
VTB 24 contribution to the seasonal maximum. The contribution of VTB "Time of Growth": the most profitable deposit

Deposits of VTB 24 Bank for individuals, including pensioners today have today favorable betsIn 2019, they can be opened under 8.4% in rubles, as well as 2.06% in dollars and 0.01% in Euro currency. See how profitable today have become updated interest rates and conditions for deposits in Russia. An online calculator will help calculate the yield from investments.

1. Types of deposits. In 2019, VTB 24 prepared for its customers in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia a whole range of profitable deposits, among which almost everyone may well choose the most profitable and convenient for themselves. At the set of options, VTB deposits for individuals can be divided into three groups:

  1. with replenishment and partial removal - "Comfortable",
  2. with replenishment - "replenished";
  3. under the maximum percentage - "profitable" and "growth time".

There are ordinary and premium deposits with increased percentage for the holders of the privilege package, with the opening of the department and online via the Internet.

2. Interest on VTB deposits 24 in 2019. The rates change depending on the term and amount, as well as the set of money management options. Those who want to get the maximum percentage will not be able to partially shoot or replenish the score. But there is a deposit that allows you to easily manage money by shooting part of the amount. Betting in this case will be less.

3. The frequency of interest payments. It should be noted that in the VTB Bank, all deposits with a monthly payment of interest. It is allowed to capitalize or pay into account.

4. Prolongation. VTB deposits are automatically extended (autotroprotation), but not more than 2 times. The deposit at the same time is reissued for a similar period at the rates operating at the date of prolongation.

5. Increased percentage of spending with multicartes. The profitability of deposits for VTB owners with the connected "savings" option may be higher if you actively spend money from the card.

Deposits VTB 24 today: interest rates and conditions

Consider under what conditions and under what percentage today you can open deposits of individuals in the VTB 24 Bank.

1. Deposits with replenishment and partial removal without percent loss

The contribution of VTB "Comfortable"

This deposit for individuals allows you to replenish the contribution or take money from the account in a convenient mode for the client. Opens in the bank's office.


  • Term: from 6 months to 5 years;
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • Minimum replenishment amount: 15,000 rubles. / 500 dollars / 500 euros;
  • The minimum removal amount: from 15 000 rubles / 500 dollars / 500 euros (within the amount exceeding the unsigned residue);

Interest rate

Calculation of the Deposit. The maximum yield in rubles - 4.16% per annum (taking into account capitalization) is achieved by deposit in the amount of 100,000 rubles for a period of from 24 to 36 months.


Costs per month, rub.

5 000 — 15 000

15 000 — 75 000

. Maximum percentage At the contribution of "Comfortable", taking into account the premium today is 5.66% per annum. It can be obtained if you place a deposit for a period of 24-36 months and spend more than 75 thousand rubles with multicarters per month.

Compare bets VTB with percentages that Sberbank offers -

Contribution VTB "Comfortable online"

This deposit of individuals allows you to replenish the contribution or make money. Opened in the Internet Bank.

(+) Plus: It is possible to replenish the account and partially removing money without losing interest.

(-) Minus: Low interest rate.


  • Term: from 6 months to 5 years;
  • Amount: 30 000 rubles. / 500 dollars / 500 euros;
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • Minimum replenishment amount: 1 rub. / 1 dollar / 1 euro;
  • Partial removal without percent loss: provided;
  • The minimum removal amount: from 1 rubles / 1 dollars / 1 euro (within the amount exceeding the unsigned residue);
  • Capitalization: provided;
  • Interest accrual: monthly with capitalization or payment on account;
  • Conditions early termination: interest paid at the request to demand.

Interest rate

Calculation of the Deposit. The maximum yield in rubles - 4.16% per annum (taking into account capitalization) is achieved by deposit in the amount of 30,000 rubles for a period of 24 to 36 months.

Increase interest for Multi Owners vTB cards With the option "Saving"

If you make purchases on multicart VTB, then the interest rate will be enlarged depending on the amount of your spending on the map.


Costs per month, rub.

5 000 — 15 000

15 000 — 75 000

Calculation of increased deposit profitability. The maximum percentage of the "Comfortable online" deposit, taking into account the premium today, is 5.66% per annum. It can be obtained if you place a deposit for a period of 24-36 months and spend more than 75 thousand rubles with multicarters per month.

Compare VTB's interest with rates that Rosselkhozbank offers today -

Contribution VTB

(+) Plus: It is possible to replenish the account and partially removing money without losing interest.

(-) Minus: Low interest rate.


  • Term: from 6 months to 5 years;
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • Partial Removal: Provided;
  • Capitalization: provided;
  • Percentage accrual: monthly with capitalization or payment to the account.
  • Terms of early termination: interest paid at the request to demand.

Interest rates

See also: 50 profitable contributions under high percent

2. Deposits with the ability to replenish

Contribution vtb "replenished"

This deposit for individuals can be replenished without restrictions, but it is impossible to make money. Opens in the bank's office.


  • Term: from 3 months. up to 5 years;
  • Amount: from 30 000 rubles. / 3,000 dollars / 3,000 euros;
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • Additional contributions: from 15 000 rubles / 500 dollars / 500 euros;
  • Consumables: not provided;
  • Capitalization: provided;
  • Interest accrual: monthly with capitalization or payment on account;
  • Terms of early termination: interest is paid at the request to demand.

Interest rate

Calculation of the Deposit. The maximum yield in rubles - 5.94% per annum (taking into account capitalization) is achieved by deposit in the amount of 100,000 rubles for a period of 18 to 24 months.

Increased interest for owners of VTB multicarters with the option "Saving"

If you make purchases on multicart VTB, then the interest rate will be enlarged depending on the amount of your spending on the map.


Costs per month, rub.

5 000 — 15 000

15 000 — 75 000

Calculation of increased deposit profitability. The maximum percentage of the contribution "replenished", taking into account the premium today is 7.44% per annum. It can be obtained if you place a deposit for a period of 18-24 months and spend more than 75 thousand rubles with multicarters per month.

See also interest on deposits in Gazprombank -

Contribution VTB "Replenished online"

This deposit of individuals can be replenished without restrictions, but it is impossible to remove funds. Opened in the Internet Bank.

(+) Plus: It is possible to replenish the account.

(-) Minus: No possibility of partial removal of money without loss of interest.


  • Term: from 3 months. Up to 5 years
  • Minimum amount: 30 000 rubles. / 500 dollars / 500 euros
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • Additional contributions - from 1 ruble / 1 dollars / 1 Euro
  • Interest rates increase as deposit replenishment;
  • Consumables not provided;
  • Capitalization: provided;
  • Interest accrual: monthly with capitalization or payment on account;
  • Terms of early termination: interest paid at the request to demand.

Interest rate

Calculation of the Deposit. The maximum yield in rubles - 5.94% per annum (taking into account capitalization) is achieved by deposit in the amount of from 30,000 rubles for a period of 18 to 24 months.

Increased interest for owners of VTB multicarters with the option "Saving"

If you make purchases on multicart VTB, then the interest rate will be enlarged depending on the amount of your spending on the map.


Costs per month, rub.

5 000 — 15 000

15 000 — 75 000

Calculation of increased deposit profitability. The maximum percentage of the "Refilled online" deposit, taking into account the premium today is 7.44% per annum. It can be obtained if you place a deposit for a period of 18-24 months and spend more than 75 thousand rubles with multicarters per month.

See also interest on deposits in Alpha Bank -

Contribution VTB "Refilled privilege"

Premium deposit with increased interest rates for individuals with a package "Privilege". You can open the contribution in rubles, US dollars, euros, as well as in pounds sterling and Swiss francs.

(+) Plus: It is possible to replenish the account.

(-) Minus: No possibility of partial removal of money without loss of interest.


  • Term: from 6 months to 5 years;
  • Amount: from 700,000 rubles. / 20,000 dollars / 20,000 euros;
  • Replenishment: permissible;
  • Capitalization: provided;
  • Interest accrual: monthly with capitalization or payment on account;
  • Terms of early termination: interest paid at the request to demand.

Interest rates

See also interest on deposits in Promsvyazbank -

3. Deposits for the maximum percentage

The contribution of VTB "Profitable"

This contribution for individuals allows you to get the highest income, among the deposits of VTB Bank, but freely manage money on the account will not work. Opened in the departments of the bank.


  • Term: from 3 months. up to 5 years;
  • Amount: from 100,000 rubles. / 3,000 dollars / 3,000 euros;
  • Replenishment: Not permissible;
  • Partial removal: not permissible;
  • Capitalization: provided;
  • Interest accrual: monthly with capitalization or payment on account;

Interest rate

Calculation of the Deposit. The maximum yield in rubles - 6.74% per annum (taking into account capitalization) is achieved by deposit in the amount of 100,000 rubles for a period of from 36 to 61 months.

Increased interest for owners of VTB multicarters with the option "Saving"

If you make purchases on multicart VTB, then the interest rate will be enlarged depending on the amount of your spending on the map.


Costs per month, rub.

5 000 — 15 000

15 000 — 75 000

Calculation of increased deposit profitability. The maximum percentage of the "Profitable" contribution, taking into account the allowance today is 8.24% per annum. It can be obtained if you place a deposit for a period of 36-61 months and spend more than 75 thousand rubles with multicarters per month.

Contribution VTB "Profitable online"

This contribution of individuals allows to obtain the highest income, among deposits VTBBut it can not be replenished and money will not disappear either. Opened in the Internet Bank.

(+) Plus: High interest rate.

(-) Minus: There is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial removal of money without losing interest.


  • Term: from 3 months. up to 5 years;
  • Amount: from 30 000 rubles. / 500 dollars / 500 euros;
  • Replenishment: Not permissible;
  • Partial removal: not permissible;
  • Capitalization: provided;
  • Interest accrual: monthly with capitalization or payment on account;
  • Terms of early termination: preferential. When the deposit is closed after 181 days, percentages are paid in the amount of 0.60 interest rates set when opening / prolongation.

Interest rate

Calculation of the Deposit. The maximum yield in rubles - 6.74% per annum (taking into account capitalization) is achieved by deposit in the amount of 100,000 rubles for a period of from 24 to 61 months.

Increased interest for owners of VTB multicarters with the option "Saving"

If you make purchases on multicart VTB, then the interest rate will be enlarged depending on the amount of your spending on the map.


Costs per month, rub.

5 000 — 15 000

15 000 — 75 000

Calculation of increased deposit profitability. The maximum percentage of the "profitable online" deposit, taking into account the premium today is 8.24% per annum. It can be obtained if you place a deposit for a period of 36-61 months and spend more than 75 thousand rubles with multicarters per month.

See also interest rates on deposits in

Contribution VTB "Favorable privilege"

Premium deposit with increased interest rates for individuals with a package "Privilege". You can open the contribution in rubles, US dollars, euros, as well as in pounds sterling and Swiss francs.

(+) Plus: High interest rate.

(-) Minus: There is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial removal of money without losing interest.


  • Term: from 6 months to 5 years;
  • Minimum amount: 700,000 rubles. / 20,000 dollars / 20,000 euros;
  • Replenishment: Not permissible;
  • Partial removal: not permissible;
  • Capitalization: provided;
  • Interest accrual: monthly with capitalization or payment on account;
  • Terms of early termination: preferential. When the deposit is closed after 181 days, percentages are paid in the amount of 0.60 interest rates set when opening / prolongation.

Interest rates

See also interest rates on deposits in the bank

Seasonal contribution of VTB "Time of Growth"

This is a profitable seasonal deposit of VTB Bank, whose interest rates change from time to time. On these conditions it can be issued until June 30, 2019. You can do this in any branch of the bank, as well as via the Internet.

(+) Plus: High interest rate.

(-) Minus: There is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial removal of money without losing interest.


  • Term: 180, 380 days;
  • Amount: from 30 000 rubles;
  • Replenishment: not allowed;
  • Partial removal: not allowed;
  • Capitalization: provided;
  • Percentage accrual: monthly with a payroll or capitalization;
  • Terms of early termination: at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

Interest rate

(Without capitalization / with capitalization)

When opening in the bank branch


6 months

12 months

The profitability of the contribution for the owners of the VTB multicarters with the option "Saving" depends on spending on the map.

Costs per month, rub.

6 months

12 months

from 5,000 to 15 000

from 15,000 to 75,000

See also rates on deposits in UniCredit Bank -

Savings account Bank VTB

Today VTB 24 also invites individuals to open cumulative accounts that provide for removing money without loss of accrued interest and replenishment without restrictions. More information about the conditions of their discovery can be found

How to open VTB deposits

1. In the department.You can issue a deposit for individuals in any branch of the bank. To do this, it will be necessary to have a document certifying a person.

2. Online. Those who are already customers of the VTB Bank can open a deposit through VTB-online Internet bank. After registration of the deposit over the Internet, you can get an agreement in any branch of the VTB Bank upon presentation of a document certifying the personality.

How to replenish the contribution

VTB deposits for individuals can be added both in the Bank's office and online.

1. In the department. You can replenish the account in the bank's departments in the region where it was decorated. For example, if the contribution was opened in Moscow or the Moscow region, then it is also possible to replenish it at any office of the bank in Moscow and the Moscow region. To do this, contact the Bank's employee, specify the account details and make the necessary amount.

2. Online. You can replenish the deposit in the VTB-online system using VTB bank card. You can first put money on a map, for example, through an ATM, and then transfer them to your contribution to the Internet bank.

Conclusion: What contribution of VTB today is the most profitable

Choose the most profitable deposit in VTB Bank is not difficult. To do this, we will calculate what income in rubles can be obtained if each of them is made with the same amount for the same time.

Suppose you decide to invest 1 million rubles for 1 year. How much do you work, taking into account the capitalization of interest?

Taking advantage of the deposit calculator, which is located on the official website of the VTB Bank, we obtain the following data.

The profitability of VTB deposits under the amount of 1 million rubles and a period of 1 year *.

*) Since the contribution "Time of Growth" is made not to 365, but by 380 days, then, for the purity of the experiment, and other deposits are calculated with the same term.

The result is obvious. The most advantageous of the contributions of VTB for individuals today is "growth time". But other deposits have their own advantages.

Making the "profitable" one can get a high percentage both under a period of 3 months and 5 years.

The advantage of the deposit "replenished" to the ability to periodically postpone money into the bank.


The participants of the "Collection" program can get additional bonuses when opening a contribution through VTB online, as well as when replenishing the account or extending the contract. Bonuses also rely, if the client has previously been a deposit in this bank. The catalog of gifts, which you can exchange accumulated bonuses are located on the site bonus.vtb.ru in the "Bonuses from VTB" section.

Information about VTB Bank

VTB Bank - Universal commercial Bank With state participation (60.9% belongs to the state). The bank's head office is located in Moscow, and the bank is registered in St. Petersburg.

VTB was established back in 1990 with the participation of the State Bank of the RSFSR and the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR as a bank foreign trade (Vneshtorgbank). In 2004, VTB 24 was a subsidiary structure of the bank. Then he was called Vneshtorgbank 24. In 2006, Vneshtorgbank and Vneshtorgbank 24 were renamed VTB and VTB 24, respectively. In the course of development in 2016, he joined the Bank of Moscow, and in 2018 - and the VTB 24 subsidiary Bank 24. Now this is a single VTB Bank.

Today VTB is one of the largest and most reliable banks in Russia. In volume own capital, the size of the assets and the amount of VTB deposits is inferior only to Sberbank. But ready to compete with the largest bank Russia for the availability of services for the population. He has many branches not only in Moscow, St. Peterburg, but also in other cities of Russia. At the same time, the Bank opens up all new and new offices in various cities of the country, offering customers a variety of types of banking services.

All VTB deposits are insured in accordance with Federal law "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks Russian Federation»№ 177-FZ dated December 23, 2003.

Contacts for certificates and consultations

More on the conditions of opening and interest rates of physical contributions persons VTB Learn from bank employees.

Telephone: 8 800 100-24-24 (free for regions of Russia).

The activities of the VTB Bank are carried out in accordance with the General License of the Bank of Russia No. 1000. Information is not a public offer.

The large financial structure of Vneshtorgbank in 2019 expanded the line of the provided service, offering the attention of potential and existing clients a unique opportunity. From VTB 24 Deposit seasonal 2019 is valid until December 31. This service provides for obtaining 10% per annum, starting with 1 month of use. Interest on deposit is transferred to the client's account and are not capitalized. Dates of transfer - every 30 days. The validity of this program is 7 months.

The service is provided for physical. Persons. All customers respond about this banking product positively. Percentage income is paid every month in the following order: 1-2 month - 10%, the third - 8.75%, the fourth and fifth - 6%, the sixth and seventh - 5%. Capitalization for this program is not carried out, since there is no possibility of replenishing the account.

The conditions on the contribution are quite loyal and the benefit is present for all customers without exception:

  • Issued in Russian rubles.
  • Minimum investment - from 30 thousand rubles.
  • It is impossible to shoot money ahead of time, otherwise the percentage is not paid.
  • There is automatic prolongation (unlimited number of times).

Bank customers using this product are allocated as an advantage the possibility of early closure of the account. If the money is removed to demand, then the interest rate will be only 0.01%.

Please note that all deposits from VTB24 are insured in full compliance with the current legislation: "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation."

Almost all the current customers of the Bank are positively responding about the contribution of the "seasonal". The only negative is the impossibility of replenishment and a critical increase in interest rate with premature removal money From the account.

Contribution seasonal VTB 24 for individuals

The banking product is issued online or in the bank's division. When signing the contract, the depositor and financial institution undertakes to fully fulfill the conditions specified in the document that is legally binding.

Before the Bank's client gives his consent and makes money to a certain account, its obligatory Inform about obligations and possible risks.

The depositor in turn undertakes to notify financial organization On the following changes:

  1. Change the surname and residence.
  2. Using another phone number.
  3. Go to another job.

Bank customers allocate such an opportunity as issuing a testamental order to deposits. In the event of controversial situations, it is considered in court in the order that is provided for by the legislation of Russia.

Contribution Seasonal VTB 24 Calculator

Each user can independently calculate the income on the deposit seasonal. For this on the official website financial structure Placed an online calculator. The service has an affordable and understandable interface, so each user can independently make calculations. With this tool, you can calculate how much you need to put to get the maximum income.

VTB Bank today offers increased interest on deposits for individuals and pensioners. See how to choose and open the most profitable deposit in 2019 with a maximum rate.

VTB 24 bank deposits for individuals and pensioners in 2019 can be opened under a high percentage. Maximum rates According to the deposit, "profitable" is increased to 2.06% in dollars and up to 8.24% in rubles. We will analyze the conditions and updated interest in force today VTB 24 deposits for the population.

VTB Bank today ranks second after Sberbank in terms of deposits of individuals. The reasons for the fact that many residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and many other cities of Russia carry money in VTB, several:

√ First, he has a large network of offices throughout Russia. Deposits can be issued remotely: in the Internet bank or mobile application. But the advantage is that people who are not very shortening with the Internet can always contact the Bank's office, which is in every city.

√ Secondly, the conditions of deposits in the VTB Bank are quite satisfying customer requests. VTB today offers ruble and currency deposits For individuals with monthly capitalization of interest, the possibility of replenishing and partial removal of funds without percent loss.

√ Third, VTB Bank today is one of the most reliable. Here, as they say, no comment. VTB second largest bank in Russia after saving. He is definitely not threatened with a license review, and the state will not burst into him.

Deposits in VTB 24 Bank for today: interest and conditions

Consider what deposits for individuals, including retirees, can be issued today at VTB Bank. We compare the interest rates and conditions of deposits operating in 2019 to choose the most profitable.

The contribution of VTB "Comfortable": percentage and conditions

Among the advantages of this deposit, you can note the possibility of a client to freely manage money lying in the bank. Deposit conditions allow you to replenish your account, and also partially remove funds without loss of profitability. Minus - low, compared to other deposits of the bank, interest rate.

Pros and cons

Interest rates

₽ - up to 4.16%
$ - up to 1.36%
€ - up to 0.01%

from 30 000 ₽
from 500 $
from 500 €

Maximum possible rate In rubles today is 5.66% per annum.

The contribution of VTB "Replenitable": interest and conditions

This deposit has the ability to replenish the account. This will undoubtedly be beneficial for those who intend to save money by postponing a part of salary or other income into a bank account. Minuses can not be considered too high bid And the lack of opportunity to make money without loss of profitability.

Pros and cons

Interest rates

₽ to 5.94%
$ - up to 1.62%
€ - up to 0.01%

from 30 000 ₽
from 500 $
from 500 €

Supplements for owners of VTB multiferies with a connected "savings" option:

0.5% when spending with multicartes worth from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles;
+ 1.0% when spending with multicartes in the amount of 15,000 to 75,000 rubles;
+ 1.5% when spending with multicartes worth from 75,000 rubles.

The maximum possible bid in rubles today is 7.44% per annum.

The contribution of VTB "Profitable": interest and conditions

Interest rates in this contribution are higher than that of other basic deposits of VTB. But to replenish the score or make money without loss of profitability will not work. You can only withdraw accrued interest. This contribution is good when you need to put a large amount into a bank for a certain period or, as they say, to live percentage. it the most profitable contribution of VTB 24 among basic deposits.

Pros and cons

Interest rates

₽ - up to 6.74%
$ - up to 2.06%
€ - up to 0.01%

from 30 000 ₽
from 500 $
from 500 €

Supplements for owners of VTB multiferies with a connected "savings" option:

0.5% when spending with multicartes worth from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles;
+ 1.0% when spending with multicartes in the amount of 15,000 to 75,000 rubles;
+ 1.5% when spending with multicartes worth from 75,000 rubles.

The maximum possible bet today is 8.24% per annum in rubles.

The contribution of VTB "Time of Growth": the most profitable deposit for today

This is a seasonal deposit that has a high interest rate. However, the possibilities of managing money on the contribution are very limited: replenish the score or make money without loss of profitability will not work. But what percentage is up to 6.90% per annum when designing online! The income may be even higher if you place a multiferous VTB and spend more than 5,000 rubles from it per month.

Pros and cons

Interest rates

without capitalization / with capitalization

Supplements for owners of VTB multiferies with a connected "savings" option:

0.5% when spending with multicartes worth from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles;
+ 1.0% when spending with multicartes in the amount of 15,000 to 75,000 rubles;
+ 1.5% when spending with multicartes worth from 75,000 rubles.

The maximum possible bid in rubles today is 8.40% per annum.

Contribution of VTB "Cumulative Account": interest and conditions

The cumulative account is not entirely contribution, but also a very profitable tool for storing money. Perhaps even more attractive than an ordinary deposit.

Its feature is that the account can be replenished, as well as take money from it at any time. The percentage is charged on the minimum balance that is in the account within a month.

At the same time, the longer there is money on a cumulative account, the higher the percentage.

If you use a score with the multiferous VTB with the "savings" option, the income will increase.

Interest rates

Without the "Saving" option

With a multiferous and option "Saving"

Increased yield in accumulative account It consists of a basic interest rate and remuneration in the amount of up to + 1.5% per annum, accrued when making purchases in the amount of 5,000 rubles. According to the VTB multicarter with the option "Savings".

Shopping on a map for a month

Cumulative account VTB "Piggy Bank": interest and conditions

This is another cumulative account VTB Bank. But here the interest accrual is made on the daily balance of money on the account.

The minimum and maximum amounts on the account are not limited. Its validity is also not set.

Replenishment and removal of funds are made without any restrictions. Copy and waste how much you want! And free funds will bring income every day.

Make a cumulative account VTB "Piggy Bank" can be in rubles, US dollars and euros.

Interest rates

The rate depends on the period and the number of cash placed on the funded account.

*) The level of profitability for a cumulative account is designed based on the amount of the accumulative account not more than 299,999.99 rubles.

How to issue the most profitable contribution of VTB in 2019

You can arrange any deposit in several ways. If you contact VTB Bank for the first time, you will have to go with a passport to the nearest branch. If you are already a client of this bank, that is, options ...

  1. In any separation of the bank, upon presentation of a document certifying the identity.
  2. In the Internet Bank. After opening the contribution, you can get an agreement in any branch of the bank upon presentation of a document certifying the personality.

Contacts Bank VTB

Phone numbers, departments addresses, VTB 24 schedule can be found by calling the Call Center of the Bank.

Phone: 8 800 100-24-24 (free for regions of Russia).

On the same phone, as well as on the official website, you can clarify the conditions for opening and interest rates that today have VTB 24 deposits for individuals.

General License of Bank of Russia No. 1000. Information is presented for reference purposes and is not a public offer.

When free money appears, each person has a natural question: and how to use them so that not only not to lose money, and also increase them? This article discusses such a way of investing money as a contribution. individual.

Contribution is a way to increase money

And in particular, deposits are a reliable source of income for individuals. If a person has money, and he keeps them "under the pillow", then every year purchasing power The amount of the amount will decrease. This is due to the inevitable annual inflation process. Every year the prices of goods and services increase, and the amount stored at home remains at the same level.

Prevent "burning" of funds by inflation can be one of the ways to increase them. For example, the owner of free cash or non-cash funds Payment can invest them in construction, business and other industries. However, each investment entails certain risks. If an inexperienced person is going to invest in this sphere, then in this case the risk of suffering from the hands of scammers, to make a deal with an unsuccessful project increases several times. How to be the population, whose knowledge in the field of financial markets is not so deep?

An excellent choice is a bank deposit. Income on deposits, as a rule, is up to 10% per annum, it overlaps the annual level of inflation. However, a bank deposit, the amount of which is not more than 1,400,000 rubles, is insured by the state, thanks to which the depositor does not risk lose their investment. In the event of a crisis or announcement of bankruptcy bank, a client with an open deposit of up to 1,400,000 rubles is guaranteed to return invested money.

The main parameters of bank deposits

The client when choosing the optimal product, as well as the bank itself should be considered the following conditions By deposit:

  • rate and deposit period;
  • deposit currency;
  • the possibility of making additional funds to the account;
  • early removal of money and deposit closure;
  • the presence of capitalization of interest;
  • method of registration.

The interest rate indicates the income of the client and is expressed as a percentage per year. As a rule, banks prefer to issue deposits for long terms, due to which the interest rate increases depending on the deposit period. However, if the contributor for any reason closes the contribution ahead of schedule, then in such a situation the rate under the contract is changed to the basic, which is at times less initially established.

The term of the deposit is two types: permanent and urgent. An inconsistent contribution provides for the possibility of replenishing with money, as well as in most cases, removal of money from the account without a decrease in interest rate, which is usually less than on urgent deposits. Urgent contribution It provides for the investment of money for a specific period under a higher interest rate.

The contribution may be issued in rubles, dollars, euros and other currency.

In the presence of the opportunity, it should be regularly picking up such a product according to which the completion of funds for money is permissible.

If the financial position of the depositor is unstable and depends on external factors, then it is possible to choose a product providing for removing money ahead of schedule.

Capitalization is an attachment of interest accrued for a specific period, to the deposit amount for the subsequent increase and is an important parameter of any deposit.

The registration of the deposit is possible with a personal visit to any of the branches of the Bank with necessary documents or remotely. An example of remote design is the contribution of "seasonal" customers talking about the lack of problems with the remote design of the deposit using the Internet.

Why exactly the bank?

Today for individuals who have free money, a variety financial instruments To increase money. For example, investment, purchase of securities, purchase and subsequent sale of currency, investment in credit institutions and banks.

As already mentioned, the bank deposit is the safest way to keep money, as well as increase them in quantity.

On the financial markets Inexperienced users can most likely come across scammers in a particular industry. Successful work S. securities And the currency requires knowledge, and better - experience and practices.

Deposits include primarily the security and safety of money. It must be remembered that in accordance with the Federal Law of December 23, 2003 No. 177-FZ deposits in banking institutions are insured by the state. In the case of a bankruptcy bankruptcy and subsequent liquidation, the state will be reimbursed by funds to individuals in the amount of up to 1,400,000 rubles. However, before opening a deposit in a little-known bank, you should check the information about it at the Deposit Insurance Agency.

Moreover, the opening bank deposit Does not require much time or special knowledge. The conditions for deposits are quite simple and understood by the average person, and in case of the emergence of questions, a bank employee will answer with joy.

Bank "VTB 24"

The Bank "VTB 24" is one of the leading banks of the Russian Federation and operates in accordance with the publicly available general license CBD No. 1623 of 29.10.2014.

Customers have a wide range of services: issuing loans, decisive debit and credit cards, opening deposits, exchange and purchase of currencies, remote account management and other important services for physical, as well as legal entities.

The deposit insurance system ensures the proper preservation of VTB 24 deposits.

The bank regularly hosts shares and unique offers are developed. For example, every citizen can open in the VTB 24 Department contribution "Seasonal". The reviews speak for themselves: this proposal is worthy of the attention of everyone who selects the contribution with the optimal life and interest rate.

Deposits of individuals in the bank "VTB 24"

Bank "VTB 24" offers various programs of deposits and savings.

The bank launched a unique offer - registration in the first two months. Read more about the deposit conditions in the following sections of this article.

The bank's client can open a cumulative account with a base rate, which fluctuates to 8.5% per annum on a limit period. At any time, the client can remove funds from the account without losing interest accrued per month. As well as for individuals it is possible to open a cumulative account with increased bid. up to 10% per annum.

The contribution "profitable." The minimum period is 3 months, the maximum is 5 years. Upon this deposit, the interest rate is up to 7.10% per annum. The depositor can accommodate money on a beneficial deposit in the amount of from 200 thousand to 30 million rubles. The advantage of this contribution is the possibility of preferential early termination of the contract.

The contribution "Cumulative" is drawn up in the amount of from 200 thousand to 30 million rubles for an interest rate to 6.65% per annum. The minimum term of the deposit is 3 months, the maximum - 5 years. This contribution allows you to replenish any amount per month, and the accrued interest client may leave on the deposit or transfer to your own account.

The contribution "Comfortable" by analogy with the previous one is issued for a period of 3 months to 5 years in the amount of from 200 thousand to 30 million rubles at a percentage rate of up to 4.10% per annum. Deposit is available monthly deposit replenishment, and in addition partial removal Cash without reducing interest rates.

VTB 24, the contribution "Seasonal" for individuals in 2017

Clients of the Bank "VTB 24" are invited to take advantage of a limited offer. Placing the contribution "Seasonal" for 7 months, the client already in the first months receives an increased percentage of the deposit. The proposal acts a limited time, therefore it is not worth tightening with the decision.

Bank "VTB 24:" Deposit conditions "Seasonal"

The maximum benefit of the client can get using the special offer for depositors.

The conditions for the contribution "Seasonal" are quite flexible and loyal.

The discovery of the contribution is possible from 30 thousand rubles, the maximum restriction is not established.

The contribution opens for a period of 7 months. The rate for the first month is 10% per annum, for the second - 10%, for the third - 8.75%, for the fourth - 6%, for the fifth - 6%, for the sixth - 5%, for the seventh - 5%.

Interests are not capitalized and monthly accrued to the master account.

The deposit currency is rubles.

There is no opening of the contribution in favor of third parties.

In case of early closure, interest is calculated at the minimum rate - 0.01%.

Disadvantages of the contribution "seasonal"

  • The contribution "Seasonal" does not provide for the introduction and partial (complete) removal of money from the account.
  • There is no capitalization of interest.
  • The opening of the deposit is available until December 31, 2017.

Benefits of the Deposit "Seasonal"

  • Automatic deposit prolongation.
  • 10% per annum for the first two months.
  • Monthly payments accrued interest.
  • via the Internet.

How to open the contribution "Seasonal" in VTB 24?

To make a contribution "Seasonal" Customer with a personal visit to the branch of the bank or independently through the Internet. To regulate the deposit in the Department of the Bank, the Depositor will need the original passport and cash in cash or non-cash form.

It is convenient that to open the contribution of the "seasonal" to the client is not at all to be in the bank office. Issue special offer You can at home, having access to a computer, laptop or smartphone with Internet access. In this case, money must be in cashless form on bank card either in a different payment tool.

Registration of the deposit online occurs on the official website commercial Bank "VTB 24". To do this, you need to log in in personal CabinetAfter what to find "deposits and savings", choose the product of interest. Taking advantage of the prompts, fill out the registration form and follow the further instructions for replenishing the account and opening the deposit online.

VTB 24, the contribution "Seasonal": reviews

In 2017, the Bank "VTB 24" launched a universal proposal. Thanks to him, each client is available to discover the "seasonal" contribution for 7 months.

The contribution "Seasonal" from VTB 24 is a limited time supply for individuals offering today the most favorable conditions for cash investment in the bank's financial turnover.

Feature contribution

The deposit "Seasonal" has a lot of differences from other investments for individuals from VTB 24, so the Bank pays separate attention to it to explore all the features and conditions. The offer limited to the time can be opened in the autumn period of the current 2017 from September 11 to October 31.

Place savings to VTB Bank 24 to 10% per annum possible for up to 7 months, with percentage periods equal to one month. For each period, its interest rate is characterized, decreasing during the completion of the deposit period.

Term (month)Rate
1 and 2.10%
3 8,75%
4 and 5.6%
6 and 7.5%

Interest accrual occurs at the end of the same period, the translation is carried out on the main "master account" and funds are not formed in extra capital.

Example: The contribution was decorated in 2017 on September 16 - the interest rate will be accrued to the 16th day of the next month.

Terms of "seasonal" contribution

In 2017, the project "Seasonal" is most profitable in VTB 24, among other deposits for individuals.

Description of the conditions as follows:

Registration of this deposit is not available in favor of third parties.

Extending the term of the contract for the section "Seasonal" occurs in automatic mode, does not require the presence of an individual and does not have a limited number.

All deposits open at VTB 24 Bank 24, including "Seasonal", are insured - this guarantees 100% compensation (but not more than 1 million 400 thousand rubles) funds in respect of which the insured case has come under the terms of the contract.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state