
Is a microfinance organization. What is microfinance organizations. Legal debt collection methods

Microfinance organizations are associated with many people with something negative and unpleasant. Immediately they come to mind such words as a robber percentage, boalant, collectors, overdue debts, knocking debts.

However, microfinance activities are primarily the usual business, the main purpose of which is profit. And, accordingly, if there was no demand, then the issuance of loans would simply cease to exist. As practice shows, the services of microfinance organizations are quite in demand among the population, and if you use these services with the mind, then cooperation with similar offices will be quite productive.

In this article we will try to figure out how MFIs work, which laws regulate the activities of such organizations, who are major customers, and most importantly, is it possible to receive income from issuing a loan to microfinance organizations, or it is too risky.

What does MFIs are engaged in how microfinance organizations are regulated, who is clients of these organizations

The activities of all microfinance organizations are regulated by a rather large number of various regulatory legal acts and information documents. And the first in the list is the federal law "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations" of 02.07.2010 No. 151-FZ (as amended by Federal Law No. 251-FZ of July 23, 2010):

And it is worth noting that the legislative framework In the field of microfinance organizations is constantly being improved.
The supervision of MFIs is carried out by the Bank of Russia, on the site of which we can see the full register of microfinance organizations that are entitled to microfinance activities: www.cbr.ru/finmarkets/?prtid\u003dSV_MICRO.

The main activity of the MFI is the provision of borrowers (individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities) of microloans in the amount not exceeding 1 million rubles. Moreover, the bulk of microfinance organizations specializes in small loans to individuals "to salaries" (the so-called PDL loans, from the English Pay Day Loans). The amount of such loans is usually small, from 1000 to 30,000 rubles, the term is usually not more than a month, and the percentage on them is very high, and is approximately 1-2% per day. In order to get money in debt in this way, just a passport is enough. Verification of customer solvency usually takes no more than 20 minutes. A large number of MFIs is considering applications for the provision of a loan online.

It is clear that with such a superficial assessment of customer solvency (scoring), the level of delay and non-return will be very high, from here, and such robbing interest rates on issued loans. In some MFI, the decision on the provision of a loan to the client is made at all on the street, on the basis of a passport scan. We are talking about "creditatives":

Obviously, to get a loan in the bank will be much more profitable, and even more so if you have the opportunity to receive a credit card with Grace period (see article ""), then use the bank's money can be free. However, there are cases when a microfinance organization really helps:

You have a credit history;

You need a small amount for a short time. For example, you need to urgently pay the credit card in order not to fly out of the grace of the period. And then even such a terrible bet as, 1% per day for a short time will be more profitable than paying full interest on their credit card;

You do not have an officially confirmed source of income (i.e., you get s / n in envelope);

If you are a student or pensioner, then almost all banks will not want to give you money in debt;

You are a business representative and you need a loan for development (interest on such loans is much lower than for individuals).

If you are a microbusiness representative, then the cans you will most likely not help. According to the representative of the Foundation for the development of microfinance activities under the Government of Moscow Anna Mikhailov (in the article on banki.ru from 07/10/2015): "... it became practically unrealistic to get loans to banks on business development ...":

And the head of VTB Andrei Kostin recently stated that small and medium-sized business makes no sense to lend, since for the bank it is potentially non-return debts:

How to choose a MFI to get a loan

If you need to take advantage of the services of a microfinance organization, then you should not run to the first contector, you can first compare offers from different companies.

To do this, use the portal banki.ru. .
Click in the section "Products and Services" to the section "Microloons"

Here we indicate the amount required deadline Loan, and we can also set additional search options.

We can also specify the desired method of obtaining a loan: in cash, on plastic card, through the system money transfers, on a bank account, on an electronic wallet.

Obviously, the more search criteria you specify, the less suggestions will correspond to the specified parameters. We introduce in the field of the city of Moscow and the required amount, for example, 7000 rubles and a period of up to 30 days, and leave the remaining fields empty:

The search service gives us 37 sentences, and pay attention to that in some companies, for example, the "summit" or "Viva money" in the first 7 days of the loan interest rate for the use of money is zero. And the company "E Camo" within the framework of the advertising campaign provides the first champion in the amount of up to 10,000 rubles for a period of 1 month.

In any case, carefully read the loan agreement to avoid unpleasant surprises. Note special attention on the complete value Credit (MFIs are required to write a complete interest rate on the loan. For example, the "fast-haired" company in his contract honestly writes that the interest rate is 730% per annum).

And also do not miss the condition early repayment loan. For example, in Migkredit, in order to reward debt ahead of time, you need to write a company in writing about such an intention already in 28 days, which is very problematic if you took a loan for a few days.

How to get income from issuing loans

Most MFIs invite individuals, individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities to place their money under the percentage in their company. Moreover, the amount of minimum investment for an individual is 1.5 million rubles, and for an individual entrepreneur - 500 thousand rubles.

For this, a loan agreement is where the borrower performs MFIs, and you are. And, accordingly, for the use of your money a microfinance organization pays you interest. Moreover, income from this kind of "deposits" is somewhat higher than they offer banks in their deposits.

In the first half of September the average maximum rate Top 10 of the RF banks on ruble deposits for the population amounted to 10.51%. But MFIs on average offer interest 16-24%. And they can afford it, because your money is given in debt under 300-700% (here, however, the proportion of non-repayments is high, but still the difference in percent is quite significant).

However, before running into microfinance organizations to accommodate their money under such interest, appreciate the risks and study some subtleties of such an investment method.

"Deposits" in MFIs do not fall under state program Insurance deposits

So in case of problems, the microfinance organization ADV will not provide any insurance within 1.4 million rubles. So you place money at your own risk (however, for increased risks you are just getting an increased income). In the case of bankruptcy, MFIs, you become the third stage of creditors (as investors), and, accordingly, to get back at least a small part of their investments will be practically impossible.

In order to successfully invest in MFIs and lower risks, you need to follow some recommendations.

1 Choose for investment only large MFIs that are on top of the rating, which is the expert rating agency. On the total size of the microloan portfolio on July 01, 2015 leads "Home Money LLC":

In terms of microloans issued in the first half of 2015. Linders GK "Svatoponey":

But in terms of issuing microloans, the Microfinance LLC is leading (in the founders of which, by the way, VTB 24 is, what can be found on the website of the organization) and OJSC "Finotel"

2 Do not pay attention to MFI statements that your loan can be insured. No large insurance Company Will not insure such risks. Most likely, you will be offered to insure in some little-known company, which is closely related to the business of this particular microfinance organization.

Here is a fresh example, watch the Kommersant newspaper:

Investors bankrupt MFA Ramfin cannot receive insurance with the insurance company SC "Republican Insurance House" (RSD).

In addition, mainly the risk is insured that the company is recognized as bankrupt (such as the "Power" SC), and, as you know, the bankruptcy procedure is not a quick process, and you simply expire the insurance policy during this time. The option is also not excluded that your insurance company will go bankrupt even earlier ...

Relying on the rating of the reliability of the Rating Agency "Expert" per 100% is impossible. For example, MFI "People's Treasury" on October 14, 2014 had a rating of reliability A + ("very high level of reliability"), the forecast "stable", and in July 2015 the company was already financially untenable:

4 Keep in mind that your income (if you are an individual) will be taxed at 13% (MFI will be an insurance agent and lists the tax for you). So, from the claimed profitability, deduct taxes (although NDFL can be returned from the state when buying, for example, real estate, through tax deduction). And if you are an IP on a simplist, the tax will be 6% (which else can be credited as annual insurance premiums).

5 The sum of your investments as an individual cannot be lower than 1.5 million rubles, and as an individual entrepreneur is not lower than 0.5 million rubles. Attracting smaller amounts of MFIs simply has no right to law "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations" from 02.07.2010 No. 151-FZ. So if you see advertising with attracting a smaller amount - in no case do not invest your money there!

6 Read reviews about the company, especially negative.
Also keep in mind that in the country a crisis, and invest your money in the organization that are not safely engaged in issuing loans. Many enterprises closes and people remain without sources of income, in many places wage Just decreases, prices are growing, etc. And therefore, the proceedings on loans will only grow.

We look at the article in the "Kommersant" newspaper of 10/15/2015 and learn that it has a delay already every second loan issued by microfinance organizations:

In addition, in the walls of our Duma, proposals were made at all to prohibit microloans to protect the poorest people and exclude "usury":

For example, "Russian Standard" with its "winter fairy tale" or "Ugra" with the "execution of desires" (which, by the way, can still be replenished) offered very profitable offer. These contributions are insured by the state, and in the case of a license with a license from the Bank, the DSU will pay your money within 1.4 million rubles. In addition, only an income of 18.25% has been subject to tax deposits (such conditions will be valid until the end of 2015, which conditions in 2016 are not yet known).

However, investing in microfinance organizations is still eligible for existence, and if you have free funds, it is quite possible to use this investment instrument. Especially if banks offering previously "delicious" replenished deposits, suddenly stop accepting additional contributions Or they will simply respond to the license.

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The lack of current income and savings phenomenon is not rare, but difficult, especially if the costs and financial difficulties Appear suddenly. Faced with urgent need for money, most of our fellow citizens resort to one of the two popular ways of personal financial salvation:

  • asks loose from loved ones;
  • drawn to the bank for a loan.

Today bank loan And the loan from individuals received another alternative. Namely - MFIs (microfinance organizations).

MFU- Commercial enterprises issuing small loans for large percentages.

MFIs spread widely in Russia over the past one and a half decades. A clear understanding of what MFIs is, many have not yet developed, and these firms themselves, with extremely active, even aggressive, advertising, do not particularly seek to disclose their work mechanisms. Therefore, even those who have already come across the MFI will be useful to learn more about them, find out the principle of operation of MFIs, their rights and restrictions.

MFI is not a Russian invention. More than 40 years ago, Bangladesh began to miss small sums People who were too poor to contact the bank for a loan. Further development of MFIs went on this way - the issuance of small loans to those who refuse banks.

The scheme of the work of mycomfinancial organizations in Russia is similar to bank lending only in two points:

  • loans of MFIs, like loans, are subject to return to a predetermined period;
  • for MFA loans, interest is also charged.

In other respects, MFI has its own specifics.

Interest on microloans are charged during the use of borrowed funds. Usually 1-2% per day. In annual terms, it will be frighteningly much, but this option is accepted for "loans before salary".

Private faces are treated for loans in MFIs. The work of microfinance organizations with business is limited to small entrepreneurs and startups that cannot convince banks to provide them with a sufficient loan amount.

Another, less well-known, activities of the MFI - the reception of contributions from individuals. Interest on such contributions is noticeably higher, but the state system does not apply to them.

State regulation. Microfinance Organizations Act

Until recently, MFIs existed in some legal vacuum. Their work did not contradict the law straight, but very often turned out to be on the verge of law. MFIs themselves also gave a lot of reasons for accusations. Microfinance organizations often provided loans to citizens not able to respond to their actions, sold their debts to collectors, which led to the dramatic finals and loss of property. Interest, which was charged by MFI, also did not add love to them around.

Over time, the situation has changed. Today, microfinance organizations are regulated by 25 regulatory acts, different types and levels.

Among them are 5 federal laws:

  1. About countering laundering of criminal income (115-ФЗ).
  2. About MFI (151-FZ).
  3. ABOUT consumer credit (loan) (353-ФЗ).
  4. On self-regulatory organizations in the financial market (223-ФЗ).
  5. On the protection of the rights of citizens when returning overdue debts ("Anti-Colaktorm") (230-ФЗ).

The current activities of MFIs are under the control of the Bank of Russia, which gives instructions, information letters, typical forms and documents of documents. Detailed information about regulatory acts, their accurate names and content can be found through the official website of the Bank of Russia.

The attention of the state did not eradicate all the abuses in the field of microloans, but the possibility of conscientious MFIs to act according to the same rules, and the borrowers were able to laggards their rights.

Now many MFIs are united in associations, build organizational structures For regulation and control in the microloan market.

Differences of MFIs from the Bank

Differences between banking institutions and microfinance organizations are many.

  • Banks issue loans, MFIs - loans.
  • MFIs usually credit those who refuse banks.
  • MFI agree to such borrowings that are unprofitable to banks due to the complexity of the design and high risks.
Differences of the MFIs and Banks


Microfinance organizations

Banking institutions

The usual borrowing amount for an individual

From 1 thousand to 30 thousand rubles, rare up to 1 million

Most often the amount from 50 thousand rubles to several million

Return period by the borrower

From 5-7 days to 1-2 months

From six months to 2 dozen years and longer

Method of repayment

Most often all the amount immediately at the designated term

Monthly, according to the payment calendar

Approval time

From half an hour

Package of necessary documents

Only passport

Passport, often - help from work, from tax authorities and etc.

Influence bad credit history client

Does not prevent loan

Interferes with the receipt of the loan

Facility for use

usually 1-2% per day

usually from 15 to 25% per year

Moment issuing money

Almost immediately after the approval of the loan

Sometimes quickly, sometimes - within a few days after the endorsement of the loan

Other differences between banks and MFIs are also there, they cannot but be, because The work of those and others is based on different legal and economic grounds.

How to choose MFIs and not be a victim of fraudsters?

The fair part of the claims to the Customer MFIs is associated with violations of the proof of laws and their own promises. List all possible problems in the field of microloans will be released too long. But fortunately, most of these problems can be warned by compliance with several general rules:

  1. To find out whether MFIs legally work legally, whether he has a register established by law. This can be done via the Internet, in the registry Central Bank (Bank of Russia).
  2. Read the terms of issuing a loan. Find out the procedure for accrual interest. Find out what will be the fee for the use of the required amount.
  3. Clarify penalties for late refund. Circumstances can be added differently, and the fines sometimes become a favorable source of income for the lender.
  4. Carefully read all the points of the contract before signing it.

The last moment is especially important. Many of the problems of borrowers are caused by the misunderstanding of signed contractual conditions.

With suspected MFIs or his employees, it is better to abandon the transaction and find a variant deserving more trust.

Microfinance Organization (MFI) - a commercial or non-commercial organization that is not a bank and outstanding loans in accordance with the Federal Law of 02.07.2010 No. 151-FZ "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations". At the same time, loan recipients can be both citizens and companies or individual entrepreneurs.

Micro-faith - The loan in the amount of not more than one million rubles, provided under a loan agreement by a microfinance or other organization that has the right to provide microloans.

Types of microloans

The most common MFO products are consumer loans (for personal needs for relatively long time), loans "to salaries" (small amounts for a very short time), entrepreneurial loans (at the beginning, maintenance, support and development of small businesses).

What distinguishes MFIs from the Bank

  • Easy - loan design is less formalized than in the bank.
  • Fast loan design.
  • Availability - MFIs often work where there are no bank branches.
  • For the borrower - high percentages on loan.
  • For an investor - the safety of funds is not guaranteed by the state.

What you need to pay attention to, choosing the MF

The presence of official status of MFIs:

  • MFOs should be submitted to the State Register, which is published on the official website of the Bank of Russia (www.cbr.ru);
  • you can check the availability of the appropriate evidence (copy) in the MFO Office.
    Membership B. self-regulatory organization (SRO) is an additional guarantee of the reliability of MFIs. This information can also be checked in the office of the company or on the official website of MFIs.

The presence of rules for the provision of microloans:

  • the procedure for submitting an application for the provision of a microloan;
  • the procedure for entering into an agreement and receipt of payment schedule;
  • other conditions for the provision of microloans.
  • Read the interest rates on microloans.
  • Check for the availability of general and individual conditions of the consumer loan agreement (individual terms of the contract must have a tabular form).
  • Check for the consumer loan information about the full cost of the loan (PSK). The average value of the PCC is published on the official website of the Bank of Russia. The pitch cannot nose the average value of the PC, which is calculated by the Bank of Russia, used in the appropriate calendar quarter, more than one third.
  • Take time on meditation - you can conclude a consumer loan agreement on these MFIs within five days after familiarization with the individual terms of the contract.

MicroloMa design

Step 1. Choose optimal microloam conditions for you

Step 2.. Plan a repayment

Step 3.. Provide all the necessary documents

Remember! Practice shows that the utmost long-term load for servicing all loans and loans should not exceed 30-40% of your monthly income.

Before you take a loan or loan, analyze whether it is necessary for you, and whether you can cope with its service!

Repayment of microloam

Amount produced by a borrower ( individual) Payment under the consumer loan agreement must be enough for its full execution.

The debt is considered partially or fully repaid from the moment the funds were accepted at the MFO account. Keep checks and payment receipts!

If you have taken microloans, but for some reason you cannot give it to the one specified in the contract or make another payment, immediately notify the MFIs.

In case of insufficiency, the amount of payment by law "On Consumer Credit (Loan)" has been established a special order of repayment of obligations: overdue interest, overdue primary debt, penalties, current interest, current principal debt.

In case of early repayment of the microloan, interest is paid only for the actual use of borrowed funds.

If possible, always take a certificate of full repayment Debt in front of MFIs.

Permissible methods for recovery of overdue debts: interaction with the debtor or the guarantor should occur in weekdays from 8:00 to 22:00, on weekends and holidays - from 9:00 to 20:00.

Remember!Invalid abuse of the right to recover debt in any forms, including the intentional causing the borrower or guarantor.

From July 1, 2014, the history of your loans and payments is sent to the Bureau of credit stories - this is how your credit history is formed, to which any creditor (MFIs, banks, credit cooperatives) has access.

A positive credit history (repayment of loans without excellence) will help you in the future to receive larger loans in MFIs and (or) bank loans. Negative credit history (delay, non-payment previous loans) It may be at all to deprive you of access to the following loans in any financial organization.

BE CAREFULL! Observe the payment discipline! Responsibly belong to timely payments!

Other services of MFIs

Some MFIs offer citizens not only to take a loan, but also to act as an investor - to place money in the MFI for a certain period of fixed interest. It is important to understand that investments in the MFI are not a contribution - this term is applicable only in relation to bank deposit treaties.

ATTENTION! Investments in MFIs are not insured in state system Insurance of deposits, and, therefore, the preservation of funds is not guaranteed by the state.

ATTENTION! Investments in MFIs have the following features:

1. MFIs take funds from citizens to loans in the amount of at least 1.5 million rubles.

2. As a rule, MFIs offer investors income up to 20% per annum. If the organization offers investments under much greater percentages, then the likelihood is that it is engaged in fraudulent activities.

3. MFIs are not required to return to the investor to the investor made to them means if this is not provided for by the contract.

4. Many MFIs propose to insure investor funds in one of the insurance companies. Choose MFIs, insureding your responsibility in a reliable insurance company.

Protection of the rights of borrowers and investors

The Bank of Russia has created a service for protecting the rights of consumers of financial services and minority shareholders.

Download original brochure

electronic form In the Internet reception of the Bank of Russia:

The first microfinance organizations (MFIs) appeared in Russia in the 90s. Since then, their number has grown from several tens to 2.5 thousand companies. Most of the country's population is familiar with the concept of "money to salary", but what MFIs are - not many people know thoroughly.

MFO - what it is

Microfinance companies are commercial (less often non-commercial) organizations that exercise lending to individuals and legal entities, including individual entrepreneurs. MFIs are not banks, but as well as they are accountable to the Bank of Russia. The financial firm must be registered as a legal entity whose data is listed in the State Register of MFIs. Credit companies Activity on the basis of a license, without which lending is illegally.

Types of MFs

Since March 2017, microfinance institutions are officially divided into two types: microfinance and microcredit.What is a microfinance organization in the Russian Federation:

  1. It has its own capital over 70 million rubles.
  2. May issue loans worth up to 1 million rubles.
  3. It has the right to produce bonds.
  4. Can attract depositors.
  5. It is entitled to issue loans remotely via the Internet.

Depositors are drawn up in IFC as an investment and have several fundamental differences from bank deposits. The minimum deposit amount is 1.5 million rubles. State insurance There are no such investments, but at the request of the client, a microfinance company can make insurance for a fee. Interest rates Various from 15 to 60% per year. Terms are set individually for each investor.

Microcredit companies include legal entities from own capital less than 70 million rubles. They are deprived of the right to carry out any activity other than lending to borrowers. Loans are issued in the amount of no more than 500 thousand rubles. On the Internet you can only attract customers, but do not make an application.

Restrictions for MFI

Credit organizations are subject to a number of restrictions on the specifics of their activities, as well as to protect consumers. MFO is prohibited:

  1. Issue loans B. foreign currencyAll contracts are drawn up only in rubles.
  2. Conduct professional activities in the securities market.
  3. Issue loans via the Internet if the loan amount is over 15 thousand rubles. To fully identify the client must visit the office or personally meet with the company's representative in any other place.
  4. The following loan is issued to the borrower if the amount in all contracts exceeds 1 million rubles. or 500 thousand rubles. Depending on the category of creditor.
  5. Called overestimated penalties. The maximum amount of fines can not exceed the two-time size of the initial amount of total debt.

The legislative framework

Despite the long history of microcredit development, the state control of companies was systematized not so long ago, namely, on July 2, 2010, when the Law "On Microfinance Activities of Microfinance Organizations" was adopted. The document is clearly indicated by the rights and obligations of the parties to the lending process, as well as the features of the creation and activities of such companies.

Microfinance organizations are separate legal entities who are not related to banking standards that borrowed borrowers in the near pass big percent and penalties. Thanks to the amendments to the law that entered into force on January 1, 2017, the interaction with MFIs has become more transparent and secure for potential customers.

The maximum loan amount is limited to the three-time size of the initial loan, and when the delay occurs, the amount of interest cannot exceed the two-time loan size.

In 2013, the Bank of Russia obliked each law on consumer loan (loan) financial company publish the full cost of the loan in loan agreement. The form of the contract, including its tabular part, should be one for each borrower.

Choosing MFIs

After the latest legislative updates, the number of microfinance organizations has decreased from 3.5 to 2.5 thousand companies. Of these, 10-13% carry out activities on the Internet.

Choosing the MFI, it is important to check it from a legal point of view. Companies are required to provide data on state registration According to the first requirement of the client. If the firm is a member of any self-organizing credit institution, it increases its level of responsibility to borrowers. You can get acquainted with the documents on the site of organizations or in their office.

In addition to official statements, it is important to learn and informal information about MFIs - reviews, stories from the practice of borrowers. It is important that positive responses prevailed over negative, but at the same time did not look frank advertising.

Another factor determining the choice of the borrower is a loan overpayment. For its calculation, you can use calculators on the websites of companies or the help of specialists in offices. It is possible to calculate the final overpayment by the formula:

  • loan amount * rate / 100 * term.

For example, the loan amount is 10,000 rubles., The term is 15 days, the rate is 1.7%. We get: 10,000 * 1.7 / 100 * 15 \u003d 2550 rubles. For 15 days of use of money, the client will have 2550 rubles.

Types of microcredits

Microfinance companies offer several types of loans, depending on the amount and targeted use of funds:

  1. Loans for entrepreneurs. The contract is issued in the amount of up to 1 million rubles. This amount allows you to start a business, enlarge coverages, purchase new fixed assets or cover overdue debt to creditors. Legal entities or individual entrepreneurs may apply. The loan period varies from 1 to 3 years. The average market is 48% per year.
  2. Consumer microcredits. Loans are issued with similar limits - up to 1 million rubles. Duration of lending - from 1 to 6 months. As a rule, similar loans are made to purchase household appliances, repair, payment for training, treatment or recreation. The middle rate in the lending market is 15-20% per month.
  3. Express microloans. Under this type of loans imply money to salary. Such a name came out of the people and firmly fixed in marketing materials of companies. MiniCredit is issued for a period of several weeks to one month, and the loan amount is limited to 30-50 thousand rubles. The loan service is charged - 1-2% per day.

Mercianos design

When the borrower decided on a credit firm, he may apply for a loan. If the design takes place in the office, the company's manager is engaged in filling in the questionnaire, the client signs the agreement there, and can even get money. If the borrower plans to make an online application, first he needs to register on the organization's website and upload copies of its documents. After that, access to filling out the application. MFO lend citizens of the Russian Federation, which:

  • reached 18 years;
  • registered on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • have a stable income;
  • can provide contact numbers phones.

To obtain a microcredit, only a passport is usually required, but some firms may request other documents: a passport, a pensioner / driver / driver / military certificate and other. Questionnaire consists of several information blocks:

  1. Personal Information.
  2. Passport details
  3. Contacts and addresses.
  4. Information about relatives and their phones.
  5. Sources and income size.
  6. Available property and loans.
  7. The desired loan parameters.

The application is checked from 1 minute to 1 day, depending on the company and the loan amount. Internet loans are issued for half an hour. The client has the ability to independently choose a way to receive money: on the card, an account in a bank, an electronic wallet or in cash issuing points (MFIs or cash transfers companies).


Payment of debt occurs one time or through a period defined in the contract - It depends on the type of loan. The borrower has the right to pay off his debt ahead of time and demand recalculation interest in actual time to use money. Each MFO is obliged to comply with such clients' requirements on the basis of Russian legislation.

In addition to early repayment, many companies practice the prolongation of the contract or its restructuring. The loan extension can be carried out at an additional fee (one-time committee) or with an increase in the rate (as a rule, by 0.1-0.5% per day). Thanks to this service, borrowers can avoid delay and reduced credit rating. The debt restructuring offers a smaller part of creditors. The procedure includes stopping the accrual of penalties and pay debt to the assigned period.

As in banks, the microfinance organizations operates a system of penalties. For late fulfillment of debt obligations from the borrower may charge a fixed fine and daily pen. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, microcredit data is transferred to the credit bureau 1 time per week. Etching even in one or two days can reflect on the credit history of the client.

Solution of controversial issues

After registration of the loan between the client and the credit firm, conflict situations often arise. This may be associated with overestimated interest, hidden commissions or large fines. You can solve the problem in such ways:

  1. Check availability of the company in the MFO Registry. If the registration number is missing, then the company works illegally and must be addressed to the prosecutor's office.
  2. Submit a complaint to a special organization / institution. There are several options: self-regulatory credit organisation, Bank of Russia, Rospotrebnadzor, Federal Antimonopoly Service.
  3. Go to court.

The listed recommendations can be used simultaneously or gradually, waiting for the microfinance company's reaction. Complaints can be submitted on online resources or send by registered mail. The best way - This is an independent decision of conflict issues between the parties to the contract.

Microfinance organizations and companies - the phenomenon is relatively new to russian market. In the West, they exist for quite a long time. Microloans people began to use more and more. This is due to the fact that banks are more denied loans due to a large share of debt. The borrower with a bad credit history will definitely refuse all banks, but it will be easier to get a mini-loan.

Microcreditors relate to borrowers more loyally and can close their eyes to shortcomings in credit history. Despite the fact that rates on microloans are quite large (up to 2% per day), this type of lending flourishes and even has permanent customers. The activities of microfinance organizations and companies are also regulated federal laws (FZ №151 dated July 02, 2010 "On MFI") and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Officially registered participants in this market are in the registry of MFIs.

What is a microfinance company?

This type of microfinance organization, the work of which is regulated by FZ No. 151, as well as regulatory acts CB. It has the right to attract the money of individuals and organizations, as well as to engage in microcredit. The State Duma of the Russian Federation has made changes to the Federal Law No. 407 29.12.15, after which the MFIs for microfinance companies (IFC) and microcredit companies (ICC) occurred. IFC has become more serious participants in the financial market than the ICR due to the wider range of functions. At the same time, more stringent rules and requirements are applied to the IFC than to the ICC.

The possibilities of the IFC.

  • The provision of minisima in the amount of up to 1 million rubles For consumer purposes.
  • Bond issue.
  • Providing loans for business goals up to 3 million rubles
  • Attraction money population from 1.5 million rubles (Such "deposits" is not subject to insuring ART, so the contributor must independently insure them in the insurance company).
  • Request documents from borrowers to be needed to consider a loan application.
  • Provide or refuse to provide loans with an indication of a reasonable reason.
  • Carry out other activities provided for by law.
  • Request credit history from BKA and transfer data about the borrower back.

What can not do IFC?

  • Submit loans in currency.
  • To act as a guarantor for the obligations of the founders.
  • Make transactions with property that will entail a decrease in the value of the company's assets by 10% or more.
  • Change in unilaterally Rates under loan agreements, change the terms of payments, enter the Commission.
  • To engage in other trade, manufacturing and so on. Activity.
  • Accrued interest in the amount exceeding the size of the loan itself 4 times.
  • Apply penalties to borrowers who have decided to return the loan ahead of schedule.
  • Engage professional activities On the securities market.

Microfinance Companies follows the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance, FSFR ( federal Service by financial markets). IFC operate on the basis of FZ No. 353 "On Consumer Loan" and FZ No. 151 "On MFI". These laws regulate the activities of microfinance companies, and also regulate the procedure for issuing loans to borrowers. To make sure, the company is legally working, you can check it in the IFR registry on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If there is no such organization there, it is better not to deal with it. A violation can notify the Central Bank

Requirements for the creation of a microfinance company

  • The authorized capital should be at least 70 million rubles.
  • The company must report annually to the Central Bank on the results of activities.
  • The IFC should comply with the requirements for capital adequacy, liquidity, risk, designed for MFIs, a reserve for possible losses on loans.
  • Conduct an annual audit.

In compliance with all requirements, the company includes microfinance organizations in the state.

What is the difference between MFIs and IFC?

In fact, this is the same. When registering a microfinance organization, a combination of the Microfinance Company and the organizational and legal form should appear. MFIs can be found almost everywhere, even where there is no bank. They allow people to occupy money almost instantly, however, for a short time. For such speed, borrowers overpay huge interest. Often loans taken in MFIs negatively affect the credit history of the borrower. This is due to the fact that the MFIs can submit data on loan, but with data on its repayment can be tightened. For the completion of a delay to the client, serious fines and penalties are accrued. To delay payout for a couple of weeks, the debt can grow several times. Methods of knocking off debts are quite rigid. However, if, when "knocking out" the debt of MFIs, the boundaries are permitted, then you can report on these actions to the Association of Members of the MFIs and to the Bank of Russia.

The largest IFC of Russia.

An analytical company "Expert RA" allocated the largest IFCs following the results of 2016-17. The list includes companies lending not only by individuals, then organizations. According to the volume of minisima issued, taking into account the overdue, the first place is confidently occupied by the IFC "SPO-Finance", which in a short time overtook such a well-known organization as "home money." The success of the OP-Finance depended not only from efficient operation in the field of microcredit, but also from the rich experience of the SPO group and cooperation with key partners.

NameThe size of the portfolio on July 01, 2016, million rubles.
1 OPP Finance10 000,9
2 Home Money6 802,1
3 Migkredit2 071,2
4 SMSFinance1 278,0
5 Fast-jogging1 173,5
6 Vivadengi785,1
7 ANO IFC "Rostov Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship Support712,6
8 Moneyman.702?9
9 E Loan702,3
10 Corrodengi.579,8
11 MFO Udmurdsky State Public Administration Support579
12 Credtech Rus.488,7
13 Money league480,4
14 IFC Microcapital Russia470,4
15 MFI Kirov Regional Fund for Small Business Support425,7
16 MFO Stavropolsky Regional Business Support Fund424,8
17 ANO AMB.397,7
18 Vyrochidoney360,7
19 Summit358,4
20 But Lipetsk Regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund336,3

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