
Fast Maintenance Enterprise Burger King. Brand history Burger King. Burger king prices

Cyprus Xomeric stated the largest shareholder of Burger King in Russia, bought almost 17% of the shares at VTB. Founder of the Xomeric - fund associated with the Ukrainian group of ICU bankers Makara Paschenyuk and Konstantin Stetsenko

Photo: Nicolas Maeterlinck / Zuma / Tass

At the end of February 2018, the ownership structure for the Burger King network in Russia is Burger King Russia (Cyprus) Ltd - has changed, testify the materials of the Cyprus register of companies. The owner of 16.62% of Russian business has become registered in Cyprus. Xomeric Holdings Ltd. Following the results of the transaction, the share of Xomeric has grown from 18.4 to 35.02%, and now this is the largest shareholder of the company.

The seller of this package was the structure of VTB - registered on Guernsey Island (located in La Manne, is the ownership of the British crown, but is not part of the UK) Golden Star Investment Limited (belonging to the group follows from the last list of Associated persons of the State Bank). VTB's upcoming transaction reported in his last published reporting in February. "Last year, we have achieved a fundamental agreement for the sale of 16.62% of the shares of [the head company of the Burger King head company]," the representative of the bank explained two weeks ago. - This transaction was not closed up to the present moment, but we plan to complete it in the near future. "

The press service of VTB confirmed "partial sale of a share in the company." "According to the current agreements, the preemptive right to buy out shares is provided to current shareholders," the source of RBC clarified. - We have implemented a part of the Burger King shares belonging to the target level of IRR (INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN - the internal rate of profitability. - RBC) 40% per annum. "

After a transaction with the Xomeric structure of VTB, 19.98% of Burger King Russia belongs. The share of other shareholders - the structures of the American Restaurant Brands International (owner of the Burger King brand), as well as the Gladerom Investment Ltd, which is associated with the main owner of the Chocolate Coffee and Coffee Howel, Alexander Kolobov, remained unchanged, 15 and 30%, respectively.

To the question of RBC - whether VTB plans to further reduce its stake in Burger King Russia - in the financial group only noted that "speaking a financial investor in the private equity segment, we always have clear expectations on the price parameters of the exit from the asset. "When achieving them, we will consider the relevant proposals," said VTB representative.

Pancakes and burgers

Burger King Russia was created in 2012 as a joint venture "VTB Capital" and Burger Rus LLC. The latter belonged to co-owner of the Chocolate Network Alexander Kolobov and at the time of the transaction was the largest franchisee Burger King. Gosbank, as reported by the newspaper "Vedomosti", promised to invest $ 100 million in the project for three years and received almost 50% for it. The share of co-owners of the Chocolate Network, headed by Kolobov, was never officially revealed. Now the businessman, together with the representative of VTB, is valid directors in Burger King Russia.

Alexander Kolobov refused to comment last changes In the structure of the owners of the Russian Burger King.

The carrying value of the VTB package sold, as indicated in its reporting, is equal to 4.6 billion rubles. In this way, book value The entire Russian business Burger King, according to VTB, is almost 27.7 billion rubles. But, as the representative of VTB clarified, the last sale of the package was taken from another business assessment (which parties do not disclose).

According to the representative of VTB, at the time of the transaction, in 2012, Burger King managed 38 restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg, to date - more than 550 restaurants in all regions of Russia and three CIS countries. "Almost 90% of products in the restaurants of Burger King - Russian production," - emphasizes the representative financial Group. The network revenue in 2017 grew by 35%, to 29.1 billion rubles, net profit Grew up nine times up to 900 million rubles.

Ukrainian bankers

For the first time, the number of shareholders of the eateries Xomeric Holdings Ltd appeared back in 2014, follows from the Cyprus registry data. As the bank reported, he sold 12.2% of the head company an unnamed "Financial Investor" for $ 25 million (about 965 million rubles. At the average rate of the Central Bank for the year).

The new largest shareholder of Burger King in Russia is associated with the Ukrainian investment company ICU, follows from licensed documents ICU and materials on its official website. The founder of Xomeric Holdings Ltd is registered at the British Virgin Islands Cis OpportUnities Fund SPC Ltd. License Fund Management In the interests of CIS OpportUnities Fund SPC Ltd has registered on the same ICU Investment Management Ltd. Islands. The license was issued by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission, the document was published on the website of the ICU itself. It also among the enumeration of funds included in the group structure is provided by the CIS OpportUnities Fund information.

The representative of the ICU group refused to comment on RBC the relationship between the Fund and Russian Snack Burger King. VTB also refused to comment on the structure of the "other shareholder" - Xomeric Holdings Ltd.

The main owners of the head ICU HOLDINGS LIMITED, as follows from the materials owned by the InvestGroup of the Ukrainian Bank "Avangard", are Makar Passyuk and Konstantin Stetsenko.

The Parabee structures have previously participated in the process of pre-sale preparations of the family of President Petro Poroshenko owned by the family of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. This businessman reported in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine in February. "The only contract that ICU was fulfilled for President [Poroshenko] is a joint project with Rothschild for the sale of Roshen, which for us ended in April 2016 after the transfer of an asset in the" blind trust "- said Pasyubyuk.

Now, as I told in an interview with Pasainuk, under the control of ICU are assets worth $ 500 million.

With participation: Irina Parfenteva

The fact that Fast Food is harmful today is known to everyone. But at the same time, these are very tasty and appetizing, inexpensive dishes that can be eaten along the way to work. That is why there is no first ten years so popular restaurant "Burger King". Employee reviews emphasize that tons are sold daily through trading networks finished products. We offer today to get acquainted with the history and geography of points, open vacancies. In addition, we will try to look inside and see the company through the eyes of her employees.

History of success

Just below, we will return to the reviews of employees. "Burger King" will soon celebrate his century. Specialties from the very first days were hamburgers or proppers, as well as Potatoes. The history of the network began with a small restaurant in Florida. On the way to modern development The company changed the four owners. In 2013, there were more than 13 thousand restaurants in 80 countries of the world. The network turnover is more than 117 million dollars.

Fast Food conquers Russia

Relatively recently, in 2010, the first restaurant of this network was opened. It happened to this expected in Moscow. By the fall of 2017, more than 400 restaurants were opened in Russia, more than 200 of them in Moscow. More than 30 settlements also have its own Burger King. Young people are already so accustomed to such culinary research, which increasingly replaces the normal food to the fast food. It is good or bad - we will not argue. Our task is to know what to work in such a popular network, serving thousands of visitors daily. And we will help us in this reviews of employees. "Burger King", by the way, regularly gives ads for the search for personnel. What happens behind the doors, because of which we get fragrant buns with ruddy cutlets and a bright sauce? Only one who managed to work in the ranks of employees can say about it.

Your step in the future

Most come to this business very young people. Yesterday's or current students are addicted to the opportunity to grow together with the company, increase their professional level and income. This fully confirm the reviews of the staff. "Burger King" makes it possible to go through the way from an ordinary employee to coach, manager, deputy director, territorial manager. Very tempting. What should be done in order to get to the top of the career stairs? Let's deal with together.

Carier start

It is of fundamental importance, in which city you decided to settle in Burger King. Reviews emphasize that the very first restaurants of this network are located in the capital from all available in Russia. This means that experienced employees work here, which can convey their knowledge of beginners. But it is also not easy to reach the stellar vertex. This is associated with high competition. Next to you there are several dozen of the same, and among them there may be more talented. Therefore, you will have to sweat anyway, but especially if you live in employees to work in Burger King, they are sometimes called a pitch hell, but apparently, you need to find the meaning of what you are doing, and aim to go. Then the picture will become much more fun.

Starting position

The first thing you have to come to humble - a tough regulation. The main task of each employee is quickly and at the highest level to fulfill the duties assigned to it. Only becoming the best at this stage, you can go to the next, because soon you will learn newcomers.

So, for the beginner there are two positions: this is a kitchen or ticket office. What advise you to choose reviews? "Burger King" is a fast food restaurant, and if you want to succeed, you should be good to understand the recipe and intricacies of cooking. Therefore, starting with the kitchen. So in the team, you will quickly quickly, and learn the main recipes, which will help when it comes to go into the hall and proceed to communicate with guests.

How to get a job

Fast food sphere is a high rhythm and compliance with standards. Master all the subtleties, quickly switch, adjust the task for young and energetic. Therefore, in the team a large percentage of students. This causes high frames of frames. On average, each team consists of 80% of students, which is welcomed by the company's policies.

If you are from 18 to 25, you can maintain a normal dialogue, then you should not be afraid of interviews. He is spent the same guys, as you can, a little older. Their goal is to close the free vacancy as soon as possible, as well as yours - to work out. And again a little mansion here will stand Moscow. The reviews of Burger King employees say that in the first interview they were satisfied with stress interviews, they were offered to dance on the table, asked discouraging issues. So the employer tries to appreciate your ability to act in non-standard situations.

Beginning of work

First, everything seems strangers and scary. This is especially true of the kitchen. Huge plates with hundreds of a kitlet, baking buns, salads, and between all these are dozens of people who roll in strange phrases. Need time. You stand out a coach, which will be trained. Usually, the beginner put first into the department, where the goods prepare for shipment to the kitchen. Something to defrost, wash something, decompose or pour. The coach will prompt the sequence of actions. Here are very well thought out clear schemes, everyone knows what and at what stage it should do.

The whole learning process is divided into several stages. First, the coach says and demonstrates. Then the coach does, and you describe. Then you do, and the coach suggests. Finally, you do and speak at the same time. Complexities here are to learn all the numbers. This also often emphasizes feedback. Burger King is a large and well-known company, and the marriage in production is unacceptable. Therefore, the oil temperature, cooking, storage time on board, on extradition, outlet temperature, assembly time, grams and milliliters - all this has to teach to infinity.

Stage two

After the employee learned all the stages of production and began to freely navigate, he goes to the cashier. But it does not always happen, the guys sometimes refuse. But if this stage does not afford, then faster becomes coaches. But the Girls Cashier is waiting. There are only two positions, the first and second number. The first contact with the client helps to choose, accepts payment and breaks the check. The second collects an order for a tray. In addition to the whole day you need to be friendly and attentive, so also full material responsibility.

Personal rating

Inside the network, each cashier has a personal magnetic card on which all sales are recorded. On shift, each of them gets quite specific tasks that must be completed. This is a certain amount of potatoes and sauces, sandwiches and desserts, new products. The salary of employees (St. Petersburg) is also tied on personal sales. Reviews "Burger King" are estimated as an opportunity to earn good, subject to personal efforts, of course.

But this practice exists only in major cities. In small townships, a personal competition on the ratings is constantly conducted, but does not give almost nothing. Sometimes the best employee gets a small premium. But if the restaurant performs on average ratings in the end of the month, then managers and the best employees receive the award.

Career growth

It is quite possible, which is why many things are in such an "Burger King". Employees of St. Petersburg, Moscow and other regions are suggested that if you are sociable and communicated, you pull themselves to knowledge and do not hear away from work, then in ordinary employees they will not be disturbing. As soon as I learned constantly and naturally smile, politely talk and easily resolve any conflict situations, automatically become a candidate for coaches.

The composition of the latter is limited, usually it is one for a whole team. The speed of your promotion also depends on the revolution of the restaurant, so the work in Burger King is valued especially in large cities. Employee reviews suggest that further promotion to the managerial composition depends directly from the growth of the network in your city. After all, as soon as a new restaurant opens, a part of the governing makeup is translated there, and the "losses" is replenished due to the personnel reserve, which coaches are. The latter has regular meetings and trainings, creative tasks.


This is the most important thing for every person who is arranged. I would like to say that the salary here is commensurate with invested efforts. The rate is hourly, it is regularly indexed, but depends on the region. It is surprising that there are no related negative reviews employees. Working in Burger King (in Yekaterinburg, for example) costs 110 rubles per hour, and in Moscow about 160. This is the original tariff rate. At the same time, a person immediately indicates how many hours he can devote to work. It is possible to work 40 hours a week or negotiate on 20. If you need money, then go to part-time and processing.

The next rate of the rates will be when you become a wagon, that is, you will work well in any restaurant area. Even above, the salary is already at the trainer. The company helps to grow to all interested.

We all know how bad for our body Fast Food is harmful. But at the same time, this is a delicious, appetizing and inexpensive snack. Therefore, not the first ten years so popular the fast food restaurant Burger King, widely populated in Russia. We invite you to get acquainted with his history, menu, shares and discounts, geography of points, and also learn about open vacancies in the company and read reviews about work here.

Meet "Burger King"!

VK, Burger King - Brand Global Fast Food Company, whose owner is the American company Burger King Corporation. Her corporate dish - proppers (variety of hamburgers), FRI potatoes. Headquarters is located in Sunny Miami (Florida, USA).

The story of the beloved many fast food network began in 1953 - then a restaurant called Insta-Burger King was opened in Florida Jacksonville. I must say, the owners have encountered next to the next year of its existence financial difficulties. The case was bought by local franchisees - D. Maklamore and D. Eztemton. The name of the acquisition was slightly changed - turned into Burger King, and buyers became founders of the future worldwide network of fast snack restaurants.

But "Burger King" on the way to date was to change more than four owners. And, I must say, now his cases are quite good: in 2013, the company had 13 thousand restaurants in 79 countries, its turnover was equal to $ 1.97 billion, and net profit - $ 117.7 million.

Nowadays, the new addresses "Burger King" appear solely due to various variations of franchising.

"Burger King" in Russia

Today, the master franchisee (a franchisor responsible for issuing sublicenzies from the corporation) in the Russian Federation is the company Burger Rus LLC. Society is a joint project of VTB-Capital, Burger King Europe and the owner of the coffee shop network "Chocolate" A. Kolobova. CEO Master franchisee is D. Honey.

It is expected that the first was opened in our country "Burger King" in Moscow. It happened relatively recently - in January 2010, in the TC Metropolis. For September 2017, such statistics are:

  • 466 restaurants are open in Russia.
  • 226 Points - in the capital and Moscow region.
  • 57 "Burger Kings" in St. Petersburg.
  • 10 restaurants - in Novosibirsk.

Russian restaurants "Burger King"

Today, the "Burger King" addresses are a dense network for a map of the Russian state. At the same time, their overwhelming number is in the European part of the country. Geography is very extensive:

  • Moscow.
  • St. Petersburg.
  • Yaroslavl.
  • Chelyabinsk.
  • Tolyatti.
  • Tyumen.
  • Tomsk.
  • Stavropol.
  • Smolensk.
  • Sochi.
  • Surgut.
  • Rostov-on-Don.
  • Permian.
  • Orenburg.
  • Novosibirsk.
  • Novorossiysk.
  • New Urengoy.
  • Magnitogorsk.
  • Kazan.
  • Krasnoyarsk.
  • Krasnodar.
  • Yekaterinburg.
  • Vladivostok.
  • Bryansk.
  • Barnaul.
  • Anapa et al.

Find out if there is a "Burger King" in your city, just - go to the "Restaurants" section on the official network site, enter the name in the search string settlement. Click on ENTER - and the system will show the addresses of points.

Menu "Burger King"

Now we smoothly move on to the "delicious" part of our narration. The "Burger King" menu consists of the following positions:

  • Burgers. From beef - four types of novels (standard, "junior", double and triple), two types of "Big King", a hamburger, two types of cheeseburgers, "Long Beeth". Chicken - "Crispi Chicken" and "Chichenburger". Fish - "Fish King".
  • Rolls (similarity shawarma in this case) - "Fish Roll", "Caesar Roll", "Roll".
  • Garniirs. Onion rings, potatoes - fries and rustic.
  • Snacks. Wings, nuggets, prefabricated sets.
  • Salads. Vegetable mix and "Caesar".
  • Beverages. Dairy cocktails (strawberry, chocolate, vanilla), black and green tea, several types of coffee, cold teas, popular carbonated drinks - "Pepsi", "Sprite", "Mirinda", "Lipton", "Seven-Up", etc. d.
  • Desserts. Pies with apple or cherry, ice cream, ice cream horn, Brownie with ice cream, Madfin.

New and promotions

Shares in Burger King - the phenomenon is quite frequent. Let's look at the last:

  • Cheeseburger for 49 rubles.
  • The new snack "Chicken Free", according to the company, made of one hundred percent white chicken meat.
  • New Burger "Chicken Fillet" with a solid chicken breast filling.
  • When paying by a bank card "Mastercard" - 30% discount on "Chicken Free", onion rings, nuggets, wings.
  • "Big King" or "Chicken King" - 99 rubles. I must say, the prices in the Burger King are very democratic.
  • "Junior-dinner" with one of the six toys of Smurfs as a gift.
  • The new Burger "Baconizer" is 100% beef, bacon and cheese.
  • Lunch for 200 rubles: Burger to choose from ("Chicken-Barbecue", "Vomputer Junior", "Chicenburger", "Cheeseburger"), drink to choose from, nuggets and fried potatoes.
  • Unlimited gradation limit cup with a cold drink, etc.

Coupons in "Burger King"

Another feature of the network are coupons - special codes that need to be reported or visualized to show the cashier to obtain an additional discount. You can find them on leaflets that extend in the restaurant itself, on its official website, as well as in a special mobile application Burger King, accessible to all common platforms for smartphones.

Coupons in Burger King have a specific validity period, and you can use the code of one of them during this period countless times. Be careful - the coupon discount is final and is not summarized with other promotions or loyalty programs.

Prices in Burger King do not depend on coupons only in a number of restaurants:

  • Located at airports.
  • In Moscow: Summer cafe on Red Presnya, points in the "Opening of Arena", "Yerevan Plaza", Moscow Palace of Youth.
  • In St. Petersburg: a point near the m. "Street of Dybenko".
  • In Anapa: Restaurant on Grebenskaya.

Let's see for an example on the existing coupons and shares in the Burger King:

  • "Second ice cream for free."
  • "Two burgers for 199 rubles" (choosing from "Vpper", "Long Chicken", "Caesar Roll", "Big King".
  • "Second cappuccino for free."
  • "The second" Long Chicken "for free."
  • "Junior-lunch for 189 rubles" (Cheeseburger, Drink, Potatoes, and toy) and MN. Dr.

Order delivery services

In Moscow, there is a type of service as your own delivery "Burger King". This is due to the fact that the widest network of restaurants is opened in the city, which is why it is possible to deliver a fresh and hot dish to the addressee, it is possible relatively quickly. The company assures that the snack waiting time will vary within 45-90 minutes. The order for the order is quite symbolic for the capital - approximately equal to the cost of two burgers.

Order delivery from "Burger King" is simple:

  1. Call the courier service number (you can easily find it on the official website), list the name operator and the number of desired dishes, the delivery address.
  2. Go to the official website in the "Delivery" section and add to the basket the names you need, then in the lower pop-up box, click on "specify your address" and fill in the template form: your location, contacts, comments on the order.

You can order a lunch from Burger King, you can use the services of famous food companies in your city - for example, "Delivery Club".

Work in "Burger King"

On the same official website in the section "Vacancies" and "Career" you will see jobs open to employment:

  • Mentor (or - coach, employee engaged in parallel with the work of learning newcomers).
  • Manager of a certain restaurant.
  • Deputy Director Restaurant.
  • Director of the restaurant.
  • Regional manager.
  • Senior Regional Manager.

The company has the traditions of career growth - the chain of posts, according to its representatives, maybe over a short time to pass any conscious employee. You can respond to your favorite vacancy immediately on the Burger King website - click on "Fill out a questionnaire". Information that should be reported to yourself, standard: Full name, is interested in position, citizenship, a specific city and restaurant, age, phone number and email address.

On the Employer page in Head Hunter, you can familiarize yourself with office vacancies:

  • Head of projects to support the opening of new restaurants.
  • Design specialist.
  • Office Manager.
  • Human Resources Manager.
  • Recruitment manager, assistant.
  • Auditor.
  • Operating engineer.

In a number of cities open vacancies and night cleaners.

New employee

The company considers himself a legend in the field catering, and its mission in our country: to become the most favorite network of fast food restaurants. To do this, she needs to be the best in everything - in pricing policy, hospitality, quality and service. The achievement of all this, respectively, falls on the shoulders of each of the workers. Why should all maintain the main values \u200b\u200bof "Burger King":

  • The main person in the restaurant is a guest. Employees must exceed all its expectations.
  • Friendly team - you need to support everyone and everyone, to be ready to help the comrade.
  • Positive mood - a working day should pass only on the wave of optimism.
  • High goals and ability to achieve them.
  • Guaranteed recognition of decent - initiative, prone to self-development of workers.

And now let's move on to the reviews about working in Burger King - we will see how the company in eyewitnesses pursues these high goals.

General advantages of work

So, let's see what is absolutely positive will be each employed in Burger King:

  • "White" salary.
  • Friendly team.
  • Strictly observed lunch break.
  • Free lunch (for operating more than 8 hours - two lunch).
  • The real possibility of fast career growth.
  • Comprehensive training and support for interns.
  • Fast employment.
  • For working until 00:00 free deal to the house by taxi.
  • It is possible to combine with study.
  • Compensation of the medical commission passing.

Common minuses of work

And now on the basis of reviews about working in Burger King, consider unpleasant moments that may be expected to be expected in the workplace here:

  • Incompetent leadership.
  • Small salary.
  • Salary accrual delays.
  • Unable to change his schedule with an employee - both towards recycling and in the direction of the reduction of paid working time.
  • Systematic non-compliance with both Russian labor legislation and clauses prescribed in the employment contract of the employee.
  • Exit to work on holidays is not charged at a double rate. In addition, he is obligatory - on New Year, Victory Day, City Day, and so on.
  • Penalties for all violations are both large and small. Up to the deprivation of award and downgrade.

The restaurant chain Burger King is gaining increasing popularity among the population of Russia, so the purchase of the Burger King franchise can pay off for quite a short time - only 1.5-2 years. Despite the fact that the conditions of this franchise are serious enough, the company offers powerful support to its owners, therefore the number of interested in this network in lately Only increases.

For the first time, the fast food restaurant Burger King appeared in the suburb of Miami at the end of 1954. Since then, the company has successfully developed, and after half a century, there were already more than 12 thousand restaurants in this network. The Burger King network covers 76 countries of the world, and in 2010 Russia was added to this list - the first restaurant Burger King appeared in Moscow in Metropolis TRC. Today, the most successful shops of Burger King work in Chelyabinsk, Nizhnekamsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Samara and other cities.

For 3 years, the popularity of the network has increased, and as of September of the current year, there have been more than 120 fast food restaurants Burger King. Burger King Russia, which is the holder of the General Franchise on the development of the network in Russia, at the beginning of the year announced that it plans to increase the number of points in the country to 500 by 2016. And, according to experts, it successfully goes to his goal. Reviews about Burger King from both entrepreneurs and their customers are always positive.

Prices and menus in Burger King

The Burger King Restaurant menu will delight the most attractive client - here, of course, there is a wide range of beef burgers, chicken meat and fish, salads and snacks for fans of easier food, a special children's menu, as well as a large selection of drinks and desserts.

The highlight of the burgers of this network is that the ingredients are passed through the grill, which creates a special, unique taste of dishes. As for prices, they are quite democratic and not much different from prices for similar products in other fast food restaurants (McDonald S etc.)

Cost and conditions for the purchase of franchise Burger King

The main conditions for the purchase of the Burger King franchise are as follows:

  • initial investment - 21,610,000 rubles;
  • royalties - 5% of sales per month;
  • pousing fee - 1,920,000 rubles;
  • room with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 300 square meters;
  • the height of the facade is from 6 m, the ceilings height - from 3 m;
  • at least 8 employees;
  • letter from experts in this industry.

Thus, to open the Burger King restaurant, you need to have sufficient solvency, as well as experience in this area, since it is almost impossible to get a letter of recommendation. At first glance, it may seem that the conditions of the franchise are too complex, however, as experience shows, they are quite fulfilled. If you compare them with the terms of buying a franchise of the same McDonald's network, you can see that Burger King is much less demanding of its future partners.

What does Burger King offer a potential franchisee? It:

  1. all sorts of help in opening a business;
  2. qualitative and timely professional advice;
  3. everything required documents, equipment, recipes for dishes and professional "secrets";
  4. investment project and budgeting of the future restaurant;
  5. assistance in advertising and promoting the product to the market;
  6. support in business organization and management;
  7. training.
  8. As you can see, support from the Burger King is very impressive, which significantly reduces your risks.

How to buy a Burger King franchise and open a restaurant in your city?

If you are sure that you can fulfill all the conditions for the purchase of the Burger King franchise, then you should contact representatives of RusBurger, which can be found on the website rusburger.com/. It is noteworthy that the company is not less than future franchisees interested in attracting new partners.

In this regard, it constantly conducts various shares aimed at in order more entrepreneurs in their franchise. For example, today there is a proposal, according to which the size of the paustal contribution is reduced by more than 3 times - up to 600,000 rubles, and royalty to 3%. The price of the franchise Burger King in this case is the most minimum.

When opening the second restaurant, the paustal contribution is not charged at all, and the size of royalty significantly decreases. RusBurger offers even a deferment of payments for the first commercial content - in short, everything to establish close partnerships with future franchisees. Moreover, to each new partner, the company is looking for an individual approach, and therefore the conditions for the purchase of franchise can be changed depending on certain circumstances.

Let's summarize

So, if you briefly draw out the results, then that's what we did - to open the Burger King Restaurant, you must have:

  • financial assets in the amount of about 30 000 000 rubles;
  • experience in the field of fast food restaurants.

What do we get in return?

  • resolution of activities under the world-famous brand Burger King;
  • wide demand and stable profit;
  • support almost any kind of RusBurger company.

The benefit from the acquisition of the Burger King franchise is obvious. This is especially true now when the network is at the stage of becoming in our country. Therefore, if you have enough money and desire to buy a franchise Burger King, undoubtedly, will be a profitable investment.

Useful articles

Burger King is a network of fast food restaurants, which has enormous popularity among the population. At the lunch break, I want to rush to the delicious crispy potatoes, on the run of hot coffee and return to business.

A fussy lifestyle forces snacks in fast food institutions. Some can combine a pleasant pastime and delicious calorie snack. In "Burger King" just you can arrange a budget dinner with friends.

What is noteworthy, interesting shares always act here. A visitor can get coupons, a good discount on a check and even a free burger. We just need to leave on the official website "Burger King" review. Agree, a very tempting offer?

But is it really tasty there? Is it worth striving to all these pleasant bonuses? You will learn about it just below.

I would like to note the successful location of Burger King in Moscow. The first restaurant is located in Arbat. In Prime-Time, the time waiting time is from 20 minutes and longer.

Because of the atmosphere, the fuss and the absence of coziness fully rest here is unlikely to succeed. Noise in the institution cares quickly eat his portion and leave. Although this is not a top-level restaurant, so it remains to be content with the full stomach. It is impossible not to notice what is always clean: the tables and chairs have a neat look.

How to get a coupon?

In Burger King »Coupons for a discount can be obtained when paying for an order at the checkout, as well as downloading the application to the phone. It has a scum of points. In order to accumulate a certain amount of bonuses, you need to exchange codes with loved ones and friends.

10% discount

By registering on the official website, you get a special code. It must be entered into his last order check. So, with the next purchase, checking the check with the recorded code, you will receive a 10% discount. If you have Burger King coupons, then discounts can be summarized.

Special offer

There are shares that require special attention. For example, sometimes when buying two burgers, you can get a portion of nuggets as a gift. Such pleasant bonuses of cashiers may not mention, so be careful and try not to miss such a chance.

As in other restaurants, in the "happy clock" here you can get a significant discount or even a full dinner in just 300 rubles.

About the menu and prices

The "Burger King" menu is very diverse. This includes up to 20 items of different burgers. There are 9 burgers and one "crop roll" with beef.

However, this review about Burger King can be reduced to several favorites. At the best taste impressions, the burger "Big King" seems the most appetizing. He is very satisfying. He has two layers between thin soft buns. Inside: Cutlet, fused cheese with awesome creamy taste, crispy lettuce leaves. It is worth trying.

The next dish is Stakehouse. Burger fat at Bacon. In the layer there is a barbecue and bow sauce. In general, the burger himself is good, if not moved with mayonnaise or sauce. Given that the Burger of King Prices allow you to adequately pamper yourself with a snack, the quality is quite acceptable, and you can definitely return here.


It can be estimated at 4 points out of 5. As the taste is cooled, the cutlets change significantly, but for the establishment of fast food it is not too critical. Burger is better not to take, but eat hot.

Best of all in Burger King, "sandwiches" with chicken cutlets are obtained. For example, the easiest and most loved "Chicken Burger". Prices in Burger King vary from 55 to 200 rubles. But it's worth it.

A special favorite among Chichenov is the "grill chicken barbecue." Inside a piece of white chicken fillet, roasted in breadcrumbs, onions, sauce and bacon. Can it be tasteless? Someone may seem that it is too fat, but it can be afforded to reinforced.

The "Burger King" menu allows you to choose a more optimal option in its price preferences: "Roll", "Fish Roll" and "Caesar Roll". Want to choose among them the most delicious? Will not work.

Above them worked very well. Meat cutlet, lettuce and vegetables leaves - all this is refilled by excellent sauce and is wrapped in thin lightweight wheat cake. If I don't really want to fill the burgher's stomach, you can choose quite modest by calories "Caesar Roll".


In the "Burger King" menu, two types of salad: "Mix" and "Caesar". Both are good, but if you want more feedst, it is better to choose the last option. In it, pieces of chicken fillet, cheese and vegetables. All this is under a delicious sauce.


It should be published a separate review of drinks to Burger King. Everything is pretty sad here. As in many fast food restaurants, gas production is diluted with water. Such dubious savings are incomprehensible, but it is decently reflected on taste. Therefore, some visitors began to take drinks with them. What, of course, the employees of the institution are not very pleased. The guard's notice can be ignored.


Do not complain about desserts. Ice cream tasty: a generously filled horn is quenched all the preferences of the sweet tooth. And what is the hot brownie costs only 80 rubles.

Ice cream "Twix" with cookies and caramel is very tasty, but very pronounced. If Browni gives a little bitter classic chocolate, then Twix is \u200b\u200bdesigned for lovers of very sweet desserts.

Patty with cherry is a little dry and cost 60 rubles. Another tempting component in the menu is cheese. They are in the "Burger King" the most excellent. They are served with a lingonberry or strawberry sauce. Do not have an unpleasant smell of oil. But the price of cheesens does not particularly please: 120 rubles in just 1 piece. The cost is overstated unjustified. For this money it would be possible to make a portion of at least three cheesery.


Classic FRI potatoes too often turn out to be softened and saved, so leaves not very positive impressions. Many people want fresh and crispy potatoes.

"Rustic" is significantly different in taste and quality. Or is connected with the price, or with the cook, is incomprehensible. But if the choice between "fries" and "rustic", then it is better to choose the second. Onion rings have a good cart and an excellent root. They are crispy and tasty.


There are three types of them: "King Nuggets", King Wings, King Bouquet.

"Wings King" is not enough, although the portion costs from 150 rubles. They can crash unnecessary. If the package is taken, then there is probability to detect the nonstability of the wings. Since the fast food network positions itself as a freshly prepared food restaurant, such moments need to be betrayed publicly. For example, you can leave a negative feedback, contact the feedback service and, if possible, make a refund.

King Nuggets left more positive impressions. They are fresh and crunchy. It does not flow fat. Pleases the affordable price - about 80 rubles. Well combined with sour and sweet sauce.

King Bouquet is just a large portion of all of the above. The composition has both wings, and nuggets, and onion rings. For the price of the dish is acceptable, and the portion is large, fit for two people.

Children's dinner

It is convenient to persuade the child to eat, saying that in such a huge institution, a box with a delicious burger was postponed for him. Yes, plus to everything, in the cherished box there is a collectible toy. From edible in it: Cheeseburger and Nuggets. Children like this feed.

Seasonal drinks

On hot summertime, there is excellent smoothies. Of course, in the summer there is no need to order a gas meter if you are not an urgent lover. For the price there is no significant difference, even though the smoothie is a bit more expensive. But given the benefit, your choice is to stop on it. The drink perfectly quenched thirst, tones and helps digestion. Yes, and in general, it's just a omnant choice.


It is worth incorporated on the review about "Burger King" the terms of delivery. It is noticed that it is significantly different in time. However, it depends mostly not from the courier, but on the degree of workload of the kitchen and roads. Delivery "Burger King" comes on time, but in case of delay you can call and discuss the problem with the operator.

Food with me

An alternative to delivery is the eating for removal. Everyone is collected promptly, but the finished package must be checked. It most often detected some minuses, although sometimes minor. But the future should pay attention to them. By the way, the shipping "Burger King" was also seen on minor deviations from the order check.

Service staff

I would like to note the work of the staff. For all the time visits at the checkout as quickly as possible orders. Always respond to the requirements and comments on the spot, for which separate thanks. Although Burger King in Moscow has about 8 points. Everywhere different staff, menus and prices. Everything can differ much among themselves.

This article is a review of Burger King, which will help those who prefer to familiarize themselves with the nuances and impressions of regular visitors.

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