
History stories about Stalinist spots. Secrets of Stalinist high blood. Top at Kudrin Square

On the last day of the summer, we decided to get out of one of the most interesting and popular excursions in Stalin's altitude. This is a bus tour that lasts four hours, and during this time you get a colossal amount of information that is not just to digest. But I still try to do this and tell us about all that we saw and heard, because all this, in my opinion, is really interesting and important to know, especially Muscovites.

I personally had breakdown information about certain altings, so now, thanks to the excursion, I managed to systematize the idea of \u200b\u200bthis issue.

Immediately I will pay your attention that all heights are now in Moscow seven. The eighth, which was to be located in the charge, not far from the barbagna, was not built (about it below).

There is such a legend or opinion (as it is convenient) that all highlights were supposed to be installed in a special way, according to the type of Egyptian pyramids, so that the energy they accumulate would feed the mausoleum with Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in order for the spirit of communism once again on Earth. So this or not, but the highlights initially thought Stalin as a demonstration of the world and power of the Soviet state And the beauty of Moscow, which was restored after the war literally for several years! So, thanks to this desire for some kind of uncertainty before the rest of the world, we have high-rise buildings in Moscow, always considered elite.

Our excursion began in a walking day near the monument to Cyril and Methodius, which is located in the Ilyinsky Square in Slavic Square. We plunged into the bus and on the way to the first height drove a little in the center.

When we drove past the temple of Christ the Savior on the Volkhonka, the guide told something about his story. The Church of Christ the Savior (architect K. Ton) was erected as a memory in honor of the Russian warriors who died during the war with Napoleon. And they built it for a long time: about 44 years old, collecting donations to the construction of the whole world of grains. Its initial architectural performance differs from the current, which is already considered to be a new model.

Stalin wanted to build on the spot of the temple the palace of tips with a height of 315 m, and from above would stand another 100-meter torque statue of Lenin as a symbol of communism victory. The construction of such a palace won the project bureau under the guidance of Boris Jofan. Everyone remembers that he also designed a house on the embankment? Typi began to demolish the temple on December 5, 1931. But it was not easy to do. He was exploded 3 times, and after the first time he resisted than it was in shock of all eyewitnesses of this event! ..

That was the construction of the century ... For the construction of the Palace of Soviets, the plants even paid special solid steel called SDS. The palace was supposed to become the largest building in the world, but his construction was prevented by war.

photo from Wikipedia

After the beginning of the war, the palace is disassembled for the defense of Moscow. Subsequently, the construction did not allow the budget, to build some kind of building from the engineering point of view here was also not easy, because At the site of the foundation, a pit was formed. Therefore, they decided to make the "Moscow" swimming pool on the site of the former temple, where, by the way, my father had walked. By the way, the Metro station Kropotkinskaya, which looks directly opposite the Chisty of Christ the Savior was previously called the "Palace of Soviets" (until 1957). Architect of this and many other stations - Alexey Dushkin. The temple was restored in just 4 years from 1994 to 1997, and, of course, it differs from its initial option, and not for the better. Say, previously not used bronze burners. But even this is not the main thing. In my opinion, it is impossible to build something in 4 years so that it is then stood for centuries ... January 13, 1947 there is a decree on the construction of high-rise buildings to Moscow. IN 1947 year 7 September (on the 800th anniversary of Moscow) in one day and in one hour the foundation is laid 8 high-rise buildings Moscow, therefore, on this day, we celebrate the day of the city.

First High-rise building on our way was the height of the Schwiest Gorka or House of Art Workers on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment.

To the already worthy of the "Chekist" residential building was attached to a height, successfully writing it into a general architectural ensemble.

The house is made in the style of Stalin's amp, before the war prevalted classicism, and after the war, this style was named Stalin's Ampir. The house was given to the creative intelligentsia. The house was considered an elite, the rent was high, far from everyone could afford to live in such a house. In different times, the tenants of this house are considered: Eugene Evtushenko, Alexander Shirvindt, Galina Ulanova, Faina Ranevskaya, Clara Gaitko, Lyudmila Zykina, about Sling Cucumbers and Cabbage Which in the house there were legends! Fadeev lived here, Mikhail Zharov, Andrei Voznesensky and Nonna Mordyukova, Nikita Theological, Marina Ladynina with Ivan Pyryev, Yuri Lyubimov and many others.

Since the Chekist Corps was already standing at this place, the construction was supervised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Before there were barracks. In 1949, construction of the house on the boilers began. Built house, mostly prisoners. And they posted for sculptures on the house! The house is very beautiful and located in a very successful and beautiful place, this is my favorite tall in Moscow!

176 m and 32 floors. Bird of happiness on Schwiest Gorka, as it was called then.

Second The height is House on the red gate, 1951.

This is an administrative residential building. The construction of him supervised the Ministry of Runs and Messages (or short MPS), the architect already familiar to us Alexey Dushkin (he also built a metro station Kropotkinskaya). It was unique to the construction: in front of the architect there was a task to leave a way out of the Metro "Red Gate" (or then still "Lermontovskaya"). To do this, they frozen the pit for the foundation, the house was made with a deviation of 7 degrees, and when the pit was rejoiced, the house gave a shrinkage and left in the opposite direction to the same 7 degrees, alleged in this way. The stove of the foundation did not cracked. In the house of 284 apartments, all of them were provided for the manual. Earlier at the site of this house was born and lived by M.Yu. Lermontov, which is now evidenced by a memorial plate on the house. The height of this building is 130 m, in it 24 floors. This is the highest point of the Garden Ring, which, in fact, decided to celebrate the Stalinist Hig. Here lived Actors N. Gundarerev, B. Chirkov.

Photo from Wikipedia

Fragment of the house, someone washes the windows.

Third Tighten - hotel "Leningrad" (Now Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya).

Built this height of Poles and Boretsky, and he oversaw the construction of the Ministry of Military and Naval Construction. The highness was erected as the front facade of our city, in which, by the way, the ancient Russian architecture and modern style were connected. It was the most luxurious building on interior decoration in those times. Its equipped with the state in more than 21,000 rubles per 1 square meter. m, compared to height on the boilers - 5500 rubles. For construction and interior decoration, unique rock breeds were used, for example, the interior was decorated with huge chandeliers listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Under the building, by the way, two rivers flow, therefore, during construction, the vibrationing technology was used - at that time an innovative type of construction. Among stalinist heights Hotel "Leningrad" is the smallest - only 17 floors and 136 meters of height. The height is located next to the most beautiful Komsomol Square of three stations: Leningrad, Yaroslavl and Kazan. By the way, the area, as well as the metro station of the same name, was previously called Calanechevskaya, and then she was renamed Komsomolskaya in honor of those Komsomol builders who died during the construction of the metro station here. A few years ago, the hotel was purchased by the owner of the Hilton hotel chain, after which it was overharaled inside, however, the owners were asked to leave part of the previous name, so now the hotel is called Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya.

Some time after that excursion, we specially arrived at the hotel to look at her luxurious interior.

When we approached the building, they didn't even know if we could pass into the inside. Although this is an architectural monument, but the property is already private!

Each visitor at the entrance is encountered here is such a sign. Trepping and anticipation!

At the entrance to the hotel, the vigilant security was naturally asked where we are with a camera with a camera? .. We smiled to want to look at the unique interiors of the hotel, because Recently were on the excursions, and we strongly recommended to look inside. A guard (or Metrotel?) Said that, in fact, the hotel hosts special excursions to which you need to be recorded in advance, and so, in private, far and for a long time he can not start us. Then we asked at least to inspect the hall. He favorably allocated for this a few minutes.

The guide was still on the excursion to us that the hotel has a remarkable portal made of unique marble breeds. Apparently, it is he.

She also spoke about huge chandeliers, which descend immediately into several floors and are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. I suppose it is not about those chandeliers that in the photo.

In general, the interior did not seem so luxurious to me. But as far as I understand, his luxury was applied to that time - by the 50s, when the first guests came here (for example, the boned collective farms after the exhibition on the VDNH did not sleep on the beds, but on the floor in the rooms, because just They were afraid to touch this unprecedented luxury) and surprised this wealth!

Chic ceiling that gives a palace bloom.

Worn doors. In the background, the monumental entrance.

Sculptures characteristic of any medieval castles.

Agree, some kind of "castle" is felt in this. Monumentality of the interior, abundance of granite, warm, muted brown tones, a lot of gold in the finish ...

Receptions on the first floor. Probably, a more thorough impression can be formed after a more detailed inspection by visiting all the "sights" of this hotel, looking into the rooms. Therefore, I recommend to take a separate excursion there. I think that the hotel itself organizes something similar, so it is better to look at their website.

Fourth Tighten - House aviators On Kudrinskaya Square, it was previously called the "High Square of the Rebellion", because Kudrinskaya Square was previously called the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising. This house was built in 1948 - 1954 by the project of architects M. V. Prochin, A. A. Movoyanz and Designer M. N. Zhomsky.

The building has a height of 156 m, it has 24 floors and more than 450 apartments. It was also elite housewhere pilots, astronauts lived, etc. He is famous for its grocery number 15, in which it used to be good to twitch. Elina Bystritskaya, Lev Jumperov, Evgeny Vestnik lived here. I will publish the technical features of the architectural appearance of the building here and I will only note that on the first and basement floors of the building initially contained stores and cinema "Flame" (currently not working), in the basement - underground garages. The part of the base was converted to a casino, stopped working in 2004. The basements of the building are suitable with the system of underground structures, in particular, with a bomb-skinning, emerging far beyond the above-ground part of the building.

Photo from Wikipedia

Fifth Tag - building Mida on Smolensk Square. It was built in 1948 - 1953 by architects V. Gelphraich and M. Minkus.

The central part has 27 floors, the height of the building is 172 m.

Interestingly, the initial project of the building did not have a spire, but later the plan was finalized. The reason for changes is exactly unknown, but, according to a common legend, we are talking about the personal instruction of Stalin. Calculations have shown that the building will not withstand a stone superstructure, so the spire was built of sheet steel and painted with okra (therefore it was noticeable that the spire color differs from the color of the building finish). Currently, the spire is repainted and practically does not differ in color from the main volume of the building. The story is also common that after the death of Stalin, Architect Martak wrote a letter to Khrushchev with a request to dismantle the spire, for which the alleged Khrushchev replied: "Let the spire remain a monument to Stalin's stupidity." The MFA building is the only one of the seven heights, whose spire is not crowned with a five-pointed star. The likely reason for this is that the spire of the building was very fragile and could not withstand the weights of the stars.

Six Tighten - hotel "Ukraine"located at Kutuzovsky Ave., 2/1.

This height was built in 1953-1957, i.e. Already at Khrushchev, who called it in honor of his beloved Ukraine. Her architects of Mordvinov and Oltarzhevsky built. The central part of the building is a hotel, side outfield - residential, apartments are located there. On April 28, 2010, the Ukraine Hotel opened after a serious restoration under the new name Radisson Royal (Radisson-Moscow), because It was purchased by this network hotels. Side fatigue, by the way, did not succeed, because the tenants privatized their apartments in time. It is noteworthy that the hotel has the most interesting exhibit that can see each: this is the 1977 mockup.

On the layout (or differently, diorama) we came to see also separately after a while.

Lobby ceiling.

Lobby. You can go to the hotel without any problems if you say you want to watch Diorama.

Luxurious finish, glossy granite floors, many carpets and gold.

Dirama is directly from the exit.

Dirama represents the Moscow 1977 layout, which is highlighted, and you can listen to a small story for free, with the headphones, about certain exhibits of Diorams, about the history of its creation, about numerous awards of international exhibitions. Highly recommend!

During the story about a particular object, it is highlighted for the convenience of its identification on the layout.

Layout, of course, unique. Everything is done very jewelry, the most plausible.

The feeling that you are considering real Moscow from above.

The layout has a width of 16 m, a height of 6 m and a depth of 9.5 m. Dirama displays Moscow, or rather its historical center, on the scale of 1:75.

Dirama was performed on the order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs specifically for the National Exhibition of 1977 in America and then caused a large excitement around him.

Do not be lazy and be sure to go to the hotel to look at this unique layout.

Cathedrals of the Kremlin and the bell tower of Ivan the Great.

General view of the diorama.

Some details of the interior.

Very nice and moderately pathetic.

Well, finally, seventh The height in Moscow is a building MSU (Moscow state University) On the sparrow mountains. Once it was the most high building In Moscow: height is 240 m, the strokes of the central volume - 36. It was built in 1949-1953 by architects L. V. Rudnev, S. E. Chernyshev, etc.). The building is the center of the huge complex of Moscow University, originally already numbered 27 buildings.

In the main building there are mechanics and mathematical, geological and geographical faculties, administration, scientific library, a museum, an assembly hall for 1500 Checks. In lateral outgames - a living area (a hostel for students, apartments of the professorship-teaching staff). Like other heights of an administrative and residential nature, it was conceived as a house with a closed utility and consumer infrastructure (cinema, mail, household service enterprises, etc.)

The initial project of the building did not have a spire, a monument to Lomonosov should have been put on the roof instead. Architects, showing the drawings to Stalin, hinted that the sculpture can get a portrait similarity with the leader. However, he ordered to build a spire instead of a statue that the upper part of the Moscow State University was similar to the other seven heights under construction in the capital.

The building is also shrouded in several legends, that the bunker is located nearby, where it can hide in case nuclear war Party elite, that the territory near the "Phonite" building is due to the nuclear reactor before the nuclear reactor here. Anyway, today Moscow State University is one of the most important universities of the country and our husband with a unfulfilled dream.

A monument to Lomonosov installed on the side from the main building. Now he is temporary on the restoration.

Administrative building in charge It was last eighth, from Stalin's skyscrapers laid on the day of the eight-year anniversary of Moscow. He was supposed to build architect Dmitry Chechulin. But the building was not completed - the death of Stalin prevented. However, the work on the construction of a stylobate by the spring of 1953 managed to almost complete. The styline hid the technical floor, and under it a bunk concrete bunker, which was probably planned to be used as a bomb shelter. In the eighth altitude, they wanted to place the People's Commissariat of Heavy Machinery of the USSR. But the construction was molded, and 1954 was already clarified to further plans for high-rise construction. In 1964-1967, the hotel "Russia" was built on the already spent stylobate, which now "safely" was demolished.

Now in this place it is planned to build a huge park and an entertainment zone that could function in summer and in winter. The project is still under development, but the mayor promises to finish everything by 2017. Wait and see! ;)

The appearance of the capital is difficult to imagine without necklaces from the Stalinist height. They are a "face" of the city, but even Muscovites do not know everything about them.

Each era left a monumental memory of its achievements in Moscow. There are no exceptions and Stalin's skyscrapers with a height of one hundred and fifty to two hundred meters. They, being the top of the post-war Soviet Art Deco in the Moscow architecture, still amazing imagination.

However, not so much the buildings themselves are attracted as the secrets of Stalin's height.

"Seven sisters" ... they are all laid on one day, but everyone has a different story, and, of course, very different inhabitants.

For example, the largest number of stars lived in a height on the boilerby embankment. They became the owners of their luxury apartments in the early fifties. The house has so rich internal interiors, which resembles the palace. It is said that the artist Lidia Smirnova, who also received an apartment here, seeing all this, just fainted from surprise.

After the war, many in Moscow lived in barracks, basements, at best - in publications. And in the house on the boilers were not an entrance, but real metro stations: with mosaic, sculptures. Marble and granite, bronze handles, high-speed elevators, carpets in the stairwell and crystal chandeliers - all this assumed that the most outstanding people of the country should live here.

But few know that the inhabitants of this palace each in their own way were deeply unhappy.

The house on the boilers was built on the site of old barracks. Its massive it began in the fifties in the fifties, but the first building "A" was given in 1938. It was a time when the ministry was considered the main department in the country state security. The Lavrenty Beria, using its limitless power, received permission from Stalin to build incredibly luxurious accommodation. However, for some reason, he decided that the apartment in the house should be given to people without chaskist treasures - actors, writers, etc.

The house on the boilers is the largest Stalin tightness. It has seven hundred apartments, mail, a grocery, the cinema "Illusion", dry cleaning and other joys of exemplary life. Immediately there was the most luxurious polling station in the USSR, where sandwiches with caviar and sturgeon were served.

Here and got an apartment Actress Lydia Smirnov, whose childhood passed in poverty in communal apartment. And even becoming a movie star, she still lived in terrible conditions. Her husband - the operator Rapoport - also did not have a separate apartment. Three times the laureate of the Stalinist Prize Rapoport lived in a small room on the outskirts of the capital.

Smirnova appealed to Beria with a request to improve them living conditions. At that time, few of the representatives of the Soviet Bohemia would venture to turn to the great and terrible Laurentia Pavlovich. It was rumored that Smirnov was somehow connected with the department, which was headed by Beria. But her request and expectation of execution coincided with the overthrow of Beria. Smirnova was scared frightened: a close acquaintance with the enemy of the people could end badly. But everything ended well: she was still given an apartment.

Then still Smirnova did not know that the apartment in a prestigious house - these choirs - will become for her as a result of a home prison that she will hold a terrible sad thing in them family life, Promoting happiness for luxurious accommodation.

Lydia Smirnova lived in marriage with rapoport forty years, but thirty-five of them she loved another man - directed by Konstantin Warrov. Together it was not destined to be. The fact is that Rapoport is fatally ill, and she could not leave him one.

Thanks to her, instead of the people promised by doctors, her husband lived thirteen. She delivered the best cures from cancer, surrounded by his care. Just incredible, but the same diagnosis was made and warriors. And Smirnova, for many years, was breaking between the chic height of the Rapoport and the wretched apartment of Warrov. I lived the actress before the ninety of two years and died alone.

The highlight on the boiler's embankment some is called the "house of lonely old". Irina Bugrimova, Faina Ranevskaya, Lyudmila Zykina ... The loneliness of them was the same immense size as their living space.

Faina Ranevskaya lived right above the cinema "Illusion" and bakery. She jokes that lives over the "bread and spectacle". Nearby lived Nikita Theological and Alexander Tvardovsky.

The loneliness of this great actress was simply given: she was never married and did not know what it was. But she loved her very much - her hymonious dog.

Another great "loner" Lyudmila Zykina was the owner of Stater three-bedroom apartment. She got her with support for Furtsev and Kosygin. Apartment Zykina was literally naked with antiques, paintings, icons. Buffets were broken from settings. But she missed the best jewels and traveleling Polimir, having received all possible awards and survived the mass of novels, Lyudmila Georgievna could not get the love of one man and did not give birth to children. At home, after the tour, it was waiting for her an alek assistant.

Nibby for her legacy was bloody. As a result, the apartment went to the nephew. He did not pay for a long time for utilitiesAnd the board of the house had to go to court. And finally, paying for the receipt, her far relative drove into the legendary walls.

There is also an apartment-museum of Galina Ulanova's museum. She was called "Great Some": she did not like to communicate and kept very cold. But this beautiful and talented woman, who had a huge number of fans, lived in her apartment alone.

She, who was touched by her talent Stalin, asked to sit with him, she, to whom Ribbentrop sent a basket of flowers, she bowed at the meeting itself, the English Queen itself, could no longer follow his huge apartment. Ulannova could not even pay utility services, but there was no one who could be close to himself.

Apartments in high speed on the boilers were provided with residents, as they say today, completely packaged. Luxurious, not at all Soviet repairs with stucco, expensive parquet and original doors and windows, and the most striking: Apartments were handed over fully furnished.

But in the apartment Ulanova from the government furniture only the hanger remained. All the rest of the furniture that was very good, the ballerina was pleased to be thrown into the seventies when they were allowed. Prior to this, residents of the house were not allowed to move any chest of drawers, because the furniture in the apartments arranged by the KGB staff.

The location of furniture responded not to the requirements of convenience and aesthetics, but listening optimality.

The inhabitants of this house did not even guess that their elite housing was built by Sakes. They said that height wanted to join the underground tunnel with the Kremlin, and the unnecessary witnesses of the authorities were not needed.

In general, there is a lot of legends about Stalinky on the boilers. Allegedly in one of its walls, a foreman was closed, who did a bad thing with prisoners. At first, the zeks lived in the barrack, but as they were built, they moved to rebuilt apartments. Between them and brigadiers constantly occurred, therefore, the pro-therapists were not raised above the fifth floor: they were afraid that they would reset them. That is why everyone was confident that the lower floors were built better.

In the same house a writer Aksenov lived. For the first time here, he is the son of the enemies of the people whose parents arrested during the repression, got completely accidental. Some of the acquaintances spent it with his wife on the very top of the building to the tower, from where they admired Moscow.

About the tower height with a five-storey house, located at the very top of the house, said a lot. It was not allowed to be allowed to be not allowed now.

But the Aksenov in his novel "Moscow Qua-kva-kva" wrote that the secret headquarters of Stalin was located there, in which he should have been evacuated in the event of defeated the Kremlin, although, according to the authorities of the house, in this tower, solid communications.

Actress Marina Ladynina and director Pyriev moved to the Kotelnic Embankment of Pyriev, being in a state of acute conflict. Pyriev then was passionate about the young actress Marchenko. Ladyna in general all his life struggled with the pathological infidelity of her husband. After all, she has not yet been married to him, gave birth to the director of the Son that the Soviet woman was a big shame.

Their apartments hit the imagination of absolutely all: a luxurious furnishings, carpets, dishes, antiques ... and under the setting of the host house in a silk coat. Marina Ladinina, of course, pleased the wealth and glory of her husband, but she was not happy. His constant novels simply killed her. And especially Roman with Marchenko, who ended with a number of ugly acts from Pyryev. Having learned that the mistress wants to get away from him, the director became just obsessed with her idea to take revenge. The ladinous seemed that her husband was going crazy.

And one day she decided to write a letter about him in a party, as many Soviet wives did in the hope that this body would put her husband in place. Ladynina wrote a letter in the gust of despair, but then changed his mind, deciding not to "turn" her husband, threw a letter to the trash. But the housekeeper who did not love her hostess, got a letter, read and reported first to Pyriev, and then all familiar commodities, also working in this house.

Pyriev did not forgive this wife and gave a divorce. He exchanged the apartment, sold furniture. Ladyna moved to a small dark "two-room", where he lived alone until his death.

The house on the boilers built the architect Dmitry Chechulin, whose name in colleagues causes rejection. All his work was focused only on the party. He was considered not a creative, but a nomenclature unit. But it is necessary to give him due: he built a height of decorating Moscow. In his plans, it was still built in front of the building "Area of \u200b\u200bthree bridges" with fountains, lawns and park. But the main customer - Beria - shot, and they decided not to do more arrangement. And Chechulin was all waiting for, when he will be handed over to the order from the apartment in this house. But never waited for housing in this "cruel" house, where a personal tragedy is hidden behind each memorial sign.

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In Moscow, there are "pyramids" - famous high-altitude buildings, prominent from afar. Them, like Egyptian structures, surround myths

On September 7, 1947, Moscow celebrated the 800th anniversary. The triumph was ambitious; His center was the Dynamo Stadium. In honor of the anniversary, the capital was awarded the Order of Lenin, and the Moscow-Volga canal was renamed into the Moscow channel. And even for this day, the bookmark of eight so-called Moscow pyramids was timed.

Catch up and run

The leader of all times and peoples wanted the capital of the state, just that the winning fascism, looked in the eyes of foreigners no worse than any other capital of a global scale. It was conceived to build eight high-rise buildings (one for each century, the city lived) - the buildings of monumental, stunning imagination.

Money for construction decided not to occupy from richer countries, but to take the people. After the war, after the war, I lived, frankly, not a very well-fed life - but bonds still bought: someone sincerely wanted the capital to be the painful of all cities in the world, someone was afraid to refuse: the times were terrible.

The construction of height began only in 1949: the first projects Stalin I did not approve, and everyone had to redo. According to the initial design, the houses were to remind American skyscrapers-pencils, and Stalin wanted to certainly be a pyramidal form; Perhaps the leader did not give rest of the Lavra of the Egyptian pharaohs, desisted by the construction of the pyramids.

As a result, "Pyramids" was built seven. The eighth, the so-called "Babylonian Tower" was supposed to be built in the charge and in the end the old Kremlin itself - but Stalin died, Beria They were arrested, and the project was frozen.

Comrade Stalin, you are a big artist

The first was built a height of Smolensk Square - the one in which the Russian Foreign Ministry is now located. The tures with the spire at her veryer was originally not - however, Stalin seemed that the height was too reminded by the Skyscrapers of New York, and he himself painted an addition to the project on the drawing, which did not dare not accept.

A similar story was and with a height of Kudrinskaya Square (from 1925 to 1992. - the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising): True, Stalin's drawings did not rejoice - just said that a house of some kind of kuts. Soon the building got a spire with a star. Among celebrities that have received apartments in this house, - Actor Evgeny Vesinger, chess player Vasily meaning, pilot Mikhail Gromov. And there they shot the scenes of the film "Moscow I do not believe in tears" - according to the plan of the director, it is here that the chic apartment is located here, in which two girls from the working dormitory gave themselves to the professors.

Under the house built bomb shelter, which for many years was maintained in full readiness. However, now it is closed.

Legends walked that from the basement of the house you can get along the underground go to the White House. According to the head of the Santekh Service, in August 1991, armed people came to him, who he had long argued that there was no underpass.

Apartment for Ranenevskaya

The place for the altitude on the boilerish embankment chose personally Lavrenty Beria.. The architect was categorically opposed - the soil is unreliable for a deep foundation, but Beria knew how to insisted on his. It was said that the reason for his stubbornness was the underground moves from this place: one in the Kremlin, another to the Novospassian monastery, the third to the building of the Commissariat, on the other side of the Moscow River.

If you judge by residents, this house turned out to be the most elite. Here at different times the director lived Ivan Pyriev With wife Marina Ladianina, ballerina Galina Ulanova, Actress Clara Leekko, poet Alexander Tvardovsky And genius Faina Ranevskaya. The latter got here ... With the help of the KGB. More precisely, so: when recruiters came to her, Faina Georgievna said: I, firstly, I live in the communal, and secondly, I speak in a dream. After a month later, the actress provided an apartment in a height. True, the recruiters still remained with anything: Ranevskaya taught the neighbors to write to her complaint. Like, the actress settled in the house, which in a dream he repels something about intelligence ...

Pisanian height and panicade

The building at the Red Gate was built simultaneously with the lobby of the metro station of the same name; The soil was frozen in the new technology. Calculations showed that when the soil, finding out, wakes up, the building will be tamed, so during construction it was deliberately increasing in the other side. Vigilant citizens even wrote on the builders of the denunciation - they say, pests are building a curve building so that it falls.

The building of the hotel "Leningradskaya", reminded his luxury Palace, after the death of Stalin caused displeasure Khrushchev; From the ceilings hastily began to knock the stucco, and remove the paintings from the numbers.

Unique in the beauty of the chandeller Hall of the Secretary General and alone alone by panicadyl; As a result, architect Polyakova Have deprived Stalin's award.

During the construction of the Ukraine Hotel to avoid flooding with groundwater, for the first time in the world, the unique pumping technology was applied - needle filters: on the perimeter, the thin pipes were knocked into the ground to which the pumps were attached continuously pumping water.

Square at construction site

To the soil in the Lenin Mountain area, there were also serious complaints. So the main building of Moscow State University was erected on the "smart" foundation, which adapts to the ground level and knows how to rise and go down with him.

Soil during construction frozen.

The media, chopping, wrote that Komsomol members work at construction sites; In fact, the altitude was erected by prisoners and soldiers.

There are rumors that the died during the construction of the zacks were not buried, but simply dropped into the dungeon, and concrete poured on top.

How many floors in the GZ of the University, no one knows exactly; There are usually from 34 to 36 - but there are also underground floors. It is said that in the building there are stages of secret, which are not visible outside and locked on the key. There are also legends that down the building also leaves the floors by 30 - and even connects to an underground transition from the near Stalinsky giving. And they say that the secret line of the subway, automotive tunnels and giant bomb shelter pass under high rise.

Stalin's altitude

  1. Main building of Moscow State University at Sparrow Mountains
  2. House on the boiler's embankment
  3. Hotel "Ukraine"
  4. MFA building
  5. House on Kudrin Square
  6. Administrative and residential building near red gates
  7. Hotel "Leningradskaya"

Not only in antiquity and the Middle Ages, an esoteric and sacral map of the capital was formed. It continued and Soviet power. Stalin, as you know, was not alien occult knowledge. It is said that he planned to rebuild Moscow as a planetary system.

For this, the annular line of the metro was designed with 12 stations and 9 high spiritsas a planet. VDNH I. Ostankino tower They had to be an asteroid belt. By the way, the heights and the annular line of the metro were built at the same time.

Resolution No. 53 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On construction in Moscow multi-storey buildings"It was signed by I.V. Stalin January 13, 1947, in the year of the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the capital.

In the fall on September 7, 1947 at 13.00 in different places of Moscow, the bookmark of the "First Stone" began on the basis of eight Soviet skyscrapers. The date was not chosen by chance. According to astrological forecasts, it is these dates and time to promote the construction of special energy.

Stalinist highness was initially not seven, but nine. The eighth height was planned to build in charge. There should be a drug addict of heavy industry. But afterwards, instead of drug addresses, the hotel "Russia" was built.

The central place among the high-rise buildings was to take the Palace of Soviets, which was built on the spot ... The blown church of Christ the Savior, in turn, built on the site of the former Alekseevsky monastery. A curious legend is connected with this. That's what I am. Loves in the book "Unnocked Moscow":

"... Inokini Alekseevsky Monastery finished the last worship service. Monastery utensils are shipped to the veil, and the abundant of the monastery, Igumeny, did not appear. And suddenly, surprisingly coming out of the Celi, ordered the chains to the oak. Prepared, the desire of Igumeny, faithful to her in advance, immediately performed.

The refusal of Igumenyans to leave the monastery of power was regarded as a riot, as disobedience to the decree of Nicholas I. Therefore, the prisst was released from Path and forcefully expelled the gate. Wrapped, she said: "There will be nothing here" ... "

The Palace of Soviets was never completed ... Later here, for more than 30 years, the "Moscow" pool was located, and now the temple is again.

The foundations of all nine heights were laid in one day. Almost all of them were built along the Garden Ring, as if framing the historical center of the capital. In 1950, Stalin gave an order - each of the towers should be walked with a spire with a star. Then appeared in the people of the name "Seven Pyramids" and "Moscow Crown".

Apartments in residential heights received only the most "deserved" - mostly large military and party workers. Moreover, the higher the rank of the tenant, the higher the floor was located on which his apartment was located.

A lot of rumors and legends went about the "Moscow pyramids". They began to appear at the design stage, starting with the very idea of \u200b\u200btheir construction and ending with the image of ancient symbols on the facades: Masonic, pagan and Christian.

Architectural forms of facilities are hidden by pyramids, whose proportions are similar to the Egyptian pyramids. The pyramid, as you know, symbolizes the superiority, power, knowledge, energy and strength.

Stalin's altars in Moscow differ particularly strong metal frame. And most esotericists agree that the presence of metal fittings and spiers implies the use of buildings as ambitious energy transmitters.

In the declassified archives of the KGB, there are practically no photographs of the construction of high-rise, as they built their prisoners, and this fact was publicly advertised. The tenants of these houses knew well about who and how much did these walls erected, but they preferred this topic not to discuss.

Project Palace Soviets

There are many legends and rumors about the technologies of frosting soil, which by that time really actively applied, but only for the construction of the subway.

Most of these legends are similar to the chapters from the future novels: about the use of liquid nitrogen soil for freezing, which, by the way, turns metal and concrete into dust, about the 3rd basement of Moscow State University, where there are huge refrigeration units that support ground under the building in a solid state. And if they disable them, then MSU crashes into Moscow river in one week. And also stories that all structures have direct access to the metro tunnels.

The world's building was told that his upper tier was not a stone, and plywood. And that every year on December 31, the workers rise there and tinted the wall. But the thing is that the cost of construction was incorrectly calculated and the last tier was not enough money. So built it from plywood ... According to another version, Stalin saw the building without top and ordered it to "complete him" so that he did not like the unworn his heart of the Skyscrapers of New York.

The basements and bunkers under the Stalinist heights still excite the fantasy of both professional historians and lovers of extreme travel. No one does not know anyone where they are tunnels for rusty metal doors in the basements, whose locks are not always able to open with special techniques.

All Stalin's highways in Moscow were erected by a single concept: a wide base, a stepped pyramid, pointed spiers and the motifs of the Kremlin towers. The plots for the construction of Soviet skyscrapers were allocated huge, which significantly distinguished them from American, where the rental fee for the construction site is not just big, but a very large and pyramidal construction, in conditions market relations, it was considered a non-disabilities.

We can only guess what Moscow could be if Stalin managed to realize his grand plan for the construction of all heights and other structures. But we can say with confidence that the appearance of Moscow would be forever changed.

Stalin ordered the architects to build pyramids and hide them under the architectural "husk". Everything general plans And the coordinates of the Stalinist height were strictly classified. In fact, these were the same pyramids as in ancient Egypt, which should have become a kind of energy storage.

They say these pyramids (Stalinkins) could concentrate a huge amount of energy, which ultimately could open the way to immortality. Perhaps these are rumors, and maybe not. Eight pyramids (high blood) were to close on the ninth, central (highest among them) the pyramid, which would allow to produce a huge vital energy.

The location of each construction Stalin defined personally, but a strange thing - all Stalin's high-rise in Moscow stand on geological faults.

High rise

The main building of Moscow State University at the Sparrow Mountains
Residential building on the boiler's embankment
Hotel "Ukraine"
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Residential building at Kudrinskaya Square
Administrative and residential building near the "Red Gate"
Hotel "Leningradskaya"

Unpainted altitude

Palace of Soviets
High rise project in charge

According to the materials of the Internet, as well as the books "Secret codes and messages of masterpieces of world art" (author Irina Schlionskaya)

They were decided to build eight, eight huge residential, hotel and administrative multi-storey buildings with a height of 130 to 240 meters. In the government decree it was said that they should become "vertical architectural dominants of the city." The official start of construction was given during the celebration of the 800th anniversary of Moscow in September 1947. The construction epic itself was stretched for a long period. "High-grade No. 7" - the hotel "Ukraine" in Dorogomilovo was ready only in 1957, and the "number of the eighth" - the 250-meter commodity of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, for which several quarters of the old building were demolished, and was not erected at all.

German migrant workers

As a labor force on the construction of high-rise buildings, including brigades, consisting of German prisoners of war (including the soldiers surrendered under the Stalingrad of the Powllus Army) were used. When the term of their liberation and sending to Germany, some of these "builders of unwitting" had an excursion to the Soviet capital and, among other sights, showed already complete highlights.

Ministerial castling

The multi-storey Mahina on Smolensk Square was originally planned as a residential building for employees of the Ministry of Labor Reserves of the USSR, but then this building was decided to equip to accommodate the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Regiment "Last Hope"

In the project started building, but then disassembled high-rise building Sovmina in charge provided for the construction of multi-storey underground bunker. The top of his tier was located in the stylobate part of the height, which we managed to build. According to some information, this huge underground room was originally intended for the placement of the Tank Regiment of the Last Hope. This special unit was supposed to be in case of any force majeure - uprising, a coup, military provocation, .. - ensure the cover of the evacuation of the Kremlin "leaders" from the capital to a safe place. Subsequently in the stylobate and not built Stalin's highness was equipped with a "Charger" cinema.

Spire in endspile

"Corporate Sign" of Stalinist heights - crowing them spiers. However, in the initial versions, such an architectural decoration was not all of the seven high-rise buildings. The architects, which designed a high-rise building on Smolensk Square and the Red Gate, were not at all going to decorate their creations with stormy tents. However, the Comrade Stalin himself taught "correct architecture".

That's what happened to hear the MK correspondent from the design of the high-rise project at the Red Gate of the architect Alexander Fedorovich Strelkova:

"The Midth Building has built more like American skyscrapers with a flat top. Employees of this foreign policy permissions have already moved to his cabinets. But one day, the "leader of the peoples", driving in his limousine in Arbat by a huge high-rise building, suddenly asked the secretary of the secretary of the secretary of the secretary: "When is this building completed?" "It has already been completed, Comrade Stalin!" "How? And where is the spire? " The same night Joseph Vissarionovich, in a telephone conversation with architects, designed by the Mid-Building, ordered him to make him add-on with a spire. The task was not simple: because the design of the upper part of this highness was not designed for additional load from such an architectural supplement, and in addition, all the work on the construction of the superstructure was necessary, not to evaluate the ministry from the building! The output was found: on the high-rise building "put on top of a decorative turret (naturally, with a spire!), Made from metal - steel frame, covered outside with metal sheets, painted" under the stone ". To put this "hat" on the building, I had to stop the Middle elevators who worked in the upper tiers. Employees rose and descended on foot on stairs, and in elevator mines, workers mounted structures for the new spike part of the height and then raised them by jacks.

The Stalinist categorical requirement so that all the highlights were with spiers, touched upon our architectural brigade. The building at the Red Gate was then even completed, having learned about the "acceleration", the head of the Foreign Ministry builders, the chief architect of our project, the famous architect Alexey Nikolaevich Dushkin urgently called to his meeting all his assistants. His night phone call woke me up: "Urgently take a taxi and come to the workshop!" On a photomontage depicting a future highlight - it was a specially prepared "picture" to show in various guidance instances, we were screamed before the designed cubic top and instead they initiated the completion with the spire. It is in this form that the external design of the building was sent by a friend of Beria for the next morning, which requested information about all high-rise buildings under the Stalin report. Then under this sketch had an emergency to process the project of the upper part of the building. To our happiness, work on its construction has not yet begun, so I did not have to break anything. "

Who be over the university?

At first, I was not going to build a spire and over the new MSU building on the Lenin Mountains. The plans of architects were to fen this high-rise building with a huge sculpture. Having learned about such an idea, the sculptor Vera Mukhina proposed to decorate the university height of his famous creation - the sculpture "working and collective farmers". However, this option was abandoned. Instead of the Mukhinsk sculpture on demonstration sketches of the building, first depicted a figure of a person with a head back and widely stretched on the sides (apparently, such a pose should symbolize the knowledge to knowledge). However, during the show of this option, Comrade Stalin, he was quite clearly hinting that the giant sculpture could get a portrait similarity with his beloved leader. Joseph Vissarionovich did not discuss such prospects and ordered the spire instead of the statue, so that the university building was the same "Endos", like other high-rise builders in the capital.

The highest zone

In newspaper reports from the impact building of the building on the Lenin Mountains it was reported that 3,000 Stakhanov Komsomol residents are elevated. However, in reality, much more people worked here. Moreover, the main part of the builders of the "Flood of World Culture" was - in the traditions of the time - Issues. Specially "University" at the end of 1948, an order was prepared on the conditionally early release from the camps of several thousand prisoners who had construction specialties. With this luckier, the rest of the term on the construction of the MSU altitude was to "wind", they lived in the barracks, they fed Balaland, but they went without convoy.

But were on Lengoras and "one hundred percent" zeks. In the Gulag system, "Building No. 560" existed here, which was transformed in 1952 in the Office of the ITL of a special area (the so-called "Building"), the contingent of which was engaged in the construction of the university height. Supervised the construction personally General Komarovsky, Head of the Main Directorate of the Camps industrial construction. The number of prisoners in "Building" reached 14,000 people. Almost all of them were sitting on "domestic" articles: to carry in Moscow "political" were afraid. The zone with watchdogs and barbed wire was built a few kilometers from the site of the construction itself - next to the village of Ramenki (this is the area of \u200b\u200bthe current Michurinsky Prospect). When the construction of a high-rise building approached an end, the camp authorities decided to "bring the place of residence and work of prisoners as much as possible." The new camp station was equipped right on the topper - on the 24th and 25 floors of the tower under construction. Such an invention of the leaders of the "Stroylak" allowed to save and on guard: no need to be no watchdogs, nor spines, - all the same zeks there is nowhere to go!

Luxury laureate of interference

The interiors of Stalinist highness were drawn up with a truly palace luxury. The richest was the decoration of the front premises of the hotel "Leningradskaya" at the square of the three stations. In the estimate of the costs of her finish, very impressive sums were laid, so the chief architect of the project L. M. Polyakov was not shunted in artistic delights. For finishing interiors, the valuable rocks of the stone and wood were used, bronze, gilding, the pictures of famous Russians and Soviet artists were milled on the walls ... For those presented by them at the preliminary stage, the sketchy project of the wonderful high-rise creators "Leningrad" was awarded the Stalin Prize, but only a few years later After the death of the "leader of the peoples" and coming to power N. S. Khrushchev, a look at what should be the Soviet architecture radically changed. With the filing of the new "host of the country" began the struggle against "architectural excesses and decorations". As a result of Polyakova and his colleagues on the work on the "Leningrad" title of laureates were deprived.

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