
The system of the bank dishes is the primary for the organization. Banks and their types. Functions of banks. Functions of banks as special financial intermediaries

1. Introduction.

The modern economy is a very complex system, each part of which is closely related to others and plays an important role. But, one of the most important roles is played by the banking system, providing at the present stage of the development of economic relations the normal functioning of the entire economy as a whole. To date, banks are called upon:

Accumulate free cash;

Perform the functions of cashiers of economic entities;


Now it is impossible to imagine a harmoniously developed state

without an extensive network of banks. Indeed, banks play in the modern economy the role of numerous hearts, with the help of which the development and development of the economic and political power of the state is possible. It is the economic and political, since a political doctrine has not yet been created, in which the economy would be considered separately from politics. To date, banks are an economic instrument in the hands of the government.

But, as a rule, in direct submission to the government is one central bank, for example, the Federal Bank of Germany, and the remaining banks are only guided by its recommendations. And the Federal German Government cannot directly affect all German banks. The impact on them is possible through the government of the land to which they are "attached". Thus, the Government cannot hardly dictate its conditions (often guided by the political motifs of the ruling party) to banks.

Until recently, we have a whole banking activities and

fully determined by the internal policy of the CPSU. But, in connection with political and economic transformations, in our country appeared

many non-state banks whose activities are regulated on the one hand - objective economic laws, and on the other hand, with letters of the Central Bank and imperfectly by law.

Modern Russian banks develop a very high rate, considering that the first non-state financial institutions appeared in 1988, the appearance of credit cards in 1993 both on magnetic and electronic media can be considered as great progress.

Despite the imperfection of banking legislation, Russian banks occupy a solid position in the domestic capital market, and reveal branches abroad. True, there is still no time to talk about Russian bank expansion, since the economic difficulties in our country do not allow formed a full-fledged banking system.

The transition to the market is associated with the implementation of credit relations. Restructuring of monetary circulation and loan, maximum reduction in centralized financing, the transition to the horizontal movement of monetary resources in the financial market. Credit - the form of moving capital, i.e. Capital offered in a loan. The redistribution of funds contributes to the equalization of the profit rate between various sectors. The credit system can take two forms:

    a combination of credit relations, forms and lending methods (functional form)

    with credit and financial institutions that accumulate free cash and providing them in a loan (institutional form).

The first form is represented by the following loan forms:

Commercial, arising from the sale of goods with a delay of payment

Banking, arising from the dacha loan with a bank

Consumer arising when providing loans for the purchase of goods by legal entities

State when the lender is the state

International, when foreign banks are subjects of lending.

All these types of credit are characterized by specific forms of credit relations. Special institutions that form a credit system in the institutional understanding are implementing these relationships.

Central banks are banknotes issuing banknotes and being credit system centers. They take a special place in it and are usually government agencies.

The main functions of the Central Bank are as follows:

The emission function that retains its value, since the cash is still necessary for a significant part of payments and ensure the liquidity of the credit system, which should have funds for the final repayment of debt obligations.

The function of accumulating and storing cash reserves for commercial banks, that is, each bank - a member of the national credit system is obliged to keep the amount in a central bank in a central bank in a certain proportion to the size of its deposits. At the same time, the Central Bank for Tradition is the keeper of the country's official gold reserves (Russia's official foreign exchange reserves in 1993 amounted to $ 4 billion and about 300 tons of gold).

The lending feature of commercial banks, characteristic of the socialist economy under state monopoly on credit activities, as well as for a transitional period, accompanied by a shortage of funds in the hands of private financial institutions. It is less manifested in a developed market economy, where such lending exists mainly during periods of financial difficulties.

Providing loans and performing settlement operations for government bodies, as in budgets of various levels, up to half and more GDP countries are accumulated. These funds accumulate on accounts in central banks and spent with them. At the same time, the central banks conduct accounts of government agencies and organizations. In addition, they carry out operations with government securities, provide the state a loan in the form of direct short-term and long-term loans or purchases of government bonds. Central banks are also carried out on the instructions of government bodies of operation with gold and foreign currency.

Clearing function or function of non-cash payments. Thus, in a number of countries, the Central Bank is conducting operations on nationwide clearing, speaking by an intermediary between commercial banks located in different parts of the country. An example of a nationwide settlement chamber can serve as the Federal Reserve System of the United States.

Commercial banks are private and government banks that carry out universal lending operations for industrial, trade and other enterprises, mainly due to the cash capital they receive in the form of deposits.

Several of their functions are distinguished:

Accumulating perpetual deposits, or conducting current accounts, and payment of checks issued on these banks.

Providing loans to entrepreneurs.

The special merit of commercial banks is also in the implementation of calculations across the national economy. On the basis of their operations, credit money arise (checks, bank notes).

Specialized credit and financial institutions include banking and non-bank organizations specializing in certain types of lending. Thus, foreign trade banks specialize in lending to exports and imports of goods, and mortgage banks and companies - on the provision of long-term loans secured by real estate (land and buildings).

The system of credit and financial institutions includes:

Investment banks engaged in issuance - founding activities, that is, conducting operations on the production and placement of securities in the stock market, receiving income on this. They do not have the right to accept deposits and attract capital, as a rule, by selling their own shares or due to a loan of commercial banks. They use their capital for long-term lending to various industries. Today, they are few in Russia.

An extensive group of savings institutions, which occupies an important place in the credit due to the involvement of small savings and income, which otherwise cannot function as capital.

Insurance companies for which the specific form of attracting funds is characterized - the sale of insurance policies. The resulting income, they invest, first of all, in bonds and shares of other companies, government securities.

Pension funds that differ in the organization, management and structure of assets. Thus, there are insured pension funds, (managed by insurance companies) and unconflated (managed by enterprises or by their power of attorney - banks), pounded (their funds are invested in securities) and nephone (pensions are paid from current revenues and income) and many others.

Investment companies placing among small holders their obligations (stocks) and using the funds received to buy securities of the national economy. Minor investors willingly buy the obligations of investment companies, since due to significant diversification (investment in various enterprises) achieves well-known asset disproduction, the risk of losing savings due to bankruptcies of firms, in whose shares capital is invested. Thus, investment check funds in Russia are, in essence, also investment companies.

Thus, the credit system in Russia consists, firstly, from a banking system, which is usually two levels:

Central bank;

Commercial banks.

But sometimes the banking system is also a three-level (for example, in the USA):

Treasury Department;

12 district federal reserve banks;

5000 member banks.

And, secondly, from the credit and financial institutions that occupy the third and fourth of its floors.

Multi-levelness and complexity of interconnections within this structure creates opportunities for its wide use, allows you to initiate a large set of different credit and monetary control levers to the economic mechanism in a timely manner, influence the economic mechanism as a system. What is follows from the complex nature of credit policy.

1.1. The role of the banking system in the USSR.

Until 1987, four banks existed in the USSR: Gosbank, Stroybank, Vneshtorgbank, G.Orudsberkass. Em session, managerial and control functions, as well as short-term lending, cash-based cash services performed the USSR state bank. It automatically accumulated free cash, distributed between economic entities for a predetermined credit plan. Gosbank was focused mainly on the fulfillment of this plan with its branch network and the responsibility only to higher authorities, and not by the clientele.

The maximum centralization of the banking system had its attractive side, at least for individual economic entities. The monetary system was in uniform arms, which made it possible to suppress inflation, stabilize the money circulation, to restrain the growth of state internal and external debt. It was possible to carry out practically interest-free bank lending to state-owned enterprises, and in particular the state farms and collective farms, in some cases the debts of the state bank simply did not return and turned into subsidies.

During the rule of the command-administrative system in our country, the role of banks was extremely narrowed. Their functions were reduced to carrying out non-cash settlements between enterprises, cash maintenance, as well as financing of capital construction at the expense of state budget and special trust funds. As an integral part of the state apparatus, banks under centralized national planning carried out loan operations under strictly regulated areas of use of funds and limited lending funds. Explainacle operations were allowed only on solutions of party-government bodies. For the leaders of enterprises and for the banking workers themselves, there was actually a significant difference between budget and credit financing, lending was carried out from the same budget to condition percentages. The State Bank has constantly engaged in reproduction through a financial image loan of the Directive State National Economy Plan and complementary government programs and regulations. In essence, Gosbank was a cashier's cash register, carrying out monetary and credit emissions for financing largely deficient, wasteful, and often, simply unnecessary government programs. The introduction in addition to the state network of specialized banks did not change matters in essence, since they became a separated centralized bank, in which the number of vertical structures was added. Such a banking system only slowed down the development of commodity-money relations.

In connection with the CPSU taken in the mid-80s, the reform course was needed in reforming and banking system. It was believed that the banking sector was intended to ensure the maximum sustainability of the monetary system during the reform period, to promote the stable functioning of enterprises.

In 1987, a 2-point organization began.

1.2. The role assigned to banks in Russia.

In the Russian Federation, the creation and functioning of commercial banks is based on the Law of the Russian Federation "On Banks and Banking Activities in the Russian Federation". In accordance with this law, the Bank of Russia acts as universal credit institutions that make a wide range of operations in the financial market: the provision of various loans by type and timing, purchase and sale and storage valuable papers, foreign currency, attracting funds into deposits, exercising settlements, issuance of guarantees, guarantees and other obligations, intermediary and trusting operations, etc.

In Russia, banks can be created on the basis of any form of ownership - private, collective, joint-stock, mixed. It does not exclude the possibility of creating banks based exclusively on the state-owned ownership, which, in accordance with current legislation, can carry out their activities on a commercial basis. To form the authorized capital of Russian banks allowed to attract foreign investment. Under banks with the participation of foreign investment in accordance with the terms of the opening of banks with the participation of foreign capital in the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, 08.04.93, are understood:

Joint banks, i.e. Banks, the authorized capital of which is formed at the expense of residents and non-residents;

Foreign banks - banks, the authorized capital of which is formed by non-residents;

Branches of non-resident banks.

The decision to open each individual bank with the participation of foreign investment is made by the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The Central Bank establishes the limit of foreign capital participation in the country's banking system. Restrictions on the participation of foreign capital are aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the formation of domestic commercial banks and protection against expansion of foreign banks.

According to a method for the formation of authorized capital, banks are divided into shareholder (open and closed type) and mutual. The possibility of creating banks belonging to one person (legal or physical) is excluded by the current legislation, according to which the authorized capital of the Bank is formed from at least three participants.

If at the initial stage of the reform of the credit system, commercial banks were created mainly on a mutual basis, then for the current stage, the transformation of mutual banks into joint-stock and the creation of new banks in the form of joint-stock companies is characterized. For a joint stock company, it is characteristic that the owner of his capital is the society itself, i.e. bank. And the mutual commercial banks are not owners of their capital, because each of the shareholders retains ownership of its share of capital. Food commercial banks are organized on the principles of a limited liability company, i.e. Societies liability of each shareholder is limited to its contribution to the Bank's total capital. The expansion of the authorized capital can be carried out both by making participants in additional contributions and through the entry into the Bank of new participants. The question of the entry of new participants and the amount of their contribution to the authorized capital of the Bank is solved at the general meeting of participants.

Banks operating as a joint-stock company, the share capital is divided into a certain number of shares of equal nominal value placed among legal entities and individuals. Shareholders are not entitled to demand from the bank to return this contribution, which increases the sustainability, and reliability of the bank and creates a robust basis for the bank to manage its liquidity. Joint-stock banks are closed and open types. Shares of closed banks can move from hand to hand only with the consent of the majority of shareholders. Shares of open-type banks can move from hand to hand without the consent of other shareholders and distributed in an open subscription. Subscription to securities is considered open if the list of securities buyers is not approved in advance by the founders or governing bodies of the Issuer Bank, and as a result, these papers can acquire any person. An open subscription requires a bank of extensive information about its activities.

2. The main directions of reforms.

1) the creation of a 2-level banking system consisting of an emission bank and government specialized banks directly serving national economy; Translation of specialized banks on commercials and self-financing, improving forms and lending methods. The central place in this system is given to the State Bank, with the aim of separating emissions from lending. It is also a coordinator of the activities of specialized banks and conducting a single credit-monetary policy.

In 1987, Promstroybank, Zhilsotsbank, Sberbank, Agroprombank, Vnesheconombank of the USSR were created on the basis of previously existing institutions. This led to a certain revival of banking activities, but there was no full-fledged bank reform - economic relations remained the same. The contractual relationship with the clientele began to be introduced, the structure of credit investments has improved. The lack of an effective system of economic regulation of the monetary turnover aggravated by the commodity-monetary imbalance of the economy. Directive consolidation of the clientele, depending on its industry affiliation, caused an uneven distribution of liabilities between banks. In addition, it should be noted that the monopoly on banking operations remained under the state.

    Creating a new monetary regulatory mechanism that allows economic methods to influence the macroeconomic proportions of public reproduction. Creating conditions for overflow of resources from one industry to another, for example, in agriculture. For these purposes, Gosbank was derived from submission to the government. A two-level banking system was created.

But, it was not taken into account that the new banking system should reflect the reality of the current in the banking other than 60 years (the distribution of cash savings, the role of individual credit institutions, basic cash flows, etc.). It was not taken into account that the future banking system cannot be fully adequate to classic two-level systems created in industrialized countries with a steadily developing market economy. Unlike them, this is a banking system of transitional and developing farms, characterized by instability and sharp structural shifts.

2.1. Requires, failures of reforms.

As a result of a number of indigenous reforms undertaken in our country, a qualitatively new system of economic relations was created. One of its main features is a high degree of monopolization of the economy, which arose both as a result of the raised economic steps of the country's leadership and due to the high centralization of the Soviet economic system. This creates significant difficulties in the formation of a civilized credit resource market.

There is even the opinion that today there is no real competition in the banking market, since the demand for credit resources is very large. At the moment, the participation of credit resources in the real investment process in the country's economy is strongly limited, since the latter is associated with significant risks and the fall in capital turnover. In this sense, the modern two-level structure does not fully meet the needs of the transformation of the macrostructure of the economy, that is, does not reflect objective requirements for sufficient optimization of macroeconomic corporations and to the formation of a reproduction structure corresponding to the market type.

The method of transformation of the economy and banks was revolutionary. And if we take into account that the Soviet economy, by the time of the start of reforms, was in a state of the sluggish crisis, it becomes clear causes of today's state of the Russian economy. The best way to restructure the banking system and the economy as a whole is evolutionary changes, a gradual transition from one scheme of economic relations - command to another - planned, as the economy as a whole, in the macro - and microstructure changes evolutionally. The banking system was to structurally organize on the evolutionary process and combine single and two-level components.

In the reform of the banking system, it would be necessary to create banks with capital formed on market principles along with government specialized banks. They must serve current investment activities that are beyond government programs.

The difference between the semi-terminal system from the current two-level consists in the existence of strong non-state banks. After all, the loan portfolio of all Russian banks in 1995 amounted to $ 5 billion, which is comparable to a similar indicator of one Middle Foreign Bank. In such a situation, the state would have a better resource base for financing investment programs, a simpler and cheap system for serving public debt and currency control. As a result, the growth rates of prices and the economic downtry could be less, the pace of restructuring of the economy is higher, and all society is somewhat closer to the socially oriented market than when the existing banking system is functioning. But, these opportunities can be practically implemented only with adequate economic policies in general.

Throughout the seventy delander years, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe banking system is rooted as a secondary, performing production service functions. This happened as a result of superchangeal management. Under these conditions, the use of a two-level system as a model for the reorganization of the banking structure attracted obvious and accessibility.

Do not forget that the creation of a two-level system was the second step of the reform, initiated in 1987, was directed against the centralized state bank, and contributed to the creation of a "four-chapted" banking system, which was somewhat difficult. It could be changed only by power methods. These circumstances and served as the impetus for radical reforms of the banking sector. Finally, the state did not have real programs for the structural restructuring of the economy in evolutionary type. Because of this, there was no financial support scheme for such transformations. In our conditions, Gosbank is not needed as a bank serving state needs in the broad sense of the word. Only recently, in connection with the adoption of the Decree "On measures to strengthen control over the use of federal budget funds", the Central Bank is responsible for conducting accounts for income and federal budget accounting.

The total result of the reform of the USSR banking system and Russia was the banking system more structurally ordered and progressive than what was before and especially after the first step of reforms. But it is impossible to call the existing banking system full. How can I make it so? Most likely, we must carry out suspended reforming efforts to approximate the banking system to the state, adequate requirements of formation market economy. This may be the introduction of a more rigid activity of Sberbank, including limits on its active operations in the interbank and commercial markets, the use of funds, Sberbank to finance the reconstruction programs of the economy, the use of the Central Bank services for the implementation of large investment projects, entalling the Bank of Russia in the Public Securities Market Brokerage Bank Powers with respect to non-financial clientele. This should contribute to the financial centralization, strengthening the financial base of the structural restructuring of the economy, the development of competition in the banking services market.

The banking sector existing in developed countries is not an adequate model for the transitional economy of Russia. Models of the formation of the banking sector of the market type should be used, that is, models reflecting the transition state of the modern domestic economy. From these positions, a banking system that combines the features of single-level and two-level systems with a strong state-of-level and transitional form of a central bank that performs the functions of a commercial bank would be the most responsible restructuring of the economy. As the material structure that satisfies the requirements of the capitalist economy is developing, the commercial functions of the Central Bank would fade and walked the process of forming a traditional two-level system.

3. Creating a new banking system in Russia.

In connection with the collapse of the USSR, fundamental changes in politics and economics the banking system could not effectively function. There was a need for her new, the second over the past 10 years restructuring. The new banking system was supposed to be made in conditions:

Large-scale structural changes leading to a radical change in the economic and political system of the country (changes in ownership, conversion, demonopolization, large-scale changes in the structure of products manufactured, violation of the holistic economic complex of the former USSR, the formation of an externally-oriented economy, a large-scale restructuring of the state and political system);

Extreme instability requiring not only operational, but, above all, long-term, promising management;

The deep crisis of the farm (the fall in production and its effectiveness, inflation), the most severe state of monetary circulation, disorder of the entire financial economy of the country;

The unsuccessful current policy of the Bank of Russia in the 1991s of the 19th half of 1992, which led to the weakening of the banking system (payment crisis, the case crisis, the disorder of the non-cash settlement system, overly rigid and unpredictable monetary policies, etc.).

Ultimately, there was a need for a long-term concept of the transition of Russia to the market type economy and democratic statehood, which corresponds to a qualitative other banking system, rather than for a centralized planned economy and a totalitarian state.

Unfortunately, the project of such a concept was developed by O.I. Lavrushin, Ya.M. Mirkin only in 1993

The basic principles of this concept were:

Organization of banking in transition economy

The real degree of "markets" of the future banking system, the ratio of centralized and decentralized in it. The focus of the new banking system for maintaining the reform process:

Diversification of property (privatization, the formation of an independent private sector);


The formation of new markets (securities, land, fixed assets, insurance services, scientific and technical products and information, etc.);

Technical, technological and product restructuring of the economy, conversion and reduction of military expenses;

Restructuring of interregional and inter-republican ties;

Strengthening the openness of the economy, its integration into micro-economic relations;

Redistribution of powers between the center and regions.

In addition, the banking system, according to the authors of the Concept, should contribute to the development of private ownership in the financial sector, the development of various types of credit institutions. But, at the same time, it should not be violated, strict, the system of control over the activities of banks by the Central Bank and the representative bodies of the state.

Organization of market bank reforms. They should be carried out much slower than political changes occur, and is not revolutionary categorically, and evolutionally, with the most efficient preservation of all useful elements of the old system. At the same time, despite the fact that bank reforms are only a consequence of political changes, they should not keep track of them to significantly.

  1. The behavior of the new banking system in the new conditions.

The Russian banking system has always experienced the impact of the economic recession due to the serious shortcomings of its institutional framework. But, for a long time, it was hidden, due to high-yield risky operations, which contributed to a high level of inflation.

One of the disadvantages of its institutional device is limited diversification of the loan portfolio. This problem originated at the first stage of reform when specialized banks were created. In the context of subsequent reforms that contributed to the collapse of the national network of banks, there was a transformation of specialized banks in banks serving one sector of the economy in one region. In addition, the economic decline did not contribute to the expansion of the Circle of Borrowers at the expense of "outsiders" customers, which did not contribute to their involvement in banks. This led to the fact that only a few banks today have a diversified loan portfolio. Also in conditions of high inflation, during banks, and first of all, the central bank of the "expensive money" policy has occurred a number of successfully working enterprises from loans under 250-300% per annum. Enterprises that could not at the expense of their means ensure full functioning were forced to resort to loans issued under such high interest. This gave rise to a large number of irreversible loans and even such measures as the dismissal of workers could not stabilize the situation. These enterprises were forced to take new loans to give the old ones that, in the end, led them to themselves and crediting banks in a crisis state. Now we often exist such banks, which as a result of unsuccessful lending to one giant enterprise are on the debit balance, and even current payments can not spend lending.

The necessary diversification of loan activity is constrained by three factors: an economic downturn; insufficient information on financial products by banks; Limitful financial know-how in most entrepreneurs. As well as low level of competition.

A big role in the formation of the Russian banking system is what it is, played a high level of inflation. Because of inflation, the cost of loans provided by banks was constantly grew. Capitalizing its income from bank interest in the context of inflation, banks felt safe. This led to an increase in intermediary services and margin. This, as well as a high level of wages that does not contribute to the increase in liquidity, undermined confidence in banks.

When the government agreed to reduce inflation, and the Central Bank lowered the discount rate, and was also limited to the growth of the dollar's course. Many banks could not survive in the established conditions. They failed to work at low inflation.

The disadvantages of the existing banking system opened the measures of the Central Bank on the timeliness of payments. This significantly reduced the role of sources of speculative income related to payments delay. In addition, as follows foreign specialists: "Numerous examples confirm the point of view that non-professionals that have the necessary connections are very often becoming the leaders of banks that have the necessary bonds in order to be appointed banking banks. Obviously, the level of corruption with difficulty is measurable. "

4. Recovery of the state and commercial banks of Russia.

The transition to new forms of business does not mean a complete refusal of the state from the management of the economy. On the contrary, it was during the transition period that the possibility of controlling the progress of reforms is becoming important, and commercial banks play a big role. The stabilization of the economy is impossible without an effective, extensive network of reliable banks whose activities are not in incision with the interests of the state. Only, in contrast to the command economy, bank management is carried out not directively, but through banking legislation.

To date, the main tasks of the Central Bank are regulation of money circulation, ensuring the sustainability of the ruble, a single monetary policy, the organization of settlements and cash services, the protection of the interests of depositors, banks, supervision of the activities of commercial banks, foreign economic activity, the establishment of the obligatory reservation standards, the accounting rate. The CBR is the creditor of the last instance. Among the banks of the components of the second level of the banking system there are also specialized: municipal, mortgage, land, investment.

A special place in the banking system of Russia is occupied by Vnesheconombank - it serves the foreign debt of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Reconstruction and Development - is engaged in financing government programs using budgetary resources. In addition, there are special credit institutions: credit unions, cooperatives, financial and trust companies, insurance companies, private pension funds, loan-savings associations, investment funds. Their main difference from banks is that they fulfill a limited number of banking operations. They accumulate population and legal entities, carry out lending to enterprises and citizens, trust operations.

In the Russian Federation, the function of regulating the activities of commercial banks within the framework of a single monetary system is assigned to the Central Bank. The main assigned tasks assigned to it are:

Stability of work and strengthening the financial position of the CB;

Orientation and stimulation of the Bank's activities in the areas of lending aimed at fulfilling the priority objectives of the economy;

Scientific organization of money circulation in the national economy.

But, unlike the command economy, now the methods of managing the banking system are mainly economic:

Changing the norms of mandatory reservation in the CBD;

Changing the volume of loans provided to the CBR to commercial banks, as well as interest rates on them;

Conduct operations in the open market with securities and currency.

In accordance with the instruction No. 1, the CBR formed a reserve fund of the credit system of the Russian Federation due to the reservation of a certain share of third-party enterprises attracted by commercial banks, which are used as credit resources.

For example, it provides the possibility of commercial banks to fulfill obligations in a timely manner due to the fact that some of these funds are deposited and not used by banks as credit resources. CBD changing the mandatory reservation norms affects CB loan policy and change cash in the country.

One of the tools of economic management of commercial banks is centralized lending to economic entities from the CBD through the CB, as well as lending to the banks themselves.

But in some cases, for example, a stable loss of liquidity by the Bank, a violation of the timing of funds in odds, administrative measures can be applied.

Management and monitoring of the stability of the banking system consists in carrying out banks of certain conditions that ensure the implementation of 12 main standards:

N 1 -Mimal capital adequacy - the ratio of capital capital and the total volume of assets weighted with risk;

N 2 -Mimal current liquidity - the ratio of assets to the amount of the Bank's obligations on demand for more than half of the liquid assets is represented by the balance of "Operations with State Securities" (194);

H 3 -normative instant liquidity of the bank - the ratio of the sum of highly liquid assets to the obligations of the Bank to demand;

H 4 -Maximal risk on long-term loans - the attitude of loans for more than a year to capital and long-term deposits;

H 5 -Mimal ratio of liquid and total assets. The ratio of liquid assets and total assets. Total assets are treated as net assets;

H 6 -Maximal risk size per borrower - the ratio of the aggregate amount of loans and guarantees issued to one borrower to the Bank's capital;

H 7 -Maximal size of risk on major loans - the ratio of the aggregate value of large loans and 50% of guarantees towards the Bank's capital;

H 8 -Maximal risk size per lender - the ratio of the contribution of the accounts of one creditor to the Bank's capital;

H 9 -Maximal amount of loans granted to one shareholder - the ratio of the aggregate amount of loans and guarantees issued to one borrower-shareholder to the Bank's capital;

H 10 -Maximal amount of loans, guarantees and guarantees provided by the Insider. The ratio of the aggregate amount of loans and guarantees issued by insiders to the Bank's capital;

H 11 -Maximal size of attracted contributions of the population. The ratio of the total amount of deposits of citizens and capital banks.

H 12 -Maximal use of own funds to acquire shares of one legal entity. The percentage of invested and own funds.

In addition, there are techniques to determine the risk of non-payment by the borrower of the principal debt and interest due to the creditor in the term established by the loan agreement - credit risk. This is necessary in the formation of a loan portfolio showing the overall picture of loans issued by the Bank during the reporting period (usually a quarter). Based on the degree of risk, loan debt is divided into 5 conventional risk groups. The assessment of credit risks is made depending on the availability of appropriate and properly decorated collaboration, as well as the number of days of delay in the loan. There are also restrictions on major loans to loans issued to one borrower, and a component of 20 and more percent of the bank's share capital.

Attempts by the state to control banks in the transition period are not new: they were taken in the period of NEP. Bank's ability to ensure the timeliness of its obligations, was the focus of credit policy in the mid-20s. Then the liquidity of the Soviet banks was achieved through the balance of their assets and liabilities, and the state regulation of their solvency was carried out by establishing proportions between the value of the Bank's liabilities and its own means, limiting the one-time loan to one client and other methods. The activities of credit institutions from 1921 to 1928 were limited, as a rule, tenfold values \u200b\u200bof their own capital. So, in accordance with the decree of the WCTC and SNK of January 18, 1923, utility banks were created, in which the charter indicated that "the general sum of the amount accepted by the banks into deposits and on current accounts of bills of bills and any other amounts of monetary obligations There should be no way to exceed more than ten times its own capital of the bank, the main and spare. " A similar requirement was included in the Charters of the Central Agricultural Bank, the joint-stock bank for electrical engine. For agricultural loan societies, the amount of obligations assumed, including guarantees, should not exceed more than 20 times their own capital. The transition to the loan planning of long-term and short-term loans in the late 1920s, the opposition of the plan and market led to the refusal to regulate the activities of industry banks as a whole. In the interests of compliance with the liquidity of banks and customers in the 20s, the charters and provisions of credit institutions also limited the issuance of a loan to one borrower. Thus, in the charter of the communal bank it was envisaged that a loan, opened by each of the individual clients, could not exceed the amount equal to 1/10 share capital. Despite the change in the economic situation in the country, such requirements are relevant to this day.

Since the 30s, the banking system, based on the state-owned property, worked mainly with state enterprises and organizations. The predominance of statehood in the national economy meant that for the obligations of borrowers to credit institutions, ultimately, the state replied in the person of ministries and departments. This led to the fact that banks did not feel risk in their work. The boundless solvency and liquidity of the state in the conditions of non-convertibility of the national currency and the closed economy were fencing banks from risks, made an excessive work of credit institutions to maintain liquidity.

As a result, experience and spelling skills, assessment and controlling credit risks were lost. The new economic mechanism, powered by laws on the state-owned enterprise, on cooperation in the USSR, changes in the form of ownership demanded adequate changes in the banking sector. The emergence of specialized, commercial and cooperative banks based on different forms of ownership caused decentralization of credit resources, separated emission activities from credit, changed the appearance of Gosbank and other credit institutions. The emergence of elements of market relations made the activities of banks associated with risks.

More than half-one banking experience made it possible to identify the classic impact levers from the Central Bank to other credit institutions in order to maintain their solvency and regulation of monetary relations in general. This is, first of all, restricting the debt of one borrower, the reservation system, obliging commercial and other banks to store in the Central Bank a certain share of the total amount of deposits, the refinancing system and interest rates on refinancing or accounting for bank bills in the Central Bank, the central bank operations with valuable papers on the market, control of capital adequacy. The strongest method of regulating the activities of commercial banks is the refinancing system by the central (emission) bank. Most of the loans issued by commercial banks are covered by refinancing.

In general, the bank is an organization that performs certain economic and social functions. Moreover, these functions differ depending on the economic system. Under the conditions of tough centralization and planning, banks are part of the state office of management and control over the activities of the economy. At the same time, supervision, alarm on the disadvantages allowed, mismanagement in enterprises become one of the main directions of their activities. In such a situation, the bank can be interpreted as an element of superstructure. The main function of the bank in a market economy is the redistribution of funds under these conditions is not based on a market environment, but on the leadership directives, the principle of "one bank for the Client" does not provide the basis for the development of commercial relations in the banking sector. And this in turn does not contribute to the development of new forms of banking activities, leads to its stagnation. Indeed, in the reform of the banking system, it became obvious that the domestic level of banking operations neither quantitatively nor qualitatively corresponds to overseas. What happened, for example, operations with bills - forgotten, and new types of banking services are not formed.

But, in the current Russian economy, commercial banks continue to participate in control over the activities of enterprises, often to the detriment of their main activity.

It should not be noted that banks can also affect the state by:

Providing or failure to provide loans to the government;

Changes in the volume of operations with currency and government securities;

By changing its credit policy towards domestic producers.

Finally, the banking community in Russia has a representative body - the Association of Russian Banks, at the last congress of which a number of leading bankers expressed a serious concern about the existing situation of affairs in the economy. That is, in particular, V. Vinogradov said: "We believe that an increase in the M2 unit ... could be focused on reducing the debts on the payment of pensions and other social obligations .... The lack of necessary schemes for the interaction of the state with banks in solving this problem leads to the fact that in the first quarter of the current year in emissions of more than 20 trillion. rubles with general annual terms of the issue of Central Bank 70 trillion. rubles The debt of enterprises and the federal budget for wages increased by 7 trillion. rubles. "

5. Rolled by banks in Russia.

At the moment, the banking system is an important link in the domestic economy. It is due to a significant accumulation of funds, banks can have a significant impact on the course of the national currency, and on the influx of money in the treasury, through operations with government securities. In the conditions of the inactive crisis of non-payment, the banking system is designed to keep the amount of money in the framework of the economy that ensures the functioning of the economy.

The stabilization role of the banking community at this stage of the development of the economy is very important. Attempts by the natural (purely market) overflow of funds from one industry to another did not lead to the desired results, moreover, the capital of the banking system according to G. Khanina was absolutely declined since 1991 by 3-4 times, in relation to GDP it is at the England level 80s of the XVIII century. This suggests that the effective redistribution of funds in the domestic economy at this stage is able to provide only a state program developed taking into account world experience and domestic realities. As it, for example, was in the United States in the 40-50s, when there was a program to support priority industries in science and economics.

Attracting foreign credit resources is hampered for several reasons:

First, Russia is already quite a large debtor.

Secondly, the corruption processes in the state apparatus, which actually should start the distribution of foreign loans, seriously undermine the confidence of foreign creditors and do not guarantee the direction of the allocated funds in the country's economy.

Thirdly, there is still very high investment risks in Russia, partly due to the lack of such a program.

Fourth, foreign lenders are often not interested in the development of certain industries of our economy, and will never allocate credit resources for it.

In addition, you should not forget that the IBRD loans are also provided. Moreover, they are spent. At the VII Congress, ARB V. Vinogradov said on this occasion:

"Many of those present in the hall in the hall seem to even know that the loan portfolio of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Russia includes 29 loans totaling $ 6.4 billion. It is used from these loans 10-15%. This year IBRD gives $ 2.24 billion. For 1998, 3.24 billion is planned. Ways to use these funds are still a secret for seven castles for most of us. "

All this indicates the need to create such a system of public cooperation with banks in the field of credit policies, which would not provide words, but in fact, the effective implementation by banks in their characteristic functions.

The adoption of the program is designed to determine the most priority directions of lending, but do not forget that many enterprises have no acceptable collateral, nor guarantees. Thus, lending to these enterprises significantly worsens the cumulative loan portfolio of Russian banks in terms of risks. And this is unacceptable for today, for it is so overloaded with dubious loans. It means that it is necessary to develop a system of guarantees and guarantees to ensure acceptable credit risks of investments in these enterprises.

Separate steps to streamline the role of commercial banks are already accepted. For example, the adoption of the Decree "On measures to strengthen control over the use of federal budget funds" should reduce to a minimum number of authorized banks.

In the meantime, the banking system is not fully used by the economic instrument, besides not too developed.

5.1. The importance of the securities market on the banking system.

Seriously prevents the development of credit activities Government policy of using banking resources to finance budget deficit through the securities market. The scale of the production of GKO, OFZ, the OSZ increases with high rates. In mid-1996, a brief and medium-term government securities with a nominal value of more than 180 trillion was turned on the market. rub. And with a market value of over 160 trillion. rub. On the eve of the presidential election, the yield of operations with government securities reached 360% per annum. This significantly delayed funds to the securities market primarily from credit resources.

Attempts to reduce yield by attracting foreign investors to the market did not give the desired result, the main holders of securities remained commercial banks, because This is more profitable in today's conditions compared with lending. Despite the decline in profitability due to the slowdown in the ruble depreciation and reducing speculative operations, commercial banks continue to orient a significant part of their activities on the currency business. With the overall reduction in the network of existing credit institutions, the number of banks with a currency license has grown.

In the conditions of a wide "dollarization" of the economy and an extremely liberal foreign trade regime of banks, despite the absence, experience and necessary personnel, try to connect to the currency turnover.

Foreign currency accumulation of Russian commercial banks, including funds of clients' enterprises, are calculated by tens of billions of dollars, much exceeding the official currency reserves of the Central Bank. With the active participation of the stock exchange, the circulation of multi-billion amounts of cash foreign currency within the country is supported.

In this situation, the activities of commercial banks are focused on the simplest bank transactions with a narrow circle of customers. Implementation of the main goal of banks - the preservation of nested capital and profit is largely promoted by the state, encouraging fundraising in GKO. But the field of activity of commercial banks cannot effectively develop in such conditions. To stimulate the development of the banking services market, both in quantitative and qualitatively, it is necessary to stop cash flow into dollars and create conditions for effective investment in domestic enterprises.


Despite the fact that since the late 80s, the domestic economy is experiencing not the best times, it was during this period a banking system was formed. Of course, it cannot be called a strong, fully responsible principles of the market economy, but it has proven its vitality. In addition, she played not a latter role in the process of reforming the economy.

To date, when the domestic economy is not in a better position, for example, the danger of emission, the coming sequestration of the budget, non-payment of the banking system continues to function successfully. Of course, this is largely due to the state of the currency and stock market, which was mentioned above, but over time, the volume of speculative operations in the structure of bank revenues is steadily decreased. This is largely due to the central bank of a low interest rate policy, as well as a government course to reduce inflation.

It should be hoped that all that is a positive impact on economic transformations in the country that the banking system has provided for the past years to continue in the future.

List of references:

    Law of the RSFSR of 02.12.90, "On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR." - M., 1990.

    A letter No. 98 of 30.06.94 on the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 1994 "On additional measures to normalize the calculations and strengthening the payment discipline in the national economy." - M., 1994.

    Alekhin B.I. Market of securities-m., Finance and statistics 1991.

    Lavrushushin O.I. Banking - m., Banking and stock scientific and consulting center, 1992.

    Banking - m., 1996.

    Timothy U. Koch. Bank management. -Full: SPEKTR. Part V, 1993.

    In the Association of Russian Banks // Association of Russian Banks. Information Bulletin 1995.- №44.-S.6-23.

    Bubnov L.N. One of the ability to stabilize the Russian money market // Accounting and banks 1996.-№1.-C.4-9.

    Polishchuk A.I. On the question of the translation of Russian banks to international standards // Accounting and banks 1996.-№2.-p.6-11.

    Shlyk A.P. To the commissioning of the new instruction No. 1 "On the procedure for regulating the activities of credit institutions" // Accounting and banks 1996.-№2.-C.11-15.

    The long-term concept of the development of the monetary system of Russia // Money and loan 1993.-№1.

    Egorov A.E. Problems of activity of commercial banks at the present stage of economic development // Money and loan 1995.-№6.-C.4.

    Paramonova T.V. Principles of banking regulation // Money and loan 1995.-№6.-C.10.

    Agapov Yu.V., Lavrushushin O.I. The banking crisis entered the open form // Money and loan 1995.-№10.-C.15.

    Simanovsky A.Yu. Banking sector in transitional economy of Russia // Money and loan 1995.-№11.-C.26.

    IV Arb Congress // Money and Credit 1996.-№4.-C.21.

    Buasse K., Cohen D., Pontarria G. Banking System of Russia: Transitional Problems // Money and Credit 1996.-№4.-C.31.

    Borisov S.M., Korotkov P.A. Banking system of Russia: state and prospects // Money and loan 1996.-№8.-S.5.

    Sukhov P.A. Some aspects of the sustainability of the banking system // Money and loan 1996.-№11.-p.19.

    Varobyev S. Notes with the VII Congress of the Association of Russian Banks. // New newspaper 1997.- №17.-p.6.

    Schinkarenko P.Casnaya Money-in Competition // Russian News 1997.-№87.-C.1.

State University of Office

Institute of National and World Economy

Department ........................................... ..........

"State regulation of the economy"


"Banks and banking system

in transition "

Performed: Bukin A.E., IPERE,

Accepted: ... ........................ ...



1. The Right Fundamentals of the Banking System of the Russian Federation

1.1 Concept of the Bank and its activities

2 Characteristics of the banking system Russian Federation

2. general characteristics banks operating in the territory of the Russian Federation

2.1 Legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

2.2 Legal status commercial banks

3. Banking system of Russia today and the prospects for its further development


List of used literature

bank Commercial Central Legal Status


Any economy keeps on objective economic lawsOne of which is the law of money circulation. The turnover of money occurs under the influence of financial institutions, and above all banks that create the basis for monetary turnover and are associated with all sectors and sectors of the economy. Banks provide funding for all areas of entrepreneurship, industrial and non-productive spheres, the scope of management and fill the budget (both the federal and territorial) required cash. Through the banks, the bilateral movement of money taken loan (credit) is also carried out.

In this light in term paper "Banks and banking system of the Russian Federation" the most detailed concepts are considered the basic concepts associated with the banking system and the peculiarities of its functioning in Russia.

The purpose of this work is to create a more complete idea of \u200b\u200bbanks and the banking system of the Russian Federation. To achieve this goal, we will fulfill a number of tasks: first, we define general provisions about the banking system; secondly, we will give the characteristics of banks in force in Russia; Thirdly, we analyze the state of the RF banking system at present and the prospects for its further development.

In our opinion, it will help, firstly, form the concepts of banks and the banking system, and secondly, will allow you to see how the banking system is developed. All this is very necessary in order to raise the level of the current banking system to the world, which will ultimately contribute to the further development of Russia. Today, suggestions and measures taken by the government, president and other government agencies Russia is aimed just to achieve the goals and the solution of the relevant tasks. We hope that this policy It will give positive fruits and will help strengthen the position of Russia on the world stage.

Thus, an attempt was made in the course work to submit a banking system as a single hypersystem covering all spheres of society. This allows, on the one hand, to develop systemic thinking from readers, expand its horizons, and on the other, to concentrate, to study the technique and practice of these categories.

1. Legal basis of the banking system of the Russian Federation

.1 The concept of the bank and its activities

Banking system of Russia - one of the most important elements its financial system. Like Wei Economy of Russia, the banking system currently undergoes cardinal changes affecting both the structural part and functional. Changes are recorded by banking legislation, the development of which is carried out on the basis of foreign experience, experience of the first years of economic reforms in Russia, modern ideas On the essence and appointment of bank institutions.

Before proceeding with the consideration of the banking system of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to find out what banks are as elements of the banking system.

Banks are such credit organizationswho have the exceptional right to carry out the following banking operations:

Ø attracting in deposits of funds of physical and legal entities;

Ø placement of these funds from your own behalf and at its own expense on the terms of repayment, payability, urgency (lending);

Ø opening and maintenance bank accounts individuals and legal entities.

So, the Bank manages deposits and provides loans.

Also banks receive capital from investors. Starting capital is usually formed using share capital and debt instruments with secondary importance in case of bankruptcy in relation to deposits. Required; So that the banks had a certain amount of capital in order to start a business. Entering the business, banks have the opportunity to increase capital at the expense of income received from the percentage difference and other sources of attachment of their own caliga-la.

Along with the need to have a minimum capital to start a business, it is required that banks support the minimum capital to assets. This allows you to compare the total amount of equity and long-term obligations Bank with its assets (cash amounts, loans, accounts receivable and its real estate).

Banks must have liquidity, which measures the bank's cash funds, short-term securities and other assets, easily turning into cash. Banks must support liquid assets in the amount sufficient to ensure the expected seizure of deposits by depositors, finance loans they do and pay for their current costs. The main source of liquidity of most banks is deposits. Additional sources of liquidity are loans provided by central and other banks.

Sources of bank funds serve:

Ø Cash funds. Banks need cash to meet the requirements for deposit seizures, for payment wages And for payment for current costs. However, the cash cash is - this is an asset that does not bring revenues. Therefore, banks store the minimum amount cash cash In the checkout, sufficient to meet current needs.

Ø Short-term securities. When it becomes not enough cash, payments can be made at the expense of cash received from the sale of short-term government securities.

Ø Loans. Financial institutions are borrowed from each other, as well as at the Central Bank. Loans are always associated with the payment of a certain percentage.

Ø Other sources: repayment of loans; budget resources.

The bank earns money through the difference between the value of its funds (that is, percentage paid on deposits and other loans) and the interest earned by the bank on various loans. This "percentage difference" is usually classified as a net percent residue and serves for many banks the main source of income. In order for the Bank to function on a profitable basis and increasing its own capital, the net residue from interest should exceed overhead costs associated with fundraising and the cost of providing loans.

Banks also earn money from sources of interest-free income, such as trade activity and commission incomeobtained by providing:

  1. other services related to the provision of a loan (for example, providing letters of credit or obligations to learn money);
  2. consulting services (counseling on cash funds and merging and acquiring other enterprises);
  3. other services (use of banking safes, services of a trustee, etc.), if the commission is superior to direct costs.

The bank loses money when:

  1. the percentage difference decreases or becomes negative due to the growth of the cost of funds in relation to interest earned on loans;
  2. receitors cannot pay off their loan;
  3. overhead costs exceed income;
  4. funds are squandered.

In order to manage the risk and reduce its degree, banks conduct an analysis of each loan issued in order to evaluate the solvency of the specific debtor and the value of the collateral provided to protect the loan. To reduce degree credit riskThe banks are trying to give money on bail so that the loan does not exceed a certain percentage of pledge and that the amounts of interest of interest payments and debt payments are significantly lower than the expected revenues of the debtor.

Bankruptcy of the Bank adversely affects financial condition His depositors and lenders, as well as its shareholders, employees and all those related to this bank. Since the banking system under market economy is considered as a vital public institution, any failure bank, which reduces the confidence in the entire banking system, has an impact on society as a whole.

In the banking system of a partial reserve, the Bank's bankruptcy, followed by a panic seizure of deposits, even from paymentless banks leads to a decrease in the money supply in circulation and reduction economic activity.

The banking crisis has shown that the following measures are needed to prevent potential bankruptcy:

Ø preventing bankruptcy banks by controlling the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to ensure their functioning with adequate capital and avoid unreasonable risk. The State Agency (ARCO) should provide urgent assistance to banks experiencing difficulties. In early interference and financial assistance, less expenses will be required than when making the obligations of the Bank before depositors, after it went bankrupt;

Ø recreation of bankrupt banks. The state controlling agency (ARKO) has the right to establish immediate control over the bank, located on the verge of bankruptcy, in order to protect depositors and prevent the loss of remaining assets. In this situation, the Agency may decide to allocate new funds to the bank or establish its control over the bank or as a recipient or as a keeper. This manifestation of state intervention and control contrasts sharply with the measures of protection against claims of creditors provided for by the Bankruptcy Law. As a keeper, the agency is trying to extend the functioning of the bank, while it frees the bank from the harm of investments. As the recipient, the agency embarks on the liquidation of the bank through the sale of those of its loans and other assets that have a certain price, provided that the buyer assumes the obligations of the Bank before depositors. The buyer usually becomes another solvent bank or a new group investors;

Ø minimizing the number of bankrupt banks. When the state establishes its control over the bankrupt bank, speaking in

Ø the quality of either the keeper, or the recipient, then its main task is to minimize the losses of the bank. It is trying to get a maximum of income from the assets of bankrupt banks, which often include a large number of secured real estate and other kinds of property that provided loans that cannot be paid.

1.2 Characteristics of the banking system of the Russian Federation

The banking system of Russia was established with the adoption on December 2, 1990 of the two laws of the Russian Federation: "On the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia)" and "On banks and banking activities in the RSFSR.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation reflected the changes occurring in the banking system in recent years, and consolidated its two-level character. First Level - Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Second - Commercial Banks and other credit institutions. Among the variety of credit institutions, the second group should be noted the so-called special banks, which include investment banks, carrying out operations for the production and placement of corporate securities; mortgage bankscrediting secured by real estate; Municipal banks providing performance local budgets, etc. Also function, associations and other associations of banks are also functioning.

The banking system of Russia continues to evolve. the federal law "On introducing changes and additions to the Law of the RSFSR" On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR "of February 3, 1996, it provides for another composition of the Russian banking system:

Øtsb of the Russian Federation;

Ø Sberbank, Vnesheconombank;

Ø Commercial banks;

Ø Branches and representative offices of foreign banks.

Sberbank and Vnesheconombank can be allocated among other commercial banks, because In these banks, the controlling stake belongs to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Thus, these banks are, in fact, state banks, which increases their reliability.

Significant decentralization of the banking system led to a high degree of independence of commercial banks. At the same time, the state regulates banking. Its purpose is to ensure the stable, secure functioning of banks, preventing destabilizing trends. State regulation acquires the form of legal regulations, which are embodied in the norms of various branches of law: administrative, financial, civil.

A significant place in the legal mediation of banking activity belongs to financial and legal regulation, the system of the norms of financial law as an independent industry of Russian law. Financial and legal regulation of banking has all the specific characteristics of this industry: its subject is financial relations in various manifestations (including the impact on the formation of banks as financial structures), as well as the imperative method of regulating financial relations - the method of power regulations.

Thus, we are talking about the formation of the so-called vertical relations in the banking system.

The most important subject implementing financial and legal regulation (hereinafter banking regulation) within the banking system is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The potential of bank regulation is embodied primarily in the functions of the Bank of Russia.

Consider more functions, structure performed by the services of the presented banks.

) Em session banks

The state's emission right gives us, as a rule, only one bank, since the provision of money emissions to all banks would upset the country's money circulation. The emission bank has such major means, which can not be positioned by any of other banks, since its liabilities are the funds of the budget and cash in circulation. This circumstance gives him the opportunity to provide support to all other banks and lead their activities. The issuing bank becomes the center for organizing a banking in the country around which all other banks and other credit institutions are grouped. Such operations are usually assigned to the central bank.

It can monitor their activities only by establishing special standards, uniforms for all banks.

We must clearly understand that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, although it is not a state, but conducts state policy In the field of supervision of the activities of commercial banks of settlements, a single monetary policy, maintenance 1 the cost of the national currency. At the same time, the Bank of Russia comes from state interests. The independence of the Central Bank should be reasonable in the sense that if one Central Bank and its establishment in the country operates on the territory of the country, they must obey the unified regulations for regulating banks and conduct a unified monetary policy.

) Non-emission commercial (universal) banks

The lower link of the banking system consists of a network of independent banking institutions that directly perform the functions of credit and consuming customer service on commercial principles. Its main component is commercial (universal) banks that are engaged in almost all types of credit, settlement and financial operationsrelated to servicing the economic activity of its customers. The most important functions are traditionally:

Ø accumulation temporarily free cash, savings

Ø accumulations;

Ø ensuring the functioning of the settlement and payment mechanism, the implementation and organization of settlements in the national economy, organization of payment turnover;

Ø lending to individual legal and individuals, credit and financial service of internal and external economic turnover;

Ø accounting of bills and operations with them;

Ø storage of financial I. material values;

Ø trust management Property of clients (trust operations).

Types of commercial banks

In our country, depending on the method of the formation of authorized capital, two main groups of commercial banks are allocated: joint-stock and mutual. Individuals and legal entities who were organizers and founders of the bank receive the status of the founders of the bank by bought founding of the founding pairs or shares. Individual and institutional investors, subsequently bought shares of the bank, acquire the status of shareholders. Persons participating in their funds in the formation of the share capital of a mutual bank are called participants (shareholders). Commercial banks can also be classified based on the degree of their participation in the credit and financial service of various categories of customers; their role in the markets of credit and financial services, and primarily in the credit resources market; prospects and possible forms of participation in the activities of state structures, including in the processes of the denationalization of the economy; The size of the equity capital of commercial banks and their assets.

The basis of the activities of the commercial bank - the formation of it own funds As databases to attract deposits and carry out active operations. Depending on the size of the authorized capital, all commercial banks can be divided into three groups: small - with the authorized capital to 30 million rubles, the average - with a statutory foundation from 30 to 100 million rubles, large, the statutory fund of which exceeds 100 million rubles.

In practice, commercial banks still play an active and prominent role only in the short-term credit operations market. Providing long-term loans and maintenance investment activity customers with most banks are either not carried out or carried out in a very small scale.

) Specialized banks

The activities of specialized banks are focused on providing, mainly one or two types of services for most of its customers (for example, stock, cooperative or utility banks). The functional specialization of banks is most pronounced, since it is a fundamental effect on the nature of the Bank's activities, determines the features of the formation of assets and liabilities, building bank balances, as well as the specifics of working with the clientele.

Investment and innovative banks specialize in cash accumulation for long terms, including through the issuance of bond loans and the provision of long-term loans. A feature of the activities of investment banks is their service orientation and participation in the issuance and founding activities of industrial companies. In some countries, investment banks are prohibited from making deposits, their liabilities are formed at the expense of their own emission activities (securities issue) and the interbank loan. They act as organizers of the primary and secondary circulation of securities of third parties, the guarantors of emissions, intermediaries and creditors in the implementation of stock operations.

Accounting I. deposit banks Historically specialize in the implementation of short-term credit operations (on average 3-6 months) to attract and place temporarily free funds, and in total amount Active operations The substantial share is occupied by credit and accounting operations with short-term commercial promissory bills. Conduct a tough line between the specifics of the activities of deposit and accounting banks is very difficult.

Savings banks are building their activities by attracting minor contributions for a certain period, although, as a rule, most of them practice the introduction of urgent accounts with a different use regime, which makes it possible to remove the funds nested for a period almost without restrictions at any time. The exception is the withdrawal of particularly large amounts, for which banks require prior notice of clients, the timing of which is significantly varied in various banks. Among the active operations, investments are dominated by mortgage mortgages and other securities, as well as lending to the population.

Mortgage (land) banks carry out credit operations to attract and place funds on a long-term basis on the security of real estate. The peculiarity of the formation of the liabilities of mortgage banks is a significant share of own and attracted means of issuing mortgage bonds of funds. Specialization of mortgage banks is the issuance of a mortgage loan secured (rebelog) of real estate.

The degree of specialization of sectoral banks, the specifics of the formation of their assets and liabilities depend largely on the sphere of their activities, as well as on the differences related to the nature of the organization of economic activities of the sectoral clientele, seasonal and other fluctuations in the production process.

Yet great degree Details, differentiation of types of banks, depending on the prevailing type of customer service, is characteristic both for our country and for some other countries. However, such a phenomenon, as the creation of exchange and insurance banks, is largely due to the specifics of the economic development of our country, namely, the phenomenon of boom of insurance and exchange case, which determined the possibility of banks focused solely on servicing operations of exchange or insurance structures. At the same time, the creation of such banks as cooperative, communal, is a more common phenomenon.

In our country, in the late 80s, there was a division of all universal type banks on commercial and cooperative. The purpose of the organization and activities of the Cooperative Bank is to promote the development and credit and financial service of cooperation. Participants in the cooperative bank, respectively, are cooperatives. The peculiarity of the exercise of passive operations is the availability of traditional special-purpose reserve funds. Among the active operations, short-term and medium-term loans are allocated, including at the expense of specialfons; Accounting and factoring operations; Trust operations, storage of values, leasing and fund operations.

Municipal banks Or banks serving the local economy were distributed in a few countries. The purpose of the creation of utility (municipal) banks is to promote the development and credit and financial services of the local economy. Founders and participants in these banks can act local authorities, departments, insurance companies and banks, i.e. Those organizations , which are most interested in the development of local infrastructure and whose business has a significant depends on this. The main activities of utility banks - credit municipal economy, local enterprises and organizations, also individual construction, i.e. Events with increased risk stump from the point of view of ordinary banking practice.

An equally important feature of the activities of utility banks is a fairly significant proportion in the passive of state allocations and specialfons. There are restrictions on the implementation of long-term loan operations, for example, in the form of limiting the volume of long-term loans issued by the Bank, the amount of long-term deposits of customers and 50% of the Bank's capital.

2. The overall characteristics of banks operating in the Russian Federation

.1 Legal status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The key element of the financial system of any developed state today is the Central Bank, speaking by the official guide of monetary policy. In turn, monetary policy, along with the budget, is the basis of all state regulation Economy. Therefore, the effective activities of the Central Bank is one of the conditions for the effective functioning of the market economy.

Initially, the top-level banks were called emission and formed as joint-stock companiesendowed with special authority. The term "Central Bank" was called the largest bank located in the very center of the banking system. Then, such banks gradually monopolized some specific functions and at a certain stage of the development of the state they were nationalized.

Aligned with the number of commercial banks by significant capital sizes and large amounts of operations, central banks have lost their position by losing leadership in this field to commercial banks. Their functions and methods of impact on the financial system were modified, and the degree of influence on the state of the monetary system of the country increased immeasurably. At the same time, the degree of influence of the Central Bank on the formation of a monetary system in various countries is notionic and depends on the degrees of freedom, which is possessed by the Central Bank and its leadership.

Most often, the central bank is accountable directly to the legislative authority of the country's authority or the last special banking commission formed by the latest Special Banking Commission. The manager of the Central Bank is not included in the government, and its appointment does not coincide with the formation of a new Cabinet of Ministers.

The appointment to the post of managing the Central Bank is made by the monarch, president, parliament. Can conduct his candidacy and government, but in this case it should rely on the parliamentary majority. This is a common practice, and in many countries it is the Government officially invites parliament the candidacy of the head of the Central Bank.

The relatively high proportion of government securities in the Balance of the Central Bank does not mean the primary participation of the Central Bank in servicing public debt, since the bonds are mainly bought and sold during the state monetary policy.

The public debt may be in the hands of the Central Bank, the private sector (companies and enterprises), the population. At the same time, the central bank, as a rule, does not play a decisive role, since it does not have appropriate funds.

The government is interested in posting public debt in the Central Bank, so as not to influence negatively on the liquidity of the banking system, not deprivation of the private sector of borrowed resources, not to increase interest rates. However, on the other hand, in the case of a sufficiently large state debt, the liquidity of the economy is mediated by indirectly, and excessive borrowings can cause structural imbalances.

The State Bank of Russia was established in 1860 on the basis of founded even under Catherine II of the appliances and borrowed state banks.

Unlike central banks of Western European countries and the United States, the State Bank of Russia combined in its activities the implementation of emission and various trade operationsespecially on trading bread, the export of which was the main source foreign currency. Gosbank had its own major elevators and granaries located in areas where bank institutions were absent. At the banks belonging to the granaries, the loans on bail were granted by grain. In addition to the Bread Trade, Gosbank, through loans, participated in the forest, sugar, textiles and other export goods.

Status, tasks, functions, powers and principles of the organization of the Bank of Russia are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" (with changes and additions) and other federal laws.

With the help of economic and administrative impact in the process of conducting monetary policy, the Central Bank contributes to the strengthening and development of the Russian economy. This is its main task that it decides by:

Ø protection and sustainability russian currency - Ruble, increase it purchasing power and the stability of the course in relation to the currencies of other countries;

Ø development and strengthening of the banking system of Russia;

Ø ensuring the effective and uninterrupted functioning of the payment system.

The Bank of Russia is accountable only to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The Chairman of the Bank is appointed by the State Duma on the submission of the President of the Russian Federation for a period of 4 years. The same person can not occupy the position of the chairman of the Bank of Russia more than 3 more consecutive terms.

The State Duma:

Ø directs and recalls representatives of the State Duma in the National Banking Council as part of their quota;

Ø considers the main directions of the Unified State Monetary Policy and makes a decision on them;

Ø considers the annual report of the Bank of Russia and takes a decision on it;

Ø decides on the verification of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation of Financial and Economic Activities of the Bank of Russia, its structural divisions and institutions. The specified decision can be accepted only on the basis of the proposal of the National Banking Council;

Ø holds parliamentary hearings on the activities of the Bank of Russia with the participation of its representatives;

Ø the reports of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia on the activities of the Bank of Russia (with the presentation of the annual report and the main directions of the Unified State Monetary Policy).

Bank of Russia participates in the development economic Policy Governments. The Chairman of the Bank of Russia or on his instructions, one of his deputies participates in the meetings of the Government of Russia, and can also take part in the meetings of the State Duma when considering bills regarding issues of economic, financial, credit and banking policies.

Minister of Finance and Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation or on their instructions, according to one of their deputies, they can participate in meetings of the Board of Directors - the Higher Management Branch of the Bank - with the right of a deliberative voice.

The Bank of Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation inform each other about the alleged actions that have national importance, and coordinate their actions, conduct regular mutual consultations.

The Bank of Russia consults the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the schedule of issuance of state securities of the Russian Federation and repayment of public debt of the Russian Federation, taking into account their impact on the state of the banking system of the Russian Federation and the priorities of a unified state monetary policy.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a unified centralized system with a vertical control structure. The Bank of Russia includes: central apparatus, Territorial institutions, cash centers (RCC), computing centers, field agencies, educational institutions, as well as other enterprises, organizations and institutions, including security divisions and Russian collection of collection necessary for the successful activities of banks.

National banks of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation are territorial agencies of the Bank of Russia. Territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia are not legal entities, do not have the right to make decisions of a regulatory nature and issuance of the Board of Directors without permission bank guarantees and guarantees, bills and other obligations. They are subordinate to the Bank of Russia and it is accountable. The tasks and functions of the territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia are determined by the Regulations on these institutions approved by the Board of Directors.

By decision of the Board of Directors, territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia can be created in the regions uniting the territories of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The highest body of the Bank of Russia is the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is a collegial body that determines the main activities of the Bank of Russia and the manager of it.

The Board of Directors includes: Chairman of the Bank of Russia and 12 members of the Council. Members of the Board of Directors work on an ongoing basis. They are appointed by the State Duma on the submission of the Chairman of the Bank (which is simultaneously the Chairman of the Board of Directors), agreed with the President of the Russian Federation, for a period of 4 years. The Board of Directors meets at least 1 time per month.

Members of the Board of Directors cannot be deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, deputies of local governments, civil servants, as well as members of the Government of the Russian Federation. Members of the Board of Directors cannot consist in political parties, hold posts in socio-political and religious organizations.

The Board of Directors in cooperation with the Government is developing a unified state monetary policy and ensures its implementation. The Board of Directors approves the structure of the Bank of Russia, the provisions on the structural divisions and institutions of the Bank of Russia, as well as the Charters of the Bank of Russia. His powers are also assigned to:

Ø change in interest rates of the Bank of Russia;

Ø establishing mandatory standards for credit institutions and banking groups;

Ø establishing the amount of reserve requirements;

Ø determining the limits of operations on the open market;

Ø determining the conditions for admission of foreign capital in the banking system of the Russian Federation;

Ø establishing rules for banking operations for the banking system of the Russian Federation, Rules accounting and reporting for the banking system of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Bank of Russia;

Ø other decisions on issues that are of great importance for both the Bank of Russia and the banking system of the country.

The Board of Directors makes decisions:

Ø on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of organizations of the Bank of Russia;

Ø on participation in international organizations;

Ø on participation (on membership) of the Bank of Russia in the capital of organizations (organizations), providing the activities of the Bank of Russia, its institutions, organizations and employees;

Ø on the purchase and sale of real estate to ensure the activities of the Bank of Russia and its organizations (gives permission to the price and other conditions for the conclusion of the transaction);

Ø on the use of direct quantitative restrictions;

Ø on the release of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia of the new sample, on withdrawal from the appeal of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia of the old sample;

Ø on the procedure for the formation of reserves by credit organizations.

The Board of Directors approves the annual financial statements of the Bank of Russia, considers audit report By annual financial statements Bank of Russia and the conclusion of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on the results of the audit of accounts and operations of the Bank of Russia and presents these materials as part of the annual report of the Bank-Russia to the National Banking Council and the State Duma.

The Board of Directors approves the report on the activities of the Bank of Russia, is preparing an analysis of the state of the economy of the Russian Federation. The Board of Directors not only heads and organizes the work of the Bank of Russia, but also regulates the activities of commercial banks in the country.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation occupies a special position among all legal entities engaged in management or economic activities. Presenting an organ government controlled, The central bank acts and how commercial BankAlthough profit does not serve the purpose of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The Bank of Russia performs the following functions:

  1. in cooperation with the Government of the Russian Federation, develops and conducts a unified state monetary policy;
  2. monopoloily carries out the issuance of cash and organizes cash circulation;
  3. he is a lender of the last instance for credit institutions, organizes the system of their refinancing;
  4. establishes the rules for making calculations in the Russian Federation;
  5. establishes the rules for holding banking operations;
  6. carries out the maintenance of budget accounts of all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise established by federal laws, through settlements on the instructions of the authorized executive bodies and state extrabudgetary funds, which are assigned to the organization of the execution and execution of budgets;
  7. carries out effective management of foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Russia;
  8. takes decision O. state registration credit institutions, issues licenses to credit organizations to carry out banking operations, suspends their action and recalls them;
  9. supervises the activities of credit institutions and banking groups (bank supervision);
  10. registers issuance of securities with credit institutions in accordance with federal laws;
  11. exercises independently or on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, all types of banking operations and other transactions necessary to fulfill the functions of the Bank of Russia;
  12. organizes and implements currency regulation and currency control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  13. determines the procedure for making calculations with international organizations, foreign states, as well as with legal entities and individuals, etc.

The main source of resources of the Central Bank is money in circulation and means of commercial banks.

Relying on commercial banks and other structures financial marketwithout interfering with their operational activities, the central bank performs its diverse functions.

The Bank of Russia is a body that coordinates, regulating and licensing the organization of settlement, including clearing, systems in the Russian Federation. The Bank of Russia establishes the rules, forms, deadlines and standards for the implementation of non-cash settlements. The total amount of cashless payments should not exceed 2 operating days if the specified payment is carried out within the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and 5 operational days, if the specified payment is carried out within the territory of the Russian Federation.

To carry out its functions, the Bank of Russia can discover representations in the territories foreign states. The Bank of Russia can participate in the capital and activities of international organizations that are engaged in the development of cooperation in monetary, currency, banking areas, including between the central banks of foreign countries. The Bank of Russia issues permits for the creation of credit organizations with foreign investments and branches of foreign banks, and also accredits representative offices of loan organizations of foreign countries in the Russian Federation in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws.

The main measures of monetary regulation, carried out by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the following are:

Ø operations on the open market;

Ø refinancing of credit institutions;

Ø the establishment of interest rates on the operations of the Bank of Russia;

Ø currency regulation;

Ø cash control of cash (establishment of money growth orientations);

Ø establishing direct quantitative restrictions;

Ø reservation of money of commercial banks by deposit in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (establishment of standards mandatory reservesdeposited in the Bank of Russia (Reserve Requirements));

Ø implementation of the emission of bonds on its own behalf.

The Bank of Russia is a branch of banking regulation and oversight of banks. It maintains a constant supervision of compliance with credit institutions and banking groups of banking legislation, regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, established by them of mandatory standards.

The main goal of banking regulation and oversight is to maintain the stability of the banking system, protecting the interests of depositors and creditors.

The Bank of Russia establishes a mandatory rule for commercial banks:

Ø holding banking operations;

Ø accounting and reporting;

Ø internal control organizations;

Ø compilation and presentation of accounting and statistical reporting.

To carry out its functions, the Bank of Russia has the right to request and receive the necessary information from banks on their activities, to require clarification on the information received.

A peculiarity of the Bank of Russia is that, on the one hand, it is a body of public administration of special competence for the implementation of the management of the country's monetary system, and on the other hand, a legal entity that entrepreneurial activities can conduct.

The powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, aimed at entrepreneurial activities, established in the law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)". In accordance with them, the Bank of Russia has the right to carry out the following banking operations and transactions with Russian and foreign credit institutions, the Government of the Russian Federation:

  1. provide loans for a period not more than 1 year to provide securities and other assets, unless otherwise established by Federal Law federal budget;
  2. buy and sell state securities on the open market;
  3. buy and sell bonds issued by the Bank of Russia and deposit certificates;
  4. buy and sell foreign currency, as well as payment documents and obligations denominated in foreign currency exhibited by Russian and foreign credit institutions;
  5. buy, store, sell precious metals and other types of currency values;
  6. conduct settlement, cash and deposit operations, to be stored and securities and other assets;
  7. issue guarantees and bank guarantees, etc.

The Bank of Russia can carry out operations to maintain representative and executive bodies of state authorities, local governments, their institutions and organizations, state extrabudgetary funds, military units, servicemen who employees of the Bank of Russia.

Based on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Banking System is actively involved in the restructuring of the banking system, contributes to the maximum preservation of the potential of the Russian banking system, reliability, sustainability and its effectiveness in maintaining the needs of the country's economy.

2.2 Legal status of commercial banks

The bank is an organization created to attract cash and place them on their own behalf on the terms of repayment, payability and urgency. The main purpose of the Bank is the mediation in moving funds from creditors to borrowers and from sellers to buyers.

There are many types of banks on the market.

Depending on the possibility of making money marks valid emission (central) and commercial banks. Only emission banks can emission of state monetary signs.

By type ownership banks are classified for state, joint-stock, cooperative, private and mixed.

Skip activity allocate banking associations, consortia, large, medium and small banks.

On service sector banks are divided into regional (local), interregional, national and international.

Depending on the amount of industries serviced by banks national economy They can be classified into diversified and maintaining one industry.

By functional sign banks are divided into stock, insurance, trust, mortgage, utilities.

According to the composition of the serviceable clientele allocated: banks serving only legal entities; Banks serving only individuals and banks serving both individuals and legal entities.

According to the number of branches banks are divided into defiliary and multifilia.

By character (quantity) of operations distinguish universal banks carrying out a wide range of banking operations, and specialized bankswhich limit their activities with one or more banking operations.

The totality of the grounds in which business entities are guided in the process of activity is called principles.

First and the fundamental principle of the activities of the commercial bank is to work within the limits of actually available resources .

Work within real resources means that the commercial bank should not only provide a quantitative compliance between its resources, credit investments and other assets, but also to ensure compliance with the nature of bank assets to the specifics of the resources mobilized them.

First of all, this refers to the timing. So, if the bank attracts funds mainly for a short time, and puts them mainly into long-term loans, then its ability to respond on liabilities (liquidity) is threatened.

  • The second most important principle on which the activities of commercial banks are based, is the economic independence, implying and economic responsibility of the bank for the results of its activities.

The current legislation provides all commercial banks with economic freedom at its disposal by their funds and incomes. The profit of the bank remaining at his disposal after paying taxes is distributed in accordance with the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders. It establishes the rules and the amount of deductions in various funds Bank, as well as dividends for shares.

According to its obligations, the commercial bank meets all the means and property owned by him, which may be imposed. The whole risk from their operations commercial bank takes over.

The third principle is that the relationship between a commercial bank with its clients is being built as ordinary market relations. By providing loans, the commercial bank is primarily from market criteria for profitability, risk, liquidity.

The fourth principle of the commercial bank is that the state can carry out the regulation of its activities only by indirect economic methods, not direct orders, i.e. No interference with operational activities.

Currently, the commercial bank is able to offer a client more than 200 species of various banking products and services. Wide diversification of operations allows banks to preserve customers and remain profitable even with a very unfavorable market environment.

List the main banking services.

Currency exchange. History indicates that monetary exchange operations were one of the first services proposed by banks. In modern banking activities, these operations are of great importance, since economic relations of business entities are constantly expanding and are globalized.

Accounting for commercial bills and provision of loans to enterprises. Already in the ancient times, bankers began to take into account commercial bills. This, they provided loans to local merchants who sold the bank debentures His buyers in order to quickly mobilize funds. From accounting of commercial bills lay a short way to direct lending to business enterprises.

Mediation in credit it became one of the important functions of a commercial bank. This mediation is carried out by redistributing funds temporarily released in the process of circulation of funds of legal entities and monetary incomes of individuals. The main criterion for the redistribution of resources is the profitability of their use by the borrower.

Cash can move from creditors to borrowers and without the clearing-house banks, but at the same time the risks of the loss of funds given to the loan increase sharply, since lenders and borrowers are not aware of each other's solvency, and the amount and deadlines of the cash supply are not coincided with the size and deadlines need for them.

The meaning of the intermediary function of commercial banks for the successful development of the economy is that they reduce the degree of risk and uncertainty in their activities in economic system, accumulating free money and turning them into a powerful investment resource.

Savings deposits. The provision of loans turned out to be so profitable that banks began to seek ways to mobilize (attracting) additional funds. This bank performs and socially important function - stimulates mediation on credit, which it carries out by redistributing funds for legal entities and monetary incomes of individuals.

Storage of values. Today, the banks of the rental of safes are engaged in the banks of safe storage of values, where customers are found under the castle until the latter needs access to their property.

Settlement and cash services. The Bank assumes the collection of payments and the implementation of payments to the client operations, and also carries out investment of cash in short-term securities and loans.

Financial consultation. Banks where experienced financiers work can give a qualified council, especially when the question is about the optimal use of a loan, savings, investing funds.

Leasing equipment. The Bank can offer its client to acquire equipment with the help of a lease agreement, according to which the bank buys equipment and leases it to the client. In accordance with the contract concluded, the Client should make leasing payments, which, ultimately, fully cover the cost of the bank purchased and leased equipment.

Securities operations. Speaking as a financial broker, banks perform intermediary functions when buying and selling securities at the expense and on behalf of the client on the basis of the Commission agreement or the order.

As an investment consultant, the Bank provides consulting services to its customers about the release and circulation of securities. Prerequisite The implementation of this role is the presence of specialists in working with securities who have a qualifying certificate, which gives the right to perform operations with the involvement of citizens' funds.

The bank acts as a collective investor when places its resources into securities on its own behalf. In this case, all risks associated with such placement, all income and losses from change market value acquired securities belong to financial results bank.

Trust (trust) services. The Bank can manage financial affairs and property of firms and individuals for a fee. The property management feature is known as trust management, or trust service. Through the trust departments, banks manage their customers' securities portfolios, provide agent services to corporations that produce shares and bonds act as trustees in the will.

In general, the classification of operations and services of the commercial bank is quite complicated, and in modern banking theory, all operations are divided into: passive, active and commissions.

Passive operations are a set of operations that ensure the formation of resources of a commercial bank.

Commercial Bank resources can be formed at the expense of own and attracted funds.

The commercial bank's own resources include:

Ø authorized capital;

Ø funds: reserve and special;

Ø mandatory reserves for covering possible losses on loans and from securities operations;

Ø retained earnings.

The bank's own resources are of great importance in maintaining its stability and liquidity.

An important role is played by attracted funds. Mobilizing temporarily free funds of legal entities and individuals in the financial resources market, commercial banks satisfy the needs of the economy in additional negotiable and investment funds.

Attracted funds are formed by the following banking operations:

Ø attracting loans and loans derived from other legal entities;

Ø deposit operations.

Deposit operations are operations of banks to attract funds of legal entities and individuals into deposits for a certain period of demand.

Active operations - operations for the placement of own and attracted funds of the bank for profit. The liquidity, profitability, and therefore, depend on the qualitative implementation of active operations of the Bank. financial reliability and the stability of the bank as a whole. Active bank operations, depending on their economic content, are divided into:

Ø credit (loan);



Ø securities operations.

The basis of active operations is credit operations. They are the most risky and as a result of this in the most profitable. When issuing a loan, the bank requires a potential borrower a set of documents characterizing the material security of the loan and the legal authority of the borrower.

Bank investment operations - an operation to invest the bank of their funds into securities and pairs of non-banking structures in order to jointly financial and financial and commercial activity, as well as placement of the bank's funds in the form term deposits in other credit institutions.

Securities operations include operations with securities listed on stock exchangesas well as operations with bills.

Warranty operations - Operations for issuing a guarantee (guarantee) of the payment of client's debt to a third party upon the occurrence of certain conditions.

Commissioning operations are such operations that the Bank performs on behalf of its customers and charges the fee in the form of commissions. The number of these operations is constantly growing, and their own or attracted funds are not distracted by the Bank.

The main commission transactions include:

1) Cash operations, which are related to accounting in rubles and foreign currency, the implementation of settlements and payments of the Client, as well as the receipt and enrollment of the funds listed it on account in non-cash form with the issuance of cash from the account, making them on account, storage and transportation. They are issued by the appropriate agreement on cassov service;

2) trust operations which may be represented by the following services:

Ø transfer to the trust management of individual securities and their portfolios;

Ø payment functions related to the maintenance of securities;

Ø management of assets of pension and investment funds and others;

3) Operations with foreign currency , which in addition to traditional foreign currency purchase operations include payment and payment of cash letters, purchase and payment of road checks of foreign banks, output and maintenance plastic cards, implementation of international calculations;

) information Services, when banks for a specific fee provide customers with information both commercial and non-commercial nature.

The organizational structure of commercial banks complies with the generally accepted control scheme. joint Stock Company. The supreme body of the joint-stock commercial bank is the general meeting of shareholders, which should take place at least once a year. It has shareholders or representatives of the Bank's shareholders on the basis of attorney. The general meeting is competent to solve the issues issued for its consideration if the participants provide the necessary quorum.

The direct leadership of the current activities of the commercial bank carries out the Board. It is responsible before General meeting Shareholders and the Bank's Council. The Board consists of the Chairman of the Board, his deputies and other members.

Meetings of the Board of the Bank are held regularly. Decisions are made by a majority vote. With equality of votes, the voice of the chairman is decisive. The decisions of the Management Board are issued in the form of the order of the Chairman of the Board of the Bank. When the Board of the Bank creates a loan committee.

To provide publicity in the work of commercial banks and the availability of information on their financial position, the annual balances of banks approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders, as well as a profit and loss statement should (after confirmation of the accuracy of the information provided in them by the Audit Organization) to be published in the press.

In order to prompt credit and settlement services of enterprises and organizations - the bank's clients, geographically deleted from the location of the commercial bank, it can organize branches and representative offices.

Bank branches are considered separate structural unitsLocated outside of its location and carrying out all or part of its functions. The branch is not a legal entity and performs the operation delegated by him the operation within the limits provided for by the Bank of Russia license. He concludes contracts and is other economic activities On behalf of a commercial bank, it created.

Representative office is separed division A commercial bank, which is located outside the location of the bank, does not have the rights of a legal entity and has no independent balance. It is created to provide executive functions of the bank, making transactions and other legal actions. Representation is not engaged in customer service and credit service. To implement economic calculations, it opens the current account.

3. Banking system of Russia today and the prospects for its further development

Power takes a course to raise the role of the public sector in the economy _ There is a creation of large state concerns controlling basic industries Economics, which provide the main influx of export financial funds, manufacturing weapons, as well as promising aircraft construction and nanotechnology. A similar picture of the strengthening of the state is observed in the banking sector: half of the top 10 leading banks of Russia (by pure assets) Controlled by state structures. Most likely, taking into account the risk of losing control over the banking system of the country after the planned Russia's accession to the WTO, the state will strive to preserve and strengthen its influence in the banking sector.

Every year, the Russian banking system is increasingly integrated into the global financial system. Therefore, the American mortgage crisis, a significantly worsened situation with bank liquidity, was an important event that could affect the development of the country's banking system in 2008.

A rapid growth of lending, first of all individuals, in the past few years, demanded significant long and inexpensive financial resources that Russian large banks began to attract in foreign financial markets. The crisis of mortgage securities in the United States caused liquidity crisis in the West countries, and the source of cheap financial resources was practically blocked. Some banks have to make considerable efforts in order to accumulate the necessary amounts to calculate with creditors. Against this background, the increase in the interest of banks to the market of contributions to the settlement is natural: we already observe the increase in the number of attractive deposit offers under high percent. But at the same time, the requirements for borrowers are tightened, rates on loans are growing.

The author shares the opinion of experts World Bank The fact that Russia has been relatively safely survived the financial crisis of the summer-autumn of 2007, but the liquidity deficit that has developed in the Russian monetary market causes banks to transfer the timing of the placement of bond loans for the next year. In particular, this was done by MDM Bank, the Bank "Revival" and NOMOS-BANK.

The global financial crisis slowed down the development of the Russian banking system. From 2001 to 2006, the assets of the country's banking system grew by an average of 35% per year. In 2008, due to the difficulties caused by the international crisis of liquidity, it should be expected to reduce the growth rates of the banking system asset to 20-25%.

As for the likelihood of new systemic or local crises in 2008, if there will be a prerequisite for this, then, most likely, regulatory authorities will do everything possible to preserve the stability of the banking system.

The main painful point of the domestic banking system is currently an insufficient level of capitalization and the lack of long-term financial resources.

IN international Practice It is customary to assess the level of development of the banking system as the attitude of its total assets to national GDP. In Russia, it is only 52.8%. The Britain's banking sector for this indicator exceeds Russian more than 6 times. According to the settlements of the Association of Russian Banks, the volume of assets of the UK banking system exceeds the domestic banks of a whicing system 22 times, and Germany - at 17 times. Credits to enterprises for a term of 1 _3 years account for 28% of the total lending, and 52% of loans are issued for more than 5 years.

To solve all the pillable problems associated with the underdevelopment of the banking system, it is necessary to achieve the growth of bank capitalization, increasing the protection of lenders, expand the availability of banks, the growth of their resource base, the development of regional infrastructure, improve the quality of management.

Deterioration of the quality of the loan portfolio - Another problem with which the domestic banking system may encounter in the near future. Retail boom and growth of small and medium businesses can reduce the quality of credit portfolios. The share of overdue loans in the overall structure may increase, since some banks aggressively increase their loan portfolios to the detriment of quality, losing sight of all sorts of risks. In addition, there is no uniform information base for financial offenses. Banks still do not seek to share each other information on fraudulent effects. The solution of this problem is to create a credit history bureau in the federal level and in active cooperation with the law enforcement system, tightening criminal prosecution for fraudulent actions.

An important problem is the personnel hunger of the banking system. The rapid growth of banking structures revealed a shortage of qualified personnel at all levels, first of all of the middle and higher managerial links. This is characteristic primarily for the regions, and the problem will be exacerbated due to the growth of regional sales networks of banks. Developing business in the regions of Russia, federal banks lure middle managers who can lead their customers. This is forced local banks Enter loyalty programs and increase HR costs. All this contributes to lowering bank profits.

The decision of the personnel issue in Russia at this stage is possible at the expense: flow of qualified managers from other industries and invitations of foreigners; creating corporate training structures that organize trainings and seminars; The introduction of the "quality circles" method in the selling units to help maintain high customer service standards.

A number of trends can be distinguished, which with a significant share of the likelihood will be shown in the banking system in 2008.

First of all, due to the deterioration of the situation with liquidity in the world market, there is likely to reduce competitive pressure on the part of subsidiaries of foreign financial structures, as they will experience the same problems as maternal financial structures.

The main players with cheap free funds are state-owned, near government, regional and municipal banks, by virtue of their position with significant sources of cheap liquidity in the form of state structure of various levels and state corporations. These banks have the opportunity to offer more favorable financial conditions, although their service quality is still low. Therefore, next year, such banks may not only be preserved, but also to significantly strengthen the positions in the markets of the corporate and retail banking business.

The number of banks in the country will continue to decline almost the same pace as in 2007, but it will not have practically no impact on the banking system of Russia. According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, there are currently 1145 credit institutions in the country. As of January 1, 2007, there were 1189, i.e. It became less than 44 banks. At the same time, the majority of credit and financial organizations incurred for 10 months of 2007 a license to carry out banking operations were registered in Moscow. This confirms the fact that the metropolitan banking market has largely exhausted the possibility of growth, and the main source of development becomes the regions. Against the background of reducing the number of banks in the 10th months of 2007, by 3.7%, the number of branches of credit institutions increased by 4.6% over the same period and amounted to 3431. The increase in the number of branches while reducing the number of existing credit institutions indicates qualitative changes in banking System of Russia. The branch networks of banks will continue to grow approximately the same pace as in 2007, since the security of the population by banking services is still insufficient.

As a result of the global liquidity crisis, the decline in retail lending rates, observed over the past few years, was replaced by an increase. First of all, it concerns the most risky retail loans - non-tax consumer loans for urgent needs. Some banks instead of an increase in loans rates revised the terms of the provision of loans, for example, began to more carefully check the data on the place of work and the size of the potential borrower's salary, increased the number of guarantors, tightened the requirements for the age of the borrower.

The following changes are expected on the loan loan market:

Ø firstly, strengthening competition in connection with the coming to the market of financial structures of autocontracens. In 2007, CJSC Toyota Bank and Daimlerkraisler Bank Rus "were already on the market. This may lead to the loss of the market for lending to new cars in the current leaders of the car loan market;

Ø secondly , probustin the growth of the loan market for purchasing cars with mileage. Most likely, the demand of the car is not over 3-5 years old, having a transparent service story;

Ø third , as a result of the growth of the portfolio of the car loans, the improvement of solvency assessment technologies (scoring), and also thanks to the consolidation of interbank databases will decrease the application processing period and increase the quality of their consideration.

Most likely, the listed positive trends will not be able to compensate for the reduction of the growth rate of the retail lending market in Russia due to the summer of 2007 mortgage crisis liquidity in the United States. Probably, the decline in loan rates should be expected only in the second half of 2008. But this is primarily refer to target loans (Car loans, mortgages) and depends on how quickly foreign sources of long-term funding that fed domestic banks will be restored.

The banking system of Russia is part of the global financial system, which suggests both strengthening the activity of foreign capital in the domestic market and the exit of Russian banks to the markets of other countries.

During 2008, it is possible to predict further growth in the presence of foreign capital in the RF banking system.

According to the Bank of Russia, only in 2006, the number of banks with foreign capital increased by 12.5%, and in the first half of 2007 - by 17.6% and now has 180 credit and financial organizations. Today, the growth rates of foreign investment in the authorized capital of existing credit organizations of Russia almost 2 times ahead of the growth rate of the total registered share capital of the entire banking system of the country. From the beginning of 2006 to July 1, 2007, the share of foreign banking capital increased by 10% and exceeded 21%.

At the end of 2006, foreigners controlled about 9% of the asset of the domestic banking system. However, the banking system of Russia remains relatively closed for foreigners.

In the Russian financial market, the M & C and currently there are two multidirectional trends. On the one hand, the banking market of Russia remains quite attractive for mergers and acquisitions processes from foreign bank capital. The growth of attractiveness will contribute to a possible reduction in the cost of capital (P / BV) of Russian banks as a result of the global liquidity crisis. But in the fall of 2007, Western investment banks suffered billionth losses, and by the beginning of 2008, losses from hopeless loans may increase. As a result, the injured banks during the whole 2008 will be forced to carry out measures to increase the stability of the balance, which, in turn, can reduce their activity in the M & A market.

But their place can take other banks. It should be noted that recently in Russia there is an increase in the activity of banks of the Asian region, primarily the banking structures of China, Japan and India. So, in Russia since 2003, ICICI Bank, one of the largest players in the Indian retail market, entered the hundreds of the fastest growing banks of the CIS. ICICI Bank - the second largest and largest private Bank of India, its assets, as of December 31, 2006, account for $ 67 billion.

Japanese banks differ from other foreign banks caution and leisureness when entering new markets. However, one should not ignore competition from their part. As bankers say, most often Japanese financial structures are already under a specific project, which involves Japanese business. The interest of Japanese banks to the Russian market is quite acquitted: they are attracted to the high potential of a number of industries, primarily metallurgy and oil production. According to analysts, these banks will also be engaged in mortgage and car loans, where they have every chance of success.

New trend _ Exit to the bank market of Russia financial structures of autocontraces. As we have already noted, in April 2007, the Japanese autoconecern Toyota registered its own bank in Russia.

Following Japanese bankers russian market Chinese became interested in. Since 1997, the Bank CJSC Bank of China (Epos), Open for settlements between the two countries, has been operating in Moscow. The representative office of China's Chamber of Commerce and Industry operates in Moscow from September 29, 2003. And in September 2007, the Bank of Russia registered his subsidiary.

However, for Russian banks, penetration into China is very difficult. Representation can open any bank, but to transform it to the current office you need to have at least $ 20 billion. Cumulative assets.

Thus, by the end of 2008, it can be expected that the share of foreign banking capital will be 27 _30% of the total registered authorized capital of the entire banking system of the country.

The process of transformation of the global financial system will continue, so it is possible with a lot of probability to assume that 2008 will be for the banking system of Russia the year of stabilization and preparation for new growth. At this time, it should be extremely careful to weigh the risks and choose a development strategy that allows for a stable translational movement of the domestic banking system.


Today, in the context of the development of the commodity and formation of the financial market, the structure of the banking system changes dramatically. New types of financial institutions appear, new credit tools and methods for customer service. Search for optimal forms of a device of a credit system, an effectively working mechanism in the capital market, new maintenance methods commercial structures. The creation of sustainable, flexible and efficient banking infrastructure is one of the most important tasks of economic reform in Russia. It is clear that it is not enough to simply declare the creation of new credit institutions. The whole system of relations inside should change. banking sector, principles of relations between banks and their customers, you need to change the psychology of the banker, to raise a new bank employee - Well-educated, thinking, initiative and ready to go on a deliberate and suspended risk. This requires time. It is necessary, through a thoughtful study of foreign practice, restore the lost rational principles of the functioning of credit institutions adopted in the civilized world and relying on the centuries-old experience of market financial structures.

Considering the trends in the economic development of recent years, it is possible to conclude that the basic scenario of the development of the economy with the high probability will remain inertial, the energy engineering principle. For our economy, a strong dependence on the mining industries is characterized (primarily oil producing) and export revenue from the sale of raw materials. Under these conditions, the influx of oil money in the country stimulates the growth of imports, which increases the course of the national currency and harms the development of non-symbol sectors of the economy (the so-called Dutch disease).

The money entering the country through exports is the basis for the development of its economy, including the banking system. Reduced oil prices can be weakened national Economy. Reducing the export revenue from the sale of oil and other raw materials can cause an economic recession that will inevitably weaken the demand for banking services. Although in the near future, under the conditions of geopolitical instability and reduce hydrocarbon reserves, it is likely to predict that the price of oil in world markets will remain at a high level - about $ 60-80 per barrel, and in the event of the beginning of hostilities, the price may significantly increase.

List of used literature

1. Banks and banking: textbook / A. I. Balabanov, [et al.]. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. [and others]: Peter, 2007. - 448 p. - (textbook for universities).

2. Banks and banking: tutorial / Ed. I. T. Balabanov. - St. Petersburg. [and others]: Peter, 2000. - 253 p. - (short course).

Banking system of Russia: Tutorial / L. P. Kurakov; [and etc.]; Chuvash, state. University. I.N.Uulianova. - Cheboksary: \u200b\u200bSelief, 1995. - 269 p.

Banking: Textbook for universities / G. G. Korobov, [and others], ed. G. G. Korobov. - M.: Economist, 2004. - 751 p.

Banking law: Textbook for universities / N. D. Eriashvili. - 6th ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2008. - 591 p. - (Golden Fund of Russian Tutorials).

Banking right: Tutorial for universities / resp. ed. A. A. Herkin. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Lawyer, 2005. - 459 p. - (Institutiones).

Jolkovskaya E. P. Banking: Lectures / E. P. Zharkovskaya, I. O. Rental. - M.: Omega-L, 2002. - 399 p.

Glushkova N. B. Banking: Tutorial for universities / N. B. Glushkov. - M.: Acad. Project; M.: Alma Mater, 2005. - 430 p. - (Gaudeamus).

Dardik V. B. Banking: Textbook / V. B. Dardik, N. V. Kondakov. - M.: Koloss, 2007. - 247 p. - (textbooks and teaching aids for students of higher educational institutions).

10.Money. Credit. Banks: Textbook for universities / E. F. Zhukov, [et al.], Ed. E. F. Zhukov. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2003. - 600 p.

Money, credit, banks: textbook / Ed. T. I. Kravtsova. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - Minsk: Belorus, State. ECON. University, 2007. - 443 p.

12.Zharkovskaya E. P. Banking: Textbook / E. P. Zharkovskaya. - 5th ed., Act. and add. - M.: Omega-L, 2007. - 476 p. - (Higher financial education).

Zharkovskaya E. P. Banking: Textbook / E. P. Zharkovskaya. - M.: Omega-L; Higher. Shk., 2003. - 440 p.

Katerina T. M. Banking: Textbook for universities / T. M. Kosterina. - M.: Market DS, 2003. - 237 p. - (University Series).

Kuznetsova E. I. Money, credit, banks: Tutorial for universities / E. I. Kuznetsova, Ed. N. D. Eriashvili. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2007. - 527 p.

Kutin V. M. Banking system of Russia in 2008 - reasonable stability / V. M. Kutin // Banking. - 2007. - №12. - P. 27-30.

Sviridov O. Yu. Banking: Tutorial for universities / O. Yu. Sviridov. - Rostov N / D: March, 2002. - 411 p. - (Economics and Management).

Tarasov V. I. Money. Credit. Banks: Tutorial for universities / V. I. Tarasov. - Minsk: Missant, 2003. - 511 p.

Khabarov V. I. Commercial Banks: Strategies for Institutional Network Development / V. I. Khabarov. - M.: Market DS, 2004. - 203 p.: Il. - (academic series).

Shestakov A.V. Banking system of the Russian Federation: Tutorial / A. V. Shestakov. - M.: Mosk. State Industrial, University, 2005. - 240 s.

Schehchertov V. A. Money, credit, banks: Textbook for universities / V. A. Schegortsov, V. A. Taran. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2005. - 415 p.

Eriashvili N. D. Banking law: Textbook for universities / N. D. Eriashvili. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Uniti, 2000. - 471 p.


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Concept of bank It comes from Italian, and in translation means shop, table. Bankierery - so called changed the usurists in medieval Italy.

Bank - this is financial Institutewhich produces a variety of types of money and securities. Banks are financial and credit institutions that provide financial services to government, individuals and legal entities. Properties of banks:

  • profit extraction;
  • carrying out banking operations;
  • opening and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;
  • activities based on the state license;
  • lack of rights to commit trade, industrial or insurance activities.

Types of banks Not numerous: Central banks and commercial. Central banks - regulate the banking system on state level, including the release of the national currency. Commercial banks Do entrepreneurial activities in the banking system.

Commercial banks are three types:

  • investment banks (investments, securities);
  • savings banks (deposits, deposits);
  • universal (all types of banking).

Functions of banks.

  1. Customer storage: the first historically, and so far one of the main functions of the bank.
  2. Transferring money from one client to another non-cash payment (by changing the relevant entries).
  3. Loans (Loans have a stimulating effect on the production sector and for entrepreneurship; in addition, another positive moment of this function is the creation of an additional money supply).
  4. In the resources of banks, the attracted and borrowed capital prevails over its own, which entails increased responsibility to depository clients and creditors.
  5. Simultaneous work with customers from different areas of activity, including opponents (competitors).

Bank resources consist of equity and attracted funds. Equity - This is the reserve fund of the bank, the means of protection in the event of a loss of liquidity bank and the need to return deposits. Own capital consists of:

  • authorized capital (minimum value of the Bank's property);
  • funds due to profits;
  • extra capital (income on selling securities, on the course difference and difference in the revaluation of fixed assets).

Attraction of funds in the bank resources is:

  • deposits of individuals and legal entities;
  • interbank loans;
  • bank bills and bonds.

Banking system.

Banking system - This is a complex of all types of national banks and credit institutions. Structure of the banking system Consists of two levels.

At the top level, the central or emission bank, which regulates the activities of the entire system. At the lower level, commercial banks (universal and specialized - investment, savings, mortgage, credit, etc.).

Main elements in the infrastructure of the banking system:

  • legislative norms;
  • regulations for performing operations;
  • accounting, reporting and database processing;
  • the structure of the control apparatus (manual).

Banking infrastructure is something without which bank system cannot develop normally; It submits for banks the same behavior regulator as for humans - moral and legal norms.

Speaking of banks and bank system, it is impossible not to mention the concept banking secrecy - a kind of code of honor of the bank. In some countries, all employees of the Bank is prohibited to disseminate customer information, their accounts and displacements of funds.

Central Bank of the Russian Federation, adopted by the abbreviated name of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or Central Bank. The Bank of Russia carries out monetary policies and regulates the activities of credit institutions.
  • 267626 Capital adequacy ratio The Bank's capital adequacy ratio, the cost of sufficient funds is obliged to comply with all credit organizations. Capital adequacy ratio shows the reliability of the bank. Capital adequacy ratio of a commercial bank - 10%.
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  • 243700 non-bank credit organization Types of non-bank credit institutions. Licensing of non-bank credit institutions. Types of activity NPO. Estimated non-banking credit organizations (RNOs) and non-bank deposit and credit organizations (NDKO).
  • 243156 Bank Identification Code (BIK) What is a bank identification code (bik). What a beak is needed for what. Code structure. How to find a bank on bik. Directory bik.
  • 234360 Bank Sanation What is a bank sanitation. In which case is possible a bank sanitation. How is sanitation occurs.
  • 226041 Liquidity standards Bank liquidity standards prescribed by the regulator. Three liquidity standards: instant, current and long-term. The liquidity standards of a commercial bank.
  • 225467 Bank Bank is financial organization, The main activities of which - attraction and placement of funds, as well as settlement. Two-level banking system in Russia. What operations are considered bank. Specialization of banks in Russia. What makes the income of banks.
  • 182009 Mandatory standards of the Central Bank The standards of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is obliged to carry out each credit institution in Russia. 9 standards Central Bank. Sanctions and recovery in the failure of mandatory standards of the Central Bank.
  • 162505 Mandatory reserves of commercial banks Mandatory reserves of commercial banks. Goals of creating mandatory reserves of the bank. Regulations of mandatory reserves of credit institutions, commercial banks.
  • 155824 The position of the Bank of Russia N 254-P Which establishes the position of the Bank of Russia 254-p "On the procedure for the formation of credit organizations of reserves on possible losses on loans, on loan and equivalent debt. "
  • 145367 Credit portfolio Credit portfolio Bank - debt balance at a specific date on all credit issued by the bank. It includes the debt of individuals and legal entities.
  • 137346 Federal Law No. 86-FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" Contents of the Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)".
  • 125827 FZ "On Countering Legalization (Laundering) of Revenues Revenues Revenues and Financing Terrorism" Federal law on countering revenue laundering and financing of terrorism of August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ. The concepts and determination of the laundering law associated with the legalization of income. Control, responsibility for the legalization of income obtained by criminal means.
  • 122742 types of banks The main types of banks in the banking system of the Russian Federation differ in type of ownership, organizational and legal form, by types and scope of financial transactions.
  • 122192 Objectives and functions of the Bank of Russia Objectives and functions of the Bank of Russia. Tasks of the Central Bank: Protection and Support of Rubble Resistance, Development and Strengthening of the RF banking system, ensuring the effective and uninterrupted functioning of the payment system. Functions of the Central Bank of Russia.
  • 120289 Organizational Structure of the Bank of Russia Organizational structure Bank of Russia. Territorial institutions in the structure of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Cash centers. Field facilities. Computing centers. Russian collection of collection. Educational establishments.
  • 119831 Capital Capital Bank is the main capital of the bank and the additional capital of the bank. Categories included in the capital make up the capital of the bank. Economic importance Capital size.
  • 117066 Authorized capital The authorized capital of the Bank consists of the amount of investment of its participants and determines the minimum amount of property that guarantees the interests of its creditors. The authorized capital is an important resource for the activities of the credit institution.
  • 116491 Bank liabilities Bank liabilities - the bank resource base, which can be placed in assets. The liabilities of the bank (liabilities of the commercial bank) consist of their own funds (plus reserves for possible losses) and the amount of obligations to clients.
  • 113924 Bank credit policy The Bank's credit policy is to determine the priorities of the Bank's activities on the credit market. Goals, objectives and methods of credit policy. Implementation of the Bank's credit policy. Profit Bank. Bank activities and reporting. Net profit of the bank. Balance profit bank.
  • Financial and legislative structure from the Central Bank, credit and settlement institutions, microfinance organizations, infrastructure and legislative norms in the banking sector.

    The banking infrastructure includes settlement systems between different banks, deposit insurance system, banking card payment systems, as well as auditing organizations, consulting companies, processing technologies and firms that specialize in educational services in the banking sector.

    The basis of the work of the banking system is laid in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the country. Additional documents - laws on banks, about the Central Bank of Russia, the National payment system, about insurance deposits, consumer loan, as well as other regulatory acts.

    If we consider the banking system according to gradation in levels, then at the first and highest level there will be a central bank, and on the second - all other elements.

    First level of the banking system of the Russian Federation

    The Central Bank is the main regulatory and supervisory authority in the banking sector. It is he who monopolis establishes the rules for the implementation of any financial transactions for all participants in the country's banking system.

    The prerogative of the Central Bank is also:

    • cash emissions;
    • issuing licenses for banking activities;
    • management of the payment and settlement system in the state;
    • establishing certain economic norms for credit institutions in the country;
    • ensuring a stable state of the ruble and financial state system generally.

    Second level of the banking system of the Russian Federation

    The lowest level of the system is all banking and non-banking organizations that carry out customer service and other subjects economic relations on Russian territory. That is, commercial banks of Russia are included here, microfinance companies, as well as representative offices of foreign credit institutions and their branches.


    Banks, in turn, can work both independently and as part of banking associations and holdings. Their activities are regulated at the legislative level. The commercial focus of banks does not exclude their division into private and government. The latter does not necessarily be fully owned by the state - for this, half of state-owners plus one share is enough.

    In the form of ownership, banks are divided into joint-stock, cooperative and joint. In terms of assets - large, medium and small. On the internal structure - on the infiltrative and with a large number of branches. According to operations conducted - on specialized and universal.

    Separately, systemically significant banks are allocated - the largest assets and customers, and as much as possible on the state economy. On the this moment On this list of 4 state bank, 4 private without foreign capital and 3 private traders with foreign capital.

    Work schemes and permitted types financial activities For representative offices of foreign banks, enshrined in relevant legislation. The Bank of Russia has powers to impose restrictions on banking operations by foreign banks.


    Non-bank credit organizations can only implement certain types of financial transactions that establishes the Central Bank of Russia. These are usually credit and settlement operations, as well as the collection of bills and cash. NPO is prohibited to conduct operations with cash currency, as well as create branches. Non-bank institutions are not included in the system of compulsory deposit insurance.

    In Russia, there are three types of non-bank organizations:

    • settlement NGOs;
    • payment NGOs;
    • NDKO.
    RNKO Task - Implementation cash Operations For individuals and legal entities. These are centers of various payment systems, as well as dealing centers of stock markets.

    PNCO issues and sends funds to customers without opening bank accounts. For example, these are electronic payment systems such as Yandex Money, as well as transfers contact and Unistream transfers.

    Large deposit and credit organizations work only with the money of legal entities, without opening accounts, and small companies such as MFIs and credit cooperatives can work with the means of individuals.

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state