
Is it possible to independently learn the program 1c. Familiarization and work with the program "1C: Enterprise. Paid Trading Courses

When applying for a job as an accountant or economist, in addition to knowledge of postings and analysis schemes economic activity, the modern worker must own the software that is used in the enterprise. In the CIS countries, the leading position is taken by 1C 8.3 or 8.2 software. Therefore, having come to work, one of the first questions will be asked about knowledge of products based on 1C.

There are many different options of how you can learn this program. You can attend certain courses on a permanent basis, you can only study in absentia, you can use Internet courses, or you can just read a lot of literature about it. But perhaps the most popular way of learning is self-study via the Internet, remotely. This option has its pros and cons, let's look at them.

Get 267 1C video tutorials for free:

The advantages include the low cost of such training. Also, studying at home is much more comfortable and comfortable than now in cold universities. . You can study in a comfortable environment, which will contribute to better assimilation of information.

But, studying at home on your own can bring additional difficulties in studying the 1C program. Such activities can slow down the learning process. For example, if you do not succeed in something, then in regular classes you can contact a teacher, but when studying on your own at home, this will not be possible.

Well, you can study at home with a book, or you can use the Internet. If you enter "courses 1c 8.2" into the browser line, then a very large list falls out. But what is the difference between them? One of the reasons will be the cost of the courses. Different firms provide their services for different amounts of money. This is due to different periods of study, different levels of complexity and, most importantly, a different number of intermediaries, which unconditionally affects the level of prices.

If you chose distance learning, then remember that only the creators themselves will teach you the most correctly, they will be able to convey the material to you firsthand.

Features of online learning

  1. Since the training is remote, materials are sent to in electronic format... This will cut costs and save money.
  2. takes place in a practical mode. That is, a conditional enterprise is set up for each course participant. Then, the working cycle is taken in a conditional year, and there is direct contact with the program - the closing of the month, the formation of quarterly accounts and similar work that is done using 1C.
  3. At the end of each lesson, participants receive a kind of homework, which will help to consolidate the material covered and move on.
  4. In each new period, the set of operations performed becomes more complex, which corresponds to an effective teaching method "from simple to complex".

Introductory information for those who have never seen 1C. General principles work in 1C 8.

Let's look at how the work in 1C 8 takes place from the point of view of a programmer, using the example of working in the configuration 1C Accounting and 1C Trade Management.

Launch window 1C: Enterprise

When you start 1C, you will first of all see a window for selecting a database.

Using various settings, you can get rid of its appearance, but we are now considering the standard behavior of 1C.

This window allows you to:

  • select / add base
  • see where it is located (when the database is selected, the directory in which the database is located is displayed below)
  • enter the database in the enterprise mode or under the configurator.

Work in 1C 8 is possible in two modes.

Mode 1C: Enterprise- for operators (users). It allows you to use the database for its intended purpose - to enter directories and documents, view reports.

Configurator mode- for a programmer or administrator. It allows you to customize which directories the operator will see, which documents they can enter, etc.

Work in 1C 8 - 1C: Enterprise mode

1C view in 1C: Enterprise mode completely depends on the settings:

  • settings in general
  • settings for each operator.

It is easy to check it by entering the demo database under different users.

The window view in 1C: Enterprise mode is called "Interface". The selected interface determines which windows are automatically opened, which menu, which panels. Interfaces can be switched (Service / Switch interface, switching is also often carried out to the bottom panel on the left).

1) Basic view of 1C: Enterprise

This is a basic view of the 1C window with a few settings.

By default, 1C displays only the menu and the standard panel. This screenshot also shows the Quick Open Documents panel (the lower of the two panels).

The composition of the menu is also customizable for each operator, so different operators may have different menus.

However, there are two standard items that are always the same - Operations and Service. These menu items cannot be changed, but can be skipped, so operators with the most low level they have no access. If they are not in your menu, log in as a different user.

The Operations item lists all types of information (directories, documents ...) that are present in this configuration. Therefore, if you do not know which menu the developers have put a reference book into, you can always find it through the Operations menu.

The Service menu is configurable, but it is good practice for typical configurations to put into it all the service mechanisms that allow you to manage this database.

Work in 1C 8 operators is carried out by selecting the necessary items from the menu and further work in the windows opened through the menu.

2) An example of the type 1C: Enterprise with interface settings

The screenshot shows the Cashier interface from the "Retail" configuration. 1C opens in full screen, neither the menu nor other windows are visible, in this case work in 1C 8 is possible only with this form.

Such interfaces are made for employees with a limited set of functions - cashier, storekeeper, salesman, etc.

1C version 8 allows you to make ANY KIND of interface in principle. You can use web documents, pictures, Active-X elements and so on and so forth. Therefore, in theory, the interface can be modified beyond recognition.

Work in 1C 8 operators is possible only in an open form, no other 1C capabilities are available to him.

3) Work in 1C 8 with a Desktop

In the "Accounting" configuration, as well as in some others, the Desktop interface element is used by many users to work in 1C 8.

This is a window that opens as a basic one, it cannot be closed. It contains all the main elements of the configuration and is divided by the type of accounting. For example: Bank, Cashier, Purchases, Sales, etc.

It is very convenient in comparison with the menu, clearly and expressively. Unfortunately the desktop is not included in all configurations.

Interesting: there are configurations that consist of several - for example, " Complex automation"(Accounting, Trade Management, Salary and Human Resources). So, the desktop is in the Accounting (separate) configuration, but it is not in the complex one.

This is a simplification of the first option. Work in 1C 8 operator is carried out by selecting the necessary shortcuts on the tabs of the "desktop".

4) Work in 1C 8 with assistants

All 1C configurations have work assistants. These are windows on a specific topic, either providing help or helping you navigate through the configuration.

The main types of assistants for working in 1C 8:

  • Help: Function Panel, Configuration Quick Start, Additional Information
  • workplace: Workplace Sales Manager, Contacts, Email, Events and reminders, etc.
  • navigation assistant: Initial configuration of the database (opens automatically when you first enter a new database, if it is NOT a demo database, but an empty database).

Assistants often open automatically when you enter 1C, under different users. If this is not the case, most of the helpers in typical configurations are moved to the "Help" menu item - Function panel, Quick mastering, Additional information, Startup assistant.

How to work in 1C 8 in 1C: Enterprise mode

This introductory introductory description describes the basic principles of work in 1C 8 users. The principle is the same for all configurations. All objects can be found through the Operations / View / Name menu (for example Operations / Reference books / Nomenclature), or using custom menu items.

1) We enter information into directories

"Basic" directories are the Nomenclature (goods) and Counterparties (buyers and suppliers of goods).

For example, we enter into the Nomenclature reference book information about the fact that we have such a product as "Beer bottle". In the directory Contractors information that we have such a buyer as "Pupkin Vasily".

In order to add information to the directory, press Insert when the directory window is open (or with the right mouse button - Add).

2) We draw up documents

We draw up (i.e. add and fill out the documents) the actions that need to be performed in order to sell the product:
- buy goods from a supplier (document "Receipt of goods and services")
- sell the goods to the buyer (document "Sale of goods and services").

Adding a document is done in the same way as a reference. The document is filled with information from various directories, for example, you need to indicate the organization (our company), counterparty (buyer or supplier),

3) See the result

Results can be seen using reporting. The result is, for example, a change in stock balances (there was no product, the product was bought, the product was sold and it was gone again), sales (the product was sold and sales appeared), etc.

Reporting is best viewed using the "Reports" custom menu. Under each operator (its interface), the reports that he will use are collected. The titles of the reports are in Russian and are clear in meaning. Just poke them.

I have listed the entire main cycle of working with 1C: Enterprise in user mode. This is how it works.

Work in 1C 8 - Configurator mode

When you first enter the configurator, 1C will open an empty window with a menu and a toolbar, in which nothing is clear.

This problem can be solved very simply - select Configuration / Open configuration in the menu. Then you will see the "standard" view of the configurator window.

The configuration window displays a list of all kinds of information available in this configuration. This list is called the "Configuration Object Tree" or simply "Configuration Tree".

How does work in 1C 8 work in the Configurator mode?

This short manual does not claim to be complete and describes how the operator works. The instructions are given for any configuration.

1) In the configuration tree, we are looking for the desired object, for example, Directories / Nomenclature.

Important: If you are for the first time in the configurator, for an example look at the Directories, Documents, Reports for now. The rest of the objects are more complex and it is better not to mess with them for now.

2) Expand the object tree.

Each object has:
- Requisites - a list of fields that can be filled in
- Tabular sections - tables of fields, for example, a list of goods in a document
- Forms - screen forms with which the operator works
- Layouts - printed forms that are printed on the printer.

Also on an object (for example, References / Nomenclature), you can double-click and open the "Object filling assistant" - a window with which you can view or change the properties of the object.

3) Open the required element (for example, Object Shape)

We make changes to the form or "code" (the code is the text of the program that is executed when working in 1C: Enterprise mode). The code that relates to a specific form can be seen by opening the form and switching to the Module tab.

Important: if you created a database based on typical configuration or created a demo database, changes are blocked by default. We'll look at how to unlock them in the coming releases.

In addition to the described cycle of work with the configurator, there are also actions that relate to the administration of the database as a whole.

- creating / changing users (Administration / Users menu)
- creating a backup of the database using 1C tools (menu Administration / Unloading and Loading the database)
- updating the configuration (menu Configuration / Save, Load, Compare configurations; also another way of the menu Configuration / Support).

In our new article we will tell you about where to start mastering 1C 8.3 programs for a beginner.

The overwhelming majority of enterprises use 1C 8.3-based programs for accounting for business processes and bookkeeping. It is convenient and practical, but it is difficult for an unprepared user to immediately master all the features of the software, even taking into account the efforts of the developers to simplify the interface. And, first of all, this is due to the subject unpreparedness of the user. After all, it is not easy to understand the program for accounting, if you do not know at least the basics of this very accounting. Is not it? Various training materials, as well as lessons on 1C accounting, will come to help in the study.

What does the "teapot" have to learn?

Before plunging headlong into mastering and gaining practical skills, a beginner needs to decide where to start.


Before mastering the program interface and getting acquainted with functionality, we recommend reading specialized educational literature. , in particular, a large number has been published, so the "teapot" will have plenty to choose from. The textbook 1C: Accounting 8 will be especially useful for a beginner. First steps.

Educational versions of programs

To start working with the program, you do not need to buy a full version of 1C 8.3. It will be enough and. Such a 1C program for dummies will allow you to experiment a lot with tools and capabilities, as well as gain the necessary practical experience.

Courses 1C 8.3

If there is a great desire, but there is not enough discipline, you can use 1C 8.3, where teachers will monitor the effectiveness of training.

Free video tutorials

When working with various tools or functions, beginners are bound to hesitate: what sequence of actions is needed, which buttons to press, where to find this or that tool, and so on. The answers to these and other questions are not always contained in books, and lessons on software will be the best assistant in self-mastering the program.

The short videos contain all the information a beginner needs to work with configurations. Everyone has the opportunity to get access to free lessons on.

For accounting in various areas, the widespread 1C program is used. She has ample opportunities in the field of accounting. A person who perfectly knows how to work with this application can easily find a high-paying job in almost any industry. In this article, you will take a quick look at this application. For this you will need:

- Personal computer or laptop;

- 1C software (For correct operation, we recommend using only the original and 100% licensed version of 1C, which you can).


  1. First, you need to install the 1C shell on your computer. It is called a shell because for a full-fledged work it is necessary to enter all the data about your company, such as:
  • Employee information;
  • Samples of contracts;
  • Requisites and others.

All information in the program can be sorted and arranged at your discretion. It also has various settings for ease of use.

Creating a new item in the "Employees" directory

2. To fill in the details of your company, you need to open the "Service" menu and select the "Organization Information" item (in different versions of the 1C application, the name of this item may differ slightly). Open the "Reference" menu and find the section "Employees Reference", in it you need to enter all the information about your employees. There are also other directories in the program, for example, information about your partners and suppliers is entered into the "Contractors" directory. Check out all the available reference books, so that in the future you can freely navigate in them.

3. All Money transfers your organization will be displayed in the magazines "Bank" and "Payment documents". For the record Supplies and products of your enterprise, many different magazines have been created, such as:

  • Products;
  • Invoice;
  • Accounts and others.

The program also has the ability to display a variety of reports and balances, all of which are based on the available data in the program. There is also the ability to display reports for tax and social services.

4. If you are well versed in the basics of accounting, you know the basic principles of keeping records of personnel, goods, material values and the other, then you can easily master this program... Please note that there are a huge number of different tutorials on this software on the Internet, many of them are freely available for free. They will help you quickly and effectively learn how to use this program.

Video: 1C trade management. Step-by-step scheme of work in 1C trade management

Most professional accountants it is known how difficult it is to keep records “manually” without using special accounting programs. This method of organizing accounting is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. In addition to the huge time required to form primary documents and drawing up accounting records, the likelihood of incorrect posting and, as a consequence, the formation of an unreliable financial statements.

All these troubles can be avoided by keeping records in a specialized accounting software... Today, the most convenient and "advanced" program is the "1C: Enterprise" package, which provides full and high-quality accounting of all accounting, financial and personnel aspects of any company. That is why many accountants strive to learn how to work in this software module as soon as possible. Unfortunately, not everyone has free time to attend specialized courses, so many tend to learn "1C Accounting" at home.

Things to consider for beginners

It should be noted that the 1C module is organized so competently and conveniently that even accountants with little experience can master it. To study the 1C Accounting program on your own, it is enough to purchase a set, which includes a disc with software and additional teaching materials that allow you to master the basics of working in the selected module.

By carefully studying the sequence of the installation of the program, the establishment of the setting constants and the peculiarities of filling out the reference books, you can learn how to create primary accounting and shipping documents and master the rules for drawing up basic postings.

How to learn how to work in the module for experienced accountants

Specialists with extensive experience in the position of a leading or chief accountant will be able to study at home the "1C Accounting" program very quickly. For most of them, it is enough to carefully study the program interface and understand the basic principles of working in it. "Advanced" users usually have no problem doing basic accounting transactions relating to inventory accounting, depreciation or payroll accounting. If all primary constants are entered correctly and the parameters of the operations are specified correctly, the transactions are generated automatically.

In case of difficulties with filling out reports or generating output forms, you can always get free consultation from the specialists of the company from which the software was purchased, or consult with colleagues on the forums of professional accountants.

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