
Countries leaders in the world. Causes of high mortality in Russia. Blitz by death

Throughout the previous decade, coronary heart disease, stroke, respiratory infections of the lower respiratory tract and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease became majer diseases. The cogenic causes data as human mortality over 12 years (according to WHO).

By the way, we have already published (according to the data in the UK), but depending on the standard of living, the cause of death is equally different.

What people die from. The most common causes of death

HIV mortality decreased from 1.7 million (3.2% of all deaths in 2000) to 1.5 million deaths in 2012. The diarrhea is more in the number of 5 leading causes of death, but still is a deadly tent - in 2012 it led to 1.5 million deaths.

From the lung cancer (along with trachea and bronchi cancer) in 2012, much more died - 1.6 million people compared with 1.2 million people in 2000. Similarly, mortality from diabetes rose one and a half times - in 2012 1.5 million people died compared to 1 million in 2000.

* COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

How to grow or fell mortality from different reasons from 2000 to 2012

Changes in the main causes of death for 12 years. Data: V.

The main causes of death depending on income

It is clear that in different countries In the world - the different causes of death, and above all it depends on the level of development of the country as a whole (and medicine, education, level of nutrition in particular). And the difference in the causes of death is stripped.

For example, if 53 people for every 100 thousand die from the diarrhea die in poor countries, then in the rich, this cause of death is not among the top ten.

That is what die in poor countries:

But from what - in the rich:

In rich countries, 7 out of 10 deaths fall on fair ages - from 70 years and older. People die mainly from chronic diseases: Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or diabetes.

In the poor countries, almost 4 out of 10 cases occur on children under the age of 15, and only 2 of every 10 deaths fall on persons aged 70 years and older. People die mainly from infectious diseases: together taken, infections of the lower respiratory tract, HIV / AIDS, diarrheal diseases, malaria and tuberculosis are the cause of almost a third of all deaths in these countries.

Blitz by death

How many people do it die every year in the world?
In 2012, 56 million people died around the world.

Are cardiovascular diseases of the main cause of death in the world?
Yes, in 2012, 17.5 million people died from cardiovascular diseases, that is, 3 out of each 10. Of this number, 7.4 million people died from coronary heart disease and 6.7 million people from stroke.

It often declares that smoking - main reason mortality. How does the use of tobacco affect these causes of death?
Tobacco use is an important reason for the occurrence of many of the most deadly diseases in the world, including cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive lung diseases and lung cancer. A total of 1 adult out of 10 is dying from the use of tobacco all over the world. Smoking is often a hidden cause of the disease, which is registered as the reason for the occurrence of death.

How has the situation changed over the past decade?
Ischemic heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory tract infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were still leading causes of death over the past decade.

In 2012, noncommunicable diseases (bottom) caused about 68% of all deaths in the world compared to 60% in 2000. Only from cardiovascular diseases in 2012 died by 2.6 million more people than in 2000.

The injuries still die 5 million people a year. At the same time, despite the development of security technologies, more and more people die from the road accidents: in 2012, almost 3,500 people died daily, it is about 600 more than in 2000. Therefore, an accident is now among the 10 leading causes of death in 2012.

How many children die in the world and why?
In 2012, 6.6 million children under 5 years old were died, 99% of these cases occurred in low- and middle-income countries. Children die mainly from pneumonia, prematurity, generic asphyxia and diarrhea diseases. Malaria remained a serious cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa, where almost 15% of children under 5 years have died from her in this region.

Causes of death all over the world: general performance

Imagine a heterogeneous international group of 1000 people who is a representative sample of women, men and children from around the world who died in 2012.

Of these 1000 people:

  • 133 people are residents of low-income countries, 356 countries with low-income countries, 302 countries with a medium-high level of income and 209 - high-income countries.
  • 153 people are children under the age of 15, 412 - adults aged 15-69 years and 435 - adults aged 70 years and older.
  • The reasons for more than half (514) from this 1000 cases of death would be the following 10 pathologies:

In order to understand where the highest mortality rate, it is necessary to understand the causes and conditions contributing to it.

If we consider the state in which people live longer on the planet and look at its development history, location, neighboring countries, climatic conditions, it will become clear how people live on average up to 82-83 years.

Long and happily live here

Such a country is the principality of Andorra. Located in the southern part of Europe, on the border with France and Spain.

The increase in life contributes:

  • place the location of a dwarf state, as it is among developed European states,
  • on this territory, all viral and epidemic diseases have been defeated, which still will be rapid in the third world countries. Newly born citizens are vaccinated from all known diseases.
  • weather and climatic conditions contribute to long life.
  • the presence of a fairly ancient history of the existence of a nation. The genetic code of this nationality is quite strong, allowing the population to live up to 100 years.

What is noteworthy, the difference between the life of a woman and a man is only 5 years old. What is an average indicator for the level of developed countries.

At the same time, the principality according to the World Book of the CIA facts occupies as much as 147 place from 192 countries of the world, with mortality rates of 5.9 people per 1000 people.

Lower life expectancy

If we consider the territory in which the duration of life is at the lowest level of all countries of the world, on 1 place out of 192 countries of possible.

In this country, it is directly related to each other and the lifespan and the level of mortality of the population.

The Kingdom of Swaziland is the territory that is located in South Africa. The seasons do not have exits, but 6 percent of the aquatic masses are not a large land area.

Life life indicators and mortality rates are simply frightening and deplorable.

  • Lack of normal health care.
  • Lack of vaccination of newborns, normal human conditions for coexistence in civilized society,
  • permanent hostilities between tribes for power in the kingdom, all this largely does not contribute to the level and life expectancy of the population.

In the country, the average life of people is only 32.2 years. Of which men on average in the literal sense exist until 31.8 years, and women are only 32.6 years old. It can be seen that the gap in the life expectancy is completely meager, only an average of 1 year. And as can be seen in developed countries The gap reaches up to 10-12 years.

Mortality of the population is also frightening as much as 30.8 people per 1000 people population. With a population of 1 million 200 thousand.

Retreat from the topic. It is noteworthy that the King of Swaziland has 12 wives and about 30 children. IN more than He is engaged in enriching his personal budget. And since the wives are a lot and mostly all young, money you need a lot. Naturally thinking about the people of time does not remain. At the time, the holiday is held annually, at which the ruler comes from 50 to 100 thousand virgins, who would like to be the next wife of the king.

The king, which is currently ruled, fulfills its duties since the end of the last century since 1986. Accordingly, it can be assumed that the presence of an absolute monarchy, which is in some hands cannot contribute to the well-being of the life of people.

Probably precisely on this, all civilized countries moved away from the Middle Ages remnants to a more modern structure of the Board.

"From life, no one has extended alive .."

One way or another, but all those living on Earth sooner or later go to the world of others. Even if a person passed all the dangers of life, came out as a whole and unsubstantiated from all wars and trouble, retained health, heeded with high-quality products, lived in the area with clean air - the limit of his life is still limited to 125 years. This is the maximum line, which can live a healthy person, according to the arguments of scientists ...

The most age registered long-liver has lived 122 years (French Jeanne Kalman), unregistered - 256 years. We are talking about the period of our era. There is information that in the prehistoric era, people lived for several centuries.

"Death from old age" - such as such a natural phrase, but there is no death from old age, there is a "decreasing" of the body and its inability to fight diseases at the proper level and there is a heiflica limit. Aging and regress begin when somatic cells cease to share (approximately after 50 divisions), and at least you do with them after the limit exhaustion - the countdown begins inevitably approach the reverse start, "cuckoo" sighs the remaining days to us.

Humanity does not humble with such a layout and constantly wants to overcome nature: inventing new options for rejuvenation, applies stem cells, nano-technologies, cools and freezes live tissues in nitrogen, slowly clones "good material". And many are already clear what intervention is fraught with serious consequences for everyone - but the mechanism is launched, stop late.

"According to UN experts, in 2010-2015, the expected lifespan for both sexes is 70 years old and will more than have 57% of the world's population" (Wikipedia)

On the this moment In Russia, the average life expectancy is just over 70 years (according to the statement of the President of the Russian Federation V.Putin in early 2012), in December 2011, the average duration of men was 69 years old, women - 74 years.

"Minister of Health and social Development Russia Tatyana Golikova on November 1, 2011, with reference to the average forecast of Rosstat, said that by 2020, the expected average life expectancy in Russia will be 71.8 years, including women - 77.3 years, men - 66.2 years "

WHO data for 2013 does not agree with the facts known to us:

".. The lifelitivity of the life of Russian men is the shortest among the population of Europe and Central Asia: Russian men live on average for only 62.8 years. At the same time, the Israelites who took the first place on the life expectancy of men are 80.1 years old, the British - 78.4 years, and the Spaniards - 78.8 years "(Wikipedia)

That is, women will, despite all the life, women's share, living longer .. And the men are even less, add here and the fact that the boys are less abnormalities have more congenital anomalies, etc. - It really turns out that the male genus is dying. Perhaps feminization is only a protective reaction for survival ... However, it aggravates the already bad alignment.

By the way, even 62 years most of the average life expectancy in the Soviet period (40-45 years).

Probably, you have repeatedly heard the terrible stories that the population of the planet will soon wake up that the number of people is pushing. This is all wrong.The population of the earth is growing in geometric progression. Now (mid-September 2014) Almost 7.3 billion people live on the planet.

"According to the CIA estimates, July 2013, the population of the Earth was 7,095,217,980" (Wikipedia)

In the picture of the world population counter

Every day about 365 thousand children are born in the world, more than 50% in Asia, only 5% in Europe. The most densely populated country in China, over 1.3 billion of the Chinese, not only that and now dominating the number of population nation, so they are still "multiplied" the faster. It is also worth considering more than the number of visiting Asian visits living in various world regions, in particular in Russia.

In the history of mankind, 8 billion people died from (about) 8 billion: these variations depend on the opinions and calculations of various scientists.

About 59 million people die in the world in the world. Every second - 2 people, per minute - 120 people. Every 3 seconds the child is dying not reaching 5 years of age. About 40 thousand people are daily victims of poverty and hunger.

About mortality and fertility in Russia. In Russia, on average, 2 million 300 thousand people die every year, about 6 thousand 300 people per hour, at an hour of 262 people.

Above the information provided from the article written on the basis of information from the official website. Federal Service State statistics, the page on the designated resource is currently currently as non-existent ( last yearDisplays statistics on the site now - 2008). These are informal mortality reports.

The official mortality numbers say (for 2013):

"1,895,822 people were born (6,62 people are less than in 2012);

1,871,809 people died (34,526 people are less than 2012);

groost: 24,013 people (in 2012 decline 4,511 people);

migration population growth: 295,858 people (in 2012 294 930).

The natural increase in 2013 was noted in 43 constituent entities of the Federation (18 - republic) against 40 (18 - republics) in 2012.

In January - July 2014 (taking into account the Crimea):

1,119,700 people were born (18,800 people more than in January - July 2013);

1,124,700 people died (8,900 people are less than in January - July 2013);

loss: 5000 people (in January-July 2013 decrease 32,700 people);

Natural growth in January - June 2014 was noted in 38 constituent entities of the Federation (18 - republics) against 34 (18 - republics) in January - June 2013 "

More about the myths of extinction of the planet. Forecast for 2050: The population of the Earth will exceed 9 billion people, in 2100 - 10 billion, the UN is even more optimistic: by 2025, the world population will exceed 8.1 billion people, and by 2050 9.6 billion people.

And although, according to various sources, the number of older people over 60 years from 1994 to date has doubled, and now there is some slowdown in the growth rate of the population - the number of people on the planet is multiplied.

In total, in such a distant 1820 people on Earth were 1 billion only 1 billion ... And today, if you take a forecast for 2020 (8 billion), in two centuries, only in two centuries, the population has increased 8 times. What kind of extinction? What are we talking about? At the beginning of our era, there were 300 million planets, which circled to 1 billion in 18 centuries to 1 billion in 1820, and then it was talked for 2nd centuries.

Another point is that with an increase in the number of people on Earth and the number of problems accompanying their lives, the number of depressed, has increased the concentration of negative, the oppression, the universal loss of unnecessaryness.

Nevertheless, the more people are born, the more people die - such is the truth of life. What do people die on Earth?

In the first place of mortality, cardiovascular diseases.

WHO mortality data for 2012:

"In 2012, non-infectious diseases caused 68% of all deaths compared to 60% in 2000. Four main bottoms are cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung diseases. For infectious diseases, maternal diseases, neonatal diseases and disorders of food origin together made up 23% of deaths in the world, and injuries caused 9% of all deaths ".

17.5 million out of 56 million dead in 2012 died from cardiovascular diseases. Of these: 7.4 million people - from ischemic heart disease and 6.7 million people - from stroke.

In low-income countries, the number of deaths from infectious diseases exceeded this from noncommunicable.

« In countries with a high level of income, 7 out of 10 deaths fall on persons aged 70 years and older.People die mainly from chronic diseases: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or diabetes. Infections of the lower respiratory tract remain the only leading infectious cause of death. Only 1 of every 100 cases of death falls on children under the age of 15 years.

In countries with low incomes, almost 4 out of 10 cases occur on children under the age of 15, and only 2 of every 10 deaths fall on persons aged 70 years and older. People die mainly from infectious diseases: together taken, infections of the lower respiratory tract, HIV / AIDS, diarrheal diseases, malaria and tuberculosis are the cause of almost a third of all deaths in these countries. Complications for childbirth caused by prematurity, and generic asphyxia and injuries are among the leading causes of death of many newborns and breast-age children "

(information from the Russian version of the WHO site)

The main provoking cardiovascular pathologies by the factors of physicians are smoking, alcoholism and excessive use of alcoholic beverages, naturally addiction, besides this - improper nutrition, poor ecology, hypodynamia, depression, stress, etc.

According to WHO, smoking is often the main and often hidden cause of mortality, and not only from cardiovascular complications, but from lung cancer, other diseases of the lungs (lower respiratory tract infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Comparison of the number of deaths in 2000 and 2012

Statistics causes mortality in the world in 1982-2008

Compared to 2000, in 2012, non-infectious diseases were carried out by 7 million more lives more: in 2000, 60% (31 million) and, respectively, 68% (38 million) deaths were recorded for reasons associated with reasons (noncommunicable diseases).

HIV mortality decreased from 1.7 million cases to 1.5 in 2012.

Injuries carry out the life of 5 million people a year. In 2012, 3,500 people died every day (more than 600 people in 2000). In Russia, due to injury, about 30 thousand people die every year.

Children's mortality (from the WHO report):

"In 2012, 6.6 million children under 5 years old were died; Almost all (99%) These deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries. The main causes of death of children under the age of 5 years old were pneumonia, presence, generic asphyxia and generic injury, as well as diarrheal diseases. Malaria remained a serious cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa, where almost 15% of children under 5 years have died from her in this region.

In 2012, about 44% of the deaths of children under the age of 5 years have occurred within 28 days from the date of birth - in the neonatal period. The most important cause of death was the presence, which caused 35% of all deaths during this period. "

Diarrhea in 2012 died 1.5 million people. From tuberculosis - 900 thousand people. Maternal mortality: 2000 - 427 thousand cases, 2013 - 289 thousand cases.

Infectious diseases are progressing where there are no conditions for normal life, antisanitary, lack of drinking water, poverty ... In more "advanced" countries of the deaths catastrophe, though more aesthetic, but no less global: an increase in the number of fatal outcomes from cardiovascular diseases indicates that Risk factors have become more active in their actions.

As for Russia, it is only about a million (from 600 thousand to a million) deaths from (approximately) a little less than two annual millions - due to the poisoning of surrogate alcohol. Complications developing with frequent use of alcoholic beverages are the same infarction, strokes, liver cirrhosis. 55-60 thousand people voluntarily say goodbye to life, that is, they commit suicide - data in Russia. In the world, about 4 million annually (informal statistics) are committed to suicide.

On the causes of mortality in Russia in the plot of transmission "Main":

By the extent of the scale of defeat, the cause of death can be classified as follows:

The most frequent reasons: Cardiovascular diseases (stroke, heart attack); cancer; diabetes.

Infectious, viral diseases.

The presence, congenital abnormalities of the fetus, asphyxia, injuries during childbirth. Alzheimer's disease, dementia.

Death from alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco.

Less frequent:suicide; traffic accidents; random injuries; violent death; death from firearms; death from drowning; in case of fire; cataclysms, force majeure (tidy, typhoon, flood); plane crash; electric shock; shock lightning, etc.

Previously it was believed that cardiovascular diseases are striking mostly people aged, but today the age plank is noticeably declining. Death at a young age from stroke or infarction ceased to be rare ...


  • Deaths per 1000 people: 13,80

Tenth line this rating Cares the Central African Republic. Civil rights And freedom here is violated with high regularity. In addition, the main life needs, like food and shelter, are expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford.


  • Deaths per 1000 people: 13,89

Afghanistan is the only Muslim state in South Asia, which has such a high mortality rate. Various diseases, permanent wars and terrorism are the main cause of this fact.


  • Deaths per 1000 people: 13,91

Another African state in which people still suffer from lack of basic needs. Every year a large number of people die only because of hunger and lack of water. The arid climate of this country only adds oil into the fire.


  • Deaths per 1000 people: 14,27


  • Deaths per 1000 people: 14,28

Again the African state bordering Libya and Sudan. Low level Life and humanitarian crisis that occurred because of thousands of refugees who arrived from Sudan create such a high mortality rate.


  • Deaths per 1000 people: 14,31

On the fifth line there is another Baltic state. The reasons why Latvia occupied such a high position, explained by a large share of the elderly.


  • Deaths per 1000 people: 14,33

Located in West Africa, in the tropical region, with a large number of forests and pristine wildlife. However, when it comes to human life, Guinea-Bissau faces a number of problems causing a large number of deaths.


  • Deaths per 1000 people: 14,44


  • Deaths per 1000 people: 14,46

The number of Ukrainians over the years of independence decreased from 52 to 42.5 million people. Demographic situation In Ukraine, for many years now, has been demonstrating a negative dynamics in the difference between fertility and mortality rates. The political crisis in Ukraine has become another catalyst of this process.


  • Deaths per 1000 people: 14,89

Russia did not enter the top 10, taking 11th place, Belorussia It is located on the 16 line of the rating. The lowest mortality rates were recorded in three countries of the Persian Gulf - Qatar, UAE and Kuwait.

Countries with the highest mortality rates caused by drug overdose.
Management of organizations The United Nations has published statistics on countries with the highest number of deaths per 1,000,000 inhabitants associated with drug overdose. According to the study, in the United States, the highest mortality rate of drug overdose of drugs per 1 million inhabitants. Iceland, Salvador and Sweden the following countries in the mortality list.


Over the past 20 years, the number of deaths from drug overdose in Sweden increased by 770%. Strict punishments for drug use are introduced due to a large amount of dependent and mortality rates caused by an overdose.


In Central America, Salvador has long been suffering from illegal drug trafficking and free access to narcotic substances. The UN reported that the mortality rate in El Salvador is 160.1 people, this is one of the highest rates in the world.


In Iceland observes the increase in drug consumption, mainly opioids. According to statistics, over the past 10 years, consumption increases amounted to 18%. Dear addicts often fear to seek help, this is due to strict laws and responsibility for the use of narcotic substances. Another factor increasing drug consumption is depression caused by long, cold and dark winters.
Health Department of Iceland refers to the level of mortality from drug overdose of 75 people. per 1 million inhabitants, which is significantly less than the data given by the UN. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that there is less than 1 million people in the state, which reduces accuracy.


327 million people live in the United States, historically the country was the ideal market for drug cartriers. In some areas, the poverty level is one of the highest in the world, which contributes to the spread of drugs. In addition, high mortality can be caused by the fact that the United States is currently experiencing the crisis of opioids.

Factors affecting the mortality rate caused by addicts vary from place and economic situation.
Russia ranks 9th with an indicator of 81.1 death per 1 million inhabitants.
The table shows 10 countries with a mortality rate caused by the overdose of drugs for 1 million inhabitants.

PositionCountryMortality from overdose for 1 million people
1 United States of America245,8
2 221,2
3 160,1
4 124,5
5 Australia116,2
6 Ukraine104,9
7 Canada104,5
8 Estonia102,9
9 Russia81,1
10 Seychelles80,2

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