
What to do if an ATM ate a map. Payment card detained by an ATM - what to do

January 2019.

In the life of bank holders plastic cardsthe point sometimes an unpleasant situation happens - the ATM has eaten the card. Such incidents have a rather rare phenomenon, but no one is insured from this. And if it happened, the cardholder is useful to know how to return the map from the ATM. You should not fall into a panic, you just need to calmly think about what happened, and how to make the terminal return the driven property.

Why did an ATM swallowed a map?

To understand the situation, several examples will be considered, resulting in the fact that the terminal refuses to return the card. Knowing the cause of the malfunction, it will be easier to fight it. After all, in some cases there is no appliances, but the owner of the card itself.

  1. The bank terminal, like any mechanism, could simply be climbing, after which the card turned out to be blocked. The cause of the malfunction could be "glitch" in the computer program or a sharp voltage jump in the urban power grid.
  2. The owner of the card could have something to distract and no longer taking the card from the ATM. In this case, there is a special protection program in the terminal, which is triggered if the card is not pulled out during the specified time period. After that, the ATM automatically takes it to the card could not get into the hands of unauthorized persons.
  3. The user could score incorrect pin code numbers three times. In this case, the terminal believes that someone kidnapped this card And picks up the code to make money from someone else's account. In this case, protection is turned on, and an ATM, blocking the card, stops all subsequent operations.
  4. The term of the card has long been expired. Some terminals in such situations simply remove an overdue card from circulation, without warning about it their owners.
  5. This card for a number of objective reasons could be previously blocked by the system. And if the "forbidden" card falls into the device receiver, the ATM does not give the card.
  6. The card could be withdrawn from circulation due to malfunction in the processing center. During any financial operation, taking place in ATM, software makes a request there. And if a failure occurred there, the terminal receives response that this card must be terminated. After that, an ATM without warning "swallows" a card.
  7. The card is simply faulty - it could be modified or have some external damage.

What if the card is stuck in an ATM?

If such a situation happened, you should not worry about the loss of the card. Technical failure is not a problem, and the money from the account of its owner will not disappear. The cards seized by the terminal fall into a special "pocket", from where they can be easily removed when the collection service arrives.

While the removed card is inside the terminal, the owner for the preservation of his funds should call the Bank's support service hot line (The number is indicated on the ATM) and temporarily block the account until the card is returned. You can personally come to the office, where the card was issued to learn how to pick it up. As a rule, the card is returned within a few days after the ATM will check the collectors service. To get the card, the owner will have to write a statement and present his passport.

If the Card "swallows" the terminal of an outsider bank, the return process can delay, as they will have to take confirmation in his bank. The algorithm of action is as follows:

  • the owner of the card should call the hotline of the Bank to which the ATM owns, and get further instructions from his staff;
  • perhaps the owner will need confirmation from the issuer's bank that the card really belongs to him.

If the terminal swallowed the card when its owner was abroad - there will be significantly more problems. Without good knowledge of the language, return a bank card problematic, because with employees of foreign banks will have to communicate in gestures. But if it has already happened, it is best to call into your bank and explain the situation. After that, the card will be blocked, and no one can use it anymore.

In life, there are also cases when a person wants to make money on a foreign map of a friend or relative (of course, with his knowledge), but the terminal for an unknown reason, as discharged, swallows this card. In this case, it will not be possible to pick it up. According to the Rules of the Bank, the return procedure must be held exclusively, whose name is indicated on the map.

Is it possible to get a map from an ATM yourself?

If the card was inside the ATM, and the technique does not react in any way, you can try to return it. However, it does not work in all cases. As already mentioned above, the card could be damaged, smuggled, expired or blocked. If there is confidence that everything is in order with the card, then the chances of getting her back are quite great. The main thing is not to leave the ATM, but to perform a few simple operations that will help you save the owner of the card from tedious communication with the hotline employees.

Step by step algorithm of action

To return the cards stuck in an ATM, you can use one of the following ways.

  1. First you need to find the "Cancel" key on the ATM keyboard and by pressing it (without much enthusiasm), hold in this state up to five minutes. Sometimes the cancellation of the operation works before, but 5 minutes is the maximum term. After some time, the stubborn terminal capitulates and will suggest to cancel the operation. Without removing your fingers from the "Cancel" button, you should agree and at the same time click on the keyboard or monitor version "Yes". After an ATM slot, a map should appear. If this did not happen, you should proceed to the next option.
  2. This method is much easier to first and quite often help in the case of a software failure of the terminal. This time you do not need to perform any actions, but simply wait until 20 minutes. During this time, the ATM must make a restart of software and throw a card.
  3. If the first two ways do not help, have to get involved with the service specialists of the hotline. This method is the longest, but helps for sure. Support service phone number can be found on the ATM itself. By contacting the hotline service, it is necessary to briefly describe the situation and ask to send their specialist to the scene. But this method does not always work, as the specialist is busy or finds excuses to postpone the departure indefinitely.

To avoid such situations and always have access to your finances, you should progress and start another card. For example, if the account holder has a MasterCard card, then as an additional can be "visa" (or vice versa). This method is especially well helped abroad, where the availability of money is particularly relevant.

Usually, the bank systems are worked stable, and any incident rarely occur. But it happens that the Sberbank card with all savings turn out to be "stuck" at the most inopportune moment. What happened, and why did an ATM ate a map?

Hurry to reassure the menth clients: you can protect your funds anyway, nothing terrible will happen. The main thing is not to panic and follow the instructionsshown in our article.

Causes of sudden "capture"

Knowing the reasons for such a surprise, it is often possible to avoid consequences.

ATM is a machine that works on a given program. One of its tasks is not to give attackers to take advantage of your savings.

therefore credit card can be eaten for the following reasons:

  1. You did not have time to extract it on time.. The client has a little more half a minute, so that after performing the operation, pull out the credit card. If the time has expired, and it is not yet in your hands, the device blocks access, taking it back. This is done specifically in case a person forgot his card and left. By the way, a certain time is allocated in order to pick up cash removed, otherwise.
  2. You have forgotten the password. Entering the wrong PIN code three times, you will also stay without a credit card. The device after the third unsuccessful attempt just swallows it and does not give it anymore.
  3. There are essential losses or cracks. With mechanical damage, Sberbank will block your "salary" without the possibility of returning. We will have to contact the department and write an application for reissue.
  4. On time not replaced. If the validity period has expired, it is better not to use it at all, because the excuse will automatically be recognized, and then the ATM is withdrawn by the card.
  5. System failure. In the work of the banking device there are failures, as in any computer. In this case, the software freezes. A specialist can restore the specialist, or it will restore after some time.

So, the ATM did not give a map. What to do? First of all, say, what do not do:

  1. To knock on the aggregate with screams: "He devoured my card!", In the hope that the offender will give you due. It is useless, besides, you may be fined for damage to the Bank's property.
  2. Trying to unscrew or broke out to open the device. It sounds ridiculous, but there are such resourceful citizens.

Ways to return the lost several:

  1. Just wait. The most trouble-free option is to stand for about 15 minutes. Maybe the apparatus will stop hanging and returning to you cherished.
  2. The second way is to press the "Cancel" button, or "Return", but not more than two times. Failure is different, suddenly the system will still "understand" what is required of it.
  3. To seek help from a Sberbank specialist. Well, if the unit has swallow your card directly in the department in working time. If there is no bank offices nearby, then inspect the ATM and find the room for which you can contact the support service.

Write down the Sberbank hotline number: 8 800 555 5550.

An employee will listen to the problem and block your credit card. Duplicate youcan get within a few days after blocking (no later than after 14 days).

If your Sberbank card has become a victim of another bank's device, call the calls on it and follow the instructions of the Call Center specialists.

Troubles lie down those who decided to take advantage of the card of relatives or friends. Get her back only the owner. Therefore, we will have to call the owner to the scene.

Accidentally left the map in ATM - what to do?

You forgot your own negotiation card at ATM, remembering it only at home. Do not panic. It is no longer available to anyone, including you. Now preserves call bank and order reissue. You can do this by the number of the hotline, where the operator connects to the desired department.

Plastic cards - a convenient tool, compliance with the rules of use which will help protect yourself from various kinds financial problems.

But the unforeseen situation in the form of absorption of the map of the ATM can happen at any time. What to do if the ATM ate the map, we will tell in this article.

The most important thing is not to panic in vain and, if possible, always have with you the phone number of the bank that has released a credit card.

Why is an ATM takes a map and is there our fault in this?

There are several reasons for plastic loss inside the ATM:

  1. the term of its action is over. In some cases, an ATM takes such a card, and an inscription address addressed to the Bank for the Bank for a new one appears on the screen.
  2. pIN code was introduced incorrectly 3 times in a row. The credit card will be blocked before the clarification, because it is likely that the scammers kidnapped it and trying at random to pick up a password for it;
  3. if the card was blocked, then I found the owner and decided to further use it. After submitting an application for blocking, this plastic becomes invalid and will have to be reissued;
  4. the period of expectation from the client has expired. It is usually installed about 20-60 seconds, during which the client must make any action if the time has expired, the ATM takes the card, believing that it was simply forgotten.

Another probable cause of what happened is a simple failure in the terminal or program, since any software sooner or later may fail.

Remember that the reasons described are very individual, so in one bank the ATM will not give the card, if she, for example, has been a valid, and in another bank will give and warn the message that in the near future it is necessary to visit the Bank's branch.

Depending on the reason for which ATM ate a card, options, how to return it will be different.

If plastic remained in an ATM

To begin with, check that the card remains inside and this is not a second hang. ATM is ready to accept a new client and a bank screensaver has highlighted on the screen? It's time to look for a phone number of the organization that owns the terminal and decide the return question.

If the ATM Sberbank has eaten a map, call the hotline and explain the situation to the Bank's support consultant.

On the ATM itself, the telephone number of technical support, by calling which you need to tell about what has happened and wait for further instructions. Probably you will have to personally go to the bank branch and write a statement.

If the reason for the swallowing has become of different kinds of technical malfunctions, hangs, problems with the validity of the card or there are mechanical damage, the ATM usually issues a check on which the error code is registered.

After simple hanging money and the card can be given to the client in 10-15 minutes, so there is a possibility that it will get it good to the next person.

Before starting work, check whether there is anywhere to call if the ATM has eaten the card when there is no hint of the ATM package, there is no sense to abandon its operation.

Actions algorithm if an ATM refuses to issue a card

To begin with, call the Issuer's hot line. After explaining the problem, the card is most likely blocked, so that if after developing an ATM, he did not add it and I could not use the outsiders. The operator number is better to maintain in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Remember the algorithm that if an ATM swallowed the Sberbank card, and your funds will be securely protected.

Prepare to the fact that the refund can take away both the minimum couple of hours and a few weeks. Terms will depend on:

  • the location of the ATM: Whether he is in a small village or directly in the bank branch;
  • how often does the bank conducts collection (read: how soon the edible card will be detected);
  • what is the procedure for a card detection. It can only be issued on the presentation of the passport or will need to write a statement and wait for the reissue.

What in this case will occur With funds? Some banks are ready to issue money at the request of the client and when providing them with a passport, others have a strict ban on receiving money until the new plastic will be in the hands of the owner.

If this happens outside the Russian Federation

In a situation where an ATM refuses to give a card, and at this time you are on a business trip or on vacation abroad, the actions algorithm changes slightly.

But in any case, you will have to call to your bank to block the card to the time before finding out the circumstances, because it is not possible to go to the bank's separation now is not possible.

Are you going to abroad? Capture with you just in case several plastic cards of different payment systems, in order to eliminate the likelihood of theft, loss, or eating by an ATM and have some cash. So you will avoid fate to stay away from home without having funds to exist.

In any case, there are many reasons independent of man, according to which an ATM will refuse to give the card back. But it is not worth worrying in vain, an operational call to the hotline of the issuer's bank will help to block the plastic until you appear in the separation personally.

It is not necessary to restore plastic if the reason for the card remains inside, will fail by technical part. In this case, it is necessary only to wait for the collection and then come to the department to pick up a credit card.

Check out the proposals of banks

Card with Cachebank in Rosbank Issue a map

More about the map

  • Cachek up to 7% - on selected categories;
  • Cachek 1% - for all purchases;
  • Bonuses, discounts on goods and services from Visa ;;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile Bank - is free;
  • Up to 4. different currencies on 1 card.
Map Ot Eastern Bank Issue a map

More about the map

  • Up to 7% cachek;
  • Up to 40% cache shopping on the Internet;
  • Willing cash without commission in ATMs of partners;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile Bank - free.
Map from home loan bank Issue a map

More about the map

  • Up to 10% Cashback from partners;
  • Up to 7% per annum on the balance balance;
  • Removal of funds in ATMs without commission (up to 5 times a month);
  • Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay Technology;
  • Free online banking;
  • Free mobile bank.

More about the map

  • Cacheback up to 10% of gas stations for gas stations
  • Cashback up to 5% of accounts in cafes and restaurants
  • Cashback up to 1% of all other purchases
  • Up to 6% per annum
  • Map maintenance - free;
  • Free online banking;
  • Free mobile bank.
Card from Tinkoff Bank

Today we describe the sequence of actions with a very unpleasant event: you wanted to make money, and the ATM card of treacherously coolant ... "Ate", and at the same time we will give some tips to how to avoid it.

Suppose that there is no man in the world, actively useful bank cardswho has an ATM at least once in his life "eaten" the card. The situation is so common that we can talk about some "ATMTOFOBIC" - fear that the device will capture your beloved card with all the "blood".

So the ATM does not return the card for a long time

  1. Try once, but firmly press the "Cancel" key. If the ATM "hung" is shallow, then the chance that he will "revive" very large. It is strictly not necessary to press several times or press on all buttons in a row. Most likely, the device lost contact with the bank's processing, and when the connection is restored, the ATM will not be able to perform the operation you descend, since you implemented almost the DDoS attack on it.
  2. ATM "DRAW" finally or invites you to maintain a new client. This means that you will not get the card on your own. You need:
    1. If the ATM is in the bank branch, then you contact any employee and ask for a card. In 99.9% of cases, bank employees have keys to the device and they will remove the card right on the spot.
    2. If the ATM is on the street, in mallIn the office - the word, not in the branch of the bank, then the refund will take much longer.
  3. Carefully examine the surface of the ATM. It must have a sticker (sticker) with the device number and the support phone number of the support service. You call on the phone and call the exact number of the ATM, as well as its data. The operator temporarily blocks your card. Perhaps this is more precisely on your participation in the salvation of ordinary Rai in more precisely. The only thing you need is to write the device number or remember it.
  4. As a rule, after receiving the capture card, the support service is exposed to an incident - a message about the need to remove the card. In some banks, where devices are not so many, the cards are seized, in others - special staff. After that, the card enters the branch of the bank. If you have a Sberbank card, then it will come to one of the branches of the bank if you have a map of another bank - then to the nearest branch. In any case, this information is better to clarify when calling the support service.
  5. How fast does the map are withdrawn from an ATM? Quickly quickly, according to the bank, and unacceptably long, according to the client. In any case, we are talking about a period of at least a day and rarely exceeds one week. But to count on that experts will immediately come to you and right with you will get a map, meaningless. This service does not exist.
  6. After the map is delivered to the branch, you come to the bank, show the passport, inform you if necessary additional information And get the card back. If necessary, call the support service and unlock the card.

How to protect yourself from the "capture" card?

  1. In no case do not push the card into the cardder. Least. It is useless, as a maximum - will lead to the "eight" of the card.
  2. Carefully enter the PIN code. Imused three times incorrectly - the card will be blocked for a day, and possibly captured by an ATM.
  3. If the card is expired, the ATM is "eating it." However, in this case, nothing threatens you: an overdue card is suitable except for the collection.
  4. You forgot to pick up the card or thought, and passed 30-40 seconds. In this case, the ATM operates in your interests: he believes that the client left and forgot the map. The map is withdrawn so that she does not take advantage of a fraudster under which the device may suspect any other client. Accordingly, immediately after the operation, take the map.
  5. Do not insert a card with serious damage (broken edges, scratched magnetic strip, cracked chip).

How to get money If an ATM ate a map?

You can return money, but not in an ATM. You need to contact the nearest branch of the bank. Most banks provide for the issuance of money on the passport.

Is it necessary after capturing an ATM to releasing the card?

Not necessary. Most banks have a blocking due to an ATM card capture. In this case, it is enough to block it, and then unlock. But if you block the card with the wording "lost", then the reissue is most likely required.

You need to know what you need to do in a situation if the ATM "eaten" your card and does not give it? To begin with - do not panic, we wrote in this article detailed instructionswhich you need to act clearly and consistently.

Many of us now prefer to use plastic cards than in cash, and in the bank they are often warned - when working with self-service devices, technical failures are possible, to this you need to be prepared. However, if it happens to you or with your familiar friends, then in this situation it is difficult not to be confused.

For what reasons, this could happen:

  • You 3 and more in a row entered the PIN code incorrectly;
  • The card ended the validity period, where to see it, tell;
  • At the end of the operation "Plastic" was not timely removed from the receiver, usually no more than 30-40 seconds are given to this action;
  • Operations were atponed for this account, for example, a large amount of money is removed;
  • A technical failure occurred in the device.

Many of these actions seem to be ordinary for us, but the work of the device is "tied" to the most convenient and safe use of customers of their cards. And if there is a slightest suspicion of fraudulent activity, an ATM can hold both bills and a card inserted into it. It is unpleasant, but you have to put up.

In fact, nothing terrible happened, you just need to perform the following actions:

  • If there is information on the screen with a request for waiting, it is quite possible that the car simply "hung." In other words, the operation passes, but just very slowly. In this case, you just need to wait 10-15 minutes without departing;
  • If the inscription is displayed on the screen that the device is ready for servicing the new client, for example "insert the map" or "Welcome", then this means that the card is inside, and no one is going to give you it. In this case, you need to call the hotline in that bank that serves this ATM. This information is specified directly on the device itself - the name of the bank, its phone and the number (code) of the device. By calling the phone, explain to the operator your problem and follow the instructions;
  • In the event that all attempts to get the card remained unsuccessful, rewrite the machine number and its address to yourself. With these data, go to any separation of that bank where you are serviced, and write an application for a card. Further depends on the instructions of the most banking company For such cases: you can give the old one after 1-2 weeks, to issue a new temporary one, or carry out an early reissue.

The return period depends on many reasons In particular: where exactly the device was located (in the department or in the city distant from the central office), as often occurs, there is a collection of which instructions in the bank itself. At best, this period will take 2-3 hours, in the most unpleasant - will last up to several weeks.

If you need money to urgently, you can block your card that remained in an ATM, and get cash At the ticket office of your bank upon presentation of a passport or other document confirming your identity.

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