, layers should be shred, to spit and re-seal. At the end of each stage of the seal, the thickness, evenness and slopes of the layer should be checked.

5.11. The wear layer should be contacted immediately after the punch and checking the upper coating layer. Before plowing materials of the wear layer, the top layer of the coating should be repeatedly repeated at the rate of 5-10 l / sq. M. After the distribution of the wear layer is powered by a roller weighing 1.2 tons with smooth rollers for 2-3 passages at one place. A sign of the end of the seal of the wear layer is the absence of traces of the roller passage and the absence on the surface of the deposit layer of places that are not closed with the material of the wear layer.

5.12. The sports lawn device should be started from the distribution and sealing of the subsorative layer, preventing disorders and contamination of the intermediate coating layer. The movement of transport, construction machines and mechanisms, except planning, should be allowed only on the sub-layer after sealing it without watering by one rinks by weight of 1.2 tons with smooth rollers. The sealing of the subspeted layer is carried out by 1-2 passages of rinks with irrigation at the rate of 10-12 l / sq. M. Watering the subspeted layer should be made 10-15 hours before the start of the head. In places of appeals, the subspeted layer is shifted, profiled and re-compacted. The presence of appeals on the surface of the layer under the control three-meter rail is not allowed. During the delivery and pallberry of the soil of the soil layer, it should be moved along it vehicles and construction machines, except planning and sealing. The supply of soil for the soil layer should be carried out only from the submarine layer. King and traces of passes of machines and mechanisms on the subspeted layer must be designed and dictated before the piping of the soil layer. 10-15 hours before the start of the header, the soil layer should be politized at the rate of 10-12 l / sq. M. The base of the soil layer should be carried out with rollers weighing 1.2 tons with smooth rollers with two passages at one place (along and across the field).

In places of appeals, the layer should be the balance, was intended and re-sealed. The presence of appeals on the surface of the layer under the control three-meter rail is not allowed.

5.13. When creating a sports lawn, seeds, the prepared soil layer must be exploded and set aside under a ferry at least three weeks. Before sowing seeds, re-loosening of the soil layer must be made, weed cleaning beyond the lawn.

Initially, large seeds should be soiled, closeing them to a depth of 10 mm with the simultaneous creation of a sowing bed for small seeds, sowed in the direction perpendicular to the crop of large seeds. Small seeds should be covered with a depth of 3 mm. After seeding, the surface of the lawn should be tied with a rink weighing up to 100 kg.

5.14. The device of the top layer of the sports lawn from the Dernin should be made according to the tricks scored in the underlined layer after 3 m. Fixed turns should be tried with light blows. In places of sidets under Turnin, the missing soil layer must be added. Neighten thick turfs must be curved along the bottom plane. When laying, the Dernin of the seams between them should not exceed 3 mm and close up soil mixture and grazing herbs. The presence of appeals on the surface of the layer under the control three-meter rail is not allowed.

5.15. The device of the upper layer of the sports lawn with vegetative reproduction should be carried out by planting corvenifier grains and wild plants (creeping fields, swine and others). The processes must be at least 100 mm long. The processes should be planted into the soil layer of at least 50 mm, to a depth of 10 mm with a slight compaction of the soil over them.

5.16. The acceptance of the lawn of open plane sports facilities should be made:

when Odering lawns - immediately after the end of work on Oderovka;

when sowing seeds and landing processes - a month after seeding or planting processes.

Acceptance of structures with snow cover is not allowed.

In the construction process, the preparation of the surface of the underlying layer or earth canvas, the device and seal of the structural coating layers, the execution of the drainage system at the base of the lawn coating, should be activated.

5.17. Elements of equipment recreation sites (benches, sandboxes, fungi, etc.) must be performed in accordance with the project, securely secured, painted with moisture-resistant paints and meet the following additional requirements:

wooden - protected from posting, made of wood of coniferous breeds not lower than the 2nd grade, smoothly ostrogany;

concrete and reinforced concrete - made of brand concrete not lower than 300, frost resistance of at least 150, have smooth surfaces;

metal - have reliable connections.

Elements loaded by dynamic influences (swing, carousel, stairs, etc.) should be checked for reliability and stability.

5.18. The microrefine ground slopes must have slopes that do not exceed the corners of the natural slope of the soil from which they are otsed, and be apparent, sowed or landscapped in accordance with the requirements of the section "Gardening of the Insulated Territories".

5.19. Devices for fastening flag-containers, pointers, advertising, etc. must be performed in the process of building buildings or structures in places established by the project, a representative of the author's supervision or the inspection of the Customer's technical supervision.

5.20. Sand in the sandboxes of playgrounds should not have impurities gravel grains, yals and clay. For sandboxes should be used as a sacred washed river sand. The use of mountain sand is not allowed.

6. Gardening of the Insuagrated Territories

6.1. The landing material for landscaping the territories should be acquired only in specialized nurseries or with their assistance, have a variety and quarantine certificate and be labeled.

The purchase of planting material in other places is not allowed.

Landscaping should be carried out only after laying out vegetable soil, devices of travel, sidewalks, tracks, sites and fences and cleaning remnants of construction garbage after their construction.

6.2. Work on the spreadshelter of plant soil should be carried out, if possible, in large areas, highlighting under the flow of vegetation ground only area, limited by roads and platforms with a solid improved coating. The trough for travel, platforms, sidewalks and tracks with other types of coatings should be cut into a layer of dumping and compacted vegetable soil. To this end, vegetable primer in the strip is not more than 6 m adjacent to these facilities, it is necessary to squeeze with minus admission to height (no more than 5 cm from the design marks).

6.3. Vegetable soil should be divided into a planned base plowed to a depth of at least 10 cm. The surface of the axial vegetable layer should be below the bore of no more than 2 cm.

6.4. The vegetable primer, maintained for the landscaping of the territory in a natural state, should be prepared for working on landscaping the territory in accordance with the agrotechnical requirements, the most relevant climatic conditions of the subareth, in which there is a construction or reconstructed object.

6.5. Preparing seats for disembarking trees and shrubs should be carried out in advance so that planting places may be able to be subjected to atmospheric exposure and solar radiation. Sending seats are allowed immediately before landings.

6.6. Pubs for planting standard seedlings and seedlings with a lump must have a depth of 75-90 cm, for seedlings with a rod root system - 80-100 cm. Standard seedlings should be planted into the pits with a diameter of 60-80 cm. The size of the yam for planting seedlings with a coma should be 0.5 m more than the greatest size of the coma.

6.7. Shrubs and Lians should be planted in pits and trenches with a depth of 50 cm. For single bushes and lian pits should have a 50 cm diameter. Trenches under group landing of shrubs must have a 50 cm width for a single-row landing with the addition of 20 cm for each next landing range.

Pershes under long floral plants should have a depth and diameter of 40 cm.

6.8. The planting material in nurseries should be taken only from special touchs. The planting material of coniferous, evergreen and deciduous (over 10 years old) rocks, as well as trees, difficult to transplant (walnut, oak, plum Pissardi, Platan, Thuja, Birch), should be taken only with a coma immediately after digging them from growing sites.

6.9. Trees to seedlings with a barrel diameter up to 5 cm at an altitude of 1.3 m from the root neck should have a row diameter or with the side size of at least 70 cm. With an increase in the diameter of the barrel for each 1 cm, the size of the diameter or side of the coma must be increased by 10 cm . The coma height should be 50-60 cm and for seedlings with a rod root system - 70-90 cm.

6.10. Whom must be packaged in nurseries in a tightly adjacent package. Void in the coma itself, as well as between coma and packaging should be filled with vegetable earth.

6.11. The plants with a naked root system can be transported on onboard vehicles tightly laid in the body, covered with wet straw or moss, as well as tarpaulin. Transportation of people, as well as cargoes in borticulture bodies simultaneously with transportable landing material is not allowed. Plants with a naked root system designed for transportation by rail, water and air transport should be packed in bale weighing no more than 50 kg.

6.12. Territory landscaping work should be performed depending on the climatic conditions of sub-sics in the time specified in Appendix 1.

6.13. Disabled plants delivered to the landscaped object, if they cannot immediately be planted, should be unloaded directly into a touch, and the plants packed in baleys are unpacked. The plot for the touch should be removed on the sublime, protected from the dominant winds. Plants in the jackets should be placed rooted to the north. The soil in touch should be kept in moderately humid state.

6.14. Damaged roots and branches of plants before boarding must be cut. Sections of branches and damage places should be cleaned and covered with garden male or paint. In landing pits when landing seedlings with a naked root system, stakes protorating over the level of land per 1.3 m should be clogged. When planting seedlings into the lower part of the landing holes and trenches, vegetable soil should be poured. The roots of seedlings should be hushed into the earthen zip. When landing, it is necessary to monitor the filling of the voids between the roots of plant plants. As the pit and trenches are filling, the ground in them must be sealing from the walls to the center. The plant installation height in the pit or trench should provide the position of the root neck at the level of the earth's surface after the sediment of the soil. Saplings after landing should be tied to stakes installed in the pit. Locked plants should be plentiful water with water. The land after the first irrigation should be added the next day and the rest of the plants again.

6.15. Pits and trenches in which plants will be planted with a com, should be covered with vegetable ground to Niza Koma. When planting plants with a packaged room packaging should be removed only after the final installation of the plant in place. With a unnecessary ground of an earth's coma, wooden packaging can not be removed.

6.16. When planting trees and shrubs to the filtering soils on the bottom of the seats, a layer of a loam of a thickness of at least 15 cm should be stacked. On saline soils at the bottom of the seats, drainage should be arranged from rubble, gravel or fighter with a thickness of at least 10 cm.

6.17. When planting plants during the growing season, the following requirements must be carried out: Saplings should only be with a coma, packed in a rigid container (the packaging of the coma to the soft container is allowed only for the planting material dug out of dense clay soils), the time breaking between the digging of the planting material and its landing should be minimal; crowns of plants during transportation must be connected and covered from drying; After planting the crown of seedlings and bushes, it should be shuttered by removing up to 30% of the sheet apparatus, are pronted and regularly (at least two times a week) to wash with water within a month.

6.18. In order to maximize the use of the autumn period for landscaping territories, planting seats, landing and transplanting seedlings with a lore earth at the outdoor air temperatures are not lower than -15 ° C. At the same time, the following additional requirements must be performed: the land around plants scheduled for transplant, as well as In places of their landing, it must be protected from frosting by loosening and frighting with dry leaves, loose ground, dry loose snow or covered with insulation mats made of sweater materials (trigger, straw, shields, etc.); Plants of planting plants should be prepared immediately before landing; The plant must be installed in the landing site on the pillow of the melt soil; Capping of trenches around the coma and the bare root system should be made by melting vegetable ground, when landing with a com, an admixture of frozen comic size is allowed with a size of no more than 15 cm and in the amount of no more than 10% of the total amount of soil; The joom of frozen soil should not be focused in one place; When planting seedlings with a bare root system, the use of frozen soil is not allowed; After landing, watering plants and the shelter of the wells from freezing should be produced; The garter of planted plants should be made in spring.

6.19. Saplings seedlings should be planted only in winter at temperatures not lower than -25 ° C and wind no more than 10 m / s. In the conditions of permafrost, planting trees and seedlings of coniferous rocks should be produced in spring. With this, the gap in time between the spray, transportation and planting of plants is not allowed.

6.20. Saplings planted in winter, after thawing the soil, should be strengthened on stretchings, which should be attached to the trunk of clamps with soft pads and tighten as it loosen.

6.21. Liana with suction cups should be planted in planting places with a diameter and depth of at least 50 cm. As a support for fixing Lian, it is necessary to use elements of auxiliary equipment for vertical landscaping.

6.22. Landing in populated areas of female copies of poplars and silk, littering the territory and air during fruiting, is not allowed.

6.23. Lawns should be arranged on a fully prepared and planned vegetable soil, the top layer of which before sowing lawn mixtures should be meloned to a depth of 8-10 cm. Singing lawn should be seeded for sowing lawn herbs. Seeds smaller 1 mm should be sought in a dry sand mixture, in terms of 1: 1 by volume. Seeds are larger than 1 mm should be sought in pure form. When sowing a lawn, seeds should be close to 1 cm. For seedings, light creverses or rollers with spikes and brushes should be used. After seeding the seed, the lawn should be rolled with a rink weighing up to 100 kg. On the soils forming the crust, the order is not produced.

6.24. The seeding rate of seeds per square meters of the scenery area should be at least: the mehylika meadow - 5 g, the oatmeal of the Red - 15 g, the grazing and oatmeal register - 10 g, the campfire of the mobby - 10 g, whites Belaya - 1.5 g, Timofeevka meadow - 3 g, white clover - 3 g (red - 5 g).

6.25. Flower seedlings should be well energized and symmetrically developed, should not be elongated and intertwined. Perennials must have at least three kidney of leaves or stalks. Flouring plants must be complete and have at least two healthy eyes. The bulbs should be full and dense.

6.26. Color seedlings must be contained before landing in shaded places and in a moistened state. Flower landing should be made in the morning or by the end of the day. In cloudy weather, the falling out of flowers can be made throughout the day. Flowers should disembark in wet land. Compression and turnover of the roots of colors during landing is not allowed. After the first three polyvok, the soil of the flower garden should be sprinkled with sifted with a nozzle or peat (mulching). In the absence of mulching, the loosening of the soil of flower beds and their weeding should be made once in nonlay and perform it for a month.

6.27. Green plantings during landings and during the period of care they should be water from the calculation of 20 liters per standard seedling; 50 l per tree with a lump size up to 1x1 m; 100 liters per tree with a lump size 1x1 m or more; 10 l for one bush or liana; 5 l per plant in flower beds with perennial flowers; 10 l / sq. Mered floral seedlings or lawn. When leaving for the trees of coniferous breeds, loosening and peopling of the priority circles are not allowed.

6.28. Acceptance of landscaping should be made with the following requirements:

the thickness of the vegetable soil in the places of its pillings should be at least 10 cm. The check is performed by passage of the shurph 30x30 cm per 1000 sq. M.

the suitability of vegetable soil must be confirmed by laboratory tests. If any additives were introduced into the ground, it must be confirmed by entries in the work journal;

the planned landing material must comply with the project or groups of the interchangeability of plants of woody breeds (Appendix 2);

the presence of passports and quarantine certificates for planting material, seeds and floral seedlings;

the number of unnecessary trees, seedlings, bushes and perennial colors should not exceed 20%. With a larger percentage of unprotected plants, the latter must be replaced and surveyed again. Decisions of local councils of deputies of workers, the percentage of plants, can be clarified with local conditions.

6.29. Contracting organizations are responsible for the quality of work performed on landscaping in the procedure established for general construction work.


Brief characteristic climatic

and shrubs

Lawns and flower beds


spring landing

autumn planting

start of crops

ending crops

1. Climatic subsections with the average monthly temperatures of January from
-28 degrees. From and below and July +/- 0 degrees. C and higher, with a harsh long winter and a height of snow cover up to 1.2 m. Eternal soils.


2. Climatic subsections with the average monthly temperatures of January from
-15 degrees. From and above and July from +25 degrees. C and higher, with hot sunny summer and short winter. Celebrating soils.

October November

3. Other areas

September October

Note. The executive committees of local councils of workers deputies in some cases can specify the specified deadlines by landing local climatic and agrotechnical conditions, as well as taking into account the beginning or end of the vegetation of the root system.

The planting of colors should be made on the following dates: the textiles of flowering and carpets that are not wintering in the soil, after the end of the spring frost; twilights and perennials wintering in the ground, -shore and spring; Lukovichny, wintering in the ground, - in autumn.

Appendix 2. Groups permissible interchangeable plants of tree breeds

Appendix 2.

Admissible interchangeability of plants
Wood breeds

1. Elm (smooth, rough), oak (puffy, red), ash (ordinary, fluffy, Pennsylvanian, green), linden (fine, large, caucasian), Kishtan Konsky, Ailant, Walnut (walnut, gray, black), Platan (East, Western), Grab, Beech, Liquidambh, Ginkgo.

2. Poplar white, poplar trembling (aspen).

3. Poplar Canadian, fragrant, balsamic, laurel, Maximovich, Berlin, Moscow, Simoni.

4. Birch (wart, fluffy, stone), Syonya poplar, cherry, Maple Silver, Catalpa.

5. Iva Belaya, Iva Babylonian.

6. Pyshivardi plum, the maple is a sharpness of the Swede.

7. Maple (ostolic, field, yavor), elm (smooth, rough), linden alcohol.

8. Spruce (ordinary, barbed), larch (Siberian, European), Douglasia, Tsuga, Lyetsuga.

9. Pine (ordinary, black, Crimean, Weimutova), Pine Cedar Siberian (cedar).

10. Poplar (pyramidal, Turkestan or Bolla), Acacia White Pyramidal, Oak Pyramidal, Kiparis.

11. White acacia, Gleyia, three-wheelchair, Japanese sfora.

12. Elm Peristretevy, Best, Karagach.

13. The maple is sharply, the shape of the spherical; Elm peristatewood, shape spherical.

14. Rowan (ordinary, Swedish, powdery, dubberky, dubbed), cherry, maple Tatar, cork tree, yudino tree, soap tree, acetic tree, tulip tree.

15. Thuja (Western, Eastern), Juniper (ordinary, Cossack), Cypress, Cypress.

16. Cherry, apple tree, pear, cherry, apricot, silky.

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