
What is the best way to buy a ticket. How to save money on public transport. Public transport, walking, and possibly cycling

Initially, it is worth understanding how you use or intend to use the car. The average person uses personal or to get to work in the morning and return home in the evening.

Another case of using a car is a trip over long distances to visit relatives, acquaintances, or just a tourist trip to some city or place.

Based on this, we will not consider in this article those cases when a person has to use a car all day at work.

Car alternative

An alternative to a private car can be public transport, a friend or acquaintance with his car and a taxi. Let's consider each of these options in more detail.

Most of our readers do not live in Europe. And that means public transport in our countries leaves much to be desired. There is no working schedule when the right bus should arrive, a constant flea market, dirt and rudeness. But the big plus is the cost. In Russia, Ukraine and other countries former USSR the fare is 10 times lower than, for example, in Germany.

friend with his car- this is a great option. But only if you are on the road and your schedules match. If you don’t have such a friend, then there are many services at your service that allow you to find a companion that suits you for a moderate fee. Sometimes even for free, if the owner of the car is looking for a company with which it will be more fun to get to work. In any case, the fare is less than the cost of a taxi, but more expensive than public transport.

And the last option - Taxi. In terms of comfort, it is comparable to the variant of a fellow traveler, but at a price it significantly exceeds it. Sometimes even two or three times. Fortunately, there is competition, and taxi prices are lower than they could be.

Let's calculate the costs

How much does it cost to own a car? An average of 9 liters of fuel per 100 km. There is also the issue of car depreciation. The calculation of depreciation is a very controversial point, but if you are doing the calculations not for the company, but for yourself, then it is customary to double the cost of fuel.

Russians will have to pay 300 rubles for 9 liters of fuel, Ukrainians - 200 hryvnias. Total costs without force majeure, taking into account depreciation, are 600 rubles and 400 hryvnia per 100 km for Russia and Ukraine, respectively.

How much does a taxi cost? From Red Square to Mytishchi (distance - 30 km) you can leave for about 500 rubles. That is, it will come out about three times more expensive than if we used a private car. In Kiev, for 25 km you will have to pay about 110 hryvnia, which is approximately equal to the cost of using a personal car.

Public transport and the companion option may not be considered due to the apparently lower fares.

What everyone forgets

So far, it turns out that it is absolutely more profitable to have a car in Russia than to use a taxi for travel. As for Ukraine, the costs will be about the same. But everyone forgets about the extra costs of a car and the hidden problems of owning a vehicle:

  1. You need to think about parking. Residents of megacities know firsthand that parking a car in the city is a big and often insoluble problem. In addition, you often need to pay for parking space. And a lot of money: in Moscow average cost parking per hour is 40 rubles.
  2. You need to think about where to park your car at night. Not all of us have a personal garage or parking lot where we can leave our car and not worry that it will be damaged or stolen. And you even have to pay for parking.
  3. The car has a tendency to break down. At any moment you can catch a hole in the road, and you will have to shell out a rather large amount, for example, for a new disk. And it will be one of the cheapest repairs for your car. Everything could be much worse. Your fuel system, suspension or even engine can fly.


If you need a car solely to get to and from work, then you should think 10 times whether it is worth buying. Owning a car is a very expensive undertaking, and it's also a big headache. For long trips, you can use buses, trains, planes and other means of transport. As a last resort, you can rent a car.

The good development of taxi services and healthy competition have created very favorable conditions for those who can afford a car but know how to count money.

Using a taxi means less big expenses, less worries about parking, less nerves spent due to traffic jams and various traffic situations.

There is also a psychological moment. After all, if you need to get to a nearby metro station, then you most likely will not call a taxi, but use public transport. Or even go on foot, which will have a beneficial effect on your health.

Do you still want to buy a car?

The economical mode of driving a car is designed to reduce fuel consumption by reducing the load on the engine. It is possible to reduce fuel consumption by 37% just by changing the way you drive, so more and more more people trying to learn how to drive in economy mode due to constant growth fuel cost. Some of the fuel-saving driving practices are highly controversial and even dangerous, so this article will focus only on the simplest and safest methods to reduce fuel consumption and save money.

How you drive in economy mode depends on the type of vehicle you have (i.e. whether it has a petrol or diesel, hybrid, or electric engine). Some of the recommendations may not apply to your vehicle.


Preparing the Machine for Economy Mode

    Prepare the vehicle. Cars with malfunctions pollute the environment. The driving techniques discussed below will not work if your car is in poor condition. Whether you plan to drive in economy mode or not, you should do the following:

    • Get service and inspection. Cars that are not monitored pollute the atmosphere. Maintenance and inspection is required condition, without which fuel economy would be impossible.
    • Use only high quality spark plugs. Candles with the addition of iridium create a more powerful flash, and this increases the efficiency of burning fuel. This improves the driving characteristics of the machine, fuel consumption is more economical, and the amount of exhaust gases is reduced.
    • Use the lowest viscosity oil recommended by the manufacturer. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, as an oil with a viscosity below the recommended viscosity can damage the engine. If the oil "does not take root" - burns or leaks - switch to synthetic oils (including gearbox oil), as they reduce friction in the gearbox and engine, as well as extend the life of these parts of the car. In addition, you will have to change the oil less often, and this will compensate for its high cost.
    • Try to pour light motor oil type 0W-20. With this oil, your engine will need to put in less effort to run as this oil is easier to pump. This will allow you to drive more kilometers to the next gas station, but in theory the life of the engine may be reduced.
  1. Check the condition of your tires and wheels. To save fuel, it is very important that the tires are not worn and damaged, since the car is in contact with the road only tires, which can cause their poor condition to increase fuel consumption.

    • Check the correct installation of the wheels and balance them. It is not uncommon for tires to wear unevenly and can be installed offset, which affects gas mileage.
    • Check tire pressure regularly. If the pressure is too low or too high, the wheels will either not make enough contact with the ground, or the contact area will be too large, and this will lead to increased fuel consumption.
    • Do not pump the wheels to prolong the roll. So the tire wears out faster, and traction deteriorates. In rare cases, an over-inflated tire may burst while the vehicle is in motion, which could lead to a serious accident.
    • Wipe down the headlights and make sure all the bulbs are on. In some cases, you will need to follow the car in front for a certain distance. You will need to see it well for both fuel economy and safety.
  2. Remove excess items from the car. Get rid of unnecessary items in the trunk. The more things you carry, the greater the load on the engine and gearbox. By removing excess weight, you can save fuel.

    • Don't put away things that you really need. The slight reduction in fuel consumption won't pay off if you have to call a tow truck instead of putting in the spare tire yourself, which you removed from the trunk to reduce the weight of the car.

    Traffic safety and fuel economy

    1. Reduce the load on the engine. It is best to move at a constant speed; driving at the maximum permitted speed or slightly slower, as well as driving in cruise control mode, are an important condition for saving fuel. However, it is also important to change the speed according to the road surface.

      Try to drive as if you have no brakes - roll as often as possible by inertia. Thinking over the route of movement, choose roads where you do not have to brake sharply, and then accelerate. Coasting will help you reduce fuel consumption to such an extent that even smooth acceleration after that will not affect consumption in any way.

      roll on carefully. This is not always possible due to drivers trying to squeeze in front of you. be guided common sense and remember safety.

      • Keep your foot on the brake. If you need to stop abruptly, you must be able to react quickly. As you release the gas pedal, the brake pedal will control your speed.
      • Compliance with traffic rules is more important than fuel economy. It's also cheaper, because if you first have to pay a stop-sign ticket and then pay a premium rate for an accident you caused due to coasting, you'll lose all the money you've saved.
    2. Handle the gas pedal carefully. This pedal supplies fuel to the engine, making it run faster, which also increases fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Careful handling of this pedal will save on fuel.

      If you need to speed up, do it quickly. Flow increases more smoothly if fuel enters the engine in one quick burst rather than gradually. In modern cars, slow acceleration increases fuel consumption. On the other hand, acceleration increases fuel consumption anyway, so try to coast as often as possible.

      Avoid idling. If you're stuck in traffic or just need to wait in your car, turn off the engine. If you stand for more than one minute, this will save you 19%.

      Use the "acceleration and sliding" technique in hybrid cars. Acceleration and sliding will reduce consumption, but it is better to use this technique on free roads with light traffic.

      • Accelerate to the permitted speed. This will allow you to use fuel as efficiently as possible. The Toyota Prius considers the most economical speeds of 25 km/h and 40 km/h, since at these speeds the engine simultaneously pushes the car forward and charges the battery.
      • Roll between accelerations using the accelerator for battery power. This skill requires understanding how hard to press and under what conditions. Be guided by indications of the computer. Learn how to make the most of your electricity and you'll be able to go more miles on a single tank.
    3. Take advantage of elevated areas. In fact, this means that you should slowly go uphill and quickly go down. Climbing slowly will save you fuel because you won't spend more than you should. Fast downhill means less expense; in addition, you can coast far without using engine power. If you start driving this way when driving on low hills, you will soon notice that you are spending less money on fuel.

      • When descending a mountain, you can accelerate to high speed, spending a minimum of fuel on it. Don't take your foot far off the gas until you feel like you're going faster than you need to.
      • Use this technique on all hills. For example, if you are descending a mountain and you see a red light ahead (where the slope has already ended), stop on the hill before you reach the stop line, then coast for some distance.
      • Do not stop or park on the rise. There is nothing worse than pulling away from a stop in that position because your engine will have to push the car and also fight gravity which will pull the car down. Stop at the top of a hill or at its foot if it is safe to do so.
    4. If possible, "sit on the tail" of large machines. A pocket of rarefied air forms behind the machine. drafting is movement in that pocket. Try to hit this pocket as it will improve aerodynamics. This tactic isn't always safe, so consider if it's right for you.

    Microclimate in the car

      Limit the use of air conditioning - turn it on only on the track. Air conditioners consume a lot of energy by cooling the air, which increases consumption. However, if the window is opened, it will result in air resistance, which will disrupt the air circulation in the car, and this will also increase fuel consumption. Therefore, the use of an air conditioner is justified only if it is cheaper than the consequences of improper air circulation.

      Turn the air conditioner on and off. If you live in a hot climate where air conditioning is a must, try turning it off after it has been running for a while. A few minutes after turning off the air conditioner, provided that the air conditioner is running, it will still be cool in the cabin. When the air begins to heat up, turn on the air conditioner, cool the air and turn it off again.

      • The effectiveness of this method will depend on the model of the machine. In some machines, the power of the air conditioner is adjustable and it may use less energy.
      • It's not worth constantly reconfiguring the climate control system, especially if it has a thermostat and many control buttons, and not just a fan speed switch and fixed values. This can lead to damage to drive mechanisms, which are usually difficult to replace.
      • Conventional combustion engine cars generate a lot of "extra" heat, so don't be afraid to use the stove.
    1. If you have a convertible, try to cover the roof. Although the owners of such cars believe that the whole point of such a car is just the ability to drive with the roof down, the lack of a roof creates a lot of air resistance, which makes the engine have to exert more effort in order to move the car.

    Route planning taking into account the economy mode

    • Buy a device that will allow you to monitor your driving style. This is a device that connects to the car's diagnostic system (all cars made after 1996 have it). It allows you to count the kilometers traveled if the car does not have such an option. If you regularly monitor the distance traveled, you will be able to adjust your driving style.
    • Consider buying electronic fuel consumption meter. It can be fixed anywhere. It will transmit information in real time, including data on the cost of each kilometer, on the consumption in liters per hour, the remaining time and distance including fuel. It will help you stick to the principles of economical driving.
    • Try not to piss off passengers with your economical driving techniques. Passengers should be carried in such a way that they are comfortable to ride. It will be useful to slowly accelerate and brake. If you coast, it can scare people, and a non-working air conditioner or constantly pressing and releasing the gas pedal can cause irritation. Remember that it is more important to keep a friendship than to save a couple of hundred rubles.
    • When driving in traffic jams, first of all think about not aggravating the traffic situation, and only then about reducing consumption. If the car is idling, or if you accelerate all the time and drive short distances, you will spend more than with a calm but not ideal movement (fast acceleration, air conditioning on, and so on).
    • Keep a fuel log to see how your actions contribute to fuel economy.
    • Try to take passengers who are with you along the way, and ask for someone in the car yourself if you really care about environment and conservation natural resources. The main weight in the car falls on the mass of the car itself, so if there are several people in the car, this will significantly reduce fuel consumption per person. The city bus running on diesel fuel can be considered the most efficient vehicle in this sense due to the low cost of fuel per person.
      • The larger the vehicle, the greater the fuel consumption due to weight and air resistance. The capacity increases, but at the same time, the wear of parts accelerates. A large vehicle is only efficient when most of the seats are occupied.
    • Try filling only half a tank. The more gasoline filled in, the heavier the car and the greater the fuel consumption.
      • Remember that driving with a minimum amount of fuel will accelerate the wear of the fuel pump. Modern electric pumps use fuel in a tank to dissipate the heat produced by the pump. If you regularly drive with the tank less than a quarter full, you will shorten the life of the pump. Replacing this part is usually very expensive, so consider this nuance.
    • Consider weather conditions. Try not to ride in strong winds, especially if the trip involves long driving on the highway. If it's raining or snowing outside, you won't be able to save fuel, but you shouldn't be saving fuel under these conditions, because safety is always more important.


    • Some of the methods described in this article may cause irritation in other drivers on the road. WikiHow has articles on this issue.
    • Opinions differ regarding truck traffic. It is better to abandon this technique altogether, so as not to get into a dangerous situation.
    • Do not expose yourself or other road users to danger.
    • Avoid dangerous practices. They will not only put you at risk, but other drivers as well.
      • Always stop when required by a stop sign and do not cut corners at speed.
      • Do not turn off the engine when driving downhill. So you will not be able to control the steering wheel and brakes. Hybrid cars don't have this problem, as they have the ability to power the steering and brakes with electricity.
      • Do not create accidents by driving at low speed on a busy road.

Most passengers know that buying "long" passes is more profitable than tickets for one or two trips. the site went into detail and calculated how much one trip costs with popular tickets, who unlimited travel tickets are designed for, and whether it is possible to save money by using public transport once every three days.

In February, the already familiar ticket menu for travel in the capital's public transport turned five years old, and in April it will celebrate its anniversary. Over the years, a huge number of services for buying tickets have appeared, the least popular fares have been abolished, and tickets have been recorded on key fobs, bracelets and rings.

The logic of tariff formation remained unchanged: the more trips a passenger makes, the lower the cost of each of them. In 2013, this approach helped to solve one of the most serious problems of the Moscow metro — long queues at the box office. Thanks to the high popularity of so-called long travel passes, passengers using public transport on a daily basis have practically stopped buying paper tickets for one and two trips and queuing.


Today, 90 percent of urban transport passengers pay for their fare using transport card"Troika", which can be used to record a travel card or simply replenish. When using the Wallet fare, the cost of one trip is 36 rubles versus 55 rubles for a paper ticket.

At the same time, a trip with transfers will cost 56 rubles - if the passenger manages to pay for the fare in the second or even third vehicle within 90 minutes from the start of the trip, the "90 minutes" tariff on the Troika card is activated automatically.

"Single" for 20, 40 and 60 trips

Buying travel cards for a large number of trips is beneficial for Muscovites even today. So, the cost of one trip on a paper ticket "Single" for one or two trips is 55 rubles, and when buying a ticket for 20 or 40 trips - already 37.4 rubles. The most economical among travel cards for a limited number of trips is United 60: it allows you to make each of them for 29.4 rubles. If you prefer to move only to land transport, then one trip for you can cost even 19.9 rubles (when buying a TAT ticket for 60 trips).

The validity period of "long" travel cards is not limited calendar month and is 90 days. This means that even if you don't use public transport on the weekends, combine it with a private car, or live within walking distance of work, trips are unlikely to burn out. For example, to fully use a One 60 ticket before the end of its validity, you need to make an average of five one-way trips weekly or travel to and from work every three days by public transport.

Unlimited travel cards

Along with "long" tickets for a limited number of trips, unlimited travel cards also allow you to save on travel. At the same time, the "United", which operate for one, three or seven days, are aimed at tourists and Muscovites who will actively, but not for long, use public transport. With the purchase of a day pass, the savings will start from the sixth trip, while unlimited tickets for three and seven days will benefit the owner, who will use public transport at least four times daily during the entire period of their validity.

Much more popular among residents of the capital are unlimited tickets valid for 30, 90 and 365 days. An important advantage of such travel cards is the ability to save not only money, but also time - even in the absence of queues at the box office, many passengers prefer not to spend it on the regular purchase of "short" tickets. "Single" for 30 days is beneficial for people who make three or more trips daily. As for travel cards for 90 and 365 days, they will help Muscovites who use public transport twice a day (that is, the vast majority of passengers) save money.

At the beginning of 2015, Muscovites were not very pleased with the rise in public transport fares. And in the New Year 2016, the next wave of tariff increases is expected. Even now, the average city dweller spends a significant portion of their income on travel. It is possible and necessary to save on transport, and we will talk about this now. If you can walk to work/school/university then don't miss this opportunity. Walking is good for health and the wallet will remain intact.

This method of saving, unfortunately, is not available to everyone. Many have to commute daily to work across the city. In the warm season, you can get to work without a bike, if you have such an opportunity. There is a third way to save money - buy a travel card. This option is relevant for most Muscovites.

What is the best ticket to buy?

Since transport costs take the second place in the budget of every Muscovite, we approach the issue of saving seriously and thoroughly. We conducted a survey among middle-aged Muscovites and obtained important information. Most people use both ground and underground transport on a daily basis. Based on this, we made the following conclusions. Daily travel in the subway and land transport is most advantageous with a ticket for 90 minutes.

But if you make 7 trips per month with one mode of transport, then forget about savings. Advantageous offer there will be a single ticket, and even better, purchase an unlimited ticket for a year for 18,200 rubles. For clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the price table

Number of trips

More about travel cards

"90 minutes"- this is a ticket with which you can ride the metro once and make an unlimited number of transfers on land transport within 90 minutes.

"TAT" entitles you to an unlimited number of trips in public transport throughout the entire period of its validity.

"Single"- a ticket for travel in the subway, monorail, land transport.

"Troika" is a plastic card, which can be called a transport electronic wallet. You can write tickets for public transport and trains on it.

If you have to make constant transfers, then consider the following savings option. Tickets "90 minutes" are designed for 1, 2, 5,11, 20, 40 and 60 trips in ground and underground transport. Please note that such a pass is not beneficial when using only one mode of transport.

Advice: Don't miss out on the offer plastic card. With it, not only is it convenient to pay for travel. The registered ticket is deducted from Troika first of all or if it expires.

And a few tips on how you can reduce transport costs:

  1. Tickets for 60 trips are more profitable for regular trips, because the fares for them are lower.
  2. It is necessary to plan the number of trips correctly. Otherwise, unused trips will burn out, and costs will only increase.
  3. The more you travel, the more justified is the purchase of "long" tickets (for a large number of trips).
  4. Do not buy unlimited tickets for less than 30 trips.

How much can you save per month?

So, what specific amount describes the savings on public transport? The average cost of transport in Moscow is 4,500 rubles per person. And the use of the scheme proposed by us will save 30-40%. Naturally, this is subject to the correct calculation of the number of trips. You can save on expenses, for which different types of tickets have been introduced. And it’s also convenient to write down different travel cards on the Troika card. The principles of tariff regulation are reduced to the popularization of unlimited travel cards.

This method of calculation will reduce costs even more, as you can see. Plan your trips carefully and they will be cheaper. There is no need to talk about a significant increase in fares today, but a slight 7% is noticeable for citizens. Therefore, the issue of saving is especially acute for those who regularly travel by public transport.

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