
Bank as a financial supermarket. Financial supermarket: features of activity and development prospects. Entertainment "Financial Supermarket"

The scope of financial services is profitable, but also a highly competitive environment. Companies are trying to provide customers with customers a more complete and current service complex. Options that are offered banks are no longer considered exhaustive today. The new form of organization is gaining popularity - financial supermarket. In the article we will analyze what it is, what is its features, what services are provided. We indulge in whether there are prospects for the development of such financial forms in Russia.

What is it?

Financial Supermarket - a credit, financial institution division that offers a full range of financial services and products. In the first place there are banks. But, besides them, investment, consulting and insurance are available.

The main task of financial supermarkets: Simplify the process of obtaining citizens of financial products and services. The creators also want to make customer stay in such organizations as comfortable as possible: reduce waiting time, reduce the amount of cash costs.


Although financial supermarkets are represented by universal institutions, in world practice, their division on the areas of activity is relevant:

  • Work with investment products.
  • Employment in the field of insurance.
  • Services in the retail banking sector.

As a rule, the separation is conducted on the prevailing vector activity of a universal company.

Goals of creation

Financial supermarkets are created with certain goals:

  • Get a nicely functioning knelling, a large corporation providing financial products.
  • Exchange customer databases between certain areas of activity of such a supermarket.
  • Save money as a result of increasing activity. For example, reduce the number of jobs with duplicate service features.
  • Minimize advertising costs and exploring new market segments. In the case of a financial supermarket, its founder can simultaneously promote several services and products at once.

Trends occurrence

Why did the Tinkoff Financial Supermarkets appear and others like them? The whole thing in global trends:

  • Tightening competition in the environment of financial institutions. Especially it is tangible in the most profitable segments of banking business.
  • The necessary condition for the survival of financial institutions is their consolidation.
  • Simplify the legislative sphere of many states. In particular, earlier the laws of a considerable number of states prohibited credit institutions to provide commercial services.

What is happening in the world?

Thus, the financial supermarkets ETP GPB (Gazprombank electronic trading platforms) appeared not by chance, but under the influence of circumstances. Today, banks need to create powerful financial integrated intermediaries who can offer the population with a wide range of financial products and services. At the same time, retail business development programs are elected - to reduce the interest margin, attracting major corporate clients.

Such Finnish Urentists try to attract the attention of customers by calling themselves universal financial supermarkets. They are able to offer an integrated, individual approach. That is, increase the amount of joint sales of banking and non-banking products to maximum size.

Today, such models of financial organizations are rapidly developing their own retail networks, increase the quality of visitors' service, expand the list of services provided, learn new activities.

The most advanced financial supermarkets are functioning here:

  • Benilyuks states.
  • Southern Europe.
  • Japan.

Basic forms of organization

There are also several basic forms of the appearance and development of such a form of finnganization, as a financial supermarket:

  • Joint venture. Such an organization consists of a bank, an insurance company and an investment company.
  • At the heart of such a model of the institution - a strategic alliance, a distribution contract. The bank here will operate in the form of a channel for selling any standardized products. She can perform OSAGO, PAI mutually and so on.
  • The bank to a certain extent is the owner of the investment or insurance organization.
  • The bank forms a new insurance company.
  • A qualitatively new financial supermarket is formed. It has the opportunity to offer a wide variety of finisslluga and finproducts under a single brand.

Place in the modern economy

It seems that the financial supermarket is a new evolutionary step of the banking system. But at the same time, many leading economists believe that such a model is unacceptable in modern conditions for the development of the economy.

The main complexity of its incarnation is related to the extended complex of services provided. The organization simultaneously being an investment, commercial bank, an insurance company, hedge fund, is difficult to manage. It is quite difficult to find director, which can fully control such a variety of vectors, control them.

After the first financial supermarkets were launched, this problem was exposed, the idea of \u200b\u200bhiring several managers at once - for each of the activities. But at the same time they should be aware of each other, in general meetings to solve emerging issues. However, such a scheme is quite ineffective in practice.

The history of the model in the world

This phrase entered in the 1980s in 1980. But the first financial supermarkets appeared in the 1920s in the United States. The first half of the 20th century was unfavorable for such an organization's form - US laws prohibited credit institutions to combine financial and commercial activities. The restriction was removed only in 1999.

In Europe, financial credit supermarkets recognized a little earlier - in 1980.

History of the model in the Russian Federation

In Russia, interest in such a model of finorganization appeared in the 1990s. For example, "Finam" defined for itself such a form in 1997. In 2002, Uralsib publicly announced the transition to the model of the financial supermarket. His example followed the other largest domestic bank - VTB.

But still, the financial supermarkets in Russia are at the initial stage of their formation. Those forms of finorganizations, which today exist today in the Russian Federation, can be attributed to this model quite conditionally. The fact is that each representative of such a segment understands the term "financial supermarket" is quite individually. Such interpretations are common:

  • Holding consisting of diffil financial institutions. They can be managers and brokerage firms, banks, NPFs, insurance companies, and so on.
  • Agents of several united companies.
  • Separate banks, which are called financial supermarkets due to the fact that in parallel provide brokerage services, trust managers, provide PAIs of the PIFs on their own agency schemes.

There are often cases when various credit organizations assign such a name for the sake of "red sense", attractive advertising.

So far, financial supermarkets in Kirov, Moscow and other Russian cities are not, if we proceed from the traditional understanding of this word. There are universal banks capable of offering a variety of financial products and services.

Advantages of organizations

Creating financial supermarkets turns into the following advantages for founders:

  • Rising sales due to the integrated development of retail chains.
  • Increased commission additional fees.
  • An increase in client bases.

For visitors to such organizations, the advantages are as follows:

  • A large range of services and products, wealth of choice.
  • Complex, individual approach.
  • Unified quality standards for all service vectors.
  • Saving time and cash.

The problem of modern FinSupermarketov

The first financial supermarkets in Kirov, Moscow and other cities of Russia are not those in the initial interpretation of this concept.

At first glance, such a model promises one pluses - a diverse range of financial services, fast customer service, saving money and time. But modern Russian financial supermarkets face with a whole set of difficulties:

  • Distrust of the population. Russian citizens so far with suspicion relate to the opportunity to open a retirement account, take a loan and insure their property in one place.
  • The activities of such models of financial organizations are appropriate for large federal cities. But as for small settlements, rural areas, monogenic, here financial supermarkets will not soon become relevant. The success of such an enterprise largely depends on the incomes of the population, its ability to acquire such finproduks.
  • Lack of qualified personnel. Financial supermarkets suggest individual service. Accordingly, for each vector here you need to choose a qualified specialist, ACA in your area. And the areas of knowledge of managers of such organizations should be expanded several times. After all, they need to manage several different areas of activity at once. Hence, the investigation is a deficiency of "high-quality" employees who can provide the necessary level of sales.
  • Financial supermarkets in Moscow seek to retrain mostly banks. This institution requires to organize a large-scale retraining of employees who previously worked only in the banking sector. The same can be said about insurers, investment companies.
  • In the Russian Federation there is no macro regulator that can control the activities of financial supermarkets. The activities of banks are regulated by the Central Bank, investment institutions - the Federal Service for Financial Activities, Insurers - the Federal Insurance Supervision Service.

Prospects for development in the Russian Federation

As research shows, none of the financial supermarkets functioning on the territory of the Russian Federation is not the meaning of this word, in comparison with foreign similar structures.

But the future for the development of such a form of financial institutions in Russia is still there. But, as experts say, it will require at least 10 years of investment. Then it will be possible to receive FinSupermarkets with a maximum set of services for which there are uniform quality standards. The model suitable for Russia is a combination of large banks with significant non-bank intermediaries.

Other experts say that financial supermarkets are doomed. And as the form of the organization soon exhausted themselves in the West. At the same time, before their full development in the Russian Federation, the case may even come.

One way or another, but in certain countries there are full-fledged financial supermarkets today. In Russia, such a model of organization is developed conditionally. Firms representing it are finxupermarkets only partially.

Definition of the "Financial Supermarket"

The institution or company offering a wide range of financial services under one roof. Financial supermarkets provide services that usually include banking activities, stock brokerage services and insurance, and sometimes brokerage operations with real estate. The main substantiation of the Financial Supermarket Concept is to generate additional fees for the client and increase customer loyalty.

Entertainment "Financial Supermarket"

While financial supermarkets will certainly offer customers convenience and efficiency, they did not become dominant players in the financial services industry for a number of reasons. It is best illustrated by the Citibank with the 2009 from its open goal to become a global financial supermarket.
First, the strengthening of state regulation after the global loan crisis of 2008 may prevent mergers in the financial industry attempts. Secondly, in difficult economic times, buyers focused on the price can make purchases at the best price - whether it is the lowest interest rate on the mortgage or the smallest amount of commissions charged for operations with shares instead of paying the premium price for the convenience for convenience . Finally, the creation of the Internet as a disintermediation means for financial services is a serious threat to consolidation activities, which is required to create a financial supermarket.

"Do you want to make money without leaving home?", Or "Real Method to Earn Million", or "Find out 10 secrets of rich people about how to become financially successful." Surely everyone saw many examples of such attempts to "dilute" a person on a adventure, which always ends with advice to dig a hole in the country of fools and put the golden there.

Yamka This takes various forms: it happens that this is a network "business", it happens that online casino, and often nothing suspecting person lures such ways to increase money as investing in unofficial forex brokers, microcredit companies that have no bank licenses Russia, binary options or dubious cryptocurrency services.

Such a category of fraudsters is often masked under the "normal" stock market, which operates entirely in the legal field under the supervision of the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Finance, Rosfinmonitoring and is a circulatory system of financial systems of the whole world. This activity fraudulent companies have already scared from civilized financial markets many people, causing them real damage - recall at least the MMM Pyramid, which has flourished abundantly in the 90s.

How is it guaranteed to earn with investment?

In no way. Unfortunately, no one can give such a guarantee. Moreover, the law is directly prohibiting. Therefore, companies manage investment funds are obliged to verbally and in writing to inform the client that past periods do not guarantee income in the future.

In 1995, the decree of the President No. 765 "On additional measures to improve the effectiveness of the investment policy of the Russian Federation" entered into force. The first investment funds in Russia exist since 1996. Since then, it has been passed 22 years, and at the moment there are about one and a half thousand organizations with a total assets of almost three trillion rubles, whose clients are more than half a million people.

This investment institute is probably the most defensed after banks (and only due to the very logical lack of state guarantees of investment insurance): control over the activities of the management companies of the FIF (mutual investment funds) is carried out by the Bank of Russia and other state regulators, large self-regulatory organizations and specialized depositories.

If you try to explain the mechanics of their activities on your fingers, then investment funds are collected by 10 rubles from 100 people and the received thousand rubles invest in certain assets that can be the shares of companies, state and corporate bonds, cash, real estate, etc. Investing This thousand rubles are carried out strictly in the limited investment declaration of the Foundation the limits of professional portfolio managers.

As practice shows, in the long-term investment of funds in the stock market, the investor turns out to be in a plus, since the markets at long intervals always go up, smoothing short-term crises.

Dynamics of the MICEX index for the period 20.01.2003 - 06/29/2018

How are things now?

Most recently, a legal and technological basis appeared in Russia to create ways to make a remote acquisition of financial services. No, this is not "way to earn a million from scratch, without leaving home." This is a global trend when putting money on a deposit in a bank, buy an insurance product or a valuable paper remotely, having an Internet connection. Such services are referred to as financial supermarkets or financial marketers. Adjective in this phrase may vary on "investment" or other close in meaning.

Thus, there is a civilized way to preserve and multiplying its funds in which you trust their professionals. They are following them the state controlling the authorities and themselves in the person of professional associations (self-regulating organizations). Corresponding to your appetite for risk and the desired yield, you can choose funds with tools, almost the same conservative as bank deposits, or, on the contrary - more aggressive.

This opportunity has already been used by market participants, as well as the financial industry megaregulator - the Bank of Russia, who has launched a project called "Marketplace", which in the near future will allow in one place to invest in many different products from various financial companies and banks.

What financial supermarkets are in Russia?

Now in Russia, financial supermarkets or investment marketers are presented in different degrees of readiness, there are a number of large and not very companies. In addition to them, dozens of niche startups are constantly appearing constantly. To tell about all, there is not enough volumes of this article, but for several largest and at the same time the most interesting we can stop.

Existing mediation services today in the financial market, one-sided and often do not cause big trust. The press is full of misinitions of various credit specialists, mortgage, etc. However, the practice shows that one or another specialist is too narrow in its capabilities, and often knowledge. As a person working in the financial sector, I dare to assure you, there are a lot of financial services options, which our population simply does not know. And the information is known - this is the most expensive thing in business. So. We definitely need a financial supermarket.

The principle of the supermarket is known - everything is there. So in the financial supermarket - everything must be. And it will undoubtedly be. How fast - depends on your turning, initial capital and your connections.

Of course, if you do not understand anything in finances, you are most likely to do this. Although it is not important.

First of all, you must be a good managers and negotiators. And if you manage to choose a good team of specialists, perhaps your company will ever be in the table of the ranks of the global financial structure.

So. I intentionally omit such explanatory sections as the selection of premises for rent, recruitment, purchase of equipment for work, advertising. These issues depend on your initial financial investments directly and, in principle, it can be both relatively not large and very large (as much as they break off). The main thing, of course, is not hurry to invest, but more talk and communicate. This will ultimately lead to the fact that funds you will have to invest on mutual projects.

What would people want to see in the supermarket? Let's go through his departments, get acquainted with the heads of departments and the products offered:

1. Reception (in the usual supermarket - where the handbags leave).

Here you have to accept and redirect to the department that interests you more.

2. Lending department.

This is a well-known department in which half of our country is sitting. What is on his shelves? Undoubtedly, the specialists of this department must provide you with absolutely complete information on all available in the region (and in some cases) types and methods of lending.

Initially, I understand that it is necessary to the client (what amount, for what time, under what interest, how to pay, under surety, on bail, in what time frame, in what currency), an employee of a computer department, clicking on an interactive display with a wand, selects the necessary Options for credit programs, both banking and on non-bank credit structures.

As a result of the 20-30 minute conversation, the client must receive a complete picture, where and how theoretically can get a loan.

By adopting a decision, the client concludes a mediation agreement, according to which it pays the agreed amount (immediately) for the preparation of specialists of his future credit dossier on several options and sending this data to the credit structures chosen by them. For some time (you will need to negotiate with credit institutions), the specialist receives answers from banks and other structures on the possibility of lending to this person. A specialist of this department notifies the client about the work performed and its results. Further, the client can assemble the rest of the paper, questionnaires, etc. And go to the credit institution chosen by them or again, visiting the familiar to us a specialist, instruct it to make it, naturally by paying this service after receiving the loan (as an option).

What is undoubtedly and absolutely - banks dream of issuing big loans, and not to issue a penny. Banks dream of unloading their premises from customers, but at the same time again - they want to issue loans. Banks, having learned that others already work with you and people go from you - they will come to you - sign up to partners.

Banks may even go to the expenses for training their specific specialist and pay to him the salary, if you surrender 2 sq.m. In this room. For example: Having received good from the bank, the client can immediately contact the manager (credit specialist) of this bank to work for paperwork) in the same room.

We have banks in the city about 50. Arithmetic is simple. But not immediately everything will certainly be. But ... there is an option to speed up (a little later).

3. Deposit Deposit (not investment, but only contributions).

In this department, as you understand according to his name, the department's specialists will post the client all their available information about the possibility of making a profit by issuing contribution to banks and in non-bank financial structures (what amount, what percentages, how payments and capitalization are made, what time frame, What currencies and metals, what is the dynamics of the market and what insurance). In short, all information that will help the client to part with money. Naturally, it is necessary to provide commissions from the bank for the client attracted. In the same person, the person should inform about the possible options for earning money on their capital and in its interest - send to another department to investments.

4. Investment Department.

In this department, experienced specialists should work, who not only can voice written in the computer, but also able to read stock reports interested in a global business business skills with investment projects.

The client must tell about all the existing ways of honest earnings on their capital:
1. Deposits in banks.
2. Investing in a private business.
3. Purchase of shares and bills.
4. Purchase of shares, etc.

At the same time, the department's specialists should decompose all the information before the client (risks, loss, profits and statistics for the agreed time).

Undoubtedly, the specialists of the department should be able to conclude an agreement with the client for the chosen direction.

5. Sales Department (He is the PR and Marketing Department).

The most valuable employees work here. They are "sales" by nature. They are responsible for finding financial schemes, cooperation options, negotiations with institutions, companies, investment funds and corporations, with major business owners and OJSC.
In addition, they also advertise a supermarket in the media and directly leading negotiation processes. They will also be entrusted in the future - the function of communication with the public.

Specialists of this department subsequently can be your regional managers when you become discovering branches in other cities.

6. Legal department.

Here, accordingly, contracts and agreements are also checked, the regulatory framework of the enterprise is being prepared - if necessary - judicial practice in the interests of the company.

7. The department of ideas and innovative technologies (with a share of humor - name it is nano-department, it becomes fashionable).

Specialists of this department, of course, if possible, should feel like fish in business. Undoubtedly, some department specialists must have economic, accounting education, to understand business plans and navigate the market in various sectors. In addition, these are people with the scientific warehouse of the mind who are able to modify someone's idea or fill it with a new meaning.

Entrepreneurs and businessmen who have nothing but idea, or there is something, but not enough to specialists from this department. Customers must set out the essence of their idea to specialists, not necessarily on paper and in numbers. In the process of conversation, the department's specialists should decide on the feasibility of doing this business, its possible income and losses.

Ultimately, the specialists of this department holds the responsibility of the miscalculation of the economic justification of the business and deciding on the possible financing of this business in order to obtain the company's profits. The company's profit can be expressed both in obtaining dividends from business for funds invested in it directly (lending) and from the profit of the business itself in% by the ratio (for example, 50% of net income for 5 years). In this case, of course, a well-thought out legally competent contract between the client and the company is needed. Perhaps it makes sense to introduce its manager in this business or chief accountant. It is also necessary to consider the use of the company's capabilities to advertise this business in order to quickly prosperity.

8. Investment Department (Financial Department).

This is your own investment fund. Today's legislation of the Russian Federation allows commercial structures on the terms of the contract to take borrowed funds. Therefore, you can invest in your business. When you have your projects, your customers will appear, and their investors will appear. Money goes to money. Investors will appear - you can lend to themselves, along with banks and financial cooperatives. In the meantime, at the initial stage, the specialists of this department will search for investors and persuade business to participate in your creation on favorable terms.

9. Leased Department.

Today, hundreds of companies offer such services. Is there much data on leasing options in one city? Not. Maximum - two or three structures. It is necessary to study the Russian leasing market and use its customer opportunities.

10. Department of Insurance.

In this department at first, work will be built on risk insurance. It is possible to cooperate with insurance companies per percentage of attracted clients, subsequently, it is necessary to create their own insurance company.

In general, the company must certainly insure financial risks on a particular project. Accordingly, it will be better if it will be your subsidiary.

11. Security service.

Undoubtedly, a very important department. Work should be built on:

1. Collect information on the databases of debtors and malicious non-payment of all financial structures presented in your city. Each bank has black lists, lists of refusal, lists of fraudsters. There are these lists and in credit cooperatives. You need to get the lists of debtors on executive proceedings, lists of people who have committed economic crimes and under investigation. Also all the same lists on legal entities. Not bad to get lists of debtors of cellular companies of your region. This information can be confused in a couple of weeks in a big city, if you provide the Security Department chief with the corresponding "Doodler" in a monetary or liquid equivalent.

Later, information about the debtors and fake certificates and fraudsters should be transferred to your base, which in essence will become common to the financial market of your region. This should be one of the conditions for cooperation with banks. After all, sending a client to them, you check it in a common database (for all banks).

The security department will need to work closely with credit history bureaus created in Russia.

It is very important to consider the procedure for the withdrawal of the debtor's person from this base. If a person paid himself, he should appeal to you on his own initiative or may it be his bank, but a person must have a guaranteed opportunity to skit himself.

2. Due to the fact that in our country there is practically a law that would help their citizens to pay on loans (unlike other countries), it will not be superfluous to conclude from some commercial structure of Siberia Agreement, according to which you will send them to work Not qualified personnel (if lucky, and with qualifications) to work out financial debt. According to this agreement, the client arrives at work, performs its agreed amount of time, making money required for life, and all over it goes to pay for the services of an intermediary in employment (by the company by creditor).

At the very matter, very often there are wishing to go to make money and pay debts. There are no options where to send them. This question can be developed in advance.

General vision of the creation of a supermarket (in quotes):

1. Undoubtedly, you should not register a supermarket as an IP, it does not paint this business.

2. By and large, banks are not friendly among themselves and, being all together in some conditions (you), they will need to make concessions to customers to attract them, since do not do it - the client will leave for another. This competition will undoubtedly force banks to reduce loan rates or change the rules towards their simplification.

3. The population has the money and the problem where they are to do, as important as where to take them (verified on their experience).

4. What was stipulated by me, as a condition necessary to accelerate the formation process. You just need to enlist the support of local authorities. You may have to go for some sacrifices in this regard. But these people will further lead you a lot of people with whom you can conduct business. And more ... In essence, the opening of such a supermarket is a good deed. You not only help people solve our financial problems, but also learn them to manage money, learn their business, help the establishment of entrepreneurship, financing projects not for the state account, but for commercial.

5. To achieve success and paying profits, finance social projects in their city to some extent. This cleans and creates an image.

6. It will not be easy for the first 10 years. To whom will be lucky - a little less.

And last. Of course, I seemed to be described as a large room with translucent partitions, the supports, which are situated by experts, where there are places for installing banking terminals, display advertising services throughout the hall. Something like places on the walls under financial advertising. Display reports with stock exchanges, etc. Something is so large-scale and ambitious. And this is not at all home business. But….

This business can be done, having only one of your head, Internet access, a couple of good friends. Gradually, you will grow by employees and services. It is quite possible to focus on several services, and the other "on the occasion". The only thing, without which you can not do, so it is from many meetings with representatives of the financial circles of your region. Believe me, they still do not be friends with each other - become a binding string.

, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

Georgy Gorshkov

, Member of the Board, Director of the Retail Business Department, VTB24 The potential of the retail banking services market in the opinion of analysts is significant, and this despite its rapid growth in the pre-crisis years. However, now the accents have shifted: banks increasingly concentrate their efforts in search of decisions to improve efficiency and productivity. Industry leaders are actively developing both traditional and alternative sales and service channels; Invest extensive resources to improve processes, their centralization and leaning methods. What actions will help banks to preserve and strengthen market positions in today's conditions? What experiences can the leading players in the development of alternative channels of product promotion and customer service channels? What results are achieved in the implementation of proceeding programs and centralization programs? These questions will be discussed at the conference.

Topics for discussion

  • Sales and service in bank retail: how to speed up the development of multi-channel sales and service
  • Operating efficiency: What are the results in the field of centralization and optimizing business processes of banking offices
  • The most promising banking products and client segments of the discussion participants

    Ivan Anisimov

    , Deputy Chairman of the Board, Absolut Bank

    Mikhail Berner

    , Director of the Department of Credit Products, Member of the Board of Directors, Sitibank

    Eldar Bikmaev

    , first vice president, Probusinessbank

    Evgeny Dankevich

    , Deputy Chairman of the Board, Head of the Retail Business Block Bank "Opening"

    Eduard Medisopov

    , member of the Board, UniCredit Bank

    Leonid Kachalov

    , Deputy Head of the Services Directorate of Individuals, Head of Sales Channel Management, Raiffeisenbank

    Irina Kozlova

    , member of the Board of Directors, Director of the Department of Corporate Customers and Partners, Microsoft in Russia

    Elena Rukalova

    , member of the Board, Managing Director of Business Development Block, NB "Trust"

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state