
How to choose an accounting software. Review of the online accounting service Bukhsoft online Accounting for goods and services TradeSoft

what to choose: 1c enterprise or Buchsoft? and got the best answer

Answer from Mr. Guru [expert]
For me, 1C is the best accounting product, although if the company is small and does not require special control, then even such a product as Business Pack will be quite enough - a small, compact, understandable even who has never worked on a computer and most importantly it can be carried on USB flash drive with you, runs on any computer where Windows is installed.
Of course, the proposed option was not included in the list of programs that were asked about, but it was necessary to offer it.

Answer from Alexey Narozhny[newbie]
I subscribe to the answer of Viktor Petrovich. Disgusting attitude towards customers. and those support is not at all. Watch out. I'd rather pay more, but so that everything is competent and polite. And then they treat you like salespeople in social stores. Rudeness

Answer from Victor Petrovich[active]
My review, which I also promised to leave the Buchsoft management, is writing: the program is disgusting and not finalized. The attitude towards customers is not giving a damn. You call those. Support, but it turns out those. they do not have support ... ... that's bad luck and this is the first lie ... .. they send to look for answers on the Internet forums. Second: Be prepared that when transferring data from an enterprise of the last year, for example, to the USN program of a new year, the data of the new year will be deleted and only the remnants of the old year will be updated at the beginning. That is, if, for example, you found an error as I had (was engaged in recovery) in the old year (2009), we fixed it and want to transfer this data to New Year(2010) be ready to bring the new year completely with pens nothing will help you even the Great Buchsoft they themselves do not know how it happened and cannot fix it given error since the program is not finalized.
Although they promised to come up with something to solve the problem, and in this spirit they arranged a hassle so that they would not write bad reviews.
Do not recommend this program for work!

Answer from Mongolian muzzle[guru]
better than 1C. tried both buhsoft and esochku, stopped at 1C easier, better cheaper. in buhsoft all documents are in ex-ele, and the essochka is unpretentious. honestly, even I have a pirate one and there are no smut

Interview with The Director General LLC "Buchsoft service" Sorokin Ivan Anatolyevich.

How do your programs differ from 1C programs?

Before talking about the differences between 1C programs and BukhSoft programs, it should be said about their main similarities. It consists in the purpose of their development - to comprehensively automate the accounting (and not only accounting) of an enterprise or an entrepreneur. Both programs have all the necessary functions that are in demand in everyday accounting - accounting for fixed assets, warehouse, accounting for settlements with counterparties, tax accounting, personnel and salary, reporting, etc.

Despite the common goal, there are many differences in the programs.

1C is not only programs, but also a development (programming) environment with great possibilities in terms of setting up and modifying programs by the users themselves (as a rule, by 1C programmers).

BukhSoft is a ready-to-use accounting program. New features, settings and improvements in it are also possible, but they are carried out only by the developer.

In fact, this is the main, fundamental difference between the programs. However, based on this difference, it cannot be argued that one program is better, the other is worse. It's just that in one situation it is better for some users to use 1C programs, in other cases BukhSoft is more suitable.

There are many criteria for choosing a program. This is a very big topic for discussion and it is not indisputable. Without going into details, I can recommend the following. If you need to provide for the INDIVIDUAL features of your accounting, then 1C programs are more suitable for you. But this individuality will have to be well spent. If your accounting is typical (production, services, trade), then there are more arguments in favor of BuchSoft programs.

Thus, competition between 1C and Buchsoft programs exists only in the market niche in which there are basic (typical) configurations of 1C programs. For the rest, these are fundamentally different price categories. This should be taken into account when comparing programs further.

Are there any special approaches to the distribution of your programs in comparison with 1C or other accounting programs?

The main difference between BuchSoft programs is that you can download them on the Internet and start working immediately. Regardless of the payment for the program, the user has a forum for programs on the website www.buhsoft.ru, telephone consultations, etc.

The "Download and Run" principle allows the user to really get acquainted with the program, evaluate its capabilities and, only then, make a decision on its purchase. Thus, we have practically no dissatisfied users.

To get acquainted with the programs of the 1C series, you can officially just download demos on the Internet or call a demonstration to the office. At the same time, fully working programs from the 1C family cannot be downloaded from open sources. Thus, it is not possible to work with the program on your own and evaluate its functions and convenience before purchasing. The user first purchases the program, then begins to evaluate its capabilities and compare with other programs.

The user decided to purchase the program. Are there any organizational or technical features here?

As you know, 1C programs are distributed through a network of partner organizations that are part of the 1C: Franchising network. As a rule, the user either purchases the boxed version of 1C on his own, or 1C partner organizations visit the buyer and install the program. It is imperative to meet with the seller or get the boxed version, since the user must receive the security key.

In order to become a user of BuchSoft programs, it is enough to download the necessary program from the company's website on the Internet, install it and pay according to the details indicated on the website. Registration of the program in a day or two will happen automatically via the Internet. Moreover, as I noted earlier, these days before registration, the program allows you to work without problems. Thus, no travel. Deals and registrations take place without haste, sitting at your desk. And this is very convenient for our users, not to mention the fact that the cost of sales is much lower.

You say that the user must install the program himself. It is not difficult? Will the user then be able to make software updates himself?

Installation of the program is carried out by running the installation file, which is downloaded from the site. The program is also updated by running the installation file, just with the latest version of the program. That is, the program is updated by installing a new version of the program "over" the old one. Even for a novice user, installing and updating the program is not difficult. In this case, no additional settings are required. The developer guarantees the automatic continuity of all versions of the program.

But even if you have any questions, all of them are solved without problems by calling the hotline. Users of licensed copies of 1C can receive updated versions of programs and reporting either directly from 1C or from its partners upon presentation of a registration form.

Installation and updating of the 1C configuration can be done by running the installation file. Moreover, it is recommended to update the configuration with the assistance of a specialist to save all program settings and correctly save all entered data. Often, when changing legal requirements and with a large number of differences from typical configuration 1C, this task becomes very costly and problematic.

Can you point out any other fundamental differences between your programs and 1C?

The 1C program uses a hardware security key (HASP), which makes the program less mobile, i.e. makes it difficult to use on different computers.

In BukhSoft, thanks to the use of an electronic registration file, there are no restrictions on working with the database on different computers. And the registration process, as I noted, is elementary and is carried out via the Internet.

It is also worth noting in more detail the issue of program settings for any accounting features. Settings in working with 1C programs allow you to take into account the peculiarities of almost any type of activity, so setting up the program is rather complicated and time-consuming. You need to set up tax rates, directories, information about responsible persons, and more. That is, 1C is a constructor, a programming language that allows, with the help of a programmer, to provide a set additional opportunities in a programme. However, this feature of the programs also has negative sides- the high cost of development and maintenance (on an individual order basis) and problems with further configuration updates.

BukhSoft program practically does not need any settings. All settings are provided by the developer himself in strict accordance with applicable law. All the user needs to do to get started is to enter data on his accounting policy. At the same time it is possible to print this accounting policy for purposes accounting and tax accounting... When the legislation changes, the developer provides them in new versions of the program.

What are the differences in the price of the programs?

1C: Enterprise 7.7 PROF Complex supply, which consists of configurations: 1C: Accounting, 1C: Trade + Warehouse, 1C: Salary + Personnel, costs 480 dollars. The program does not provide for restrictions on the number of operations and employees, but do not forget that the maintenance of this program requires the work of a specialist, which will require additional costs. The cost of information technology support is from $ 25 per month.

The pricing policy of Buchsoft provides for a gradation of prices for programs depending on objective factors of activity, such as the number of employees, the volume of activities (the number of transactions in the accounting of purchases or sales, etc.). Accordingly, the price of the program for a small company with a small turnover and not very large staff will be equal to $ 250 for the first year and $ 125 when renewing for the following years.

I also want to note that in the period from 11 to 22 September 2006 for visitors to the site BUKHGALTERIYA.RU is valid special offer for the purchase of BukhSoft series programs. The required program can be purchased for 999 rubles. This is several times cheaper than the actual prices of the developer himself!

Any official organization, regardless of its type of activity? this is an endless stream of "paper" work associated with the preparation of numerous reports, the formation tax returns, invoicing counterparties and other time-consuming procedures.

It is especially difficult with reporting when it comes to commercial companies that constantly have to deal with both their creditors, suppliers and buyers. Maintaining a competently and correctly executed document flow of a company can take up to eighty percent of the time of its employees. In order to significantly simplify and speed up this process, domestic developers of specialized software have long created an almost universal software platform called "1C: Enterprise", as well as many other similar products based on the 1C platform.

Important: 1C: Accounting - the general name of the software shells of the company "1C", focused on the automation of accounting processes. It is directly related to configurations based on the 1C: Enterprise complex (included in the structure). That is why, when users want to download the 1C: Accounting program, they are offered 1C: Enterprise instead.

One of the latest versions of the program - 8.3, which recently entered the market, is perfect for drawing up correct tax and accounting reports. The program is fully equipped with all the necessary functions for maintaining various forms of accounting in organizations dealing with commercial activities, for example: commission and subcommission trade, production, provision of various kinds of services, wholesale trade, retail trade and the like.

The new version of 1C of the program, already familiar to every entrepreneur in the country, has fully preserved the continuity of the previous line of its predecessors, and is also absolutely relevant to the current one. Russian legislation... Convenient specifics of the accounting program allows you to record each record business transaction lump sum in different systems accounting: according to the necessary sections of analytical, currency and analytical accounting, as well as enter into the data table transactions on accounts.

After a cursory acquaintance with the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program, any user will be able to personally make cuts of analytical accounts, generate sub-accounts, and the like.

The fresh version of the program is more improved than the previous 7.7 and 8, because it includes as many as six years of continuous experience of official users from various areas of trade and production. Therefore, we certainly advise you to download and install the latest version of 1c accounting.

1C: Accounting has become a real boon for many actively working companies, because all areas of its application are as laconic and automated as possible. The flexible configuration of this software platform makes it convenient for use by any enterprise.

This program is specially designed for the operational management of the organization, competent budgeting, convenient management of accounts, including foreign currency, financial and analytical reporting, calculation of employee salaries and many other mandatory operations designed to expand the automation of company management.

Video review:

Let's register in the system. To do this, go to the Buchsoft Online page.

Push the button registration.

We enter the information that is asked of us and click Register again.

After a few seconds on mailing address confirmation letter came registration in the service.

Now we will use the login and password sent to the mail and enter the system. To do this, click Log in online.

This is how a personal account looks like in the BuchSoft service.

Let's go to the Accounting section. As you can see, free access is provided within 90 days after registration.

Desktop of the module Accounting Accounting.Oline

Let's check out how it works. For example, click on the link Products and services.

Click Add and add information on the product.

Information is added very conveniently and easily. Just a couple of clicks - and a new product is added to the system.

This is how the transaction log looks like in the BuchSoft system.

Let's go back to the Salary and HR section. This is how it looks:

Let's go to the Personnel section. Click on the Add button. In the same way, in the window that appears, fill in the information about the employee and click Add. Note! If your settings are incorrect and can negatively affect the formation of reports, the system will again prompt you about this.

After that, we can see the employee's personal card. Information is easily entered into the appropriate section: personal card, personnel actions, transfers, taxation, accruals, debts.

The other work in the system is based on the same principle. Everything is convenient and easy.

Functional assessment

Type of ownership All forms of ownership
Taxation scheme OSNO, USNO, Patent, UTII, combination of taxation schemes
Personnel accounting Creation of a detailed employee profile; accounting of dismissed employees; accounting for freelancers; all types of personnel documents. SZV-M report to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Not on all tariffs.
Tax accounting Profit, VAT, 2-NDFL, 6-NDFL, any types of taxes for commercial organizations. Not on all tariffs.
Inventory control Main and retail warehouse; materials and goods. Online cash registers. Not on all tariffs.
Cash accounting Receipt, write-off, movement. Not on all tariffs.
Calculation wages Prepaid expense; salaries; awards; GPA; other charges; absenteeism: vacations, business trips, other absenteeism; benefits: sick leave, lump-sum benefits, maternity leave; Holiday to care for the child; contributions; Personal income tax, any charges. Not on all tariffs.
Electronic dispatch Sending reports to in electronic format in the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, FSS, Rosstat, RAR, reconciliation, letters, requirements, EDF (legally significant document flow) with counterparties (depending on the tariff). Not on all tariffs.
Analytics Ability to keep a book of income and expenses or a book of purchases and sales, many printed forms, the ability to keep a book of income for patents, keeping a journal of accounting operations, keeping cash book, accounting for retail sales, creating monetary documents, inventory management, the ability to keep personnel records. Automated generation of standard and simplified accounting statements.Not on all tariffs.
Forms Dozens of printable templates
The documents Invoice for payment, contract invoice, invoice, invoice, act, advance report, orders, UPD and other new forms of documents from 01.07.2017
Electronic signature in the cloud Provided
Online data exchange with banks Provided
Expert advice Depending on the tariff
Employee Sharing Provided
Double entry Provided
Checking counterparties Provided
Number of companies in the profile Unlimited quantity

Such a number of marks “not on all tariffs” is due to the fact that BukhSoft's tariff policy is based on separate modules that can be assembled at will.

What's included in the modules?

Accounting department
Automation of accounting and (or) tax accounting for organizations on OSNO or STS and individual entrepreneurs in a simplified mode. Bank, cash, purchases, sales. Automatic generation of transactions, auto-completion of the book of income and expenses, other features of professional accounting. Based on the credentials, it is possible to automatically generate all the reports provided for by the legislation in the areas of the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and other regulatory bodies.

Service for maintenance operational accounting on behalf of several own organizations... Formation primary documentation... Integration with an offline version of a similar program.

Salary and personnel
Universal service for maintaining salary and personnel records(any organization or individual entrepreneur). Sick leave, vacation pay, any work schedule and complex charges. Based on the entered data, reports are automatically generated to state extrabudgetary funds and the Federal Tax Service in the form of 2-NDFL. Formation of timesheet and personnel documents.

Reporting preparation
Allows you to automatically or manually form the accounting established by law, tax reporting, reporting to state off-budget funds and other controlling organizations. The reporting files are uploaded in hard copy or in formats established by law for their subsequent transfer via secure TCS channels (reporting via the Internet).

Electronic dispatch
Allows you to send generated reports to regulatory authorities in the areas of the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, FSS, Rosstat, Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Includes reconciliation and informal exchange of documents. Includes legally significant electronic document management with contractors. The service is a joint development with the Certification Center of ZAO Kaluga Astral.

Task Manager
An online module that allows you to set reminders and tasks, monitor the progress of their implementation, analyze the effectiveness of the use of working time by performers. The user has the ability to involve both his own employees and external executors with various access rights to perform tasks.

Online checkout

Online module that allows you to create a virtual workplace cashier and print checks

In accordance with the new requirements of Law 54-FZ.

Comparison of tariffs

The tariff grid is built according to the principle of separate modules, which can be assembled depending on the needs and form of ownership.

* Description of modules - in the section "Assessment of functionality"

With a one-time payment of more than 14,000 rubles. - license for the BuchSoft reporting module for 12 months. (FTS, Pension Fund, FSS, Rosstat) - provided free of charge.

License extensions, unscheduled certificate replacements and additional related services are charged separately. Contact consultants for details.

You can pay for any program by bank transfer or by other means: electronic money, transfer to a card, Robokassa. The minimum payment is for a year.

Additional discounts are possible when connecting several organizations. Yes

Technical support

The quality of the responses pleased us, but not the speed. Reply to the letter by e-mail followed only after re-sending. Pleased with the quick answers in personal account... Generally, average level support services. Not as sad as the service

The 1C topic does not let us go directly: all the more, when the Ukrainian accountants have something to do, the company does not shake its head to us. We decided to analyze how other accounting programs live. And are there any working alternatives to the monopolist at all now? Suddenly, and we will want to ban ... Let's be ready, at least.

We suggest in the comments to tell what problems you have encountered when using the listed programs and why you want to switch to another (or have already switched).

Recently, in the Clerk.ru group on the Facebook site, Red Corner of the Accountant, we invited our readers to take part in a survey regarding the program in which the accounting is kept.


1C won with a crushing score. The company needs no introduction. Everything is scaled up there: 1C works with users through a network that includes more than 10,000 permanent partners in 600 cities from 25 countries. Just the clients from another country had to get nervous recently. Over the past week, the company has become a figurant of several important ones at once.In Ukraine, at first, commercial companies were allegedly prohibited, then again allowed to use 1C.

I think readers will forgive us if we do not dwell in detail on the functions and features of working in 1C. It is better to talk in detail about other accounting programs mentioned in our survey.

Turbo 9

The silver in our survey was taken by the accounting software Turbo 9, which was developed by DIC (Dolgoprudny Research Center). To be honest, the site of the program looks like a relic of the days of the modem Internet. But there are online helpers, a forum, and a hotline.

Nevertheless, the developers offer a full range of software solutions: for the automation of accounting and tax accounting, and for personnel management, and for warehouse or industry accounting. There is a mini-program Accountant. It is designed for accounting "from posting", without the use of operational documents.

Here is the official price list from DIC. You can buy by calling by phone, as well as in the online store or from dealers. Everything is as usual.


In third place in our survey is the Info-accountant program. In terms of design and ease of searching for information for potential clients, the Info-accountant is not far from Turbo-9. However, the Info-accountant also has a forum and consultants who will explain everything by phone or email.

In general, it is strange why even a 1C site looks like some kind of greetings from the past.

But back to the Info-accountant. The program has the usual, that is, sufficient functionality for most companies. Introducing themselves, the developers focus on the following features (we quote):

  • Full compliance with all the requirements of the Ministry of Finance and
  • Always up-to-date accounting and
  • All taxation regimes (ORN, USN, "Vmenenka", "Patent", etc.).
  • Automation of all areas of accounting, tax, personnel, warehouse, management accounting.
  • Keeping records of several organizations and entrepreneurs in one program.
  • Payroll of any complexity and personnel records.
  • Accounting for fixed assets and materials.
  • Accounting for works, services, trade and warehouse accounting.
  • Automation of the cashier-operator's workplace
  • Automatic generation of all types of reports.
  • Uploading reports for submission in electronic form.
  • Electronic invoices and
  • Regular free updates.
  • Ease of learning and ease of use.
The program has both paid and free versions. Here is the price list for everything that can be obtained from the Info-accountant. You can buy through their online store or from regional dealers.

For small businesses and start-up entrepreneurs, they offer a free version of the Info-Accountant 10.2 program with reduced functionality.


The next on the list of priority accounting programs in our survey is Kontur-Elba. The capabilities of the program are, in principle, similar to all those discussed above.

Here the interface and opportunities for recognizing the program are more fun.

The price can be found here. 30 days promise to give free use. There are also nice tips for entrepreneurs and those who submit zero reporting.

The good news is that you can pay directly on the site with electronic money.

My business

Service My business positions itself as online accounting for small businesses. The possibilities are there to cover everything that most small companies and entrepreneurs need. The service looks modern. The prices are as follows.

The demo version is offered free of charge.


BukhSoft offers solutions for various small businesses and industries. The developer especially emphasizes: you can download the program to your computer, or you can use it online without special

The site looks modern. You can watch video tips and choose convenient options for yourself.

Prices are here.


Alive in the memory of accountants and Sail. True, in our survey he was chosen by only one respondent. In the comments, users noted that state and municipal institutions are using it now.

We asked: there are also proposals for business. But again - only for large-scale producers: from mechanical engineering, chemical sector, energy, food industry.

Who else?

Of course, we have not covered all accounting programs. Maybe your favorites are services or software - albeit not so popular, but giving the options that your business needs? Tell us.

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