
Gazpromneft Center Corporate Sales Personal Cabinet. How to get a gaspromneft fuel card for individuals. German cushioning cushions IMPACT PROTECTION

Gazpromneft offers new payment products for non-cash payments - fuel cards. Our material will be discussed on how to get a gaspromneft fuel card and understand the nuances of use, as well as to restore it in case of loss.

What distinguishes fuel gaspromneft from competitors

Fuel Card Gazpromneft is designed for legal entities. It is distinguished by a number of advantages:

  1. In order for cooperation to be convenient, the company provided the opportunity to pay in different ways. Available both to establish limits and preliminary enrollment of funds.
  2. The conditions for the provision of discounts depend on the selected program. The benefit is determined by the amount of fuels consumed.
  3. The wide network of refueling will allow you to not search for the track you need. Drivers who went to the flight will turn into a gas station in any region of Russia. There are stations in Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.
  4. Savings on taxes is an urgent topic for any entrepreneur. The use of Gazpromneft program will reduce their amount by 18-25%.
  5. Simplification of accounting will free employees to perform other tasks. Follow every driver and check checks no longer have to.

The quality of the fuel provided complies with the requirements of the Regulation of the Customs Union, which will ensure the operation of cars without breakdowns.

How to get a gaspromneft fuel card

To get a gaspromneft fuel card, you need to contact the office and conclude a contract. To facilitate the process on the company's website, a public offer is represented:

  1. Select "Conclude Agreement".
  2. Check out the conditions, click "Fill out the organization's details". You will need to specify the general data, addresses and phone numbers, information about contact persons.

For signing a contract, scans of documents are needed:

  • extracts from the Incorporation, the one must be issued at least six months before applying for the website;
  • documents confirming the authority of the PI, as well as the Director General;
  • company's charter;
  • certificates of State Registration of Yul and Registration in the Tax Authority.

In conclusion, transfer the contract signed and certified by the contract to specialists from the sales department, and within 5 days the card will be ready. You do not have to pay for it, because the means are entered only when reissued after damage or loss.

It will also be necessary and select the appropriate program, both at your disposal:

  1. "Local" implies that Gazprom's discount program on gasoline will work in the region where the contract was concluded.
  2. Transit will benefit the owners of enterprises with consumption from 150,000 liters per month. Savings are carried out when refueling on the track gas stations located along the central and secondary highways.
  3. Interregional "is designed for entrepreneurs engaged in transportation throughout the Russian Federation. Purchase of fuel and lubricants will be beneficial outside the local region.

Depending on the characteristics of the program and the amount of fuel consumed, the price may decrease in the amount of up to 10%.

What to choose: Limit scheme or electronic wallet

Since the provided Map of Gazprom on gasoline is replenished in different ways, you will choose the appropriate:

  1. The limit scheme implies that funds are removed from the personal account of the client. To regulate costs, the client will set the upper border of fuel consumption and types of fuel, available to the driver. This scheme will allow you to control the work of employees and distribute gasoline, excluding the possibilities of fraud. When the amount of fuel acquired reaches the upper limit, the payment tools will be automatically blocked. Let them succeed after making finances to the account; Money is written off at the time of the transaction, and the cost specified on the terminal is charged. The main advantage of the option is that all cards are connected to one account.
  2. Gazprom cards on gasoline operating under the "Electronic Wallet" scheme imply a certain amount. The holder does it in the office, presenting a payment agent manager, or for gas stations. You can make funds through a personal account, but the amount should not exceed 25,000 rubles. Benefits include the absence of a signal threshold.

To unambiguously say what type of replenishment is better, it will not be possible, because it all depends on the characteristics of the enterprise.

How to calculate, establish limits, restore the fuel card Gazpromneft

When using the payment agent, the following questions may arise:

  1. How to pay the card?When the driver arrives at refueling, he gives it to the operator and calls the amount of fuel required and the speaker number. Then he enters the code and after writing off the money receives back the payment agent along with the check.
  2. How does the company owner find out about transactions? With corporate sales of fuel cards Gazpromneft, a personal account allows you to follow processes. You will see all the information arriving at the time of the operation: the volume of purchased fuel, price, station number and transaction time.
  3. How to install limits and change them?You can choose the upper border of consumption in your account. If necessary, you will do it in the office, leaving the manager manager. This option is suitable in the case when the limit exceeds 3 thousand liters or 100 thousand rubles, since it will not be possible to put a larger number using the Internet (the measure is designed for customer safety).
  4. What to do with the loss of payment?The lost map of Gazprom with a discount on gasoline is blocked through the personal account or by referring to the hot line (you need to know the code word). You can also contact the corporate customer support department. The payment facility will be able to reassure, although the service will be paid.
  5. What to do if the volume ordered on a gas station did not fit the tank? In this case, you need to refer to the operator, and it will make a return operation, later by providing a check. Transactions will be displayed in the Personal Account.

Since the enterprise took care of all the trifles, the use of a fuel card on Gazprom Neft gas stations will be simple.

How to get a gaspromneft fuel card for individuals

Having learned about the benefits of the program for organizations, ordinary motorists are also wondering how to get a gaspromneft fuel card for individuals. For them, the Corporation has developed another program with the accrual of bonuses, called "us along the way."

To take part, contact the gas station operator and purchase a card: the cost is 199 rubles. An info check is attached to it, where the code and the phone number is specified to which you want to send data to SMS. After successful activation, you can make purchases, and bonuses will be accrued. Subsequently, you pay them from the calculation 1 point \u003d 1 rub.

Did not have time to activate the map, but lost the info check? Contact the operator for the code.

How the points for the fuel card Gazpromneft are calculated

The receipt of points depends on the status of the payment agent, and immediately after issuance, the calculations are made at the "Silver" tariff. The revision is carried out monthly by the number of clauses consumed:

  • "Silver" is designed for those who made purchases in the amount of less than 5,999,99 rubles;
  • Golden is provided to customers who have reached the range of 6,000-12,000 rubles;
  • "Platinum" gets buyers who spent 12,001 rubles. and more.

Accruals are made after every 100 rubles spent, and depending on the status of the map you will receive 3, 4 or 5 bonuses, respectively. They do not come in all cases:

  1. Since the legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the promotion of the use of tobacco products, points do not go to the account when buying cigarettes, cigars, etc. Also for this type of product it is impossible to pay bonuses.
  2. Restrictions are also accrued when purchasing fuel: for Dt, the upper limit is 500 liters every year; The monthly border is set at 5,000 liters. The remaining species of fuel are limited to 100 liters per day and 300 l per week. Within a month, you can get points only by 1,200 liters.
  3. Accruals are not manufactured when you acquire related products in the amount of more than 4,000 rubles. per day. There is also a weekly and monthly restriction (9,000 rubles. And 36,000 rubles. Respectively).
  4. Bonuses will not come when in 24 hours you make more than 3 purchases of non-refinery or related products.

The corporation reserves the right to change the accrual system, so follow the rules on the site.

How to get a gaspromneft fuel card and apply it to save on fuels, you will learn from the video:

You can store up 60,000 points on the payment facility; Upon exceeding the upper threshold, the accruals stop. Also, a discount fuel card "Gazpromneft" must be applied at least once every 3 years, otherwise the bonuses are "burned".

What you need to know about the use of gaspromneft fuel card

To enjoy the payment facility, it was convenient, consider the following nuances:

Do not forget that after transferring points, the old card is canceled automatically.

How profitable is the Gazpromneft program for individuals

When compared with loyalty programs from other gas station networks, it is easy to calculate that "we are on the way" from Gazpromneft wins competitors. The number of bonuses is higher than in a similar program from Rosneft: for example, if you are a platinum card holder, then when refilling for 1 000 rubles. You will receive 50 points. Those are exchanged for services or fuel at the rate of 1 point \u003d 1 rub. With frequent refills after 2.5 months. You can get a full fuel tank only for bonuses.


To ensure customer loyalty, Gazpromneft programs are proposed for legal entities and individuals. Yul get the opportunity to track all transactions made by fuel card, and install limits: In addition to savings on VAT, they effectively control the work of drivers and facilitate accounting tasks. Different types of fuel are provided in this case at a reduced price (the size of the discount is determined by the volume of consumption).

For individuals, a bonus program "On the way" is developed: the card holder receives points that subsequently produces the calculation. According to customer reviews, options from Gazpromneft are more profitable than the proposals of competitors.

Not only physical, but also legal entities have become regular customers of the company.

For its clients, Gazpromneft creates the most favorable terms of service. Why should prefer gaspromneft references:

  • acquisition of the highest quality fuel of all varieties.
  • acquisition of fuel at a medium price, the ability to get an additional discount to 5%.
  • wide network of refueling throughout the country.
  • the possibility of servicing the fuel card at partner filling stations.
  • personal Area.
  • the calculation is made with VAT, which reduces the amount of taxes for the enterprise.

Gazpromneft fuel cards

Anyone can get a cumulative card.

The owner of the car, making a map, automatically becomes a participant in the loyalty program, which is called "On the way". To do this, the car owner should contact the gas station operator and fill out the questionnaire.

To get discount bonuses to your account, you must periodically refuel at the Gazprom stations or perform other purchases. The bonus program has the following conditions: for every 20 rubles spent a certain number of points are charged depending on the map type.

Silver Silver Map gives 6 bonus points, Gold Gold - 8 points, platinum platinum - 10 points. To make the card received platinum status, more than 10 thousand rubles should be spent in the previous month.

The owner of the discount card can register on the company's website and in the Personal Account independently track accumulated points. Arrange the company on the official website of the company has the opportunity only a legal entity. An individual must contact the company's office and provide the necessary documents. After 5 business days, the card will be ready. The procedure is absolutely free.

You can also make a gift card for your friends and partners with which you can get a service to the specified amount.

It is worth considering: so that the card worked without failures. Her coating should not be damaged.

Cards for legal entities

For employees of their company, you can place maps online on the site.

By entering into a contract immediately indicates the number of people for which gasoline cards are needed. If the state is increasing, then new users are added via the application.

No additional actions to activate the card is not required. Activation is performed automatically. If the map for technical reasons does not connect, you need to approach the terminal at refueling and entering the PIN code.

You can pay for fuel in the Gazpromneft network by bank transfer. To do this, the company's responsible person makes the card setting for each of its driver. All processes can be managed through a personal account on the site.

Please note: employees of the company may not use cash for gas stations Gazpromneft.

Personal Area

Personal Account Settings:

  1. Territorial restriction of the use of the card. The driver has the opportunity to use the company's card only in a certain region.
  2. Restriction of the monetary limit.
  3. Determining the deadline for using the card. You can activate the card for one day, for a month, for a year, etc.
  4. Select a specific type of fuel.

Personal Cabinet Interface is made intuitive for each PC user

The responsible person can fully control corporate maps and the actions of its employees through the personal account. To start using the fuel card, you need to replenish it for a certain amount.

Please note: regular customers have the opportunity to receive additional terms of cooperation, in particular a loan.

The card replenishment is carried out by transferring funds to Gazpromneft bank account.

The driver's actions are as follows:

  1. Make a car.
  2. Transfer the map to the gas station operator.
  3. Report the speaker number and fuel type.
  4. Enter PIN.

Additional personal account capabilities:

  1. Blocking / unlocking the fuel card.
  2. Restore the card.
  3. Invoicing.
  4. Change card holder.
  5. Formation of reports (indicating the date, time, place of refueling, the volume of purchased fuel).
  6. The formation of the transaction registry.

All of the above actions can be made without departing from the computer. No need to visit the office or contact the company's manager.

How to check bonuses

Bonuses are provided to individuals from the participants of the program "On the way".

Accumulated bonuses can be used as a discount for purchases in the gas station Gazpromneft network.

To check the number of bonuses on your map, the car owner can go to your personal account on the site. The data will also be displayed in each cash check, after each calculation comes SMS report. Around the clock you can contact the Call Center of the Company.

Bonuses can be used for 3 years. One bonus is equal to one ruble.

The use of fuel cards Gazpromneft has a number of advantages for both individuals and legal entities. Each client has the opportunity to receive special conditions for cooperation and control their expenses.

See the video, which describes the features of the use of fuel cards Gazpromneft:

A special innovation appeared on Russian automotive gas stations. Now, with the help of a fuel card on non-cash calculating, you can pay for the purchased gasoline. The fuel card is directed, first of all, for transport companies and any other legal entities.

With the help of a similar card, it is possible to pay only on Gazpromneft gas stations and partner stations. Maps are issued for free after an agreement has been concluded with the client-organization.

Main advantages

This card is characterized by security and has protection against unauthorized access. Customers who received fuel cards have advantages:

  • Accrual bonus points on a special electronic piggy bank. Subsequently, points can be spent on refueling transport or other products that are presented at Gazpromneft gas stations.
  • Legal entities receive an opportunity for lending for a period of 30 days.
  • Strict fuel expenses.
  • The ability to pay for the fuel and goods in partner filling stations.
  • For each client, individual conditions are developed. Adaptive filling programs are selected for customers.

Usal scope

To use the fuel card, you must replenish the balance on it. Gazpromneft offers its loyal customers to refuel vehicles on credit.

The main purpose of the map is to carry out non-cash settlements for legal entities fake on Gazpromneft gas stations. Clients are available to the following methods of calculation:

  • Limit scheme (provision of access to a general account of the company within the limits of the limit).
  • Electronic wallet (accrual of funds to the card account).

Methods for obtaining and activating

You can order a fuel card online using the company's official resource. https://gpn-card.com/dogovorThe form only applies for legal entities.

After registering, you have access to the online Gazpromneft service for legal entities. You can get acquainted with the functionality in more detail on this link -

The number of cards is provided to an equal number of employees with official powers. With an increase in staff, add new users to the contract, making an additional application. Map making time - 5 business days. Release and service - free.

A special innovation appeared at the automotive gas stations of Russia, which allows you to pay for purchased gasoline on non-cash payment - fuel cards. This method is directed, first of all, on developed transport companies, as well as any other legal entities. With the help of fuel cards, it is possible to pay only on the gas station. In this material it will be about the network of gas stations Gazprom Neft, namely, the fact that their fuel cards are.

Fuel cards Gazprom Neft

The number of automotive gas stations from Gazprom Neft increases annually, and at the moment there are more than 2,000 throughout Russia. Of course, having such an extensive infrastructure, Gazprom Neft attracts many legal entities and individuals. Therefore, as well as other oil companies, it introduced a certain way of saving fuel for regular customers - Gazprom Neft fuel cards.

It is interesting!Brian Berg from Iowa has set a record for the number of plastic cards collected. Of 200,000 plastic cards, he recreated a model of a full-fledged hotel room in 37 m2. They attended both the necessary furniture and plumbing.

For individuals

Individuals who prefer this network of filling stations can be provided with a loyalty map of Gazprom Neft. With her, the driver gets the opportunity to take part in the loyalty program, which is called "us along the way." This is a truly worthwhile proposal, with which you can significantly reduce gasoline costs. To become a member of the program, you need to do the following:

1. First of all, it is necessary that the motorist register as a participant in the loyalty program. It is necessary to contact the operator of the gas station, fill out the questionnaire and then get a bonus card on hand.

2. The second - need to be refueling at the gas station "Gazprom Neft" or to make any purchases there, for which bonuses will be accrued. Their accrual occurs according to a specific scheme depending on the status of the received card:

Silver- 6 bonuses for each spent 20 rubles are accrued.

GOLD. - 8 bonuses.

Platinum GPN Card - 10 bonuses.

Varing the status of the card occurs automatically. After a month, the number of spent funds spent on the gas station Gazprom Neft is determined and status is awarded. The longer spent - the higher the status. To obtain the highest "platinum" status a month, it is necessary to spend more than 10,000 rubles at these filling stations.

Interesting to know! The first Russian gas stations appeared in 1911. In 1914, across the country there were already about one and a half thousand.

According to the loyalty program "On the way" from Gazprom Neft, one accrued bonus is equivalent to 10 kopecks. That is, if the car owner continues to use a platinum bonus card, then for every 10,000 rubles spent on Gazprom Neft gas stations, it saves 500 rubles.

Having received a loyalty card, you can register a personal account on the company's website, in order to make a check of accumulated bonuses, and also learned how many tools went on fuel and other purchases on the gas station. To full "fuel" such a map is difficult, as it only provides one or another discount on the purchased goods, and you still need to pay extra or pay the fuel card.

For legal entities

For legal entities, Gazprom Neft provides a number of programs, in contrast to physical. But more on that later. The choice of the service program directly depends on the specification of a firm. For example, it deals with freight transportation within one region, several or covers the whole of Russia.

Gazprom fuel cards possess near advocation for legal entities:

Accurate accounting for the amount of refueling for each vehicle.

Data protection in the Personal Account.

Monthly saving of funds spent on fuel, depending on the selected program, up to 10%.

VAT refund.

Posting a limit to a gas station.

Binding car number to a specific map and type of fuel.

"White" Accounting. Documents are provided to the client at the end of each month.

For each company, its electronic wallet is allocated, which can be replenished in Gazprom Neft offices and transferring money through the bank.

Free issuance and maintenance of cards.

Card owners get the opportunity to use additional services: cause a tow truck, technical assistance and the like.

Types of cards

For legal entities Gazprom offers fuel maps with three different programs. Depending on the selected, discount on the purchased fuel can be 10%.

Local program. It is assumed for clients whose companies are located in the same region, where the contract with the gas station is concluded.

Interregional program. It provides discounts to those companies that are refilled outside the local region.

Transit program. According to this program, individual discounts on the gas stations are available on the list of tracks, for customers that use 150 thousand liters of fuel in one month.

Bonus program. This is a program that is provided to individuals in the form of a cumulative deposit discount card.

How to get and activate the map

Gazprom Neft Fuel Card can be ordered through an online application form on the company's official website. But this form applies only to legal entities. Where can I make a fuel card "Gazprom Neft" to a physical face? This can be done in any of the offices of the company, concluding a contract. Next, you need to provide copies of the required documents.

If the contract is a legal entity, then it provides a number of cards equal to the number of employees who have official authority to use them. If the state is growing, and you will need to add several new users to the contract, then you need to make an additional application. The date of making card is 5 working days. The cost of release and service - for free.

How to use the Gazprom Neft Card?

Activation of the Gazprom Neft card in 90% of cases occurs in automatic mode. If there is a need to fill cars on non-cash settlement, then you need to make settings for each company driver individually. This is done in the Personal Account on Gazprom Neft. The following settings include the following:

Install the territorial zone of the functioning of a particular card. That is, the driver is limited to refueling only in a certain region of the country.

Determine the limit of fuel refueling, starting from one day and ending the month.

Install one or another fuel type for which you can pay for this card.

The fuel card settings in the personal profile have a wide range, which makes it possible to provide complete control over the company's employees with service transport. How to activate the "Gazprom Neft" card, if this happens automatically? To do this, you just need to insert it into the terminal on the gas station and enter the PIN.

To enjoy the fuel card, you need to replenish its balance in advance. But Gazprom Neft provides its customers who are seriously related to cooperation, refueling cars on a loan for a certain period.This plus does not apply to individual drivers. To replenish the fuel card, you need to list the funds to the Gazprom Neft Banking Account.

To fill a car using a fuel card, you must give it to the operator, communicate the speaker number and fueling fuel, and then enter your PIN. If the situation arose when the company calculated by the company exceeds free space in the tank, the driver can make a refund. So that the fuel card is preserved in working condition as long as possible, it is necessary to store it carefully and carefully and use it. It is impossible to damage the chip and magnetic strip, as well as to overturn it and in any way to deform.

Advantages of using the map

Customers Gazprom Neft, which received fuel cards, have a number of the following advantages:

For each of them, individual conditions are developed. Adaptive filling programs are selected specially under the client.

If necessary, the Gazprom Neft Client may pay a fuel card for a fuel card at the Company's affiliate station.

Strict fuel expenses.

The possibility of lending to legal entities for a 30-day term.

The accrual of bonus points to the electronic piggy bank, which can later be spent on refueling the car or another assortment of goods presented at Gazprom Neft gas stations.

Subscribe to our ribbons in

PJSC Gazprom Neft - Russian Oil Company, whose headquarters is located in St. Petersburg.

Gazpromneft is one of the largest vertically integrated oil companies in Russia, both in terms of production and oil refining volumes.

You can get a more complete picture of the activity of this company on its official website.

It is worth noting that Gazpromneft has several dozen web resources, each of which is devoted to a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe company. So, some of them are devoted to products and services, the other part is mining raw materials. There are also company sites covering issues of processing, social responsibility, sales of petroleum products, bunkering, fueling the jet. In addition, sites relating to lubricants and bitumen materials, oil resources and geological exploration, other activities are presented.

One of the Gazpromneft web resources is the site of the network of a gas station of this company. It is here that you can familiarize yourself with the network of automotive gas stations, loyalty program, shares and suggestions, company news and other materials.

Here is also available in the personal account, which can be carried out. To enter the cabinet, you will need to specify the map number and password, as well as letters and numbers from the image presented here.

Gazpromneft Network Gas Supplies - Entrance to Personal Cabinet

If you need to restore the password, you can get a temporary password by selecting the appropriate tab on the login page in the Gazpromneft personal account. Here you will need to specify your card number and mobile phone number or email address. After that, a temporary password for logging into your personal account will be sent an SMS message or an email. If necessary, you can contact the Gazpromneft hotline on the same phone indicated here.

Get a temporary password - password recovery

You can get all the necessary information about Gazpromneft fuel maps on the company's official website addressed to corporate clients. Thus, fuel cards allow you to conduct an accurate accounting system for refueling and protect you from unauthorized access to information regarding the operations you are. In addition, gaspromneft fuel card is quite convenient to use, and also has a long service life.

On the Gazpromneft website for corporate clients is also provided with a personal account, to enter which you need to specify the existing login and password, and then click on the "Login" button. If necessary, you can refer to the demo version available on the relevant link.

Gazpromneft site for corporate clients - entrance to your personal account

If you are not registered yet, then to gain access to such a service as a personal account, you will need to contact the servicing manager to your sales office. If you had a password, but you were lost, to recover data, you should specify the login and enter the code from the picture, and then click on the "Restore password" button.

Gazpromneft allows its customers to join the loyalty program that allows you to accumulate bonus points. Owners of such maps can access your personal account, where you can see the balance of available bonuses. To find out the number of points is also possible by requesting an information check on a gas station or contacting the specialists of the Unified Customer Support Center.

It should be noted that gaining access to a personal account for information about the loyalty program will be possible only after the data about you are made by the company's experts into the system, which is at least 5 working days from the time of the acquisition of Gazpromneft. In addition, to be able to enter your personal account, you will need to make at least one transaction on the map.

In order to gain access to the materials relating to the Gazpromneft company at any time convenient for you (including access to your personal account), you can also contact such mobile applications as Gazpromneft gas stations network, fuel cards and procurement of Gazprom Neft.

If you have any questions regarding working with a personal account, you can contact the company's specialists by calling by writing to the email address or using the feedback form.

Personal Cabinet Gazpromneft - gpncard.ru/auth/

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