
How constant tax liability is formed. Accounting wiring in the event of permanent and time differences between BU and well. Deferred taxes on direct expenses are reflected only after the sale of products.

Inventory - identification of real estate objects and registration of the results obtained in accordance with the requirements established by law. The procedure can be carried out in relation to any real estate objects, regardless of the title owner. In the article, we will tell how the technical inventory of real estate objects is carried out, which documents are issued.

Types of technical inventory

Distinguish three types of inventory:

View Time spending
PrimaryIt is only required for new objects or those for which such a procedure is not carried out for some reason, and they are not included in the appropriate registry.
UnplannedIt is made after redevelopment or reorganization, as well as during the reconstruction of the building, the construction of additional premises or structures, dismantling any parts. Required before the conclusion of the transaction on the alienation of rights to real estate.
PlannedIt is carried out every 5 years to identify discrepancies. Such a term was chosen in no coincidence. According to statistics, it is after the expiration of the specified period of time amendments are made. Read also Article: → ".

The grounds and objectives of the inventory

Technical real estate control pursues such purposes:

  • identify full, objective and reliable information about the property. Such information is needed not only to government agencies, but also to the owners;
  • creature single base Data including all properties. This goal aims to systematize information, as well as improving the planning of the area;
  • collecting and transferring data to statistical accounting authorities;
  • checking the completeness and reliability of the information necessary for the correct calculation of property tax;
  • collection and transfer of information to the registration authorities.

The procedure is important due to the fact that the data obtained is used in the work of other services and departments, they are based on the tax is calculated, the depreciation is determined, insurance is determined, and the size of other payments is established. Checking the object of real estate is carried out in several cases:

  • erection of a new object;
  • major building repair;
  • in relation to the incomplete construction of the facility when issuing rights to it;
  • completion of legally significant actions, the object of which is immovable property. These include shares in common propertyHer alienation, merger and other operations.

The inventory initiator is the owner of the structure or premises. State bodies Applications are submitted in the prescribed manner, citizens constitute a statement, personally, which personally, in the territorial department or the multifunctional center.

Real estate facilities to be inventory

Inventory can be carried out only with respect to the real estate object as an independent accounting unit with an autonomous characteristic and relevant legal status. The building or room refers to those if they have technical certificate, plan and explication, as well as cadastral number.

Sometimes a unit of accounting takes complexes that include several real estate objects. In this case, they are entered into the list, and other additional premises are considered as auxiliary characteristics. Various elements Or the premises located in the building are also not separate objects, as well as buildings that do not fall under the definition of capital construction. All of them are accepted as the characteristics of the main construction.

The inventory is carried out in respect of all objects of real estate both residential and industrial or other purposes.

Residential facilities include multi-storey and individual houses, hostels. Among non-residential buildings You can highlight buildings with administrative or public appointment, garages, cottages and other buildings. If the structure has been erected in the absence of a properly declaration of construction permits, then the inventory can also be carried out, since the presence of this document does not affect the result of technical verification of the real estate object.

Responsible Inventory Subjects

The inventory is in the statement of the technical inventory bureau. This institution has an extensive structure of territorial units, for each of which certain areas of the administrative unit are enshrined. The archives of BTI store technical information about all real estate objects.

Among the powers of the BTI, there is an inventory on the application of the owner of the object for the fee established by the law.

In its activities, the Bureau and its territorial units cooperate with other services and departments. Among them: Rosreestr, Housing and communal services, Housing and housing and communal services, Housing and communal services, local administrations, land management committees.

Inventory procedure

Testing the construction is carried out by BTI staff. The procedure has several stages.

  1. Registration of an application for inventory. Leave an application may, as individuals or organizations - owners of real estate and government bodies.
  2. Creating a commission designed to study the structure. Read also Article: → ".
  3. Direct study of the property. To implement this task, the BTI employees go to the address specified in the application, and inspection, measurements and other necessary work, Fixing the identified data in the list. Based on the information obtained, the act is subsequently compiled and the conclusion is given.
  4. The final stage of inventory is the preparation and issuance of the technical passport of the premises or other document required.

Conditionally, all actions conducted within the framework of the inventory can be divided into work on the ground, involving the departure of specialists to the object, and conducting inspection and measurements and cameral when the data obtained is analyzed, and documentation is drawn up on them. All information obtained as a result of the inspection of the room and completed measurements is recorded in the electronic database and are transmitted to the relevant departments and services.

The inventory of objects in state or municipal property is carried out on the basis of the application of the relevant authority. Employees of BTI are reconciled objects under the supervision of local administrations, in whose territory is located real estate. Having revealing objects included in the list, it is carried out by the way, on the basis of which a document containing the characteristics of the buildings is drawn up.

An individual can order inventory and obtaining the document you need, contacting the territorial units of the BTI or a multifunctional center.

Registration of inventory results

Most often, the inventory is carried out in order to design a technical passport. The form, the composition of information subject to reflection is determined by the order of the Ministry economic Development and trade of the Russian Federation. Information included in the technical passport of the property object:

  • the area and the volume of the object. Non-residential part and additional extensions are also recorded and reflected in documented;
  • quality characteristics: Type of real estate, its purpose, condition of individual elements, such as the foundation, roof, walls, other structures that are important;
  • in some cases, the inventory value is indicated.

The inventory procedure of the real estate object is the basis for its inclusion in the appropriate state registry. The technical passport issued as a result of the study contains the characteristics of the room or structure intended for its identification, and does not confirm the title right to real estate.

The technical inventory may pursue the purpose of obtaining other documents:

  • cutting out the premises from the supasport;
  • conclusions about the state of objects related to capital construction;
  • certificates of absence (presence) objects capital construction, status of such objects.

Typical errors in checks

Most often there are errors in the preparation of technical passports.

Error How to fix
Error in drawing up a floor plan. For example, wall measurements may be incorrectly indicated, the gas stove is confused with the electrical, the ventilation is wrong.Employees of BTI follow the information that information in the document does not correspond to the data. Usually a re-output is assigned, during which errors are eliminated. In case of refusal, you can contact the court, but this does not happen. All problems are solved without attracting justice bodies.
The difference between the BTI plan from similar documents prepared by the developer.After the construction of a new BTI house should produce its measurements and make appropriate documents. In practice, this issue is solved so. Employees come and conduct measurements of the first floor, then project the data obtained on all apartments. In this regard, deviations may occur. To correct the situation, it is necessary to refer to the developer to the project documentation and go to BTI with it.
Error when making data after redevelopmentIf the room was redeveloped, an appropriate act should be compiled. This task refers to the competence of the Special Commission, which subsequently transmits all data in the BTI to adjust the information they have. It happens that as a result, in a new technical service, the owner detects errors. To eliminate them, you should contact BTI and call a specialist who will inspect and correct the shortcomings.

The inconsistencies identified in the BTI documents are recommended immediately after their detection.Ways depend on the situation. First of all, it should be specified for the presence of an error, when refused to correct it, it is recommended to draw up a claim in the BTI headquarters in the appropriate entity.

Frequently asked Questions

The most frequently asked the following questions:

What is the cost of inventory? Depends on urgency and constitutes 3-5 thousand rubles in the region.
DeadlinesThe standard period is 10-14 days from the date of receipt of the application.
Is it possible to speed up the procedure?Yes, the technical support can be manufactured in 5 days, subject to the payment of increased fees.
If the technical support is valid?No, the law is not limited by law. However, it was established that once every five years should be a new inspection, but in practice this rule is rarely carried out. Also, the data in the document is obsolete when carrying out any changes in the layout.
How to fix the assigned error?You should contact the authority, and indicate the discrepancy between the data reflected on paper, reality.

An example of a conflict resolution

During the design of the inheritance, the real estate passport was required. The heirs appealed to the territorial department and ordered the document. Employees of BTI inspected the room, but after two weeks, the passport was not made.

First of all, it should be noted that all work is carried out on the basis of the contract, and not tightly established legislative terms. Before contacting BTI, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the provisions of the signed agreement and identify the timing of work. In this situation, the Client protects the Consumer Rights Act, which provides for the possibility of reducing the cost of work.

Therefore, in case of violation of the timing of the paperwork, it is recommended to write a claim by referring to the contract and the provisions of the Consumer Rights Legislation, requiring the preparation of the document and reduce the cost of services. After receiving written requirements, BTI usually fulfills their duties.

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