
The height of the boiler's embankment who lives there. Residential building on the boiler embankment. "Our people will live in our house"

Some architectural structures do not need a special presentation. Relates to them and the height of Kotelnichesky embankment in Moscow. At least in the photographs, this house saw any resident of our country. But far from everyone knows his amazing story. What is the famous Stalinsky skyscraper silent about?

History of the building

The height is unique in many senses. All such buildings are seven, and they were built almost at one time, while only two of them are completely residents. This house was commissioned in 1952. The famous architects of Chechulin and Rosthatovsky became the authors of the project and construction leaders, as well as engineer Hoffman. Prisoners, including military prisoners, were attracted to the construction of the building. According to Stalin, all seven buildings were to become not only a symbol of the greatness of the state, but also a reminder of the great victory. Builders have left even messages on the walls of some apartments, separate lines of them have been preserved to this day. From above, the height reminds without one side. This impression creates the central tower and two depots symmetrically from her wing.

Immediately after settling ...

To settle in this house in former times it was impossible for any money. Initially, an exceptionally military with families lived in one wing, and the second went to artist leaders. The tenants received a new living space with the highest possible repairs and complete furnishings. In different years, such famous people like Nonna Mordyukov, Faina Ranevskaya, Galina Ulanova and Alexander Tvardov, lived here. Of course, on this list of famous tenants does not end, it can be continued infinite. The height of the boilerish embankment was the limit of dreams even for wealthy citizens of those times. The entrances have always been supervised vigilant concierge and guards. Despite all the riches, the inhabitants of the house could walk to each other, leaving the door to the harm.

The height of the boilers of the waterfront: the photo today and modern history

The house has long lost its elitism and inaccessibility. Today, anyone may acquire an apartment here. However, not all millionaires seek to merge into this house, and this is completely no wonder. Initially, the apartments were not large here. High ceilings and chic stucco in combination with absolutely ill-conceived layout and close passing rooms - this is not the best way. However, not only this is bad, the height of the boilerish embankment for housing. There are big problems with infrastructure. Near the building it is difficult to put the car, the removal of garbage is difficult, there are interruptions of water supply and heating. Apartments in this building are all sold constantly, you can also rent them for a day or a long time. But it is worth it exclusively for the sake of the atmosphere. With regard to comfort for the same cost, it is absolutely easy to find a more convenient and pleasant accommodation in the new building. If you are captivated by the height of the boilerish embankment, the apartment in it can be examined and during an excursion. The most popular among tourists in this building is used by the Galina Ulanova Museum and

A residential building on the boiler's embankment is a symbol of the era. Its construction was planned according to a single urban planning plan, which was adopted in 1947. Eight high-rise buildings were to become dominants of the new architectural appearance of Moscow. The Bookmark of All Eight took place on one day, on the day of the 800-year anniversary of Moscow. But the buildings were built only by seven: due to the abolition of the construction of the Palace of Soviets, the last, eighth, building in charge was not built.

In fact, the construction of this highway began in 1938, when on the project of architects D.N. Chechulin and A.K. Rostolovsky began the construction of the nine-story right wing along the boilers of the embankment as an independent building. However, in 1948-1952, it was included in a new ensemble with a partial change in the front facade.

The house is located at the merger of the River River River and Yauza. It is built in such a way as to be the starting point for all the streets going to the river. The building height in 176 meters closes the perspective of the Moscow River from the Kremlin to the East.

The expressive silhouette of the building is revived by decorative turrets and completion. On the central building of the house there are sculptural groups and obels. The base lined with granite allows you to see a clear separation of the building for volumes with a central body in 32 floors. At the expense of the stepped structure, the building smoothly and harmoniously poured into a complex landscape. His architecture is a bright sample of Soviet classicism, organic synthesis of architecture and sculpture.

The building was conceived as a city in the city: his complex included mail, a grocery, dry cleaning, bakery and even a cinema. The construction was carried out by the hands of prisoners, which during construction lived in the newly rebuilt apartments. They say that they left marks on the windows of windows - "Cakes built".

Note, this is the first of the height, which was put into operation. There were about 700 apartments in the house, they immediately surrendered turnkey with snow-white furniture in the kitchen, imported plumbing and bronze luminaires. Get the apartment in this house - the limit of dreams of many people in soviet time! One wing was intended for the military, and the other was given to the settlement of the creative elite. The apartment in the house was also the chief architect of the building, Dmitry Nikolayevich Chechulin. He lived there until his death.

A lot of celebrities lived in the house - representatives of the Soviet creative intelligentsia, outstanding figures of science, military and officials of the party nomenclature. This is evidenced by a large number of commemorative boards. Nikita Bogoslovsky, Alexander Tvardovsky, Clara, Natalia Sats and many others lived here.

The famous resident of this height of Faina Georgievna Ranenevskaya was kidding: "I live on bread and spectacles!", As I lived on the second floor above the bakery and cinema "Illusion". This last, by the way, was the only cinema where films showed without previewing the Special Commission. Because of this, he often had a threat to closure, but the famous residents of the house always saved him.

Today you can plunge into the Soviet era, visiting the Museum of Ulanova, who opened in 2004. The exposition was unfolded right in her apartment. There is preserved a preserved atmosphere - everything was as it was in the life of the Great Russian Ballerina.

To find out the exact number of apartments currently, unfortunately, is more difficult, since the current tenants connect several apartments into one and redid them.

The height is located at the venue venue of the Yauza with Moscow-River in the very center of the city and is rightfully considered one of the symbols of Moscow.

The spectacular Soviet skyscraper was built in 1938-1952 on the project of architects Dmitry Chechulina and Andrei Rostolovsky With the participation of the engineer Leonid Gokman. In fact, construction passed in 2 queues with a break to war: in 1938-1940 and 1948-1952.

Building height: 176 meters (32 floors, counting technical).

The house includes 3 combined diverse hulls: high central volume and 9-storey side wings. The location of the Kremlin, the central part addresses towards the Moscow fortress, and the side corps are effectively unfolding along the embankments of the Moscow River and Yauza. The building base is separated by dark granite (side buildings for 2 floors, central - by 5), the facades are made in a soft beige color and are decorated with a large number of bas-reliefs and burners depicting happy Soviet citizens, children and workers among banners, colors, collisions (abundance motif) , as well as Soviet symbolism (sickle and hammer, stars). The silhouette of the building is revived by decorative turrets and obelisks, and the central building decorate the sculptures of Soviet workers holding the shields with images of the coat of arms of the USSR (in the center under the spire), (left) and (right).

The spire of the altitude is crowned with a massive star with a sickle and a hammer.

Initially, about 700 apartments were equipped in the house (mostly two and three-room, but there were also "odnushki", and four-bedroom apartments), but in the post-Soviet years there was a tendency to associate / separation, and how many of them are incomprehensible.

Lady with breasts

Pretty curious and ambiguous at closer examination detail of the building was the sculpture of a man and a woman holding a shield with the coat of arms of the USSR, located under the spire.

A few years ago, the city media had a photo of sculpture, made with a significant approximation: it turned out to be a breast of women, reminiscent of two small oranges with pulls, literally "tearing" her clothes, the folds of which are shown quite conditionally. This detail is not noticeable to the unarmed look, so there was an assumption among the commentators, allegedly it could be a kind of joke of the sculptor - they say, it's still not visible from the ground, but in reality it is extremely unlikely. Most likely, such an execution of the breast is simply dictated by the placement of sculptures at high altitude: it is done so to harmoniously look from one hundred and more meters below, and not near.

One way or another, now a woman from a height on the boilers was forever spelled out in the list of "ambiguous" sculptures of Moscow. Breasting on the Kremlin - expensive!

History History on Kotelnic Embankment

The history of the residential building on the boiler's embankment begins with one curious moment: it is known that all Stalin's high-rises provided for by the Resolution "on construction in Moscow multi-storey buildings", were laid on one day - September 7, 1947, in honor of the 800th anniversary of Moscow. However, the construction of the house on the boilers actually began much earlier - in 1938. The fact is that the first in 1938-1940 was built by 9- The storey building along the Moscow River, which was originally built as a separate residential building and was included in the project later, with partial renewal of the facade.

For the construction of the altitude, 4 altars were fully demolished - large and small subgroupe, minted and smokers - and a slope of the Schwiest Gorka, one of the historical hills of Moscow. It is believed that at the construction of the house, in this place insulted by Lawrence Beria, personally supervised the construction.

Design building Dmitry Chechulina and Andrei Rostolovsky It was built including the forces of Soviet prisoners and German prisoners of war attracted to work through the main management of the camps industrial construction (Glavpromstroy or Gulps). The prisoners also posed sculptors for bas-reliefs. They say builders left on the windows and walls technical premises and basements scratched nail "Messages": the numbers of their detachments, "built zeks" and other uncomplicated phrases; There are also urban legends on the construction of foreman and concluded, which allegedly managed to descend down on plywood wings, but they hardly have some kind of attitude to reality - exactly the same legends go about the construction of the main building of Moscow State University.

The complex was conceived as a real city in the city: for the convenience of tenants, the post office, laundry, bakery, grocery and cinema "Banner" were equipped in it (since 1966 - "Illusion").

In the "old" building, located along the Moscow River, initially settled by the NKVD staff, then began to subside military and party leaders. After the construction of the central volume and the opposite wing in the house began to settle representatives soviet elite: Creative intelligentsia, outstanding scientists, military and party nomenclature, in memory of which a large number of memorial plates were installed on the facade of the house. Among others, Faina Ranenevskaya, Galina Ulanova, Alexander Schirvindt, Alexander Tvardovsky, Lyudmila Zykina, Robert Name, and Dmitry Chechulin, and Dmitry Chechulin, was also lived in the house in the house.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the apartment in the building began to buy "new Russians", officials and successful Russian artists.

Curious moment B. modern history residential building on the boiler's embankment the case of painting stars: On August 20, 2014 - during the armed conflict in the East of Ukraine - the Ukrainian flag was watered on the altitude spire, and half the stars painted in a blue color, because of which she also acquired the colors of the Ukrainian flag. A criminal case was initiated on the fact of vandalism (later it was retrained to hooliganism), on suspicion of which detained four basejampers who made a jump from the high-rise in the day of painting, and St. Petersburg rufer. Responsibility for the incident assumed the Ukrainian Herfer Pavel Eshivets(Mustang Wanted), who dedicated his deed in the Day of Independence of Ukraine. Basejumpers were later acquitted and let go, and St. Petersburg Rofer was condemned for the promotion of Paul's ears.

To date, the height gradually loses its position in the ratings of exclusive real estate, since many new unusual projects have appeared in Moscow, fulfilled with greater luxury and considered more prestigious, but it is not inferior to the positions in cultural plan, still performing one of the symbols of Moscow.

There are excellent views from the metropolitan watching sitesAnd the stepped silhouette became so accustomed to the urban landscape, which is now difficult to imagine that there was no it once.

Residential building on the boiler's embankment Located at the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, 1/15. You can get to it from the metro stations "Taganskaya" Ring and Tagansko-Krasnopresnensky lines as well "Marxist" Kalinin-Suntess.

The main architect of the altitude was Dmitry Nikolaevich Chechulin. This man was generally general among the architects of the Soviet period, he began working at Stalin, and finished at Brezhnev. In addition to the house on the boilers, he built, for example, the Hotel "Russia", the House of Soviets of the RSFSR (White House), the Moscow Pool, residential buildings in Kutuzov and Leninist Prospects. I can see his image in the famous movie "Faithful Friends".

The high-rise building was built in two stages. Before the war, there was a so-called "Corps A", which stretches along the river. And after the war, the architect "entered" itself high buildingadjacent to the housing in the place where Jauza in Moscow flows into Moscow.

Chechulin was unusual for his time man. He was not afraid to check the orders of Stalin himself for expediency. Stalinist heights In fact, it was planned to build not seven, but eight. The latter, the highest, had to get up near the Kremlin itself. But Chechulin perfectly understood how this isoorodues and hesitates the center of Moscow, and pulled, huddled with construction, took all the proposals. And she retressed that instead of the altitude, Hotel "Russia" was built.

He paid for this, thank God, not a term, but just what received an apartment in his own brainchild, not on the high floor, as he dreamed to see from there the whole city, but at the very bottom.

The height of the boilers is like a city in the city. In this house there is all: stores of all kinds, library, school, kindergarten. There is also your cinema. Muscovites know him perfectly.

Now this is the only cinema in Moscow. And in the old time, here were leaving at the premieres of new films with Belmondo or Delon, and even earlier - at Jean Gaben or the films of Akira Kurosava.

The "illusion" works so far. Nothing has changed here. The same cozy cafe, as well as a living pianist, the same rare premieres playing. Plus, this cinema is considered something like a dating club for intelligent lonely people.

In the apartments of some famous residents at home even arranged a museum. For example, now there is a house-museum of Galina Ulanova.

In this house there was a composer Nikita Vladimirovich theological ("Dark Night", "Shalands, Full Kefali", "Favorite City", "Lizaveta"). He was a big joker. His favorite occupation was to bring their neighbors, colleagues composer, to heart attack ...

Once the composer Anatoly Grigorievich Novikov ("Darkovanka", "Eh, Roads ...") Late in the evening wanted to admire Moscow. But, going down to the window, he suddenly noticed Nikita theological, pale as death, in clothes from the sheet, ominous overlooking. The floor was not high, but not low. Novikov went out in horror from the window, and there continued to howling: "OU-U-Y! Wow-U-y!" Having touched the courage, Novikov went to the window and saw that the theologian was standing in a lifting basket of a car for work at high height. It turned out that the theological for the "top ten" agreed with the chaffin of a fool ...

Another time, our joker called the composer Dmitry Shostakovich, and announced a changed voice that they call him from intelligence, and the agent inflows that a robbery will happen in his apartment at night. Robbers are allegedly disguised by doctors. Shostakovich, of course, called the police, and she arranged an ambush. A call rang deeply at night, and a crying voice said that the great composer Shostakovich was bad. Well, a clear case, the doctors came on the call, where they fought them. In the morning, a repentant Theologian himself appeared on the obey and paid fines for a false challenge and small hooliganism. And could and plant ...

There were so many famous people in height that the memorial boards would not be attacked at all. It is not known how the principle of one board was hung, and the other - no. For example, there is a board of Konstantin Powest.

But the boards of all the favorite Fainain of Georgievna Ranevskaya, with the name of which most Muscovites have this house and are associated, no. Ranevskaya received here two-room apartmentIt seems on the second floor in the left wing of the building. She said that he lives "over bread and spectacles" (bakery and cinema).

Her neighbor in the staircase was a writer and poet Alexander Trifonovich Tvordovsky, who called her "my great neighbor." Once the Tvardovsky lost the keys to the apartment, could not enter and very much wanted to the toilet. He asked Ranevskaya to take advantage of her toilet. That, of course, let in, but then at the meeting he shouted to the whole courtyard: "Alexander Tifonovich, my closet is always at your disposal!"

Another neighbor was composer Vano Ilyich Muradel. She said to him: "You are a badger, my friend, not in one note, do not fall, mu instead of r. instead of re de instead of to I. lie instead of la.

"I would send you, yes I see - you're from there."

Inviting neighbors to visit, she said:

- If the call does not work, knock your feet.
- Why legs, Faina Georgievna?
- Well, not with the empty hands you come to me!

Before his death, she settled his sister, Bella Feldman, who was amazed by the fact that Ranevskaya is not at all rich. Last years Lifestyle actress lived not in this house, but in the Yzhzhsky Lane. According to her popularity, she, of course, had to be buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery, but she modestly asked her to bury her with her sister at the Don Cemetery. She was an amazing person ...

Alexander Shirvindt lives in this house. He wrote the book "Shirvindt, embroidered from the face of the earth" (so called the city in Prussia), in which he mentions a height on the embankment several times.

Shirvindt proposed to introduce three new orders for our officials - "for partial, temporary and final loss of honor and dignity" ...

In the same book, he notes that the old tenants who have long been retired, can not pay for huge apartments in the famous house and are forced to sell them all the coarse.

One day his old neighbor, the general widow, having met Shirvindt, complained that she had to sell an apartment, but the main problem was that she could not find Jews for repair. What are the Jews here? - Skirvindt was surprised. Well, how, because I have to do the Euro-repair here, - the old woman replied ...

The height is visible from afar. And many streets in the center of Moscow, like rays, are directed straight to her. So she looks like Taganskaya Square.

And in many apartments now live the heirs of the great, who are just lucky to be born in the proper family. "Trejca" in this house can be exchanged for several other very decent apartments, one of them to take and never work again.

The story is curious how the famous actress Lidia Nikolaevna Smirnova received an apartment in the house. They and her husband, the operator Vladimir Rappoport, lived in a communal and dreamed of moved from it.

Vladimir Rappoport was also a celebrity, he removed such films as the "quiet Don" or "Young Guard", but how much he did not go on instances, nothing worked. He just did not know how to ask, and mumble, as they say, well live well, and so.

And Lydia Nikolaevna is decided on a desperate step - she writes the petition of Beria himself, which at that time was the strictest disorder of subordination, and for such jokes could be very bad.

But Smirnova was among the favorite actresses of Beria and he instantly imposed a resolution: "I give them an apartment!"

Did not have time they inspect new apartmentHow Beria was arrested and shot. All of his decisions were imposed Veto and Smirnova came to complete despair. And suddenly the bell "from there": "Why have you still not moved?!" One of the few decisions of Beria did not cancel, because the new bosses also turned out to be a fan of Lydia Nikolaevna.

And when she came to watch a new apartment, she had happened from happiness fainting, the poor thing went in such a state on the elevator up-down until the neighbors were discovered. Already completely old, before death, Smirnova said that she was now saved only the view from the Tightening window to his beloved Moscow.

The famous Irina Nikolaevna Bugrimova lived in the same house - the Soviet Artist of the Circus, the trainer of Lviv, the first in the USSR, a woman trainter. Her husband was the famous Motor Runner Alexander Buslaev.

True, they divorced pretty quickly. Bugrimova then said that a woman's female rarely develops personal lifebecause it is much easier to tamper her husband than a lion or a tiger.

She first began to perform with a group of Lviv-males. It is very dangerous. The fact is that the lions live by prides, in one pride there are no two matle males, and if these are together, their aggressiveness increases an order of magnitude.

At the Bugrimova in the group there were about 80 lions. The success was mad, but the lions of the Lions Irina Nikolaevna repeatedly. And several times she ended the number in the arena all in the blood.

In 1976, during the tour in Lviv, Lions unexpectedly once again rebelled and attacked Bugryov right in the arena. Assistants beat her from predators, but after this incident, the trainer decided to stop performing.

The leader of this informal male lion pride was a huge lion named Caesar. All other lions were afraid of him. He spoke 23 years, which for a lion is incredibly long. But he was angry, he could no longer act and it was decided to write off in the zoo. But Bugrimov got up for him, they say, not for what he was behind the grille, he took him to himself and dragged a huge lion everywhere. So he, partly, was also the tenant of the famous house on the boilers.

When Bugrimova performed in the arena with other lions, Caesar sat behind the scenes in the cage, and was very worried that the number passes without him. He rode around the cage and was whining, and when the pipes were heard, he rushed to the rod to take his honorable place in the arena among others. One day after the number it was found on the floor. Lion died of grief, which can no longer act.

Many interesting stories keep this house, a high-altitude residential building on a boiler embankment. Just one house in the city, but write about it and write!

Here is a very short-lived list of famous residents (and those and these):

Aksenov, Vasily Pavlovich
- Bogoslovsky, Nikita Vladimirovich
- Bugrimova, Irina Nikolavna
- Voznesensky, Andrei Andreevich
- Evtushenko, Evgeny Aleksandrovich
- Zharov, Mikhail Ivanovich
- Zykina, Lyudmila Georgievna
- Litvinova, Renata Muratovna
- Lightly, Clara Stepanovna
- Lyubimov, Yuri Petrovich
- Milyutin, Yuri Sergeevich
- Mokrousov, Boris Andreevich
- Nagiyev, Dmitry Vladimirovich
- Fires, Alexander Pavlovich
- Poist, Konstantin Georgievich
- Ranevskaya, Faina Georgievna
- Smirnova, Lydia Nikolaevna
- Tokarev, Vilen Ivanovich
- Ulanova, Galina Sergeevna
- Chechulin, Dmitry Nikolaevich
- Shirvindt, Alexander Anatolyevich
- Shifrin, Efim Zalmanovich ...

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