
Idea bank email address. Reviews about the idea of ​​the bank. Where to pay a loan

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Good day!

Good day!

In October 2015, I borrowed a car from this wonderful bank. I am a conscientious payer, for a year there was not a single delay on a loan and there are not to this day. During the use of the loan, there were many interesting situations, such as the absence of the manager of the Tushino branch during working hours, the absence of an answer from the bank on the hotline (just no one picks up the phone), the incompetence of the bank managers on many issues, the refusal of the managers to provide services under the contract, because that "but everyone is denied, why write it again, I will not accept the application" (these were attempts to write an application to change the date of the loan payment. Exceptionally, after the third visit, the manager agreed to accept the application with a great favor and sighs).

At the moment, the essence of the problem is as follows. In March 2016, I got married, changed my surname, in connection with which it is necessary to enter the registration data in the TCP. I sent a request to the bank to give me the TCP in my hands. On the day when I received the TCP, I asked the bank manager about the time frame for returning the TCP, to which the Tushino branch manager threw up her hands and said - "Well, you will return it as well." Okay, no question, thanks for your loyalty. Due to a number of serious circumstances, such as the absence of a record in the traffic police, a serious breakdown of the car (automatic transmission died) and the inability to simply roll it to the traffic police, disruptions in the work of the traffic police base throughout Russia, the issue dragged on. I admit, it's my fault, I signed the contract, I have to fulfill the terms that are prescribed in it, and so on.

Today the bank manager called me with a question about when I am going to return the TCP to the bank. I announced a specific date - on December 17, I will bring PTS to the Tushino branch. The manager insisted that all the deadlines were disrupted and I was fined. I tried to explain the situation, to which I was told that the bank will now think what can be done and will most likely demand a full repayment of the loan. Are you seriously? Guys, I have been crying for more than a year without delays or delays, I close my eyes to the insurance you have bought, I do not write complaints about your amazing and competent work in Moscow, every time I have to sit under the door of a closed department during working hours of this department or ride to you, asking time off from work, simply because the manager will not accept any applications from me, because everyone is denied some kind of service.

Maybe you will somehow reciprocate and loyalty to customers who tolerate your disgusting service and pay their obligations on time?

Portal administrator 16.12.2016 17:36

In this situation - no assessment.

Idea Bank 09.12.2016 15:50

Good afternoon.
Thank you for choosing IDEA Bank PJSC as your financial partner.

In PJSC "IDEA Bank" you have a loan for the purchase of a car.

Due to the fact that the TCP was not provided for your car, the Bank employee made a call to you in order to obtain information about the date of the provision of the TCP to the Bank and inform you about the need to carry out this action in accordance with the terms of your loan agreement.

You were also informed about possible penalties in case of failure to provide the TCP to the Bank's office, in accordance with the terms of your agreement.

Thank you for the timely payment of the Loan.

08.12.2016 12:14

Bank response

Bank response

Good afternoon.

Good afternoon.

It is very interesting who are going to sue, if thank God for the first time in my life I hear about your bank and have never taken a loan from you ?! An SMS comes in that the bank is notifying about the preparation of a statement of claim to the court for enforcement. What do I want to ask for collection if I didn’t take a penny from your bank !? Please stop terrorizing me with calls and SMS of a similar nature, and delete my number from the bank's database, otherwise my patience will run out and I will write an application to the Central Bank to check the license and the authority of your actions. I'm tired of it.

Idea Bank 06.12.2016 16:17

Good afternoon.
Upon your request, the Bank conducted a service check, as a result of which it turned out that SMS messages to your number were being made in connection with a technical failure. At the moment, errors in the operation of the Bank's software have been identified and corrected.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

06.12.2016 12:47

Bank response

Bank response

Good afternoon.

Good afternoon.
I already wrote a review here on 07/05/16. that bank employees do not know how to talk to clients - they are rude, yelling and insulting. But if last time it happened after a delay in the transfer of the monthly payment of 5 calendar days, which I (for the information of the bank) additionally paid when transferring the payment, then this month it is even more interesting.

02.12.16 I received an SMS from the number 8 800 333 8073 that I was out of the payment schedule and a demand to pay off the debt. In November, I transferred the payment on 11/26/2016, which is 4 days ahead of maturity. I called the specified phone number in order to clarify that the payment had already been made and ran into the rudeness of the employee. The man on the other end of the line in a boorish and unceremonious manner demanded to pay off the debt, after which I hung up. Idea Bank, where do you recruit such employees? How tired I am of your rudeness, your employees do not know how to communicate in a civilized manner. And you don’t need to write me unsubscribe letters stating that all the explanations were given to me in the correct form, this is not the case.

I inform you that it is illegal to require any additional payments other than payments on a loan. I also inform you that now I record all calls and SMS notifications from you, and in case of repetition of rudeness on the part of any bank employee, I will file complaints with law enforcement agencies, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor's Office and Roskomnadzor.

Idea Bank 12/06/2016 11:14

Good afternoon.

The bank took note of the information you provided.

Based on the facts stated in the appeal, the work of the employees of the Debt Collection Department regarding your loan agreement was checked.

Based on the results of the check, an explanatory conversation was held with the employee.

At the same time, the Bank informs that you have an overdue debt under the loan agreement. In addition to the obligatory monthly payment,% was charged on previously overdue payments.

The amount of money paid is not enough to pay off the debt, in this regard, the current debt was formed.

We hope for your understanding and further cooperation.

04.12.2016 21:51

Bank response

Bank response

http://www.ideabank.ru) in KCO "Na Rizhskaya" Address: - Prospekt Mira st., 79 for opening a current account, card and deposit. On that day, none of the accounts was opened for me, they told me that there were no cards, current accounts were opened through the approval and approval of the bank, the Internet bank could not be opened without a current account. I wrote an application for opening an account. On November 10, 2016 at 14:46, they called me from +78612796758 to my number and told me that the bank was refusing to open accounts in
this bank without explaining the reasons and justifications.

I believe that the bank is violating the banking law and the consumer protection law. I demand to take measures in relation to this bank, to suppress the practice of violations by the bank, to initiate administrative proceedings in the interests of an indefinite circle of persons.

It is also very suspicious that the bank, having branches in Moscow, has absolutely no visitors (during several of my visits I have never seen clients), and also refuses to open accounts for clients from the street.

Idea Bank 12/05/2016 12:24

Good afternoon.

On 09.11.2016, you applied to KCO "Na Rizhskaya" to open a debit card and current account, you did not have a desire to open a deposit in our Bank. When communicating with an employee of the Bank, you did not explain and, moreover, refused to inform you for what specific purposes you need a debit card or current account, while in communication you used profanity.
An employee of the Bank advised you on all Tariffs and Bank products, including the line of deposits, offering you to open a deposit with a gift debit card, but you refused.
Due to the fact that an employee of the Bank could not get an explanation from you for what purposes you need a card / current account, as well as the fact that you were not interested in other products of the Bank, you were refused to open an account on the grounds: that the purpose of concluding such an agreement is to carry out operations for the purpose of legalizing (laundering) proceeds from crime or financing terrorism (in accordance with clause 5.2. Article 7 of Federal Law No. 115 dated 07.08.2001).

Idea Bank is one of the oldest banks in Ukraine. Idea Bank started its activity back in 1989 as "Plus Bank". The current name Idea Bank appeared only in 2007, when Plus Bank was bought by one of the largest financial groups in Europe - Getin Holding S.A (Poland).

During the activity of Idea Bank, its capital was increased by 3 times, which made it possible for the bank to take a leading position in the market for the provision of banking services in Ukraine, and the Idea Bank's strategy is aimed at developing within the framework of banking law, which rightfully gives Idea the bank the opportunity to be one of the most reliable banks in Ukraine.

Idea Bank has expanded its presence in all cities of Ukraine and currently operates in all major cities and towns of the country. The number of branches of Idea Bank is about 70 service points.

Idea bank, to its clients, provides a full range of banking services, from deposits and loans to the rental of safe deposit boxes. The main categories of clients that Idea Bank is focused on are individuals, entrepreneurs and legal entities.

Hotline phones Idea bank - all contacts

Many clients of the Idea bank, when using any product of this bank, faced such a situation when they need to find out some issue, but there is no way to contact the Idea bank branch. As a result, the client is looking for an agreement that contains contacts, but as a rule, the agreement contains the contacts of a specialist or the hotline that is responsible for servicing a particular category of bank services.

We would like to provide you with a complete list of all contact details and telephone numbers of the Idea Bank hotline, by calling which you can resolve any issue regarding the bank's activities or servicing your product or service.

0 800 50 20 30 - the main telephone number of the Bank Idea hotline for individuals, by calling which you can solve many questions about your bank product or service.

0 800 50 10 40 - the main telephone number of the hotline The idea of ​​a bank for business clients, such can be private entrepreneurs or legal entities

+38 0342 55 87 62 - this telephone number of the Bank Idea hotline is intended exclusively for calls from abroad. If you are abroad now and have questions about a product or service, call this number.

+38 032 297 06 95 - this is the main telephone-fax to which Idea Bank can receive any information from anywhere in the world.

https://www.ideabank.ua/ru/about/feedback- here is a feedback form, where you can ask any question and get an answer by calling your specified phone number or e-mail.

https://www.ideabank.ua/ru/map/- this is a map of branches. Idea of ​​the bank, where, having chosen the branch you are interested in, you can see the direct telephone number of this branch.

The bank was founded in November 1990 in Krasnodar. 82 organizations were the founders. From 1995 to May 2013, the credit organization functioned as OJSC Joint Stock Bank Kubanbank, after which it changed its name to OJSC Investment Trust European Joint Stock Bank (IDEA Bank). In December 2015, the bank changed its organizational and legal form and switched to a consonant, but formally unrelated to the previous decoding name - PJSC Idea Bank. Since February 2005, he has been a member of the compulsory deposit insurance system.

In 2010, the total number of the bank's shareholders reached 3,164 (168 legal entities and 2,996 individuals). The key owners were Russian citizens Pavel Boyko (20%) and Roman Dusenko (13.28%), as well as US citizens Edward Dubinsky and Tierney Michael Paul (20% each). The owners' plans included the development of a credit institution with a focus on the mortgage business, but the 2008 crisis prevented the implementation of the tasks set, and the bank was reoriented to lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

Market participants believe that the group of the above-mentioned businessmen had to look for new investors a little later due to the need to capitalize the bank to the amount of 180 million rubles by January 1, 2012.

In March 2011, Carcade Leasing, a subsidiary of the Polish financial group Getin Holding *, acquired 75.58% plus one share of the Krasnodar bank, announcing plans to increase its ownership to 100%. In November 2011, the bank carried out an additional issue, following which Carcade Leasing increased its stake in the bank's capital, subsequently bringing it to 96.06%.

In May 2014, the parent company Carcade Leasing, the Getin Holding group, acquired the entire stake owned by the leasing company (96.06%). The par value of the sold shares is about 381.4 million rubles, the transaction value was 667.4 million rubles. According to the owner of Getin Holding, Leszek Czarnecki **, the main direction of the bank's activity was to be car lending, and the corporation planned to become the leader in this area in Russia in the next five to six years.

In May 2015, Getin Holding JSC decided to sell a stake in a credit institution to Forus Bank in Nizhny Novgorod.

At the moment, the bank's shareholder is Forus Bank JSC (96.08%). The 3.92% stake is distributed among minority shareholders.

In addition to the head office, the bank's service network includes two additional, five credit and cash and three operational offices and a representative office in Moscow. As of October 1, 2015, the payroll headcount was 137 (according to RAS reporting). Its own ATM network is not developed.

The bank provides services to about 6.3 thousand corporate clients from among representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The main large client of the credit institution is OJSC “Plant of Aluminum and Steel Structures”.

Legal entities are offered settlement and cash services, deposits, leasing, Internet banking. Private clients have access to deposits in rubles, auto and consumer loans, money transfers (Contact, UNIStream, Western Union and Zolotaya Korona systems), bank cards, as well as currency exchange operations.

At the end of 2015, the net assets of the credit institution increased by 17.9%, or 915.9 million rubles. The growth driver in the liabilities side of the balance was the inflow of funds from individuals (+ 44%, or 1.4 billion rubles), an increase in the volume of the portfolio of attracted interbank loans (+ 66.7%, or 100 million rubles) and equity (+ 8.7% , or 53.2 million rubles). At the same time, the funds of enterprises and organizations showed a decrease (-47.3%, or 293.5 million rubles).

In the active part of the balance sheet, there is an increase in the portfolio of funds placed with banks (four times, or by 800 million rubles), the portfolio of securities (from zero to 305.7 million rubles), highly liquid funds (+ 97%, or 245.7 million rubles). rubles), as well as the loan portfolio (+11.9 million rubles). At the same time, the bank reduced the volume of investments in other assets (-34.1%, or 441.8 million rubles).

In the structure of liabilities, 76.5% are funds of individuals, most of which are attracted for a period of one to three years. Own funds (capital) account for 11% of net liabilities, they include three subordinated deposits. The first deposit was attracted from OOO Rego in 2010 in the amount of 5 million rubles at a rate of 10% with a maturity date of June 1, 2017. The second - from Getting Holding S. A. in 2013 in the amount of RUB 50 million at a rate of 10% with a maturity date of December 27, 2019. The third was attracted from Idea Bank S. A. in 2014 in the amount of 152.2 million rubles at a rate of 11% with a maturity date of February 27, 2020.

The funds of enterprises and organizations account for 5.4%, the portfolio of attracted interbank loans - 4.2%. The customer base of the credit institution is large, the payment dynamics are moderate, and the monthly turnover on customer accounts is 2.6-5.3 billion rubles.

In the structure of assets, the share of 55.4% is formed by the loan portfolio. Placed interbank loans account for 16.6% of net assets. Throughout 2015, the main counterparties were OJSC AKB Absolut Bank, JSC Alfa-Bank and PJSC AKB Svyaz-Bank. Other assets, represented mainly by requirements for factoring, form a share of 14.2%, highly liquid assets (cash, balances on nostro correspondent accounts) - 8.3%, securities portfolio (OFZs, bonds transferred to REPO) - 5, 1%.

Since the beginning of 2015, the loan portfolio has slightly increased in volume (less than 1%) and as of January 1, 2016 amounted to 3.3 billion rubles. More than 80% of the portfolio is represented by retail loans, the rest is corporate loans, which have increased by 7.7 times since the beginning of 2015. At the same time, the retail portfolio decreased by 10.3%. The level of overdue debt remained unchanged - 6.9%. The reserve rate is at a moderate level - 11.9%, decreasing over time (at the beginning of 2015 - 19.3%). The loan portfolio is secured by property pledges in the amount of 3.8 billion rubles, or 114.3% of the total portfolio, which is a high indicator.

In the repo market, the bank shows weak activity with insignificant turnovers. The interbank lending market is mainly a net creditor, placing excess liquidity for a maximum period of 180 days, and is rarely attracted and in small volumes. The bank was moderately active in the foreign exchange market. The monthly turnover increased from 1.1 billion to 39.7 billion rubles.

At the end of 2015, the bank received a net profit of 22.4 million rubles (in 2014, the same indicator was 9.3 million rubles).

Board of Directors: Ruslan Suleimanov (chairman), Albert Asryan, Alexander Bortnik, Denis Samkov, Larisa Kondratova, Andrey Titov, Anastasia Solovieva.

Governing body: Angelica Poplavskaya (chairman, president), Tatiana Lyubina, Larisa Khizhnyaya (chief accountant), Inna Fomina.

* Getin Holding S. A. is a large Polish financial holding company founded in 1996. According to the company, the main owner is Leszek Czarnecki (57.11%). In addition to the Russian bank, the holding includes three banks in Poland (Powszechny Dom Kredytowy, Idea Bank, Getin Bank), the Ukrainian Idea Bank (formerly Plus Bank) and the Belarusian Idea Bank (formerly Sombelbank), as well as leasing, insurance, brokerage and investment companies. ...

** Leszek Czarnecki is one of the three richest Polish businessmen. His fortune, according to Forbes magazine, is estimated at 7.1 billion zlotys (about 1.8 billion euros).

PJSC Idea Bank (formerly the Investment Trust European Joint Stock Bank) is a small regional bank registered in Krasnodar. It specializes in lending primarily to individuals, as well as attracting funds from the population in deposits. The main source of funding is deposits of individuals (76.5%). The key shareholder of the financial institute is Forus Bank JSC.

The bank was founded in November 1990 in Krasnodar. 82 organizations were the founders. From 1995 to May 2013, the credit organization functioned as OJSC Joint Stock Bank Kubanbank, after which it changed its name to OJSC Investment Trust European Joint Stock Bank (IDEA Bank). In December 2015, the bank changed its organizational and legal form and switched to a consonant, but formally unrelated to the previous decoding name - PJSC Idea Bank. Since February 2005, he has been a member of the compulsory deposit insurance system. In 2010, the total number of the bank's shareholders reached 3,164 (168 legal entities and 2,996 individuals). The key owners were Russian citizens Pavel Boyko (20%) and Roman Dusenko (13.28%), as well as US citizens Edward Dubinsky and Tierney Michael Paul (20% each). The owners' plans included the development of a credit institution with a focus on the mortgage business, but the 2008 crisis prevented the implementation of the tasks set, and the bank was reoriented to lending to small and medium-sized businesses. Market participants believe that the group of the above-mentioned businessmen had to look for new investors a little later due to the need to capitalize the bank to the amount of 180 million rubles by January 1, 2012. In March 2011, Carcade Leasing, a subsidiary of the Polish financial group Getin Holding *, acquired 75.58% plus one share of the Krasnodar bank, announcing plans to increase its ownership to 100%. In November 2011, the bank carried out an additional issue, following which Carcade Leasing increased its stake in the bank's capital, subsequently bringing it to 96.06%. In May 2014, the parent company Carcade Leasing, the Getin Holding group, acquired the entire stake owned by the leasing company (96.06%). The par value of the sold shares is about 381.4 million rubles, the transaction value was 667.4 million rubles. According to the owner of Getin Holding Leszek Czarnecki **, the main direction of the bank's activity was to be car lending, and the corporation planned to become the leader in this direction in Russia in the next five to six years. In May 2015, Getin Holding JSC made a decision to sell a stake in the bank to Forus Bank in Nizhny Novgorod. Currently, Forus Bank JSC (96.08%) is a shareholder of the credit institution. The share of 3.92% was distributed among the minority shareholders.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state