
The height of the boiler's embankment history of the house. Stalin's height on the boiler's embankment. The height of the boilers of the waterfront: the photo today and modern history

Formally build residential building on Kotelnichesky embankment Started only at the end of the Great Patriotic War. One wing was erected back in the 1930s as an independent structure. In the future, the residential building on the kotelnichesky embankment became one of the seven Stalinist heights, erected on the Arrow of the Yauza River and Moscow River.

According to the designs of the architect, the residential building on the boiler's embankment on the left bank of the Moscow River was to designate the place of jeanies in her direction and continue the concept of the designated 400-meter Palace of the Council.

One of the authors of the project of a residential building on the embankment was D. Chechulin, who was also entrusted with the design of a high-rise building in charge. And what is surprising, he received a state award for a residential house on the boiler's embankment, but for the project and not built a skyscraper in a charge.

The general plan for the reconstruction of the capital of 1935 envisaged the construction of 9-12 storey structures. According to D. Chechulin's project, the central part of the house on the boiler's embankment was supposed to be 25 floors, which not only did not cause protests, but on the contrary, the architect was recommended to increase the construction of up to 26 residential floors without taking into account 6 more technical.

The new skyscraper, according to the design of the designers, was to be viewed from all the most significant points of the city. As with other Stalin's heights in the process of design and construction, the height of the residential building on the boiler's embankment increased repeatedly. As a result, the height was 173 meters.

In the artistic terms, all Stalin's skyscrapers and a residential building on the boiler embankment are not an exception, are the result of mixing completely different and not similar architectural solutions, named "Stalin's ampir". The composition of the house paved the motifs of Troitskaya, Nikolskaya and Spasskaya towers of the Moscow Kremlin. The main building of the building is decorated with carved turrets, openwork arches, tent vests with spiers and of course, a central spire with a star.

Thanks to the elements typical of buildings of the historical part of the capital, a residential building on the Kotelnic Embankment of the architect D. Chechulin on the embankment fited into the silhouette of the city. Despite the dimensions, the skyscraper on the embankment will partly be harmonized with the towers of the Kremlin, the bell tower of Ivan the Great, and the walls of the Novodevichy Monastery.

In the memoirs of the architect, not a little written about the period of destroying the old part of the city. And the same time, as D. Chechulin wrote, huge skyscrapers just contributed to the preservation of the image of Moscow. Such an approval does not relate at all with the demolition of historical monuments - the Sukharev Tower, the Kittle Wall and many others.

The plan for the reconstruction of the city was designed for 20-25 years, but many nomenclature figures really wanted to speed it up and report on fulfillment. Chechulin, in his book "Life and architecture" describing the history of the reconstruction of the city, often consumes such words as "I was advised", "I was recommended," etc. And never indicate who advised and who recommended.

So, the majority of the staff of the Stalinist era set out their rejoicing, there was no need to indicate specific persons, everything and so knew that only some people in the country could have given the instructions. Although officially by the curator of the construction of this structure was Comrade Beria.

Joseph Stalin personally instructed by architects gave extremely rarely. Most often, he expressed his wishes through subordinates. And despite the fact that these were wishes, their failure did not sull anything good.

A distinctive feature of all structures of the Stalinist era is that they all resemble large festive cakes. It is pronounced in the architecture of a residential building on a boiler's embankment. Each construction tier is decorated with numerous unique bas-reliefs, sculptures, obelisks and parapets.

The top of the main volume and wings is crowned with many small spiers, screwed up and turrets, which gives the construction of a huge crown. A particularly magical residential building on the boilers looks at night when electricity is lit in the rooms, and the similarity with the crown is complemented by a bright glow that look like a game of light in precious stones.

Cost of square meter

The construction of a residential building on the Kotelnic Embankment for the elite cost the state in a very impressive amount. The cost of a square meter of the building amounted to almost 5.5 thousand rubles. Of course, not much as the cost of the hotel Leningradskaya. For comparison, at the beginning of the 50s, the car Moskvich cost 9 thousand rubles, and the salary of a qualified engineer is no more than 1 thousand rubles per month.

Useful area of \u200b\u200bresidential building on boilers by virtue architectural features It was very small. The average 40-meter apartment had a 20-meter balcony or veranda. The view from such a balcony was struck with its magnificence, but the apartment itself did not inspire at all.

At the same time, the planning of apartments in the old pre-war housing was quite ordinary and reconstructed were practically not subjected. Work on the facade of the house on the boilers could not erase the difference between the pre-war and post-war body.

The house has almost 700 apartments from 2 to 5 bedrooms. For convenience, a cinema, shops, cafes, post office and savtskassa were also located on the bootroom. Many of these institutions work today.

According to the architect's plan, all socio-household institutions had to be part of the building, so that the tenants do not have to go out. This idea of \u200b\u200bthe socio-domestic plant in each house was part of the bright ideas of communism, universal equality and slogan "from each of his abilities, everyone - according to his work."

Already in the process of construction, the project was slightly modified: the height was increased, and the base area was reduced that somewhat pulled the proportion of the building. The five lower floors of the Stalin's high rise are lined with granite and form a monumental base.

One of the advantages of the project is that the silhouette, the landscape of the city has successfully fit the landscape of the city. The building completes the formation of space along the shores of the Moscow River and connects the streets leading to the Embankment Jauze.

The panorama of the high-rise building on the embankment of the Moscow River, which opens up from the Borhivitsky bridge and from the Kremlin's walls, was dominated by the capital's business cards. Of course, the already narrow river Jauza, began to seem even more narrow, disappeared from the panorama of the ridge, one of the hills of the historic center of Moscow.

The construction of a residential building on the Kotelnichesky Embankment was conducted, as well as other Soviet skyscrapers, the forces of prisoners. Unlimited human resources were provided by the Office of L. Beria.

As the building of the Convoir buildings, the builders were still accompanied on the top floors, since they were afraid of "accidentally" to break down. On the technical floors or basements, you can still meet the inscriptions left by the builders in memory of themselves: "Cakes built", "10 detachment", etc.

Features of apartments in a residential building on Kotelnic

During the construction of a height on the embankment, very remarkable designers errors were revealed. A three-bedroom apartment living area was only 55 square meters, and utility rooms 41 more square meter. What caused a lot of outraged responses from the leading elite, which was lucky to move to the house at the address of the Kotelnicheskaya embankment house 1.

The kitchen in each elite apartment was equipped newest technicianwhich not all tenants could use. The white color chosen by artists for the design of the kitchen was absolutely not practical and did not fully answer the goals of creating a cozy atmosphere.

White table, chairs-stools, wardrobe for dishes, refrigerator and enameled sink created the impression of the hospital chamber or operating room, but in any way the kitchen on which a delicious dinner can be prepared.

The bathroom, which itself was a luxury, was equipped with a caloriefer for the laundry drying, washbasin with a sink and a mirror, a storage box for linen, and a cabinet for dental accessories, cosmetics and perfumery.

It should be noted that during construction, the same type of apartments were equipped and was also drawn up, with the exception of individual minor trifles. Finishing walls and ceilings, furniture in the kitchen and rooms, chandeliers and sconces - everything was the same.

Move or all the more changing their tenants are strictly prohibited. Since the location of those or other elements of the interior was not as much convenience for living as convenience for listening.

The generally accepted "conversations in the kitchen" in these walls were especially unsafe, the walls were rude by technician, allowing to lead a secret listening, any apartment. Hall of entrances more resembled theatrical lobby.

The walls are separated by bas-reliefs from the thinnest china tea rose and ivory, large chandeliers with crystal pendants and wall-mounted bras, imitating vintage bronze candlesticks.

This waste, with a terrible shortage of housing in the capital, could cause outrage from the man in the streets, but admire all the household merits of a residential building on the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment of the Moscow River was allowed only to the chosen.

In the Soviet journal dedicated to the Soviet architecture, paragraph of residents was devoted to elite house: "It is standing over Moscow River A white-stone house in which ordinary Soviet people live - workers and engineers, doctors and artists, architects and retirees ... It is impossible to imagine somewhere in America, England, France, of any capitalist country, the government built such a building and It would be settled by his workers and specialists ... "

The composition of the tenants allowed the house on the kotelnichetic long time to take one of the most important places in Moscow and the first of all Stalinist heights. The well-known Soviet figures of science and art lived in the house on Kotelnicheskaya, which could be attributed to the "simple workers" with great difficulty.

In different years, the stars of Soviet cinema and the theater lived in this house. Faina Ranevskaya, a famous actress, starring in more than 30 movies and playing several dozen roles in the theater, one of those who celebrated a housewarming in a model house. An amazing story preceded her settlement.

The actress, which at that time was already 70 years old, addressed the young operational KGB officer to recruit the actress. And as it should be on the instructions, he spent a thin and delicate conversation with her about the work of foreign agents in the USSR, about the lack of high-class agents in the KGB and the obligation of each decent citizen to help their country.

In response, he heard a bright monologue of Faini Georgievna, in which she expressed full readiness to cooperate, and the only obstacle on this field is the fact that she lives in a communal and talking in a dream. A month later she spread the tablecloth in new apartment on a snow-white kitchen.

And a month later, the state bodies. Safety came a denunciation, in which the tenants of the house expressed concern about the behavior of a certain actress living in their home. She shouts at night on the span on the fight against the imperialist threat and the possibilities of destroying all the enemy agents, after it becomes a freelance officer of the KGB.

After such a letter, a fat cross was put on Ranevskaya. As it turned out that the denunciations wrote she herself and for two bottles of vodka persuaded the local lockspery to take it into the relevant authorities. The actress itself explained his act very simple: "... I can't give a lot of organs, but it does not allow me to give a little conscience - damned upbringing!".

Nonna Mordyukova's neighbors were Nonna Mordyukova, Clara Laucheko, Actress Marina Ladynina with a spouse film director Ivan Verevyvsky, Poet Alexander Tvardovsky, writer Konstantin Poist, and many other famous representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Architect Dmitry Chechulin himself also lived in this house on the embankment.

In the building "B" on the 6th floor of 12 years, Galina Ulanova lived in the 6th floor. In 2004, a museum was opened in her apartment No. 185, in which the situation was preserved and its personal belongings were collected. The museum consists of four rooms with a very modest setting.

A huge mirror has survived for permanent training. Ballerina Despite the age and state of health, every day spent at the machine for several hours. Favorite reading chair in the same place. In the bedroom on the tacht warm terry plaid and next to the bedside table.

In the hallway lies as if a forgotten umbrella, and in the wardrobe, a demi-season coat in a cage. Small details creating homemade comfort are carefully placed around the rooms. It seems that it is worth a little wait and Galina Sergeyevna will return to his apartment after the next brilliant performance on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater.

Modern actors are also pleased to buy housing in a residential building on a boiler's embankment. Renata Litvinova Russian actress, TV presenter and director adjacent to the actor, musician, showman Dmitry Nagiyev. The actor and writer Efim Shifrin even called his book "Diary of the Kotelnik".

Tighten on Kotelnic

In the Kinolents of the Soviet era, the elite residential building on the Kotelnichesky Embankment often appears as the place of residence of the main characters. In the comedy "Pretty Friends", Mikhail Kalazozova, one of the main characters academician Nesratov, led the construction of this particular Stalin altitude, without leaving the cabinet. And his childhood friends were looking for his rising by the construction forests.

One of the famous episodes is a scene in which young heroines of the film "Moscow does not believe in tears" meet anyone unknown actor Innokentia Smoktunovsky on the staircase of the cinema of the illusion located in a residential building on the boilers. All scenes in the entrance were filmed in this building, while on the plot of the film Professor Tikhomirov, lived in a height of the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising (Kudrinskaya Square).

In modern films, the highness also appears as a place of action. In the prevailing television series "Brigade", the main character of Sasha Whom and his wife, friends on the occasion of the wedding, give an apartment just in a residential building on the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, where at the very first day they are attempted with a stretching with a grenade.

The family of the main character of the TV channel TV channel TNT "The Last Magician" in the plot lives in an apartment in a residential building on a boiler's embankment.

Political views or banal hooliganism

Not so long ago, the residential building on the boiler's embankment became known not only in Russia, but also in other countries. In August 2014, an unknown placed the Ukrainian flag on the spire of altitude and repainted half the stars in yellow, so that it corresponds to the colors of the flag of Ukraine.

Photos of the height with a two-color flag were divided into magazines and newspapers both in Russia and abroad. Russian law enforcement agencies quickly established the Personality of Rufe, in social networks Speaking as Mustang. They were a citizen of Ukraine, such an inappropriate way to express his political views.

In the future, there was information that their photographic materials of a patriotic citizen of Ukraine sold a famous magazine for a solid fee. At the request of the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation on the extradition of the accused in the hooliganism of Rofer Ukraine responded with refusal, saying that her citizen fulfilled the responsible special task on the enemy territory and for it was awarded the honorary difference.

Even taking into account the trouble that occurred, the residential building on the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment remains a monument to the Stalinist era and a large Soviet architecture.

Architectural Style Travel Guide

The construction of heights in Moscow began due to the stylistic difference in the city: the church domes even at the end of the XIX century lost the function of visual dominants, and therefore were needed new architectural forms. Then, at the direction of Stalin, they took a course on the so-called "Stalin Ampire".

Moscow highlights combine the design achievements of American skyscrapers with the best traditions of Russian architecture. Previously, domestic architects did not build houses above 7-8 floors. But the architects and engineers coped with the task and even substantiated the need for a device of staircases not on one axis, and with a gradual shift to the center - in order not to give rise to through winds.

The height of the residential building on the boiler embankment is 176 meters. There are 700 apartments, shops, mail, dry cleaning, cinema "Illusion", Museum-Apartment GS Ulanova.

Case and first was without decor. The decorations appeared after the construction of the second building to stylistically combine them. The entire body could have been passing, without leaving the staircases, since at the end of the corridor of each apartment was the door to the next. Probably, these were fire measures. And in the housing b in the kitchen, the second door took on the black staircase on the street.

The lists of residents claimed Stalin himself, so the House of Employees of the NKVD and the people of art settled. Apartments went immediately turnkey with snow-white furniture in the kitchen, imported plumbing, crystal chandeliers, ceiling stucco, expensive parquet and bronze luminaires. But at the same time, the finishing and furniture were the same in all apartments. Move or change their tenants forbidden. And the location of the elements of the interior was not as much as convenience for living as convenience for listening.

In 700 apartments of this house, the population of a small district city can easily be easily located. The building is designed for 5 thousand tenants. It has 32 floors, several elevators. Its limits can not leave. In the house-giant stores shops, Sewing Atelier, kindergarten, cinema, booking and maintenance bureau ...
Here three room flat, Already furnished with furniture: carpets, sofas, tables, soft chairs, chairs, paintings, bookcase, slides for tea dishes ... Spacious front. Nearby - dressing room. Next - Cabinet, Dining room, Bedroom. Everywhere huge windows. Cozy rooms are flooded with sunlight. Everywhere, telephone plugs (the device can be transferred to any room), antennas for lamp radio and televisions ... In the bathroom tile to the ceiling itself, there is a pearl. The wall has a heated towel rail. Sofa. Wood on the sides of the high mirror. The waterproof curtain lights up the bath ... A little away - the kitchen. Here is a gas stove, washing sink, refrigerators: winter and summer. And another blue disguised door of the garbage disposal.

This house was considered a symbol of luxury, and getting the apartment there was not easy. Probably, so he entered the cinema as a sign of prosperity ("Moscow does not believe in tears", "Kroshi Vacation", "Brother 2", "Brigade", "Styles").

The apartment in the house received the chief architect of the building, Dmitry Chechulin. He lived there until death. The architect was lucky to not see how his creation slowly winds and loses the former gloss.

And at the end of 2016, the residential building on the Kotelnichesky Embankment was renovated for the first time after construction.

They say that... ... "Seven Sisters" have older twin brothers in the United States. The prototype of the house on the boiler embankment became Wrigley Building.
... In this house there was the best bakery in the district. And in the hall of the building B every day a bull came with a basket and sold bread.
... The house was built by the prisoners who left the labels "built zacks" on windows windows. Trying to escape, they jumped on the sheets of plywood from the altitude. They posted for statues decorated the building. By the way, it is not known how the main sculptural group of the Komsomol member and Komsomologians with bare breasts passed censorship.
... At the construction of the height, the Beast-foreman worked: the workers according to his order were sealed in the walls for the slightest locality. But there is a version that the Proba is supervised.
... On the architect of a residential building on the Kotelnichesky embankment Dmitry Chechulina after construction and library of foreign literature said that he "was reported Moscow."
... Tvardovsky and Ranevskaya met in this house. Once Tvardovsky forgot the keys when his family was in the country, and he wanted to the toilet. I had to knock on the famous neighbor. After that, they spoke several hours.
Ranenevskaya, at a parting, said: "Come still, my closet doors are always open for you!".
And the apartment was located on the second floor above the cinema "Illusion" and bakery. She said about it: "I live on bread and spectacles."
Received Ranevskaya this apartment is also very peculiar. Once a young operational KGB officer addressed to it to recruit. In response, he heard Georgievna from Faine, that she was ready to cooperate, but lives in a communal and talking in a dream. A month later, Ranevskaya spread the tablecloth in the kitchen in a new apartment in a height on the boiler's embankment.
... Nikita Theological invented a joke-riddle about a height of the boiler embankment: "In our house in the same apartment, nine laureates sleep in the same bed. Who is it?". All lost in guess. "Pyryev with Ladian!" - Pretty threw his hands the composer, listening to all the spicy versions. For two from the actress and director, there were indeed 9 state awards.
... a real disaster for the altitude inhabitants were cockroaches, as the building was built on the site of old flour warehouses.

Cockroaches in a high-altitude house -
God did not save
Mossovet did not save.
All in the tragic panic -
except cockroaches
storming us.
Admirals and ballerina,
Nuclear Physicist and Poet
clogged under the perins
Cockroachanoise no.
On the table I have something -
hard work
And from the garbage tree
Guests of Prut.
Only Zykina Poche,
With Ceilkov
Sit down Kapella
Composer Bogoslovsky
took a chord
And the keys jumped slippery
Redhead ...

The height of the kotelnichesky embankment in photographs of different years:

And what do you know about this residential building?

Stalin's altitude On the boiler's embankment - One of the monuments of the Soviet architecture of the Stalinist era. The authors of the project of this monumental structure made in the style of Stalin Ampire are famous architects Dmitry Chechulin and Andrei Rostkovsky.

The building that closes the perspective from the Kremlin to the mouth of the Jauza River, was built in two stages. The first stage of construction lasted from 1938 to 1940, the second - from 1948 to 1952. The height of the central part of the structure consists of 26 floors and is about 176 meters. Total in high speed 700 residential apartments, There are several shops, post office and illusion cinema. This huge architectural complex consists of four buildings.

The first stage of the construction of the famous altitude on the Kotelnichesky embankment was the construction of the building A. This is a nine-story building, the facade of which goes to Moscow-river. Since it was designed in the thirties, it was provided for wood heating: in the kitchens stood chimneys, in the rooms - wood stoves. However, this type of heating was not involved - over time, gas was connected to the building.

In the hull A, in its lower part, there is the very first private car parking in Moscow. It was from him that the construction was started, in which, by the way, a large number of political prisoners and prisoner German soldiers participated. Parking, in addition to its main purpose, also performs the function of the retaining wall. So the designers secured the building on the hill from possible landslides.

The second stage of the construction of the altitude was the construction of the housing B - the most majestic and high part of the architectural complex. Total in the body of 33 floors (together with utility and economic premises). It should be noted that this part of the building really amazes with its magnificence and scope. The central entrance has beautiful lanterns and leisure shops, and during the design of the lobby, the architectural engineering "Griezail" was used in the design of the lobby. Porcelain bas-reliefs, giant crystal chandeliers, gorgeous bronze candlesticks, massive entrance doors - all this symbolizes greatness, power, strength and beauty.

Another building, which is included in the architectural ensemble, is called the V. The facade of this part of the building goes to the Jauza River. Here are the post office and telegraph. One of the hall halls has a rock flower shape. In his center there are giant sizes in the mailbox, which shows the coat of arms of the country of the Soviets.

The building also contains the "Illusion" cinema. Once there were giant queues in a ticket office, in our time, the cinema is also popular among lovers of old movies. Being state OrganizationThe cinema offers sessions for very democratic prices.

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to get exactly what is written about which is most of all and where apartments were given to parbullies and other stars of scenes and screens. The height of the boiler's embankment is completely residential and I really wanted to get into it.

A couple of words about why our relatives are much more interesting for me than the Skyscrapers of New York. Everyone knows that you quickly get used to you and with skyscrapers. In New York, there are too many of them and they cease to pay attention to them, consider them all the more so it does not work, because they are too tight to each other. Large, as you know, see the distance and Moscow highlights are beneficial to their American fellow. They soar above the low building center of the city and they can be seen almost from anywhere.

And this time, intending to get to Kropotkinskaya, I saw the spire and changed my direction

If you look at the top, then the entire highness is an equilateral triangle without one side.

You can enter the courtyard in 2 arches with a huge bas-relief above them

In the middle there is an underground-above-ground garage, and on top of him a playground

You expect to see a parade of vanity, but everything is much more prose and among the inhabitants of the house there are ordinary people

And now about the most important thing - I have managed to get in 2 entrance! The first was the entrance to the left wing of the house, if you look from the courtyard. In the basement, welding work was carried out and the door was no longer

Steps wrap the elevator shaft

Typical solution for Soviet houses with elevator

On each floor there is such a sign, which is somewhat resembles the coins of the Soviet period

Apartments on each floor of only 2 and they are located very closely

Looking at such a house, wants to know how his inhabitants live, as apartment furnished. They live, as it turned out, having a rich inner

The builders of the house "took care" about the future tenants and spent a garbage chute into the kitchen of each apartment, but people raped the benefits of civilization and littered the hatches, which ultimately created huge problems for the HFA and the garbage cameras next to each entrance was decided to seal and not use at all.

The most interesting part of the building is central, it is the highest, numbering 32 floors + spire. The residential area takes up to 24 floors, the remaining floors are given to various Telecom services and so on. I got from Raskalova Vitaly famous Moscow rufe from there from the height of the spire.

I rose to the last residential floor and raised from the opened window. But first things first. First, the front and main entrance to which the best hotels in the world may envy

View of the parade from the elevators

The concierge sits on the column on the right, so I did not take them in order not to attract too much attention.

Elevators in the building Great set, immediately opposite the central entrance 2 elevators

I rose upstairs on a secondary elevator, which is in the depths of the corridor to the right of 2 basic. Photo from the elevator

Apartments on the site in the depths of the main building are a little different. On the floor, parquet flooring and graceful plaffones under the ceiling

Very pleased with the design of some staircases :-)

Well, now views from the window

Left wing building

A turret on the roof of the right wing of the building. It is said that in them two-level apartments

And here is the view of the patio

On the ground floor there are shops and telegraphs, as well as beauty salon

Back I had to go through the front entrance, because Spare stroke was already closed on the iron bracket. Milo smiling and saying hello to concierge, I left the ravis :-)

It became interesting that they write about housing in the house now:

Starry building time has passed, and now apartments in the house on boilers are estimated at best as a business class, the elite segment is busy with more prestigious options. Building winds, "Stalinsky tile" has long collapsed. Only preserved crystal chandeliers are shining as before, scattering rainbow, diamond splashes of light. But eternal problems with elevators, garbage disposals, parking and other maintenance Reduce the cost of apartments in the building on Kotelnic. Unfortunately, now the height has lost its former significance, while maintaining only the attractiveness of the historical plan ("I want to live where the Ulanov lived!").

Alas, new tenants, buying apartments in high speed, differ sharply from those who lived in the house before. Not so long ago there was a real war between old-timers and "newsnels" due to a private elevator (as a result of the installation of a private elevator in a multi-level apartment in one of the apartments of the house, the ceiling began to collapse and cracks on the walls). It's amazing that the building is on the boilers, but still keeps.

But there were times ...

Chapter "Residential House on the Kotelnichesky Embankment" books "Construction high-rise buildings in Moscow". Posted by: oltarzhesky V.K. State Publishing Literature on Construction and Architecture. Moscow. 1953.

The authors of the project: a valid member of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR Chechulin D.N. and architect Rostolovsky A.K.
Chief Designer Gokman L.M.
Architects took part in the project: Chicalin I.A., Strigin AF; Engineers: Dymovichni Yu.A., Muromtsev L.A., Spexnov P.A., Plikin L.M., Yermakov Yu.E., Kosarev DS, Mirr G.V. And Perepotychy S.G.

The building is located on the Kotelnicheskaya embankment at the mouth of the Yauza River, when it is pushed into Moscow River. His high-altitude part, spatially organizing the entire complex, occupies the center of the composition and lies on the arrow axis, the main facade to the Kremlin; The side housings are located along the embankments of the Moscow River and Yauza, uniting the central vertical into a single composition.

The high-altitude volume of the three-beam shape and the transient volumes adjacent to it form in terms of the area in front of the building, and the entire composition as a whole organically fits into the town-planning conditions of this area of \u200b\u200bthe city. The silhouette of the building completes the perspective of the development of the banks of the Moscow River from the Kremlin to the side of the Kotelnicheskaya embankment, towering over the adjacent area, and the location of the building at the turn of the Moscow River provides its excellent visibility from the embankments, from the city center and from other points.

The building consists of a central 24-storey volume with a stepped slender silhouette, completed by a six-storey round tower with spire, transitional parts of reduced floors that emphasize the highness of the central composition and side buildings with a height of 8 to 10 floors topped by the main facade of low tower. Wide arched travel join the embankment with an inner richly littered yard.

The composition as a whole creates a picturesque, growing silhouette to the center, with a rich combination of a variety of volumes subordinate to the rise of the central tower. The subordination of the entire composition of the central volume is emphasized and the planning solution of the frontal part, creating a sense of reference to the center. In the central part of the first floor there is a main lobby, in which premises for storing baby strollers and bicycles, bureaus of orders and household service bureau residing in the house. Four lifts and three stairs allow the problem of vertical transport. The three-beam system of the plan of the high-altitude part of the building, providing free access of light and air to all apartments, creates shorter paths from vertical communications to the entrance to the apartment. With this system, a natural center is created at the intersection of three axes in the form of a central hall serving 5 apartments and is the main node. planning solution standard floor; The same layout is preserved in the final tower. The layout layout outside the central node is solved independently with its own transport hub in the form of two lifts and stairs serving 4 apartments in each floor. So in typical floor There are 17 apartments. And in total, 344 apartments are located in the high volume of the building, including one-room - 7, two-room - 272, three-room - 52 and four-room - 13; In addition, 6 hostels and 4 stores.

The whole complex of the building, which is one of the largest in Moscow, accommodates 540 apartments, one of them are one-room - 13, two-room - 336, three-room - 173 and four-room - 18; Dormitories - 10 and shops - 18. Common living area 25 165 m 2, the total cubature of the complex is 480,000 m 3.

In the planning and equipment of individual apartments, much attention is shown to create the greatest amenities for living in the building.

Apartments are isolated from staircases tambura, provided with built-in wardrobes, storage room, built-in kitchen equipment, electric coordinates, garbage supplies, etc. Many attention is paid to the interior decoration of apartments and lobby, which uses natural marble, valuable wood, non-ferrous metals, etc..

The territory adjacent to the building turns into a well-maintained square with flower beds, fountains, etc. Under the inner yard, there is an underground garage-parking on 212 cars. At the height of 5 floors, the building is facing with pink granite, above - ceramic blocks.

The residential building on the boilerish embankment will take one of the first places in the city not only due to its impressive volume. The whole complex, inscribed in the picturesque frame of the two washing his rivers, with all kinds of its improvement, with apartments providing the comfort and joyful atmosphere living in them will be one of the bright illustrations of the care of the party and the government about the workers, the manifestation of Stalin's concern for a person.

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