
Financial carousel game. Llc "carousel": accounting reporting and financial analysis. And here are the secrets of the game "Secrets of the rich"

Rat Race for kids

The game "Rat Race for Kids" presented on our website is not "Cashflow for Kids", which was sold in 2005 and disappeared from sale by 2007, because children were indifferent to it. That game was made on the basis of Cashflow 101 and developed by simplifying the adult Cashflow game to a primitive childish level. But it turned out that simple simplification is not enough for children to become interested in adult problems, such as wisely investing their finances. Therefore, the game was discontinued by the authors. This game is a completely new development in 2017, which was originally made for the level of understanding, for the worldview and for the range of interests of a modern child. Moreover, the game was created with the involvement of especially gifted children and Kiev lyceums. And she's not just successful - SHE IS GENIUS! And this is really that rare case when the tongue easily and without hesitation turns to pronounce this loud word. The 2017 Cash Flow for Kids game is just a brilliant toy! I easily give her such a flattering assessment, because I played it, and she turned out to be beyond praise. I am not exaggerating its qualities in order to sell it ... The game is really done competently, talentedly, creatively, funny, cute, sincerely, kindly and with love for children.

1399 UAH
Game Corporation

The Corporation game is a remake of the world famous game Monopoly. Moreover, the remake is very successful! The game is based on the same rather simple idea - you collect all three cards of the same color - and you have a monopoly in this field of activity. From that moment on, you have the right to spin it up, open branches for it, raise prices for your goods and thereby bankrupt your rivals ... But the new game went further and offers the player to build a whole "Corporation" of several monopolies and become a real monster devouring the businesses of all their rivals ... In addition, new functions have appeared in the game, such as tax and all other inspectors who go to the game field and "lure" all businesses in a row. There are also oligarchs who walk around the playing field in the same way, only on the contrary - they litter with money ... An auction appeared in the game, where the property of bankrupts goes, and then the bidding begins among the players, which cause a serious storm of emotions, because sometimes whole monopolies get to the auction. and not just individual enterprises! And the auction itself is sometimes open, and sometimes closed, when only one player gets the right secretly from other players to buy up all the businesses on the cheap. In general, the game has a lot of new jokes that make this game much more interesting than the classic old "Monopoly"

699 UAH

STOCK!!! Special offer!

Rat Race 2

This is the newest and coolest of all modern business games. In terms of gambling, realism and effectiveness of training, it surpasses all known games. There are 8 types of cards in the game, different professions and even different rules for men and women! Accordingly, the methods of achieving success are different! Just like in real life! Therefore, the new game is simply unique. There is no other game like this! The game covers the path of a person from work for a salary to fabulous wealth! The theme of the game is: "Start from scratch and become an oligarch!" This is the only game that covers the human journey from working in a factory to multi-million dollar deals and living in paradise on their own tropical island! The beginning of the game is very tough. Getting out of poverty is even more difficult than in the game Rat Race 1. Because now you cannot do business, and go to work at the same time "to maintain your pants". Now quitting your job and starting your own business is a vabank game! If the business does not go, you will have to feverishly look for a new job and survive without money at all in debts and minuses - you still need to eat something! But therefore, the effect of training is much higher! And playing in the world of the rich has become even more interesting than in the previous version. Because in the world of the rich, you can engage in politics and corruption! And this is the most gambling part of the game - corruption at all levels of government, bribery of deputies, illegal land acquisition and privatization, bribes and flirting with regulatory authorities, tax inspectorates and prosecutors. The game clearly shows how really big money is made and where the really big money comes from! they are not done in business ... They are done in politics! And the one who is the first to go from a simple worker to a big businessman and is the first to understand that for further advancement he needs pocket politicians - he will become an oligarch! And the oligarchs in this game can own not only cars and apartments, but also yachts, villas, and even airplanes. The amounts of transactions are no longer calculated in millions, but in tens of millions of dollars!

1399 UAH

Sales leaders:

A modern advanced game based on Cashflow, but significantly surpassing it in terms of gambling and learning efficiency. Imitates the real life of a person in the financial and economic conditions of Ukraine. It makes it possible to go from begging to fabulous wealth, providing the player with a huge number of clear and clear recipes for earning additional income, creating a small or large business, and using various enrichment schemes. In fact, the game provides step-by-step instructions on how to free yourself from labor slavery and achieve financial freedom. As a learning tool financial literacy is the best on the market. Develops an entrepreneurial spirit and a business mindset very well. Teaches you how to make money on literally everything that comes under your arm.

999 UAH

This is a very good offer, because both games are very interesting and together they provide all the necessary amount of knowledge in order to go from poverty and work for a salary to fabulous wealth. Rat Race 1 teaches you how to break out of poverty and move from a paid job to a private business. The Rat Race 2 game will extend your path from private enterprise to big business, politics, corruption and the status of a real oligarch. Both games are the best on the market. It is difficult to advise which one is better to choose. That is why the offer "Two games in one box, and even cheaper by 300 hryvnia than separately" is ideal!

1999 UAH

Expected games:

Rat Race 4

This game was announced and appeared on some sites back in 2012-2013. True, it was written everywhere that the game was "in development." However, there is already a rat, there is a box, but the game itself is still not and is not ... And in the yard already 2016 is ending ... Now on some sites (I do not know where they get this information) it is written that the game will be released in 2018. Well, let's hope ... It’s painfully interesting topic: “Get away from business young and rich in order to enjoy life!”. In any case, it is clear that the game has not been forgotten and that some work is underway on it. In any case, the game has never existed and the design of the box in the announcements has recently changed ... The new box, of course, looks much cooler!

999 UAH

Other games:

The theme of the new game is the global economic crisis! Economic crises occur regularly and occur at intervals of about once every 4 years. Economic crises- these are not random occurrences, but planned measures to take away businesses and capital from highly literate and enterprising people. Therefore, for those who want to learn how to survive during crises and not lose, but make huge money on crises, this game will be worth all the gold. The fate of everyone else is known - go bankrupt and start all over again. How is this game useful? She gives clear and clear advice to businessmen and entrepreneurs on how to minimize their losses during the crisis and how to preserve their businesses. The game clearly shows all smart and enterprising people how to implement their most daring and daring business projects against the background of the crisis, how to seize markets, how to buy up competitors' property for a penny, how to make a fortune out of general panic and confusion. A very violent and addictive game! It is impossible to break away.

Cashflow 101 (Cashflow 101)

Cashflow 101 is a Russian translation of the very first American economic game for adults, Cashflow 101, developed and patented in 1993 by American writer and investor Robert Kiyosaki. The game was created specifically to educate people about financial literacy. In a fun way, it conveys to the players the basic principles of successful financial thinking.

Discontinued games:

Financial carousel (Russia, Kazan)

New Russian economic game. It starts from the moment you leave school, and you are faced with a choice: go to study, or get a job, receiving the minimum wage. The game has a well thought-out mechanism for transitioning to the status of a "novice entrepreneur" and the banal accumulation of money will not work. The player's task: skillfully using the possibilities of personal capital, find a way and reach a new financial level. The board game implements a unique way to play on the stock exchange valuable papers, growth and fall of the exchange rate, prices for gold and commodities.

The Ukrainian authorities are doing everything to keep the war going and Donbass to become the Ukrainian Gaza Strip with a smoldering conflict where you can constantly knock off money. And with good money. Where to get money for the war?

The delight with which many of our compatriots savor the juicy details of the tragic events taking place in the country has long been suggestive of the psychological health of the majority of the Ukrainian population.

But if the number of maternal tears and broken destinies is difficult to measure in numbers, then the economic damage from the incessant game of war is quite specific, and it is already enough to state that the Ukrainian economy is falling into a coma.

“Every month the ATO costs Ukraine 1.5 billion hryvnyas,” said Finance Minister Oleksandr Shlapak on June 21. Do you think the new minister voiced this, clearly underestimated, figure in order to appeal to someone's conscience, and, like a true professional, decided to ring the bells, urging them to stop?

What are you, everything is just beginning. And Shlapak complained that the money was running out, it would be necessary to allocate more. The reserve fund has already been emptied, it would be necessary to get a miserable UAH 9 billion somewhere in order to feel comfortable. “There are now 520 million left in the Reserve Fund, and much more is needed for defense.

We calculated that UAH 9.1 billion is needed by the end of this year. I want to remind you that on March 27, when we considered the necessary resources for the ATO, we counted until July 1. We are already financing from the Reserve Fund. At the moment, there are about 520 million left in it. And the ATO costs us more than UAH 1.5 billion. a month, ”complains the bustling Shlapak.

Arseny Petrovich, of course, listened to his minister and has already hurried to prepare the most interesting amendments to the state budget with the leitmotif “all to the front”, demonstrating that the government is doing its best to keep the powder dry.

Where did Arseny Petrovich decide to look for money? Apart from those on duty, “assistance from international institutions”, “creation of a favorable investment climate” and “privatization,” two points are especially touching.

The first is taxes, which Yatsenyuk the reformer again proposes to raise.

But this is just nonsense! How can you hope to get some extra money from small and medium-sized businesses in a war and economic collapse? The networks are withdrawing their offices from Lugansk and Donetsk, the Donbass business itself has gone deep underground, the words “profitability”, like “timely salary”, have become abusive at small enterprises.

And Yatsenyuk longs for patriotic hryvnia ... This is a diagnosis. If you look at official sources, in the first half of the year the economy sank by 3% with an eye on the fact that in the second half of the year it sagged by the same amount. In fact, this figure is at least twice as high. The level of shadowing is growing every month - people think about how to dodge in order to survive, and you need to be a complete prude to condemn them for it.

By the end of the year, there will not be a single white scheme left in any industry, and the government will not force anyone to pay taxes for a very long time in a state where every percentage of tax return turns into a purchased body armor.

The second is compulsory leave for civil servants. The patriotic crowd was even outraged. "These creatures should not be sent on vacation, but either to prison or to the trash heap." You know, I don't like officials either. These stealing clerical rats, repainted after each change of power.

But I know they are not the ones to suffer. And simple heads of departments and secretaries, in whose place I would have been looking for a new job for a long time and would not humiliate myself, both by running errands with "Svidomo social activists" and by a salary of 1200 hryvnias. Now they will become a symbol of the fight against embezzlers and state economy.

As a result of such very simple measures, the government plans to receive an additional UAH 6 billion. budget revenues and, accordingly, reduce the expenditure side by UAH 1 billion. The money raised will, of course, go to the army, how could it be otherwise?

And where are the promised reforms, which "must be carried out even during the war"? Where is the promised economic effect from the legendary Association Agreement, which will start working "immediately after signing, without waiting for ratification"?

I remember that Tigipko at one time burned out on the fact that his spending cuts and income increases were called by the loud word "reforms". And how, in this case, to characterize the attempts of Yatsenyuk, I can not even say. According to this logic, he reformed us for at least the third time, raising taxes, utility bills and freezing social standards, which are also devalued by inflation.

How much has the war cost Ukraine? A good question, the answer to which no one knows for sure. The Ministry of Defense says about some 20 billion UAH, which allegedly went to the restoration of the serviceability of military equipment, the purchase of fuel, cash security, the acquisition and modernization of military equipment, as well as the purchase of body armor.

But let's look at things soberly - even a cursory analysis of the equipment and technical equipment of the Ukrainian troops suggests that the war in the East has turned into a real carousel for money laundering. And, of course, there will always be few of them.

In just a few months, the information field has been cleared to such an extent that the seemingly sensational facts of corruption in the power bloc seemingly for any journalist only trickle through the concrete wall of censorship.

But we know all the same. We know how the National Guardsmen are "thrown" on the salary. We know how to buy low-quality body armor at initially inflated prices. We know how they spend the money that was collected from the Ukrainians through the sentimental video on Ukrainian TV channels.

Naturally, during this time a real "war party" has formed in the country - hundreds, and perhaps thousands of officials and businessmen who earn real fortunes on the Ukrainian crisis. And they want to earn further. That is why everything is being done to keep the war going and Donbass to become the Ukrainian Gaza Strip with a smoldering conflict where you can constantly knock off money.

What can we say about some pawns receiving bones from the master's table, when the main cream of the conflict is skimmed by the oligarchs. Of course, everyone immediately remembers Igor Kolomoisky and his Dnipropetrovsk empire, which is scaled up into a nationwide format.

Many colleagues traditionally like to write about oil tenders on which Kolomoisky's structures make money, but I would even disregard such small geshefts. Indeed, against the background of UAH 4 billion, which the National Bank, led by friend Kubiv, paid to Privatbank at a time, everything else seems to be just small splashes.

Although we should pay tribute to Kolomoisky's team - they work in an extremely systematic way and have built bridges almost everywhere. Now they will start to make money on the so-called "restoration" of the liberated cities of Donbass, which they themselves have gouged. Under this case, of course, and asks to cut the money of "our European partners."

And you say Yanukovych. It was not he who invented and will not end the magic effect of the sweet word "rollback". Soon in Slavyansk will begin to lay roads from filthy asphalt "according to German technologies."

And now about the prospects. For some nine months, Ukraine has brought itself to the handle. If Yanukovych simply conserved the existing problems, squeezing the juices out of the Ukrainian economy by the “Family” institute (in this mode, Ukraine would have gone on for several more years until the collapse, and in the case of Russian support, even a good decade), then the arrived democrats shattered the country in just half a year ...

We have yet to realize how the potential of an economically important region is being destroyed by power. These are, in fact, the only territories that produced something in the country - in the rest of Ukraine, let's face it, either services or "buy and sell".

And the further you go to the West, the clearer this tendency is. How the Ukrainian budget can withstand the payment of social obligations, at least partial restoration of infrastructure, assistance to refugees, etc., is absolutely not clear. But these are only surface problems.

Many do not understand the deep essence of the consequences of the undertaken. Ukraine is a country on the verge of open war with its main trading partner. Whole businesses will go for scrap.

Ukraine, a country unable to secure its energy independence, will sooner or later have to pay Russia more than $ 5 billion in gas debt. A country in which the number of retirees will surpass the number of workers in the coming years.

A country in which the national debt increases by billions of dollars annually, making the national government directly dependent on international creditors. This is exactly how Yatsenyuk explains the increase in taxes - the IMF demands. From the country in which we all lived, nothing remained economically.

And even if in the future Donbass turns into a deserted desert, now it is still possible to earn money on it, so the ATO is, first of all, a business idea of ​​the political elites, which will undoubtedly destroy the main locomotives of the Ukrainian economy.

The record is long - now loans will be used for restoration, military and financial assistance will continue, journalists will receive more than one reason for sensations - everything is covered in chocolate. But know that this is your last money, the next will simply not be.

In real life, belonging to a particular social group is determined by the way of earning income, the possibilities of personal capital and the policy of its use. Each participant in the game has one of three role statuses: "employee", "novice entrepreneur", "successful businessman". For the "employee" the main source of income is wages at the enterprise, of which he is not the owner. The "employee" spends the funds received, as they say, "on himself", and the possibilities of his personal capital are small. The income of a “budding entrepreneur” is the income of his small business. An entrepreneur invests his profit in maintaining and developing his own business. "An accomplished businessman", unlike a "novice entrepreneur", is not inside his business, but above the business, investing in the creation of a sustainable financial system.

The game begins from the moment you graduated from school, facing a choice: go to school, or get a job, receiving the minimum wage. The life of an "employee" is filled with accidents that fall on your head. The game has a well thought-out mechanism for transitioning to the status of a “novice entrepreneur” and the trivial accumulation of money will not work.

The player's task: skillfully using the possibilities of personal capital, find a way and reach a new financial level. All data on income, expenses, loans and development are recorded in a special accounting sheet. The board game implements a unique way of playing on the stock exchange, the rise and fall of the exchange rate, the prices of gold and commodities. The game is distinguished by an extremely simple calculation system and small numbers, which will be convenient for the whole family, regardless of age.

You can board game

Technical characteristics and composition of the game


Size: 430x220x35 mm.

The playing field. Made of thick cardboard with full color printing.

Size: sheet A2.

Game cards. Thick paper, double-sided printing.

Quantity: 96 pcs.

Business cards. Thick paper, double-sided printing. Quantity: 24 pcs.

Play money. Colored paper, single-sided printing, convenient bank.

Quantity: 216 pcs.

Game and gameplay

Up to six people take part in the game at the same time. Everyone chooses a chip for himself and puts it in the central circle on the sector with the inscription "Start". Players stock up on a pencil, an eraser and receive financial sheets. A player-broker and a player-banker are appointed. The broker monitors the players' payments of credits, receiving an additional 1f. The banker receives 3f, making all payments and withdrawals during the game. Before you start, you need to shuffle the cards in the decks and place them in the appropriate places on the playing field.

To determine their starting capital, players roll a die. The number 1 on the die corresponds to 10f starting capital, the number 2 to 20f, and so on. Each player at the start has a starting salary of 6f and the amount of monthly expenses of 4f, which is recorded by the player in the sheet financial accounting... The first to go is the one with the lowest starting capital. A controversial situation is resolved with a die roll.

All players start from the Development sector on the inner circular track. Before making the first move, you can go through the tutorial. If you have other plans or do not have enough funds, roll the dice and move along the path. Once on the sectors "Good news", "Bad news", "Expenditure on pleasure" or "Business development", draw the corresponding top card from the deck and carry out the actions described in it. Remember to record any changes in equity on your financial sheet.

When you go through the "Salary" sector on the circular track or "Profit" on the entrepreneur's tracks, you will receive the amount of your net profit, which is calculated in the sheet of financial accounting.

Cashflow 101 or Cashflow 101

The world's first financial and economic game for adults, created in 1993 to teach financial literacy through gameplay. It allows you to get investment skills in a fun way and learn how to properly manage your money. The author of the game is the famous American writer and investor Robert Kiyosaki.

The game has two playing circles or two treadmills, symbolizing the world of the rich and the world of the poor. The main game task is to get rid of work for a salary and the transition to private business and investment - that is, the transition from the world of the poor to the world and to the lifestyle of rich people. At the second stage of the game, the main task of the player is to create a solid passive income that does not require personal involvement, and the accumulation of capital necessary to fulfill the dream chosen at the beginning of the game. In general, the game plot is very exciting, and the gameplay proceeds quite recklessly.

Advantages of the game:

This game has a great advantage over all other business games, thanks to which it remains very popular even 20 years after its release. It was the first business learning game and was developed by Robert Kiyosaki himself, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Save Your Asset # 1, and Cash Flow Quadrant. Robert Kiyosaki was not only the founder of all educational economic games, but also the author of the very idea of ​​teaching people financial literacy through the game process. And he was the first to preach the idea that in order to achieve happiness, a person needs to strive not for wealth, but for financial freedom. This new philosophy was first described in his popular books, and eventually found its embodiment in the game Cashflow. Thus, this game is the personification of a new philosophy of life created by the famous Robert Kiyosaki.

Disadvantages of the game:

This version has a lot of shortcomings, described in detail on different sites:

In short, the main disadvantages of the game are:

- illogical and meaningless of the second circle (you just run in a circle until you get to your dream)
- rupture of the gameplay (players who went to the second round no longer interact with the players of the first round and live in some other reality)
- few cards (in three games you can learn all the cards by heart, after which the game becomes too predictable)
- unrealistic stock prices (starting from $ 1) and too rapid growth of quotations (30-40 times) allow you to immediately jump from the category of "working for a salary" to the category of "investors"
- poor translation into Russian (not literary, dry, boring, nothing to smile at)
- lack of adaptation to Russian market(the methods of enrichment used in the game do not work in Russia)
- not comparable with Russian levels of salaries and real estate prices (salaries are 10 times higher, and real estate is 3-4 times cheaper)

With a discount on the fact that this game was the first, it is not even bad. In any case, the idea of ​​the game is simply brilliant. The embodiment of this idea is at its best. In any case, even after many years this game remains popular, and other developers could not even simply rework the content of this game more or less worthily. Not to mention creating something new, something of your own.

Immediately striking is the chic design of the playing field and cute rats in business suits. One feels that the game was made with love, that the game was made by a creative person who put his soul into it. The playing field is just class! The most beautiful game ever!

The game is addictive from the first minutes of the game. An hour later, adults turn into children and "cut" into Cashflow the way they cut into the good old "Monopoly" in childhood. It's a pity that there are not enough cards in the game, so with such wild passion you can play this game 5-10 times - no more. Then it gets boring. But the impression from the very first game is simply unforgettable!

The game fulfills its task (teaching the basics of financial literacy) perfectly. You immediately begin to understand where your money goes, why you have been going to work for a salary for 20 years and why you are still so poor, although you work like Carlo's dad. The game even has an indication of the way out of this state. But it is vague and abstract. For complete happiness, there are not enough clear and specific recipes. But the recipes of private business are no longer "the basics of financial literacy" - this is already for those who have understood the theory and are starting to practice. The recipes must be found in another game - in the "Rat Race". And Cashflow is a great entry-level, getting off the ground.

And what, have not been evaluated yet? The design of the game is just super! Especially the playing field ... Print quality - depending on the price and from the manufacturer. If you buy from Poppuri, the quality of the materials is just superb! The design of money and cards is so-so. Gray, dull ... If you buy from S.M.I.T. - the quality of the materials is superb, the design is generally a bomb! Bright, juicy, colorful! In general, "do not skimp on matches" ... Buy a cool game - buy it in good quality and play for your own pleasure. Remember, saving is the shortest path to poverty. A person who thinks about how and what to save on will save all his life ... A person who thinks about how and on what to make money in order to afford what he wants will always find opportunities and earn good money.

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:

Cashflow 202 or Cashflow 202

Cashflow 202 is the second game created by the famous Robert Kiyosaki. In fact, it is a slightly modernized version of Cashflow 101, revised in 1996. Even after the revision, these games still have so much in common that in our country they are often sold together in one box, like Cashflow 101 + 202 (or Cashflow 101 + 202). People who want to save money buy this particular option.

What's left in common:

Cashflow 202 is based on the same game rules and the same field as in Cashflow 101. In addition, the new game uses the same profession cards as in the first version, as well as financial report forms. In order for Cashflow 101 to become Cashflow 202, only additional rules, additional forms, envelopes for options and new sets of cards are needed.

What's new:

A new gaming feature has been added to the game - working with options. This feature is both the main difference between Cashflow 202 and a kind of "chip" that makes this game unique in its own way.

In a nutshell, the idea behind options is that they enable you to trade stocks on the stock market even when you don't have the money to pay for them. full cost... If you cannot buy the stock itself, you can buy an “option”. The option costs much less than the shares themselves and makes it possible to fix the price of the shares 3 moves ahead. Moreover, the option can be of two types: Put and Call. The Put option gives you the opportunity to buy shares at a fixed price within three moves, even if they rise in price on the market. In this case, if the shares have risen in price, you have the opportunity to instantly make money by buying them at the old price that you fixed, and selling them at a new, higher one. Another option - the Call option - makes it possible to sell shares at a fixed price within three moves. In this case, if the shares become cheaper, you can immediately buy them with all your money and sell them at the high price that you fixed. In both cases, you will make money - you just have to guess which option to buy (Put or Call) and where the stock will go - up or down. And most importantly, you need a little luck for the price to change in the next 3 moves, because the option does not last forever.

Thus, options provide an opportunity for players who do not have money to buy stocks to make money on stocks in the same way as those who have money and who actually buy it make. Options allow players to start working with stocks much earlier, literally from the very beginning of the game, without waiting for them to have their starting capital. Options significantly expand the opportunities for players to work with securities. Players can earn not only on the rise in price of shares, but also on their reduction in price.

Thanks to options, the game becomes not as primitive and linear as Cashflow 101. In Cashflow 101, stocks were traded according to a very simple scheme: “buy cheaper - sell high”. All players hunted for cheap shares and tried to invest all their money in them in order to sell them after the first price hike! And since in the Cashflow 101 game the only thing that makes it more expensive, and no company goes bankrupt, there is nothing reckless about working with securities. You can buy any stock of any company - in any case, you will not burn out! There is nothing to think about: if you have a chance to buy cheap stocks - buy! To be honest, this mechanism is more like a simple speculation on the "buy and sell" principle, rather than the highly intelligent work of a stock trader. Therefore, the addition of options certainly made Cashflow 202 more interesting and fun.

Advantages of the game:

The main advantage of Cashflow 202 is options. They make the gameplay more exciting and dynamic, similar to a sweepstakes. In the game, there is a risk and a factor of luck. When buying an option, a player can check not only his sober calculation, but also his luck. It fills the game with emotion. The atmosphere at the gaming table begins to resemble the atmosphere of a "casino" with the characteristic cries of “Come on, come on! Ah-ah-ah, the devil would have kicked you, - again by! " or the atmosphere of the financial market, where thousands of eyes look at the stock price display and thousands of hearts freeze when it is updated. Where a new price in an instant makes someone a beggar, and someone a millionaire, - and in a second the hall is filled with shouts of delight of the "lucky ones" and the groans of despair of bankrupts.

Disadvantages of the game:

As for the shortcomings of the game - they remained the same as in the previous version - none of the shortcomings was eliminated. The second circle has remained non-functional and teaches nothing at all. You run in circles, buy up businesses, increase your cash flow, and wait for your dream to come true. The transition to the second is still not logical: the difference in the number of cubes that are used by players on the inner and outer circles again causes confusion and indignation. For the life of me, it is not clear why in the world of rich people time passes twice as fast? The ratio of wages and real estate prices in the Cashflow 202 game remains the same far from our Russian reality. There are still few cards, they are remembered quickly. Well, with regard to options, I would like to say that this game element is very interesting as entertainment, but from a practical point of view, there is very little benefit from it. There is simply nowhere to apply the knowledge gained from working with options in Russia.

Assessment of the invested intellectual work:

Working with options is the only significant change in this game (compared to the previous version). The rest of the game inherited the same field and the same rules, and with them the same advantages and the same disadvantages migrated to the new version. The idea of ​​options itself is brilliantly implemented, so only for it could the new game be highly appreciated if Robert worked at least a little to eliminate the shortcomings. But he probably just doesn't see them.

Assessment of the invested creativity:

The design and layout of the game have not changed. According to this parameter, Cashflow 202 is still on top, as well as Cashflow 101.

Assessment of gambling and fun of the game:

Cashflow 202 is, if not the most exciting game in terms of gambling and fun scenario, it is one of the most exciting games we have ever played. In terms of gambling, only "Rat Race 2" can be compared to her. But this is our personal opinion.

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:

Cashflow 202 is still a great tool for teaching financial literacy, but now it can also be used as a tool for training traders to trade securities. The only sad thing is that in real life, most Russians have nowhere to apply the knowledge gained in the game.

Evaluation of game design and print quality:

The design of the Cashflow 202 game has not changed and completely repeats the design of the Cashflow 101 game. Similarly, with the print quality. The ingenious game, in which Robert Kiyossaki put his whole soul, looks the way it should look - just gorgeous.

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:

Rat Race 1 or Cash Flow 303

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:

Rat Race 2 or Cash Flow 404

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:

Rat Race 3 or Cash Flow 505

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:

Levers of your freedom

This is the first monster brainchild of Kazan authors! The producers of this game position it as "Cashflow 202" adapted for Russia, although in reality they have little in common. The Levers of Your Freedom is a debt pyramid and network marketing simulator. Real estate operations (buying and selling apartments and land) are practically absent in the game. For that, the game provides for the possibility of individual intellectual development and personal growth. Exchange events and events in real economy split into separate types of cards. Therefore, the game provides 6 types of cards, and not 4, as in Cashflow. The game lags significantly behind both in quality of performance and in content. If you are an experienced businessman, then within an hour you will emerge victorious from this game. The game is not capable of teaching anything. This game was created more for fun and for those who just want to play the "adult" Manager, without straining their brains once again. From a practical point of view, it is only suitable for dragging mugs into network marketing and singing songs about financial freedom and personal growth to them where there is no growth or freedom at all. the name "Pyramid of Success". But with a new name, this game is still not in demand.

Advantages: There are no merits. Another unsuccessfully reworked version of the Cashflow game.

Disadvantages: There are few cards, the texts are stupid, the design is poor. Terrible print quality and cheap materials. Before starting the game, you will have to cut the playing cards, laid in sheets in the box, yourself. It’s not clear, wasn’t it possible to cut them at the printing house and pick them up in sets ?! The cards are made of tissue paper. Practically disposable. In general, what the content of the game is - so is the quality. What intellectual work is invested in its creation - such is the attitude of the manufacturer to it ... And what is the attitude - such is the quality of printing. I can’t imagine that in the Rat Race, cards went in sheets for self-cutting! As one of my good acquaintances used to say in her squeaky voice, "nothing"

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:

Secrets of the rich

The game was developed in the Moscow club "Richdad" on the basis of "Cashflow 101" and specially adapted for conducting business trainings in Russia. "Secrets of the Rich" are more reckless and thoughtful than "Cashflow", the gameplay is more interesting, but at the same time not primitive, as in the game "The Levers of Your Freedom". The playing field has acquired an additional third circle, which provides the player with the opportunity to study in the field of entrepreneurship and investment. A pleasant opportunity is the purchase of larger fields in the "Richdad" club for holding games in clubs. But the “license to conduct paid games". It is so nice to take it and tear it apart with the words "thank you, not required"! It's hard to say why the game didn't work, but it's not available in retail or on websites. You can only play it in a few clubs. The yoke consists of three stages: First - "Squirrel wheel". Here the task is to develop the abilities and skills that the richest people have: to generate passive income, to make money on the stock exchange, to create a business. The second stage is the “Resource Circle”. Here, participants can develop skills to multiply funds by attracting professionals to their business. The third stage is the “Big Game”. The game in the third part develops the skills of buying and selling businesses, mergers and acquisitions, as well as strategies to achieve your dreams.

And here are the secrets of the game "Secrets of the rich":

Secret number 1: Learn to look to the future... Imagine the end result already at the beginning of the journey!
Choose your goal for the game before starting. State your dream. After all, you will reach it!

Secret number 2: The rich has personal financial plan... Write your plans down on paper and keep them in plain sight!
Take financial form and fill it in. You will see where you get the money from and where it goes. Fill out and adjust the plan throughout your game.

Secret number 3: Get your initial capital... The rich man didn’t come from scratch, but money makes money in his hands!
Throw in a deal with other players, take a loan, save up, in the end - after all, the cards will not wait forever!

Secret number 4: Look for a team... Professionals will save you time ... and money.
Get into the resource circle and find new professionals for your team.

Secret number 5: Study the experience of other rich people! Information in modern world most valuable asset. Look for her!
Find the mentor card. Follow the strategy of successful players. Buy and resell cards and deals.

Secret number 6: Business is strong emotions and strong nerves.
Take risks. Make volitional decisions. Follow your intuition. Don't be afraid to lose. Now it's a game. Learn by playing.

Secret number 7: One tenth of success is luck and the rest 90% - patience... Go to the goal to the bitter end.
Write your dream at the very top of the playlist. Imagine that the game is your life.

Secret number 8: Focus on passive income and improving systems. Don't be distracted by unprofitable projects.
Calculate your ROI. Choose the best deals!

Secret number 9: Chat! The ability to communicate with people is key, because money belongs to people! Rich people!
Don't sit in a tank - team up with other players!

Secret number 10: prepare for selling your idea... Even if you just started writing a business plan yesterday.
When buying a deal, calculate how profitable you can sell it. No card lives forever ... in the same hands.

Secret number 11: Anything that is not prohibited is allowed... There are no limits, there are limiting beliefs. Expand your consciousness as it is widespread in rich people.
Study the rules carefully and add your own - those that do not contradict the game. Bring the reality of the game closer to yours!

Secret number 12: Let money makes money... Wealth is the ability to live without working.
Imagine that the transactions you choose are taking place in real life. Are you ready to spend your time on them?

Secret number 13: Look for opportunities... Just stop and look around. The money lies before your feet.
There will be enough "deal" cards in the game for dozens of non-repeating games!

Secret number 14: Improve yourself... Fear, laziness, overconfidence, and insecurity are your enemies.
Bring your emotional states into play. Play roles. Be who you would like to be.

Secret number 15: Go ahead, higher and further... Only developing and open system able to survive.
Don't dwell on one strategy. Experiment with methods.

Secret number 16: Learn by being wrong! The error will prove that you tried and did not fail! Find out what is not given to you, and do not do it!
Do bold things. Perhaps madness will turn into profit!

Secret number 17: Let yourself be rich. Believe in yourself.
You cannot fail if you act deliberately. Sooner or later you will reach the end, even if you avoid venture investments... So if wealth is inevitable in the game, why not get rich in life?

Secret number 18: Your thinking is your asset. Study psycholinguistics. Let your subconscious mind love you.
Don't say "No", "I can't." Think better, "How can I get this card."

Secret number 19: learn share, including free of charge. Remember the law of conservation of energy.
Use charity cards to get an edge.

Secret number 20: Find a case that excites true passion in you... Passion is the energy of your life!
Add your own cards to the game, look for them, and play!

Advantages: The secrets of the rich are in many ways superior to "Cashflow", they are better equipped, they have not only pencils and sharpeners, but also a calculator. In our memory, the bundled calculator was included only in the Rat Race game, and even then back in 2005. Money and game cards are printed very high quality on expensive material. Gameplay is now more dynamic than the original Cash Flow. The playing time has been reduced: if in Cashflow it takes 4-5 hours to complete the game, in the Rat Race it takes 8 hours, then in Secrets of the Rich - 3 hours is enough. In case of dismissal, the participants do not drop out of the game process and do not get bored at the gaming table - this is also important. In general, it was a good game, damn it! It is a pity that she disappeared ...

Disadvantages: the rules of the game are difficult for those who have not played Cashflow. Awful design of money and cards.

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:

Pyramid of success

The Pyramid of Success is a remake of a failed game called The Levers of Your Freedom. Unlike its predecessor, the new game uses rubles, all prices are in rubles, and all transactions are Russian. There is education and political force majeure. A new game system "employee", "boss", "big boss" is used. The game was created based on the Cashflow business simulator. According to the developers, it develops entrepreneurial skills and contributes to the formation of a positive life position. The game differs from the previous developments of Alexey Golubin by a slightly higher quality of printing of the box, field and game money. There are also purely technical differences: a stronger box, better quality cards, a calculator and erasers included. Assessments of this version are different: ordinary employees admire it, businessmen literally spit out of it. It evokes such diametrically opposite emotions due to the fact that the former consider it as entertainment and for these purposes it is ideal, and the latter consider it as an educational product, and for this purpose it is completely useless. But this is my personal opinion. And Alexey Golubin himself writes the following about this game:

Imagine that you are sitting on the couch in front of the TV and feeling thirsty. And you take the following actions - get up from the couch, go to the refrigerator, get lemonade from there, go back to the couch and sit on it. Thus, by taking these actions, you have become, to some extent, an entrepreneur. This is a joke, of course, but the essence does not change. There are many steps to take to stop being an employee and start your own business.There is a large number of educational institutions where for a long time they teach economic literacy, financial management, etc. But no one teaches you to think like an entrepreneur, no one gives you clear instructions on what to do first and what second. A natural question arises - how can you get the initial skills of entrepreneurship in a short time. The answer is simple - playing! With the help of the board economic game "Pyramid of Success" for 3-5 hours of playing in the company of friends and acquaintances, you will realize how the life position of a hired employee differs from a business owner; understand which loans are called "correct"; develop a strategy for the development of your virtual business and at the same time get a lot of pleasure.

I don’t know who is really right - me or Alexey Golubin, whether this game is useful for developing entrepreneurial thinking or not, but the fact remains - it disappeared from the market just as quickly as its predecessor "The Levers of Your Freedom".

Advantages: Pyramid of Success is easy to play and affordable for everyone.

Disadvantages: The design of the playing field is just awful. By and large, they took "The Levers of Your Freedom", altered it a little, renamed it and released it on the market again in the hope that this time it will work! But it didn't work ...

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:

Financial carousel

The development of creative thinking, independence and other entrepreneurial qualities begins in childhood, continues throughout a person's life, and largely depends on the environment in which he is. So far, in Russia, the general atmosphere and social environment rather than facilitates the formation of these qualities. It is widely believed that very few are naturally endowed with entrepreneurial talent. In fact, many have entrepreneurial potential. All people are roughly equally divided by nature into adapters and innovators. And among the latter there are individuals capable of self-development without outside help. But if innovators are supported and guided, then they can all become entrepreneurs. The development of entrepreneurial skills is largely facilitated by games where in a limited period of time you need to create your own business or propose an idea for a new brand, product, or project. This practice is possible in Russian business education, and new forms of education are gradually emerging. One of them is the Financial Carousel business simulator. Board economic game "Financial Carousel" is based on real life situations. Trains economic thinking and helps to acquire business skills. The game begins from the moment you graduated from school, facing a choice: go to school, or get a job, receiving the minimum wage. Each participant in the game has one of three role statuses: "employee", "novice entrepreneur", "successful businessman". The life of an "employee" is filled with accidents that fall on your head. For the "employee" the main source of income is wages at the enterprise, of which he is not the owner. The "employee" spends the funds received, as they say, "on himself", and the possibilities of his personal capital are small. The income of a "novice entrepreneur" is the income of his small business. An entrepreneur invests his profit in maintaining and developing his own business. An “accomplished businessman”, in contrast to a “novice entrepreneur,” is not within his own business, but above the business, investing in the creation of a stable financial system. All data on income, expenses, loans and development are recorded in a special accounting sheet. The board game implements an interesting way of playing on the stock exchange, the rise and fall of the exchange rate, the prices of gold and commodities.

The player's task: skillfully using the possibilities of personal capital, find a way and reach a new financial level. The game has a well thought-out mechanism for transitioning to the status of a "novice entrepreneur" and the banal accumulation of money will not work. The board game is built in such a way that you always have a choice of action, and the course of the game and, accordingly, your fate depends only on your choice. You are a young man who just graduated from high school. Purpose of the game: using the initial amount of savings, or financial help from parents, build your life. How to dispose of this money, it is up to you to decide: pay for your studies at the institute, or get a job by investing in stocks, or maybe take a personal growth training, buy a car on credit and move 2 times faster? Whatever you do, your goal is to get off the track of an employee and become an entrepreneur by starting your own business, and then move on to the track of an investor.

Advantages: the game has very flexible rules and a very large number of options for actions, the player's freedom in this game is almost unlimited, and you can try a lot of different ways of getting rich and business models. The rules of the game are structured so that in any life situation the player always has a choice, and only this choice determines his fate and success in this game.

Disadvantages: the design of the game is very primitive and miserable, they did not work on the design, there are very few cards in the game, to learn everything by heart, you need to play 2-3 times, the field is dim, the pictures are schematic, the money is dull, the design is joyless, the game looks very primitive and cheap, absolutely not similar in level of coolness to modern board financial games.

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:


Another stupid game, released in Kiev by the "Factory of Board Games. Frunze ". It is a simplified and slightly disfigured game "Cashflow 101", reworked so that it was not possible to pay Robert Kiyosaki for copyright infringement. The game provides 2 circles, as in "Cashflow", but they are located one inside the other, as in a target. A small circle is the daily running to work for a salary. Your goal is to get out of the Small Circle to the Big Circle. To do this, the player can buy and sell real estate, stocks, land and businesses as long as his passive income does not exceed the total expenditure. Also, players are allowed to jointly participate in transactions and buy businesses by clubbing. The player can also act as an intermediary, selling the opportunity that fell to him to make a deal to other players. Having entered the Big Circle, the player must buy his dream. In short, everything is like in Cashflow. The essence of the game is the same: to make your money work for yourself, and not work for money.

Pluses: D it is cheap ... more precisely, it was ... because it is no longer produced ...

Disadvantages: There are no pictures at all. All sector names consist of one or two words. The same short texts of cards. The design is prohibitively poor. Just ugly. In general, no one thought about making a game for people - they just wanted to make money. But it just doesn't work out. It turns out only when you make a game with love and put your heart into it.

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:

We won't pay as much attention to all other games as Cashflow and Rat Race ... Why? Therefore, they simply do not deserve it ... And in fact there is nothing to write about. What is the point of painting continuous flaws?

So, the first of the outsiders is the How to Become a Millionaire game. Released in Kiev by the "Factory of Board Games. Frunze ". Bestolkova to the limit, like all other games released by this factory. Why it is even presented on this site is not clear. In terms of its intellectual level, the game is closer to children's "Monopoly" than to "Cashflow". It is aimed at children rather than adults, which, in fact, is indicated on the box. There is only one circle in the game. The enrichment of the players proceeds linearly: you walk, you buy businesses, you get rich. You don't have to make difficult decisions in the game, there are practically no risks, what can be learned is not clear. More precisely, it is clear: nothing.

Advantages: a thick cardboard box, very beautiful colored cards of large purchases with pictures of the things that you buy, which makes the purchase not abstract, but quite substantive. That is, you do not just buy a Mercedes, but also see it in the picture, which really creates a certain feeling of owning this object. Convenient money trays are provided in the box. It wouldn't hurt many other games like Rat Race.

Disadvantages: meaningless mathematics of a game in which it is impossible to lose in principle. Little depends on the player's decisions, there is no training effect in the game.

Assessment of teaching effectiveness:
Evaluation of game design and print quality:

Sales leaders:

Rat Race 1

Game theme:"Quit your job for a paycheck and start your own business!"

Who is the game for:

For those who dream of their own business
- for those who do not want to work for their uncle, but want to work for themselves
- for those who want more from life than work for a salary and one week of vacation once a year
- for those who do not know how to take the first step to success

What the game teaches:

- develops an entrepreneurial spirit
- teaches to notice opportunities for earning where others do not notice them
- teaches you how to make money on everything that comes to hand
- gives ready-made recipes for additional income in addition to the main job
- gives ready-made options small and medium-sized businesses, taken from real life
- helps to move from work for a salary to private business

Price: 5999 rub

Rat Race 2

Game theme: « Find out how big money is made!»

Who is the game for:

For those who are not enough just to open their own business and get rid of work for a salary
- for those who do not want to work either in someone else's business or in their own business - for those who do not want to work at all
- for those who want to engage in investment and financial fraud
- for those who want to achieve fabulous wealth and understand how billions of dollars of capital are created and where really big money is made

What the game teaches:

Provides the same fundamentals of financial literacy as Cashflow 101
- teaches how to properly manage money and not waste it
- develops an entrepreneurial spirit and teaches you how to make money with everything that comes to hand
- teaches you to clearly plan your future, set clear goals and steadily follow them
- clearly and clearly shows the path from a simple worker to a real oligarch
- makes you feel the excitement of big business and the taste of really big money
- teaches how to make really big money using corruption and bribery of politicians

Price: 6999 rub

Special offer:

Cashflow 101 + 202 (Cashflow 101 + 202)

Cash flow 101 + 202 - a new offer on the Russian market! Finally, the manufacturers realized that the two games have so much in common that it makes no sense to sell them separately, forcing the buyer to pay twice for the same components!

Judge for yourself: why do you need two identical fields, two sets of professions, a second copy of the basic rules, as well as two sets of dice, chips and money? And you want to play both games! So what do you do?

Previously, this solution was proposed: the buyer first purchased the full set of the Cashflow 101 game, and then they sold them add-ons that would convert this game into Cashflow 202 (additional rules, cards, forms and envelopes for options). But it was still not convenient, because you had to pay twice for the box, pay twice for delivery, and each time the seller made good money on you ...

Now there is a really fair offer on sale - two games in one box at once! What is common for the two games is put in a box in one copy. Everything that concerns each game separately - is present in a complete set, up to pencils, rubber bands and sharpeners! And the price pleases!

Price: 4999 rub

Rat Race 1 + 2

"Rat Race 1 + 2" is the best offer on the market. Two of the most interesting and most useful games in existence can be bought in one box with a savings of 30%.

The first game provides the foundations for financial literacy and develops an entrepreneurial mindset. It is especially good and useful in that it shows the player dozens of different ways enrichment, gives hundreds of recipes for the accumulation of primary capital and hundreds of options for opening your first business. The game clearly and clearly shows all the way from work for a salary to private business.

The second game deepens the knowledge gained and shows you how to turn a small, manually operated business into a large business that works on its own and does not prevent you from enjoying life! In this game, you will experience a completely different scale financial activities and feel like a real oligarch! You can own sports cars, luxury yachts, villas and even private jets worth $ 50,000,000 in the game! In the game, you can receive gigantic orders from the state and engage in the extraction of natural resources. But the most important advantage of the second game is that it shows: where, how and on what really BIG MONEY is made ...

Together, these two games provide all the knowledge you need to go from poverty to fabulous wealth.

Price: 9999 rub

Expected games:

A game with a difficult fate, as I understand it ... It was announced back in 2012 ... But then something in Ukraine went political and economic, and the game hung in the air. Since then, only the approximate release date on the developer's website has changed every year. First there was 2012, then 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - now 2018 ... Well, let's hope that one day we will see this game, and it will not disappoint us. In any case, after 5 years of waiting for the game itself, the future box suddenly changed. Yes, the box is beautiful - but where is the game itself ??? Let's hope that revolutions, wars with invisible enemies, financial crises and political occupation in Ukraine will finally end, and this game will see the light of day. In any case, the theme of this game is very interesting: "Get away from business young and rich in order to enjoy life!"

Price: 0 rub

Other games:

Cashflow 101 (Cashflow 101)

Game theme:"Learn the basics of financial literacy and lift yourself out of poverty!"

Who is the game for:

For people at the lowest rung financial development- that is, working for a salary
- for people who do not even have basic financial knowledge, but want to get it
- for those who want to understand why the majority of citizens are forced to work all their lives and cannot escape this vicious circle
- for those who want to have something more in life than "stable work" and "decent wages"

What the game teaches:

Provides the basics of financial literacy
- introduces elementary financial terms such as "assets", "liabilities", "income", "expenses", "balance", "profit" and "cash flow"
- teaches you to keep a written record of your income and expenses in order to understand what sources of money you have, what expenses you have, where your money goes and why it does not accumulate
- gives a general understanding that money needs to be invested in assets that in the long run will bring you even more money, and not spend it in liabilities, which only increase your expenses

Price: 3999 rub

Rat Race 3

Game theme:"How to survive the crisis and not lose your business?"

Who is the game for:

For active entrepreneurs and successful businessmen
- for those who already have something to lose and something to worry about
- for those who want to learn how to use the crisis for their own enrichment

What the game teaches:

Gives psychological immunity from crisis
- teaches not to panic or depression, but to act prudently and coolly
- shows the current mechanisms of the crisis and teaches you how to cope with them
- helps to protect your business during the crisis and not worry about falling demand and purchasing power
- shows how to minimize your expenses and where to get additional income during the crisis
- teaches you to fight dumping and survive in a tough competition
- shows which types of business are resistant to the crisis, and which are immediately covered with a copper basin
- show which industries are beneficial only in a prosperous economy and which ones remain stable at all times
- shows how you can use the crisis for your own enrichment
- teaches you to use the crisis to bankrupt your competitors, seize their markets and buy up all their property

Price: 5999 rub

Discontinued games:

Cashflow 202 (Cashflow 202)

Game theme:"Learn to make money in the stock market!"

This game completely repeats the idea of ​​its predecessor - the game "Cash Flow 101". It is intended for the same segments of the population (for people who work for a salary) and teaches them the same things - basic financial literacy, investing money in assets and accounting for their income and expenses. This game uses the same field, the same profession cards, the same forms and basic rules.

A distinctive feature of the new version is that one of the main enrichment tools in this game are stocks, and its most gambling element is the securities market. Thanks to the use in the game of such a concept as "options" to buy and sell shares, you can make money in this game not only on the growth of stock prices according to the principle (bought cheaper - sold more expensive), but also on their fall! The main thing is just to guess where the shares will go - up or down ... Do you want to know how it is possible - to make money on the fall of the purchased shares ??? Well, that's why it's worth playing the Cashflow 202 game!

Thanks to this mechanism, the game has become even more exciting and exciting! It gives the player the opportunity to feel like a real trader working in the securities market!

Price: 0 rub

A rather stupid toy ... with a very striking design and meaningless content. All cards in this game contain color images on both the front and back. Moreover, they are so colorful that they are dazzling from these pictures! Obviously, the designers tried so hard to make the game as vivid as possible that they completely forgot that the main thing in it is the content, not the pictures. Of course, it's nice when everything that you can buy in this game is well visualized - cars, yachts, houses. It is much more pleasant to buy not some abstract house, but the one shown in the picture ... But the bad thing is that behind this visualization the meaning of the game is completely lost. In the game, you do not need to make difficult decisions and analyze the mistakes made. It's very simple - roll the dice, go and get rich. The game will make you rich by itself. Whatever you do in this game, you grow inexorably rich. It is impossible to go bankrupt at all. In fact, the whole point of the game is competition - who will get rich faster and accumulate more property. And it depends not so much on the decisions of the player himself as on the game's randomness. Thus, the learning effect in the game is completely absent. From a learning point of view, this is a completely useless game.

Price: 450 rub

Financial carousel (Russia, Kazan)

A purely Russian economic game developed in Kazan. The game starts from the moment you graduate from school, and you are faced with a choice: to go on to study in order to become a highly paid specialist, or immediately get a job and receive the minimum wage. At the same time, you have your own savings (or one-time help from your parents), which you can dispose of at your own discretion: pay for further education, take a business training, or just buy yourself a car to move faster along the playing path. The game has a well thought-out mechanism for the transition to the status of a "novice entrepreneur". Trivial accumulation of money will not work - you have to somehow "spin". The stock market is also well implemented, currency market and the gold market.

Price: 2100 rub

Secrets of the rich

Russian game, analogue of Cashflow 101. Developed specifically for use in seminars and trainings. In comparison with its predecessor, it has undergone minor changes to the game scenario and received a different design of the playing field. The basic idea of ​​the game remains the same: teaching financial literacy through the gameplay. The game has got more complex rules and advanced features! Why it didn't go is not clear, but it is no longer produced.

Price: 2800 rub


Russian analogue of the game "Cash Flow 101". Simplified and adapted to the Russian market. The cards, which were already few in the game, became even smaller. New schemes of earning money did not appear in the game, but the names of the enterprises became Russian. In terms of print quality, it was done very well. From the point of view of content, after simplification, the game turned out to be about nothing at all. When it was released, it was beneficial in that it was sold twice as cheap as the Cashflow 101 game, since for each box of Investor sold, there was no need to pay interest to Robert Kiyosaki for using his trademark and copyrights. This game is now discontinued. Why it didn’t go, on the whole it’s clear: the game didn’t offer anything new, so it had nothing to gain its own popularity, and it couldn’t use the popularity of the Cashflow game, because it had a different name and a different design.

Price: 2430 rub

Cashflow for Kids

A simplified version of the game "Cashflow" from the famous Robert Kiyosaki, designed specifically for children and teenagers. The idea of ​​the game is the same: in an easy and fun way, teach children the basics of investing and the basics of financial literacy. Selling poorly. Why it doesn’t go - on the whole it is clear. In terms of the gambling scenario of the game scenario and as a tool for the child's entertainment, it is inferior to the good old "Monopoly". And from the point of view of teaching, this game is simply not interesting for children, because they are not yet concerned with the problems of financial literacy and enrichment at all. After all, these are CHILDREN! They don't want to learn and solve adult problems - they want to play around and play. Problems associated with wealth and success are of concern only to their parents, who want their child to develop and, after graduating from school and college, become a businessman, not a worker and employee. Alas, it is impossible to prematurely invest in a child's head an interest in money, so the child's Railway as a gift, children are still much more interested in than Cashflow for Kids. Therefore, this game is never ordered by the children themselves as a gift, but is purchased for children only at the initiative of their parents. And children sit down to play it only if dad and mom participate in this game with them. The child himself will never sit down to play this game - for a child a tablet and Angry Byrds are much more interesting ...

Price: 5999 rub

Pyramid of Success

Another development from Kazan, another attempt to replace or squeeze the Cashflow game on the market. Before that, there was already one unsuccessful attempt - a game called "The Levers of Your Freedom". This attempt was equally unsuccessful. Why? The developers simply lacked talent. The game is designed specifically for Russia, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian economy. New types of cards have been added to the game - the possibility of obtaining additional business education and insurance, as well as crisis situations. However, this did not improve the teaching effect. The game has remained too primitive.

Price: 1380 rub

Full name: LLC "KARUSEL"

INN: 6164208471

Type of activity (according to OKVED): 14.13 - Manufacture of other outerwear

Ownership: 16 - Private ownership

Organizational and legal form: 12300 - Limited Liability Companies

Reporting is compiled in thousand rubles

See detailed counterparty verification

Financial statements for 2012-2017

1. Balance sheet

Indicator name Code # DATE #
Intangible assets 1110 #1110#
Research and development results 1120 #1120#
Intangible search assets 1130 #1130#
Tangible search assets 1140 #1140#
Fixed assets 1150 #1150#
Profitable investments in material assets 1160 #1160#
Financial investments 1170 #1170#
Deferred tax assets 1180 #1180#
Others outside current assets 1190 #1190#
Total for Section I 1100 #1100#
Stocks 1210 #1210#
Value added tax on acquired assets 1220 #1220#
Receivables 1230 #1230#
Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents) 1240 #1240#
Cash and cash equivalents 1250 #1250#
Other current assets 1260 #1260#
Total for Section II 1200 #1200#
BALANCE 1600 #1600#
Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, partners' contributions) 1310 #1310#
Own shares repurchased from shareholders 1320 #1320#
Revaluation non-current assets 1340 #1340#
Additional capital (without revaluation) 1350 #1350#
Reserve capital 1360 #1360#
Undestributed profits (uncovered loss) 1370 #1370#
Total for Section III 1300 #1300#
Borrowed funds 1410 #1410#
Deferred tax liabilities 1420 #1420#
Estimated liabilities 1430 #1430#
Other liabilities 1450 #1450#
Total for Section IV 1400 #1400#
Borrowed funds 1510 #1510#
Accounts payable 1520 #1520#
revenue of the future periods 1530 #1530#
Estimated liabilities 1540 #1540#
Other liabilities 1550 #1550#
Total for Section V 1500 #1500#
BALANCE 1700 #1700#

Brief balance sheet analysis

Graph of changes in non-current assets, total assets and capital and reserves by years

Financial indicator 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2015 31.12.2016 31.12.2017
Net assets 1 54 306 794 -156 480 938
Autonomy coefficient (norm: 0.5 and more) 0.62 0.55 0.54 -0.23 0.78 0.94
Coefficient current liquidity(norm: 1.5-2 and higher) 0.2 2.2 2.2 0.8 4.6 16.4

1 excluding debts of founders on contributions to the authorized capital

2. Profit and loss statement

Indicator name Code # PERIOD #
Revenue 2110 #2110#
Cost of sales 2120 #2120#
Gross profit (loss) 2100 #2100#
Business expenses 2210 #2210#
Administrative expenses 2220 #2220#
Profit (loss) from sales 2200 #2200#
Income from participation in other organizations 2310 #2310#
Interest receivable 2320 #2320#
Percentage to be paid 2330 #2330#
Other income 2340 #2340#
other expenses 2350 #2350#
Profit (loss) before tax 2300 #2300#
Current income tax 2410 #2410#
incl. permanent tax liabilities (assets) 2421 #2421#
Change deferred tax liabilities 2430 #2430#
Change deferred tax assets 2450 #2450#
Other 2460 #2460#
Net income (loss) 2400 #2400#
Result from the revaluation of non-current assets not included in the net profit (loss) of the period 2510 #2510#
Result from other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period 2520 #2520#
Aggregate financial result of the period 2500 #2500#

Brief analysis of financial results

Graph of changes in revenue and net profit by years

Financial indicator 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
EBIT 175 540 -932 687 368
Return on sales (profit from sales in each ruble of revenue) 7.7% 27.5% -33.9% 19.4% 11.9%
Profitability equity capital(ROE) 57% 94% -300% 393% 47%
Return on assets (ROA) 31.9% 50.4% -88.9% 99.3% 41.6%

4. Cash flow statement

Indicator name Code # PERIOD #
Cash flows from current operations
Income - total 4110 #4110#
from the sale of products, goods, works and services
4111 #4111#
lease payments, royalties, royalties, commissions and other similar payments 4112 #4112#
from the resale of financial investments 4113 #4113#
other supply 4119 #4119#
Payments - total 4120 #4120#
to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, work, services
4121 #4121#
in connection with the remuneration of employees 4122 #4122#
interest on debt obligations 4123 #4123#
corporate income tax 4124 #4124#
other payments 4129 #4129#
Balance cash flows from current operations 4100 #4100#
Cash flows from investment operations
Income - total 4210 #4210#
from the sale of non-current assets (except for financial investments)
4211 #4211#
from the sale of shares of other organizations (participation interests) 4212 #4212#
from the return of loans provided, from the sale of debt securities (rights to claim funds to other persons) 4213 #4213#
dividends, interest on debt financial investments and similar proceeds from equity participation in other organizations 4214 #4214#
other supply 4219 #4219#
Payments - total 4220 #4220#
in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for the use of non-current assets
4221 #4221#
in connection with the acquisition of shares of other organizations (participation interests) 4222 #4222#
in connection with the acquisition of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons), provision of loans to other persons 4223 #4223#
interest on debt obligations included in the cost investment asset 4224 #4224#
other payments 4229 #4229#
Balance of cash flows from investment operations 4200 #4200#
Cash flows from financial transactions
Income - total 4310 #4310#
obtaining loans and borrowings
4311 #4311#
monetary contributions of owners (participants) 4312 #4312#
from the issue of shares, an increase in participation interests 4313 #4313#
from the issue of bonds, bills and other debt securities, etc. 4314 #4314#
other supply 4319 #4319#
Payments - total 4320 #4320#
to the owners (participants) in connection with the redemption of shares (participation interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the list of participants
4321 #4321#
to pay dividends and other payments 4322 #4322#
on the distribution of profits in favor of the owners (participants) in connection with the redemption (redemption) of bills of exchange and other debt securities, the return of loans and borrowings 4323 #4323#
other payments 4329 #4329#
Balance of cash flows from financial transactions 4300 #4300#
Balance of cash flows for reporting period 4400 #4400#
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 4450 #4450#
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 4500 #4500#
The magnitude of the impact of changes in the exchange rate of foreign currency in relation to the ruble 4490 #4490#

6. Report on the intended use of funds

Indicator name Code # PERIOD #
Remaining funds at the beginning of the reporting year 6100 #6100#
Funds received
Entry fees 6210 #6210#
Membership fee 6215 #6215#
Targeted contributions 6220 #6220#
Voluntary property contributions and donations 6230 #6230#
Profit from the income-generating activities of the organization 6240 #6240#
Other 6250 #6250#
Total funds received 6200 #6200#
Funds used
Spending on targeted activities 6310 #6310#
social and charitable assistance 6311 #6311#
holding conferences, meetings, seminars, etc. 6312 #6312#
other activities 6313 #6313#
Management costs 6320 #6320#
expenses related to labor remuneration (including accruals) 6321 #6321#
non-wage payments 6322 #6322#
business travel and business travel expenses 6323 #6323#
maintenance of premises, buildings, motor vehicles and other property (except for repairs) 6324 #6324#
repair of fixed assets and other property 6325 #6325#
others 6326 #6326#
Purchase of fixed assets, inventory and other property 6330 #6330#
Other 6350 #6350#
Total funds used 6300 #6300#
Balance at the end of the reporting year 6400 #6400#

No data for this period

Indicator name Code Authorized capital Own shares,
redeemed from shareholders
Extra capital Reserve capital Undestributed profits
(uncovered loss)
The amount of capital on 3200
Capital increase - total:
net profit
3311 NS NS NS NS
revaluation of property 3312 NS NS NS
income attributable directly to capital increases 3313 NS NS NS
additional issue of shares 3314 NS NS
increase in the par value of shares 3315 NS NS
Decrease in capital - total: 3320
3321 NS NS NS NS
revaluation of property 3322 NS NS NS
expenses directly attributable to capital deductions 3323 NS NS NS
reduction in the par value of shares 3324 NS
decrease in the number of shares 3325 NS
reorganization of a legal entity 3326
dividends 3327 NS NS NS NS
The change additional capital 3330 NS NS NS
Change in capital reserve 3340 NS NS NS NS
The amount of capital on 3300

Additional checks

Check counterparty Download data for financial analysis

* The asterisk marks the indicators that have been corrected in comparison with the Rosstat data. The adjustment is necessary in order to eliminate obvious formal inconsistencies in reporting indicators (discrepancy between the sum of lines and the total value, typos) and is carried out according to an algorithm specially developed by us.

Reference: The financial statements are presented according to Rosstat data disclosed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The accuracy of the given data depends on the accuracy of data submission to Rosstat and the processing of these data by the statistical department. When using this reporting, we strongly recommend checking the figures with the data of the paper (electronic) copy of the reporting posted on the official website of the organization or received from the organization itself. The financial analysis of the presented data is not part of the Rosstat information and is carried out using a specialized

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